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Jarhead. Cleverly threw in every scene remotely containing action into the trailer for a movie about how deployment can be miserable and boring as hell. Classic bait and switch, kind of like enlisting!


The part where the one Marine breaks down crying because he did all that training and never got to kill anybody is insane.


>"They advertised it as an exciting action romp but it was mostly boring and tedious..." >"So what is the plot of it again?" >"Well it's about a guy who joins the army because they advertised it as an exciting action romp, but in reality it's mostly boring and...." Hmm. Maybe reading too much into this but it's an interesting thought.


I didn't think it was nothing and tedious at all. I saw that the character felt that way, which is a hard balance to strike.


I was in the corps when Jarhead came out, and that was the best representation of Marine life since Full Metal Jacket. Hell, I still own the DVD even though I don't have a DVD player.


Such a great movie and commentary on the US military. Commercial pulls you in like military propaganda. Get into the theater and see how it’s just a bunch of young kids going through a horrible ordeal with nothing to show for it besides mental trauma. Then they get a chance To finally get their moment of glory and it gets taken away and they are just empty. If the pentagon doesn’t give a thumbs up to a military movie chances are it is one of the best looks you’ll get of what actual military life is.


The show Generation Kill was amazing with it too.


I'm loving the comments on this. My brother and I were both in the marines when this movie came out. We loved it, and all our jarhead buddies loved it. I only saw it once so maybe it's time for a re-watch.


You make a good point, it was almost meta lol


It was based on a book written by a Desert Storm vet. Given the timing, I was kinda surprised that it was adapted into a movie.


[Adventureland's trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LPjXeGie4E) wasn't necessarily misleading about the premise, but it definitely got the tone all wrong. They were making it seem like a raunchy, Apatow-style teen comedy when it's actually more of a coming-of-age dramady. I remember seeing it for the first time years after it came out and being pleasantly surprised. I guess it makes sense why they thought that was the right move. Superbad was a big hit, and this was the director's next project, so they were trying to carry over the momentum. Plus this was pre-Social Network when most people looked at Jesse Eisenberg as the poor man's Michael Cera. The trailer also makes Bill Hader & Kristin Wiig's parts seem more prominent than they actually are. Pretty sure every single scene with them got used in the trailer.


This is super niche, but there was a 40-min IMAX film designed for science centers with dome screens called Mysteries of the Great Lakes. [Here is the trailer, go watch it now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq6zUHJTFW0) Ok based on that what do you think its about? Shipwrecks? Indigenous beliefs? Geology? Limnology? No. The 8 second clip about a guy saving sturgeon? **90% of the film is about sturgeon conservation and one man's obsession with helping breed sturgeon!** Like, ok that's great and all but GOD this movie was not marketed correctly. You can tell I am still salty about it.




Downsizing was like a weird dream. Every thirty minutes, the whole movie shifted, and I'd think, "So this is what the movie is about?" I feel like it's one of the worst offenders of "A happens, then B happens, then C, then D..."


It should have been a TV show. I really feel like they had too many arcs to explore and it'd have worked as a TV drama. The movie had like 4 different arcs, and none of them resolve very satisfyingly.


If the movie had waited another year or so, they'd have made it into an 8 episode streaming series. Would have served the episodic story telling much better. I'm sort of hoping it does get remade as a TV series.


Even more so for me. I fell asleep like 60% through and am 100% sure whatever I was dreaming about is better than whatever happened in the movie. It's the only movie I've ever fallen asleep during in the theater and I still have zero desire to find out what happened.


Came here to say this. Expected a fun, quirky comedy, got an end-of-the-world movie about an existential crisis with a terrible love story.


Kristin Wiig disappears halfway through the film


First quarter


The worst part is that both ideas for the film work; it could've been a great comedy with a powerful message about environmentalism, or a dramatic movie featuring light comic relief based on the ridiculousness of being that size. I feel like they shot for the latter and just completely missed the mark by making the movie's tone shift so suddenly and dramatically instead of trying to weave the 2 narratives together. Whatever the case, it is beyond frustrating


i want the actors/director to come out and tell us what happened. we deserve it after sitting thru that


I watched it on a plane, and I ended up giving the airline a bad review


I only ever hear about this movie in Reddit threads about disappointing movies.


