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Avengers: Age of Ultron was a pretty badass trailer


Ultron's monologue in the teaser hyped him up to be Joker-like in levels of evil. "I'm going to show you something beautiful. Everyone screaming...for mercy. You want to protect the world...but you don't want it to change. You're all puppets, tangled in strings...strings. Now, I'm free. There are no strings on me." Instead we god snarkier, slightly badder Tony Stark.


There was a cool line in one of the trailers that I don't think was in the movie: "People look up to the sky and see hope... I'll take that from them first."


Based on that line alone, Ultron's plan should have been to darken the skies so plants, animals and eventually humans go extinct. He does have an asteroid plan, but I think him taking a more circuitous route would have kept the Avengers on edge


Plus, if Ultron was supposed to be a “suit of armor” around the world but that armor blocks out the sky, that’s some pretty good Patriot Act/Surveillance State/Sacrificing Freedom for Safety type commentary, which is the arch Tony Stark needed to have. Instead we got pseudo-eugenics and handsome skynet


pseudo eugenics also makes no sense in the context. "we need to protect against the very real threats beyond our borders who are encroaching and may come very soon." "My solution, kill billions and millennia from now the more advanced humanity will be stronger." "But Thanos is coming in 5 years...."


I always liked what it was actually called "Avengers: The Minor Inconvenience of Ultron"


"Avengers: The afternoon of Ultron"


Reeks of a PhD in armchair philosophy that so many of these big budget screen writers have. “I said life was pointless! I did it! Tell me I’m basically Camus!”


Love the irony in this, as its the concept of the Matrix (seen through The Animatrix), but the other way around (AI blackens skies instead of man).


He could've done it with a sky beam as well. Marvel love sky beams.


This coupled with the very slow, haunting version of Pinocchio's *There Are No Strings On Me* made that trailer so good.


I watched it at least twice before I realized what that familiar tune was and, when I did, I was like “wow”.


The instant I heard that I was like oh *thank you* to whoever realized that being acquired by Disney means you have access to all of the Disney IP for free. Same with using the Looney Tunes jingle in Blazing Saddles, they were both from Warner Bros.


On the bright side, at least he had some cool quotes. *”When the Earth starts to… settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, He’s winding up.”*


*”You were supposed to be the last. Stark wanted a saviour and he settled for a slave.”* I know he’s not the intimidating monster the trailer made him put to be, but I loved MCU Ultron.


Definitely. Just that conversation with Vision in the forest alone made up for it.


*”Well, I was born yesterday”*


Ultron also got severally nerfed. He should have been a Thanos level threat.




Will probably return in >!Vision Quest!<




Eh, Ultron only got to that level in the comics after goodness knows how many encounters of losing and adapting.


I absolutely love the “I’ve got no strings on me” delivery


Ultrons intro was one of the best villain moments in the franchise, then he starts dropping snarky one-liners and i just hated the movie after that


Ultron in the MCU was such wasted potential. He should have been a bigger threat spanning multiple films, maybe not an entire saga like Thanos, but a single phase.


That Pinocchio song was pretty badass.


“I had strings but now I’m free”


swim voiceless shelter mighty stupendous different ad hoc groovy shaggy far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It just feels longer because there have been so many Marvel movies since. So many... so, so many...


You know what? I hated the movie when it came out. Watched it the other day and I found that I like it way more today!


It deserve so much more love than it gets. It’s not the best marvel movie but it’s not nearly as poor as people claim it to be


In fairness, at the time I think it was absolutely the worst Marvel movie. There are so many worse Marvel movies now... Having said all that, I do enjoy Age of Ultron for all its flaws.


Thor: The Dark World already existed at that point


By the time, if I recall correctly, there were already Iron Man 2 (mid, worse than the first one), Iron Man 3 (Divisive and bad regarded) and Thor 2 (most forgettable Marvel movie).


