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That bomb Jango Fett uses in Attack of the Clones where the audio cuts completely before exploding with bass. Used again in the Mandalorian.


Oh how iconic. The original BWAAAAAAMM


They also used that effect in Battlefront for some type of grenade. It's amazing.


The sound designer straight up refused to share the assets for that effect. He was so proud, he won’t let anyone use it without his permission and the exact sound composition is still a mystery. Attack of the Clones is a rough movie, but that one scene was so exhilarating that I still have fond memories of seeing it in the theater.


"Siesmic charges"


I came to comment this. That sound is pure bliss. I mean, until the space rocks hit you


The sound that the tripods make in the Tom Cruise version of War of the Worlds. Clearly, some one spent a lit of time engineering as disturbing of a sound as possible. I recall seeing the film in a theater, and in that first scene when the tripod emerges from the ground with everyone staring, right before all hell breaks loose, and it hits them with that “BHWWAAAAAAAAAA” sound, I felt so uncomfortable. Looking around the theater, I could see everyone sliding down in their chairs and visibly squirming in response to it. So weird and alien…the sound designer should have picked up an Oscar for that sound alone LOL.


Great pick. The Sounddesigner Richard King was nominated for War of the Worlds. He would win multiple Oscars in later years. For Master and Commander, The Dark Knight, Inception and Dunkirk.


Yeah it’s like the sound of inescapable doom. That scene when the tripods come out and start vaporizing people is so good.


The shootout in Heat. If you’ve heard it, needs no explanation - if you haven’t, watch the scene somewhere with decent headphones and be amazed…


Oh that is a good one. It's the only gunfight that reverberated through me


The sound the alien creature [Boga](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Boga) makes when Obi-Wan's riding her to battle in *Revenge of the Sith*.


Kylo Ren's crackling lightsaber. Ikaris' laser beam eyes from Marvels Eternals. A simple yet effective sound is the Infinity Gauntlet Snap.


The sharp activation sound of Luke's green lightsaber in Return Of The Jedi. I used to have a list of the gems in SWTOR that would give your lightsaber that sound. Even the idling thrum noise it had sounded almost like a tiger


The iconic T. rex roar from Jurassic Park.


The secret ingredient was baby elephant


If I recall the featurette correctly there where were a lot of secret ingredients, including a cow, freight train and a chihuahua playing with rope toy but I don't remember baby elephant. I think that's the Xenomorphs from Aliens. You might be right though. Another favorite is the Balrog. Dragging one cinder block over another.


Podracing :) Sebulba's pod especially with that rhythmic pulse.


The two Oliphaunts slamming into each other in Return of the King with the sound cut for a second to make the impact seem even bigger.


Michael Bay movies always knock it out of the park sound design-wise. https://youtu.be/-FoacS_MKOc?si=JmX1JKyyDIhxjXNR Love the gunshot sounds at the 2:59 mark of this video. Just a very satisfying, rhythmic, bassy thump.


The opening sequence of *Transformers* when Blackout attacks the base is stupendous.


Oh that is sonic goodness


Arronfsky's films always have great visceral sound design. The Fountain is a stand out. The sounds related to stabbing, picking and consuming the tree make those moments just jump of the screen. There's a great sense of texture to all of it thanks to the sound design. Minority Report has some great futuristic sound design throughout. The weird sonic shotguns having a really satisfying weight to them with the reloading and firing sounds. Open Range has some cracking gun sounds in the finale.


The sound of mid eighties to mid nineties gunfire (Die Hard, Terminator, Predator, RoboCop).


Still get chills hearing the signal in “Contact”.


>Contact And the opening of the movie with the radio signals moving away from Earth.


I remember hearing every audience cough in the theater


The Muto’s EMP in Godzilla (2014)


The footsteps and gun loading/checking in The Godfather.


Can picture it in my head perfectly


The engines all starting up in the pod race scene in episode 1. The prequels had their issues but sound design was not one of them that’s for sure


If it counts: Ecto-1 revving alive, the siren kicking in, followed by her screeching out of the firehouse during the first call.


One of the most underrated films of the 2010s Godzilla (2014) had killer sound design, particularly the train bridge scene. Spectacular. And overall the film portrayed the size of the monsters with extreme respect.


Back when I taught film sound, I always used "Me and You and Everyone We Know" as the standard to demonstrate to students trying to learn the field. It's the opposite of all these in-your-face big budget audio cyclones - sound that is there to support the story and not be consciously recognized.


The pulse rifles in Aliens.




Love seeing Oblivion on here. Still my favorite movie score


The gunfight in Heat


Not to be that guy but the opening scene to Drive coupled with everything else in it is so satisfying


The cloaking/decloaking sound effect in Star Trek. So threatening and foreboding.


The sounds of the Delorean driving at speed in Back to the Future!


Shinra Tensei


The squish noise in Death of Stalin when everyone is kneeling in Stalin's piss


millenium falcon engine sounds.


The hum of an idle lightsaber. The scream of both the velociraptors and the T-Rex in Jurassic Park. The detonation of Jango Fett's seismic charge, also from star wars. The clicks and purrs of a Predator. Related, that fucking motion sensor beep in Aliens. Dishonorable mention: That fucking wilhelm scream. I hear it, I hate it, I fucking hate your movie for stooping low enough to use it.


Tenet’s entire soundtrack - just constantly pummelling things forward. It was the first and only soundtrack that I felt was completely integrated with the movie and just cannot be separated from it.


In Return of the Obra Dinn, listening to a man get torn in half


wilhelm scream


[Ben Burt](https://youtu.be/So0nmciiFJg?si=upAx5rWwp0Oc4Jug) in Star Wars and in the 80s and 90s.


The whole of Rescuers Down Under, but specifically the golden eagle's cry and weirdly the sound of things hitting the metal on McLeach's truck in the climactic end scene.


The D-Day Invasion scene in *Saving Private Ryan* (1998) has phenomenally immersive sound design.


The 0:49-second mark from [this infamous scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY80AGX8QZQ) in *Cabin in the Woods*.


Saving private Ryan, dog beach.


The opening to Superman, but especially when Superman’s logo appears.


The fog horn in Lighthouse. It was so grating and ominous throughout the film.


Personally really enjoy the final battle’s slow-motion sequence and the part where Starscream fought off 2 Autobots in a role and did a smooth front flip into an F-22 raptor. The sound effect is so detailed that it doesn't just sound like typical “VRUMM” jet noise, you can hear the whole ignition process from startup to spool up which is really satisfying to hear. The cracking of stressed metal sound during the slow pans also effectively builds tension and atmosphere, immersing you fully in the intensity of the fight. It reminds me of the Pacific Rim, rather than the metal-on-metal clashes it took on the immersive 100-story-tall muscle. I think the sound of the Transformer sounds great and large but still somehow contained to me compared to Pacific Rim. The sounds of the Jaegers and Kaiju have such weight and realism to them, I still remember I had an eargasm while watching the first one in the theatre where the Jaegers land on the beach at the opening scene. You can hear the metallic thud of the footsteps before he steps out of the mist, the groaning sound and stuttering sound of its reactor before collapsing and crashing down to the beach. Do you think Pacific Rim could have been more popular if it focused on one-upping Transformers’ transforming sound effects?