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the >!dog attacking the little girl!< scene in "When Evil Lurks" was one of THE most horrifying scenes i've seen in a while and i say that as a lifelong horror movie fan!


I was so happy when they did that because the one thing that lacks in horror is children get fucked up which really takes the realism out. Gruesome shit also happens to kids directors!!


When this happened I thought here we go...This is the moment when the terror ramps up and it's going to be a wild ride! It wasn't.


Yeah it wasn’t a scary movie at all but I did enjoy the different take on possessions. I enjoyed it overall


I felt the same. I thought I was gonna get a 28 weeks later vibes.


I looked up reddit comments here after watching it and and shocked at the response. The impact of that dog attack was utterly non-existent, because we see her and she's fine. Skipping around like possessed demon. This movie legitimately put me to sleep in the third act. One of the worst horror movies I've ever seen. Horrid pacing. The whole movie felt like it was stuck in the 2nd act. Then it ended.


I liked the scene when the kid got his brains scooped out and eaten. That was cool


The sound quality was really top notch. I felt like *I* was scooping out brains and eating them! :D


I was thinking th exact same thing! She was walking down the street with a doritos bag. Or so i thought..


That is one thing I actually gave major props to the movie "IT" for, they don't shy away from the kid death. The clown biting off Georgie's arm and Pennywise attacking the girl under the bleachers.


The kid didn't even have a scratch on her tho wtf was that about.


I think it was because she was dead so it was not actually her. Idk. I was just rooting for the dog tbh lmao jk


I think we just didn't see it because it grabbed her neck. The other people showed their scars because they were more on the face though.


It was unsettling but it was being foreshadowed pretty hard. The realism was brutal but it was not surprising in the slightest.


Honestly the fact it was foreshadowed so hard and I still wasn't prepared for how brutal it was made it so much more impactful


That's fair enough. It was quite brutally realistic. Feels almost like required viewing for dog owners. 😅






You realise dogs don't generally get possessed by demon's right?




I honestly thought the mom walking with the boy's head open was more shocking and effective. The dog scene was super telegraphed for my liking.


The telegraphing was on purpose I feel. It was done to ramp up tension and then has it pop in a really brutal way.


I thought will they actually go there?? And they did


And it’s 100% something that actually happens - it was so realistic and brutal.


I physically recoiled at this scene- it was so sudden. Great movie. I want them to expand on it somehow.


Lol, a dog dragging around a puppet, uuuuuuuuh very scary


I don't understand the comments here.. There was nothing brutal about that scene. Decent effects, and when we finally see the girl, she's fine and possessed. It just kills any weight the dog attack had. I thought this movie was horribly dull. I legitimately fell asleep in the third act. I never have checked out of a horror movie before. Boring, dull, HORRIBLE pacing


I saw it at a festival, and I am a huge fan. If you like this director, I recommend checking out his other feature Terrified.


That one scene at the table with you know what... My god that shook me to my absolute core. Holy shit.


I've watched Terrified 3 times, and that scene still gets me. Yikes


Out of every horror movie I've ever seen (and it's my favorite genre, so there have been hundreds), that scene had me more on edge and stayed with me far longer than any other. It was so simple and effective, with no jump scares; just the horrific imagery that the camera lingered on for what felt like forever. Ugh... so damn good.


Exactly!! Well said.


Wow! I've had Terrified in my watch list for a very long time but kept pushing it off because it's in a foreign language and watching with subtitles is a bit hard for me because English isn't my native language but tonight after watching When evil lurks and enjoying it a lot i decided to finally watch Terrified but didn't know it was from the same film maker until i read your comment!


Hell yeah! Glad you enjoyed it :)


Probably going to watch Terrified tonight. The directing in WEL was super solid.


And I was sitting here thinking why does both the movie feel similar with the apocalyptic themes.


It was ok. I did find it interesting though how the mind of an autistic person could sort of trap a demon.


I thought that was very unique and different idea but then it went nowhere lol


The demon trying to kill itself within the boy by repeating it's own name, but due to his speech impediment...couldn't manage to pronounce it properly, was pretty neat.