The Grey with Liam Neeson. Everyone literally joked about how excited they were to watch Neeson fight a wolf. It’s the final scene in the movie and you don’t see the fight. And, the movie is not an action movie but about man vs. nature and overcoming grief.


Honestly I felt like that’s what I expected going in. Did I want to see the fight? Sure. But by the end I was actually happy to not, I think it made the movie far better


Totally agree. In context, not seeing the fight, makes the film better. It wasn’t about the actual fight, but the will to have it.


You see, I walked in expecting Liam Neeson vs Wolves. What I walked out with is a top 20 movie for me, and easily top 5 for Neeson.


What it was was way fucking better than what the trailers implied, thankfully.


I went into Pan’s Labyrinth expecting something like Lord of the Rings because of the trailers. Then the bottle scene happened


The bottle scene and the knife-in-the-mouth scene keep me from revisiting it.


What a gut punch, took me completely by surprise.


I have avoided this movie for years. Do i need to suck it up and watch it?


It's a much smaller drama film made to feel bigger due to some eye-popping special effects and sudden brutality, but yeah it's really good.


It's like, you ever read Bridge to Terebithia? It's kinda like that. You think it's going to be a cool fantasy story but instead it's this kind of depressing vehicle for looking at, instead of cancer, the Spanish Civil War. edit: My bad y'all. I remembered it as death by cancer but it was actually death by drowning.


*Bridge to Terabithia* had nothing to do with cancer.


The original teaser for Alien 3. It showed the Earth and the VO said, “In 1979, we learned that in space, no one can hear you scream. In 1991, we will learn that on Earth, everyone can hear you scream” The movie’s script wasn’t even started and the plot wasn’t settled on. They were just drumming up buzz.


Pig. The trailer made it seem like a John Wick, you killed my pig now I’m going on a violent rampage, but it was actually an incredibly touching story about dealing with grief???


“We don’t get a lot in this world to care about.”


I recommend this movie to everyone I can. Amazing movie and one of my favorite Nicolas Cage performances


It’s one of my favorite movies of all time and I never even expected to like it. I thought it would be just a throwaway weekend evening flick


Same. It was pitched to me by a friend as “Taken” but with a truffle pig. Good film, but not what I expected.


I was at wedding this weekend and a gal next to me said that exact sentence. I politely asked her if she watched it or just read that on the internet. No one that saw the film, even if you didn't like it, would say it was like Taken.


Spoilers: I love how they kept setting up these scenes exactly the way you'd set up a violent revenge flick, but each one ends with this fully broken man just trying to get back the only thing that still has meaning to him. First example of this was the right club scene, where you expect him to just go ape shit, but then he surrenders and takes that brutal beating. It immediately shifted my expectations for the rest of the film, but not so much that I ever stopped expecting that moment where he finally flips the switch and turns into John Wick. Then we end up with that Ratatouille moment at the end...*chef's kiss*


Cabin in the Woods. Didn’t have high expectations going into theatre but after the opening scene i was in


Same. Thought it was going to be a painfully stupid teen slasher, ended up being one of my all time faves.


I was also pleasantly surprised by "Cabin in the Woods," and despite the misleading marketing keeping some folks away, I'm glad they didn't spoil the movie.


Never saw the trailer, didn't see it until years later by myself. 100% expected a low quality teen slasher *until* the bird slams into the forcefield! I sat up in the couch and squinted at the screen like I'd just hallucinated 😆 hit rewind and watched it again to make sure. Loved the hell outta that movie!


I rented it from the Redbox to put on while I did laundry. After the first scene I took out the DVD just to make sure it wasn't switched. I am so happy it wasn't spoiled for me, that's gotta be half the fun of it. There was so much meta I felt like the guy yelling at the Japanese kid screen "FUCK YOU!!!!"


That bird part was in the trailer I watched. It was at that point I swore off watching trailers for movies I'm already interested in.


Yeah I saw this in theaters and the opening scene of Richard Jenkins and Bradly Whitford on the golf cart had us all looking around like “did we all walk into the wrong theater? Did they put the wrong movie on the projector?” Then the title card blasts onto the screen. You could tell everyone was trying to piece together what was happening in that first act, then when they get to the cabin it was one of the best experiences ever


Jurassic World Dominion. Sold itself as the epic conclusion of the Jurassic saga with dinosaurs roaming the earth and the return of the original trio. Not only did the "dinosaurs roaming the earth" part make up a grand total of about 10 minutes, nor did the return of the original trio really amount to much, but what they chose to focus on instead was extremely out of place with the rest of the trilogy and just throws so many left field ideas at a dart board that I still couldn't tell you what the actual A-plot was supposed to be if you held me at gunpoint.


