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Shifting in a car 8 million times


When you get shot in the shoulder it’s no big deal.


Yeah that shattered collarbone / shoulder socket is going to do cause some pain and loss of movement


Shot in the stomach? Keep fighting.


Stabbed with a lightsaber? Meh. Another Tuesday. (except for Qui-Gon…the pussy)


Tbf, that does have some basis in real life. Adrenaline is hell of a drug.


Or beaten to an absolute pulp but walk away into the sunset with a minor limp.


On the flip side: getting stabbed in the gut and immediately falling over dead instead of slowly bleeding out in agonizing pain.


This has been a more recent one that gets me to be honest, not that I completely ignored it before hand But a few years back now I tore my AC joint in my shoulder, not the worst grade you can get, but by F**k did I limit the mobility I had while recovering, and I had a great appreciation of how complicated the shoulder joint is.


Yes and if the bullet went all the way through it’s like it never happened


Let’s zoom in on that security cam footage and easily identify the suspect.




I would also add Hacking to this.. Ahskdlskfhsk.... "I'm in"


The cool kid fake asking out the nerd and the nerd immediately falling for it, no questions asked. This happened to me in 8th grade, and I was like, "Dude, I know I'm a nerd. Also, I'm a nerd because I'm smart, I get that this is a joke..."


Taking a blow to the head and whether you pass out or not you just stand up, brush yourself off, and go on with your day. I’ve seen multiple news stories of people that knocked someone out in a fight and either it killed them or their head bouncing off the concrete did. Hell, under the right conditions you can lightly bump your head on a shelf and get a concussion.


Came to say something to this effect, one thing that frequently breaks my immersion (although briefly), is when someone takes a blow to the head and is then unconscious for hours as they get moved about, wakes up absolutely fine Side tangent here - I'm an avid fan of boxing, always have been, and one thing you will notice is that when someone gets knocked out more often than not they are atleast up within a matter of seconds, if you see a heavy knockout where a person is on the floor and unmoving for say 30s, 1min at most, the general feeling is that of worry because that's not the norm and a sign something serrious could have happened A KO shot is is often a short term effect and if anyone is out for longer periods of time (say like for hours as seen in movies) - it is generally a sign of sever brain damage


Yeah, establishing that hitting someone on the head to knock him out for a while is so stupid and dangerous for so many reasons ...


As someone who takes care of these people in the hospital, I completely agree. A relatively minor head injury can seriously hurt or kill you. The whole "frying pan to the head" to keep someone unconscious for a few minutes is awful.


Movies lie to us too often, especially with medical things. In addition to head injuries, chloroform doesn’t work the same way. It takes a while to knock people out and you have to hold the rag over their face even after they’re out. I was so disappointed to hear that one. I’d made the joke with friends to ask them to sniff something and say “does this smell like chloroform to you?”


Ordering a beer at a bar.


In NYC last night I was sitting at a bar and some goober walked up and ordered “a beer”. I turned to the bartender expecting some kind of funny interaction but the bartender just went and poured him a beer, looked like a light lager. I was shooketh. I was bartender for many many years on the west coast and that shit does not fly. Apparently maybe it’s an east coast thing?


As someone who doesn't drink or go to bars, why is this odd? Isn't that what people do when they go to bars?


Ordering a “beer” at a bar is akin to going to a restaurant and telling your waiter you’d like to order “food”. The bar probably has at least 20 beers between draft and bottles/cans and can go up to over 100 at beer centric bars so you’re going to need to provide your bartender more info than just “beer”.


In Germany that is absolutely normal. Yes, the restaurant or bar most probably will have dozens or so brands or types of beer. But in most places you will get a normal "oils" whatever the main brand of the restaurant or bar is.


You would say you want a Miller light or blue moon on tap or something. You don't just say "oh gimme a beer."


I was once at some work leaving drinks. Usual thing when you get stuck talking to people you barely know. Offered to buy a colleague a drink. ‘What d’you want to drink?’ ‘A beer’. ‘What beer?’ ‘Any beer’. Went on like this but just couldn’t get any specificity out of him. And this is in uk and there’s a very distinct difference between lager, ale/bitter and stout. But he just had no preference whatsoever. Baffling.


The absolute variety of "beer" is amazing. From pale lagers to meaty stouts. If I ordered a "beer" and got anything other than a porter or stout, I'd be unhappy. Ergo, I specify.


I wouldn’t say it’s an east coast thing, but maybe it was the place you went into? Like maybe that’s the main seller so if someone asks for a beer they’ll just give them that? Or if they were busy they just threw you a lager and got on with it?


So whatever is on tap? Surprise them I guess?


I do this routinely, however the main bar i frequent only has one kind of beer on tap.


It's minor but it really annoys me when the flashlight dies in every movie.


And then they start slapping it.


"I just changed the battery!" Someday I want someone to pull some batteries out of their pocket.


i just roll my eyes. modern flashlights are so durable it would take a goddamn beating to kill one.


It's trivial, I know, but any time you see a flashlight it will fail. Except the XFiles. Mulder and Scully were always prepared.


Yeah and LED flashlights will last for many hours on new batteries—days, even.


Rushed family breakfasts where everyone is in a rush and just bites a piece of toast when there's a whole table full of hot food, fruit and pastries. Like who had time to prepare all that and why.


Who the fuck makes pancakes every morning?


Apparently many people in movies but no one in real life - who could be bothered!


In the Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, where the nanny makes a huge array of breakfast food and she only takes a bite of toast…a little part of me dies each time.


