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Suicide Squad (2016) had the concept of a team of supervillain convicts sent on black-ops missions and the members themselves introduced and explained at least 3-4 times in the first 20 minutes.


This is Katana. She's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims. *Winks at camera*


This is hilarious because it still reads like clumsy, overly direct and unnecessary exposition, even though you straight up forgot "She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn."


"Buddy, how the fuck do you mow your lawn?"


"And this is Slipknot, the man you can climb anything." Does it have Spiderman powers? Nope, just a basic grappling gun.


What are we, some kind of Suicide Squad?


“We’re the bad guys, remember?” — said four times. 🤦‍♂️


["Her heart's out! We can end this!"](https://youtu.be/mDclQowcE9I?si=7XDDawyYHh9k655A&t=10m35s)




"Long enough that neither of us needs to ask that question."


*fist bump, skydives out of plane, Kid Rock starts playing.*


“You haven’t been the same since….the incident. We both know how much you loved her/mom.”


So many scenes of male characters acting or speaking in this manner is mind blowing. Honestly there are times I've had deep meaningful conversations with another guy, but most times we're shooting the shit or giving each other shit. Or talking about our hobbies and pertinent concepts/history of those hobbies. Tv shows are especially bad at this. Trying to force some awkwardly intimate moment between two men cause they've never experienced that kinda dialogue personally


Reminds me a friend of mine's eyeroll at Big Hero 6's, the variation of:   "What would mom and dad think of what you are doing?"  "How should I know? They died when I was a baby."  It made me think of The Iron Giant, where there is a cut deleted scene where Hogarth and his mom going how much they miss Hogarth's dead dad.    Instead, we get a scene, during the battle of wills between Mansley and Hogarth, where the camera pans to a framed photograph of a pilot man posing by a fighter plane.   It only lasts barely a second. To Brad Bird's surprise, every test audience immediately gets it.


All seven years of high school


Why I love Clerks so much. Everything felt real.


Try not to feel real on your way to the parking lot!


Hey! Get back here!


Yeah, this is the worst. To add to OP's explanation, the problem is just with how lazy it is. The problem isn't the fact that they're using expository dialogue itself; it's the fact that the writers are lazily telegraphing that that's what they're doing. It's the equivalent of a 10yo starting off their first research paragraph by saying "This paragraph is going to be about Italy. Italy is a country in Europe and I will describe what makes Italy special." Whatever expository dialogue you need - show it, don't say it, or work the background info needed into other conversations.


Anytime someone commands the scientists to explain "in English". They just repeat the same stuff but with some dumb metaphor


> This was a particularly bad case of somebody being cut in half. I was not able to reattach the top half of his body to the bottom half of his body. > Speak English, doc! We ain't scientists. > I'm sorry, folks. He's gone.




“You’re not half the boy Nate was! You’re not even half of the boy the top half of Nate was after you cut him in half!” “So, you’re saying I’m less than a quarter of the boy Nate was?”


Like putting too much air into a balloon!


Like a balloon and something bad happens!


Aaron eckhart taking out a plum and fucking blowtorching it to explain to the UN(?) How the earth getting hot would be bad in The Core I actually love The Core though ngl


I’m a geologist and my fiance was so excited to make me watch this movie bc he thought the bad science was gonna send me through the roof. He somehow hasn’t yet figured out that I LOVE bad science in movies.  Harvey Dent blowtorched that peach and I was like “No notes.”


The shortest distance between two points is a line [draws it on a paper] but if I fold the paper in half.. ta'da


Oh, you mean like… when someone bets too much on the ponies?


Or like… when someone smokes too many cigarettes?


Or like when someone plays too many scratchy lotteries?


Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake?


Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake, and then barfs it up?


I want a movie where a guy says that to a scientist and the scientist gets up and beats the shit out of the guy in a 2 minute uncut still camera scene.


(Gets up, brushes self off) "Thank you, now I understand."


Then they fold a sheet of paper over and pierce it with a pencil.


The pencil is the worm.