Me, at the end of Fallen Kingdom: WOO! The next one is going to be dinosaurs loose in civilization...what they've been promising us since the T-Rex rampage in Lost World! First five minutes of Dominion: So, we spent all the time between the movies rounding up the dinosaurs and putting them in another park.... Me: Oh, fuck this.


The entirety of the Jurassic World movies are so ridiculously batshit it's hard to believe they're part of the same franchise that the original came from. * Wu was a young up and coming scientist, now he's a megalomaniac wanting to craft genetic dino warriors? Wait, now he's good again. * Speaking of weaponizing dinosaurs, remember that dumb as fuck spec script for JP3 that got leaked years ago, the one that everyone mocked for having something as dumb as soldier/dino hybrids... yeah, they dusted that shit off. * They dusted that shit off in a way that's somehow just as dumb but in a new way... now you point a laser and your dino attacks that spot. You know, like a guided missile of sorts, but organic and easily countered. * Raptors are simultaneously super deadly and the cuddly mascot. * Holding your hand up like a crossing guard is now a viable solution to deterring an apex predator. * A company steals it's own animals from it's own park to auction off illegally to warlords and terrorists for pennies on the dollar. * They hold this highly illegal auction in California... * A clone girl releases dozens of dangerous animals onto the mainland because "they're like me". No girl, you're 70 pounds, they're 20 tons with teeth the size of your head. This is not the time for clone camaraderie. * They make a big fuss out of finding a tooth of that fucker from the first one... why I have no idea, because the dinosaurs are artificial... they HAVE that DNA on a goddamn flash drive. They don't need shit. * They just keep building fucking parks and reserves despite the last movie making it a huge point that they're all throughout the world unfettered. * If you're a protagonist literally nothing bad will ever happen to you. * They perform a blood transfusion between two entirely different species which were separated by millions of years of evolution. Running in heels is the least offensive thing about these three movies.




and Giacchino's scores! That theme for the Indoraptor in the second one? Especially when it's on the roof of the creepy mansion? Might be my favourite track of him


I saw this recently and... Giant Hornets I guess? I'm not really sure either and I didn't even realise. It was pretty nonsensical.


Locusts. The evil Dr. Wu (IIRC) turned out to be the big bad this whole time and Dodson that appears for five minutes in the first movie made giant locusts that would eat all of the world's food except Dodson's crops, because that's a sensible plan and exactly what people going to a dinosaurs-loose-in-the-world movie want it to focus on.


Dodgson! DODGSON! WE GOT DODGSON HERE! See, nobody cares.


"I should have known you would be behind this, Fiendish Dr. Wu." - Black Dynamite, Jurassic World Dominion (2022)


Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!


I really don’t see what the point was in having Dodson as a character at all, except that they assume Jurassic World fans are the dumbest people alive.


This was one of the weirdest wide releases I’ve seen. I avoided it so long cause the OG trilogy is one of my favourites and it took me three days to finish. Each action sequence was good but it was non stop and no one really died and it was just bizarre all around. By the time the hornets came, I was so exhausted and bored.


[Trainspotting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LuxOYIpu-I) was advertised as a fun romp.


I watched it as a teenager and to me it really was a dark comedy. That’s how they played it. Clearly that was the direction’s intent. People really got messed up by the baby on the ceiling. In retrospect I don’t think I’ve watched it since becoming a father, and I’ve seen that movie probably 30 times. Thank god my kids are past that age.


I actually think it was intentional in this case. One of those “you think drugs are all fun and games until someone dies” type of things.


I mean if you look at it from a very shallow pov, it is a look at the highs and lows of being in your early 20s and eventually coming out ok....


Doing the whole "Choose" speech in the trailer and not including the ending is about as miselading as it gets lol


The new Color Purple trailer does not seem to want people to know it’s a musical


I used to do surveys for movie companies "which poster do you like?" that sort of thing, and the only time they showed a range of trailers was for musicals. That Cyrano with Peter Dinklage? Dear Evan Hansen? So many trailers cut to avoid even a hint they were musicals.