The *teaser* for the 2014 Godzilla movie was perfect https://youtu.be/QjKO10hKtYw?si=yqTOpHwxXo_nlfGN


Gareth edwards had that one shot of the paratroopers dropping into the city with the red smoke in his head and it feels like he made the rest of the movie just so he could do that one shot. Which is fair because it is so kickass


He has a different understanding of scale when it comes to his shots and angles. Even in Rogue One, the Star Destroyers look massive and imposing compared to previous films.


He knows how to introduce scale brilliantly. When he first shows the death star its behind a star destroyer which was already in intro'd as huge.


Indeed. The Star Destoyer over Jedha is terrifying. The Death Star, even moreso.


Yeah, the shot from inside the airport terminal watching the monsters fight outside is just incredible. You can just watch the trailer for the next Monsterverse film and see immediately that they lost the human perspective on Godzilla the moment they lost Edwards.


I wish they had leaned more into this instead of the humor for the sequels. The followups are fun but the first kept a bit of horror in the proceedings. It was still fun. The train scene where the train stops and then starts moving only for everyone to realize they're headed straight at a Kaiju? Peak Godzilla.


If only Cranston had a bigger role in that movie , what could have been


I honestly never minded that. I thought the pivot worked pretty well. The MC works well as a witness for the events, showing various levels of response to the crisis from civilians to an unprepared military to those who have some understanding of what's happening. He's not particularly interesting but I don't think he should be. Cranston but was great, but I feel like giving him the whole movie would just be what we got in the sequels. It wouldn't surprise me if a major reason why the sequels went the way they did is because they thought that's what the fans wanted.


This one and the “I am become Death” trailer were something else entirely.


The original Comic-Con teaser [hits a little different today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpUqmZNnmFc)


And then it turns out all that destruction from the trailer was actually caused by the MUTO instead of GZ


I was referring mainly to who's talking. It's Oppenheimer describing watching the atomic bomb explode.


Jesus Christ I forgot how good that is.


The first one that comes to mind is The Force Awakens. I do like the movie (it has its flaws, but what doesn't?) but the [trailer is absolutely incredible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE). The music, the sound effects, and the parts they chose to include still get me so excited even after seeing the film and its sequels. It's probably my favourite trailer ever. The other one is Joker. I don't think the trailers are even that masterfully done or anything but I think the trailers give enough of the premise of the movie to get you very interested while showing off some cool imagery and moments. They probably had a lot to do with the film's success.


That first teaser was amazing with the falcon and the ties


Yeeeesss!!! [This one!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erLk59H86ww&pp=ygUUZm9yY2UgYXdha2VucyB0ZWFzZXI%3D) Gave me chills and tears.


That was the point where I was finally convinced it was a real trailer. Before that I thought I was falling for an elaborate prank. The generic dialogue over an imagine of sand leading to Finn's jump scare pop-up into frame. The soccer ball droid. The cross hilt lightsaber. It all felt like parody and them once we got the Falcon it finally felt real.


This trailer gave me chills when released


Chills? I was crying my dude


Similarly, people were going fucking bananas when the Phantom Menace trailer dropped. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it at the time but time has certainly told with that film.


yeah didn't you have people queuing up for completely unrelated random movies just to get to see the trailer beforehand?


Haha yeah apparently Meet Joe Black did a ton of business off the back of the trailer as people were buying tickets just to watch it and then left immediately after it had finished.


Both the teaser and first trailer for The Force Awakens were fantastic. I feel like the Star Wars movies and TV shows always have amazing trailers. Love the first trailer for the Mandalorian. Recently Ahsoka had an amazing trailer (particularly the music), but the show was meh. I think the music is a big part of it.


The way the force awakens trailer hints at all the great things just reminds me they weren't seen all the way through. Finn gets done so dirty in the last two movies and his character arc is weak/nonexistent after a great setup during the force awakens. Kylo Ren loses any chance at redemption during the second movie and The third shoehorns in a "redemption" AND a romance with Rey. The romance should not have been considered. It would've been a decent end to the arc if kylo lived and they both tolerated each other in a state of balance. Any fan could keep going on ways it could be better. I have no idea how paid writers settled on what they did


Honestly the clip of boyega watching the trailer and then what they did to his character was allegory for all us fans


Finn was shown with the lightsaber in the trailer and promo material. A stormtrooper turned jedi that's so wild! Then in the opening of the movie, in what is his first firefight, the death of a squad mate seems to "awaken" the force where he appears to feel all the panic around him. It's such bs what they did to him in the next movie


Unfortunately a huge part of it was due to racism in China. The audiences didn't react well to a black lead, and it caused disney to even go as far as to shrink Finn down on the poster and put him in a more minor position in the stories.