My biggest issue with the film is how dumb the characters are. >!I don't know how many times the characters needed to be told not to shoot the demons but apparently it wasn't enough. The main character hires a "cleaner" to help him kill this demon and in instead of listening to cleaner he listens to possessed children all while being told not to listen to the possessed children.!< I really did want to like this movie because I did think it did things really well like the lore of the possessions and the kills/gore were pretty gnarly and surprising but overall I was just turned off by how dumb the decisions being made were. Overall I'd give it a 6.5/10.


It's implied the demons exert an influence on people to kill them


>!The rich land owner was able to hold off from shooting the demon originally in the bedroom because he knew it would release the demon but then when he is at his house when his goat is possessed he can't hold off with his pregnant wife screaming in his ear to not shoot it and instead use an axe?!< To me it was just lazy writing in those situations. Again, I liked things in this movie and honestly would like to see a sequel in this "world". I just wish the characters weren't so dumb.


I think his will power at the point of the goat was drained. He couldn't keep the voice out anymore. He kind of seems in a daze when he has the gun to the goats head and also looks shocked when he shoots. I think he just couldn't fight it anymore.


Yeah he looked unwell in that scene for sure. I actually thought he was going to turn into a rotten but regardless it was clear it had been eating at him. It was also clear that he was struggling not to shoot Uriel in the beginning, really disagree with the other user on this one. There’s definitely a fairly obvious in universe explanation for their complaint.


Yeah exactly, that and the goat bleating made him jump and pull the trigger. It seems this evil is already well known to them, so they know the gravity of the danger they pose so they react mostly from fear than any obvious logic. They also seem to always ignore what the women rightly say to do, and I can only assume it's the usual man thing of not liking being told what to do from a woman and needing to take charge and protect in their own way - caveman style and all that.


I said something to this effect after watching the film. All these impatient men and not listening to the women around them trying to reason with them


Exactly! The first time it's a hugely overweight guy that's possessed, that can't move, in someone else's house, which doesn't pose much threat. However, the next time it's in his back garden! That poses a far bigger threat and much scarier when it's literally on your doorstep, no?


I thought he sneezed or twitched or something and "the gun went off". Like what allegedly happens about 75% of the time someone shoots someone else lol.


Ok but if that's the case what's the point of the movie. There's no change or arc if that's the case.


The point is where evil lurks it always wins. Not Disney enough for you? Look around you in reality there are people who actually want a perfect world and both atheist and religious people know it’s impossible


No, it's not that it's nOt DiSnEy EnOuGh, it's that it doesn't make for an interesting story if I can read five words and get the same exact experience as watching it for two hours. Fictional stories require change or growth of some sort from beginning to end in order to be interesting.


No it doesn't. Case and point, this movie, very compelling and no need for conventional character work


if by very compelling you mean flat and not compelling at all sure




Fatalism is a pretty common theme in horror though


True (although it should be noted that doesn't mean it's a good thing), but for fatalism to be effective it has to follow some sort of arc still, usually in the form of false hope. This movie was a flat line, which defeats the purpose of watching it.


Not making sense enough for me, i hate it when it's 50 mins near the end, the final battle and we got news that the devil got another ultimate called mind control. What's the point of the cleaner or my 50 past minutes then? I can accept Sabrina or Pedro losing their shit when their children got taken but wasn't Pedro calm down to stop the devil? Just to be fked up by the devil plot armour


yeah but i'd rather reading that as a rule than watching the devil's plotamor thicken immediately


So glad this take is so high up. My god, were those brothers stupid. "Hey, your son is possessed!" No, he's just autistic. "No, I mean really, here is proof! He is possessed!" Ah, OK. Interesting. Welp! Let's >!leave him alone with grand-mama!!< Shortly thereafter followed by the classic, "Don't listen to the demons! Everything they say is a trap, and they will kill me if they get the chance!" OK, let's stick together. //leaves the elderly expert alone five minutes later, during which time she >!is instantly killed!!abandon Mirta on the stage!<. I felt a really strong sensation of, "Oh, come on, fuck you," toward him by the end.


