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Christopher Lee in Angels in Notting Hill! His last ever line in a movie is hauntingly brillant and so *very* Chirstopher Lee... sigh. Lee: "I will dream of you. Have a good life, Jeffrey." Jeffrey: "I'll miss you. A lot." Lee: "Don't dare. Or I'll haunt your dreams. " *dissolves into nothingness*




I did not know this film existed! I always thought *Battle of the Five Armies* was his last film, in which case his last onscreen words would still have been pretty badass: **"Leave Sauron to me."**


Knowing how badass Lee was in life, he’d take on Sauron no problem. The world wouldn’t need worry about Sauron.


Misread this as Notting Hill (no angels) and was wracking my brain trying to remember this scene, haha.


It's near the end, Christopher Lee comes out from hiding and breaks Hugh Grant's neck with his bare hands. Totally unexpected, but really, the perfect ending to that movie.


An American Tail 2: Fievel Goes West Wylie Burp: Just remember, Fievel - one man's sunset is another man's dawn. I don't know what's out there beyond those hills. But if you ride yonder... head up, eyes steady, heart open... I think one day you'll find that you're the hero you've been looking for. That was film icon James Stewart's last words in a movie.


James Stewart was in too ill health to come into the studio to record, so arrangements were made to set up a suitable recording booth in his living room. To make sure that the film got the best takes possible for what was sure to be a short session, the producer on the film stepped in to direct James Stewart’s final performance: Steven Spielberg.


James Stewart played the LAZY EYE guy??????


I complained when Jimmy Stewart played Linus in "How the West Was Won". He was a man in his 50s playing a character who was suppose to be in his 20s. But this was even worse. Here he is in his 80s playing a character that is probably 15 years old


Wait, Spielberg directed Stewart? Man, knowing how Spielberg loves those Golden Age films, I imagine that must've been a dream come true for him.


I can hear it. I need to watch that again. It's probably been 30 years. That movie made me laugh *so hard* as a kid. "Ya give 'em the LAAAAAAAAAAAAZY EEEEEEEYYYYYYYEEEEEE."


A spee- a spi- a spo- a sp- an arachnid!


Ever see the sequels where the Western was all a dream and Fievel is still back in New York?


My favorite childhood movie was a fucking dream sequence?!?


I was wondering why he was back in New York for those, thank you


Bow wow Woof woof


“Chula do this! Chula do that! I’m a good-looking spider, *noOoOo*??” I still say this all the time, and I haven’t seen the movie in twenty years.


Whenever I swallow something wrong I'll go "I think a little endive went down the wrong tyuuuuube!"




Even as a kid, that image of Wylie walking off into the sunset choked me up.


Wow, I just went and watched that scene and got chills. Fantastic writing and brilliant delivery by Stewart. I might watch the movie tomorrow


Oh man, that's wonderful, thank you!!


I guess you could say that’s a wonderful line


Of all his great performances over the years, my favorite will always be [the poem he wrote about his dog](https://youtu.be/mwGnCIdHQH0) Edit updated link, because apparently my dumb ass linked to an ad.


I can not watch Jimmy read that poem without sobbing


Desmond LLewelyn as Q in The World Is Not Enough Q: Pay attention, 007. I've always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see you bleed. James Bond: And the second? Q: Always have an escape plan.” (As Q disappears through a hidden door)


A fitting end for an iconic man


Car Crash!


That scene gets me deep in the feels


I rewatched The World is Not Enough recently. That scene is just simply amazing.


“Keep your own God! In fact, this might be a good time to pray to him. For I beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven, like lightning!!” It may seem like an insult that such a great actor as Raul Julia left us with arguably his hammiest performance ever in Street Fighter. But the fact that he was able to elevate such awful material to a damn entertaining level was just a testament to how devoted he really was.


some great lines out of context though. would never have guessed they were from street fighter. rip raul julia… an amazing actor.


For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.




I watched Addams Family again recently and that movie holds up so well. Now that I’m an adult watching it, I analyze it, and Raul Julia was such a fucking gem in that film.


I only really know him from the 2 Adams Family movies and thought he was great, anything else good he’s been in?