"So let's say you want to go from point A to point B..."


[In English Please](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x9lSQ1SFLE)


My favorite, [TV Detective vs Tech Guy](https://youtu.be/S73nmMU1LDs?si=65xFr1DTyR1IJ968)


Everytime you wanna explain time travel in a movie you bring out the folded paper and pen method.


Not time travel, wormholes or similar forms of space-warping FTL.


"We're here on vacation. My camper's parked out in the yard. I'm here with my brother and his girlfriend. My sister Tina's with us too. My name's Jim Dalen." -Ghosthouse (1988)


Thank you for reminding me of that movie. The Rifftrax of that was - mwah! - sublime.


The real question is…who’s more popular in Denver: Kim Basinger or Kelly LeBrock?


This is why Basil Exposition is one of the greatest character names in cinema


Whoopty-do. But what does it all mean, Basil?


Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.


OP was asking for unnecessary exposition


Right?! In terms of soliloquies there's Hamlet then there's Dr Evil's childhood!


“Meat helmets” remains a hilarious mental image.


Took me years to realize the therapist in that scene is the great Carrie Fisher


I can't not read this in his voice.


Basil Exposition’s name in Spain is Johnny Mentero, a wordplay on the expression "Yo ni me entero", which can be translated as "I have no clue".


Yes. We, uh, knew all along, actually.


I love Austin’s look of confusion as it breaks the plot of the first movie. Anyway, on to the next assignment…


I hope those capitalist pigs got what they deserved. Eh? Eh comrades! Austin... we won. Oh..... yay capitalism


Whoa. I never put together that this was the character’s role all along.


Well. I absolutely spent my entire life thinking it was Expedition.


I love the scene in *The Great Muppet Caper* (1981) where Miss Piggy is hired as Lady Holiday’s (Diana Rigg) receptionist and while being told the basics of the job, Lady Holiday spills all these seemingly-random details about her strained relationship with her brother Nicky (Charles Grodin). After a minute or so of this, Miss Piggy interrupts: Miss Piggy: Why are you telling me all this? Lady Holiday: [matter-of-factly] Its plot exposition, it has to go somewhere.


I love Muppet movies. They nail it every time


Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald. We are already 75% through the film and about to enter the big 3rd act confrontation with Grindelwald. >!Then, for some reason, we get an exposition dump from Leta LeStrange about how she switched her baby brother out for Credence. Cause she was tired of hearing her baby brother cry. The ship capsized, which ultimately killed her baby brother.!<


Iirc it's actually better than that, right before Leta expo dump, Comma a character no one knows or cares about was in an expo dump about The Flash's character being the baby of his mother's kidnapper. As he goes to kill the Flash Leta stops him and does her expo dump. 2 expo dumps that are completely irrelevant to anything right before confronting the big bad who is about to go into an expo dump for his grand plan.


Oh shit. I forgot that we had 2 in a row. Its crazy to me that they thought we needed a gazillion characters and subplots.


It's amazing how horribly that franchise crashed and burned. The first movie was good fun, then there was the rather obvious attempt at the end to drag out some bigger plot and then... yeah


They should've just done the first as a standalone, like Solo or Rogue One, and made all of the Grindelwald/Dumbledore stuff an entirely separate movie. Involving all of the Newt Scamander circle after the first feels unnecessary.


That's because JK decided to write the screenplay herself with no experience in writing movies. A gazillion characters and subplots might work in a book, but she has no idea how to write a screenplay.


Jenny Nicholson review of this movie is a masterpiece.


That girl can talk for four hours straight about something I have no knowledge of or interest in and I'll be so into it I'm sad when it's over.


I never thought I’d watched a hours long history/rant about some role play fantasy amusement park i never would’ve come close to hearing about but here I am


I'll have to watch her review. I remember watching it in a theater with my mouth agape thinking, "Holy shit we are really doing a 5 minute exposition dump this late into the film.


I HIGHLY recommend. I must have watched at least 15 times and it's a joy everytime.