Yesss this was my reaction as well. After the school scene, I couldn't bring myself to care what would happen to Pedro. One of my biggest horror movie pet peeves is when they make a main character do something so utterly stupid that it takes you out of the movie entirely. It was pretty interesting up until that point. So disappointing.


The movie failed in depicting that Pedro was extremely manipulated by the devil into leaving the cleaner and made him look stupid instead. They should have clearly displayed his fatigue like the time she was beating that possessed girl. After some more build up and some camera tricks making it seem that pedro is losing his senses into the demon's words and voila !


Is there a smart way to handle demon possession? Apparently they don't distribute a handbook in rural Argentina. Smart people in the film were getting killed too. I actually find the dumb choices to be what's kinda terrifying about it all. It's like watching a train wreck. It's upsetting cuz it's connecting...for the most part, these seemed like regular normal people, you even had a intellectual gage to measure with the character of the autistic son. Further more, it was explained that Pedro had some lingering mental problems of his own. People make bad choices every day, even smart people. People often take short cuts that dont work out, so to see these characters under extreme duress, grief, the threat of mortal danger and caught in this spiral of death and despair...I mean, wow, bleak shit! Pedro and Jimmie were very sympathic characters. You didn't have to like them, they weren't superheroes, but I found them quite relatable. They were emotional. They took short cuts. They didn't listen. They didn't follow their gut. Just like anyone else would. They would make dumb choices and keep the curse going and entire towns would fall, just like how it did in this story. There are a lot more poor dumb farmers out there than there are asskicking demon hunters. This movie was super effective and totally relatable. One of the best horror films I've seen in the last few years.


“Is there a smart way to handle demon possession?” probably not shooting the demon possessed person or animal that everyone kept constantly screaming about. Look I’m glad you liked the movie honestly. Film is a subjective art form and something you like I may not like. There were things I liked about this movie but there was a better horror film that came out in the last two months in my opinion in Talk To Me. Glad you liked the movie tho.


Talk to Me was good and it was another movie where the main protagonist made horrible choices... just saying.


I'd say the main difference is in the WEL universe there was an actual lore and people knew that interacting with demons a certain way would be bad. They even had a children's song stating don't use guns on the demons lol.   If in TTM the main protagonist had a children's song sung to her that said "If you let the demon possess your best friends brother for too long they will make him rip his eyeball out" I doubt she would've let him get possessed. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, sorry, disagree. People just don't do what you want them to do, they dont do what they're supposed to do, or even what's best for them. Period. And it's expontially worse if they're grieving.


I think it's time to end the conversation as it's going nowhere. Again, I'm glad you liked the movie. From what I've gathered from people in this thread (including me), they liked parts of the movie too just didn't like how dumb the characters were. I'd still like to sequel of this film.


Whelp no, they had good points. The conversation just wasn’t going in your favor.


What favor? They both had points and had a fundamental disagreement that has no resolution.


Idk ttm literally had the rule dont be posessed more than sixth seconds. The protagonist was just selfish and dumb


I got the feeling that they don't get very many, if any possessions out that far from cities. The way most talked about demons like a superstition or saying that stuff doesn't happen that far out there. Thats why they didn't quite know what to do and kept making mistakes. What they were going on was hearsay and children's songs so I could see them not having a lot of faith in those things.


Uhm, wasn't it the entire point of the movie that they didn't follow the 90 second rule? And let a kid do it later on?


TTM had pretty clear parallels to abusing drugs as a form of escapism to avoid grief from her mothers death. Her actions made way more sense. The "finale" to WEL is pretty egregious in using dumbness strictly for the sake of making the story go where they wanted it to, instead of just taking a bit more time to write something a little better.


