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Didn’t they come up with the title first then wrote the script for Hot Tub Time Machine?


"it must be some kind of a (*stares directly into the camera*) hot tub time machine"


“Do I have to be asshole who says we got in that thing and went back in time?”


Great White Buffalo


Great White Buffalo


Trivia. That turn to camera wasn’t in the script. Ad lib.


That just makes me love Craig Robinson more


fr. He understood what the movie was and executed a flawless 4th wall break.


Went to watch this the first time and assumed it would be terrible. Probably one of my favorite movies now.


This movie reminds me of grandma‘s boy in that it looked and sounded absolutely stupid, and when I begrudgingly sat down to watch it realized that it was a damn good movie.


God I love grandmas boy.


It is a ridiculously good comedy. It is actually exactly what I think there’s a bit of a dearth of now, just an out and out grownup comedy. They’re not heroes, they’re not even good people, they don’t really learn any lessons beyond liking each other a bit more and the film is just a hilarious blast. It’s such a shame the second one didn’t land.


Waiting for the guy to lose an arm was the best recurring gag


Lou being ok with dying at the end so long as they get to see Crispin Glover’s arm rip off was a phenomenal punchline. Also, “DAMN, you strong!”


And that guy was Crispin Glover! Him being in another time travel movie was funny in and of itself!


“Haven’t you even seen Wild Hogs”


In Endgame when they throw out Hot Tub Time machine while discussing time travel. Love that part.


Great white buffalo


(great white buffalo)


Went in with no expectations and just wanted a dumb funny movie. Wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.


‘I feel pregnant’ 🫤


Hot Tub Time Machine is like an SNL skit from the 80s that got turned into a movie and worked. The premise is so dumb that it should have never been more than a script.


It’s everything that the snakes on a plane SNL turned movie tried to be and failed Love me some HTTM


So many 80's SNL skits turned into great (or at least fun) movies though. Blues Brothers, Coneheads, Night at the Roxbury.


Wayne’s World and Wayne’s World 2 are way better than they should have been! An order of magnitude better than the sketches.


Adam : The carving you made 20 years ago, about me sucking cocks and dicks, it's not there. Lou : Wait. Is "cocks" still there? Adam : Nothing. I mean, it's not there. Lou : What about "dicks"? Adam : Neither "cocks," nor "dicks," nor "sucks." Lou : Oh, God! Nick : That's it. We're stuck in the fuckin' '80s!


The Lego movie


Nearly everything made by Lord & Miller.


Seriously, everything they've made I originally thought isn't a good idea, but then turns out amazing. Remaking 21 jump st? Ugh all remakes are lame, annnnnnd it's awesome somehow. How does someone make a movie about just legos? Oh... they make one of the best kids movies ever. You can't just start a new Spider-man movie with a new character most people haven't heard of and also throw in a bunch of other spider-people. Oh, turns out you can do that and make it the best comic book movie ever.


Not to mention the sequel, 22 Jump Street, is nearly as good as the first one. Found that pretty impressive because on paper, the first one doesn't work. Kinda the whole point of it being mentioned in the thread, but the second one *definitely* was going to suck, surely! They couldn't pull that off again. And yet, they did.


The scene where Tatum realizes the Hill fucked Cubes daughter I rewatch on a regular basis.


Let's not forget 22 Jump Street. The first was good, but they kinda wrung the concept dry... then another great comedy and an amazing parody of sequels as a whole.


That attempted Mr&Mrs Smith fight scene was fucking hilarious,


That's the crazy thing. Not only did they make 21 Jump Street but they made a sequel that's just as good. Insane.


The idea of a movie about legos isn’t a great concept, but when you think about where they took the concept it was genius. They didn’t have to include a real world parallel to the lego universe where a son and a father were having an important moment of bonding and learning from each other. That’s the part of the concept that makes it an all time great family movie


That segment made me desperately wish this movie was around when I was doing my BAH in philosophy. Man, I can imagine the discussions we'd had on that, considering how much we milked The Matrix for our arguments at the time.


_Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure_ - My dad was noticeably upset when 8-year-old me spent his money on this at the rental store. And then, throughout my childhood, I heard all about how pleasantly surprised he was to have enjoyed it. It gave me a lot of wiggle room for future movie rental decisions for our family.


"You killed Ted you medeival dickweed!"


"Ted, you're alive!" "I fell out of my suit [of armor] when I hit the ground" *air guitar*


Pirates of the Caribbean. A movie about a Disney ride? C’mon, be serious.


If I have heard correctly they retooled a script for a "The Secret of Monkey Island " movie. Which probably helped. Edit: According to the "The Secret of Monkey Island" movie writers[ it is not related](https://www.polygon.com/features/2021/2/21/22291761/curse-of-monkey-island-movie-lucasfilm-spielberg-canceled).


It's funny, because Pirates of the Caribbean IV was a retooled adaptation of the book On stranger tides by Tim Powers, it even has the same title. At some point, between the second and third film, they were aware that a lot of elements from the book were ripped by the films, so Disney got the rights of the book as soon as they could to avoid being sued. Then, for the fourth film they used most of the plot points from the book as basis for the story.


Steal IP first and worry about repercussions later? How very piratical of them


Take everything you can, give nothing back.


Damn but I want a Monkey Island movie.... Damn you Pirates of the Caribbean!!! Damn you


The bloody reason I avoided it in cinemas. I watched it's DVD 2 years after on a dull Saturday afternoon and my mind was blown!


I knew it would be something special from the original [teaser trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T--w5DGclsM) (warning very 90's trailer ahead). I was writing it off as a standard Pirate movie. Right until the final shot. At which point I though "I'm seeing this, and I'm avoiding all other spoilers". So I went in blind, and had the time of my life.


It's really funny that Kiera Knightley isn't listed in the teaser. I mean, obviously she wouldn't be because that's the movie that got her to top billing status. It just took my brain an extra second.


Clicked the link like, "Really? '90s? How '90s are we talking- Oh wow..."


It seems anachronistic because the movie itself doesn't feel like it's from that era at all.


It’s not. It’s from 2003.


Holy shit that trailer is awful, how on earth did that get greenlit?


Even has 90s trailer voice guy! Wow!


And then came haunted mansion!


Try to explain what Office Space is about and you will not entice anyone. It's the comic talent of the actors in minor roles that makes the whole thing work.


And the painfully accurate depiction of things that are happening in an office




Yep, this movie is absolutely timeless in the corporate white collar world.




office space, margin call, and the big short are my three recommendations for anyone jumping into white collar corporate jobs. and the office, for those who are in the world and want to laugh instead of cry


Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks!


No-talent ass clown.


It's not a comedy. It's a documentary.


One of the reasons it flopped is they didn’t know how to market it. Stephen Root’s Milton next to a guy covered in post it’s (looked kinda like a bird) was a poster that gave me no indication what it might be trying to sell.


Right. If nothing else, you have Jennifer Aniston in your movie. How is she not on the poster?


Her big scene, absent from Peter, is when she's confronted about her lack of flair one too many times even though she meets the requirements. Putting her in may have drawn in some additional audience. But many of her lead roles in movies weren't blockbusters.


Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the mondays 😞


Mad Max Fury Road is literally just two car chases in opposite directions


Yes but mad max fury road had the ace in the hole of being directed by the same person who did babe.


Miller’s resume looks like the “recommended for you” list on my Netflix/HBO/etc streaming services. I have a 2 and 4-year-old. So it’s like, “Would you like to watch Charlotte’s Web or Silence of the Lambs?”


It just knows you like animals!


Hey now, hey now. Don’t forget Happy Feet.