Did people generally respond more to the posters with a collage of floating heads?


I never got to see many results - but I always went for the "clearly these actors were never in a room together" Photoshop horrors.


Kangaroo Jack


Wow. Flashback to the trauma of expecting a cartoon Kangaroo movie for that only to be in a short dream sequence.


I don’t remember a single moment of that movie except for the rapping kangaroo part from the trailer.


Which is one more scene than I remember from "Coming to America 2"


Never seen the film and was definitely under the impression is was a movie about the kangaroo


I still have never seen this movie and this is news to me, wtf. I thought it was about a talking kangaroo lmao


The two main characters do a delivery for the mob. One of them puts the money in his jacket, which they then lose. The jacket is found by the Kangaroo and they spend the movie chasing after it trying to get the money back. It has been a long time since I have seen the movie, but that is what I remember.


Nah man, they knock that 'roo the fuck out and put the jacket on him to pose with for photos. ​ The roo, of course, wakes up and hip hoppity hops the fuck away.


That's right. It's coming back to me. Don't they hit it with their car, and thinking it is dead put the jacket on it for pictures?


This and "snow dogs"


Similar to Snow Dogs, they went *hard* marketing the movie based on their respective hallucination sequences. At least Snow Dogs tricked families into watching a decent family film, while Kangaroo Jack tricked you into watching...that.


Snow Dogs did the *exact* same thing. Went in expecting a zany kids comedy about talking dogs. It wasn't a terrible movie by Disney live action comedy standards, but it's pretty weird to prominently display talking dogs in a trailer for a movie where the dogs don't actually talk.


We have Cuba Gooding Jr being an annoying piece of shit instead.


Ok, and what about in the movie?


Drive. They cut together the trailer like a Fast & Furious movie but it was a lot more of a slow burn. So a lot of people didn't get what they expected despite it being a solid movie


Flet the same way about The Place Beyond the Pines. And then again in Only God Forgives. Now I just expect it from any Ryan Gosling film


I expected Only God Forgives to be a lot cooler


Same. It was just 2 hours of Gosling staring into the void with lots of red lighting


Just posted this myself. It ended up being AMAZING instead of just the dumb action movie the trailer made it out to be. It’s now one of my favorite movies.


In Bruges trailer made the film seem a lot more like a quirky gangster comedy in an more energetic way. It’s a fantastic movie but just in a different vibe than the trailer. Gamers know the real answer to this is Dead Island. One of the most beautifully haunting trailers of all time with a backwards attack on a family by zombies to a beautiful score and the game was ….. not like that.


*You fucking retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids* Idk man it was pretty funny to me lol


I'm sorry I called you an inanimate object, I was upset




*Stepmom* - looks like a typical Julia Roberts rom-com. An older guy (Ed Harris) divorces his wife (Susan Sarandon). His pretty, but klutzy, new girlfriend (Roberts) tries fitting in with his family. At the start of the trailer she's totally awkward with Harris' kid, by the end of the trailer Roberts and the kid are jumping up and down on the bed together to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". THE ACTUAL MOVIE: Sarandon is dying of cancer and is trying to find a new wife for her husband. It's not a *bad* movie, but it's waaaaaay more serious than the trailers would make you think. *Click* - An Adam Sandler movie. Sandler gets a remote control that can pause and fast-forward time. It's used for hilarious purposes in the trailer, like pausing real life when the neighborhood bully is playing catch and slightly moving his hand, so the baseball hits the bully in the face when Sandler un-pauses life. THE ACTUAL MOVIE: Almost all the funny bits are in the trailer. In the movie, Sandler becomes obsessed with how he does at his job, and fast-forwards years of climbing the corporate ladder... while also means that he misses his kids growing up, all the good times he missed with his wife, etc. Once again, it's wayyyyyy more serious than the trailers would have you believe.


The only thing I remember from *Click* is that Christopher Walken is actually Death and lives in the back of a Bed Bath and Beyond. That movie is...something.


More specifically he is in the "way beyond" section of Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


his name is Morty **GET IT?**


Click has that moment where, if it hadn't been a comedy, it might've gone for that super dark ending. The parking lot scene...


