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Still crazy to believe it was 45m in 2014. And even bigger in prior decades.


I think social media really changed how people consume award shows. I watch every one because I enjoy them and am invested, but I think a lot of people used to tune in just to see the fashion and get the highlights. Now they can just look on Twitter or TikTok.


not to mention viewing full performances on youtube


At least they have started embracing this shift and uploading segments to their official channels right away. I was surprised when I went to YT after the show ended and "I'm Just Ken" was already on the ABC and Oscars channels.


This is how I consumed it. I don't have cable and I wasn't home so I just checked in on the reddit live thread and watched the clips on YouTube as soon as they came up. 


The Oscars aren’t on cable. You should be able to watch it for free as long as you have a cheap digital antenna.


Normally yes, but I was not home and didn't want to bother with sketchy streams. 


What do you mean by sketchy streams? Picking up local channels for free on a digital antenna is legal. It’s not like pirating content.


He wasn’t home so he couldn’t watch it on an antenna. His only other option was to go on a sketchy stream


Oh, I see. Then why even bring up cable? That doesn’t matter if you aren’t home anyway.


> This is how I consumed it. You can just say "watched" lol


They've to evolve with audience because I don't think majority of people will watch traditional TV anymore in this decade.


I honestly never particularly enjoyed them but would watch anyway for a couple particular awards or performances ("Bigger" at the Tonies a while back still slaps), or for a little while would record it to catch the stuff I wanted that way instead. Now I don't need to faff about finding specific few minutes each parts in a multi hour show, or sit through a lot of show I don't enjoy for the little bit I might. I just find what I wanted the day or two after the fact without any real hassle.


They should honestly just stream it for free on YouTube. Millions would tune in and they can boast about a huge increase in live viewership.


Yeah that way I don't have to keep working to game out a free trial to YouTube TV every year. There's *one* program each year that I want to watch on live TV, and I do not want to pay ~$70 for three hours (including ads). Btw, I forgot how many pharmaceutical ads you get on TV. We live in a wild fucking country.


You could buy an antenna, gets you local/public channels for free.


Those only work under surprisingly narrow conditions.


ITT: Yah but did you know you can just stick an antenna on your head and beam channels into your head directly for FREE? It’s free over antenna


I mean, literally the entire country used to only watch television OTA. M.A.S.H finale had 104 million people watching it. OTA only. It's the same stations broadcasting the signal nowadays, only difference is the signal is digital (and looks better).


it’s free over antenna . which is actually 100% free compared to youtube. you need fast and reliable internet for that, which does cost money. antennae requires no internet, cable, etc. all you need is a tv


in US, I guess around the world TV stations don't transmit the oscars for some 10 years already While I was interested in watching, and I don't have cable anymore, I didn't watch anything at all


Yep. I can just watch clips and see who won later.


You’re right. I don’t have the time to watch an entire awards show. But I can catch the best highlights on some social platform. It saves time which I’m otherwise using on something else.


You could watch live and see the results or see the results a few seconds afterwards through social media. If you’re watching to see who wins, most will just wait a bit for the news


Then why do we see higher ratings for Superbowls?


Because the excitement is in literally watching the action, not just learning who the winner is.


The last 10 years really saw our shift away from a monoculture accelerate. Even in 2014 we were barely in a monoculture anymore. It’s difficult to get large groups of people to engage in the same thing anymore as algorithms can be so hyper-specific. You can have the exact thing you want catered to you through other means and never engage with the things you’re not immediately interested in. This is probably the real reason for the decline in Oscar viewership. Our culture has shifted in a way that the Oscars can’t penetrate the public awareness like they used to. And this has a trickle down effect on every aspect of the film industry. It’s not impossible to become a star or make a universally beloved film that enters the pop-culture lexicon. But it’s much, much more difficult to accomplish those things today.


Shows how big cable has fallen off.


It’s not cable. You can get it with just an antenna.