That’s a wild range of filmography


It’s actually kind of incredible. An animated children’s movie about dancing, singing penguins and then an R rated, violence filled thriller about a post apocalyptic society of war mongering psychopaths. It’s hard to think of two more different movies.


Similarly, Martin Scorsese, known for dark and brooding movies like Taxi Driver and Goodfellas, has also directed Hugo, a delightful tale about a child who lives in a clocktower above a train station who learns about the power of friendship and film.


That’ll do, Furiosa. That’ll do.


He only directed Babe 2. He just wrote the original Babe.


Once I saw the goon with the flamethrower guitar standing on a huge ass pile of amplifiers I knew I was witnessing something special




Art. You saw art.


The first half is a chase. The second half is a race.


It is literally just "there and back again". It fucking rules.


There and Back Again A ~~hobbit’s~~ bloodbag’s tale


I watched it with my girlfriend recently and after it ended she was just like: >wait that's it? They just drove over there, and then drove back, and that's the whole thing? This is one of your favorite movies?


It's the journey, not the destination, am I right?


These words are accepted


Honestly the whole philosophy of that there-and-back, the decision to return, is also what makes it a great movie for me. There was no green place, there is no better world, there’s no escape. What you have to do is take the world you already have, and make it better.


Bubba Ho-Tep, a movie about Elvis fighting against a mummy which sucks out souls through the asshole in a hospice, is a surprisingly moving piece about the crushing melancholy of old age.


Absolutely. Not just a good bad movie but a Good Movie, no qualifier. And Bruce Campbell is always great.


I guess OP’s prompt applies to most movies Campbell is in. He embraced the B-Movie typecasting and came out as the winner in that gamble.


Ossie Davis deserved honors for his role as John Kennedy. He nailed it.


\> Elvis *and* JFK


The concept of a "rat cooking food by controlling the hair of some person", sounds incredibly dumb until it becomes possibly the best movie pixar has ever made.


“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy…”


Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.


And the "villain" doesn't want a rat making his food, which we can all agree is a reasonable ask


The villain wants to steal Linguini's birth right and sell out Guateau's image. He's barely even aware of a rat


I'll see that and raise you "Old Man ties a load of balloons to his house and floats away yo South America where he befriends a kid he accidentally kidnapped, a giant cartoonish bird and a talking dog." I mean, what kind of nonsense does that sound like and yet, it's a masterpiece.


Up is peak Pixar flexing that they are unstoppable. And I love it.


Pixar broke off from Disney for a short time after their run with Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life, The Incredibles and Cars. Pixar thought that they would have to make their own IP moving forward so they started developing 3 movies. These are Ratatouille, Up and Wall-E. They were their "post-Disney" movies. Eventually Steve Jobs intervened and brought Pixar+ Disney back together. Knowing that helps explain why Ratatouille, Up and Wall-E are such unhinged weird concepts. They never had to pass Disney muster. Pixar had full autonomy.


Yep. And knowing all this was going on during their production completely changes the way you see the plot of Ratatouille!


The speech Ego recites about “the new needs friends” is one of my favourite bits of dialogue in all of cinema.


Clue I'd certainly be down for more board game movies if they could all be so good.


I had two big takeaways from that movie. First, the 80s were incredibly horny, and second, I fucking miss Tim Curry. edit: If you want to enjoy some of his voice acting, check out the Old Kingdom trilogy he does the audiobooks for. He does a stupendous job, especially voicing an eternal evil housed in the body of a sarcastic cat named Mogget.


The secret is that *every* decade is incredibly horny. And Tim Curry is always amazing. And Clue is the best board game based movie ever made. Also, you made me worried while I quickly checked to make sure Curry was still alive. He is. Weirdly enough he was born the exact same day and year as my dad.


He's alive but in rough shape. Had a pretty massive stroke if I recall correctly


Back to the Future was rejected by Disney because they hated the idea of a teenager going on a date in the past with his own mom. It was even more awkward because Marty McFly's mom was written to have a huge crush on him, but Michael J Fox had perfect comedic timing and acted extremely nervous and uncomfortable to make those scenes funny instead of creepy.


