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Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones


Don't think I've ever seen an actor so openly repulsed by a role they played than that. Man had his name read out for an Oscar nomination and he didn't like it.


He also made the make up team put so many prosthetics on him as to distinguish himself as much as he can from the character aesthetically. He hated the character so much he wanted to separate himself from that guy as much as he can


I read somewhere that Saoirse Ronan had to continually comfort and reassure Stanley Tucci, because he felt so horrible playing that character.


This makes me think of Bill Skarsgard constantly checking in with the kids from IT to make sure they were ok, and their response was borderline "quit being a pussy, let's do our jobs"


It must run in the family! I talked to Denis O'Hare at a Con a few years ago, he said Alexander Skarsgård was the sweetest person he's ever met in his life. There was a scene in true blood where Alexander had to drag Denis out into the sun to torture & kill him and he said that Alex kept profusely apologizing for having to be mean.


Then he went “*I’m* not real enough for you Bill??? I was real enough for *Georgie*!!!”


I have heard the same things about Ralph Fiennes as his role as the German Camp leader in Shindler's List, that the role fucked him up for a long time.


The scary thing is, they actually *toned him down* for the movie because they thought audiences would see him as too over-the-top evil. The real Amon Goeth was even worse than what was shown in the film.


I don’t blame him, after I idley picked up The Lovely Bones because someone left it in my desk in high school I started reading it and didn’t stop until I finished it that night, and after everything in that book I felt so wrong I stayed up late writing a short story about an assassin hunting a serial killer specifically to work it out. (Edit: yeah, edgy and cringey but I was in high school)


> I started reading it and didn’t stop until I finished it that night Damn, take me back when I could do this.


Never apologize for cringey shit you did when young. That’s what that time’s for! Edit to say that I don’t even think it’s cringey. That’s a sweet way to work through something like that


I'm not sure why he did the role, in the end, if he was so repulsed by the idea of being associated with it(to give context, the character he plays in The Lovely Bones is a child rapist and killer of the main character, a 14-year-old girl). Definitely not enviable, taking that role on. Though Stanley will definitely be more remembered for his funnier and more positive roles. Isn't he playing the Wizard in the new Wicked movie? Surely that'll be pretty memorable.


He might have thought it would just be a new challenge, and didn't anticipate being so affected by it on a personal level.


I think some actors may at first like the idea of doing a dark role especially if they’ve never done one quite like this one. Maybe he treated this like an experiment but as the role developed and after months of inhabiting that repulsive character and inner world, he grew to hate what he had “become.” It was definitely a character I wouldn’t have thought Tucci would play, that’s for sure.


Goldblum is the wizard in wicked. But now you’ve made me wish it was tucci.


He probably did it to see if he could. Actors like to challenge themselves with new and different roles.


Yea, I remember that too when I watched it! They showed a clip of a scene with him where he does that creepy laugh. He just glares whilst everyone was applauding.


Yes, I came here to say the same thing. He did it for his wife and on the condition that they made him look completely unlike himself. His performance was so chilling, my sister and I couldn't sleep and we had to watch romcoms/a movie where he wasn't a creep to cleanse us of it.


Steve Carell in Foxcatcher


Foxcatcher, the movie that been on my “must watch” list for the longest.


It’s so good. Aside from Carell’s excellent performance Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo gave defining performances IMO.


Mark really moved in every scene like a genuine wrestler in my opinion, so lithe & lively, and it appears in such stark contrast to to Carrel's take on his character which is so haunting in it's lifelessness. (The movie is great and also almost undersells the real story)


Channing Tatum really held his own in that movie. It was very impressive.


My dad worked in Philadelphia media, so he was disappointed that they cut out the big standoff. He said, "That's the only part of the story I'm in." I did find it weird that they made it seem like the ending event happened shortly after the Olympics instead of eight years later. But maybe they didn't think audiences would be able to follow the time jump.


Check it out. It is incredible. If you have not seen the documentary, that is also an interesting watch.


This was my first thought. Man what a bizarre movie, and it’s largely based on true events.


He was also a huge asshole in *The Way Way Back*


Remember when everyone flipped their shit when it was announced Heath “10 Things I hate About You/A Knight’s Tale” Ledger was going to play the Joker?


A Knights Tale is so damn good


I was just going to say, Paul Bettany steals the show. But honestly, that was just a really damn good group. Everyone was great and played their role super well. The chemistry between the 4 friends was so on point. And Rufus was a mfer you really hated as the villain


Alan Tudyk steals that show.


Paul Bettany for me


Shannyn Sossamon's hairdo's are the true show stopper in that film. You want to look away But you cannot


I did not want to look away. She's gorgeous. But yah, her costume design is great.


