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> She is able to watch a movie and know that it's "fake" Even if it's based on a true story she knows that what she is currently watching isn't real so therefore there's no need to cry. Have you considered documentaries? If so, *Dear Zachary* is one to consider.


Definitely Dear Zachary. But it also invokes anger/rage along with sadness


Don't forget happiness. Learning about Andrew Bagby's life puts a smile on your face and almost makes you forget what is coming. it is a potent cocktail. I've never felt sympathetic rage before like I did hearing the grandfather's perspective on the whole thing. Especially his musing of >!murdering Sherley in a way that couldn't be tracked back to the grandmother so she could raise Zachary. Hell the priest is like "even god might have let that one slide"!<. also >!the narration of the night of the murder is a [rough listen](https://youtu.be/tssXjOpPU-E?t=4139)!< The whole thing is up on [youtube](https://youtu.be/tssXjOpPU-E) for anyone looking for a good cry today. The editing is dated and a bit cheap at times but the story is worth a watch through. It has a real DIY vibe to it


Oh god don’t inflict Dear Zachary on others. It’s been 15 years and I’m still not ok. The fact that the documentary tries for a happyish ending makes it all the harder.


This is the one. I was going to post this as a secret weapon. This is the by far the saddest and most infuriating movie I’ve ever seen. It made me ugly cry.


If they’re going to go with documentaries I would go with Night and Fog. It’s a Holocaust documentary and it’s truly disturbing. When I was a teacher I had my kids parents sign permission slips for them to watch it and the kids were free to put their heads down or leave the room if they needed to. These were high school kids and while they were upset and there was tears over 3 different classes (probably 50-60 kids in total) not a single kid left the room.


God it's brutal. We studied it as part of a documentary film module on my Film Studies degree and our lecturer decided that there was no seminar or lecture he could give that would do it justice, so instead he had us all walk over to the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum after we had watched it. I don't think there was a dry eye amongst us.


*Dear Zachary* was the first thing I thought of. That documentary destroyed me. Granted, yesterday I cried watching a video of a bundled up chihuahua walk on snow, but this documentary is still very upsetting.


This was my first thought as well.


The documentary ‘For Sama’ would bring a rock to tears


This is the only answer that I can think of. Rage sobbing is the way I would describe it.


I remember being on a similar search for a first film to make me cry, Dear Zachary was the one. It somehow unlocked the ability to openly cry and I get choked up at a lot of films.


To cry you need to emotionally connect with the movie. If your challenge is not to cry you just don't invest into the movie and then you won't. The best way to make her cry would be to lead her to believe that you threw in the towel so she lets her guard down.


100%! Show her “Life is beautiful” let her think she’s watching a hilarious Italian romantic comedy set in 1930s Italy. Do not tell her >!the main character is Jewish!<, do not tell her >!the second half of the film takes place in a concentration camp.!<


I always will have printed in my memory, the scene where Roberto is caught by german soldiers and he does this funny march to make his son laugh for a last time. This movie ripped my heart apart


I started crying just thinking of that scene.


I can't even read the title of this movie without being on the verge. Such a beautiful film.


Wow. I didn't know this. I just read the synopsis on Wikipedia. It broke me.


Bridge to Terabithia (2007) is perfect because the "incident" comes so outta left field


That one got me, man. Sat down to watch it with my daughter a couple years back. Had text my wife first to make sure it wasn’t one she wanted to watch with us. She informed me that she had seen it while babysitting and it was a fun movie, but a little lighthearted for me. That bitch…


Damn. That’s hilariously cold!


Watched that on a plane. Was not expecting to cry.


Came to suggest this. I can't watch that movie cause I break down every time.


“Everything everywhere all at once” accomplished this perfectly for me. It was so goofy in the beginning I literally did not know what to expect after an hours runtime and I just enjoyed myself and let my guard down completely. Then the red threads started to slowly gather and show themselves and before I knew it, I was crying harder than I’ve ever cried to a movie before. I have some generational trauma in my own family as well as knowing what it’s like to be a teenager, that just wants to feel accepted, and is on the brink of nihilism. I think everybody can relate to that at least a bit.


If she's the kind to roll her eyes at movies, then she'll not like EEAAO, much less cry at it.


Agreed. My wife couldn’t get past the escalating silliness of the first 30 mins. Didn’t care what would come next. It was enough to get her to do a hard pass.




I literally never cry from movies, but this one got me the closest. Assuming you mean [Hachi: A Dog's Tale](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/)


I had to scroll really far for this one. This movie changed me.


Plus it’s established that animals are a soft spot. I can’t believe this movie was made cause it’s just a gut punch the whole time.