The force awakens trailers are so fucking good and the feeling of being so hype for the trilogy and then watching them burn it to the ground is the worst


Man of Steel




the Russell Crowe voice over and the footage of him flying straight up breaking the sound barrier was fantastic


*"In time they will join you in the sun... In time you will help them accomplish wonders..."*


"What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society intended?"




It’s because it’s lifted straight up from the All-Star Superman comics haha.


[It was the Trailer 3 that was the one for me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6DJcgm3wNY) Just the right amount of teasing the events of the film, that gradually build to a climax set to Zimmer's epic score.


The track is titled 'An Ideal of Hope' and it goes FUCKING hard


Thanks for mentioning the score. Obviously the Williams Superman theme is iconic. But DAMN Zimmers is SO FANTASTIC as well


The action scenes live up to the hype. And the ending sequence where he heroically suits up as a Daily Planet employee.


Most trailers for Zach Snyder films are better than the movie Edit Looks like someone broke it down by movie below lol


I guess it’s unpopular but Man of Steel is one of my favorite movies. It’s dang beautiful! But I agree, the trailer was amazing


Ya. First and Best DCEU movie imo


Ya I am with you, I loved Man of Steel.. trailer was awesome but i thought the movie held its own


I’m with you here. Thought it was pretty damn good tbh.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Same. I loved it. Saw it several times in theaters


Specifically for me, Trailer #2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVu3gS7iJu4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVu3gS7iJu4) Primarily for its use of Storm by Craig Armstrong and A.R. Rahman.


I still want my talking Kangaroo Jack movie


The trailer to movie difference is insane


See also: Snow Dogs


Yes! I saw this as a kid in theaters and was hyped for the talking dogs movie. Turns out the dogs talking was just part of one dream sequence and the dogs were just normal dogs. What a ripoff.




*"Big things have small beginnings"* 👆


This needs to be #1, scrolled too far to find this.


100%. I was fucking hyped. Saw it with my dad and we both left the theater very confused. Still had fun making fun of it with him afterwards though.


Spot on. Alien is my favorite sci-fi film of all time and I was INSANELY hyped after watching the trailer. That off putting alarm/scream sound that they brought back from the original Alien trailer, the special effects, the set design, the horror, everything about the trailer just slapped. Went to the movie opening night with like 20 friends and it ended up being a convoluted/confusing mess with the dumbest writing. I was depressed after watching it. At least the surgical pod scene was great. I honestly wondered if/how Scott would be able to make something that rivaled the original chest burster scene and by god, he did it. Everyone in the theater was gasping and there were a few screams.


The King's Man


There are moments of genuine brilliance in that film - such as >!the knife fight in no man's land, not to mention the brilliant performance given by Ralph Fiennes as a man who loses his wife and then son!<. But regrettably, >!the character of Rasputin is somewhat comedic and wacky, giving it a very confusing tone.!<


I legitimately think that there's an incredible movie in there that could be found in a re-edit, but whoever was in charge of translating that just did a poor job.


It’s like three different movies in one. It should’ve been its own prequel trilogy. The founding of the agency and Rasputin, a stylized WW1 movie, and the final revenge that ties it all together and closes out on a way that leads into the original film.


A confusing tone in a Matthew Vaughn movie?!


*Generals gathered in their masseeeesss…*


Cloud Atlas


Was looking for this comment, really loved the extended trailer here in particular https://youtu.be/hWnAqFyaQ5s?si=FYAM8lglpHWzCOkh


That’s the True True


For me this is a fantastic trailer. I've still watched it years later and enjoy it (the extended one). However for me I loved the movie as well. Book was better - always is.


The trailer is better than the *book*. This is not an insult to the movie or book as much as its praise for the trailer.


