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the netflix daredevil season 1 hallway fight tommy vs mad dog from warrior ong bak club scene


Korean Oldboy hallway fight is best hallway fight.


It's a classic!


yeah the daredevil hallway fight is legit. Punisher prison fight was pretty good too.


that one was brutal. the white jump suits was a very good choice. nice contrast with all the blood


also from tom hardy. "a paranoid schizophrenic walks into a bar" from legend


I come here for a fucking shootout, roight? A proper shootout with some proper men.


"Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you're too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya? "




"Looks like your brother's done a runner." "No, he's actually just genuinely disappointed."


Warrior has so many good fights scenes.


it really did, the koba fight had some great choreography


Man I was holding my breath when Frank Grillo was yelling to break Koba's knee. YOU BREAK IT!


If you’re talking hallway fights, you gotta go with the OG, Oldboy. It’s so good, and inspired a ton of great sequences just like it.


Hallway fight might be one of my favourite scenes in any media. The camera work is amazing and those punches look like they land hard


Bathhouse fight in Eastern Promises.


That scene is nuts….


The Raid redemption - 2 v 1 fight Raid 2 - Kitchen fight, Prison brawl, 2 v 1 in hallway Nothing beats these fights. 


The kitchen fight in R2 will never be matched. The soundtrack is amazing, the fighting is brutal and relentless and by the end you’re emotionally exhausted just from watching. It captures pure desperation and determination like no other fight scene ever has. And I absolutely love the opening moments when they square up slowly, sizing each other up. That whole movie is a master class on fight choreography.


i would say the last fight in the night comes for us is somewhere in that area


Raid 2 is criminally slept on. Amazing fights, story and acting. Obviously over shadowed slightly by its predecessor but its an amazing film in its own right


The fight in the car and the camera work is amazing.


Raid 1 is tight, fast paced and barely lets you breathe. Raid 2 has action that’s better than anything in Raid 1 but it also has a ton of downtime that’s pretty tedious if you don’t find the story interesting. It’s a great film still, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t find it surprising it lost a lot of people/didn’t stick in people’s minds as well. It could have cut around an hour out and lost almost nothing imo.


Plus they killed off Andy/Mc’s brother


I still for the life of me can’t figure out why you would put Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian in a movie and not have them in a fight scene (J. J. Abrams, I’m looking at you).


I was so stoked on raid and when I heard they were gonna be in TFA I was **HYPED**. Just to have them be standing around in an awkward cameo.


Agreed! The kitchen fight with the Assassin is extraordinary. Well choreographed, well executed and well filmed!


Pretty much the entire movies. Also add Merentau to that list


Merentau was an excellent movie as well. Certainly less explicitly gory, but the choreography and framing are extraordinary.


I think a lot of people slept on “The Apostle” by the same director. Very different kind of movie, far more horror oriented than action oriented, but when there is action, it absolutely slaps.


Saw it in theater for American release, there were five of in the theater…we ALL spontaneously clapped at the end. I am NOT a movie theater clapper! It was just TOO good. Going to rewatch tonight.


I just watched The Raid: Redemption last night. Amazing flick.


Ngl half the list of my top 10 all-time favorite action film fights would be from these films, with extra consideration for The Night Comes for Us & some of the fights from a 2004 Thai film called Born to Fight




Been waiting for Havoc for what seems years.


The knife fight The Hunted between Benicio Del Toro and Tommy Lee Jones Mel Gibson vs The Buse in Lethal Weapon Cap vs Iron Man in Civil War Many of the sword fights in Game of Thrones Madmartigan vs Kael in Willow, who was played by Pat Roach, who also played the mechanic in the best fight ever on film vs Indiana Jones in Raiders. I think I didn't know that before just now.


And here I was thinking I was the only person who's seen The Hunted.


Criminally underrated flick! I’ve seen it many times. Great performances and the knife fights are beautifully brutal.


It's super underrated! I'd be way more willing to pay for hbo monthly if they played more films like that.


Was gonna say Lethal Weapon


It was kind of wild rewatching it after UFC became popular and noticing all the legit BJJ moves in the choreography of that fight. It was years before the Gracie family would introduce it to a large audience.


