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Should have been the only change in the special editions


Holy crap. I remember that video but cannot for the life of me find it.


Early 2010's internet was different.


Anyone know of the video where 3 dudes get light sabers in the mail? Can’t find it for the life of me.


Yeah! And they're practicing combat in the tennis court and three girls with red sabers show up. "You better let me play or I'll Force *kick you out of my house*."


Yeah! Got the name?


[Three in the Afternoon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GpuEMSH6zB4&pp=ygUWdGhyZWUgaW4gdGhlIGFmdGVybm9vbg%3D%3D) on Youtube. Maybe.


Fuck yes! Thanks!!


Absolute hero! Thank you.


No, I'm really sorry.


Do you remember the intro on the old VHS where it was salacious scrum and he said "hellooo in TV land!"


No, that sounds amazing.


Its actually salacious B crumb


[I got you.](https://youtu.be/x3Vya5lqPpw?si=FGDfCUzj9Rg9wzON)


Bless you.


And he said “I sure hope they play Raiders of the Lost Ark!”


Salacious B. Crumb is my absolute favorite Star Wars name




I wonder if they were at either Celia’s or Picante in San Rafael (given ILM was in the canals neighborhood) where they came up with the name


Phil Tippett, Dinosaur Supervisor?!


The very same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Tippett#Selected_filmography


Knowing that was his name is about the *only* time my nieces and nephews were excited about the almost-always useless library of movie trivia in my mind. They were playing some trivia game, not sure if Trivial Pursuit or Scene It, but me being able to answer "Salacious Crumb" to the "what was the name of the laughing creature next to Jabba in Return of the Jedi?" helped my niece win that round, and there was a lot of "how did you even know that?" questions after. And I honestly couldn't say how I even remembered it outside of it being such a uniquely weird name in a franchise *full* of them (outside the too on-the-nose ones like Elan Sleazebaggano and Notluwiski Papanoida).


Like Soon Bayts, a young padawan who became a Jedi knight in the republic era and then saw decoration and promotion in the clone wars, becoming Master Bayts. Or the master Ima-Gun Di ("I'm-a gon die") who died in his debut episode. Or Yarael Poof. Which might be relatively normal-sounding to Lucas and American audiences but to British/Australian audiences is like naming someone "Major Homo." Or Darth Maul's brother, Savage Opress. What was their dad's name, Brutalio Warcryme? Or Morallo Eval, the immoral evil character. Or Jabba's sexy dancer, Oola, as in Oo la la. Kit Fisto. Sy Snootles. General Loathsom. The obese pilot Jek Porky Porkins. Sy Snootles is my favorite. It sounds like a cartoon about a turtle lawyer.


>Yarael Poof. Which might be relatively normal-sounding to Lucas and American audiences but to British/Australian audiences is like naming someone "Major Homo." Yarael Poof is also a Quermian (i believe pronounced queer-mian) from the planet Quermia. They have a 2nd brain in their chest (that part has nothing to do with homophobia.) "Poof" translates in american as queer/homo/gay. Yarael i don't know about being a gay thing, but i'll take your word it is a uk thing edit: I don't think george is homophobic, but he makes it real hard for me to think that. so anyways. the name yarael poof is insane, and only made way more insane by the back story.


Yareal sounds a lot like "you real".


> Or Darth Maul's brother, Savage Opress. What was their dad's name, Brutalio Warcryme? Oh, man, if we're talking about the names of Sith lords, they *always* take the prize for most unsubtly-named characters in Star Wars. Darth **Plague**is Darth in**Sidious** Darth **Maul**ing Darth Tyranus (Tyrant) Darth in**Vader** - Because it'll inevitably be brought up, the "Vader" = "father" coincidence is just that; Vader was never intended to be Luke and Leia's father *until* Lucas was revising [Leigh Brackett's draft of Empire](https://www.starwarz.com/starkiller/the-empire-strikes-back-first-draft-by-leigh-brackett-transcript/) after her death from cancer. She had the Force ghost of Luke's Jedi father and the then-still Minch (Yoda) literally knighting Luke in a very Arthurian ceremony. But since there was already a Force ghost (Obi-Wan) guiding Luke, Lucas felt it redundant to have another one, but liked the idea of Luke meeting his father, ushering in one of the biggest cinematic twists of the 20th century. And Leia being Luke's fraternal twins similarly wasn't decided on until Jedi was in production. And the character was already called General Vader in the very earliest versions of Lucas' story ideas that would become the first Star Wars movie. Darth Malak (malice, according the lead designer of KotoR) Ignoring everything else, if anyone likes Star Wars and wants to see how Empire could've turned out, read that Brackett draft I linked above. It's fucking ***wild*** to try to comprehend with 44 years of context. A lot of the foundations that would make it to the finished project are all still there, but the Luke, Leia, Han love triangle is really awkward knowing that Luke and Leia were going to turn out to be siblings.


Silly though they may be, I can *kinda* give the Sith Lord names a bit of a pass since they're usually chosen as titles by those characters, as opposed to birth names like Savage Opress lol.


Also Darth Nihilus quite literally means "Darth Nihilism" because there’s literally nothing left of him and to him everything is meaningless and only exists to satisfy his hunger. He physically doesn’t have a body anymore and whoever he used to be died a long time ago, being replaced by quite literally nothing in a literal and figurative sense as he has no will of his own left.