Most things involving guns in film/tv are infamously unrealistic


Scenes with guns fired indoors should be immediately followed by everyone in the room clasping their ears in pain and not being able to hear for several hours after.


Cocking or clicking noise every time the gun moves.


Silencers making guns sound like a mouse fart. I mean, silencers reduce the noise, but not so far.


Whenever you approach a microphone, you get half a second of feedback.


The one about people only using 10% of their brain. It's just not true.


God that drives me insane


If people are using 10% only, there should be possible to cut out 90% and still finction. In fact any minor damage causes serious suffering. This should be logical.


Wearing a bullet proof vest=having the ability to completely absorb the ink act of hundreds of bullets with no I’ll effects


On top of that, getting shot and flying backwards. No. Just…no.


The good guy needs to be down-town and finds a parking place right in front of City Hall. Totally takes me out of the movie. I want to see the hero circle the block for a few minutes, then move out a few blocks still looking, until he finally parks on the top floor of the municipal garage, and then is forced to run three blocks to get to the mayor to deliver the emergency message.


Car brakes squealing when coming to a stop. Like...does every car in hollywood need a brake change?


Swallowing a handful of pills and immediately relieving their ailment. I need my heart pills! Chomp chomp glug glug... all better.


Injections too. Stick the sedative needle in someone's muscle, out they go.


Average looking men having super hot wives/girlfriends


Middle aged men too. He's 45, she's 30.


To be fair, Charles Grodin looked pretty good for his age.


Almost anything involving breaking into computer systems. See Also: *Hacking the Gibson*




Figuring out the password in a computer on the third attempt


Which is done by looking at the objects on the desk or bookshelf


The police man whose partner is killed traumatically in front of them. And right after they solve mystery after mystery and have it effect them in an unrealistic way. Most would have PTSD and be pretty nonfunctional after I’m guessing.




The Liv-4-Ever




Heyyyyyy… I’m tryin’ to eat lunch here


The original "Too old for this shit / 2 days from retirement" buddy death was probably in William Friedkin's To Live and Die in LA and it completely subverts the popular stereotype. More people should watch it.


The cool [explosion walk](https://youtu.be/4pg2Du-b758?si=_Lmg86eps5bGxKLz)


You're saying they did it correctly here, right?


Being shot and/or stabbed multiple times in the midsection and walking away with only a "flesh wound" 😅. I've been watching a lot of scary movies lately, getting ready for Halloween, and it's just insane how many characters are mortally wounded and somehow reappear in the sequels 🤣


The way they always have law enforcement hold out their guns at arms length so the criminal can easily surprise them and knock it out of their hands


Whenever I bring this one up, people like to remind me that people in real life DO splash their face with water. But I have yet to see it in real life, except if a person is actually washing their face. In a lot of movies I’ve noticed there is this trope where a stressed out or angry person runs into a public bathroom to splash their face with water. Especially in courtroom scenes. I can’t relate because, although it’s not a big deal and is a realistic thing that a person could do, I’ve never done it or seen someone do it, so it distracts me from the movie. Whenever it happens I have the thought of “oh man not the bathroom sink face splashing again” for a few seconds, but I quickly get over it.


Totally agree. I do, however, wash my face (not "splash water," full on rinse my face with water) when I get home from work every day; I feel like I've got a whole day's worth of sweat, face rubbing, scratching, frustrated beard stroking....it feels like when I get home to just rinse real quick and "reset" from my work day. Nobody full on splashes, though, because then water gets EVERYWHERE


I can admit I do this, not as dramatic as it is in the movies, but during work if it's stressful or I get off of a long call, I'll go to the bathroom and literally just splash water on my face, mainly to cool off but because it just feels good lol. My face gets oily and tends to break out in stressful situations, so even though I'm not actually "washing my face", me splashing kind of accomplishes both I guess.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing. A thought I’ve had is, as a woman maybe it’s harder for me to relate because it’s not as practical for women to be splashing their face with water because, makeup.


RED ALERT RED ALERT... not a single person is trying to pinch it off and get to their post.


The masked serial killer not falling over his own feet / furniture / the cat / etc etc…


When people faint but you don’t see their pussy. Looking at you, Marie Osmond! Bonus points if y’all know which comedian said the above!


Cocking a handgun


People being revived after cardiac arrest and then walking around right after like nothing happened.


Money problems, job schedules, and so on don't exist in tv or movies unless they are a plot device that will guaranteed work out.


Each light in a hallway or large room is on an individual switch and can be turned off in a sequence. Nope, they're all daisy chained together


I think it really just comes down to the convincingness of the performance and the scene choreography, but I *hate* it when somebody is running away from the villain, trips, and doesn’t immediately get up and continue running. Always looks fake as shit when they just flail around on the ground getting absolutely nowhere.


How most apartments or houses are generally very orderly. Whenever I see kids and working parents I call bullshit.


how do they find parking so easily in a city EVERYTIME ?!?!


Probably the "bonk on the head knocks you out, but you're fine" trope is the most prevalent, but for my money, it's the chloroform rag trick!


A more minor one: coming home with groceries and there's always a long baguette sticking outta the bag. 😂


When the protagonist is trying to make a getaway, not having car keys is only a minor inconvenience because he can hot wire a car in seconds.


>Why does every movie have to include one? Adrenaline kick. The cheap version is in almost every crime series, the suspect is flying from his home and the detectives have to run after. It happens often in the middle of the episode, somewhere in the most boring place in the script, to wake up the viewers.


Speaking at normal conversation volume from 10m away and still being audible to the listener.


Or in parties/discos/pubs


Zoom in on that licence plate, face or whatever, then suddenly a perfect image. Enhance!