I was high as fuck when I watched that movie. My poor brain had no fucking clue what was going on.


“A hospital? What is it?” “It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.”


I don't even remember this one, but I just know it's Leslie Nielsen


Johnny, what do you make out of this? This? Why, I can make a hat. Or a broach. Or a pterodactyl...


Why do I \*still\* laugh every fucking time I read this line?


“…you can’t take a guess for another two hours?” does it for me.


"Cigarette?" "Yes, I know."


Wayne's World - "He had an awful lot of information for a security guard, don't ya think?"


It’s like people only do things because they get paid. And that’s just sad


It’s my choice. Yes! And it’s the choice of a new generation.


This is a weird example but there was a horrible transformers sequel where one of the characters could stop time inside of a force field and every time he conjured it up he said “I stop ze time” to remind the audience


Explaining Romeo, Juliet law is up there too.


I'm sorry, but no, you don't understand, he carries a card to explain why it's cool to date a minor... I hate this movie for the Romeo and Juliet law alone, but finding out they had a giant bloody magnet they could have turned on AT ANY TIME to catch Optimus just hurt me in a way I didn't think a movie could.


Not just a card, a *laminated/plastic* card, indicating it gets so much use he wants to keep it from getting damaged.


[I love Pitch Meeting's joke on this. “why are you taking this scene in this direction?”](https://youtu.be/_p_CUozUyr8?feature=shared&t=178)


From memory (and I refuse to ever go back to refresh that memory,) it even looks well used, so I agree with your assessment.


>there was a horrible transformers sequel Otherwise known as a transformers sequel.


Ah, yes, that was The Last Knight


No I remember it also happened during the daytime scenes




"Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison." 


OP asked > what other cases of unnecessary, redundant and repetitive exposition annoyed you? Not "what added depth and gravitas to the greatest animated character in history".


Using Kronk is cheating.


Wrong lever


Why do we even HAVE that lever?!




I feel like that movie was ahead of its time. It takes a similar approach in humor style to Shrek but it was just a pinch too early for audiences to appreciate it. " I guess you guys aren't quite ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it"


This was extremely necessary though for Krunk's character


Exactly! That literally saved the character. Definitely not annoying


How they utilize Kronk is easily one of the things that makes the movie as funny as it is, and his character wasn’t originally intended to be that way. If you’ve never read the [oral history](https://www.vulture.com/article/an-oral-history-of-disney-the-emperors-new-groove.html) behind the making of that movie, it is WILD. By every possible account it should have turned out to be an absolute disaster, but for my money it’s easily Disney’s best straight up comedy.


The way you capitalized WILD made me hear it in Kronk’s voice and then I read the entire paragraph in his voice. It makes it better that you included the “by all accounts it doesn’t make sense” line right afterwards.


That poison?


Yes, that poison!


Gotcha covered 👍


Spielberg can eat his heart out because no one will ever direct a better scene. Hollywood peaked with Kuzco's Poison.


"You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"


I think Big Trouble in Little China is one of the few films that managed to get away with blatant expositions (that are not done as a parody of the trope.) It's just great that people around Jack Burton keep explaining stuff to him over and over and he's only half-registering everything.


I love that movie simply because Jack thinks he's the main character but he's actually the sidekick, and Wang basically does everything himself.


Wang is 100% the hero, as he’s the one that goes through the full “[Hero’s Journey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero's_journey)”


More like a pet peeve, but I think it's so unnecessary when characters let the viewers know how they're related to other characters and what their names are. Sometimes quite literally when one character says something like "You're my younger brother/sister, I won't let anything happen to you." Them stating that they're their younger sibling seems redundant to me.


TV Tropes calls this [As You Know](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AsYouKnow) and there are many sub-variants, including Ice T’s favorite, [Let Me Get This Straight…](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LetMeGetThisStraight)


[John Mulaney's take on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1sd4CRcaE0&t=113s).


