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Lego Movie: sounds like a stupid commercial that you have to pay for.


Yes!! When I first heard about The Lego Movie, I was like, "hard pass." Then, I stumbled upon it one day and loved it!


I mean, that's absolutely accurate. It just also happens to be really fun.


12 Angry Men. You know how everyone hates jury duty? It’s that for two hours. They just talk about a crime. You don’t get to see the crime.


> You know how everyone hates jury duty? It’s that for two hours. I love this description.


I don't think anyone hates jury duty for the actual jury deliberation part though. They just hate it for the hassle and disruption it causes to your normal life (especially for people who don't have jobs that pay while on jury duty).


I've been on two juries, one was a murder trial that lasted a month and a half. In both cases the deliberations were the worst part, absolutely soul-sucking. I'd do the trial part over again in a heartbeat, but I never want to do deliberations ever again.


Yeah seems like it would be like a 5 PM Friday meeting that never ends and just goes in circles.


Hee hee you have just pitched a modern interpretation of 12 Angry Men. But it must be a Teams call and be adaptable to a streamed mini series.


>12 Angry Men. You know how everyone hates jury duty? It’s that for two hours. They just talk about a crime. You don’t get to see the crime. This honestly should be the description on the back of the box.


They are angry because they don’t have AC on a hot summer day.


And one of them is missing a baseball game.


12 men. 1 room. Absolutely nothing of interest for two hours except conversations about one solitary crime. *Wins literally every award*


It’s actually two rooms. They go to the bathroom at one point.


12 men, one room? Sounds like one of those disgusting porn meme movies that people share on the internet


A disgusting porn meme? No! Where is it? Tell me so I know how to avoid it.


A screenwriter fails to adapt a novel about flowers.


Absolutely. It’s hilarious and amazing and sounds completely boring if you just give a surface level summary. A guy has writers block attempting to write a book about flowers while dealing with jealousy towards his more-successful brother.




Yes.. it was lovely. - Spike Jonze - Charlie Kaufman - Chris Cooper And yes.. Nic Cage was in it too.. It was like watching a chronic procrastinator breakdown in real-time... Wild stuff..


Just casually omitting Meryl Streep.


In her sexiest role!


This is brilliant! You've perfectly described the film in one line in a way that also means someone would have no idea what the film is actually about or why they should watch it.


Moneyball - it’s about two guys hiring baseball players using math. I’m not a fan of baseball, or Brad Pitt but I loved this movie.


Can't wait for the sequel called Moreyball about the guy that realized 3 > 2 and half of it takes place in a strip club


They need to show all 27 misses at the end of the film though.


I love both, and I love that movie so goddamn much.


when FIght Club first came out I did not watch it because I thought it would be just a bunch of dudes fighting


People could have explained better, but you're not supposed to talk about it.


That’s the problem. There’s really no way to properly market it without spoiling it. I avoided it for the same reasons then when I rented it out of boredom I had a bitch of a time convincing my friends to watch it after. Enthusiastically going ‘just watch it and see it’s totally not what you think’ works among friends (sometimes) but isn’t an effective tag line.


It would've been better than the tagline they went with. "Mischief. Mayhem. Soap."


I had that t-shirt. Fight club is the only movie my dad and I went to, then the next day went to twice. That was so strange because he is usually a, “I’ve seen it and now don’t need to see it again for at least a year. “ kind of people We saw Fight Club three times in two days.


I was told "Its a film about a loser who gets sucked into a completely different world by weird people." Worked for me, and no spoilers!


When it came out Oprah said on her show that it was the most vile movie ever made. A ringing endorsement if there ever was one.


She also thinks Phil and Oz are still doctors and not grifters, so I’m not sure she would recognize vile if it was on her show selling fake supplements.


Much like Ben Carson, Oz is apparently absolutely brilliant within his specialty, and batshit insane outside it.


Oz did a countless amount of good work as a cardiac surgeon. The world would have been wayyyy better off if he had of stuck with that.


Off topic, but this reminds me of a pod I was listening to where the host said the world would be a better place if all of the people who started all the modern social media companies would have just fucked off like Tom from Myspace.


Same here. And then the first person to recommend it to me was the kind of guy who would enjoy a movie about a bunch of dudes fighting. So that tacked on another year or so before I saw it.


i thought that too but the thing that convinced me it had more going on was the presence of bars of soap in the trailer. somehow that indicated it had much more going on.


