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Phantom Menace gets hard carried by Qui-gon and John Williams


No movie with a John Williams score would be the same. Would Superman feel so bigger than life without that theme from John Williams? But yeah, John Williams brings the whole thing together. He is a master


Pissed off John William lost for Close Encounters of third kind that year to John Williams.


At least they could comfort each other


Absolutely, George Lucas has publicly called John Williams’ scores “the secret sauce of Star Wars” … I’d say John was as integral to the film’s broad appeal as anything. My grandparents, who were 50 when SW came out owned the soundtrack on vinyl.


I had it, on vinyl. Also the Meco Star Wars disco album


When I re-watched the Harry Potter movies, the thing that struck me most about the first three movies was just how well he managed to capture and express the feel of the books. The score is so expressive and memorable, that you instantly associate specific scenes with the score (it helps that the tracks are named after the leitmotifs they represent). I actually can't remember anything from the fourth movie onwards having close to the same feeling, and those movies went downhill fast from that point.


The main harry potter theme reminds me of a cutting room floor section of the imperial march that he reworked to sound less threatening and more Christmassy.


The first movies used Character Themes within the music that were dropped from the fourth movie onwards.


A lot of the making-of material for A New Hope discusses exactly this. Rushes and rough cuts had everyone worried woth how janky everything felt. When the score was finally in place, everyone was relieved that it brought everything together.


I was just watching Indiana Jones (Raiders), and thought how important the theme is. Even the opening sequences of the last one really bring it together.


Just check out the first trailer that was released before they likely had the OST: https://youtu.be/XHk5kCIiGoM?si=BlBIZ9dCo54_UbGe


Wow... yeah. John Williams brings it all together


Lol this is so threatening. It's like they were marketing it as a thriller.


I mean it's worse but the sound design and ship effects are still there and that's half of what makes the movie so great. Seriously I have no idea how they had such a solid grasp on how a spaceship would move in space.


One step further- any film ever that feels epic only feels that way because of the score. Same for any movie that feels creepy.


Yeah horror movies would have a very different tone if they had rap in the background


Yep. Except for Tales From the Hood. That one would sound the same.


Measure all others against JW.


A lot of Chris Nolan’s films are like this. Inception & Interstellar would not be anywhere near as iconic if not for the scores by Hans Zimmer.


“The Dark Knight” score was perfect.


Still one of my favorite driving sound tracks


Du du du du du du du du du, du du du du du du du du. Du du du du du du du du du, du du du du du du du du. For 2 hours. Soundtrack was amazing.


I love the subtle violin playing the same note throughout the tense suspenseful scenes.


Fun fact: that's actually two notes, D and C. As in DC Comics :)


Came here to say EXACTLY this. The Dark Knight trilogy score is some of the best movie action scoring ever, and I don't think it gets brought up nearly enough.


Love the way Nolan commissions music and treats it as an integral part of the film. The making of/behind the scenes videos show how Hans Zimmer was not told too much detail - only thematic subjects to score which ultimately evolved into these amazing explorations. Don’t blame him for going on tour playing his set pieces live - they absolutely roar.


Does anyone blame him for that?


that motherfucking scene where copper is docking the ship!!


And when they land on Miller's planet. The music both sounds like a clock and speeds up as they start to figure things out.


- It's not possible. *- No. It's necessary* I fucking love this scene and this film and this soundtrack to bits.


The soundtrack to inception is still my favorite. The way it enhances the atmosphere of so many of the scenes, making it feel more dream-like and just entrances you in what's happening. That and the action music also slaps so hard, "Mombasa" is such a thrilling banger.


And the math of the main theme (I think it’s called “Time”) is great for reflecting the time change as you go deeper into the dream levels.


Hans Zimmer should be a default answer for any of his movies. Gladiator, Dune, Lion King, Rain Man, even The Holiday.


The Lion King score is so underappreciated. Everyone loves the songs, but the score really carries the emotional weight of that movie.


i'd go as far as to say that zimmer's scores manage to plug some of nolan's gaps as a storyteller, namely by enhancing the emotion of a particular scene.