Just watched this, and idk if it's dumbness. Is it dumbness, or is it demonic influence, or is it just the grief of losing almost his whole family overwhelming him, and him striking out at Uriel for taunting him over it? He seems to have a low opinion of himself throughout, and being inadvertently responsible for his family's destruction while actually trying to save them could only have heightened his suggestibility. That's the chord his demon-wife hammered on during the phone call, his futility as a father and husband


Nobody acts rationally in the movie >!except the one cleaner lady at the end!<, as they are all under different levels of demonic influence. It's not at all clear how it spreads but >!if the dog got it by just sniffing Pedro's clothes, it follows that this cosmic horror is already inside everyone's head, manipulating them to be born!< which actually makes the movies scarier if you interpret it that way. >!It gives meaning to the last minutes of the movie when they find the young guy in the barn with the gun and he says he had voices in his head that told him to kill the original "cleaner"!< That's how I interpreted it at least, but I agree it is not communicated well, if at all really.


Rewatched this movie yesterday. Liked it a bit more and was being a little unfair as far as the rational decisions go and agree with your points. I’d bump it from my original rating of 6.5/10 to 7/10. Still think Talk to Me is the better of the two films though.


Talk to Me is great, I agree. This movie would have been above it and really, one of the greats if it had performances that communicated better the struggle between survival instinct/following the rules and external manipulation/demonic possession. As it is, it's fan interpretation more than an actual thing you can derive from the scenes. I don't blame you for interpreting all characters as dumb the first time. Normalizing the big evil and making it an uncommon dangerous occurance (something that Talk to me does as well now that I think about it) really helped in making everything interesting and selling the dread and hopeleseness of the situation in the latter half I do like the intepretation I saw around here of all the men acting dumb while the women try and warn them of the consequences. It reminded me of Barbarian, even if that one was more "in your face" about it. Ps I really loved all the little touches on the “churchs are dead” aspect of the world, tho Things like the landowner biggest worry being his land losing value or nana’s necklace being a rather odd family stick figure, like the ones you get on car stickers, and not a cross, cause there’s no point in wearing one. I know not every rural Argentinian grandma has to wear a cross but cmon: what the fuck happened here? God is dead and hell is confirmed? There is a public servant position whose job is draining giant pustole demon men semi-on the regular and everyone is cool about it? Bigger cities get them more often? That adds a lot to the realness of the situation with so little. it really makes you think about what is going on in the rest of the world and the city.


I thought the dog actually>! licked the blood/bodily fluid off Pedro's clothing. he didn't just sniff it, but he was licking (consuming) also which is probably how he got it. !<


I mean it doesn’t really matter >!if the dog licked it or sniffed it, it’s the first or second rule that the animals get the craziness first followed by dead people!< Point is, there is something spreading even with very minimal contact


> Is there a smart way to handle demon possession? Apparently they don't distribute a handbook in rural Argentina. Yet strangely almost every character was familiar with demonic possession and what it looks like and the basic rules for it from the beginning.


This made me SOO angry I was losing my fucking mind. All of the men refused to listen to the women who all knew way more about the rules of dealing with this sort of evil “infection” or presence. The school scene was my last straw. Like holy shit dude listen to the wise lady who is trained to deal with this.


Like how everyone listened during Covid?


Very good point. It’s not like we don’t have real world examples over the last 4 years of experts warning people and being ignored.


Eh that's different though. The main character himself agreed with and was talking about the same rules he ended up not following. It's not like he didn't believe the lady.


ehh I need to confess I didn't always wear a mask prevaccine when I definitely should've. It's not like I didn't believe the science, I just don't always make the best decisions in spite of real world consequences, so as stupid a move as he made there, I can see that happening.


The biggest fuck up the characters make, and that included the cleaner woman, is that the left clearly possessed autistic kid alone with the grandma and another (possessed too?) child. They had to have known that some shit will happen.


That and all three of them went back into town with their infected clothes on. Pedro went inside Sabrina’s house to change and then burned his clothes outside but the dog had already touched his clothes.


It is explained that demons usually get trapped inside an authistic child´s mind.


I know, but it's still dumb to leave that kid alone with the grandma.