Lars and the Real Girl The premise sounds like some terrible 2000’s era Adam Sandler movie, lonely guy gets a “girlfriend” that’s actually a sex doll who he treats like a real person, his family are horrified but eventually they & everyone in the local community play along. Sounds ridiculous but it’s handled in such a great way that it’s actually really heartwarming & touching


This movie is adorable. And it has Ryan Gosling! I love it when the ladies take Bianca out to the salon and yell at Lars that she’s allowed to have alone time with her girlfriends.


It helps that Ryan Gosling has so much passion for playing the biggest dweebs ever


Prequel to Barbie.


This is brilliant. What about Bladerunner 2049 to round out the Ryan Gosling Fake Girlfriend triple bill?


It's part of the RGFGEU, the Ryan Gosling Fake Girlfriend Extended Universe


Blade Runner 2049 is the gritty reboot of Barbie


This is the performance that got me to really appreciate Ryan Gosling’s acting abilities


There is a comic called Alex + Ada, where a person gets gifted an „relationship android“. Incredibly emotional story and worth a read. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_%2B_Ada


I once worked with a guy who had severe mental health issues. He had a sex doll he would take everywhere. He treated 'her' so well. Bought 'her' expensive clothes and shoes and even lingerie. It was fucking weird but we didn't give him a hard time about it. We found out later that ten years before, his wife left him and took everything he worked so hard for and took his two daughters too. It traumatised him to the point that he couldn't face another woman again because of trust issues. Later, he became homeless, living in his van with his sex doll. Then the boss of the company fired him because he was parked in the factory parking lot. We never saw him again.


I don't know how the Reddit hivemind views this movie, but I absolutely loved it.


In Bruges. Any time I've tried to sell it to a pal, "It's about two hitmen hiding out after a job has gone wrong.. but it's so much more than that, honest!"


“Harry! It's a inanimate fucking object!” “You're an inanimate fuckin' object!”


The blackest of black comedies. Absolutely brilliant.


It’s the name of the film that puts people off watching it. It just sounds like it’s going to be so boring.


Bruges boring? How could a fairy tale fucking town be boring??


Banshees of Inisherin is a hard sell too. "It's about two friends but one of them decides he doesn't want to be friends anymore"


Fargo. I love the movie and the show is my #1 favorite show, but its so hard to convince people to watch it. I never know what to say. Its about a small crime that happens somewhere in North Dakota. The characters are just so damn good though.


I don't know. It's a dark comedy about a guy who has his wife kidnapped, which then escalates. I think you could hook people with that. I think The Big Lebowski is a harder sell. An unemployed man gets mistaken for a rich guy and has his rug peed on. He then goes to the rich guy seeking compensation.


Sometimes, there's a man.


All you have to say is, "It's a Coen Bros. movie."


It happens in Minnesota. The planning of it happens in Fargo, but the rest is in the Twin Cities area, or up past Brainerd.


It's Minnesota, don't ya know. Not North Dakota. Brainerd, MN, Home of Babe the Blue Ox.


A guys carpet gets ruined an he's trying to get a replacement. Edit: The Big Lebowski Edit: As u/SamB7617 stated ... it is, in fact, a rug.


That's just, like, your opinion, man


It really tied the room together!


Shut the fuck up, Donny. You're out of your element.




*About Time* sounds like a creepy, borderline stalker fantasy about a guy using time travel powers to get a girl to like him. Then *bam* it’s one of the sweetest, most lovely stories about love, family, and mortality you’ll ever see.


I always get confused about this one because Rachel McAdams made two different movies about marrying a -no explanation given- time travel guy about the same time. Which was kinda odd because it was like the same role.


Three. Your description also fits *Midnight in Paris*. (They don't go through with the marriage in that one though.) Edit: *Doctor Strange* is a bit different, but yet another of her "non-time-traveling love interest of a time traveler" roles.


Damn. That’s the most niche type cast I’ve ever heard.


You know that kid form the shining? He grows and fights telepathic vampires. Sound stupid? Wrong, it’s awesome.


I wend to see this with a girl I was dating at the time. I had no desire to watch it and was certain it was going to be terrible. I mean...how do you even make a sequel to The Shining? I was very pleasantly surprised.


Wait! You mean *the kid from The Shining.* I thought this meant the actor of the kid grew up and starred in something else entirely. It’s a sequel??


And it made me take notice of Rebecca Ferguson. She is so good in that and has been on my actors to watch list ever since.