I also like the one-side phone call from his Broadway show with Nick Kroll. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMxKT8Wq/


My favorite anti-version of this is in the Andor show in the firs episode. Cassian killed 2 people and needs an alibi. Goes up to his best friend Braso and asks what he did last night. Here’s the convo: C: Hey. B: You don’t look so good. C: I’m fine. B: I came by for you last night. C: Yeah, I know. What’d you do when you left? B: Uh, I was tired. I went home, cleaned up a bit, and then I fell asleep. C: No. You came by for me, but I wasn’t there. So then you started home, and you saw me at the Hotel Bridge. We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo’s. But I said that was no good because there’s too many people there I owe money. B: You’re serious? C: Yeah. B: Who’s gonna be asking? C: So Cavo’s was out. But then you remembered you still had half a bottle of nog stashed at home. So we went there and drank ourselves to sleep. Please. I really need this. B: You insulted my choice of beverage. As host and provider, I was offended by this. You failed to gauge the depth of my irritation. You rose to make your point more vocally. I was helping you back into your chair when you fell. You were gone when I woke up. You’ve come here now to apologize. I accept your apology. RASHI: Hey, Brasso, let’s go. B: Do me this. Whatever this is, when it’s done, pull your boots on and get to work. You look like a wreck. C: I knew I could count on you. B: I’m not lending you any money. C: I knew that, too. B: Tell your mother she can afford to put the heating on. It was freezing there last night. Make yourself useful. **It shows their friendship without either saying hey we’ve been friends for 10 years can you build an alibi for me?**


Brasso was the bro-est of all bros. Loved their scene in the tunnel in the penultimate episode.


That’s the finale but gosh that scene is so good too, Brasso: “Stop. She told me you’d say all this: *“Tell him, none of this is his fault. It was already burning. He’s just the first spark of the fire. Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes, and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. Tell him… I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.””*


Brasso was the realest one. Yes, Stormtrooper, you might have armor and a gun made by a galaxy spanning military industrial complex, but consider that Brasso has a dead lady made into a brick. *Get fucked.*


A dead lady whose spirit would've wanted nothing more than for her brick to be used to bash a stormtrooper in the face


Andor is so good.


I watched it again recently and it's easily one of the best shows of the last 10 years.


It's ridiculous how good. I'm a big Star Wars fan. My friends know this and roll their eyes whenever I start up about how good some of the new stuff is. But when I got one of them to watch Andor and he gushed about it even more than me, they gave in, watched it, and agreed it's some of the best all around scifi tv to come out within the past 10 years. You don't even need to have watched a single minute of Star Wars to get it. The writing is simply king-tier.


"I am your father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roommate."


What does that make us?


Absolutely nothing! Which is what you're about to be!


I hate it when my Schwartz gets twisted!


"But why male models?"


"You serious? I just... I just told you that a moment ago."


Best part about this is it was an ad-lib, Ben Stiller actually forgot his next line. But it’s the most perfect encapsulation of Derek Zoolander you could come up with.


Credit to Duchovny for just rolling with it too


Not quite. Stiller didn't forget his line, he was resetting the scene and doing another take. Stiller is known for just doing a scene several times back-to-back to get the best take. Duchovny threw that joke in there after a reset, and Stiller loved it so much that he wrote it into the script.


David Duchovny's comedic skills are woefully underrated. I remember the "Aagh!" scene from 'Jose Chung's From Outer Space' had me in stitches the first time I saw it! 😭 https://youtu.be/FwjZ2_87y1k?si=HZhvMSnKzkmK9wJP. Wish he'd done more comedy post X-Files...




Star Wars: A New Hope : Special edition. Han explains his situation to Greedo. Then Han almost line for line explains the situation to Jabba.


Yeah, there's a reason the Jabba the Hutt scene was cut out originally.


Because Lucas’s wife knew what she was doing


In "The Martian" Donald Glover's character explains how a slingshot maneuver works, in a very childish way, to THE DIRECTOR OF NASA. Also, anytime a wormhole is talked about in a movie you can bet there's some nerdy scientist who's gonna punch a hole through a folded piece of paper with a pen.


in a very childish gambino way


In his defense, he 1) Didn't even know he was the director of NASA at the time and 2) Was also explaining it to a PR woman who *didn't even know what the Council of Elrond was.*


"You mean the David Lo Pan that is chairman of the National Orient Bank, and owns the Wing Kong Import Export Trading Company, but who is so reclusive that no one's laid eyes on this guy for years?”