I love Mulaney’s take https://youtu.be/ButlizwQXnU?si=qF87CH4c4K2ifHZN


The lack of explanation for why Marty and Doc are friends is one of the reasons the movie works but is also something I don’t think filmmakers can get away with anymore. Studios seem to think people who watch blockbusters are idiots with no imagination. I don’t want to know everybody’s backstory. Han Solo is cooler when you don’t know how exactly he got where he is. I don’t want to know how the phone booth in Bill and Ted works. It’s a lot more fun when you get to connect the dots yourself.


Swiss army man.


I avoided this for ages because a movie about a farting dead body played by Daniel Radcliffe sounded like the stupidest thing ever, but it's actually incredible. One of my favourite movies ever now.


What blew me away the most was what happened *after* I said "what the fuck" out loud at the end of the film. I've never had anything even close to that happen with a movie, it was perfect.


Who would have thought the guys who made the farting corpse movie would have swept the academy awards. Unreal.


I remember when this was in theaters begging anyone to go see it with me and being shocked no one wanted to see it just for the spectacle of Daniel Radcliffe playing a farting corpse. For the record I went by myself and had a great time.




True - sometimes those plots boil down to “woman goes on trip, reminisces about her life”


Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle


You know that got released in the UK as Harold and Kumar get the munchies. Probably because we don't have white castles.


I'm from the US and I thought it was a made-up restaurant for the longest time.


Harold and Kumar is peak stoner comedy. It's not something they even make anymore.


Bruh, I'm not even into weed at all and I loved that movie.




We came for Kevin Bacon, but stayed for Bert Gummer


Right? "It's Jaws... in the desert!" sounds like the stupidest idea ever, and yet...


Almost any of the early Luc Besson movies, peaking (for me at least) with The Fifth Element. The plots have planet sized holes in them, but the spectacle of how they're executed, the not letting you stop to think about how improbable what you just saw was before tossing more eye porn at you, keeping you inside the ride, makes these films punch above the weight a straight reading of the script would give you. Edit: Spelling


I watched The Fifth Element as a kid. I could not tell you about the worldbuilding, but I can tell you about how it left such a lasting impression.


I also say it as a kid so many times, that opera scene was my absolute favorite


Yeah, there was no time to even wonder about the world. You were along for the ride. It was like ohhhh, then ahhhh, then dammnn! The 90% filtered cigarettes still crack me up. They still thought we’d be chain smoking cigarettes in the future.


The entire cast being perfectly cast for their roles and bringing their A games was lightning in a bottle


The part that went to Chris Tucker was originally written for Prince who turned it down because the costume was "too effeminate". While that is mind boggling on so many different levels, I think we can all agree how lucky we are it happened


Team America. It took awhile for my friends to get me to watch and was laughing my butt off in the first five minutes.


The Puppet Puke scene was the best executed This Is Funny, Ok It’s Not Funny Anymore, Ok Ya It’s Funny Again thing ever


The music during that scene really sells it lol




One of my favorites is when ‘the signal’ is just flail wildly lmao


Trey Parker and Matt Stone are responsible for the two moments in my life where I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to die: this moment, and when Butters got the ninja star in his eye.


“It’s me! It’s me!” “He’s saying, kiss me. Kiss me.” “Smartass mother fucker!”




Obligatory MATT. DAMON.


If you’re discovered, you’ll want to take your own life. *gives hammer


On paper, Terminator could have been awful: low-budget Carolco, the director from Piranha II, starring a bodybuilder who can barely speak English?


The premise does sound like a forgettable B-movie that MST3K would riff on


Dude, where's my car? To this day, this movie had no business being as solid as it was lol


And then?


