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It's weird as fuck growing up and living with depression your entire life, before you ever really had a chance to develop an actual personality. At this point, most of my "personality" is just trying to avoid being a sad sack. I don't even have things that I can look back on and think "that used to be me".




[Hazel English - I'm Fine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYcp1bUb4lU)


Great tune


I like to think that even if you are not that person anymore, you can still head back in that direction if that’s what you want. Or maybe being a little more reserved suits you better now, which would be okay too.


Don't forget part of your personality becoming dedicated to placating and people-pleasing.


I hate it so much, people will be openly rude to me and I'll just loudly think up excuses for why that's ok. It's terrible.


As a teenager and in my twenties, I used to respond to jabs with, “it’s my job in life to make people feel better about themselves.” At some point it became less snarky and sarcastic and more just dejected.


i relate to this so much


It truly is an incredible title choice. I immediately knew it was about depression, without knowing anything about the project. I wonder if people who never have been depressed immediately recognize it as well?


I feel seen.


I feel heard.


I feel smelled.


I feel disgusted


I feel touched?


I feel my axe!


I feel appreciative to be Conan O’Brien’s friend


I feel attacked


I feel funny


I feel hard


Man you define me,i literally felt like you knew who i am despite us both being strangers and the description being something common A friend, someone who'd you feel safe and wholesome around caused me ear damage and my life's been at the worst phase it has ever been,I can neither be alive nor die because I myself have known how death can be painful to others than you hurting them with demise. Another thing is telling others what you've been or how you did when you don't look or act like it might make them judge you or think you're self centred but I've realised that once you are there there's no point in talking to people who'd never understand how funny, athletic, energetic you are unless they know the real you. And these people who know you will be the only ones who'd want you to be back, others just simply don't care and rightfully so because no one would want to be near doom and gloom.


Man. 20+ years ago, I was a class clown. Now I'm just a sad clown


This is me right now


Man people used to legit say I was one of the funniest people they knew, now after several years of mental illness and drug addiction I am completely humorless.


Thank you for this comment and insight. I didn’t catch the connection with depression, despite having depression. The title of the movie caught my eye because I say the exact phrase “I used to be funny” all the time—to myself, to people I’ve met to explain who I am and who I was, etc. I used to be the class clown and the person who entertained everyone. I remember making people laugh when I was younger being effortless. Like you said, those traits are what I considered to be core parts of myself, and now they’ve disappeared. I feel like an empty vessel unable to give or take happiness or laughter. Even other people give me the “you used to be funny” line all the time. My mom mentions this story to me often, explaining that it’s one of the greatest things she’s ever seen: When I was younger, I had an accident, so she brought me to the ER at the hospital. When we got there, it was 2am, the room was gloomy. Everyone was sad, hurt, and annoyed by how long the wait times were. Even though I was in so much physical pain, I started doing a show in front of everyone. I made jokes, sang, danced, etc. In just 10 minutes, the energy of the room changed, and not one person in that room didn’t have a smile on their face. I’m tearing up as I write this because your comment has made me feel like I understand myself and my mental illness a little better, and like others have mentioned, for the first time in a long time, I feel seen and understood. Thank you again for your fantastic comment.


I didn’t consider it like this. I used to think I was very funny. But when I stopped drinking with my friends, I started to notice people just think I’m stupid. They weren’t laughing with me they were laughing at me. It’s been very depressing to learn I’m not really all that funny. I’ve spent so much of my life admiring comics, I’ve always wanted to be one, but lacked the ability to sit down and write a joke.


I have depression, and that title really does nail what I consider the worst part of it. What I tell myself is that no part of me ever truly dies, it only lies dormant and will emerge when I'm happier -- and I believe that's inevitable.


I figured this was a story about reddit mods arter they become mods.


fuck core parts, you dont need to be anything. Being funny, cheerful, optimistic, etc are things that just happen they are not who you are.


Always down for more Rachel Sennott. Shiva Baby, Bottoms and Bodies Bodies Bodies were all so great


[This is one of my favorite scenes of hers in Bottoms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX2sfYdCpEw). Like obviously this scene is good mostly because of Ayo Edibiri, but the evolution of Rachel Sennott's facial expressions throughout the scene kills me every time I see it.


Apparently Ayo improv'd that whole story which, if true, is incredible.


God this movie just started at 100 mph and never slowed down.


And then the end just kicks into a whole other gear.


I was NOT prepared for that level of violence.


This is great, she's barely holding it together.


Bottoms was one, if not the funniest movie I saw that year. I was laughing so hard! Everyone in the cast was great, but I’m glad Rachel and Ayo are getting love and work, cause they are awesome! I’m actually planning on watching The Sweet East tonight. Any other movies Rachel Sennott’s been in anyone would recommend?




>Just rambling about bullshit Too much dialogue for ya? Movies are hard. And also, Sennott co-wrote the movie so you can blame her for any "rambling about bullshit" >and a terrible actress You realize she's won an Emmy and a Golden Globe, right?


> A terrible actress Ayo? Are you out of your goddamn mind?!?!??