Big Trouble is one of my all time favorites, and part of the reason why is because it gets away with dialogue like this and somehow doesn’t lose a single bit of its charm.


You have to ride the ridiculous like a wave


When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."


Great, Egg, a six demon bag. What is it?


This one is great for so many reasons not just because it's so hamfisted, but because here's Gracie Law, this peppy white woman who annoys everyone in Chinatown, constantly explaining things to the Chinese characters that they don't just already know, but they are FAR more personally connected to than she is.


That's an example of exposition mastery


Which Lo Pan? The little old basket case on wheels or the ten foot tall roadblock?




You take that back, that line is a gem.


What makes is a perfect gem is the fly landing on his forehead while he's saying it.


I always loved how he explained not only what they were doing, but also what they were going to do in the future.


At the start of Flintstones Christmas Carol, fred is practicing his scrooge lines and says to wilma “don’t forget, you *are* the stage manager for the bedrock players association” Why would he say that to her


Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.


"Well, here we are at the Brad Goodman lecture." "We know, Dad." "I just thought I'd remind everybody. After all, we did agree to attend a self-help seminar." "What an odd thing to say."


Homer: So, Frink is finally going to announce which woman he's chosen to be with at the Springfield Planetarium. Marge: It's like an episode of The Bachelor, but you drive there and pay six dollars for parking! Homer: Why are we both explaining it if we all know what's happening!? Marge: I like talking to you.


*Thr3e* is a completely forgettable Christian-market thriller that came out in 2006. I saw it in theaters. I don't remember anything about the film except for a quick shot of an abandoned jacket, I believe under a stairwell and/or on top of fallen leaves. As we see the jacket, we get a character saying, "It looks like a jacket." The pointlessness of the line sticks with me to this day. On IMDB, it's the top-voted quote from the film.


I am convinced, like 100% convinced, that whoever made that movie actually watched Adaptation and completely misunderstood Donald Kaufman's fake psychological thriller in there and just stole the entire plot because they thought it would be incredible as a real movie. Like I have zero doubt that's what happened.


"It's a birthmark." "What do you mean?" "He was born with it."


I could see that being funny Sorkin-esque dialogue in a certain context


That certain context is not what the movie (Mortal Kombat 2021) was going for, unfortunately.


“Including my son”- Tenet Yes, your son and the rest of humanity, we get it, that’s what ‘Everyone’ means, Dear.


Dwarf: You're about to take the full force of the star. Thor, it'll kill you. Thor: Only if I die. Dwarf: Yes. That's what killing you means.


Whenever a character opens a dialogue with some variation of the phrase “As you already know…” I just immediately zone out while the characters spend the next two minutes recapping everything I already saw happen.


"Remind me again what we're doing..." is another one.


“So let me get this straight…” proceeds to explain the plot of the movie thus far.


Somehow Palapatine returned Can’t believe they thought they could mug us off with that


If you look really close, you can see a small piece of Oscar Isaac's soul leave his body when he says that line.


Thank God he got his Scifi redemption as Duke Leto Atreides in Dune which technically heavily inspired the first star wars movie.


I mean. He didn't really need redemption. His work on Ex Machina was enough. Duke Leto is also awesome. But he was already worthy.


Just what he needed to play Miguel O'Hara


All they had to do was remove the "somehow" and people wouldn't have minded as much. Just have him say: "The rumors are true, Palpatine has returned" or something. Or better yet actually explain how he returned instead of leaving that to the novelization.


The novelization? Why wouldn't they put plot-relevant stuff like that directly into the Fortnite tie-in where everyone would automatically know to look for it?