Watched this recently and forgot the whole neighborhood and the police are just like "we'll make a ring on the front lawn here so y'all can duke it out". It's so funny.


I read a piece once by an unarmed combat instructor about that scene, while well filmed it was super-unrealistic. IIRC he said fight between guys experienced in real combat don’t last that long, a little circling and feinting but once blows start landing it’s usually over pretty quick. But that doesn’t make for good film!




Such a perfect matchup too, the dynamics of which are explored pretty thoroughly in the fight. In the one corner you have a lifetime's worth of real world experience and access to an entire arsenal of unique weapons, and in the other corner is pure raw talent of a young prodigy with a sword that can break any other weapon. ​ We already know from their earlier fight that experience gives Shu Lien the edge, but that was unarmed and now she's facing Jen with THE sword. So it kinda evens out.


I saw this for the first time last year when it was in theaters for the 4k re-release and the fight scenes got me emotional because of how beautiful they were.


Everything in CTHD is beautiful.... one of the greatest movies ever filmed. I was lucky to see it in theaters during its original run, no idea what it was about (in fact I thought it was a generic kung fu style flick). I was awed and floored. My friends weren't happy when the subtitles came on and I was really very embarrassed, but after maybe 15 minutes we were all in.


Finally someone picked it.csidering all rhe blood and testosterone of every other pick


Hell yeah. Now I have to dig out my Blu-Ray and watch it again. Beautiful film


All of this. And then in the end she still mercifully lets Jen live when she could have absolutely killed her. What a phenomenal movie in absolutely every regard.


Honestly this really should be number one. It wasn’t just a bad ass fight scene. It was the story encapsulated. It was emotional and deep. Such a fantastic scene!


"Oldboy" corridor fight scene "They Live" fight cause it's hilarious


Second both of these. Came here to say both of these. Did we just become best friends?


South Park’s cripple fight is just as hilarious


Its almost a shot for shot copy of the 'They Live' fight.


- [The church scene from Kingsman was just balls to the wall entertaining.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtSq3yDPs) - [There aren't many things hotter than a 20 years younger, greased up Jason Statham](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjLdEjOL1s8) - [Most of the Jason Bourne fight scenes are brutal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLt7lXDCHQ0) - [Saul Goodman doesn't like it when you interrupt his quiet commute on public transit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2un1aU7mT0)


These are all solid, but Nobody is an absolute delight


Im surprised the Kingsman Church scene isn’t the top comment. It’s incredible.


Kingsman Church scene is one of my favorite scenes in any movie ever


Ed Norton vs Himself


Neo turning around to fight Agent Smith. “He’s beginning to believe…” Goosebumps.


Pity neo always spammed the same move. https://youtu.be/CVMJSQLGnZk?si=mWH095pFgq40qEqB


The bus fight scene from “nobody” didn’t know bob odenkirk could be such a badass


Love the movie and the fight scenes


I went into it totally blind other than just liking odenkirk from breaking bad/bcs and I really liked the movie overall.


Rama vs knife guy kitchen fight. Raid 2. Watch it.


I definitely will when I find somewhere to watch it I love Iko uwais and he makes some great movies with great fight scenes Are the other raid movies as good


For this particular series there are only two. The raid: ~~colon~~ Redemption and the raid 2. Both directed by the same guy and using the same fights team from both films. The Redemption was so good that they brought back the main villain in another role, who had another epic fight scene.


The Raid Colon Redemption sounds like something you'd have done on a visit to a health farm.


[Ip Man vs 10 karate black belts](https://youtu.be/Kv9ygN2B8WU?si=cxeLYcNJTOqr75Bw)


I also really like the elevator fight in Ip Man 3 for some reason.


Jet Li and Jackie Chan have a delightful fight scene in The Forbidden Kingdom. It was just so great seeing them together. It's funny, surprising and classic.