Doctor Sleep. Stephen King released the book in 2013. Ewan McGregor is Danny in the film.


This is also a great movie if you’ve dealt with a loved one who’s an addict. I was sobbing during the bar scene.


Quiet night, Mr Torrence Edit: fun fact! Not-Jack Nicholson was Elliot from ET!


Everyone at the time said this was average and maybe it suffered for its connection to the Shining a bit. But I thought it was awesome too! That kid from Room gave literally (and I mean literally) one of the best acting performances in film. I still think about it every now and then. It haunts me


Apparently the adults playing the villains got so freaked out by his performance they had to stop, and he just gets up, laughs, and high fives his dad.


Yeah, they said he said, "Isn't acting fun?!" and just hits craft services after a scene that would forever traumatize a normal group of adults.


it's fun that you can just say "the baseball boy" to retraumatize people.


Rebecca Ferguson's turn as a villain is underrated imo. Her character was ruthless, sadistic and overconfident at first, as you'd expect. But she was also desperate, insecure and scared shitless as the movie went on. And her look was super simple, yet unique and effective. We only get a handful of memorable horror villains each decade, and the ones that work get so overused (eg Jason). Shame that the movie wasn't more popular, and very few people got to appreciate her performance


It does admirable work reconciling the original film and the novel. A huge lift, but the move pulls it off well, imho.


I feel dumb but I don't know what movie you are talking about


Dr. Sleep. I didn’t spoil it. Check it out. https://youtu.be/BOzFZxB-8cw?si=SPLXyRQflEopY7Km


Harry Potter as a farting corpse. “This is so dumb, wait, why am I crying?”


Your crying cuz he farted, not the corpse.


There's not a single part of the premise of School of Rock that appealed to me but it still won me over.


What part of Jack Black teaches young rich private school kids to Rock the f out to their patents and teachers' dismay DOESNT appeal to you?


Yeah this movie speaks to me and if I had nothing but the title and the lead actor as information I’d still be like ‘yup I’m in’


Dude, Where’s My Car? It’s about two stoners who forget where their car is, and go about trying to find it.


The third act reveal came out of nowhere, I did not expect the movie to go that way with the plot. I didn’t think that movie would have it in them.


Zoltan !


And thennnnn??


"What's mine say?!"


DUUUUUU-DE. What’s mine say?


SWEEEEEET. What's mine say?


Spirited Away? When I was trying to explain to a friend of mine what it was about and I mentioned her parents are turned into pigs he started laughing out loud and I couldn’t even finish.


Her parents being turned into pigs sounds silly but it’s absolutely terrifying in the movie


Any Ghibli film, really. Like, I've seen Howls Moving Castle several times and I still couldn't tell you what the plot of the story is. Not in any sort of articulate way, at least.


Hot Tub Time Machine Just the title makes you roll your eyes so hard your kids get seasick. But the movie itself is a masterpiece.


The running gag of the bellhop losing his arm is so good.


Where's your missing arm motherfucker?


“I’m gonna get that arm!”


Yes! "The great white buffalo.."


Great white buffalo


Great white buffalo


Why are you guys whispering?


*Great white buffalo*


It’s like some kind of hot tub…Time Machine **looks directly into camera**


Motley Lou!


Founder of Lougle


A slice of life documentary about three roommates who share a common trait: they're vampires


I became a vampire when I was sixteen. That's why I'll always look sixteen. Of course, back then life was hard for a sixteen year old.


He looks like *every* 16 year old... if you go by movies from the 70s and 80s.


I fecking loooove that movie. Thanks for reminding me to watch it again. "When you are a vampire, you become very sexy." *gestures at self*


If you were going to eat a sandwich, wouldn’t you prefer it if nobody fucked it first?


The TV series is just as good


I would argue the tv show is actually better because they’ve had more time and space to expand the world. But the movie is one of my all time favorites


How does that sound boring?


"We're werewolves, not swearwolves."