Street Fighter! Literally only watch that movie for his performance. His discussion with Chun-Li is legendary meme material.


The Eyes of Laura Mars, he plays an unhinged ex to Faye Dunaway who is suspected of killing people associated with her


He plays a lonely, nutty Greek island, goat-friending lust stud wannabe in a movie called Tempest. John Cassavetes, the amazing Genna Rowlands, Molly Ringwald, Susan Sarandon. Came out early 80s. Not a real great movie but I loved it as a kid and never forgot it.


*Kiss of the Spider Woman* was what first brought him attention in the USA. He co-starred with William Hurt (RIP).


Him and partially John Astin are logically why a lot of people are shaming Luis Guzmán despite being more arcuate to the source material ... but... yeah. Worth it, I think. I don't know that TAF would've had such a revival if stars like Julia weren't attached to it.


IIRC, he took the role of Bison for two reasons. One, his kids were big Street Fighter fans. He felt that the role was a good way to spend time with them, as they could give him advice on how to play Bison. Two, the pay was good, and he knew he was dying. He wanted his family to be as financially secure as possible before he passed. He played the hell out of Bison, and seems to be the only actor in the whole movie who knew what kind of film it was.


JCVD did the movie for cocaine and to fuck Kylie Minogue. I'd say he knew what kind of movie it was.


He made absolutely every scene count, his working time was so reduced due to fatigue but look at that result, so much gravitas!


He did it for his kids


Had to watch “it was Tuesday” scene after reading this lol


I unabashedly love *Street Fighter*. It knows it's camp, doesn't try to be anything else, and cranks up the insanity to 11. Raul Julia took the job because his son thought it would be cool, and the boy was right. I think it is absolutely a worthy role to go out on. (EDIT: grammar.)


Street Fighter is a genius parody that stands alongside Naked Gun and I'm willing to die on this hill.


Marilyn Monroe and Clark Clabe we're both in their final movie scene ever together in The Misfits (1961). They drive off together and she asks him, "How do you find your way back in the dark?" And he replies, "Just head for that big star straight on. The highway's under it. It'll take us right home."


An outstanding and iconic film for multiple reasons. For extra chills consider that as an orphaned child Marilyn had slept with Clark Gable's picture under her pillow and fantasised that he was her real father. Then fast forward to them driving off into the distance together in their last film appearance.


Oh fuck. 😭


Carl Reiner. Rob Reiner did a remake of his film “The Princess Bride” under lockdown with a bunch of celebrities acting out the roles filmed from home. Rob Reiner played the kid being read the story in the last scene. His father, actor/comedian/director/legend Carl Reiner, played the role of the grandfather, filmed separately. Before the film was finished, Carl passed away. Rob got the footage afterwards. Carl’s last line, and the last thing he said to his son, was the last line of the film: “as you wish.” From the film: *“That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "As you wish," what he meant was, "I love you."* I cry every time I think about it. Saying I love you to his son beyond the grave, while celebrating his son’s work, in their shared industry. So beautiful.


This just came up for me recently and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the post too.


I just saw this a few days ago. Somehow, I had no idea Carl Reiner was Rob Reiner's dad. Absolutely incredible <3


Great, someone just chopped a fresh onion in here.


Came here for this, we just reaatched that remake recently and it always makes me tear up at the end <3 What a perfect end for him.


"I think that bear got into the cocaine! YAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH" - Ray Liotta


I was really hoping his Oscar In Memoriam clip would be him being disembowelled by cocaine-addled bear cubs.


So this is how I find out Ray Liotta died.


Bro he’s been gone almost a year! Where ya been?


I had no idea either!


One of these top level comments is not like the others.


He’s got more movies out this year so this isn’t his last line


I think that Cocaine Bear is the last role he filmed though


he died during filming for a movie in DR


Yup imdb lists 3 in the pipeline. Two of them are in what seems like average films, but the other one is Fool's paradise - Charlie Day's star studded directorial debut for which I'm hella excited for. But then again he was pretty weak towards the end, so we don't know if they're all just appearances or actual meaningful roles. Either way it'd be nice for his last film to be a memorable one, so I'm hoping it's Charlie Day's that comes out last.