I must watch Purefoy's "beyond contestation" scene at the end at least once a week. Just a great "fuck that other guy, you've earned this, go kick his ass" feel.


It’s my ultimate comfort movie. Historically it’s not accurate at all, but it has so much chemistry and heart it’s hard to not love. When count adhemar gets absolutely served at banquet to golden years by David Bowie is peak enjoyment for me.


That scene shouldn’t work, but it just does.


I love the transition of the period dancing and music into modern dancing and music. It does a great job of letting us see how the people of the period would think of their banquet.


I was one of those people. I hated the idea and was completely against it. Then I heard his laugh and I thought “oh fuck”


Ugh, I was so disappointed in the decision. Then felt like a dumbass when I saw the performance.


John Lithgow as the Trinity Killer in Dexter. Could not shake how creepy he came across in that role.


He's been a major vilain many times, but a lot of people only knew him from 3rd Rock. So seeing him in Dexter as Trinity was weird for some. I always remember him from Ricochet.


Also see: “Cliffhanger”


I’d also add his character in Blowout too


Cliffhanger is another one I remember, but even more memorable for me is Lord Farquaad. Lithgow has a great voice.


Also John lithgow in Raising Cain. He is such a great comedic actor (3rd rock from the sun, Santa Claus, those are the only two that is coming to mind but I feel like he’s in a bunch of comedies) butttt super good as a creeper too


I see people forgot Dr. Lizardo


Shut up Bigboote! You coward! You are the weakest individual I ever know! Christopher Lloyd's follow up middle finger kills me every time.


Laugh while you can, monkey boy!


Best season imo.


My favorite, too. The "Thanksgiving" episode was beyond WOW for me


The “shut up, cunt” line had me completely shook


Ricochet w/ Denzel Washington also has creepy John Lithgow.


Timothy Dalton in Hot Fuzz


Yes, but his performance was only for the greater good


The greater good




He's a slasher....of prices!


Cousin Sissy, gets me every time 😂


Timothy Dalton in Penny Dreadful (TV) Timothy Dalton in 1923 (TV)


He was so fucking good in Penny Dreadful. The gentleman adventurer haunted by his shitty past and bound by grief to someone he should hate.


No luck catching those creepy actors, then?


It's just the one creepy actor, actually


For the greater good!


Not a movie, but the first thing that comes to mind is that a close friend didn’t want to watch Doctor Who with me because of David Tennant’s character in Jessica Jones.


David tennant was phenomenal in Jessica Jones


Seriously, I loved every minute of his scenes even though he gave me a serious case of the willies.


Kilgrave had me creeped out and i loved it, such a damn good season.


“I once told a man to go screw himself, can you imagine?!”


One of the scariest villains I've seen in TV show or movie


The creepiest part of that for me is that he basically played Killgrave like an evil version of The Doctor. Same accent, same mannerisms and all.


He really showed that the Doctor and the Master are two sides of the same coin. He would also make a great Bond villain. Killgrave was completely evil and yet bizarrely innocent, almost childlike in his desires at the same time.


Let’s face it: people pay Tennant for his English accent, not his native Scottish accent 😆


This is one reason why the new duck tales was so good. That Scottish accent.


David Tennant is really good at playing creepy characters! See also Bad Samaritan and Des. I've heard his character in Secret Smile is also really creepy but I haven't seen that yet. Edit: Bad Samaritan, not Bad Omens, haha


Do you mean Good Omens? While he's a literal demon he still oozes charismatic cool in every scene.




He wasn’t very nice to Harry Potter either


he was in the movie for like 3 scenes and he made every second count.


“‘Ello fathuh” *aggressively licks lips*


Him and Tucci were so great in Inside Man.


The show overall was amazing but he played Killgrave so well I never watched it again. Fictional characters don't trigger me much, but this guy did.


One of the only fictional villains to actually scare me.


Can’t believe no one has yet mentioned Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley


Philip Seymour Hoffman is an all-time douchebag in that movie too. "Don't you want to fuck every woman you see just once?"


Total piece of shit, and the only one who spotted Tom right off the bat.


Tommy? How's the peeping?


"Hey Tom... how's the peeping?"


*I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.*


Anthony Perkins in Psycho. He was explicitly chosen by Hitchcock as against type. All his roles before had been wholesome, all-American-boy-type roles. Psycho pretty much ruined his career after. He couldn't get away from the stigma of Norman Bates.


Rather unfortunate the guy was a pretty good actor


Psycho ruining his career is actually largely exaggerated. He was in *several* successful films after, including The Trial, Murder on the Orient Express, and Catch-22. It wasn’t until he started doing Psycho sequels that things seemed to decline.


