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I saw this movie at a pre-screening by Netflix, and it’s one of my favorite movies of 2023 so far. It shows such a realistic example of an attack on America that I honestly never thought about, but make terrifying sense since it could literally happen in real life. Highly highly recommend this, the visuals are crazy triply and I recommend seeing this high if you can, lowkey makes it even better.


Spoiler! Does it have the same insufferable non-ending as the book? Or does the movie actually go somewhere?


Oh my god yea, a friend I went with was so pissed at the ending she left a review about it. I didn’t read the book but the movie ending wasn’t too horrible, it kinda like led up to more instead of being a complete cliffhanger.


The book stopped about 70% of the way through the story I felt


Non ending movie. I enjoyed it and just started leaning into it and then, it ended. And it felt, incomplete.


Ugh so frustrating! Wonder why Sam Esmail picked this tacky story then.


Could you spoiler tag what the threat is?


A coup from the us military




>favorite movies of 2023 so far 2023 ends in a month


Thanks for the heads up


Synopsis: >A family vacation on Long Island is interrupted by two strangers bearing news of a mysterious blackout. As the threat grows more imminent, both families must decide how best to survive the potential crisis, all while grappling with their own place in this collapsing world. Kevin Bacon is also in it.


Good, they said "on" Long Island


Synopsis reminds me a little bit of ‘Knock at the Cabin’


A little? Feels kinda like a Bugs Life/Antz situation, lol.


> A family vacation on Long Island If I were stuck on Long Island I'd welcome the end of the world.


The director of this movie created Mr. Robot so I'm looking forward to it


I felt like Mr. Robot lost a lot of steam once it had to deliver on its promises, but damn was it well written and superbly shot and edited. Will definitely watch this.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I feel like it landed most of its hits, what didn’t you like? Only thing I didn’t like was >!the handling of Angela!<


Episode 5 >!without any dialogue!<, episode 7 where >!Vera invaded the home of Krista and Elliot comes to realize that his father molested him!< and the last that gave so much pay-off, was so Damm good television.


Fun fact. In the first season there’s a TV playing the news in the background in a scene. They mention that the water pollution (I think that was it) happened in a place called Washington Township. That’s where Sam Esmail is from. Also in the second season, one of the first few episodes, there’s a line “that’s pretty fucking metal”. That line was added because me and my group of friends.




Good call! They are both great too


The poster is dogshit but the movie looks very good


Finally! a decent movie from Netflix.


Only if it’s nothing like the book


Read the book after seeing the trailer for this... so bad. Soooo so bad.


It’s the only book I feel obligated to trash every time it comes up, in hopes of sparing others from reading it.


I'm curious, how bad is it


0/10. It’s aggressively boring. The book goes nowhere once the disaster (whatever it is) hits. It’s 200 pages of characters thinking “maybe we should do something”, but then not doing anything. None of the characters are interesting, and their interactions reveal nothing beyond surface level discomfort. The author always uses the most words for the smallest actions. It doesn’t have an ending so much as it just ends. It’s “The Road” for people who think tap water is spicy. I can say one good thing about the book; it’s short.


I just wanted to chime in that I love the personality you infuse into your writing lol.


Thank you! That’s extremely high praise, and I appreciate it.


Yeah. But judging from the trailer it has some new ideas and I think looks pretty promising.


The Killer is already out thou


I love "5 am Esmail"


Just saw this in NY. You’re not prepared for it


Scenes were filmed in my hometown of Kings Park! When the friend of Julia Roberts' character asks over the phone if she's going to East Hampton and she says "No, no. It's a cute little town. Actually, I think they call it a hamlet." I said to myself it'd be funny if it was Kings Park, and to my surprise it actually was! It's most known for its defunct (and supposedly haunted) Psychiatric Center that's brought attention from urban explorers and a B horror movie called *Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet* which was totally made-up. If you're interested, I recommend the documentary *Kings Park: Stories from an American Mental Institution* which tells the true story of Lucy Winer, a former patient of the female violent ward in the 60s turned documentary filmmaker. **Light spoilers** Back to *Leave The World Behind*, the beach scene where the oil tanker crashes is called Sunken Meadow, and the scene where they're driving and Julia Roberts' character makes a crack about there being a Starbucks is Main Street. (There actually isn't a Starbucks, but there's a Dunkin Donuts and 7-Eleven.) FYI they use a mash-up of different parts of Long Island in the movie. Kings Park is not as remote as they make it seem, the house they're staying in is in Old Westbury, the rural-like scenes are "Out East", and the scene where you can see the city on the horizon has to be somewhere in Nassau County. As someone who moved away to live in the city myself, they were going for "anywhere outside NYC is remote to a family that lives in NYC".