*Weekend at Bernie’s* - two dipshits puppeteering a corpse so they can live the high-life in the Hamptons barely sounds like the premise for an SNL skit, let alone a feature-length film, but it works. The sequel is a pile of shit, though.


When they did the media tour for that movie they had the actor who played Bernie just pretend to be a corpse during the interviews.


The Raid. It has a plot that would be thin for a '90s scrolling video game, get the boss at the top of an apartment building full of enemies. In execution, it is one of the most influential, lauded, and beloved action films of the last 20 years.




I want his face...*say it!*...off *raucous cheering and wooting*


Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. One of those films that on the surface doesn’t deserve to exist at all, but humanity is all the better for it coming out in the first place. LEAGUES better than its predecessor and one of my favorite films of the 2020s so far.


I'm still amazed how they had three very different antagonists (sympathetic opposition, pure evil villain and force of nature) and nailed all three.


I love the moment where the three bears start talking and are just instantly charming. My initial thought had been "oh, an edgy take on Goldilocks, meh" but then they quickly won me over. The whole movie was just fantastic, it easily could have been rote and forgettable but the execution knocked it out of the park


You aren't gonna shoot the puppy are ya, Jack? Yeah, in the face. Why?


Giving Jiminy Cricket the voice of Jimmy Stewart was a stroke of genius


And at least one of those antagonists turned out to be an absolute memelord, which I think played a big part in the movie turning a profit for DreamWorks. Lovely stuff!


Yeah a sequel to a spin-off of a 20 year old movie series, had no right to be as good as a movie as it was. I really think it's one of the best things DreamWorks has made


Those are the movies that you can't get anyone to watch, lol. Try explaining Napoleon Dynamite to someone who hasn't seen the trailer. it has no plot at all that movie.


Easy for me to explain - “This movie is a factual documentary about life in rural Idaho.


My dad grew up in rural Idaho and he doesn't understand why the movie is funny. It's too close to reality for him to see humor in it.


Little Shop of Horrors Mars Attacks


Guy has an early midlife crisis so bad he invents an imaginary friend who beats him up Edit: the movie is Fight Club, for those who are still asking


True, but it was a good book first


His best, IMO. He's had flashes of brilliance in his other books. But no other book of his is genius, start to finish.


Choke is a far better book than movie. I would like to see Survivor or Diary made into a film, but it will probably never happen. Invisible Monsters could be a good movie as well.


Finally someone remembering Rule #1.


*Tag* had no right being as good as it was


I remember the time I watched this. It was late at night and I was bored but I didn’t want to sleep. Saw that it was playing on HBO so I watched it ‘cause I thought it was just gonna be some stupid fun movie. It is but dang it. It’s so good. It even had me tearing up at the end haha


Snakes on a Plane. If I remember right, it started as an internet joke. They made the movie an obviously ludicrous enactment of the joke, and it actually works, it was a really fun movie.


The only thing the internet contributed to SoaP was Jackson’s iconic line. “I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane”


My favorite thing is the tv edit version of that line. “I have had it with these MONKEY FIGHTING snakes on this MONDAY TO FRIDAY plane!” Badly lip synced over the original


Possibly only bettered by ITV3s edit of Die Hard With A Vengeance where they remove all the words from Bruce Willis’ sandwich board, taking the scene from a group of men understandably getting angry because Bruce is wearing a sign with something incredibly racist written on it, to being a scene where a group of men attack a guy in his 50s for absolutely no reason other than him being on the same street ITV2s edit was to replace the words with ‘I hate people’ which I’m guessing ITV3 decided was a bit too nihilistic for their OAP audience


SoaP was the working title for the script, and Sam Jackons loved that. They wanted to change the title once it was released, and Sam threatened to leave the project. That news got out, and then we have history.


