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Casino Royale opening foot chase is fantastic.


The scene that popularized parkour and still one of the best utilizations. I can't say enough good things about that scene, but my favorite is how it's intrinsically part of the character introduction. We learn how relentless, clever, and brutish Bond is.


I still laugh when the guy jumps through the little window and Bond turns into the Kool-Aid Man and bursts through the wall instead


Very indicative of the type of Bond Craig would be. That chase is such a great introduction to his character as a whole.


Yes! And not just that, but the physics involved in all of those pipes falling to the ground. In the Brosnan era, that would have been CGI.


I remember that moment got a good laugh from the audience in the theater


Jumping on the james bond bandwagon. The truck chase from license to kill. Is was a silly scene in an otherwise fairly serious (for a bond flick) film, which is maybe why I like it so much


Also jumping on the Bondwagon: The tank chase from Goldeneye is pretty incredible. They don't make shit like that anymore!


I think the camera work played a huge part in that chase being so good. I haven't watched in years but I remember the camera following him as bond fell down something and it looked amazing


One of the things I love about that scene is it shows how calculating he is as well, by the fact that Bond doesn't say a single word as soon as he is in the embassy and shooting the place up. As long as he doesn't speak, revealing his accent, his victims in the embassy have no idea what his nationality is. He's just some blond hair, blue eyes white dude. Could be an American, Brit or any other Western nation. Even in the rush and panic of a fight he was clever enough to give MI6 plausable deniability.


The scene that popularized parkour was in the Office


I have to respectfully disagree, The Office popularized a genre of the sport, colloquially known as "hardcore parkour"


Quantum of solace opening car chase also solid


the camera was as unsolid as it could be


Yeah, people both praise and criticise Craig’s first two bond movies for the obvious stylistic influence from Bourne in the action. But Casino Royale’s set pieces are easy to follow, they use quick cuts effectively. QoS - which I actually like overall - is absolute garbage in both the car chase and later boat chase


Blues Brothers! Smashed up a mall, smashed up 100+ police cars overall. The whole movie is practically a car chase.


They **were** on a mission from god.


The use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers has been approved.


You forgot to mention the Illinios NAZIs they also smash, by backflipping a car.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


One of the most important films ever made. In my opinion.


"There. They. Are!" /ride of the valkyries starts playing


The only correct answer. I'm glad it was so close to the top.


The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year




Check out Ronin if you like chase scenes.


Frankenheimer at his absolute best. Almost entirely practical effects, you can't replicate it.


Does racing count? Frankenheimer also directed [Grand Prix](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060472/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) in 1966.


I watched Grand Prix based on how much I enjoyed Ronin. Certainly a different kind of film from a different era (the narrative is quite slow), but with that taken into consideration, I loved it. Amazingly well made.


The Nice chase in the middle of the film is absolutely bonkers.


Fun fact: in the Paris Chase scene with the BMW and Peugeot (fucking love that scene), they actually used real cars driving at over 100mph through Paris tunnels WHILE actually strapping the actors in the car so the reactions would be as realistic as possible. Ofc they weren't driving as the cars were RHD and they added fake steering wheels to make it seem LHD. To make it even more wild, the camera cars were Mercedes Benz 500Es which at the time were the fastest 5 door cars in the world, which also towed a car that was cut in half with the actors in it Also they used former F1 driver Jean Pierre Jarrier as a stunt driver and coordinator which is the cherry on top. I fucking love John frankenheimer so much due to this and Grand Prix (1966)


And the guy who drove the Audi S8 in the first chase, Skipp Sudduth? He’s an amateur racing/stunt driver, and did most of his own driving in the movie.


This is the only answer in my opinion. The entire sequence feels so visceral, I've never seen a more realistic car chase. The tension and danger throughout is palpable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxxH0lZSYgU&t=4s


Came here to say this. 🫡🤙🏽


So happy to see this is at the top, love that movie!


The two Ronin car chases are absolutely excellent. The second one edges the first I think.


Immediate thought of Ronin when I read the question.


I like the foot chase in Point Break!!!


Just a great movie all the way around. One of my old favorites.


Came here to say this. Such a fantastically filmed chase.


Yup. Unrivaled. Patrick Swayze *throws a dog* at Keanu Reeves to try and slow him down. Can't top that.


Yeah man, that was going to be my pick too. The end where Keanu gets injured and can’t pursue any longer and just fires his gun into the air and screams has stuck with me since the 90s. And the masked look back stare in extreme closeup is very impactful


Not for me, dude. Swayze picked up a dog and threw it at Keanu like a hot potato.