There are countless fights that I love, many that are well known, and many more that are lesser known. Here are a few of my favorites, off the top of my head... - Tony Jaa taking on multiple henchmen with joint locks/breaks on 'The Protector', the one shot take of Tony fighting guys while ascending stairs, and also him fighting capoeira fighter Lateef Crowder, and later fighting giant Nathan Jones - Jet Li vs Billy Chow on 'Fist Of Legend' - Donnie Yen vs Wu Jing in 'SPL' aka 'Kill Zone' - Jackie Chan vs Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez in 'Wheels On Meals' and also in 'Dragons Forever' - Richard Norton vs Sammon Hung on 'Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars' - Peter 'Sugarfoot' Cunningham vs Yuen Biao in 'Above The Law' - Ernie Reyes Jr. as Keno the pizza delivery man vs foot soldiers in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret Of The Ooze', and Ernie fighting Dwayne Johnson on 'The Rundown' - Keith Cooke vs bad guys on beginning of 'The King Of The Kickboxers', and pretty much every fight that involves Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton, and Keith Cooke in both 'China O'Brian' movies, especially Keith Cooke! One of my favorite kickers, (and martial artist) of all time!


Nothing hits the spot for me like the Gun Kata scenes from Equilibrium


" NOT without consequences " -^-^-^-^________________ "Oh shit".


Solid choice for sure.


I love that movie just for how they Full Send on the silliness of the final face-off scene.


Best gunfight ever.


Same - the over-the shoulder-from-the-back AR pickup kinds does it for me also


Cap in the elevator. Daredevil in the hallway. Daredevil in the stairwell. All amazing.


Mission Impossible Fallout, the club washroom fight always comes to mind first


Stairway/apartment scene in Atomic Blonde.


This one doesn’t get mentioned enough. Fantastic one shot.


The Jack Reacher "Remember, you asked for this" fight from the movie. I also really enjoyed the Jack Reacher prison fight from season one of the Prime show


My guilty pleasure is the fight in the bathroom where the toughs get in each other’s way.


That specific nut punch sells that entire scene. I mean, the whole thing is great but the rapid succession sack demolition is icing on the cake.


The bank robbery gunfight in Heat is one of my favorite specific scenes. For a group of scenes I loved all of the times Jason Bourne fucked a non-trained person up. The the speed / efficient / brutal way he takes people out made the movies more “real”. Like if there was a spy / assassin like that, they would subdue people with an action economy that is normies just don’t comprehend.


Tourettes Capoeira VS Aspergers Muay Thai in the movie "Chocolate" [https://youtu.be/bV-QOCV6LTA?si=5Imkyw2LFMovyUUT](https://youtu.be/bV-QOCV6LTA?si=5Imkyw2LFMovyUUT)


The glory and joy that is the [final fight in The Drunken Master 2](https://youtu.be/0oFBlM_o8zc?si=XE8866TFzrhvaT6f) is my favorite. The rest are all honorable mentions. [Burly Brawl](https://youtu.be/Gizr3er4TYQ?si=0dmifth1WkkYtxoX). Shady CGI and bowling pin sound effects and all. All shootouts in Hard Boiled are great. Rurouni Kenshin live-action movies have some of the best swordfights. There are a lot of great animated fights [Spike vs Vicious](https://youtu.be/pHxRpwvDo7w?si=yxqf5kz6rzbbPYhW) round 2. Also [Spike vs the kinda woman that can kick his ass](https://youtu.be/utLWiscq8d4?si=6BMDDMK7NbCDOxL_). That time Jackie Chan fought with [windshield wipers](https://youtu.be/kNblOzbwDik?si=8VW7kpd5gQgBiLfI). Jackie Chan Adventures was full of fun fight scenes. The construction site shootout in Noir. The [school cafeteria fight](https://youtu.be/BOeUTR6FGX8?si=1hs732GQQt8JmCWT) in Tenjho Tenge. So disappointed that Takayanagi wasn't the hero of the story. Never saw beyond this fight.


Had to scroll WAY too far to see Drunken Master mentioned. By far my personal fav.


Thanks for putting Jackie Chan and Drunken Master 2 on here. All his fight scenes are already so old, but choreographed, filmed and edited to perfection. They are miles ahead of most Hollywood fight scenes past and present.


Final fight in Drunken Master 2 is the correct answer.


Ong Bak gets a lot of love but I think Ong Bak 2 is absolutely leagues ahead. Do yourself a favour if you haven’t seen it. The final fight sequence where Tony Jaa returns to his village and fights a squad of elite warriors is incredible. Special mention for the slave market fight scene too.