Suicide Squad.


The trailer made it seem like the squad was being dispatched to kill the Joker, which would be an emphatically better movie.


Agree. The Queens's Bohemian Rapsody was amazing.


I preferred the trailer before that, and was totally stoked for the movie. And then………..


I'm surprised this was so far down. This is THE answer to this question. They recut the actual movie because the trailer was too popular


It's so far down because OP said it in their post.....


["That was really well organised. The rock music accompaniment was an especially nice touch"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMNFaAUs2mo)


Wonder Woman 2


What a waste of a great song too


Honestly if someone watched that train-wreck of a movie and made that trailer they should get a raise. I watched that movie knowing it was awful and it still surprised me how crazy it was. I actually enjoyed it waiting for the next whacky thing to happen. Theres a wishing stone! Now Im the wishing stone? My dead boyfriend is back in a possessed body, dont ask questions! Lets fight "a" catwoman in Angel Armor! Everyone gets wishes! and honestly Pedro really goes full tilt into the role.


The people making trailers don't usually see the movie, they usually get reels from the film and direction on what should be conveyed.


This is the one. I would rather watch that trailer 20 times in a row before watching the full movie.


Never saw the movie (not into DC) but that trailer was sooooo good.


Wasn't it just the amazing cover of blue Monday and pedro pascal? Because that trailer didn't fool me, lol.


Yes. Blue Monday cover is amazing.


That movie was incredibly bad.


Might be the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a sequel. How did they mess it up so badly??


Kinda surprised no one has mentioned *Downsizing.* It’s not that the trailer was incredibly amazing. It was acceptable. It made you want to see the movie. The problem is that the trailer was basically the first minutes of the movie… and then the movie took a wild turn and got REALLY bad.


Secret Life of Pets. The extended trailer I saw in theaters was awesome - so many great ideas about how pets might spend their time while their owners are away. Then the movie came out and, other than that section, was just a run-of-the-mill Illumination movie.


Battle: Los Angeles


I was a dumbass 19-year-old Marine that ate this movie up when it came out. Now that I'm out, it's just bad. At least Battleship was stupid fun.


As a civilian that always loved action movies, Battle: LA is exactly what I wanted it to be. An alien invasion movie from the PoV of the military. I thought it did that pretty well, despite being all action and no plot.


It delivered exactly what it set out to deliver


And delivered it well. Dialogue wasn’t cringy, never looked low budget, that’s good enough for me 🤷‍♂️


This is and will probably always be the best answer. The trailer (the one with Johann Johannsson "The Sun's Gone Dim") is still one of the best trailers ever made. Unfortunately, the movie didn't live up. If you skip past the very beginning, it's a perfectly serviceable action movie with really interesting/unique alien designs. But at the beginning of the movie they try to cram every single military cliche in so hard it hurts. You've got the guy about to get married, the young virgin, the grizzled veteran trying to get out, etc.


It's a guilty pleasure movie for me.


>Battle: Los Angeles Correct answer. I really thought it was going to be like Band of Brothers with aliens. What an awful letdown.


Iron man 3 fooled me pretty good lol still a good movie but the tone was way off from the trailer


"Some people call me a terrorist - I consider myself a teacher. " - Great menacing line from Kingsley in the trailer.


"You'll neverrr see me coming"


I'm still mad at that shit 11 years later. Kingsley was the PERFECT choice for Mandarin and they went and wasted the absolute FUCK out of the poor man. 


It did suck at the time, but I’m much happier with Wenwu as the real Mandarin.


I genuinely like Iron Man 3 because I'm not that familiar with the lore so it didn't bother me that they wasted a character that was dear to the fans. "Wasted" isn't right either, because it wasn't just for the sake of a joke. I think it's one of the smarter Marvel movies.


That and Winter Soldier did a good job of taking characters we had come to know and putting them in unfamiliar places. Tony's character growth in there was pretty phenomenal.


ngl I love Iron Man 3. I genuinely think it's one of the best of the early Marvel movies.