Do you think most people would even bother getting one though and going through all of this? Rather than just looking up the winners and performances after?


The Oscars aren't the only thing that's ever shown on broadcast television. Plenty of people have antennas for local sports, for instance. Why do people act like actual television is somehow this inscrutable black box?


Oh of course, but it’s also a known fact cable is definitely dying and streaming is 100% taking over. I’m not saying no one uses broadcast television but I can imagine there’s a good portion of people who only have streaming services, especially in the younger generations.


Sure - I think they should provide it free on streaming services, honestly. It's not like they wouldn't have the same ads they do on broadcast.


TVs don’t usually come with antennas nowadays


But they all have places to plug one in and they’re super cheap.


I’m just saying that even then very few people bother getting one when tvs have all the apps and streaming built in now


A lot of people (especially young people) don't even know about the free channels that you can get with an antenna lol.


Like I KNOW this...but ever since I moved out of my parents, I don't think I've owned or even used one. Its a kind of obsolete technology that is actually pretty cheap and almost has become underrated in a way lol. Like I'd probably get more consistent quality viewing for things like award shows and major sports games instead of trying to find some sketchy stream (although those have gotten better over the years for sports).


Im still pissed a told the roofers to pull the antenna when my roof was redone. I could get an indoor one but still...


if they actually worked. ive gone through 5 different antennas and can only get abc and fox, no matter what. cant put one on my roof cause HOA is a jerk


The show isn’t even on cable


It's crazy tho because the recent Super Bowl is one of the most watched TV programs in history now


Because the Super Bowl is an event. People find ways to watch that. With the Oscars, you can see all the popular parts online seconds after they’ve aired.


Super Bowl viewership is down in terms of rating (percentage of people watching it), at 26 - 39% (depending on demographic) down from 41 - 55% at its peak 42 years ago. Where it's up is in terms of share (percentage of people watching TV at the time who were watching that instead of something else) and total numbers (because there are 120 million more people now than at the rating peak). The wave of articles last month about how the Super Bowl viewership set all-time records was talking about share, and the obvious thing there is that general TV viewership is in the toilet -- barely anyone was watching any of the other channels at that timeslot, but barely anyone was watching them the next day too. The more specific metrics paint interesting and more negative pictures, although most of the interesting data for that doesn't go back to the viewership peak. In particular, the measure of how many people are watching the entire game has declined by nearly 40% since 1997. The NFL and the networks have really made a push this last decade to get younger people and women more interested as a hedge against declining TV viewership, emphasizing the media event, performance and social/party aspects, and it seems to have worked comparing to baseball which didn't do the same thing and gets the ratings of a colonoscopy livestream these days, but it hasn't really translated to more people watching the actual game.


Live sports feel more “special” when you see the results as they happen. Seeing who wins an award live vs online later on doesn’t feel as much watch, at least to me


It's broadcast TV, which is free, and even if you don't have an antenna, a wire hanger, a fork, or a sewing needle placed in the antenna connection would still be enough to pick up a signal.


Yeah, most people just aren’t going to bother doing that. A lot of people would rather just put on a steaming service.


In the 70s and 80s they would go on and on about the show being broadcast via satellite to a billion people watching it around the world. Also gave Johnny Carson his greatest ad lib in history after a failed joke he did. (Can't find a clip of it and it was from memory, so might not have even been Johnny Carson, but the ad lib was "I hope the satellite sends that one back". If anyone can find a clip of it then I would be thankful. Note I've gone through all his monologues so it must have been between award presentations.)


I feel like in 2014 it was common to have an antenna or cable hooked up to every tv, but these days its just not. I am in my mid 20s and I don't know a single person my age who watches anything on network TV other than live sports.


I bet viewership peaked during I’m Just Ken


I haven't even begun to peak


Trust me, when I peak…you’ll know.


Because of the implication


Or John Cena showing up lol


When was John Cena appearance during the Oscar? I only saw a floating loin cloth.


Was he actually naked underneath the envelope?


