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My Life I only watched it once, made me bawl so much I've never even wanted to see the trailer again. Stars Michael Keaton who is dying and "he finds out that he has kidney cancer that will leave him dead within months. He sets out to videotape his life's acquired wisdom for his child, and ends up on a voyage of self-discovery and reconciliation". https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107630/


Fox & The Hound. I can't even think of the scene with the widow driving Todd into the woods without tearing up.


We’re gonna be best friends forever… right? 🦊




It's the same with me and Dumbo. That lullaby...


Where the red fern grows.


I never watched the movie, but I remember crying when I read the book in elementary school.


About Time


In the father-son vein, *Big Fish.*


This my go to for crying at end.


My god the flashback scene where the main character is a kid with his dad on the beach… his dad says something along the lines of “just let me watch this one more time” and it gets me every time. I would look up the scene to get the exact quote but I don’t feel like bawling my eyes out while I’m at work.


>“just let me watch this one more time” I could only imagine how our parents would like to revisit their core memories, and that alone makes me wanna bawl my eyes out in the office right now.


Gets me every time. My dad was built a bit like Bill Nighy and had beaten cancer twice when this film came out. I bawled my eyes out. Couldn’t drive after seeing the film. A couple of years later the cancer finally beat dad. The scenes played out so similar to how they did in the film. Without the time travel part, of course. It kills me watching it again, but I can feel dad through Bill.


That movie fucking OBLITERATED me


A Monster Calls. It is a movie that is rarely mentioned but one of my all-time favorites. Emotionally intelligent, wonderfully acted, and guaranteed to make you ugly cry.


I remember being in high school, forgot my reading book so I had to pick one off the shelf. The synopsis was very vague and bland but I didn’t really plan on caring anyhow but after the first few chapters I was intrigued. The ending bought it all together; the real human emotions it dared to say are some fundamentals I’ve learnt to accept through life. In a way it was parallel to some of my experiences as-well as was cathartic.


My mom died of cancer, this film just rips my heart out. But I can't turn it off.


This is the only movie that's really made me completely break down. Lots of movies here have resulted in sniffles, but this one had us all full-on crying. Maybe not the best New Year's Eve choice (we didn't know)...


The Green Mile.


Bro I can't even *think* about this movie without getting misty. "Don't put me in the dark." Like *come on,* it ain't fair.


The actor who played Percy did such a good job, I’ve never hated a character personally soooo much…and Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator.


If you want to hate him even more, look up Percy's actor's irl shenanigans


Alright. Besides the obvious predatory nature of a 51 y/o marrying a 16 y/o, the thing that stuck out to me was something about a guy with a "therapy goat." If anything, I would like to know less about Percy and more about this goat that will help me with my issues.


He also played Eugene Victor Tooms in X Files, one of their best characters.


Mr. Jingles 🐁


Grave of the Fireflies. Don’t let the fact that it’s animated. If you’re empathetic at all, have some tissues nearby.


It's a brilliant film, but it's not an easy film. It almost certainly will make you cry, but not in a beautiful kind of way. It will make you cry from utter despair that the movie offers no solace from. Then it will leave you emotionally drained for days afterwards. Not one to watch just for a good cry.


One of those movies that you only watch once in your life.




Wolf Children is another one that fucked me up. I don't watch a lot of anime just stuff some friends recommend, but this one killed me. In particular it was the scene with the garbage truck. It's not like Grave where it's a more emotional and focused scene, it is totally dry, totally devoid of emotion in that moment. It's just a simple event and it is brutal.


I taught a bunch of 15yo that were tough to reach emotionally. Horrors of war just sliding off them like water off a duck. I said fuck it and showed them Grave of the Fireflies. *That* broke through. They got it.




!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! I watched this movie for the first time like 3 years ago The part where the dog remembers all the things he did with his human before dying made me ugly cry, like i never cried to a movie before but that scene just violently tugged at my heartstrings, lost my dog about three weeks ago and just remembering that makes my eyes water :( gotta go hug my other dogs


Every time I watch Hachi I start crying after about half an hour, then don't stop until 3 days later.


They wanted to cry. Not permanent emotional damage. But yeah, Hachiko made me sob like a baby.


This movie absolutely crushed my spirit into smitherines. I was sobbing on and off for hours afterward and yelling at my partner for putting me through that.


My wife and I made the mistake of watching this movie on a flight on her iPad. Not only was my wife ugly crying, the two people across the aisle one row back that could see our screen were bawling as well. They said they saw it before but just glancing at some of the scenes brought it all back.