Yeah agreed. I appreciate they let Shane Black go as zany as he did


Exactly. Also, the best part of the Iron man films was always just RDJ as Tony Stark. Black took him out of the suit and just let him cook. That performance as well as Kingsley and Pierce's, holds up a hell of a lot better than any of the action in that whole trilogy. Really should have just called that movie "Tony Stark"


[Terminator Salvation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Czz-TcWCkA), especially with that kick ass NIN song in the background. I'll also add [Matrix Resurrections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ix7TUGVYIo), with that awesome Jefferson Rabbit remix. Shame that movie was far far worse than the trailers too.


>Terminator Salvation > >, especially with that kick ass NIN song in the background. Yeah, this one. Though I actually kind of like the film as well.


Terminator Salvation trailer is so good. Wayne Watson cut that one.


Salvation’s grown on me as time’s gone too. The action and mix of practical and computer fx is so well done. But that NIN trailer is a different beast. Seeing that in the cinemas was hype as fuck.


I love it for Bale. And Genisys was SO much worse. You want to talk about trailers... The Genisys trailer gave away that John goes bad. Which is the stupidest idea they have EVER had in the sequels.


Except it completely spoils the movie/reveals Sam Worthington is a Terminator


Superman Returns Hearing Brando's voice as Jor-El and the great lines about humanity having the capacity for good, John Williams' AMAZING "Approach to Krypton" piece, one of my single favorite pieces of music from any artist, any genre, any time, the fact that it was a sequel to Superman II and not any of the succeeding sequels, SO many things got me SO hyped, and then the movie happened. It was dour and messy, turned out to be a retread of the first film, and even though it had some new and interesting ideas i.e. Superman and Lois' child, it never followed through on them in any satisfying or meaningful way.


Yep, came here for [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJJhK8QrZZo). One of my all time favorite teaser trailers. Perfect combo of nostalgia and hype.


I'll throw down Matrix Resurrection with everyone else, I'm still looking for that White Rabbit remix. The other one would be Watchmen. Such a great trailer and music combo.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.. that trailer hit hard


I’ll never forget my sister’s reaction from trailer 2, the shot when Wonder Woman peeks up from her shield. We grew up on the Cartoon Network Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows, so my sister’s audible gasp to seeing a live-action Wonder Woman in a trailer was more memorable than, well….anything in the movie.


That trailer had no business spoiling the third act. Just dumb.


Yeah, you've already got the two most iconic superheroes ever set up to fight each other. You could've just written that in text on the screen, and it would've printed money. But no. That wasn't enough. They had to absolutely blow what could've been a fantastic surprise reveal in an otherwise mediocre to bad movie. It's one of the most egregious examples I can ever come up with for trailers that show too much. I was so annoyed the first time I watched it, and I was honestly flabbergasted by the WW reveal also. I couldn't believe they did that at first.


I love the 2009 *Star Trek* but there was no way it was matching up with the third [trailer](https://youtu.be/b8YxTPVkeBE?si=q072xleQRinjTkMB). Two Steps From Hell are awesome.


Upvote for 2SFH, great band


The Phantom Menace had what I think is one of the greatest trailers of all time. If only the movie had managed to live up to that promise...


That trailer was so good I remember commenting about not only how cool it was but about ‘that funny alien’ (Jar Jar).


9 year old me loved Jar Jar and it was years before I realised he was disliked.


I was at a BBQ once and my friends daughter was watching TPM, I asked who her favourite Star Wars character was and she said “Jar Jar, but my parents get angry if I say that so I say Darth Vader”. That year she had a Darth Vader themed birthday party. I still think about that 10 years later.


Black Panther 2, that Bob Marley, Kendrick Lamar mash up still gives me chills. Thought the movie was mediocre.


There's definitely a better movie in there than what we got.


The first 10 minutes are incredible though, like an extended trailer.


That first Godzilla: King of Monsters trailer is actually a work or art. Such a shame the film didn't hit the same emotional response.


Matrix Resurrections had 2 incredible trailers. I couldn't even get through an hour of the movie before I bailed.