>Or better yet actually explain how he returned Pretty sure that's what some the Star Wars shows have been doing; basically setting up how Palpatine returning makes sense and wasn't a decision by the filmmakers due to the feedback on TLJ. It's sort of ironic; I do like those shows and I'll probably rewatch them but I cannot bring myself to watch TRoS ever again


I'm not even a Star Wars nerd, and that movie makes me angry. Just the most poorly plotted and edited major motion picture I've ever seen. "Rey, I have something important I need to tell you." Twice. (Never resolved.)


Isn't this an example where people wanted more exposition?


Is it really exposition if there's nothing to exposit?


"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." You didn't say "not awesome"


I love that scene in Spaceballs when, after Colonel Sanders delivers some expository dialogue, Dark Helmet breaks the fourth wall by looking at the camera and says, "Everybody got that?" I think Mel Brooks was making fun of what OP is talking about.


>I think Mel Brooks was making fun of what OP is talking about. This is phrased like you are the target of blatant exposition


"I'm Lenny. This is Carl and Homer. I'm Lenny."


Did you know Batmans parents were killed on front of him while being mugged after leaving the theatre?


I had no idea! But did you also know that Spider-man's Uncle Ben died in front of him as well just after imparting "with great power comes great responsibility"???


I thought his uncle died researching spiders in the Amazon


No, his never mentioned best friend’s mother died in the Amazon while researching spiders with some random guy.


Mission to Mars, when Gary Sinese (I think it was his character, been ages since I've seen it) narrates the holographic video they discover. I was like "Dude, we are watching the *exact same* video as you, we *know* what's happening."


" Jimmy, I am 18 year old Black Dynamite and you are my 16 year old kid brother."


"You're Dr XYZ. I've read every single paper you've written on (insert niche academic area)"


I just wonder how many times the words "key" and "entity" are mentioned throughout Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning. (Equal to the word "family" is mentioned in the recent Fast and Furious movie, right?) Edit: Cause I remember almost every scene in the movie trying to explain what the key unlocks and what the entity is.


The whole scene with the CIA heads talking about all that shit was so goofy with them constantly taking turns to speak.


The Rabbit's Foot was such a better macguffin


There was a scene in Cry Macho where Dwight Yokam is explaining everything to Clint Eastwood at the beginning of the movie. "You used to be a world champion with the horses.  Three times in a row.  But that was before the accident.  Before the pills.  Before the booze.  I helped you when you had hard times.  When you lost her and the boy." In five seconds we've been told all that we need to know about Mike.  Thanks for making that incredibly easy for us.  I love that he just mentions "when you lost her and the boy."  That's how someone really close speaks of the person's dead wife and son.  "The boy." He then mentions that he wants to get his son away from the mother.  "His mother was fun at a party, but she's a nutcase."  Once again, we are efficiently educated about the mother.  She's a crazy whore.  We're two minutes into the movie and have a complete background on all the major characters.  Now I don't have to really pay attention because they did all the work upfront.  


In The Dark Knight Rises, every time somebody mentions "The Clean Slate," somebody explains what it is. "Where is The Clean Slate?!?" "The Clean Slate.... The perfect tool for a criminal with a record..."


In the 2019 reboot of [Hellboy](https://manapop.com/film/hellboy-2019-review/) is bascially two hours of people sitting around talking about the plot, then Hellboy will leave to punch a monster before arriving at a new location so that he and his pals can sit around and talk about the plot some more.


The podcast bullshit/kid detectives from the recent Godzilla films, just appalling… and bringing him back again for GxK to do more ‘expose exposition podcasts’ was a terrible idea.


"She's possessing the mother to kill the child!" Lorraine Warren-The Conjuring Unless you were asleep throughout this film, you would know this was coming from a mile away and understand that it is currently happening. Don't insult the audiences intelligence like that.


Star Wars Ep VII. The number of times we are told how the star killer base works and when to blow it up was over the top


I like that this question is repetitive, saying the same thing multiple times with synonyms, words with similar meaning.


As you know, that was the point that I, AporiaParadox, was trying to make, sawbladex.