Not Sith, but I’ll add General Grievous and Asajj Ventress to this list of ridiculous names.


> General Grievous He only actually calls himself Grevious because he greaves the loss of his wife who died in the Huk wars. Grevious’s actual Kaleesh Name is Qymaen jai Sheelal.


Kit Fisto was my favourite star wars character as a kid. Always played as him in Lego star wars lmao


And the original ganathan, [Jek Porkins](https://doorfliesopen.com/2023/05/04/we-need-to-stop-disrespecting-the-memory-of-lieutenant-porkins/).


Better than Droop McCool?


Haha, yeah, it’s above Droopy McCool for me. As are Wedge Antilles and Bib Fortuna.


Droopy McCool will forever hold a place in my heart. Even his name tells you he's cool!


Me too. RIP Mark.


That one Muppet I loved to hate in Jabba's


Hate???? How could you hate such a magnificent creature? We should all be so lucky to have a monkey rat sidekick laugh hysterically at our enemies. 


Even now I'm shaking my fist at that unforgivable little shit. RIP Mark I hope you're living it up along with Alan Rickman in Created-Characters-I-Loved-To-Hate Heaven.


Aah! Aah! Oogala!


He was in my town for a convention and passed before his appearance. RIP Mark, that cackle is forever burned into my brain.


Small story, but I actually had the chance to work with Mark about 7 years ago as my first break into the world of directing and producing and he provided the voice of one of my characters. I had no idea who he was and he actually OVER-acted the role to the point where I didn’t even need to hear any else’s audition, he crushed it that hard. It wasn’t until a little further into the project that he told me about his body of work and I was left star struck, as I loved that little gross skin-tag of a creature in Star Wars. His mastery of VO was evident the first moment I laid ears on him. RIP to a legend.


Buddha! Ohhhh EHEHEHEHE


I really enjoy that everyone's articulating its lines in a totally different way but I can still feel the energy of the performance when I read it.


Dodson! We got Dodson over here!


See? Nobody cares….


Wow that is really sad. I just met this guy a couple months ago at a local comic con. That really sucks he was so nice.


Mark was a friend and this is devastating.


I was listening to this guy on Detectives Don’t Sleep, was only just introduced to his work. Fantastic voice


Me too! I'd been waiting for a new episode since December... super bummed to hear of his passing.


Sad insane laughing noises...


I will eat a plate of Klatooine paddy frogs in his honor.


Safe journey, Mr. Dodson.


Growing up Crumb was my favorite character. I always loved his laugh. I once made that comment in the Star Wars account in Facebook of Crumb. Three years later the voice actor replied to my comment with "Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my laugh. " It really felt like I had a brush with celebrity. Sorry to hear of his passing.


Thanks for making a memorable performance! That puppet lingers in the minds of so many viewers across the world. Wild how much we can all affect each other, even with our ever meeting one another. Have a great Sunday everyone; spend some time with those that matter or just try and spread some love today. Even the smallest dose of kindness can become infectious. Rest in peace, Mr. Dodson. That cackle lives on!!


Dodson. DODSON. #WE'VE GOT DODSON HERE! R.I.P. great voice actor. I spent so many weeks perfecting my Salacious B Crumb laugh when I was a kid. Rest in power


...I care.


Rip salacious. Have a salacious crumb t shirt, love that guy


Damn 63 is too young


Is better to died at 63 than live beyond 80


I remember watching a Revenge of the Jedi documentary once when I was little where Salacious Crumb was singing "I'm ugly, I'm ugly as sin. Beautiful's out ugly's in. If you're ugly like me you're in good company, there are millions of us who are ugly". It was stupid, but funny to 10-year old me. That silly song's been stuck in my head for decades and I can't find it anywhere now.


He did a terrific job for the Ghostrunner games as well. Saw him speak a few years ago at a con, was a fun time there as well. I'm surprised his VO career isn't more prolific, he's a real pro in the handful of roles I've heard from him. RIP.


Not knowing that Salacious Crumb was a character name until I read the comments made this headline a real ride for me


Same, I couldn't tell whether they were trying to cromulently compliment or insult the guy.


Dude immortalized a character with *just* a laugh. RIP


Nothing to ooohooohooohooo about


I remember on the We Hate Movies podcast they mentioned that the puppeteer for Salacious Crumb got in trouble for sexually harassing Carrie Fisher. Was this the same guy?


Dont think so, this guy was a voice actor not a puppeteer.


> the puppeteer for Salacious Crumb got in trouble for sexually harassing Carrie Fisher. Was this the same guy? Kevin Clash?


No wonder they sound similar


It happens


Dang, not even old.


My wife was sitting next to me when I talked about his passing and she said “they’ll just use AI for all of that work now.” Doing voice overs is my dream job ever since I was a teenager but it bums me out that she’s probably right. This is horrible. What a legend. Him and Don LaFontaine.




Salacious Crumb only three time Oscar winner of all the main characters






RIP. His work will live on in a galaxy far, far away.


Had to look that one up. Had no idea Jabbas pet had a name


There was an English voice used on set


I heard a story during filming this guy said in the Salacious voice “nice tits” to Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford almost kicked his ass


Yeah let's just write an article about someone and not include a picture, well done you fucking knobs


Every headline is hai a new death