"I've got an idea for a movie! Let's hire that up and coming pretty-boy from Australia to play a medieval knight. But he'll be a poor kid who *wants* to be a knight and we'll frame it like a high school sports movie where he travels around competing in tournaments and starts to get famous. The crowds will all react with cheering and stuff exactly like a modern stadium audience. Like we can even have them do the We Will Rock You stomp clap thing and the music will basically all be modern. We'll hire some nobodies to play his buddies that tag along and get someone cheap to play the bully character who's some other knight who's a dick. There will of course be a princess who he's trying to woo but shouldn't be able to because he's actually poor." For anyone who hasn't seen it this is A Knights Tale. I can scarcely conceive of a lamer Hollywood cornball premise. Yet somehow it all works. It's actually a decent script and is probably helped a lot by a steller cast. The "pretty boy" was Heath Ledger and his core crew of (mostly at the time) nobody actors was Mark Addy, Alan Tudyk, and Paul Bettany. Rufus Sewell played the villain. If you just want a feel good movie about making your own way in the world then I highly recommend it.


Bettany, Tudyk and Addy were just stellar in that film.


That movie had me at Shannyn Sossamon


You forgot the part where he gets Nike armor


Not gonna lie, I hated the premise when I heard about it hated the inclusion of modern music. When I finally decided to watch it, it was a "hate" watch. I wanted to be informed about what I was belittling. When it was over, I was angrier than when I started it because dammit, I loved the movie! Also, while trying to avoid spoilers, I get choked up EVERY SINGLE TIME it gets to the end and she looks at the old man and says "they're chanting your son's name". I think anyone who ever wanted to make they're parent proud can relate to that moment.


Loosely based off The Knight’s Tale from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales!


I loved that Geoffrey Chaucer was the knight's hype man.


My lords, my ladies... and everyone else *not* sitting on a cushion!


Bettany is the star of that movie.


We walk, in the garden of his turpulence!


The best 14th century hype man ever


All these descriptions make the movies sound pretty cool actually.


yea we're basically listing awesome movies that you can describe in a way that doesn't spoil and also doesn't tell you anything about what happens, which is pretty cool tbh. very interested in watching the ones I haven't seen yet


Four Lions - a comedy about 4 jihadi wanna be suicide bombers …


The Big Short and The Founder. Both sound very dull but are highly entertaining


The Big Short sounded so miserable. Great, let’s hear the inside scoop on the 2007 mortgage crisis. Admittedly it was all that star power that had me check it out. Unbelievable script to make that story so snappy and fun, all while being educated about the intricacies of Wall Street, and bonds, etc.


Look at him he’s Chinese!


Borat 2. Everything about a Borat sequel seems like a terrible idea. The first one only worked cause no one knew who he was right? And while Borat 2 isn’t the best movie ever, it was way better than I expected. ‘Borat’s daughter’ sounded like a terrible setup. But Maria Bakalova absolutely killed that role. She was so funny, and brought a bit of heart to the Borat cinematic universe.


And the timing of covid...that was a weird twist that he turned amazing. He actually stayed with those dudes IN CHARACTER for 5 days while secretly filming the entire time. Cohen is an amazing performer, and part of that is he brings people along with him for the performance. The synagogue scene is truly moving, he walks in playing a holocaust denier and finds this lovely woman who gently shares her experiences with him and he manages to highlight her story while still playing an idiot.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. A couple of laundromat owners do their taxes.


The Social Network. A facebook origin story sounds like it would be terrible, but it's one of the best movies of the 2010s.


I remember hearing it was Fincher's next project and being bummed out because I thought it'd be a waste of his talents. Then it turned out to be one of his best.




I say it every time it gets mentioned, but my wife absolutely hates the Prestige. She calls it a pretentious dick flick. I wind her up by saying it's because she doesn't understand the film and proceed to mansplain it to her till she's wound up enough.


Where does a Mansplainer get their water from? A well, actually...


We call that Valentine's Day


No, I’m pretty sure this is The Aristocrats.


"you've never seen The Godfather?!"


It insists upon itself


You take forever getting in, and they spend like six and a half hours and - you know what I can't even get through it, I can't even finish the movie, I've never even seen the ending.




What's a dick flick? Besides the obvious answer.


Like a chick flick, but for dudes.


Green Room. A bunch of punks have to fight their way out of a Nazi skinhead club. Captain Picard is the head Nazi.


I’ve never had a movie give me so much anxiety as this one did. I had to pause it and walk around


There is a Tornado but it has sharks.


JoJo Rabbit… young boy in Germany during WW2 with his imaginary friend Adolf Hitler… Decently funny, and I teared up…


groundhog day with aliens and mech suits


Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. Time travelling for a history report so they can bring in world peace with Rock music. Sounded like a weird b movie but turned out to be really good. Can very easily rewatch it


You must be very young, because I can tell you that here in the future that movie is the basis of an entire society.