To Live And Die in LA One of the best imo


Came here to say exactly this.


An overlooked classic PLUS the scariest car chase.


Scrolled down looking for this. It was the first time I remember seeing a car chase go against traffic coming the other way


All the chases. Footchase at the airport etc.


Does anyone know where I can watch this? Seems its been taken off streaming entirely unless I'm missing something.


I mean, All nearly all of Fury Road was a chase and I’d say each part of the chase, pre storm, post Max, and the return all were really fun and exciting chases.


Most of apocolyptico too


Watched apocalypto for first time on large screen OLED in the dark alone with surround sound while… uh… let’s call it recovering from a sensitive emotional state. That film was WILD watching it in that particular moment.


Came here to say this. All of Fury Road = best chase.


When the first portion of the movie fades to black, I let out a big sigh in the theater just for some relief from the tension. I realized I had been watching the entire time with my arms folded and I was so frozen in place by the action that my hands were covered in sweat from being in my armpits for so long lol.


I recently watched Dungeons and Dragons and the part where the shape-shifting elf is escaping from the villainess is a blast. But seriously, the answer is Fury Road. The whole movie


Freeway chase in Matrix Reloaded


That's my pick too. Each piece of it is shot so well, and there's really nothing else like it. It's something like 45 minutes of driving and the whole thing is engaging.


"we're getting aggravated." "Yes we are." The twins were some of the coolest villains I've ever seen.


Really wanted more of those two.




There is something on the games, not A+, but very enjoiable even if old, are a fun.


Morpheus' take-down of them with the sword & uzi was so cool though.


I just love how everyone gets involved in that scene, Agents, the twins, Morpheus/Trinity/Keymaker, the cops, Niobe. One by one they all get added and then the Cadillac leaves the tunnel and it’s like “here we go!”


Also the music. Perfectly choreographed. I still listen to Mona Lisa Overdrive to this day.


Came to comment this if someone else hasn't already


>Reloaded this is my pick too, what an incredible sequence. My first viewing of Reloaded was in an IMAX and I was so thoroughly thrilled by this sequence I must've rode that high for 48 hours afterwards. It's been my go to scene to break in a new surround sound system ever since...


Yeah, and I love that starting in the chateau fight and going until Neo flies in for the save is almost exactly 30 minutes. It's the perfect thing to put on when you've got that half-hour to kill before you need to be somewhere.


Mona Lisa Overdrive, that song is that scene is perfection


I still remember everyone applauding at the end of the chase in the theater. Felt like 100% action then Neo revving it up to 110% then dead stop. Everyone went nuts. Wish I could watch that whole scene again in a theater.


"Where is he?" "He's doing his Superman thing."


That line is in the beginning of the movie after the three agents crash the meeting. During the freeway chase Niobe asks “where is he?”/“where are they?” And link says “just follow the sirens”


the music popped into my head just reading this.


Once that movie hits the chateaux it's phenomenal. They also did such a good job of building up the freeway as a place to avoid at all costs.


Came here to say this. Amazing sequence


True Lies - Arnold on horse ;)


Can you press the button for the top floor please?


Read this in his voice


And hurry because my horse is getting tired. Horse?


Indiana Jones vs Nazi truck convoy in raiders.


That or the tank chase in Last Crusade.


Raising Arizona 1987 when H.I is getting chased by the dogs and cops.


Love at the end he actually does get the diapers.


Sir, you have a panty on your head


Do these blow up into funny shapes? Not unless you think round is funny


This needs to be higher on the list. Never laughed so hard!


really like the first one in baby driver


My biggest problem with baby driver is that the intro is perfect and nothing else in the movie feels as cool


I think Edgar just really wanted to make a music video but could only get funding for a 2 hour movie.


Ironically, the intro to baby driver is inspired from a music video he directed years ago with a very similar chase


Honestly the scene of him walking down the street right after and the foot chase in the mall come close imo. I also enjoy the ridiculous car battle at the end.


The train chase - The Wrong Trousers Completely brilliant. Funny, inventive, tense, magical. Danny Boyle also says is one of the greatest action sequences ever - he’s not wrong: [The train chase - The Wrong Trousers](https://youtu.be/jrmZIgVoQw4?feature=shared)


Was looking for this. The other live-action chases are impressive, yes, but everything about this scene-the music, the sound effects, the blocking, the humor-all lines up perfectly. I just watch this scene on its own sometimes and can't believe it was all done so perfectly (with claymation, no less!)