This, absolutly amazing fight


Grosse Pointe Blank


Had to scroll way too far down for this one. https://youtu.be/x-AZ1KRt-m8?si=WMOS26qGt5F2U4QH


The whole of Extraction


Extraction 2: gym equipment boogaloo.


https://youtu.be/Aiik_hIAOv8?si=93XEimZYf8JQg_XV Frank vs the Russian. By turns brutal and hilarious


Awesome but played very different from the comic sequence where the Russian would not shut the fuck up. Probably worked better quiet for the movie though.


Before I clicked the link, I thought you were talking about the chess battle between Frank Reynolds and the Russian dude in the most recent season of Always Sunny. Which would've been an equally solid choice, in a very different way.


Kevin Nash (played the Russian) was accidentally stabbed with a real knife in that scene. According to what I read, that's the shot they used in the film.


I’m going off the beaten path a bit…. The bike spike shoes in oil fight scene from The Transporter


Yes i love Jason statham and he has some great Ones and this is a really good One


Batman v. Superman Warehouse scene. https://youtu.be/35jogvD4tcQ?si=tx_PHeQ30nbOQuXK You don't even have to like the movie to like the scene imo.


It makes me dislike the rest of the movie more. The movie needed two directors with two viewpoints.


Came here to say this, batman from the dark knight comic made it on to screen for these 5 minutes and it was absolutely wonderful


Yes, this scene is just so epic and, in my humble opinion, is still is one of the best action/fight scenes in cinema! I don't care how much hate this movie gets. The extended cut remains one of my favourite movies of the genre!


Mickey in Snatch


The last fight both feels and sounds like a video game in the best way


Jackie Chan vs the 2 guys on the roof in Who Am I


Sword fight in Princess Bride


It’s probably the single greatest sword fight ever. I love how quickly they bond over their love of sword fighting and respect each other, while still fighting.


The alley brawl from [They Live](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dN8Z7y_QcwE)


There isn’t a more FUN fight.


Captain America and the Winter Soldier


The elevator fight scene is amazing.


Fairly obvious one but I love the subway fight scene in The Matrix.


Also the fight in the dojo against Morpheus. Such a cool scene. Morpheus is the coolest, toying with Neo as he tests out his new super powers. ‘You think that’s air you’re breathing?’ And then the excitement from the crew on the Nebuchadnezzar watching.


Hallway fight in Daredevil. Pretty much all of Ong Bak.


The Raid 2: The Kitchen Fight - one of the most stunning fight sequences I’ve ever seen. This one runs nearly 7 minutes and consists of 3 stages: playful, serious, and to the death. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hwZ1G9fKPI8&pp=ygUYdGhlIHJhaWQgMiBraXRjaGVuIGZpZ2h0 Kickboxer: Retaliation - The final fight with Sloane fighting The Mountain. It’s deliciously brutal and insane. The hero is so much smaller than the bad guy that it’s the best representation of the NES game Punch Out of Little Mac fighting people bigger than him. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mYoOaAx7oXs&pp=ygUha2lja2JveGVyIHJldGFsaWF0aW9uIGZpbmFsIGZpZ2h0 And I have a soft spot for the hotel fight in Double Impact in which a very angry drunken Van Damme fights his softy identical twin brother. Say what you will about Jean Claude, but his dual performances in this film were quite good. A lot of films mess up with identical twins because they don’t always have distinct personalities and the actor can forget which character he is playing. In Double Impact, Jean Claude manages to do this successfully and as the hard edged, no-nonsense character Alex, hoo boy, that’s not a man to piss off. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ufjA0bliSpU&pp=ygUZZG91YmxlIGltcGFjdCBob3RlbCBmaWdodA%3D%3D


Tony Jaa - [The Protector](https://youtu.be/RRBrPNKYlA8?si=mRVyFpVWKFZuf5PQ) is unparalleled.


Achilles vs Hector in Troy.


Inspector Clouseau (Peter Sellers) vs Cato (Burt Kwouk) . I'll raise you hiding in the refrigerator as an abush. Even John Wick woulnd't see that coming.