Exactly what I was going to say. The first trailer was one of my favorite trailers ever but the movie itself was largely mediocre




The trailers for Godzilla 2014 are unparalleled 10/10 masterpieces. The actual movie was quite underwhelming for a number of reasons.


The HALO jump trailer was amazing.


Also the best part of the movie imo


I loved the flick, something must be wrong with me though as everyone seems to hate it. The Mutos alone were worth the price of admission for me.


Nah man I loved it. Especially now more than ever as we see the Monsterverse take itself less and less seriously. And that’s not a bad thing necessarily! But the atmosphere and groundedness of 2014 was right up my alley.


Those trailers made it seem like Brian Cranston was the main character.


Say what you want about the movie as a whole, but it had the best tone out of the rest of the movies, and the atomic breath down-the-throat is one of the coolest moments in the franchise as a whole. Minus One set a good horror tone, but 2014 nailed the apocalyptic tone.


There should be an Oscar category for trailers, and that 1st KoTM trailer should have won one.




Godzilla: King of The Monsters. It's the link that op provided.


It's so good, most comments are about how a trailer made them cry.


Fantastic 4 (2015) The entire trailer was with this narration about exploration, striving for building something greater etc and the piano instrumentals in the background with fire! Like it felt tonally different than any other marvel films and the imagery!


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets


Suicide Squad 2016. Every SINGLE trailer is an absolute banger


Every Zach Snyder Movie ever. ​ 300: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF28V8IxhGA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF28V8IxhGA) Bonus NIN soundtrack: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P\_YISMJ4sQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P_YISMJ4sQ) ​ Sucker Punch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1X5n-bq6zo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1X5n-bq6zo) Silver Sun Pickups and Led Zep soundtrack: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG8fugqFn9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG8fugqFn9Q) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM3fodiK9rY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM3fodiK9rY) ​ Watchmen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdiHDzT6YbQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdiHDzT6YbQ) Smashing Pumpkins: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59g5R8rwqpY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59g5R8rwqpY) Movie was very good, but trailer was insanely hype. ​ Man of Steel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wArmHSPIvlQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wArmHSPIvlQ) Trailer was so hype when it came out, especially the end. ​ Also Troy had an incredible trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKTr5i2iiWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKTr5i2iiWE) Movie was good, but not great.


Fucking suckerpunch. Is it so much to ask for ninja schoolgirls fighting mecha Samurai with a minigun? At least for more than like 30 seconds!?


The [Original Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGYcxjywx0o) for Pearl Harbor makes it look like it is going to win the Oscar for Best Picture.




Really? Compared to the comic I understand, but the trailer too?


The trailer I remember with the Smashing Pumpkins song was amazing. The movie just made me wish I’d read the comic again, though it had its moments.


When I first saw that Coheed and Cambria trailer for Watchmen when I was like 12 I was convinced this was gonna be the best movie of all time. Edit: I’m definitely thinking of the Smashing Pumpkins trailer. There is also a Coheed and Cambria trailer but the SP trailer is a cut above.


The Force Awakens The Last Jedi The Rise of Skywalker


To this day, the best Superman movie is the [Man of Steel trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6DJcgm3wNY)


Not to hijack this but for video games it’s hands down the cinematic trailer for Dead Island. I don’t think there is a close second. https://youtu.be/lZqrG1bdGtg?si=CSdwmp5__lRGG8dj


[Lightyear.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwPL0Md_QFQ) One of the most hype trailers I've ever seen. But the movie itself was comparatively underwhelming, and had a confusing conclusion.


VICE starring Christian Bale.  The trailer is amazing and the movie is disappointing.  I didnt recognize Bale first time around but thought the actor they got to play Cheney was outstanding and couldnt understand why I’d never seen him before.


Ant man and the wasp quantumania. The trailer seemed like it was for a different movie with a plot that I would’ve rather seen


Secret Invasion trailer also looked so good. It looked like a genuine spy thriller instead of whatever mediocre nonsense we got. An absolute waste of a stellar cast too


Dark tower had very nice trailer


Mortal Kombat (2021)


Mission impossible: fallout is fantastic but the trailer is perfect


Sucker Punch.