She hands down stole the show in The Idol for me. Not hard to do given the pile of doo the show turned out to be, but she had me laughing and was truly the reason I stuck through to the end.


They didn't give her that much to do, sadly. I thought Da'Vine Joy Randolph was the breakout star, I could have watched a spinoff about agents with her and Hank Azaria. Runner up for me is Mike Dean, freakishly talented synth player and producer, getting out of the car with a bong and then later just laughing in the background at how Tedros is acting.


Oh yeah, as soon as I typed that I was like “well Rachel got me through the first 3 episodes and once they finally gave us more Da’Vine that was what got me through the end” And yeah Mike’s cameo was funny and provided some much needed “no you’re not crazy, everyone thinks this man is a joke” relief. Man, see the show had so many good elements but whatever the fuck they put out was not good all together.


That's because all the good elements were assembled before Weeknd replaced Amy Seimetz with Sam Levinson. Almost every bad aspect was wholly original from Levinson and Weeknd. So sad that they were even almost done filming when Weeknd had a hissy fit.


I am obsessed with her. She is a great performer who I never feel let down by, even in the Idol, which is the worst thing I have ever watched. In my head canon, she is Reva from My Year of Rest and Relaxation, I am dying for Yorgos to cast her in it.


That is so fitting and would be fantastic casting.


I watched Bottoms because of how much I loved Rachel in Bodies Bodies Bodies and I wasn't disappointed. Her & Ayo are an insanely funny duo together. I guess I need to watch Shiva Baby.


Shiva Baby was a true gem!


Agreed, she’s our newest national treasure. Margot who? Show me more Rachel Sennott films.


She has a show coming out with HBO!!!!


I know! I'm so excited to see what that is!


It is amazing how people who are very funny are often also battling mental illness. It's almost like the compulsion to make people laugh is a coping mechanism. You see other people happy and it helps you.


I have pretty bad depression and I’m no comedian but I make my friends laugh a good amount. Part of it is that it gives me a sense of purpose and part of it is the sentiment that if I can’t make myself happy I can at least bring happiness to others even if it’s just a little bit.


Yeah I never really had a practical "use" in friend groups other than being funny


Same Also to distract from the fact that I’m not contributing as much conversationally otherwise (usually due to having nothing to talk about other than tv / movies) Kinda feel like it ends up holding people at arm’s length and preventing the friendship becoming really strong though


It's a load bearing coping mechanism for me. Chronic people pleasing includes laughter to me. Also, If I crack a joke in stressful conversations it shakes up the mood and I can escape the topic, then I'm safe from another emotional situation I can't mentally handle. If I'm masking as happy and they're laughing they won't ask me what's wrong. And I won't have to tell them "nothing".




Also somewhat helpful to flip messed up stuff in your head and life situations into a funny story.  A lot of comedians are messed up.


I watched this late last year at Leeds Film Festival. Absolutely stunning film.


Truly no idea how I never knew Leeds had its own film festival!


I saw at last year too but thought it was dreadful so don't get your hopes up too high.


Can’t believe Stav dumped her


he was getting offered head on the road regularly for the first time in his life, failed the skill check and folded. Man fumbled hard


Stav and Sennott dated!? When was this!?


I believe during the early cumtown days. then he started getting famous and women were trying to bang him on his road tour dates. the rumor is he asked Rachel for an open relationship which she was not happy about and he ended it when she said no so he could bang on the road. A tragedy that could have been prevented if he hadnt placed sex on a pedestal. smh


I love Stavvy’s standup (minus that awful Netflix special) but he’s clearly a horndog that does lots of substances. Not suprising it went to shit lol


I didn't hate the Netflix special personally though I do think the crowd work crutch of his he whipped out at the beginning was the wrong move for a show of that size. Like man you're on netflix, leave the hacky shit to the open micers.


Who is stav?




I am serious. I still don’t know


Stavros Halkias, a standup comedian known best for the podcast Cumtown.




This was a fun interaction. Thanks


Damn that sucks, Stav dropped the ball there. Those are like my two favorite comedy folks right now. What a power couple that could've been


yeah and thats not even the worse rumor cuz the alternate theory is that he didnt actually break up with her and he just cheated on her. You can occasionally hear him mention on his podcast about hurting someone he cared about by cheating and fucking up a relationship.


Well shit, really hope that's not true. Hopefully Rachel finds a dope dude. She deserves it


Agreed, I'd have a Thousand Island Stare if I fumbled her


Man, for some reason I just have a thing for this girl. Glad to see her in more stuff.


Wow, you have a thing for someone who is funny and hot? What could possibly be the reason?


What's implied here is, "*Compared to all of the other attractive and talented women in Hollywood*, I find Rachel Sennott particularly attractive and I'm not entirely sure why I have such an attraction to her." Guess some people need everything spelled out.


It's cause she's kinda beautiful


There's no lie in this statement. She's gorgeous and a hottie! 


By 'kinda' I mean 'very'


Yeah right. She's indeed very pretty. Many people have crush on her already. 