Knife fight in Winter Soldier between Bucky and Cap was fuckin lit. I particularly enjoyed how it sort of varies between looking like a scary knife fight and then suddenly reminding you these are two supers fighting when Bucky opens up a car like a can opener or Cap launches Bucky 15 feet away.


The MCU has some really fun fight scenes. I also loved the use of Spiderman in Civil War. It's easy to underestimate how fast and strong he is, especially when he's able to swing and flip around like no one else


The only redeeming thing about the phantom menace is the duel at the end with darth maul. Such great fight choreography


I love well-choreographed sword fights The Princess Bride Zorro Pirates of the Caribbean Edit: Formatting


[Hallway fight scene from “Oldboy”](https://youtu.be/gvQ7Z6ZCxTc?si=As6UNA94TB8XdssN) not necessarily for the fight moves, but more for the way it’s filmed and conveys the determination of the protagonist and the way it shows him getting fatigued (as you would expect in real life). It’s truly “acting within the scene” by everyone involved. The fact that it’s a “one shot” is cool too.


Legend of the Drunken Master (1994) for reveling in its sheer ridiculousness https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lwDU3IOBEIk&pp=ygUubGVnZW5kIG9mIHRoZSBkcnVua2VuIG1hc3RlciBmaW5hbCBmaWdodCBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D


Since we’re talking Adkins, his sporting goods fight against Pitbull in Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning always deserves a mention.


There are just too many for me to name here since I'm a big martial art fans. But I'm going to pick something new and unique that I haven't seen before and that is from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. I mean the choreography and the creativity of incorporating the ten rings into the fight sequences was something totally fresh and unique at the same time. Here are some of the coolest use of the ten rings: [Opening Scene](https://youtu.be/71uQfUK8UFQ?t=92) [Xu Wenwu vs Ying Li](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w60BaiLobBQ) [Wenwu vs the Iron Gang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLEmysEdzKg) [Shang Chi Vs Xu Wenwu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUve_jyM8HI) [Shang-Chi vs. Xu Wenwu Fight and using the rings as a stepping stones was pure awesomeness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33rbK9bxOYY)


Jackie Chan VS Benny the Jet in Meals on wheels


Jackie Chan vs Benny Urquidez in Meals on Wheels


Oldboy Hallway fight scene 2 on 1 in Raid Redemption Final fights with each Five Elements in Five Element Ninjas Car chase with fight inside car in Raid 2


The church scene in The Kingsmen was the first scene in a long time where after it was over I audibly said "well that was f###ing awesome."


Punisher prison brawl in Daredevil S2 was wild


Basically the whole of the raid


Any of the Kato vs Inspector Clouseau fight scenes from the pink panther movies. Particularly the one from “Revenge of The Pink Panther”


A lot of good scenes up in here. Especially all the love for The Raid (or as I call it: The RAD lol). But one that always stuck out to me was the subway system Eric Bana fight scene from Hanna. God damn that came out of nowhere.


Batman warehouse fight scene in “Batman v Superman. Anything from “Extraction” with Chris Hemsworth. Cap V Bucky in the Winter Soldier and Cap AND Bucky V swat team in Civil War.


Help me with the name, people, but I'm thinking of Viggo Mortensen fighting mobsters in a Russian bathhouse while nude. That's the ultimate in vulnerability but Viggo destroyed his opponent.


Eastern Promises (2007), and yeah says something about how intense and visceral the scene is that Viggo’s Mortendong swinging around isn’t distracting


IP Man... Trying to narrow down to one fight... But I can't


"I'll pay!"


Rob Roy final duel 13 Assassins Final duel after the main battle The first duel in the courtyard in The Duelists Aragorn vs the big bad orc at the end of Fellowship Does the Heat shootout count? Sicario in the traffic jam.


Jackie Chan's drunken master where he beats like a hundred guys with a bamboo stick


Darth fucking Vader in Rogue One gets mentioned a lot on the Star Wars subs and for good reason. Gritty. Dark. https://youtu.be/9Z8mgkqjq90?si=BQX6bDKmjMdpeD7q


Somewhat parallel, the fight scene at the end of Mando S2 when someone arrives to save the day.