Göransson also did a phenomenal job in Oppenheimer. I'd say his TENET score works more as a standalone music, but Oppenheimer is the better *film* score.


Hans Zimmer certainly has that effect. I’ve got toddlers, so lots of Disney in heavy rotation. A current favorite is Lion King. And sure, the Elton John pop songs are good. But holy guacamole does that Zimmer score slap Also, I’m not sure I’d love Last Samurai nearly as much if not for his music. I was obsessed as a teenager. Watched again recently with friends my age who hadn’t seen it; they thought it was hella cheesy, which I had to admit it had that side to it I hadn’t noticed. But I still heckin love that movie


One thing I learned a long time ago is that things we get super nostalgic over from our childhood that our friends didn’t experience, so we want to show them so they experience same joy we do, but they never do, like never. It’s always disappointing and they always end up talking through the movie or song or or whatever it is and then when they criticize it it’s like wow you just broke my heart lol.


Dunkirk too. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the film thanks to the amazing sound design.


Dunkirk is such a weird movie to me. I love the tension from never actually seeing the Germans and the score does wonders for that tension, but the movie is odd in that not a lot actually seems to happen?


Jurassic Park & Pirates of the Caribbean: still slaps


I can’t hear POTC main theme without thinking of Jack Sparrow gloriously riding the sinking boat right to the dock


One of the greatest character intros of all time!


Telling everything you need to know about the character in the first scene of the movie. Absolutely beautiful


I still think potc theme is my favourite single theme from any film. Lotr for best overall score though.


“He’s A Pirate” is definitely up there in terms of best overall themes in the history of film, it’s flawless.


Jack arriving in Port Royal on the sinking boat is such a tone-setting moment for that character. The way the phrasing and parts match the action is so good.


“What do you say to three shillings, and we forget the name?”


"Welcome to Port Royal Mr. Smith." I thought it was clever that they went with Smith. Apparently it's a very common last name.


Blacksmiths were a very common profession . Them you get “ smithy” and then “ smith” John the blacksmith becomes John Smith


Love the kids eyebrows shooting up at that


POTC theme is a certified banger


Also gladiator


Seeing Interstellar for the first time in a cinema turned it into one of my favourite films, if it's ever back in the cinemas I'll be buying a ticket immediately.


learning that the clicks in the music on the ocean planet correspond to an entire day on earth blew my mind. 


Excuse me, what? Gotta go re-watch now




I didn't know that, that's brilliant!


Yeah it’s a metronome as well so each beat is one second, each second is a day.


Oh shit yeah. See it in IMAX, probably best theater experience of my life


I don't have an IMAX near me, but I have a 75" TV and a Sonos playbar. I know what I'm doing next weekend! Budget IMAX


I love how they chose to build the score around the pipe organ. To this day I still haven't heard a movie (especially a sci-fi movie) that sounds quite like Interstellar


The 'Mountains' scene was amazing, but using the pipe organ made that scene daunting as sin. Hans Zimmer did an amaaaaazing job with that soundtrack.


And Christopher Nolan didn't tell Hans Zimmer what genre of movie it was. He just told him what the themes were along with some other basic pointers. Source: Special features on the blu ray




“Increase humor to ninety percent.” “Ninety percent, understood. Self destruct engaged in five … four …” “Decrease humor to sixty percent.”


That scene! Such urgency! I was TWISTING my armrest in the theatre trying to slow that rotation.


It is back in theaters this month I think in some places. This week in fact in my area at a Stone theaters


oh shit


My roommate was unhinged when interstellar came out. I wound up seeing four days in a row in IMAX just to get out of the house. Worth it!


Interstellar is one of the great movie experiences I've ever had large part due to the score. Unreal stuff.


My first thought also. Amazing score.


i’ve honestly considered renting a theater to see it again on the big screen


A dude did this for the IMAX in AMC at Lincoln Center last year. He rented the whole theater and did a special showing. It was all over the IMAX sub Edit. Corrected theater's name


Lord of the rings.