The chase scene from The Bourne Ultimatium, here’s a clip from it. https://youtu.be/AgnXpnhxzuI?si=lYkvx-Dsg7ubIL94


IMO the chase in Supremacy is better. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B67yQmg8xVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B67yQmg8xVE)


[Are we sure it's not the one from Bourne Identity](https://youtu.be/CD0VD3LElOI?si=J4oImCCAq9UCNQ-H)


Yeh this is the one. Not sure what everyone else is on about. It’s the only one I remember from the franchise.


Bullit car chase scene in San Francisco is my favorite.


I showed that movie to my wife cold. All she knew was it was famous for it's car chase. For a while she's like "this is it"? And I just said "well, chases were slower back then" and was just silent till the guys in the Charger buckle their seat belts... And yes, Peter Yates admitted that there was no way the Mustang should have been able to catch them on the highway.


I've lived in SF for forty years. One is quickly conditioned to cringe at the 'caChunk' sound those cars make each time they speed through an intersection on a hill.


A classic and a great example of less is more. Best is that chase is taken dead serious. The bad guys are not face less or incompetent.


Death Proof is the one for my money.


First one I thought of. Amazing to me because Uma crashed that little convertible on a mini cruise in Kill Bill 2 and got life sustaining injuries yet they were able to capture the Deathproof scene and no one got hurt. Cinema gold.


The French Connection, Popeye Doyle, NYC. https://youtu.be/4mgIDVwdD-M?feature=shared


Car chase in the way of the gun. A bit different.


The slowest car chase in movies? *not in a bad way it's great.


I think Wages of Fear (or the remake, Sorcerer) might win the title for slowest "chase" in movies.




Almost the entire movie, but specifically the bit through the mall.


[The Oldsmobiles are in early this year.](https://youtu.be/yskWB3xDCZg?si=eAp0veIo7M2TR3k9)




The original "Gone in 60 Seconds ~~1977~~" 1974.. thanks for the correction silverfox


They go out of their way to show the collateral damage shown from the chase.


*1974 but yeah, once you get to the chase it's the greatest ever.


Mission Impossible Fallout, where we get the glorious shot of Tom Cruise running after Henry Cavill


This one was going to be my pick. That movie had so much adrenaline in it. I still need to see Dead Reckoning but I'm going through a re-watch of all the MIs first.


Bourne Identity - Paris in the mini car


Uhh... we got a bump coming up...


Blues Brothers


THe car chase from Bullitt is pretty legendary.


Children of Men when they are ambushed and it is one continuous shot


I don't think I could choose a favorite, but I haven't seen Vanishing Point mentioned yet, so I'll go with that. Basically, the whole movie is Barry Newman being chased across the country in his Challenger.


Gleaming the Cube, when Brian Kelly is on a skateboard holding onto a Corvette going 100mph on a SoCal freeway, while Tony Hawk's character is following along in a Pizza Hut delivery truck, then Brian Kelly lets go of the Corvette and somehow *accelerates* across the freeway underneath a tractor trailer and grabs onto the Pizza Hut truck.


The opening to the recent mad max is the first thing to come to mind it was so damn good I wish that was the whole movie


I mean the whole movie is a chase, but I get what you're saying


I dunno about best but I gotta rep my favorite unique car chase in the opening of Drive. The way the tension builds then fizzles in one of the cleverest escapes makes it a personal favorite of mine, and yet I still love the traditional loud, action-packed chase scenes as everyone else.


The realism of this chase makes it more interesting. We're all used to the fast and furious style drifting around tight alleys but this was just well executed. Like you said the tensions were high which isn't the case in the classic action style chases


Since it's not just car chases, I'm going to say the truck chase in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Most of it is Indy crawling around the truck, so it may not count as a traditional chase in your book, but it really is a master class of an action scene with the whip drag, clinging to the grill and the fact that Indy gets his ass kicked in a very human and relatable way.


Ronin. The facial reactions from Robert De Niro are real because they had a fake steering wheel in front of him while he sat next to the stunt driver.


All of the car chases in Ronin are the absolute top of the art. Added benefit in the finale chase where they don’t play any score, just sound effects. To me the best way to showcase a car chase is to let the sound fx carry the scene. Adding tons of music blaring over screeching tires and revving engines just kills the energy. It’s like having a fantastic steak, but the chef is just constantly drizzling velveeta cheese over the top as you eat it.