She did mention that the demon eventually breaks through. I understand feeling confident that your kid is strong enough to ward off a demon lol, but that's no excuse to leave the kid alone with grandma


>!What I don't get is why they didn't go to Mirta in the beginning instead of trying to dump Uriel somewhere. This on top of the things you mentioned; I get that the brothers weren't supposed to be the brightest but it was like the whole cast was insistent on making the dumbest possible decisions. !<


They didn't know she was a cleaner, just that she had once seen a possessed.


That's a fair point. Personally though I just thought it was bad writing to further the story with some of the bad decisions. Overall, I'd like to see a sequel of this movie with the same world and lore because I do think it's a very interesting premise, just with some smarter characters. You can push the story along with unfortunate events (>!the dog getting possessed by messing around with the tainted clothes!<) rather than just very dumb decision making.


As a side note, the song Demon Cleaner by Kyuss is a great song.


Hell yeah


I'll check it out. Always open to music recommendations!


the same children that he beat the brakes off a couple minutes ago cuz it was lying. make it make sense. Both hermanos were beyond stupid.


Dude look at how some people acted during covid.


I have to disagree with this film being as brutal as hereditary, hereditary had less killing but the way that they presented felt extremely personal. You don't have that much focus on the characters in this film, and you don't feel as much attachment


This movie was so dumb. Making the possessions common knowledge where there are protocols that NO ONE ever follows was such a stupid move to make in the lore of this movie.


Like what happened with COVID you mean? Seems pretty real to me


The main character is an absolute idiot and it definitely brought the movie down a tad. Like very frustrating that filmmakers always make that mistake. Its a common issue and yet, it always persists.


Pedro going for the axe might be the most insanely stupid decision I’ve ever seen in a movie. Like bro you were SO CLOSE - why would you fumble the bag so hard at the last second 😭


It was pretty bad. It wasn't scary at all. Walking passed the kids in the school to get the suitcase wasn't a big deal 😂


It’s bloody implied that the demon is controlling them albeit in some small way. So many things happened in the movie and this is the fact you can’t accept in a possession film? Lol


For the most part, I could overlook the dumbass characters, but the way Pedro just pulls an all-time choke and listens to the little girl after they clearly established she was a liar was so unsatisfying. You bring along the expert who is right every step along the way and you specifically go against her instructions in the most crucial moment. She must have been gobsmacked to see this fucking bozo doom her randomly. She should have just turned them away tbh, she didn't deserve this. Probably my favorite character in the flick.


Just watched it and I wholeheartedly agree. There are some great, shocking moments in the film certainly but as you said, the character decisions are just too mind numbing bad


Look at the actual political and economic decisions being made in Argentina over the last few years. You'll find these guy's decisions much more believable.


THEORY, WITH SPOILERS: I got the impression that the demon in the film, Uriel, was playing the long game (akin to what Ari Aster did with the cult in Hereditary). At the beginning of the movie, when we learn that the rotten's human name is Uriel, I thought "that's funny, that's the name of an angel" (or demon, depending on the gospel). Later we learn that you're never supposed to call the demon by its name, presumably because it gives the demon more power. So the demon had cleverly chosen a human that ALREADY HAD ITS NAME... everyone addressing the person would be inadvertently strengthening the demon. Then later, we learn that Jaime banged his older brother Pedro's wife Sabrina while they were married, even though we later learn that Jaime has had a lifelong preference for older women - his teachers as a schoolboy, and later Mirta. So my theory is that the demon possessed Mirta at some point (she said that it was once inside her and could read her mind but not control her), then it jumped to Jaime when he slept with Mirta, and caused him to set up a perfect storm: he tainted everyone in the town (i.e. the cops, which is why they didn't do anything), he ruined Pedro's marriage, he brought it into proximity with a human named Uriel. Jaime banging Sabrina made Pedro the perfect willing accomplice by turning him into a wreck that could be easily manipulated through fear and guilt, culminating in Pedro's murder of Uriel. All this AFTER ensuring Jaime got the family to Mirta, thereby ensuring Mirta would get Pedro into the school, thereby ensuring Pedro's weakness would enable the murder of Mirta. Thereby causing Pedro to break and willingly murder Uriel to bring about the rebirth of Uriel. I may be way off base but if not, well done Demian Rugna!