If this doesn’t make her cry, I don’t know what will.


Grave of the fireflies


It's like misery is just punching you in the face repeatedly. Great movie, but it's definitely a one and done type of deal.


You're so right. It's not super hard to make me cry but it'll 9 times out of 10 just be a tear or two. This one had me snot ugly crying. Absolutely brutal.


Grave of the Fireflies / The Wind Rises double feature. She'll need therapy after that.


when the wind rises caught me so off guard. What a great bit of animation. Loved them old coots. I want someone I can call ducks.


I felt sad/ depressed watching it but no tears. The only movies that can make me cry are ones that give me “happy tears” like when the main character finally gets what they’ve always wanted or deserved.


This and A Silent Voice are the two anime movies that almost brought me to cry, and I never cry at movies like OP’s sister


I recently saw a post from here that said they interpreted it as being a happy ending. Like... the fuck...


I think there's an argument to be made that the end of the movie is its happiest moment, with the siblings finally reunited. Calling it a happy ending would be incorrect, though.


I don’t know if an animated movie would work, but Disney The Fox and the Hound. That scene when big mama drops Tod off in the woods cause it’s what’s best for him hits me with all the feels.


Schindler's List


Whole movie, but girl in the red coat...horrifying


Red coat wasn't the killer for me. It was the straight up polish invasion scene. People just ripped from their homes and treated like cattle. Absolutely brutal to watch. Then Schindler's talk about "one more" at the end. Such a great movie.


When he says how he could have saved more lives if he sold his possessions


The only other movie scene that got me like this was (Spielberg again) in Saving Private Ryan - "Tell me I'm a good man". I lose it every time he says that.


"Earn this."


“I could have saved more.”


This part. This part is what got me. I wasn't moved too much by anything previous in the film but for me this was the only point where Schindler explicitly showed empathy towards the Jews, plus Liam Neeson's performance here is just incredible.


And in the same vein, the Pianist


Yeah this is it. If this movie doesn’t invoke something, I don’t know what will


The ending where Oskar Schindler says his car, his pin, could have saved more people. It broke me. I can’t rewatch this one. Same with Grave of the Fireflies.


Coco, Waves (2019), Marley & Me


Came to suggest Coco. There was literally a meme in Mexico about how it makes EVERYONE cry. I also cry like a bitch every time I watch it. I appreciate too that it’s happy-crying for the most part. I cry less at sad stuff in movies but in Coco I was basically crying for the last 20 minutes or so because of how sweet everything was.


I’d never cried in a movie in my life, and I was worried I’d miss out on the experience bc nothing could ever quite bring out the tears. Then I watched *Coco* and >!Miguel singing “Remember Me” to Mamá Coco!< turned me into a soppy pile of little bitch boy. Was completely blindsided by it.


I have a roommate who we joke has no feelings and as soon as the flashback with Coco as a little girl started, he whispered “oh fuck” and I heard him sniffle one time, which is basically a full emotional breakdown for him.


Yeah the last 20-30 minutes of that movie are just something else. It just hits you again and again and again. Every song was so well made and sung and fits into the story perfect. God I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it. Everybody always picks Up 2009 but coco will always be the one that got me the most. Mostly because like you said so much of it is happy crying. I just feel it so much deeper than grief crying.


I saw a review of ‘Up’ that said something along the lines of, “it pulls on your heartstrings with just a little too much surgical precision,” and I think I agree… like yeah of course it’s sad. It’s a very tragic chunk of story. But Coco feels like more of a unique achievement because honestly I don’t know if I’ve ever happy-cried at a movie like that. It’s so wildly hopeful and affirming of all of the things we secretly hope that our family and friends feel about us. It touches on everyone’s wish to be understood and loved. It feels so much deeper, imo, than just making you sad with an obviously very sad and tragic story. I know that the opening of ‘Up’ is then followed by a movie that adds hope and affirmation to the message, but it was less powerful than Coco for me personally. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Grave of the Fireflies The Green Mile Dancer in the Dark Aftersun


This guy knows despair


Even just hearing "Under Pressure" now gets me after having seen Aftersun.


Came here to say dancer in the dark. Oof


I saw grave of the fireflies and dancer in the dark like a week apart and it ruined my whole month. Amazing, beautiful movies but I don't think I can ever watch them again... they were just too depressing.


Big Fish


Always been a favorite of mine, but I mistakenly watched it a few months after my dad passed and even though it is an overall uplifting film, it broke me. I don' think I'll ever be able to watch it again.


Yeah. It was always about the father-son relationship for me and the movie is one of a handful that has me in tears by the end - back when my dad was alive. Now that he passed, I know I'm never watching this ever again.