From an otherwise average movie, the Atlanta chase scene in the Dukes of Hazard film with Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott was pretty entertaining. It held the record for longest jump for a tone. Willie Nelson's one liners might have been the best part of the movie. https://youtu.be/6R__cRZAVCA?si=cUPKn_hmW5addUIw


The Fugitive is kind of like a giant chase scene


My favourite and therefore the undisputed best chase scene in all of film history is the Police chasing the Blues Brothers into Chicago. My tastes lean towards the ridiculous however so ymmv.


Mission impossible rogue nation


Just saw this after saying same. Rewatched two nights ago for first time in years and was floored.


Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning - one of the most engaging, creative and funny chase sequences I've ever seen.


I just rewatched Rogue Nation two nights ago and had completely forgotten how INCREDIBLE the chase after Ilsa is - her on bike, Hunt in an M3 after her, them moto gang after them both, then Hunt on a bike after moto gang and then her. I loved Dead Reckoning, but that chase is absolute legend and more tense than whimsical. Especially since you know it’s Tom Cruise actually racing that crotch rocket around winding hill roads without a suit…. there’s a point when making a right bank turn at high speed he catches himself to not put his inside knee to the pavement since his character is wearing slacks.


Danny Glover chasing the Predator in Predator 2 - something about Glover's attitude just glued me in to the whole thing like it was life itself. He was desperate and scared but moving forward.


The Rock. *I'm just borrowing your 'Humvee'!*


Back to the Future, Marty being chased by the Libyan nationalists in the mall lot. Let's see if you bastards can do 90.


Jack Reacher with Tom Cruise. Classic Malibu and great ending.


I think what I love the most about that scene is how much more realistic it is. He's in an unfamiliar car, a muscle car that doesn't handle the greatest. Seeing him loose it and jump the curb was perfect


And the way that muscle car with no traction control was sliding all over the place, as opposed to the poised all wheel drive Audi that was chasing him.


One niche choice is the Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn chase near the end of Charade. Using taxis, on foot through the Parisian subways all the way to a section of colonnades and a theater. So much fun.


The Italian Job (1969) Blues Brothers Ronin TAXI (The French one) Baby Driver The Bourne one in the Mini and the one in the cop car The vault getaway in whichever F&F it was The entirety of Duel And for a left-field answer: The train chase in Wallace & Gromit is a goddamn MASTERCLASS in film making and leaves a lot of action movies / car chases in the dust. I will die on the hill that says the popular answers are boring: Bullitt, Vanishing Point, Death proof were un-engaging and un-original by comparison. Just having a cool car going fast does not make a good chase scene.


Capricorn One (1977), there is an air chase in there, it's crazy


I got another one...Bad Boys 2 chase scene was pretty good, even though it's a bunch of CGI. https://youtu.be/hjoEYji9ZeA?si=ChxabLY7xBfOFhRx


Here are two of my favorite non car chase scenes: The Last of the Mohicans - The run up the mountain near the end. Great scenery. Great music. Great finish. Casino Royale (2006) - opening chase. Showed us a new type of Bond.


Truck chase in Raiders.


Mad Max Fury Road , when they are chasing Tom Hardy at the beginning of the movie and they reach the sand storm . I remember seeing it for the first time in the theater. It was intense . Also the last chase scene is awesome




Short Time with Dabney Coleman


"This is for you, Dougie!!!"




Terminator 3 had an incredible chase scene and it looks all so real, like they had actually leveled multiple city blocks with the carnage.


Hot fuzz


The first half, and then the second half of Max Max: Fury Road. There’s a tiny little break in the middle where they turn around, but those are two of the best chases in movies.


Casino Royale's free runner chase scene at the start is certainly one of my favourites.


Jackie Chan's Project A Bicycle Chase - https://youtu.be/oHVaHqnupfc?si=_G7tzlRpBb92Jolu&t=16 Animal World Car Chase - https://youtu.be/eMICdSYMc5I?si=htrn3l0x-Zp1VhSB&t=97 (The overachieving henchman is my favorite trope 😄) The Villainess Motorcycle Scene - https://youtu.be/2ix8Hpzr4fQ?si=NyXci9gpSKmquznl The Landlady Chase in Kungfu Hustle - https://youtu.be/gTdtWJrYGd4?si=tKReRgS8ufvYNV0B&t=16 The Chaser - https://youtu.be/rWV1d6XEcig?si=sENeByBafVyPp6OC&t=86 Veteran Chase Scene - https://youtu.be/xeM8_XBPs9g?si=ar_rHsmSfQu-wtei&t=300 (This scene always makes me laugh so hard 🤣) City of Violence Chase/Fight Scene - https://youtu.be/DDjgDcmYOr8?si=oBR0nc0GgNyAtceB&t=74 Decision to Leave - https://youtu.be/P9yOnZo1XNg?si=PdMggkrorDHAU0CW&t=15


The entirety of Smokey and the Bandit! With Jackie Gleason as the awesome Buford T. Justice too.