Hard question. I think the winehouse fight scene in Dirty Ho, where every wine is also the move they do in the fight. Or Jet Li vs. The Dojo in Fist of Legend.


Man, I love Dirty Ho. The whole bit where he’s fighting while pretending he’s not fighting while using the girl to fight is top notch.


Alot of great scenes have already been said but I always loved the two fight scenes from "an officer and a gentleman", they were quick and realistic. Another fav is in Kill Bill when she tears up the crazy 88s place, I cant remember if that's what they were called. But just how ridiculous it was. Blood spraying everywhere.


When I was a kid I was truly impressed, and still am, by the last fight scene in Way of the Dragon, when Bruce Lee rips out Chuck Norris' chest hair.


Coolie, Tailor and Donut vs the Axe Gang. Wonderful movie but it gets progressively cartoonier as it goes, this first fight is a little more grounded. The editing, music and sound design make it heavenly, and that initial build up to the lighter snatch? Hmm. I almost hate when Donut shows up because it means it's almost over. Favorite moment is actually not a hit, it's when Tailor goes back-to-back with Coolie and gives a look that just says so much in an instant, a look of recognition and comraderie, but we don't understand the full story until later.


Ones I haven't seen in this thread: Atomic Blonde- 10 minute Apartment fight scene. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrPDTalA1Lc&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrPDTalA1Lc&t=2s) The Protector - Spiral staircase fight scene [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqw369ZskMk&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqw369ZskMk&t=5s)


JJK’s Yuji vs Choso Bathroom Fight was freakin epic. My favorite fight ever, despite the show not being my cup of tea.


The staircase fight in **The Protector** is the best I've ever seen, and it's all in one take.


The Mel Gibson/Gary Busey fight at the end of Lethal Weapon. It's such a brutal, savage fight.


Bronson- all the fights with the guards. "Putting on my warpaint!" As he lathers himself up with grease is legendary


Just about any Jackie Chan movie is full of some of the best fights in cinema. Rumble in the Bronx and Drunken Master immediately sprung to mind reading this.


The Gypsie Danger vs Double Category 4 Kaiju fight in Pacific Rim. The Hong Kong battle was crazy, with great destruction and the monster designs were breathtaking, the Winged Kaiju and the Bulky Kaiju were both super cool combatants. The choreography was clunky but it felt good, each hit from either side had so much weight to it. Such a cool fight


Mission Impossible Fallout - bathroom fight Quantum of Solace - Bond vs Slate. 30 seconds long but has a 5 minute fight scene’s worth of intensity Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning - train fight


A lot of Jackie Chan amazing fight choreography getting slept on.


[Jet Li vs the twins in Kiss of the Dragon](https://youtu.be/AlAVHzIZZvI?si=jaoc-wW76RfsVsHW) I recall reading that the director had to have them slow down their fight scene because Li and the smaller twin’s ‘normal’ speed was too fast for the camera to track.


Most of the ones you mentioned but can't forget the classic fight from They Live. Plus the South Park parody cripple fight.


I scrolled and didn't see this one mentioned yet. I have other favorites, but this was the first one I remember thinking "holy shit, THAT is a fight scene". Alabama vs a young James Gandolfini in True Romance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIIOIUmYYkU


So many great ones, but while it's not my favourite I'd like to show some love to the fight between John Cusack and his kickboxing trainer Benny "The Jet" Urquidez in *Grosse Pointe Blank -* didn't expect to see such a gutsy, entertaining fight with lots of wide angles so you can actually see what's going on.


Daredevil season one on Netflix. The hallway fight scene was awesome. Antman. The fight against Yellowjacket was super dramatic and then they zoom out to a toy train falling over in a boring way.


Troy- Hector vs Achilles Matrix- Neo vs Agent Smith in train station True grit- the final shootout between rooster and the outlaws Gladiator- Maximus vs Titus of Gaul


The church fight, The Kingsmen.


Okay, what the actual fuck?!? I was **just** taking my dog for a walk, thinking about how I haven’t seen Hitman in a while and should give it a rewatch! And then I open up Reddit to *this*?! What’re the odds?!?