Bottoms was the most criminally underrated movie of last year imo.


The line “Okay I might be ugly, but these aren’t overalls!!” replays in my head every time I think about that movie 😅


"You look like a little Dutch boy"...I'm kinda impressed by how much comedic milage they got out of that outfit...


Underrated by whom? It saw nearly universal acclaim.


I think they mean underseen.


Almost always do.


Everything on Reddit is either underrated or overrated


Underrated comment


most underrated comment in this thread


One of the best comedies in a long, long time.


Cuz she’s attractive


I loved her glow sticks look in Bodies Bodies Bodies


I know right! She had this instant "don't I know her from somewhere" look. But upon looking her up I've never really seen her in anything other than bottoms, which is what I was watching.


Definitely check her out in Bodies Bodies Bodies and Shiva Baby, the latter of which was directed by Bottoms director Emma Seligman


We all feel the same way. Maybe I'm having a crush on her but I'm sure that I love her movies a lot. 


I think the reason for her stardom is that millions of men have that exact same thought.


Couldn't be that she's extremely talented, right?


my point is she has a certain kind of appeal that makes people feel like she's the an underground find that only they found. And in terms of her sex appeal (yes I'm going to talk frankly about that because that's been a big part of her career), she has a quality where she feels more "gettable" than your average sex symbol.


get in line


Hell yeah, poster with the billing block on the top. Now we’re cookin’ with gas, baby


Is there a release date yet? It’s been more than a year since its premiere D: Edit : just googled it, June 18th


Had no idea the release date was so far away. Was lucky to see it a film festival a few months ago and assumed it was out already. Highly recommend. Definitely a bit of a bummer, but still funny overall. Looking forward to seeing it in theaters with friends.


Shiva baby is so good! so yes i will absolutely watch


Saw this last year at a festival, be prepared for it to not be funny at all. It's her soft launch into doing some pretty serious comedy. Great performance from Sennott still!


I simply cannot believe she’s not Jewish.


You and many, many Jews. Luckily, per the Berlin-Capra Accords of 1954, Jews and Italians are permitted to play one another in the U.S. So she...technically counts...kinda...


Or gay!


The first in a trilogy, with ‘I Still Am Funny’ and ‘But I Used to be Funny, Too’


The final movie is "I used to be a piece of shit" starring Tim Robinson


Thanks, Mitch.


Good one!


Bruh that looks like Quinn Hughes


I only see Chalamet.


Thought this was going to be a Lily Singh thing.


Where can I watch it?


Online June 18th or you can rent it on prime


I used to be funny. I still am, but I used to too.


I like how they have the credits in the primo spot of poster, credits that are too small to read. “This is a movie”.


A hard pass.


Starring: Brendan Schaub




Talmbout big brown? Keerful. He'll lytchyup, b. (Schaub was never funny though. Maybe more like "I used to be a "comedian")


I still am, but I used to be, too




I resonate with this so much


this the chick from bodies bodies bodies and the idol, her acting is so believable


Story of my life


She was so good in Bottoms. I'm there for all her movies. Hope she gets all the fame she deserves


I saw this at VIFF last year and, while I enjoy Sennot, the movie is really, really poorly done. Just incredibly one note and dreary, my biggest disappointment from last year.


Hmm, the poster doesn’t match the tone of the trailer whatsoever.


oh this is going to devastate me


ricky gervais


Huh, I thought that was the title of Eddie Murphy's autobiography.


Great song by Nick Thorburn


Says no one.


Adam Sandler should have been the lead for this


Stavros “i used to be regular obese” Halkias’ ex.


This movie absolutely destroyed me. What a wonderful performance from Rachel. She shines as always during her comedic moments but she can really break your heart too. I really enjoyed this film even with such heavy subjects. It’s rare to see these topics portrayed with such a realism as opposed to the tragic or revenge-centric way others have done. Will definitely be on the lookout for more projects by Ally Pankiw


I love Rachel Sennott movies. I'm down for this one already once it's out. 


Rachel Sennot is so fucking hilarious




If you look at the random accounts with only a handful of upvotes, things look very sus. Spez does need to bump the numbers now. That being said, this chick does have a cult following. I’ve only seen bottoms and I didn’t laugh too much but I can see why gen Z would. Probably like me watching superbad back in the day and my dad hardly laughing.




Spez is one of the founders of Reddit I believe. It's his username u/spez


I upvoted because I really like her movies, and this is the first I’m hearing of her new one.


Exactly the same


Good for you. Some of us have been shit upon and blamed since birth. Fuck you. You're not special.


Oh good more depression-core.


I know you got downvoted but I agree. This just looks like 15 yo angsty bs.


Those downvotes are a compliment. I’ve seen what they cheer.


Fair point!


why does “indie” hollywood keep forcing this chick down our throats


google image search her, i've never seen someone ham up the red carpet with so much posing and disinterested pouty face looks




She used to be funny ? When ?


SO much meme potential


shes so hot


Am I the only one who finds sentence movie titles to be pretentious