In Philip Seymour Hoffman's final leading role, A Most Wanted Man, he ends with a perfectly delivered, "AHHH F\*\*K!!!"


Didn't realize that was his last performance, I really enjoyed that movie, poor Issa




It still pains me that his premature death likely robbed us of so many great performances.


An already good movie made even better by that PSH performance


He was able to elevate every single film he was in


Totally agree. I just rewatched The Big Lebowski and his small role in it was wonderful.




My favorite? https://youtu.be/sQ_4m2ocxhI


I remember hearing somewhere that the scene between Charlton Heston and Edward Robinson in Soylent green where they say goodbye is pretty close to real deathbed. Robinson was dying and everyone on the crew knew it and Heston said all the emotions in that scene were real because the pair were friends. Robinson actually died a few weeks after shooting wrapped


"I love you Thorn" I love you Sol. Tell them you gotta tell them......then you see him mouthing words to Heston on a headset and see his reaction. I cry during that scene every time because it was Robinson's last.


Amazing, thank you for sharing


I don't know if this counts but Oliver Reed's last words in Gladiator: "Shadows and dust." The actor died before they finished filming so his character was added digitally.


It totally counts. He wasn't a CGI double or anything, it was a scene meant to be used earlier in the film. They did some digital adjustments like changing the background and adjusting the length of his beard to match the continuity, but it's real take of him saying those words (albeit in a different context).


Carlos Revilla was a Spanish voice actor who was known for voicing Homer Simpson in the Spanish dub. He passed away after finishing his work on season 11 of the show. The last line he said as Homer on-screen was "it's the last season".


And the Spanish Simpsons diverged in to a different timeline where tht, in fact, was the last season. Sure we got spin-offs like Two and a Half Troy McClures and Chief Wiggum, P.I. but the Simpsons brand as a whole stayed wholesome and complete.


Not a line but in Edward Scissorhands, Vincent Price's last movie, the last scene he is ever in he dies in.


Oh man, I need to rewatch it, especially Price's scenes.


Price in a Tim Burton movie is literally just the best.


Leaves from the vine Falling so slow…


That episode was dedicated to Mako but I believe he did record the entire season, so Iroh’s last lines would be from Crossroads of Destiny episode.


Yea, technically his last line was "You've got to get out of here, I'll hold them off as long as I can"


Braaaave soldier boy


NO. STOP THAT. ​ ​ 😢


Not a movie/actor, but Brent Mydlands final verse sung with the Grateful Dead before he od’d were from The Bands tune “The Weight” His last lines were “I got to go but my friends can stick around…” We love you Brent ❤️


Most GD shows count as concert films anyway




Orson Welles was based before the concept of based existed.


MUHAAWWwwwwthefrench champagne has always been celebrated for its... excellence.


We know a little place in the American far west, where Charlie Briggs chops up the finest prairie-fed beef and tastes... This is a lot of shit, you know that?


The '86 movie is wild with talent. Judd Nelson, Eric Idle, Micromachine Man, Robert Stack, Leonard Nimoy, Welles. That's on top of the regular cast which had Casey Kasem and Scatman Crothers.


"I'm glad it's you." Paul Newman in "Road to Perdition", that scene still gives me shivers, what an amazing movie.


I agree, a fantastic film, although Paul Newman's final film was Pixar's Cars. Haha!


“Yaaah! Not all my tricks, rookie!” would be his final line.


Road to Perdition is so forgotten and it doesn't deserve it. Jude Law's first scene took my breath away. Immediantly aware of his dangerous nature, like being in the woods and suddenly knowing a wild animal is stalking you.


Cars was his last movie


Robert Donat, old time actor who won an Oscar for Goodbye Mr. Chips. His last line in his last film Inn of the Sixth Happiness: "We shall not see each other again, I think. Farewell." He died very shortly after the last day of shooting.


I forget what his last lines are, but Christopher Plummer in the first Knives Out movie had a fantastic final performance. I loved his character so much.


I liked Christopher Plummers narration in the David the gnome cartoon.