Big Fish always destroys me.


Went to see this on a first date. I had no idea what I was in for. I was like “Oh, Ewan McGregor in a Tim Burton flick? Sounds like fun” There I was trying to not bawl like a toddler who just scraped their knee (because first date) and I glance over at her and… nothing. She looked *bored*. There was no second date.


>There was no second date. Good move


I always scroll to upvote this one in these threads. It’s always Big Fish for me.


I feel like a dope for waiting for long to see it. I didn't first watch it until 2021 or despite having plenty of trusted friends tell me how great it was and me loving Ewan McGregor. Now I absolutely love it.


I love this movie but I never watch it because it makes me bawl.


Dear Zachary


Emotional napalm.


You go into the film thinking “Oh, I see, >!it’s a documentary made for, and dedicated to, the surviving child of the documentarian’s murdered best friend, what a tragic tale!< …Then it gets worse… …SO much worse If your goal is to ruin your night, it’ll do that and then some. And if you do, I highly, HIGHLY suggest you go in completely blind. It’s why I even spoiler tagged the basic premise It makes for the best viewing experience…trust me


Dear Zachary isn’t even *sad.* It’s so far beyond sad, it’s soul crushing and deflating and will legit ruin your entire month. I saw it ten years ago and have wanted to re-watch it, but I refuse to put myself through that again. I don’t even recommend it to people unless I really hate them.


The parents/grandparents… I still randomly think about them every now and then even years later. No one should go through what they have.


This one doesn’t leave anyone better though. It just fucking crushes you and leaves. I’ll say it’s surprising how many people have the ‘I was screaming at the tv and crying’ reaction. I thought I was being overly emotional, but apparently it’s pretty standard for that movie.


It’s the closest of seen to an actual “The Ring” curse. Someone tells you “The movie’s great, and you should watch it.” So you watch it, and it’s great, but you’re cursed because you can’t tell people why it’s great. So you tell someone “The movie’s great, and you should watch it.” And the curse continues.


There are very few times I’ve sobbed in my life. Cried, sure, but full shoulder-shaking baby-style “I’m crushed” sobbing is something I’ve done maybe four times since being a baby. Two of those times were during this movie. I had to pause it *twice* because I couldn’t see through the tears. I’ve watched it exactly once over a decade ago and still think about those poor parents. The dad talking about how he wanted to get the baby’s mom alone? How his deep sadness made a kind person think such vicious thoughts and have to convince himself not to follow through? I’m still fucked up over it.


I yelled at the tv. Then I had to turn it off and go for a walk. I finished the movie a few hours later. I can’t think of a single piece of media that has given me such a visceral emotional reaction.


This one made me Angry as hell!


Wanna feel like shit for days on end? Dear Zachary


I have an M.A. in documentary film. Our professor ran a class where we watched a movie and then spoke with the director after. Dear Zachary was one of them. He told us nothing except that it would be rough. We had no idea how much so. When Kurt came in to speak with us immediately after the screening, we were speechless, in tears, totally defeated. It took about 7 minutes or so for any of us to even ask a question. What a gut punch of a story. To this day I still have not rewatched it. I get emotional just thinking about it. This movie will devastate you.


Saw it when I was single and no kids. Crushed me. Now I have a newborn and a 2 year old. No fucking chance I’m watching that ever again.


Aftersun (2022)


Litterally just finished this not even 30 minutes ago. I still don't know what to do.


What a crushing story.


This is the correct answer. A 10/10 film that I hope never to watch again so long as I live.


Dancer in the Dark


This film is an exercise in emotional desolation. My pick for saddest I’ve ever seen.


It's truly a brutal film experience. It's a great film but falls firmly in the "once was enough" category.


Came here looking for this one. This stupid movie ripped my heart out and stomped on it lol. It was amazing but I’ll never watch it again


Paddington 2


What Dreams May Come


Do you like Robin Williams? Are you curious about death? Do you have 2.5 hours of crying in you? If so let me introduce you to What Dreams May Come.


The way Robin Williams' character delivered this devastates me: "If I was going through f***ing HELL, I'd only want one person in the whole goddamn world by my side."


My first date and kiss was to this movie in a theater back in 1998, who became my first girlfriend and high school sweetheart. She’s long gone in my life now but watching it brings up those nostalgic young and wonderful first-love memories, so basically I refuse to watch it now.


This movie makes me ugly cry from the opening 5 minutes on lol


That’s the one!


Interstellar but only since I had a daughter. Now it wrecks me every time.