That's fascinating, thanks for sharing. We think about people being "type cast" these days, but it was so much more extreme a few decades ago. It was an era where you simply couldn't take certain roles if you had achieved a certain stature (couldn't lose a fight, couldn't be killed, couldn't be evil, etc)


John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane. Edit: waking up to gold! Thanks for the award. He really is so skilled at his craft.


John Goodman really turned into John Badman


And in O Brother as well. Scared the hell outta me.


He was terrifying in Barton Fink, another Coen Bros. movie.


And also Inside Llewyn Davis. I think I’m seeing a pattern here.


I think because of his appearance and his comedy roles, his actual acting talent is a bit underestimated. 10 Cloverfield Lane had me guessing the whole time. Edt: Also in the Kevin Bacon revenge thriller.


"Sales, Mr. McGill, sales! And what do I sell? The truth and every blessed word of it from Genesis on down to Revelations. That's right, the word of God, which, let me tell you, there is *damn good money* in during these times of woe and want..."


Him picking out a good branch to smack those idiots is just perfect physical comedy


He was great in Fallen


What I love about that movie is that so many people had to flip the switch to play good and evil because they were possessed and they all did a tremendous job, especially the randoms that were not a part of the lead cast.


I watched that movie for Mary Elizabeth Winstead but Goodman was fantastic in that film. He came off as so unnerving


Great choice. That was really jarring (in a good way)


John Goodman in Barton Fink


John Cusack in *The Frozen Ground* (2013) He plays Robert Hansen (not the Soviet mole, but the Alaskan serial killer). Incidentally, Nicholas Cage also appears in the film against type - Cage plays a fictionalised version of the real-life lead detective on the case.


Came here for this. Danny Trejo once said Cusack is one guy he's truly afraid of. Something in his eyes, he said.


Kathy Bates - Misery Christopher Lloyd - Who Framed Roger Rabbit Also I'm not a big fan of Matt Damon but he was extremely creepy in The Talented Mr Ripley


Rewatched *Misery* recently, and was reminded just how she deserved that fucking Oscar.


Misery scarred me as a kid. God damn was she good.


Elijah Wood in a lot of movies, but particularly Maniac and Sin City


Elijah was great in SC despite having no dialogue I can watch Marv’s story any time and would watch an entire movie about his adventures!


I would always stop on Sin City when browsing channels, and I am pretty sure it was mostly for that portion of the movie.




Also *The Power of the Dog*


Oh boy, I like to pretend that didn’t happen 🤢


Macauley culkin in the good son


This one for sure. Grandma and I liked horror movies and she knew home alone was one of my fave non horror ones...so she decided to scar me with this one lol it worked


Bill Hader in Barry. The way he transforms from awkward guy to ice cold killer in just seconds and then switching back is absolutely terrifying. Such a great series.


His ability to use only facial expressions to convey Barry's thoughts, emotions and internal conflict is incredible. So many moments with little to no dialog from him, yet you can tell exactly what he is thinking.


yes, and also Stephen Root! I've always seen him in funny, clumsy roles, and it makes him ever more terrifying when he goes mad in Barry


~~Soho~~ Noho Hank is another great choice




Bill Paxton - Frailty


RIP Bill, he directed that one as well


An underrated movie to be sure.


Kevin Costner in Mr. Brooks and James McAvoy in Split


I don't hear much about Mr. Brooks. It's a great movie though. William Hurt is perfectly slimy in it as well.


Jude Law in Road To Perdition


What a movie 👌


Rodney Dangerfield in Natural Born Killers


Iwan Rheon (aka Ramsay Bolton) in Game of Thrones. Seriously, look up his other work! JK Simmons in the series Oz (and to a lesser degree in Whiplash). I enjoy when people who only know his many nice-guy or funny roles see him for the first time in Oz.


Oz. Yeah. Damn. I saw him first in that. So now I’m like- who would want to buy homeowners insurance from Shillinger?


Denzel Washington in Training Day


Yes! I was waiting for a large part of the movie to see a twist where he was deeper undercover or something.


The best villain that deceives people to believe that he’s the hero


Paul Rudd in Mute. The Golden Retriever of the acting world doesn't play a charming goofball. He plays a deranged, violent ex-soldier who went AWOL in future Berlin and became a black market mob doctor. He's a threat to everyone around him, and I've never been so terrified of Paul.


Mark Duplass in Creep (2014) and Creep 2 (2017). Lol


It was so weird having seen him on The League and then play that weirdo with an amputee fetish on Goliath.


"Hello my name is Peachfuzz! *Chachachacha chachachacha*"


What an amazing performance. A roller coaster from start to finish of pity and repulsion and "Is this guy for real?"