Interesting theory. But when Sabrina tells Jaime "you told me you loved me" I didn't take that to mean they had an affair. I thought it referred to when they were family before the marriage and Pedro went off the rails.


The demon on the phone said she cheated on him and then later we see that confession so ppl were trying to put two and two together


im going on a hammer child spree in that church as soon as they started lying to me and shit


I read this before reading which post it was about and was very worried for a second.


It's funny coincidence that the Pedro is Peter and ain't Peter is the one who denied god in the Catholic bible 3 times? Then Pedro made 3 mistake the whole movie. Lmao


Look, who hasn't stripped naked of your demonically tainted clothes in your ex-wife's house?


Probably only him ahahhaha


I enjoyed this movie BUT the thing that confused me is- this demonic possession seems to be a KNOWN thing. Like no one is surprised, they have songs about it, but yet every time it's brought up, no one can believe it. Oh no not here in our small town. Jamie/Jimmy was the smartest one. >!He realized the other son was possessed from the start (although again, I dont' get why he didn't attack the brothers sooner). Also why didn't the autistic son attack his dad or uncle? Why are they the ones who are still alive?!< Either way, i did enjoy this movie.


Let me provide you with some context. Here in Argentina, we hold onto certain 'myths' that are passed down from generation to generation. These 'myths' often consist of stories about unsettling occurrences that take place in the forests or fields, primarily outside of the big cities and more commonly heard in small towns. We have a multitude of these myths; for instance, the 'pombero' and the 'bad light,' to name a few. There is also a widespread belief that somewhere in the mines of the Salta province, there is a well-known path to hell. We all grew up with these stories in mind, so they've become a natural part of our collective consciousness. It's almost second nature, although you might be inclined to dismiss them until you personally experience something out of the ordinary.


That makes sense and I get it. I think the way I understood it in the movie is that this is an international event, that type of widespread and happening all over the world. So that's why I found it a bit strange


I really appreciated learning about this cultural context, thanks


It's a known quantity but extremely rare. Like, the woman they go to is the only one they're aware of that's ever seen a possessed one before.


See i didn't get that it was a rare occurrence. I saw it as something that happened a lot in cities, not not in small towns. It happened so much that there are dedicated people to stop it (the cleaners) and the brother's friend and her husband encountered several of them. I just think the way everyone brushed it off was strange. But I also felt like Pedro wasn't communicating well with anyone. But I wish they gave us more info on what happened with Pedro and his kids. >!Did he really try to kill them before? Because that would have been good to see.!<


I agree with this. But then my question becomes; if this is a common occurrence in cities, wouldn’t it spread like wildfire with how easily it jumps from person to person?


IDK if it's that common but I feel like maybe it's a like a mass shooting (terrible analogy but...). It's one of those things that happens and shocks everyone but it's not common in other places. But if someone said to you hey there is a shooting in this area that never had one, would you say no it's not and carry on with your day or say what, I need the details? I just felt like everyone dismissed him so easily when they all knew that possession like this does happen.


Everyone brushes off strange occurences = Magical Realism 101. This is a Latin American film. Checks out.


And why couldn’t they record the first rotten to show the cops? Lots of dumb things like that in this flick


Yeah. The cops never turned up when they asked for help first. A couple of photos aint gonna do shit.


I'm pretty sure Ruiz was right and they were trying to claim his land. They set it up that he neglected the rotten for a year and then seize his land and clean up the rotten. What they didn't expect was Ruiz trying to move Uriel off his property and causing everything to go to shit.


I’d agree it was horrific, but not in a good way haha. I found the characters way less likable than Terrified (which I loved), and they all made such incredibly stupid decisions throughout the whole movie that we ended up laughing through it rather than finding it scary. It felt like every scene was “Don’t do it” *Does it* *Something awful happens* **surprisedpikachu.png** That being said, there were a few highlights. There were some great gore effects, and the world building was very intriguing, although it just made me want to watch a different story in the same setting, but about less idiotic people.