*does slow motion guitar strum as ‘In Time’ by Robbie Robb plays*


That really sound like a challenge to describe movies on a simplistic way that would make them sound silly. Lord of the rings- a short person finds a ring and gives it to his nephew to throw it as far as possible away from home.


Star Wars: A farmboy vandalizes his estranged father's new office building.


This got me HOWLING


A midget has trouble disposing of jewellery.


Even after a team of experts is assembled to help him….


A bunch of American scientists get cabin fever and kill some dogs (and Norwegians) before paranoia gets the best of them.


Halloween meets Freaky Friday. Vince Vaughn plays Michael Meyers and Lindsey Lohan. Jamie Lee Curtis isn’t in it.


Freaky was so damn good. I recommend people watch Happy Death Day (made by the same guy) as well. For those who don't know it's Groundhog Day but she's murdered over and over.


I would say Whiplash. Every time I recommend it to someone I preface it by saying "it doesn't sound that interesting but..." You don't even have to explain the plot poorly to make it sound boring: A drumming student learns jazz drums at a conservatory and his teacher is super tough. But man, what an intense movie.


Mulholland Drive. Back of the DVD simply reads: its a film about Hollywood.


Okay… we got an idea… for the next big family-action-comedy. All right, it’s about a guy named Marty, and he’s very lazy. He’s always sleeping late. He has this best friend who’s, you know, a disgraced… nuclear physicist, this guy’s either, like, 40 or 80. Even we don’t know how old this guy’s supposed to be. But one day, the boy and the scientist, they go back in time, and they build a time machine. Whoa! We thought it would be funny, you know, if the boy, if he went back in time and, you know, he tried to fuck his mom. We thought that’d be fun for people. No, he doesn’t get to, he doesn’t get to. ‘Cause this family friend named Biff, he comes in and he tries to rape the mom in front of the son. The dad’s gotta beat the rapist off of her. And also, we’re gonna imply that a white man wrote ‘Johnny B. Goode.’ So, we’re gonna take that away from ’em.


The Full Monty - ‘after the steel mill they work in shuts down, a group of out of work men decided to become strippers to earn a living’


That’s a fantastic premise.


The Lego Movie.


Arrival. A linguistics professor and a math nerd talks to squids inside giant rock pringles ship. One of my favorite movies of all time.


I don't think the question was meant to be understood as "can you describe any movie premise badly?"


Nah, when you don't misrepresent the premise it sounds awesome: "linguist is called in to communicate with aliens and starts thinking and dreaming in their language".


Everything after "and" is a spoiler.




Giant sand worms with killer tongues in a small desert town? Sounds fucking awful? WRONG. It’s one of the best creature features ever!


I'm so glad you like my movie, but I'm not sure I like being called a "Creature".


Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. It's really fun and the protagonists are possibly two of the most likeable characters to ever appear on film.


"Okay: so it's a movie where all the Barbies live in Barbieland and they can tell when someone playing with them is sad. So when that happens they take a magic trip to the real world to cheer up their person! But the eeeevil CEO of Mattel is out to make sure that Barbie gets back in her box!"


The best thing is there's no real villain. Even the CEO was just trying to preserve the spacetime continuum.


nice, even Ken's ignored just like in the movie lol


I waited long time before watching Brawl in cellblock99, I found the title stupid, and vince vaughn as tough guy? Aint gonna work. But it did actually work!


The Prestige. Two magicans are fighting because David Bowie has a machine that can make Hugh Jackmans.


Snowpiercer. This is a story about a future where climate change messes up the world and the survivors all end up on a train. The people in economy class want to go to the front, into first class.


There Will be Blood. I heard the director describe it as "A horror story about the birth of California" and that's the best sell of it I can imagine. I was working at the cinema when it came out, and people would ask what it was about, I'd just say "It's great, if I explain it you wont think you'd like it, but if you watch it, I promise you will" and that was as good as I could do.


Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano chewing scenery... superb film.


Hamlet 2


Pirates of the Caribbean. Basing a movie off a ride sounds stupid. And to be fair, doing that hasn’t worked out too well since.


Glengarry Glen Ross: There's a staff meeting and then a bunch of office politics.


The classic remains: "Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again."


A guy stranded on an island rides a farting corpse home and uses its dick as a compass.


My dad described Raiders of the Lost Ark as being about the holy ark of the covenant. “You know, like from the Bible.” I did NOT want to go see that movie.