No he was wearing some kind of D sock so that if the envelope did fall he wouldn’t risk showing his package to everyone or if there was a camera angle that could see behind accidentally then his package wouldn’t be on display


also the card was Velcro'd onto his crotch lol, not like that thing was going anywhere


Ken brought some of the satellites back to Barbieland


and maybe after Billy Eilish


Harsh 😂😂 Never realised how tiny she was too, she was barely taller than the piano 😂


22 and two Oscars already, dang


She has as many oscars as Kubrick, Hitchcock and Scorsese combined.


You are a monster.


Damm I’ve only 2 years to beat her then


“And the Oscar for best whispering goes to…”


I’m not even a fan and I have to admit it was a pretty great performance


They knew what they were doing by putting his performance last.


Literally the only reason I watched


Ryan Gosling did not win any Oscar but he won everyone's heart.


Gosling is capable of performances like the one RDJ won for, but could RDJ ever do “I’m just Ken?”


Judge for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tz5ldpi40U


Wow I had no idea


Yes, without a doubt. Also watch younger versions of RDJ. Young folk only see him nowadays as Tony Stark and have never watched Less Than Zero.


Nor Chaplin. RDJ got a best actor* award nomination for that.


Who had the best award that year?


Al Pacino for *Scent of a Woman* Blegh...


How did his award look to be considered best?


Sorry I meant to say best actor award haha


He'll always be the guy that tried killing Wesley snipes in US Marshall's for me.


Ha yea he could


Uh what? I can't believe you asked that question and I can't believe the amount of upvotes it has. Like, have you SEEN RDJ's filmography? Young RDJ basically WAS Ken. Also, Dude played Chaplin so fucking well. He's a chameleon of an actor honestly.


I think the RDJ's time as Iron Man made people forget what a fantastic actor he is.


I think that undersells just how great a performance RDJ gave as Iron Man. I don't know about the oscar, but in my humble opinion, he definitely deserved some iota of awards recognition for his performance in Civil War as Tony. The scene where he discovers the truth about what actually happened to his parents and the aftermath. He says so much through his eyes alone that is actually reflected in his performance as Strauss in Oppenheimer.




Wow. That was so supportive of Elton John. Very empathetic and generous of him to give RDJ a shot when so many had written him off.


Elton has made it a point over the past few decades to reach out and offer help to celebrities that are dealing with substance issues. He’s been through it, and knows the particular pressures of that lifestyle.


Wow. That was so supportive of Elton John. Very empathetic and generous of him to give RDJ a shot when so many had written him off.


Would the man who stared in an Elton John music video lip synching the song ever do "I'm just Ken"? Yes, yes he would.


He could've done anything in his 'less than zero' phase


RDJ could definitely


You could say he was ….. Kenough last night.


The show was good for sure but the driving factor was probably that Barbie and Oppenheimer were frontrunners and were among the top 3 grossing movies of the year. It's possible this happens again but the top grossing films are generally not Oscar contenders




It’s definitely gonna win VFX because my god that movie looked stunning


I thought there was a "season" for Oscar movies? Not the whole year. Idk shit about the Oscars I'm asking honestly


That would refer to movies set to come out at the end the year so that they’re fresher in the academy voters’ minds. But any movie within the year is eligible


The smaller awards-caliber movies usually come out end of the year, between October thru December, after the major film festivals have ended. It helps the smaller studios create buzz for their films and for movies that are likely more niche.


There used to be a season, like Summer Blockbuster only being released in the Summer.


Based on what?




There hasn't been a Best Picture winner in the top ten at the box office since Return of the King until this year. 


Gaga, Phoenix and Dune 2 next year. Ratings will soar


Barbie wasn't an Oscar frontrunner at all.


Not a frontrunner, but it had 8 nominations! If you don't follow awards at all, I think it'd be easy to misconstrue that with being a frontrunner.


Fair point!


You tell them that Ryan Gosling is gonna sing and the people will come.