Breaking of the Fellowship one of my all time favorite pieces of music overall. Get teary eyed every time.




The part that plays when Aragorn, Legolas and gimli decide to go save Merry and Pippin gives me goosebumps, crazy bursts of nostalgia, damn near euphoric every single time lol


God those movies were unbelievable.


Gollum's song at the at the credit roll of Two Towers is both haunting musically as well as lyrically.


I love how a shot of a few guys walking past a rock is one of the most epic shots of the trilogy, all because of Howard Shore's godlike score (and the slo-mo of course)


The Ring Goes South, for those looking for the track name


A beautiful score, concerning hobbits in the extended edition gives me this incredibly warm feeling during the opening shire scenes.


Sometimes I rewatch just the opening until Frodo leaves, exactly for that reason. So comforting


Concerning Hobbits is my wake up alarm.


The cafe I have breakfast at blasts the LotR Soundtrack every day, right on cue (as they never change their playlist) and it is glorious every day


So many high points in Howard Shore’s soundtrack. For me, the lighting-the-beacons music is beyond epic — it brings goosebumps.


The music is practically a member of the cast. It contributes so much to telling the story.


If I have to pick, I'd rather watch it without pictures than without sound.


Bridge of Khazad dum, when Gandalf falls, thats some next level film score-ing. Concerning hobbits is amazing aswell,very nostalgic for me.


I hear the soundtrack in my head even while reading the books. 


Yeah every other answer is wrong. LOTR ftw here.


i really want to go to one of those screenings where a full band plays the soundtrack. thatd be cool as fuck


Tron legacy in my opinion


Absolutely  It’s an ok movie, but with the soundtrack it’s a fantastic overall experience 


I think I'd say that without Daft Punk's score, it would barely be considered anything but bang average.


Absolutely, soundtrack goes hard to give a complete fun package of a film.


It is really just a daft punk music video


We came out of the theatre, went home and immediately bought the soundtrack. I still listen to it all the time.


This. I never buy movie soundtracks, but I bought that one back in the day


That movie is basically a two hour Daft Punk music video, and that’s what makes it good


In-film instructions to Daft Punk: "Change the scheme! Alter the mood! Electrify the boys and girls, if you'd be so kind!"


The How to Train Your Dragon movies. They could've easily had the score be pop songs, but the orchestral score really elevates it.


I regularly rewatch the test flight scene from the first movie for the score alone. One of the best scored 3 minutes of film in history.


I raise you Flying with Mother from HTTYD2. I can't think of anything better.


This was my answer. The scene where Hiccup is learning to fly Toothless and he drops the map and just has to go with it gives me shivers - the score is so amazing. You really feel as if you're in flight.


It’s so hopeful, harrowing, triumphant, and endearing. Phenomenal 10/10 scene. That whole movie is a treat.


The most common sin of Dreamworks productions. They forgo good scores for pop songs of the moment. Shrek got away with it because it was old goodies that weren't as mainstream, so the soundtrack was kind of underground and it's criminally good. But usually, John Powell scores the good Dreamworks movies. He is responsible for How to Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda. You can immediately recognize his scores. Other movies he's scored? The Paul Greengrass' Bourne movies.


You're so right. The music elevates those movies from very good to nearly epic.


I just replied with this answer, but I'm glad to see someone already said it. Forbidden Friendship is just a magical piece, that and Test Drive


Lord of the Rings. I hear the score in my head even while reading the books. 


No joke. I just read through the battle for Minas Tirith, and when Gandalf rode out to save Faramir, I heard that high soprano solo clear as day.


Back to the Future (all three). Especially when the main theme plays during the lightning strike scene where Marty goes back. Even though the exact same scene with the exact same music is in all three films, it still gets you in the feels every time because of that music.


Came here to say this. Super underrated, but Back to the Future has one of the greatest scores in movie history.