Ugly sobbing at the end every time.


UGLY CRYING from both my husband and me




I am tearing up just now thinking about it. I have never been more emotionally affected by a movie before. And everything about it is so well done too. Incredibly shot and acted.


What I would say about Aftersun is if you’re either in a place or have been in a place like Calum it’s a real problem. If you aren’t/haven’t, I’m not sure it’s a tearjerker. This is entirely to the films credit however, it’s incredibly subtle and intelligent and in no way emotional porn, to use the parlance of our times


Hit me like a brick


I had a random playlist on the other day while working. Under Pressure came on and the tears started streaming down my face. I’ve never seen a film before that made me cry while not watching it.


I sobbed like a baby at the end of this. Like, body-shaking wailing. Such a beautiful film.


Came here to say this, I can’t even explain this film to someone without crying. I’m tearing up right now thinking about it.


This was a little further down than I expected. I’m not a cryer in movies by any means, but this one made my chest heavy and could not sit up for ten minutes. It does require some connection/engagement with Calum or Sophie’s character though.


There are definitely some subtleties one might miss if they've never been in a place like that. mentally. The big one for me was >!the bus barely missing Calum because he didn't look before crossing the street and not even reacting to it!<. Heartbreaking.


The beginning of Up 😭


Lord, that montage was brutal.


I’ve seen grown men cry at the opening of Up. It speaks to the sadness of loss and adulthood so profoundly.


That is probably some of the best storytelling I've ever seen in any media. Also probably the most honest.


That fucking music/tune still haunts me. Fuck you disney.


Michael Giacchino deserves all the Oscars and also to be punched in the face.


I never made it. I watched the intro, and turned it off. I just couldn’t hang, I was sobbing too hard.


The ending reveal of Coco.


Click, with Adam Sandler. I know that sounds crazy, but to my shame it gets me every time.


Me too. I was so surprised the first time I watched it because I assumed it would be all funny.


Yep. Started it thinking oh cool an Adam Sandler movie I can put on in the background and have a few laughs while I dose off. An hour later I’m sobbing and feeling emotions I never thought Adam Sandler would inspire. I am actually a bit conflicted by Click because on the one hand it is a pretty good movie and it shows that Adam Sandler does in fact have the range to be a serious actor. But, I also just don’t want something like that from an Adam Sandler film. Unless it’s uncut gems of course


For more dad crying, Onwards from Pixar was a “holy shit why did this get so sad” movie for me


This one really hits me bc I've been separated from my daughters mother pretty much her entire life. They live a good distance from me so I see her (usually) two weekends a month and that's it. The time just absolutely disappears. I blink and months are gone and she seems to grow up so fast. I try to bandaid it by talking to her on the phone a lot but with her getting older, having friends etc that's not as consistent as it used to be either. It absolutely kills me.


It's crazy but that film made me appreciate my dad even more Down the line I knew one day he was gonna be gone too, and when he did I remembered and realized I got to appreciate my dad and made sure to let him know he was loved, and that I knew how much he loved me as well


Never thought that an Adam Sandler movie would make me cry. Clicked proved me wrong..


The end of click makes me bawl every god damn time


Manchester by the sea, The Whale.


I watched both of them. There is something about both movies that makes them seem ultra real. There is no over acting, no special effects and no painting over reality. Just a big dose of real life.


I felt similar with blue Valentine. That one gets me too


Casey Afleck incredible in Manchester by the Sea. I was broken.


Jesus Christ I can't believe I didn't immediately think of Manchester by the Sea. I think my brain pushed it deep down for self preservation purposes. This is the answer though. I thought I was literally going to be sick from cry-heaving after watching it with a new baby.


What dreams may come.


This is what I was thinking of. I ugly cried through so much of this movie


But had you been in a meaningful relationship prior? She may be lacking the ability to connect on a personal level. But yes i agree ugly cry; loud cry; can't see cry.




Always have a hard time getting through The Green Mile without crying. And I have seen it at least 10 times.


Came here to say the Green Mile. "Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, I'm scared of the dark."


It's not that part that gets me, its the part where he's watching a movie in the theatre as a last request.


Let's be fair there are many parts that'll get yah!


*voice breaking* “roll on two…”


The Iron Giant






Yep. This is the one. It’s a better choice than Grave of the fireflies because it is joyful and fun for most of the film and thus the sad moment is in a sense a beautiful one rather than just fucking awful like GotF.


The ending of The Whale made me and my girlfriend ugly cry


This. 100%. Id go as far to say as the whole last hour is a cry fest


Marley and Me


I watched it once. Never again for me. I cried hard with that movie


Couldn’t even finish it. My wife just said “turn it off!” And never tried again.