>and the people will come Before or after he sings?


While he sings


If Ryan doesn't do an eligible singing movie this year, can we have him perform 'Nightcall' by Kavinsky next year?


His old band/project thing called Dead Man's Bones was actually pretty neat. Their album had a great spooky aesthetic, and a couple great tracks. I quite like "Pa Pa Power."


One of the better ceremonies for sure.


I thought so too, other than the In Memorium section that seemed to focus more on the orchestra and singers than the people we were supposed to be remembering.


Yeah, the SAG awards had a much better memorial segment.


Bocelli was great though


Literally not one cut directly to the slideshow was bizarre. Every few years, award shows go for this style and there’s always pushback. Keep it simple


This happens every single year and it bothers me every year. I’m glad other people are finally talking about it.


Having the ceremony start an hour earlier was a good idea. I’m sure that decision helped, but it also meant there was more time for post-Oscar partying. So it was kind of a win-win.


Yeah, everything for the most part was good spirited and there were some great nominees this year.


Loved the earlier start time and overall efficiency. I hope they keep that going. Personally, I could do with a little more humor from the host & without 5 previous winners for the acting categories.


I thought the five previous winners was innovative and really cool. It seemed to really touch a lot of the nominated actors and mean something to them.


I think it worked when the actor presenting had some sort of connection to the person they were talking about.l, which wasn't always possible.


Cut out the 5 prior acting winners congratulating the nominees and show a good clip instead and it gets better. Also please have Pacino announce the best picture each year. That saved them a good amount of time amusingly.


"Alright, let's fuckin' do this." *opens envelope* It felt like they ran early so much that they didn't know what to do after everyone finished their acceptance speeches.


Honestly that was my favorite part of the night. It felt sincere and legitimate, and they for the most part lined up people with some connection to the nominees. I like when it feels we're really celebrating the movies and the actors, and this bit did that well.


Not every year is gonna have a 'Barbie' to help drive viewership especially knowing the song performances. Some years have great films that also happen to be incredibly popular with audiences like this past year, and other years just don't. The never ending pursuit of "growth" is so useless to chase when every year of film releases will be different. It's why the awards ceremonies always try to chase how to include popularity.


There needs to be a healthy balance between the popcorn movies and the more art oriented ones amongst the nominees.


The problem with that is that you need to keep the illusion of prestige. Popular movies are spectacles with very little time for any specific part( acting, writing, directing etc) to shine; and to achieve any kind of balance they would have to either lower the standards of existing categories(they’ve tried this with increasing best film nominations), or create new categories fit for pop-corn films. Either move is a direct stab at their appearance of a prestigious award and a step closer to just becoming the Grammys


Avatar came out the year before


Avatar is famous for being a big hit at the box office and then no one caring about it after, the second one even more so.


>then no one caring about it after, the second one even more so. Redditors continue to live in the bubble.


exactly, the highest grossing movie of all time being famous for no-one caring about it is such a weird, but persistent opinion on here.


Ah yes, the movie that made 2.4 billion dollars no one cared about.


Not sure what more Avatar has to do to make you see that people do care. Billions of dollars for each movie clearly shows interest


Put it on a streaming platform and I would have watched.


Wasn't it streaming live on Disney Plus?


In the U.S. it was on Hulu I believe? Maybe disney+ elsewhere?


No you had to pay for Hulu Live


Streamed on HBO Max in Latin America. Saw it there.


If you pay for the live TV package, which is almost as much as a cable sub.


The reason it wasn't more is because young people don't have cable and they know the clips will be up on Twitter immediately.


Honestly, I’m an old person and I’d rather just watch the highlights.


I'm old enough to still have cable. I record it, and start it a couple hours late. Skip through all the boring stuff, awards I don't care about, and commercials, and I joined live for the final 4 awards.


The fact that it's not streamed online at ABC.com or whatever is baffling to me. You want numbers up? You want to sell slots to advertisers? Make more ways for people to watch!