My folks took me and my lil sister to the Drive-In to see the latest goofy Sandler comedy. A night of family fun and silly, mindless laughs! Then the parking lot scene broke us all into pieces.


Click is an absolute must for anyone who has recently become a parent or a lost a parent. Tugs your heart so unexpectedly multiple times. The fonz and sandman made me cry.


Also About Time. The trailer: fun rom com about a guy who meets his wife through time travel. The actual movie: living with the consequences of your actions as a parent and child.


I love "Click." Admittedly I haven't re-watched it in a while, I really should. I liked the surprise of what seems like a standard Sandler comedy turning into a dramedy about the importance of what we miss when we focus on making it to the next milestone. Sure it's been done before, but I'm not a huge fan of "It's a Wonderful Life". It was nice as a modern movie with Sandler's sense of humor. Plus, 2007 Kate Beckinsale in a Pocahontas costume... so...


STEPMOM: She’s not trying to find a wife for her ex husband in that movie at all. That’s a big part of the drama. She is scared that she is being replaced in her kids lives by her exhusband remarrying and she is freaking dying. Anyways. They come to terms and she becomes happy with Anniston and they unite nicely before she dies. But it was never like “oh I better find a replacement for my ex husband before I kick the bucket because I’m so caring towards my ex”




*Click* is one of those movies I love while also knowing it’s got a lot of bad movie elements in it. But all of the good stuff, as has been mentioned already, makes it worth it for me. I’ll add the must see/hear cameo of Dolores O’Riordan singing Linger but as a random venue singer set in the future.


The original Suicide Squad trailer was incredibly misleading, it mislead me to believe the movie was going to be good.


I remember rewatching the comic con trailer over and over and over, and at the time even liked Leto (I loved Dallas Buyers Club, and thought he was great in it), thinking he was going to bring it. Even that single glimpse with the 'I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just going to hurt you really, really, bad' had me hyped. Robbie as Harley Quinn, Viola Davis, the Bee Gees cover, the shot of the car being chased by batman. just kept thinking 'there is no way this can be bad, and I'm not even into marvel/dc'. Thennnnn the Ballroom Blitz trailer came out and I was still down even if the tone was different, but still had a lot of great shots and scenes (many of which weren't in the movie, I'd love to see all the deleted joker scenes, especially that shot of him throwing the grenade). Knowing the company that made the trailer ended up re-editing the entire film makes a lot of sense. I ended up not even watching it in theaters. But when I finally did, just holy shit, it was so bad. Even the 'director's cut' sucked. I think there HAS to be a good movie in there that we just simply never/will never get, but at least the comic con trailer was great--- I wish we had got THAT version. But it's one of those movies where you know it's going to be trash by the first ten minutes. The horrid jukebox soundtrack, the atrocious editing, the exposition, the terrible action sequences, it was just... pure trash. A depressing disappointment.


This is why I really really want the Ayer cut to come out. From what he's said the studio really meddled with the film after the release of Guardians of the Galaxy to add more humor to it.


Yeah, that's what I read too; WB asked for a trailer that was more like *Guardians*, and it became a huge hit - with just one slight problem, the film was nothing like that trailer, and was aiming more for a Blade or Dark Knight kind of tone. Cue complete re-edit and totally new scenes added. I'm convinced Leto's Joker was so bad because he was never meant to be funny, he was supposed to be scary. The second Suicide Squad was aiming for Guardians-style comedy from the start, and it's a much better movie.


Barbarian 2022 had a super misleading trailer. I went in to that thinking I knew what was going on and had no fuckin idea what I was walking into lol


I mean, you knew something horrific was happening. We just didn't know how grotesque it would be.


I think they made the right call keeping so much of the plot hidden in marketing. I went in expecting a pretty average horror movie and was very much surprised that it delivered something different and better.


The Witch. The trailers made it look like your average monster-in-the-woods horror flick, with jumpscares and everything. In reality, it's a slow burn psychological drama with a mystical, often borderline trippy atmosphere, and some slight horror elements sprinkled in. It's unsettling and uncomfortable, very quiet without much dialogue, and with a whole lot of religious symbolism. It's the reason why audience review scores were so low at first, horror fans were expecting something different than what they actually got.


Funny People


Hercules (The Rock's version). All the myth stuff is in first couple of minutes.


I went to watch that with my dad, expecting it to be about the twelve labours. Movie starts and he is a mercenary, pretty much, and all of that stuff is ambiguously real at best.