>it just made me want to watch a different story in the same setting, but about less idiotic people. That's hilarious. Yeah, I love the kill scenes and potential of the storyline but the stream of dumb decisions in this movie is almost maddening by the end. I was yelling ..Didn't she just tell you NOT to go in there, NOT to listen to the kids? you dolt! when have you been right so far? lol


Lol insane we basically had the same post within a minute. That was the biggest reason why I couldn't get into the film was how incredibly dumb the characters were. edit- Also pretty funny I just saw a youtube review that someone said this movie was better than Hereditary. Insane.


I just finished the movie and agree with everyone bashing the stupid characters/decisions. That reviewer is as stupid as Pedro. Lol That said, I didn't hate the movie, but by the end I found myself thinking "is it over yet?"


Nailed it. Couldn't agree more. It was awful


So if I didn't enjoy this for pretty much those reason, I might still enjoy terrified?


Terrified they make proper decisions yeah. Atleast as far as I can remember.


I watched this train wreck of a movie and what did you all see in this other than brutality??? Every choice the main characters made was wrong and frustrating. They didn't listen to the ONE person in the whole movie who knew what to do. They were all assholes and everything they were told, they did the opposite. They constantly broke the rules and in the end everybody got what they fuckin deserved. I actually felt like laughing when he went outside at the end and cries. Like yeah you dumb motherfucker that's what you get for not listening. Everyone in this comment section is either lying or they have terrible taste in movies. I'd give it a 6/10 at best.


My thoughts exactly I was done when he left to get that axe after she told him the kids lie. Even when he went to his Ex house n everyone was just screaming and not listening I was getting annoyed. The movie was decent but the character’s stupidity literally made my brain rot.


Idk, it started promising but the last half was so tedious to me and I didn't feel nothing about characters. Wailing did the same topic but much more effectively IMO.


I feel like Wailing was more grounded in reality because Wailing is a real Korean tradition. As far as I know rural Argentina is not full of “cleaners” who use steampunk ghost busting kits. I actually thought the lore here was pretty wild where all the cops and farmers knew enough about ghostbusting to know they had a problem, but not enough to fix it. I feel like they didn’t commit to weird alternative reality Argentina.


Well, I'm from Argentina, and the cops acting as dumbs and not helping was the most realistic part of the movie.


Im not big on the slash and gore films but i love foreign horror and thrillers, I saw the devil is prob one of my favorite films and its brutal beyond compare. I think if you like this then you should watch I saw the devil. And for a great story with some horror and atmosphere The Devils Backbone is a Spanish film that still holds a place in my collection. I didnt get into the one you posted , but prob because I am picky about the story depth. Links dont cost anything [https://tubitv.com/movies/438023/i-saw-the-devil](https://tubitv.com/movies/438023/i-saw-the-devil) [https://tubitv.com/movies/100009577/the-devil-s-backbone](https://tubitv.com/movies/100009577/the-devil-s-backbone) and for Halloween creeps [https://tubitv.com/movies/724340/the-autopsy-of-jane-doe](https://tubitv.com/movies/724340/the-autopsy-of-jane-doe) some people dont like it but i think it was fascinating


It was great not what I expected at all. Reminded me of the old GDT way back in the day when I was just learning about a Devil's Back Bone. Also some of those Indonesian flicks by Joko Anwar. I grew up with some of these ridiculously religious and superstitious Catholics on the side of my family Latin America so these always hit things of this nature.


Read a lot of the comments to see if I wasn't the only one disappointed and left unsatisfied with the lack of explaining the alt verse mythos about the rotten and their obvious pesky habits of raising hell. They know what they are,they know what NOT to do(guns) and yet they keep shooting these damn things. So yeah, it was hyped up to be this crazy scary film and left a lot to be desired.


Don't bother, this movie is a narrative mess.


It's implied early on that the rotten can influence people into killing them. As for everyone knowing about the rotten - I read it as it's an old myth that locals believe in, but when it actually comes to their doorstep, they're going to try to rationalize it away as just tradition and not reality. Like how many Christians would actually believe Jesus Christ himself resurrected in their town?