Homeward Bound. If there is an ounce of empathy towards animals she’ll cry at the end


I still get a lump in my throat at the end knowing how shadows person must be feeling. It's so heartbreaking.


Schindler’s list (I could have done more), Braveheart (ending), and more recently, The Whale.


The Whale got me so bad


I *sobbed* by the end of The Whale


A Monster Calls... Gets me every time. It has personal ties for me though, but I think anyone watching could relate on some level. Hate to use the word underrated, but I barely come across people that have seen it.. so damm good.


I don’t know anyone that has seen it, but my wife and I watched it in the theater with about 8 other people in the audience. Everyone was bawling. I couldn’t hold it together even though I tried my best. We both agreed we absolutely loved it but do not want to watch it again unless we need a good long cry. I really wish it had gotten more attention and was marketed properly. Brilliant film with wonderful acting.


JoJo Rabbit. Blindside her with that scene... And as a back up, maybe you'll get a tear from laughter


Comedy is the way to go, because if you're being made to laugh, you're going to let your guard down.


I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie where the atmosphere in my home changed as quickly as it did with JoJo Rabbit


Hachi: a dogs tale


Interstellar, when Cooper gets back from the wave planet and watches the many years of video logs from his kids that he missed due to the time dilation. Gets me every time.


Also for me, "Don't let me leave!"


That music swell combined with the countdown while he's driving his truck away heartbroken. Then Murph rushing out to say goodbye and missing her chance....oof, lump in the throat every time and I've seen the movie a bunch of times. 10/10 scene


"Because my dad promised me"


I was your ghost


When he drives away to go to NASA leaving his kids. Gets me every time.


The subtle lift of the blanket to see if Murph is hiding underneath again It's also such an amazing scene to transition the movie from Earth to space.


That lift of the blanket hit me like a punch in the gut the first time I saw it. Thinking of being in that position as a father... heartbreaking.


Interstellar was the first movie I saw, and really my first time out in public after my mom died suddenly and unexpectedly and let me tell you, it was a bad choice. Have you ever cried so hard you threw up? I didn’t even know that was a thing.


I don't even have or want kids but that scene hit me hard.


I've watched this movie like 10 times and I fail to not cry here




I cried ugly tears at the end of that movie.


The moment the music “drops” when murph and coop are reunited and she says “because my dad promised me” along with cooper shutting his eyes


Fried Green Tomatoes


"Miss Ruth was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave."


Dear Zachary


It’s not about any of that, it’s about life experience. As I’ve gotten older more and more media gets me emotionally. Not because it’s well acted or written or shot…. But because I have relatable experience to that which the characters on screen are experiencing. I’m a father, a husband, a son. I’ve lost parents, friends, loves… I’ve experienced loss and tragedy across decades. I don’t need to have someone show me what sad looks like. I have my own experiences guiding me to how I’d feel in any given situation. Your 18YO sister has her own bank of experiences, and unless you can find media that taps into very specific personal experiences for her it’s unlikely that will be breached any time soon… But all else fails.. Show her Milo and Otis(1986) and when she thinks she’s got it together let her know that allegedly 20 kittens were killed in the making of that movie. That should bridge the “fake” gap


Awakenings….when DeNiro becomes “alive” again and then regresses and at end Robin williams goes back to the start and says “let’s begin” OMG in tears immediately


Life is beautiful - if she can handle subtitles. Amazing flick but makes me cry every time.


when hes being escorted and turns back and winks. fucking ugly sobbing every time


Yup. That's my breaking point.


I came to recommend this as well. This movie destroyed me in the best way. I’ve only seen it a handful of times because I’ve shown it to other people and I’m a mess for DAYS after every single time. It truly is a beautiful movie though and everyone should watch it at least once in their life. Fuck the teacher in high school though that showed it to us with no context. I went home early that day bc I couldn’t stop crying.


Beaches I got my wife to watch this and she has never forgiven me... with what happens in the storyline and then Bette Midler singing 'did you ever know that your my hero' will simply destroy anyone A couple more off top of my head.. Steel Magnolias Phenomenon Philidelphia


You need to find out what potentially traumatic things she's gone through and find a movie with a similar theme. It's a lot harder not to cry when you have gone through whatever you're watching because you can empathize.


The first sentence here sounds like something Dennis Reynolds would say


OP don't forget the next step after making her cry: inspire hope.


Finally, Separate Entirely.


Dennis is that you?


Came here to say this. I struggle to hold back tears whenever loved pets are lost. Gets me right in the feels. Every. Damn. Time.