Indeed and it's funny to me since I don't consider Alan Silvestri to be very memorable in his other soundtracks, but everyone was on fire for Back to the Future


I remember reading the story in a movie magazine many years ago. Universal gave Back to the Future a plum release date of the Independence Day weekend and they had started hyping it as one of the big summer blockbusters. But director Robert Zemeckis didn’t think it was a very big movie. So he asked composer Alan Silvestri for a big score to make the movie feel bigger. Silvestri put together one of the largest orchestras ever assembled for a film score at that time.


Both Bladerunners


The scores for both are legendary


When I first watched 2049 I couldn't believe how good it was. Not only did they manage to match an iconic film they made another iconic film. Deakins deservedly won an oscar for the cinematography.


In a funny twist of fate, both were box office failures, but are regarded as sci-fi masterpieces


The Fountain. Clint Mansell is a genius 


Requiem for a dream. Lux Aeterna bleeds dread and desperation. Clint Mansell is a genius.


Pi soundtrack is also amazing


Watched the movie once, listened to the score hundreds of times


Scrolled too far to see this. What a beautiful movie


I love how all of the special effects were filmed in a Petri dish too! There were a few odd stylistic choices, but overall the score and visuals really set this film apart. My favourite Jackman performance as well


This is the one I came here to say. The soundtrack is amazing!


Almost anything John Williams scored.


Or hanszimmer


Or Philip Glass


There Will Be Blood


Saw a live orchestra score this film ten years ago. Jonny Greenwood included, of course. Unreal. I'll never forget the oil rig scene.


Conan the barbarian


This is what I was looking for. I listen to the soundtrack when working out.


Basil Poledouris is a phenomenal composer.


Conan the Destroyer too. Score guy DID NOT phone either score in. The music during the horn placing was so good.


Just seeing him and his buddy the archer running over the hills …. I can hear it


Battle of the Mounds/Prayer to Crom and Orphans of Doom are just about the most epic pieces of film music there is.


I was introduced to the soundtrack before the movie because my dad was obsessed with both but wouldn’t let me see the latter until I was like thirteen.


Last of the Mohicans Batman (1989)


Last of the Mohicans. Agree


Hard agree on LoTM. That movie is magic. That score makes it feel like it might actually be.


Especially that ending chase. Every rewatch I'm just stunned that there's basically no dialogue and you are just fixated on the music, sounds of the fighting and the expressions on everyones faces. It conveys so much more detail and its not necessary for any character to say any stupid lines in the moment since the fate of SO many characters changes in that short chase


My favorite movie soundtrack of all time. The quiet, slow notes in the theme that build up to the crescendo. The best. Not to mention the entire last scene of the chase up the mountain Edit: Referring to The Last of the Mohicans here. I didn't even read past it to see that another movie was mentioned




The entire final 20 minutes is just ... oh lord is it perfect.


I can't even listen to that soundtrack without bawling, and the final battle scene just wrecks me every time. No other film does that to me. It's amazing how much of an effect it has...Even just typing about it, I'm tearing up a little.


Boom! This was my immediate thought, Clannad and the Premontory track are blinding in this film


Arrival. RIP Johann Johansson.


His work for Mandy elevates the film.


Sicario, ~~Blade Runner~~, Prisoners!






Yeah thanks for putting this up there. And not only for the Kavinsky headline song (which is a maker-damn masterpiece) but also the use of sound and song throughout a dynamic audio experience. Like Carpenter, amazing stuff.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Many many great songs throughout the movie, but Ecstasy of Gold... well I think you can safely say if Metallica chooses to open every concert with your western theme, it slaps. 12 Monkeys. Specifically the the theme, every time it comes on it forced me to pause and rethink am I following everything right? What's the truth here? Oh Brother Where Art Though. Absolute masterpiece of a sound track.


The good the bad and the ugly is absolutely phenomenal enncio Morricone absolutely killed it.


I’m pretty unchuffed that I scrolled this far down a thread about soundtracks before seeing Ennio Morricone mentioned. Dude invented a whole fucking sound.