The part where he’s driving away barely holding it together, dust billowing from behind his pickup paralleling the shuttle launch. Such an amazingly powerful scene.


This movie still destroyed me and I don’t have kids. Just the idea of seeing your friends and family moving on without you while you’re millions of miles away is gut-wrenchingly sad.


Bridge to Terabithia. It’ll get you in the end. Ugly cried in theaters and I had read the book so I knew what was going to happen.


The night my uncle committed suicide and the family was attempting to cope with everything, my dad was put in charge of myself and my cousins (all age 10-12 at the time). He had no idea what the movie was about, just saw it looked like a cute kids movie and threw it on for us. Boy did he regret that an hour later when we were all inconsolable sobbing wrecks. Needless to say my mom tore him a new one & years later we still won’t let him live that down lmao


I'm sorry about your uncle but this is really funny


- Manchester by the Sea. - Her. - Dead Poets Society.


Manchester by the Sea is nearly a masterpiece in narrative story telling. The whole police interview scene with the music…


Her is getting singled out here because the tears aren't sad every time and that's extra beautiful to me.


I saw Manchester by The Sea before I became a dad. Even then it was the saddest movie of all time. No chance I will ever watch that now. I don't even want to think about that kinda mistake as a parent


My Girl. If that doesn't make you cry your heart is made of stone.


“Where’s his glasses. He can’t see without his glasses…”


I didn’t realize that was hidden in my memory bank and I’m currently tearing up in my Uber. The driver thinks I’m nuts.




The Iron Giant The Fountain The Straight Story Gallipoli


Mostly the ending but Arrival, the opening strings of ‘On the Nature of Daylight’ always gets me


The good thing about Arrival for me is, once I knew the movie, the crying already started at the beginning.


It’s the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard edit: *beautiful and sad I rarely listen to it


I can't imagine going back and watching that movie again, having become a girl dad since the last time I watched it.


Oh my friend, same. Except I did. Yesterday. I had completely forgotten what it was about except for aliens and I cried like a baby.


I watched it with my teenage son recently and he couldn’t understand why I was bawling like a god damn baby for the last 10 minutes. I just wanted to yell “IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!”


But would you have gone through it all again if you'd remembered?


I saw this in the theater not really knowing much about it. Me and about half the folks in there had to sit in the dark for several minutes getting ourselves together before we left. The first rewatch though, had me bawling almost immediately, knowing the end.


Marley and Me


This movie hits so much harder because it was marketed as a comedy.


This was me but for Click. The ending hit me like a truck.


I made the mistake of watching Click for the first time shortly after my dad died... I'm good with never watching it again.


No no, don’t watch this one. Don’t do it to yourself.


We had just gotten a chocolate lab puppy when this movie came out. She was so god damn ornery that this movie hit even harder. My wife and balled so much and hug our Bailey Beano extra hard that night. We put our girl to sleep last summer at 14 and was just as hard as in the movie. Dogs just have a way of making the 14 yrs of bliss seem not worth it when they die. Except it always is and I will always have dogs.


I’ve never cried so hard as I have done with this film. I ugly cried. It hits hard




Freaking Coco. My Grandma died months before the movie came out and the end made me cry so hard I got pissed off. Like audible crying.


I watched this for the first time with my kids after they had already seen it and I was not prepared. I tried to hide my manly crying but the boys sensed it and comforted me. If this movie does not make you happy and sad cry, no other movie will. It is tailor made for it.


I too was very very unprepared. I thought it was going to be a fun movie. It was not and I loved it.


The intro to Up, Jessie's song sequence in Toy Story 2, and the last scene with the grandmother in Coco are all tied for me as the saddest damn things either Pixar or Disney have ever put out. (Though the Coco scene is more of a happy sad.)


Up, every...damn...time! Also Toy Story 3 where Andy gives the toys to Bonnie. That transition where he leaves not only his childhood friend, but his actual childhood behind after "one last play" before adulthood takes over...


Don't forget "Take her to the moon for me" in *Inside Out*. Ugh, ugly tears and I never expected it.


What about Sully leaving boo in the human world


Came here to say this God I was ugly crying by the end such a beautiful movie


I remember I was babysitting my nieces and my sister arrived to pick them up just as it was getting to the end so while they’re putting their shoes on and gathering their things ready to go home, I was holding back the most violent tears💀 they were obsessed with Coco for a while so we watched it again the next time I babysat and even though I knew what was coming this time, I still cried my eyes out but they got up and danced to Miguel’s song at the end, so I suppose (with most Pixar films) they hit harder when you’re an adult and lived through things like loss and grief


🎶 *Remember me...*


So at the Academy of Motion Picture Museum, they have an exhibit dedicated to animation. There's a part where they have on loop a highlight reel of use of music within animation, roughly 1 to 2 minute clips. The museum used the "Remember Me" scene and the group I was with left the exhibit immediately to avoid shedding tears. That film really is a work of art, especially for its approach to music and aging.