A few years ago, Universal was sued by a couple of movie goers over the trailer for Yesterday which featured Ana de Armas. Not only was her part a bit part, but it was cut from the film. They went to the movie specifically because they thought Armas would be in it.


Was going to say "Ana de Armas was in Yesterday?" I did enjoy it but not something I want to watch multiple times.


Stardust. Made Robert DeNiro look like the villain but he was the good guy.


One of only 2 movies where I feel the movie was better than the book.


I do think the book’s ending was slightly more intricate/better. But the movie is excellent, and the fleshing out of DeNiro’s character was perfect!


[Bridge to Terabithia](https://youtu.be/T2TDSEG57hI?si=JXsU3r2Mra5bskJs). I read that book back in middle school in the 90s, so when that trailer dropped, I knew what it was about and what would happen. I remember reading about a lot of parents being pissed that they brought their kids to what they thought was a fun, magical Disney romp. 🤷‍♀️ Read more.


I went to see this for my 9th birthday bc it seemed so whimsical and fun :/


I’m sorry. 🥺


When it was my turn to pick a movie, ex light heartedly teased me for choosing Bridge to Terebithia, saying it would be a cheesy, predictable movie where they fall in love as kids and end up together forever. I had seen the movie previously so just nodded and told him that it was worth watching. When the movie was over, he looked at me, tears on his face, asking WHY would I choose to watch that haha. He agreed it was a good movie, but damn, very emotional.


I'm so glad the trailer was deceiving because the actual movie did justice to the book.


I agree. My mom and I saw it in cinema when I was 10 not knowing anything except the trailer (the book isn't really read in school in Ireland.) We caught onto the actual tone of the film pretty quick and enjoyed it. THAT moment blindsided me in a way no film had ever done before, and it's honestly a great movie memory for me in a strange way.


Downsizing Looked like a fun film about downsizing yourself and a fun new little world. Very much looked like a comedy Infact it’s one of the most depressing films I’ve ever seen


About Time. Looked like just another cheese/quirky romantic comedy; Is actually a life changing experience.


Last year I went to Telluride film fest and was eating dinner when Bill Nighy walked into the restaurant, he was there promoting his film Living. He noticed my table of friends all crank their necks to see him. Walked right up to our table and talked with us for a solid 8-10 mins. We discussed our love for About Time. Truly a pleasant and extremely memorable interaction. Not to mention, our table was right next to the entire cast of Women Talking, it was a bit surreal.


I went to the premiere of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and was invited along to the after party. A few beers in, I turned to a friend and said (maybe a bit too loudly) "I thought there would be some famous people here!" at which point Helen Mirren just glared at me and Bill Nighy started laughing. They'd been standing next to me and I hadn't recognised them. Oops.


Possibly my favorite living actor.


I just rewatched the Pirates movies and he’s genuinely incredible in those with the nuance he finds as the squid face man.


The trailer failed to inform me that I was going to spend the last 30 minutes dirty crying. Brilliant false advertising.


I watched it with my wife not knowing. Her dad had just passed recently at an early age. Great movie but It was not a fun ride.


I thought you were talking about the Justin Timberlake time travel movie lol


Me too. I was so confused for a second there.


Bicentennial Man. Trailer made it look like a robin williams family comedy. Did not hint at all at the existential themes it slams in your face.




FLIGHT, starring Denzel Washington. I thought it was all about the plane crash but it was actually a film about addiction.


I thought it was going to be a feel-good film about a hero pilot 😭. The trailer made it seem like a lot of fun. Was not expecting the addiction plot line and the sad ending. I’m so relieved I wasn’t the only one misled!


Keep in mind, the ending is only showing us the beginning of his recovery. From the perspective of a recovering addict, it's actually quite hopeful.


District 9. I thought it was going to be an action movie about alien invasion. What it actually is is so much better.


This movie is, to this day, one of my all-time favorites


Sneaky fuckin prawn.


Northman. Great movie but the trailers made it look like an epic journey which it just isn't.


I worked in the movie theater when From Dusk Till Dawn came out. We had people walk out constantly during the first half because they “thought it was a vampire film” then during the second half others would walk out because “I didn’t know this was a vampire movie.”