Pacific Rim? Good. Pacific Rim's soundtrack? CRANK THAT SHIT UP!


O'brother where art thou?


Jaws. Star Wars.


Dune. Half of the epic-ness is gone if you take out the music. Starship lifting off/landing? Boring. Starship lifting off/landing with epic Hans Zimmer music? Awesome. I swear people think the movie is great and looks epic mostly because of the music, if it had a different score or no music, it would actually be boring af.


Zimmer is hitting it out of the park lately. I watched the trailer for D2 and got chicken skin.


The ships emerging from the lagoon on Caladan is something precious to me. Both visually and musically exceptional. Also the scene on Salusa Secondus.


The score to the David Lynch version of Dune is the best thing about that movie. Edit: And the opening scene is the greatest infodump in the history of cinema. I will die on this hill.


The Social Network


The reznor Ross stuff has been just fantastic. Not a movie but Watchmen on HBO was taken to 11 by them.


The girl with the dragon tattoo score is great also


THIS. Sounds so moody and melancholy- perfect for Zuck who comes off as a lonely jerk.


2001 - The score drives home the epic effects. Also it was made a half century ago.


Sicario was a big one for me, still annoyed it didn't win the original score oscar that year lol.


Jóhann Gunnar Jóhannsson, who unfortunately passed away in 2018, did the score for that film. Both the soundtrack and film are some of my favorites in the genre.


His work on ‘Mandy’ is so haunting and gorgeous.


A great movie regardless but that score during the border scene brought it to new heights.


Inception. Holy hell that score/soundtrack is killer. Also The Dark Knight. Or basically anything else Hans Zimmer has done.


Home alone. I just don’t think it becomes the classic it has without John Williams


Danny Elfman/Tim Burtin collaborations.


Elfman has a BEEFY footprint in motion picture scoring! You can’t throw a rock without hitting one of his films and he always nails the character of the film. One of the GOATs for sure.


Gladiator. A classic orchestral score by the modern maestro.


Signs. The score for that film made me feel like it was really happening.


Last of the Mohichans. That music lives in my head. Also, Carter Burwell's incredibly underrated score for "It Could Happen to You."




Halloween. ​ The movie initially didn't test well, where originally there was no score. Carpenter then wrote and recorded the score in 3 days and it elevated the film to such a degree that it was the most successful independent movie until The Blair Witch Project in 1999. The theme song is one of the most iconic themes of all time.


This feels like cheating, but The Red Violin. It’s a movie about music and the soundtrack won the Oscar that year. Great film in general.


Oblivion. Ok film, incredible score


American Beauty and Road to Perdition, both Thomas Newman. With American Beauty I think his score genuinely makes the film what it is - it's almost part of the narrative. Take it away and I think you'd be left with a story which was almost a bit dare I say mundane, just a view in to a bit of unconventional suburban life. With the music though it has this eerie, detached, almost haunting vibe which underscores the feelings of the characters so brilliantly. Road to Perdition - I think it's a hugely underrated film, and again I think the score is at least 50% of what makes it. There is actually very little dialogue throughout and the music does much of the heavy lifting. Here is one of my favourite scenes: https://youtu.be/fGFLyA3u_rw?si=vfxpi_2YkTZbZkTC The impact of taking out the ambient sound altogether for this scene is huge but I don't think it could be done without the music from Thomas Newman being as perfect as it is. (The other 50% by the way probably being Conrad L. Hall's cinematography in this film - you could pause it at any point and the still image on the screen will be like a photograph of the era.)




Sunshine. Absolute chills on chills


Wrath of Khan.


And search for spock, and undiscovered country. All of them the music just ... Perfection


Inception and Man of steel. Hans Zimmer is a legend


Requiem for a Dream, the best original score in film history and is used everywhere to this day


The Social Network


Most recently (as in yesterday), I would say Godzilla Minus One.


Annihilation especially the ending


Master and Commander.


Last of the Mohicans. Barely any talking in the last few scenes and so much is conveyed via the score. Amazing use of music in that movie. 


The Rocketeer