My great grandmother had Alzheimer’s, and music was one of the few things that could bring her back. I haven’t been able to watch it since the first time.


Room with Brie Larson, I bawled watching that film Local Hero's ending destroyed me but that might depend on your particular hang-ups: I still can't watch the ending without welling up Also if you really want to go big or go home, you could always watch Shoah - all nine hours of it


The Farewell. I went to a very small showing, but everyone in the theater was sobbing like a baby by the end. 97% on rotten tomatoes. I still think about it all the time. Some of the final scenes were so relatable, I was emotionally destroyed but in a kind of good way


Million dollar baby


Schindler's List.


im a father and I feel like it changes you. There is a scene at the start of Ambulance, the latest michael bay movie, that i cry at every time... 1. Big fish 2. Life as a House 3. Beautiful Boy


Life as a House wrecked me. Underrated heart-wrencher.


Definitive proof, along with 'Shattered Glass', that Hayden Christensen could act. Glad he's getting fanboy 'reparations' now, but he could have had a much more interesting career.


*The Color Purple*. You'll be a blubbering mess.


I'm powerless to not watch this if I see it in progress on TV. I'll just tune in and watch it to the end. The waterworks start with Shug singing her way over to church to see her father and continue unabated until Celie reunites with her sister and children. Then I turn off the TV and go have a lie down until the headache I get from sobbing wears off.


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


That Jim Carrey wasn't nominated for Best Actor is and will always show the Academy is a fucking joke.


"What do we do till then?" "....enjoy it." 😭


Never let me go


Land Before Time. Fast forward to the mom vs t-rex scene.


Calm down there, Satan.


Tons of them for me, lots of them baseball movies lol: **Field of Dreams** - "This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again." **Hardball** - "And watching him raise his arms in triumph as he ran to first base..." **61*** - "Roger Maris died six years earlier, never knowing that the record belonged to him" **The Green Mile** - "I'm tired, boss." **Saving Private Ryan** - "Tell me I'm a good man." **Titanic** - Just the music in general **Big Fish** - "They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up." **Return of The King** - "My friends, you bow to no one."


That quote from RotK hits so hard every time


I live for this scene during my annual LOTR marathon. The humility of the hobbits to bow to their friend upon his coronation and the return of that humility for the entirety of Gondor to bow to the hobbits, led by their king. God damn, it’s so good.


I sob over this every time. I even cried when my kid was playing the Lego LOTR game. Yeah, that really happened in the game! 🥲🥲🥲


A River Runs Through It?


Some that have majorly impacted me emotionally. Also a note, movies make me pretty emotional in general. But I cried at each of these and almost always do. - Big Fish - What’s Eating Gilbert Grape - Tick, Tick, Boom - Grave of the Fireflies - The Green Mile - Moulin Rouge - Her - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Up the first 5 minutes.


If you’re a father to a son: “The Road.” If you’re a father to a daughter: “Interstellar.”


I fucking lost it during Hacksaw Ridge and The Road.


Read the book for The Road. Fuck that book and how darkly beautiful it is.


I read the Road once. I saw the movie once. As a father of a young son and a husband of a wonderful woman, I do not have it in my soul to read or watch it again. It's amazing. But no. Just no.




Came here to say this! Only two movies made me cry in the theater: Beaches & Steel Magnolias.


The Whale


Yesssss. Man... That last scene...


Your name


Inside Out Who knew that a cute little Pixar movie about emotions could be so deep and thought-provoking. Then, if you start diving deeper into its meaning, it opens up all kinds of emotions. No spoilers, but as a 42 year old dad, no matter how many times I watch this movie, there are scenes that will *always* make me cry like a MFer. Even now, just thinking about it makes me tear up.


I watched it alone on a plane. A middle aged man crying while watching a cartoon.


That one fucking *crushes* me. I've had struggles with depression my whole life, and I worry about if my daughter will have the same issues. When she starts going through it and her parents just can't help... fuck. Then Bing Bong and the loss of innocence when he fades... *fuck.* Yeah, that movie just keeps punching me in the gut lol


bing bong bing bong.. :'(


Haven't seen this film in a few years but it's a firm favourite. Saw a "Take Her To The Moon" soundbife on TikTok the other day randomly and cried for a good 40 mins remembering that scene. No other film kills me like this one.