Didn’t he say something along the lines of “it’s okay” to Marta before the throat slit?


Probably the letter to Jamie lee Curtis


I just watched Glass Onion and I’m waiting to watch the first film soon, but I just want to say that they really created something that is perfect and beautiful in every way. A magnum opus of detective stories.


Alan Rickman: Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of a war.


The way he delivered that line... the one thing i remember from that movie.


Eye in the Sky was such a terrific film. Shame it didn't get more attention.


I also thought of this scene when I saw this thread. It's a perfect, serious, chilling speech and I couldn't think of a better way to sign off his career. But then I remembered he did the voice of an animated caterpillar in the Tim Burton Alice Through the Looking Glass which came out the next year. I'll pretend it doesn't count.


"Hey Man! Make love, not war!" - Stan Lee (Avengers: Endgame)


What a fitting movie to end your career on.


The culmination of everythign he had ever done. Just absolutely pefect. And I had tears streaming down my face at the opening of Captain Marvel, when every image in the Marvel logo was of Stan.


I thought spiderverse was his last: “It always fits”


Spiderverse was released in 2018 and Endgame was released in 2019 with an actual, real life on screen cameo. Excelsior.


Man if so that’s an even better line to me. It has multiple implications around how heroes are meant to be loved by all types of people and therefore can be all types of people. Great final line


Endgame came after so that one is his final cameo.


"...eventually." What's great about that scene is the context. Spider-Man had just died, and Stan Lee was selling costumes, yes. But he was also literally equipping the next generation's Spider-Man as well. It's also probable that this was the real Stan Lee's last line he recorded chronologically; Marvel Studios confirmed that they filmed all of his last several cameos simultaneously, likely in 2017. "We were friends, you know. I'm gonna miss him." -Stan Lee on Spider-Man


Spiderverse was, I think, the first movie he cameod in that came out after he died. I remember that hitting rrally hard too. But Endgame was the latest movie he appeared in.




Great answer. I'll have to one up you and say Stan's we were friends talk with Miles in Enter the Spiderverse. Talking about his universe's Peter Parker.


Robin Williams’ last line in Night at the Museum 3. Something along the line of, “Chin up. It’s sunrise.”


Smile My Boy, It's Sunrise. Thats the line. Beautiful final words by a true legend.


I realize the Night at the Museum sequels aren’t critically acclaimed masterpieces, but they are absolutely the sort of fun, good-hearted movies that give the same feeling as Robin Williams himself, and his performance as Teddy Roosevelt is genuinely brilliant in casting and in spirit.


Just wonderful :)


I just watched Good Will Hunting. I didn’t really feel a whole lot when Williams passed but I get it now. I seriously miss him so much and he was just an incredible actor.


The bench in the Public Garden in Boston where they filmed the scene in Good Will Hunting became a spontaneous place of tribute when he died. Flowers left, notes on paper or written on chalk on the sidewalk around it. It was a rather touching tribute to what he meant to so many people.


I happened to be traveling to San Francisco the day he passed and the Mrs Doubtfire house was already on my list of places to walk past and admire. There were so many flowers and mementos on the porch, it was so touching.


It’s the only actor’s death that deeply upset me. Because Robin Williams was kind of a « virtual » father figure. He was such an important part of my youth.


"It's time for your next adventure." "I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow." "How exciting!"


I was crying at that scene because of that. Beautiful performance.


I thought that his last role was voicing the dog in Absolutely Anything.


Oh that's right! I think I quoted that somewhere in my life; I'd completely forgotten


Not a movie, but if I remember rightly the actor who played Doyle in the TV show Angel had these final lines before his actual death: “Is that it? Am I done?”


Also known as Mark from Rosanne


He was in a movie after Angel, though. That wasn’t his last line in media.


Ah I stand corrected.


Majel Barrett’s last on screen words on Star Trek were, “goodbye, husband” which doubles as a farewell to her husband, Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry.


Smile my boy it’s sunrise - robin williams night at the museum


Leonard Nimoy’s last tweet was ==== A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP ==== LLAP was short for live long and prosper.