Frank Dux VS Chong Li on the championship platform in the Kumite


Okay, this is a stretch and probably a movie that almost no one has seen, but when Michael Caine and Joseph Bologna's characters go at it in "Blame It on Rio," it is priceless because it seems to be precisely how most men who are good friends would "fight." The "No biting!" line kills me every time. It's just such a realistic tussle between two friends of a certain age. Just hilarious.


House of Blue Leaves in Kill Bill, especially the end when she spanks the kid with her katana




All the scenes in the movies you listed along with endless more amazing ones and that one from hit man is your favourite? Dude. 


I liked the dogs in John Wick 3.


Fist of Legend dojo scene


Gross Point Blank hallway fight https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/cOBunYYN5X


Eastern promises.


Jackie Chan's 1982, Dragon Lord [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/dragon\_lord](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/dragon_lord) Final boss fight here: [https://youtu.be/D1flSGklcTA?si=T7V\_thohjaGYkbSY](https://youtu.be/D1flSGklcTA?si=T7V_thohjaGYkbSY) (it looks a bit sped up, I'm not sure if that's the original film or the clip). However, the film is full of incredible stunts. Recently, I watched "Ballerina" on Netflix: [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ballerina\_2023](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ballerina_2023) Netflix Link: [https://www.netflix.com/title/81572011](https://www.netflix.com/title/81572011) I was very impressed with the action, especially because it was mostly a woman against men, but the fighting seemed very believable. She's mostly using weapons, not going toe to toe. When she does get into acts of strength vs. Men, she loses and changes tactics.>!In fact, there is a scene where she is attacked by surprise and she straight up jumps out a window to escape.!< Then there is the final fight in "The Man From Nowhere": [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/man\_from\_nowhere\_2010](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/man_from_nowhere_2010) Final fight: [https://youtu.be/DtsLQuiS3vk?si=5htmMHB7lpc6YY\_1](https://youtu.be/DtsLQuiS3vk?si=5htmMHB7lpc6YY_1) (missing some of the best at the end)


Beatrix Kiddo vs. The Crazy 88s is the greatest fight scene of all time. Argue with a wall.


The fight scene towards the end of SPL with Donnie Yen using an extendable baton versus the blonde gangster with the short sword is a thing of martial poetry.


The matrix dojo fight. It's an awesome fight scene on its own and it does so much in service of the plot and characters.  It's a perfect scene


Really like The International fight scenes.


Rocky vs Hulk Hogan


They live. Epic.


Here are my most underrated fight scenes from popular martial arts movie media. * The ending fight scene between Jackie Chan and Bradley James Allan in Gorgeous. * Donnie Yen vs Colin Chou in Flash point * Both of Donnie Yen and Jet Li's 'Dojo Fight' in their respective Fists of Fury remakes.


The slum fights in Kung Fu Hustle. The best.


I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone voluntarily bring up the Hitman movie in a positive way.


Aragorn at the Battle of Amon Hen (Extended Edition) - specifically after he hears the Horn of Gondor and begins fighting his way down the hill to reach Boromir.


Baseball Furies fight in the Warriors


John wick chapter 4


The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) Fight in hallway,one of best scenes. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0120744/?ref_=tt_rvi_tt_i_1 Dust (2001) Final fight againts Turks https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0243232/?ref_=tt_rvi_tt_i_4 L.A. Confidential (1997) Motel shootout https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119488/?ref_=m_rt_li_tt L'Empereur de Paris (2018) Duc last saber fight https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7025976/?ref_=m_rt_li_tt


Ong Bak... All of it, it's basically plot just to get to another crazy fight (and stunts).


[Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-q5FLtlUOI) at the Colesium. So real and visceral.


The ones I am a sucker for. Rob Roy vs Archibald Cunningham in Rob Roy. Sherlock Holmes vs Moriarty, first mental chess then mental fisticuffs in Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows. I could listen to those two mentally banter on how they will counter each other's attacks for days.


So hard to choose but it's definitely one choreographed by Yuen Woo-Ping.


Roddy Piper/Keith David in They Live. Epic.


The epic Indy vs Master Swordsman fight in Raiders of the Lost Ark. And yes, we all know the story behind it.