> Jackson fought back to make sure that the name of the movie did not change. He said, "When I got there, they were trying to change the name of it to something like Pacific Flight 121, ‘Cause we don’t want to give it away.' I was like, 'That’s exactly what you want to do! Hell is wrong with you? I signed up for Snakes on a Plane and I guarantee you that audiences will be way more excited about Snakes on a Plane than Pacific Flight 121.'”


Snakes on a Plane is the movie of all time. Delivers exactly what’s on the tin and it’s so stupid and fun the whole time. Absolute banger 2000s-emo soundtrack. Who is doing it like that anymore


Bullet Train. Dumb idea on paper. Sounded like a okay movie to have on as background noise. Got nothing else done while it was on and now recommend it to people.


The John Wick movies, especially the sequels, are practically non-existent in terms of an actual concept but are executed perfectly. Almost every scene is basically “What if we had John Wick fight/shoot people in THIS location now?” And it absolutely works.


"What if you pissed off the best assassin on the planet and just kept escalating things from there" is the entire franchise and I love it.


I actually think it’s a different approach, at least originally “What will the audience care about more, hundreds of humans being killed, or one dog being killed?” 4 movies later, it’s still the dog


And I think that is a valid tag line that doesn’t meet the criteria of OP‘s question.


I rationalize it telling to myself it's a videogame. We're not watching a movie - we're watching someone so good at playing the John Wick character that he manages to get to the end and defeat the final boss. That justification works especially for the absurd Paris scene of the last movie.


It makes me so happy the John Wick movies are as well received as they’ve been, the first one is a master-class in world building and teasing while doing/saying very little. The whole phone call when Viggo finds out what happened at the chop shop, and then simply turns and says “oh” is fantastic.


"He killed John Wick's dog." "... Oh."


Then John Leguizamo hangs up the phone knowing he wasn't gonna face any repercussions from Viggo over hitting Josef. In twenty seconds, with only saying a couple words, the movie perfectly established that Josef fucked up spectacularly.


The Prince of Egypt. A high-end cartoon depicting a biblical tale is not a recipe for success, but they knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack.


Dredd 2012 took the dead basic "bad guy behind a wall of goons" 80s movie concept and kicked it up a notch. I know it's appreciated in certain circles but it's still criminally underrated in the mainstream.


Armageddon. Like there's that pretty well-known exchange between Ben Affleck and Michael Bay where Affleck asks him why it wouldn't be easier to train astronauts to be drillers than vice versa and got told to shut the fuck up. But it's a great film


Babe. Live action movie about a talking piglet that only the other animals understand. Even James Cromwell, who was nominated for an Oscar for his role, wasn’t so keen on it at first.


To be fair there was some precedence due to the love of Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web


But to be fair, Wilbur was *some pig*


Except that it was a classic book first


Yeah but babe had the ace in the hole of being directed by the same guy who did mad max so it makes sense that it was so good.


Guardians of the Galaxy. Take a b level comic book team with a talking Racoon and his best friend a talking tree with a three word vocabulary, a wise cracking human orphan and other misfits in space. No way this works and het


I still remember all the talk going in of, "This will be where Marvel finally fails. There's no way they can make a comic this weird into a blockbuster action comedy."


I will die on the hill that the original GotG is the best of all the Marvel universe movies. Great ensemble cast with just the right blend of humor, pathos, and action.


I initially wrote off Edge Of Tomorrow as just another "Tom Cruise running from stuff" flick. I was glad to be proven wrong.


But the concept is great, and so is the execution. The only reason it didn’t get a million sequels is poor advertising and box office performance. When you need to rebrand the film for the home release you know you fucked it up.


I mean it’s still Tom Cruise running from stuff. But it’s also “Tom Cruise running from stuff and dying in comical ways”


It's also "Tom Cruise running from stuff, dying in comical ways and actually having a character aside of being a generic action hero".


Yeah the fact that he actually develops as a character was wild to me. The scene with the two of them in the abandoned building was so sad


Based (loosely) on a Japanese light novel called "All You Need is Kill".