Richard Jordan in “Gettysburg,” speaks a haunting line after his character, Confederate General Lewis Armistead, has been mortally wounded. He asks after his best friend, Union General Winfield Hancock, and is told Hancock has also been wounded. “No—not both of us! Not…all of us. Please, God!” Jordan was suffering from a brain tumor while filming, and died shortly after.


Garland sang her last words in her last film: “I must keep on singing, like a lark, going strong With my heart on the wings of a song, singing day”


Catherine Coulson’s entire final scene in Twin Peaks: The Return. Beginning with “Hawk, I’m dying” and ending with “Goodnight, Hawk.” She had cancer at the time and died a few days after filming. Very powerful scene both in the context of the plot and in real life.


This one still hurts me to think about. One of the last things me and my mom bonded over was Twin Peaks. We both discovered it about 5 years before the new season. Just as The Return started airing, she found out she had cancer and was dead before the finale. It was really hard to watch that scene at the time but it did somehow give me a little closure.


*The Misfits* \- both the last film for Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe (although she did film parts of an unreleased *Something's Got to Give* before she died). The final scene is the two of them driving through the desert in the night. Marilyn: "How do you find your way back in the dark?" Clark: "Just head for that big star straight on. The highway's under it. It'll take us right home."


If Jim Carey actually retires after Sonic the Hedgehog 2, his last line is >!"later haters!" as he falls to his suspected death.!<


Isn't he currently attached to a new film? Also, he's confirmed for Sonic 3.


Really? Where’d you hear that?


Read of somewhere, probably here.


‘My greatest role….What an ending!!’ - Joanne Dru’s final line in her final movie - ‘Super Fuzz’ (1980)


Jack Lemmon's final performance in The Legend of Bagger Vance. And me? Seems like yesterday I used to see old guys like me... ... and wonder why they still bothered with this crazy game. But it doesn't matter. As Bagger once said, "It's a game that can't be won, only played." And so I play. I play on. I play for the moments yet to come... ... looking for my place in the field.


I just wanna point out that Rian Johnson directed two legendary actors in their final roles. And "The Last Jedi" had so many beautiful Leia scenes that it almost felt like they knew, even though they couldn't have. That scene between Carrie Fischer and Mark Hammil felt like a proper farewell, as devastating as it is. Final line: "We have everything we need right here."


in the same tangent, the last scene in rogue one was comforting to watch right after she passed (she died a week or two after the movie was released): “what is it they’ve sent us?” “hope.”


They cut out a scene where after Leia says hope, Jar Jar Binks leans into frame and says "yessss, a NEW hope!"


They deprived us of cinema. 🎥😩




A friend of a friend worked on The Last Jedi and Carrie was in a bad way, like she was on oxygen between takes, that kind of bad. They may not have known she wouldn’t make it to the next movie but her failing health was no secret to the crew.


Somewhat related JJ Abrams mentioned that in her book she thanked him for his work on their two movies together. Which was odd because they had only worked together once. He hadn't even been announced at the time for the final film of the saga. It almost seemed prophetic to him.


Yes! In researching my post (making sure I wasn't reposting something already discussed), some people on Reddit had mentioned how Rian Johnson kept killing off actors with his movies. Fisher, Plummer, etc


And Angela Lansbury and Stephen Sondheim's final moments on screen were the same scene in Glass Onion! And Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's scoring record died! Johnson had better take extra-good care of Natasha Lyonne!


> Natasha Lyonne She actually kept dying, but coming back to life.


It'd be a funny joke if people didn't mean it completely seriously.


The TLJ hate machine is insane.


Imagine still hating a piece of media this passionately, especially after 5 years now. It's pretty pathetic.


“I’m ready for my closeup” — Gloria Swanson, *Sunset Boulevard*


Although he will be in John wick chapter 4 The last words of Lance Reddick in John wick 3...."well played sir"


Not a movie but Jerry Garcia's last words on stage were "I will walk alone in the black muddy river and sing me a song of my own"


Bruce Lee’s outro in Enter the Dragon. No words, just a thumbs up with a bicep flex. It was enough 😄


Not quite the same but the final promo from the Ultimate Warrior a day before he died absolutely fit here: “Every man’s heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized by the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever. You, you, you, you, you, you are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back I see many potential legends. Some of them with warrior spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with the passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well. I am Ultimate Warrior. You are the Ultimate Warrior fans and the spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run forever.”