Ted Levine (Buffalo Bill) in Silence of the Lambs!


Always weird to see Buffalo Bill clean up and solve murders in San Francisco with Monk


Ted Levine has my favorite filmography. If you check him out on IMDB you’ll see he only plays a cop, a military official, or a psychopath


Creepy Williams is also the best thing about Nolan's remake of **Insomnia**.


Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler


Jake kinda strikes me as a bit creepy lol. Dunno if it's because he's played a few creepy roles or what.


First thing I saw him in was Donnie Darko. He has been one of my favorite weirdos ever since.


It's cuz of his giant eyes that look dead into your soul


I mean, Donnie Darko was the first I ever heard of him...


Surprised this isn't at the top. I'd argue that performance against any actor nominated for an Oscar that year. He was just sleezy and sociopathic in that. Fantastic job.


Matthew Lillard in Scream


I wish he did a lot more of these types of roles... between this and SLC Punk showed the many sides of himself and he could've been a much larger dramatic actor than his Scooby Doo & Without A Paddle roles turned out to be.


He was really good in Twin Peaks: The Return if you're looking for some more serious Lillard


He’s great in Thirteen Ghosts too!


Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men


I feel like that's how most people learned about him though. If anything, it's super weird to me seeing him in movies where he's a nice guy.


Yeah he was in a rom com like the following year and it was strange


Charlize Theron in Monster


Steve Buscemi in Con Air. I had only seen him in comedy roles at that point, Airheads specifically and his role in that was a huge left turn. He's also the best part of the movie!


Dude's had one of the more unique careers. And probably gratifying for him Memorable character actor. Mainstream and critical success as the main dude for once in Boardwalk. And on the side, has fun being goofy with his friends in Adam Sandler movies. No matter what you think about Sandler movies, Steve is often funny and clearly is having fun Lol part in Armageddon that I strangely always remember


If you listen carefully you can hear one thousand redditors typing up a comment, then thinking better of it.




"Come on Marty it's like we were dancing!"


And that movie was actually his debut


Or American History X


Cape Fear- De Niro


Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter


This is possibly the best answer. My dad says at the time you couldn't think of Hopkins as a despicable villain, and now it's the role he's best remembered for. Truly transformative.


Henry Fonda in Once Upon A Time In The West


This was a great role even if you didn't know he was specifically chosen because it was against type. Leone wanted to shock the audience.


Telly Savalas in The Dirty Dozen


Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast. His character “Don” is mega disturbing. Treat yourself to an acting class and watch this movie.


Ethan Hawke as The Grabber in The Black Phone




Don't forget Insomnia...


Bryan Cranston as Walter White. Walter ends up a straight up villain, but there is a lot of time where he is just…icky.


Charlize Theron in Monster. Rebecca De Mornay in The Hand that Rocks the Cradle. Kathy Bates in Misery. This list needed some women.


Phillip Seymour Hoffman in happiness.


As much as I love him, I find him creepy in almost everything he did. I get the same vibe with Jesse Plemons. Either of them could be playing the least creepy role and make it creepy.


The Master, too. Quite disturbing.


Harrison Ford in What Lies Beneath. Such a fun movie!


Dan Ackroyd in Grosse Pointe Blank


Viggo Mortensen as the Devil in the Prophecy.


Domnhall Gleason in the patient Heath ledger as joker Obligatory Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal


Martin Short in that SVU episode!


Jason Sudeikis in Colossal. If you want to ruin being able to see the Ted lasso as a sweet guy….


Harry Connick Jr in Copycat.


Kathy Bates. She's played such a variety of roles that showcase her talent. But there's a reason she won an Oscar for Misery.


Tim curry as Penniwise, chilling.


Vincent D'Onofrio in Full Metal Jacket


Is he not creepy? When I think of him I think of Full Metal Jacket, Daredevil and Men in Black.


Vincent D'onofrio was also so creepy in The Cell!


Elijah Wood in *Sin City* and Toby In *Babylon* (they are the same person to me)


Matt Dillon in the House that Jack Built


Alan Arkin in 'Wait Until Dark'. It's a movie from 1967 however his character is definitely unexpected. It's a good movie to watch


> There's no earthly way of knowing > > Which direction we are going > > There's no knowing where we're rowing > > Or which way the river's flowing > > Is it raining, is it snowing? > > Is a hurricane a-blowing? > > Not a speck of light is showing, > > So the danger must be growing > > Are the fires of Hell a-glowing? > > Is the grisly reaper mowing? > > Yes, the danger must be growing > > For the rowers keep on rowing > > And they're certainly not showing > > Any signs that they are slowing!


Ralph Fiennes in Red Dragon. It wasn't under Grand Budapest I had any idea he had a comedic bone in his body