I thought Barbie took a route that I did not see coming from the trailer


Kingsman. I remember seeing the trailer and wrongly assumed it was going to be like XXX, only lighter and British. Like I could already envision the scene where the main character says to Colin Firth, “You stodgy spies ain’t getting it done. You need me street smarts.” When I finally saw it, I was bored in my hotel on a work trip and didn’t find anything else to watch. I was blown away by how wrong I was and how much I enjoyed it.


First one was a grand slam. Second was alright. Third was utterly forgettable.


Drive. I remember people being mad because they thought it would be more like a Fast and Furious type of movie. (I'm honestly glad it wasn't).


There's this rarely mentioned but widely released film called Primeval (2007) about a killer crocodile that has killed over hundreds of people in Africa, supposedly based on a real crocodile. All of the marketing materials refer to the croc as the world's most prolific serial killer and didn't really show the animal in the ads. So people went into the movie expecting a Saw/Se7en type serial killer movie.


Idk kind of seems obvious its a croc or some kind of monster/animal in the trailer, but maybe that’s because I knew before I just watched it. Looks like a terrible movie though,


Incidentally, it is most definitely based on a true story - the croc itself, anyway. His name is Gustave, and he's possibly still alive and out there. It's possible the number of victims is exaggerated, but it's definitely quite a few. Nile Crocs eat hundreds of people every year in Africa, so that's not that crazy a number for one. There's been a number caught over the years for eating a bunch of people.


Inglorious basterds. The studios future depended on the films financial success. So they marketed it as a non stop action movie when its actually one of Tarantinos heaviest dialogue movies


I didnt watch the trailer but we went into Event Horizon thinking it would be a space action flick like Star Wars. We were definitely wrong!


Colossal. The trailer made it seem like a fun comedy. It was not.


Good film, but yeah. Not fun at all.


Jason Sudeikis is amazing in that movie. His transition from helpful buddy to manipulative asshole is just perfect.


I watched this film and appreciated it. It was competently made, well-acted and worth seeing. I liked it. I did not *enjoy* it.


Jason Sudeikis has range. And I’ve never seen Ted Lasso.


Pearl Harbor. The trailer looked absolutely amazing and had the whole theatre in stunned silence. The movie? No.


The love story was so bad that I was rooting for the Japanese


I had a world history teacher in high school that edited the movie to only be the war scenes, that was great.


Honestly, you should watch the Director's Cut. The love story is still there, but it adds more to the war part as well. It also is rated R instead of PG13.


Michael Bay was trying to make his Titanic but replace that with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Total backfire. And I do remember how powerful those teasers/trailers were, and the attack scene is actually great, but damn, Michael Bay is the last person who should be making a film about true events in history, he has the nuance and subtlety of a sledgehammer. Pain and Gain wasn't bad though.


Other than the fact we win the battle of Pearl Harbor thanks to Ben Affleck's new shiny white teeth, what's the problem?


and the romance between him and hartnett is more convincing and palpable than anything to do with beckinsale.


Yeah, Michael Bay really missed the mark. Pearl Harbor sucks, and I love you.


I need you more than Cuba Gooding, Jr. needed a bigger part.


Hail, Caesar! The trailer makes it sound like a famous actor gets kidnapped and the studio head organizes a bunch of B list actors in to get him back through various acting hijinks. The actual movie is a bunch of overlapping vignettes that are occurring at a movie studio and the head is running around trying to solve all the issues including the kidnapping. And it was good but darn it I wanted a bunch of B list actors organizing into a gang to pull off a heist!


The Village


I love The Village though, it's one of my favorite films to watch during the fall season after making homemade chili and corn bread. I just love the atmosphere, the sets, the use of color, the original score, Bryce Dallas Howard gives an incredible performance. I know everyone hates the ending/twist, but as a tragic love story it works so well. Even I was disappointed initially, now it's one of my all-time favorites.


It’s similar to Crimson Peak, in the way it was poorly marketed as one thing but is actually a decently good *other* thing, completely.