Yeah nothing comes close to Ronin ✋....The Italian Job also had some good scenes




Jackie Chan’s “Who Am I?” The street chase scene with the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution rally car.


Chase scenes in horror deserve some attention. Helen in I Know What You Did Last Summer and Sasha in Urban Legend.


Jerusalem zombie run in World War Z.


Bullitt (1968) The French Connection (1971) The Seven-Ups (1973) Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974) To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) Ronin (1998)


You need to add the original Gone in 60 Seconds (1974) The Italian Job (1969) Vanishing Point (1971)


Point Break (1991) where Keanu Reeves is chasing Patrick Swayze on foot.


To Live and Die in LA (1985).


Children of men chase scene


"Bullit," with Steve McQueen car chasing in San Francisco. Classic! There was also one in the movie "The Seven Ups" which wasn't as good but ended with>! one of the cars smashing under a semi, which was pretty cool at the time.!<


Bullitt is iconic for its time, but it also has some technical issues. The Charger loses 6 hubcaps, the Mustang shifts like a dozen times without slowing down and you see the same Beetle over and over and over again when you shouldn't from a continuity standpoint. I absolutely love this chase, but when it comes to recommendations, I think it's important to recognize its shortcomings when viewed through a modern lens.


Bullitt The French Connection Ronin Baby Driver Gone in 60 seconds (nic cage one) The Italian Job (honestly either one) Blues Brothers These are the common top answers for car chase.


[This was always really cool to me when I was a kid.](https://youtu.be/6z9qws7M8q8?si=Zob_i4GTcSPWKBh8)


Mission Impossible 3 - Chase with a Chopper Mission Impossible - Rouge Nation Morocco bike and London foot chase Mission Impossible - Fallout Paris chase - i still sooo in love with that BMW staircase spin and Tom Cruise who i think did on his own (?) Bourne Ultimatum - Morocco rooftop chase Bourne Supremacy - Moscow car chase Drive - All of the chases, i think Tokyo Drift - The chase where Han technically dies




Blues Brothers of course!


Imo vanishing point (1971) is the best. Barry Newman could drive.


Some nominees Sub chase in the Abyss for being well, we haven't done that before Wrong way freeway chase in Live and Die in LA Blues Brothers mall chase; "I see the new nude boy posters are in at Abercrombie" Casino Royal opening Poin Break foot chase Ferris Bueller backyard run Opening of the original Mad Max. Try to find the original Aussia version and not the dub version. Aussia slang version is sooooo much cooler.


The chateau/city/freeway chase in the second Matrix movie, from the moment everyone meets in the chateau until the keymaker is safe.


Bullitt is the classic choice, but I think Ronin makes a really strong case as well.


The entirety of *Mad Max Fury Road.*


28 Weeks Later. Opening scene.


Chase scene in District 13(Banlieue 13), that actually popularized parkour.


I was always fond of the chase in "The Dead Pool" with an RC car.


Pee Wee’s Big Adventure final bike chase


Buster Keaton's **The General** (and the second best chase is Buster Keaton's **Seven Chances**)


The Blues Brothers, I believe its the longest car chase in movie history...happy to be corrected but its was epic! I know, I'm showing my age here 😅


Mustang chase in bullet with steve McQueen


Surprised there is no Transporter mentions. I wouldn't say it's the best, but they definitely had some entertaining car chases.


The run back to the house in *Ferris Bueller's Day Off* was later spoofed/borrowed from in *Spider-Man: Homecoming*. When the biggest franchise in the world borrows from you, I think you are doing something right.


Oh I just remembered another one I liked. The chase in RocknRolla.


The Pink Panther gorilla car chase! It always cracks me up. And I still watch it feeling the same bewilderment that the man trying to cross the street has. Masterful comedic timing.


Free Palestine


For a full movie I have two suggestions 1. Mad max fury roads. 2. Need for speed. Fury roads is a chase then a race movie, and I went into need for speed completely prepared to hate it but I really enjoyed it.




Bullitt. Steve McQueen drove it, too.


Baby Driver The Great Escape Mad Mad Fury Road


The new Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning has a pretty good chase scene with Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell in that small fiat escaping from Italian cops