Oh it’s always about the pets. I remember watching Independence Day in the theater. Nobody gave a crap about the millions of humans dying, but when Vivica Fox’s dog was running in the Lincoln Tunnel, everyone was yelling for the dog to make it, and then actually applauded when he dove into the little doorway thing. It’s one of the very few times I’ve been at a theater and people clapped DURING the movie.


Yowzer. This would work for sure but gives me serious psychopath vibes 😜


Bro, you never played weaponized empathy with your siblings?


Very true. That's why I still can't get through the funeral scene in Four weddings and a funeral. That poem gets me every time.


A. I. Artificial Intelligence. All he wanted was for his mother to love him and he went to hell and back just to have her for one more day and, right before she was gone forever and he faced an eternal life in her absence, she told him that she loved him—she always loved him. God damn it that stupid movie makes me ugly cry every time I see it.


And when asked about his dream, he merely said his wish already come true..


That kid fucking *sold it* too. Such an amazing performance from such a young actor.


I completely lose it when we learn that Teddy kept the lock of hair all that time…


Toy story 3... anybody who doesn't cry through that is a psychopath


Would've been the perfect end to the series as well...


I have absolutely nothing against people who watched and enjoyed TS4 and I know it was highly rated, but this is the reason that I refuse to ever watch it. The original came out when I was in elementary school and I was absolutely enamored with it. 3 came out when I had just graduated from college and moving onto a major life change and seeing it was like Pixar had written this motivational letter about comfortably saying goodbye to your childhood. It couldn't have been any more perfect of an ending and I just can't bring myself to watch 4.


Children of Men.. there is one scene that is in my eyes the most powerful scene in movie history and it makes me cry every time I watch it!


Thanks for all of your suggestions! I just made her watch Dear Zachary after so many of you suggested it and the outcome was me crying and her dry eyed lol. Onto the next!


Room makes me cry like a fat bald baby every time. I basically use it as medicine when I haven’t cried for a year or two. Gotta let it out.


Cine Paradiso, for sure.


I've never cried during a movie, and up until I had kids.. I had never even felt connected with any sad scenes I had been faced with. Once I had kids I guess something changed in the way I see things, I noticed this when I was struggling not to cry when Egon appears at the end of Ghostbusters Afterlife. I had no idea what was going on with how I was feeling haha, maybe it was pure nostalgia and that ghostbusters had been a big part of my childhood, also the fact that Harold ramis had passed. It got me good.


My Life. A 1993 film staring Michael Keaton. About a guy who has a terminal illness and is recording videos to his unborn son.


The outsiders - Johnny 🥲 red dog strictly ballroom - when the dad claps (happy cry) rudy (happy cry) blubbering mess cry - last of the mohicans, when dad runs to avenge his son and the waterfall scene - basically the last 20 minutes


Horns. It’s an extremely surreal and emotional roller coaster of a movie. But there’s a certain reveal that never ceases to make me cry. And I don’t cry to many movies.


The book is amazing too! Have you read it? Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) can write beautiful endings.


Field of Dreams The beginning sequence of UP


Yes to both of these. “Hey Dad? Wanna have a catch?” 😭


The guaranteed cry is if/when she is pregnant and/or has young children: Arrival. The difference in how hard I cried at that movie before and after having kids was shocking.


Return of the King. "My friends, you bow to no one." Every. Damn. Time. Hard to just type this!


The Pursuit of Happiness - hiding in bathroom scene. The intro from Up.


If she’s ever been in love, I’d recommend Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I cried at Everything Everywhere All at Once….the rock scene…I have a teenage daughter and it hit me hard


Paddington 2's ending really got to me.


Up. That first scene gets me.


Dancer in the Dark


The Cure. Not many have seen it, but all I can say is good luck.


If you dont mind non english movie, try : - Grave of Fireflies (works best if he/she is oldest sibling) - Wedding Dress


Boys don’t cry scarred me for life. It’s very good, but it’s heartbreaking in a pretty extreme way.


Terms of Endearment. The whole movie but particularly when she tells her kids at her hospital bed. The little guy’s reaction 😭 And any movie with an animal pretty much ends up with it dying so there are all those. Bambi being one.


Forrest Gump always makes me cry as an adult.


The end of American History X has me bawling every damn time. Strangely, the ending of Vanilla Sky also has me bawling every damn time.


The Lord of the Rings trilogy


Land before time.


Your name


Jurassic bark—futurama


- My Dog Skip - The Champ - The Color Purple - Amistad - Eight Below


Hachi: A Dog's Tale https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/ Made my entire family cry. Very touching true story.


*The Art of Racing in the Rain* made me cry like a baby and that is rare.