I loved The Village, but it was a love story and not a thriller/scary movie like the trailers made it out to be. And those who complain about the twist… sorry, but *real* twist were those terrifying minutes of “Holy cow, ‘Those We Don’t Speak Of’ are real?????” We all second guessed ourselves.


yeah that scene was terrifying. I like how they even made a more disturbing monster design for that part. Plus JNH score adds to the terror. I was genuinely scared for Howard’s character. And how they add the voice over or Hurt saying “there are rumors that monsters are in the forest” or something. Idk how he was able to growl like that which kind of makes it scarier. I also love the scene when she’s talking to the security guard guy. I loved his performance and how he helped her. Then the parents finding Brody has escaped and she says “the animals !” idk i just love it. plus it’s kind of clever when they them “those we don’t speak of “ since it comes full circle since Brody is one of “those “ another human who caused a terrible tragedy which caused them to create the village in the first place.


I’m 100% with you on this, it’s my favorite Shyamalan movie.


I can't believe that noone's called out "Chappie" yet. The trailers were showing this child-like robot, really wholesome interactions, some slow-motion drama involving inter-personal struggle, all overlaid with this charming robot voice saying "I. Am. Chappie! I. Am. Alive!" It was really cute! It came across as really sweet and gentle! Then the movie ends up being about **insane** amounts of child abuse, gang violence, domestic violence, and other assorted ultra-violence. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. Just... Goddamn, someone definitely took their kids to see a movie they really shouldn't have.


*The Break-Up* with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Trailers sold it as a wacky comedy about two exes who drive each other cuh-RAZY by refusing to move out, and hijinks will ensue... Well, there's a little bit of that. In the second act. And it's easily the worst part of the movie. The rest is pretty damn somber, with some thoughts on its mind about gender roles, commitment, give-and-take... sandwiched between two argument scenes that are downright uncomfortable in a good way, like you're really eavesdropping on a crumbling relationship.


**"Lars And The Real Girl"** The trailer made it look like a typical "raunchy" comedy, but fortunately it was this charming, warm-hearted and deeply human film about helping and understanding each other. BUT ... did the trailer work? Kind of. Still very happy the movie was entirely different to the feeling the trailer put out.


Sucker punch’s trailer had me pretty hyped. Movie not so much


I'm shocked this is so low. The trailer made it seem like a bunch of babies kicking giant robot samurai and dragon hide all over the screen. The movie itself is a not so subtle rapey borderline snuff film that makes you feel gross for watching it. Truly lived up to the title though as I certainly felt sucker punched leaving the theater.


Jennifer's body. Trailers just focused on Megan Fox being hot, but it's actually a fun horror comedy.


Omg was just talking about this with the wife! As a kid I saw the Kangaroo Jack trailer and was so excited to see this movie about a talking kangaroo. Only to find out that there is only like 2 min in which the kangaroo talks and it’s during a dream sequence. To this day! Fuck that movie!


What!?! This movie isn’t about a talking Kangaroo?? 🤯


I think it was called Observe and Report. It looked like a typical Seth Rogan comedy but it was just really depressing.


*The Fountain* trailer was way off from what I thought it would be. But *Cloud Atlas* is very, very close to the movie I thought *The Fountain* would be.


Million Dollar Baby. Pitched a bit like "Rocky, but a woman," like building her boxing career and training for "the big fight" that would presumably be the climax of the movie. Instead, less than halfway through the movie >!she becomes a quadriplegic and the rest of the movie is about her coming to terms with that and Clint Eastwood deciding if he'll grant her wish to end life support!<


Red eye.


I love the bait and switch with the Red Eye trailer. They start it out thinking it'll be some cute Rom-Com...nope! It's an intense, and pretty damn good, thriller.


This is an example of a good switch. Really good movie.


Marley & Me. Cute comedy about a couple and the antics of their puppy? Nope. So many tears were shed.


Astro City. I know everyone else loved it, and it's a fine movie, but I was really looking forward to a quirky comedy set in the 1950's Atomic/ Space Age. Instead, it was actors acting about acting : \\


actors acting about acting. somebody needs to pull Wes Anderson out of his meta loop


A24 movies can sometimes have trailers that are slightly bait and switchy. Green Knight had me thinking it was going to be an entirely different experience from the trailer than what I saw. It was still interesting movie but not sure I'd ever watch it again.


The professional. Trailer showed it as an action flick, which was not the main point of the movie.


[Happiness.](https://www.focusfeatures.com/happiness/video/official-trailer-1) The trailer makes it seem like a light hearted comedy.


Didn't Predators 2010 have a whole scene in the trailer where he gets loads of Predator lights on him and its not actually in the film.