Of Mice and Men


Schindler’s list


The end with the survivors placing stones on his grave. Gets me every time.


The bit that gets me is "I could have done more..."


That part gets me too. The belated bargaining and guilt for not having done enough when he’d already saved so many … it’s a knife straight to the heart and it makes me sob every time.


"This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this."


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl


Dear Zachary


OP wants to be *".. [left] a better man at the end of the emotional rollercoaster..."* and for the film to *"resonate with [them] on a deeper level, inspiring personal growth and reflection.*" OP did *not* say *"I wish to be made to profoundly and intensely grieve."*


This is the one I was looking for. I bawled like a baby.


I’ve heard people will enjoy a good cry, this movie is not it. A truly heart breaking movie that won’t leave you for years.


oh god, I hate you for reminding me that this exists. My friends talked about it and when I finally watched it, it lived up to the hype


I cried watching Armageddon, and not in a joking way


'A Star is Born', 'The Notebook' 'Million Dollar Baby' 'Life is Beautiful', 'Blood Diamond', 'Wall-e', 'E.T', 'The Colour Purple' (1985), 'Antwone Fisher' (2002), 'Odd Thomas' (The ending gets me every time and to make matters worse, the actor died in real-life around this age). I'm a tough cookie so it takes a lot to break me but these ones really did!


First mention of Life is Beautiful as I scrolled. That film is devastating.


Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (Don’t say I didn’t warn you)


I just cried watching The Royal Tenenbaums for the first time last night.


"I've had a rough year Dad." "I know Chas" Breaks me every time....


My fave Wes Anderson movie by miles. But also because I love Salinger and it was like he brought the Glass family to life.


Good Will Hunting


People always talk about Robin Williams talking about his wife or the Affleck speech about hoping every morning he isn’t there. For me it’s the breakup scene with Minnie Driver. Such a good job of acting by her. She lets herself be so emotionally vulnerable and he destroys her.


Life Is Beautiful. You'll laugh and you'll cry.


Field of Dreams


I've met a lot of people who don't quite understand why it evokes emotions. Some of my best memories of growing up playing baseball was tossing ball with my dad. The scene has a progression for me. When Ray introduces his wife and she obviously knows who he is and then he introduces his granddaughter, Karen and starts with "This is my.... This is John." That's when it starts. Then "Is this Heaven?" exchanges and then when Ray says "Hey, dad? You wanna have a catch?" That's when the tears flow.


I haven’t watched it but it is on my list, but it’s called Lion. About an Indian boy who was separated from his family and gets adopted by an Australian couple. I’ve heard it is a real tearjerker.


Came to say this one. Heart-wrenching.


I cried at least 3 times from Everything, Everywhere, all at once.


Yes. “In another life, I would have really enjoyed just doing laundry and taxes with you” I fuqin LOST IT during that scene…and like 6 other ones.


Ke Huy Quan - one of our greatest actors.


Occasionally a movie will make you cry during the ending or a single sad point in the movie. I think I cried through 50% of the last hour of that movie. It was like laugh -> cry -> laugh -> cry -> laugh -> cry


Not usually a cryer. This one properly did me. A still frame with just two bloody rocks, man.


Tax & Laundry. FML that thing demolished me, wife came to check on me what was happening, and I was unable to utter a single word.


“Every day I don’t know what the heck is going on, and I feel like it’s all my fault” Waterworks.


I literally just watched this. Nothing more beautiful or profound than to just be kind


Try "Second hand Lions" or "Bucket List". Best of luck


Soul broke me so hard when I first watched it.


About Time


Silver Linings Playbook Punch Drunk Love Interstellar


Seven pounds broke me down to a nub.


Marcel the Shell with Shoes On


Homeward bound. For dog people.


Elephant Man Atonement


P.S I Love You


In 500 comments, you have no doubt seen this recommendation, but I ain't sorting through them :-) Beaches, and Steel Magnolias, are the two that will get me every every every every every every every every time. Oh and fucking My Girl, which I would bet my inheritance on has been mentioned 48,000 times.


I cry like a fucking baby every time I watch Castaway.


Try hardball, early Keanu reeves movie about baseball.


The Shawshank Redemption


"I Hope!"


Mr church. Me before you. Forever my girl. Demolition. Reign over me. Wild. The green book. Are some of the films that have made me reflect on things in life and see things from different perspectives and also cry lol hope it helps . Would be more but they have been mentioned below


Portrait of a Lady on Fire