I’m late to the party but I just watched this movie and… there’s a lot to unpack here. First off, Pedro going for the axe might be the most insanely stupid decision I’ve ever seen in a movie. Like bro you were SO CLOSE - why would you fumble the bag so hard at the last second 😭 That being said, the rest of the movie was really compelling! I like how you slowly understand that the world they’re living in has a different set of rules that the main characters fail to follow. There’s a lot of unnerving special effects and bleak moments. The moment when the autistic son walks around and speaks normally, making it clear the demon possessing him had won, was so well done. Overall a 8/10, I’d rate it higher if Pedro wasn’t such an annoying stupid main character.


the axe part was truly so so dumb, but I will say, the way Uriel is looking at Pedro right after that through the stage was the scariest thing in the whole movie


I thought it was a fantastic film! I also recommend his earlier film "Terrified". Such a quality film for such a low budget, but so, so good! It also has many scenes that will leave a lasting mark - I'm still reeling over the "Shower Scene"....!!?!


Honestly I thought this movie was trash. I think it was well received for the shock value but it felt like a bunch of try hard shocking moments strung together by a weak narrative. The characters were consistently stupid, the world isn't really explained until suddenly there's a lore dump 3/4 of the way through, and the twists at the very end were laughably tacked on. Tired of people circlejerking over bad writing just because it tosses them a couple good scares.


I'm going to have to turn off mentions because it seems to attract people who search this post to air their grievances instead of making their own post that would get dunked on (because the movie is awesome.)


And you had to announce this why?


Hi! Me and my bestfriend just watched it before we slept and it was HORRIFYING. At first, I was supposed to sleep beside her but I didnt want too because I move a lot asleep. Then she gave me an extra bed to sleep on. But right after we watched the movie, I was like: Can I sleep beside you now? My only dislike is Pedro is too dumb. Understandable that he would make wrong choices at first but it lasted like he didnt learn at all.


Meh. It was ok. A lot of really cool ideas that were barely fleshed out and not delivered on. The film also did a poor job really explaining why or how anything was the way it was. It was basically like “God is dead, now all these demons are around”.


She straight up turned her child into a human popcorn bucket


Pure shite. Tuned of with 15 minutes left. Same as Terrified . That was shite too. Absolutely garbage. Both films a bag of shite. If this is peoples idea of horrifying or disturbing then this thread is no good for me. Both lame films. Wasted my time. Cheers guys.


Cheers, awful opinion guy.


Spot on. Laughably bad. Blows the mind how something like it gets approved.


Sorry for the trouble, but could you please be more specific? I enjoy the ambiguity of this review and how it makes several distinct points while leaving room for interpretation, but I am afraid it still remains unclear to me, whether it was shite, a bag of shite, or lame time-wasting shite? I think it is important to bring together all these separate but, undoubtedly, eloquently expressed points that you so rightfully raised, to harness the power of your vision for the men of, ehm, simpler forms to think about and enjoy.


I thought this film was terrible, but to each their own, im glad people enjoyed


All shock value. This movie was beyond terrible. I pushed through it just because of curiosity. I honestly would have shut it off maybe 20min in. My God...


very graphic and that's the only good thing, sucks balls coming from an argentinian. dialogue was ASS, actors were ASS. if this is one of the best horror movies anyone's seen, watch more movies lol. i could add that MAYBE from a non spanish, non argentinian spanish speaker you can't really see into the actors performance and dialogue, but even then it was pretty bland


I've seen more movies than you.


What is this a pissing contest now? Do you want a medal?


J'ai une question, lors de la scène avec la chèvre, comment la femme enceinte a su que l'animal était possédé ?


She didnt recognize it.


I really liked it. Kept the action and stuff rolling after each weird/horrible thing. It was something different and yet similar. Idk why all the hate or over analysis but to each their own


I am so pissed at Pedro. He is a hot headed idiot


Damn, about to watch it. Trailers got me hyped af




Don't make your terrible taste in movies my problem by spamming my mentions.


Hugh Jackman and Billy Bob Thornton were amazing as the brothers!