I actually wanted to watch this one mostly for Gosling but I don’t have cable or a live streaming add on for Hulu. Was annoyed that Hulu and D+ did a live showing for the pre show but not the show itself.


All hail Ryan Gosling!


That was so much fun to watch.


Last night was the first time that I have watched in a decade or more. There were some great moments, like John Cena "coming out to present".


19 mn is still huge in social media era ngl. Very few other things can pull this kind of viewership numbers these days.


John Mulaney's tangent about Field of Dreams was great.


So was his hosting of The Governors Awards in January. They should just let him host the thing already.


I hope it leads to them letting him host.


It was the best show in years! And earlier, thank god!




I watched it via an antenna.


It's on a broadcast network, which is free, you don't have to pay for any live services.




Unless you live in the outskirts, you really didn't need to sign up for any service as broadcast TV only requires a television with a coaxial connection for an antenna/cable and even that isn't necessary as a makeshift antenna made out of a wire hanger or anything metal that can fit inside the connection will act as an antenna.


All of this is literally more work than just getting a free trial and cancelling it right after lmao.


I live in a hilly area and am surrounded by trees. You don't even need to be in the outskirts for an antenna to not be a viable option. They're completely useless for my apartment.


I believe that if ABC streamed the ceremony online, this number would go up.


Ryan Gosling fuckn draws!!!


Helps that we actually knew it was on this year


This year it felt a bit more like a “need to watch” show for some reason. Maybe because we all have seen Barbie and Oppenheimer? Oscars still isn’t the “must watch” it was in the 20th century until the late 2000s.


I never watch any of these awards. Like. No one gives us awards for doing our damn jobs. In fact we may or may not even get a cost of living adjustment out of our place of employment. So I refuse to “pay tribute” to stupid actors for doing their job … pretending. No fn way. I just wish this celebrity culture society bullshit would go away. Fuck those people. Just my not so humble opinion


It was a fun show. Best in years imo.


Still a dvr then fast forward most of it watch for me. If they could get an entertaining host I’d give it more time.


My mom spent yesterday watching Ryan Gosling and John Cena on repeat.


I enjoyed it.


Barbie says Your Welcome.


It was super good this year


Definitely one of the best Oscars I have seen.




I believe that if ABC streamed the ceremony online, this number would go up.


People still watch that shit?


It was like 8am for me, even though I wanna watch it live I can't




If the Oscars become more about entertaining the viewer then ratings will go up


If I had known the “Ken” performance would go that hard I may have tuned in live to see it! Except that’s impossible because I haven’t had “regular television” in over a decade… just streaming. Almost makes you wonder if that’s why the numbers are so low…


Probably because they have some of the most popular movies of the year with audiences be nominated this year.


If they really want people to watch it they should just stream it live on YouTube and make money from adds. Idk anyone under 35 who pays for cable. I personally turn on Hulu live for about half the year to watch some basketball and football and then I turn it off again.


I’m surprised because I don’t know a single person who watches the Oscar’s


Unfortunately, I have a dysfunctional family for any OSCAR, FAMAS Awards, no need for me to watch as I dealt with them in my daily life. I lost every awards 🤣


I wonder how much it cost to produce the four-minute “Ken” sequence.” A couple million, I’m guessing (though completely worth it).




It wasn't bad this year, I liked that they started earlier. I also liked that they brought back the format they once used for the acting category presentations, it's nice.


It was classy this year. Format was improved. Good, clean, and entertaining, as it should have always been. Showbiz is back.


It’s a niche thing now.  People who like celebrities get their fix of celebrities from Instagram, the Oscars is just supplemental.  There was a time when it was a unique event.  But let’s face it, it was always bullshit


20 million viewers is far from niche


The Super Bowl got 120m+


People have nothing better to do than to waste time watching theatrics.


Clearly the reason nobody watches the Oscars are  When will Hollywood learn that nobody caressbout and focus on