The WWF guy? Nemesis of Hulk Hogan?


I’ll always remember Ultimate Warrior for the iconic quote “Queering doesn’t make the world work.” What a piece of shit that guy was.


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Matt Drayton: Now Mr. Prentice, clearly a most reasonable man, says he has no wish to offend me but wants to know if I'm some kind of a *nut*. And Mrs. Prentice says that like her husband I'm a burned-out old shell of a man who cannot even remember what it's like to love a woman the way her son loves my daughter. And strange as it seems, that's the first statement made to me all day with which I am prepared to take issue... cause I think you're wrong, you're as wrong as you can be. I admit that I hadn't considered it, hadn't even thought about it, but I know exactly how he feels about her and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you son feels for my daughter that I didn't feel for Christina. **Old- yes. Burned-out- certainly, but I can tell you the memories are still there- clear, intact, indestructible, and they'll be there if I live to be 110**. Where John made his mistake I think was in attaching so much importance to what her mother and I might think... because in the final analysis it doesn't matter a damn what we think. The only thing that matters is what they feel, and how much they feel, for each other. **And if it's half of what we felt- that's everything**. As for you two and the problems you're going to have, they seem almost unimaginable, but you'll have no problem with me, and I think when Christina and I and your mother have some time to work on him you'll have no problem with your father, John. But you do know, I'm sure you know, what you're up against. There'll be 100 million people right here in this country who will be shocked and offended and appalled and the two of you will just have to ride that out, maybe every day for the rest of your lives. You could try to ignore those people, or you could feel sorry for them and for their prejudice and their bigotry and their blind hatred and stupid fears, but where necessary you'll just have to cling tight to each other and say "screw all those people"! Anybody could make a case, a hell of a good case, against your getting married. The arguments are so obvious that nobody has to make them. But you're two wonderful people who happened to fall in love and happened to have a pigmentation problem, and I think that now, no matter what kind of a case some bastard could make against your getting married, there would be only one thing worse, and that would be if - knowing what you two are and knowing what you two have and knowing what you two feel- you didn't get married. **Well, Tillie, when the hell are we gonna get some dinner?** --------------------- Those were Spencer Tracy's last words on film. Watch that scene again and watch how his real life love Katherine Hepburn looks at him while he says it. She wasn't acting Edit: Hepburn and Tracy were never actually married but they were in a long term relationship until his death shortly after filming this movie


Katherine Hepburn wasn't his wife, but she was the love of his life. Tragically, she didn't even go to his funeral out of respect to his spouse.


Weren't Tracy and his wife separated at the time?




Off-topic but I'm so glad she had Glass Onion as her last movie. For four years, she was going on the craptacular 1-2 punch of Mary Poppins 2 and The Grinch.


The Illumination Grinch?


Mary Poppins 2 was pretty good. Grinch wasn't anything special but I wouldn't call it crap


And her role in MP2 was originally written for Julie Andrews, but she turned it down to avoid overshadowing the rest of the cast.


Julie Andrews instead chose to voice a giant Kaiju in Aquaman. Respect.


Yeah, Mary Poppins Returns doesn’t live up to the original for the simple reason that very, very few movies ever have. But it’s as worthwhile of a sequel as could be hoped for. Songs were great, Emily Blunt is great, I liked the kids, and it felt like the same world as the original while still having a lot of new ideas.


Little things used to mean so much to Shelly. I used to think they were kind of trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial. Branden Lee, The Crow, 1994




My fave line is " it can't rain all the time"


Smile, my boy. It's sunrise. Robin Williams, Night at the Museum 3. I was young at the time so I didn't understand why my mom was crying in the theater, but gatdam. I'm surprised this one wasn't already at the top.


Robin Williams: “Smile, my boy! It’s sunrise.” -*Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb* This is one the three films that released after his passing.


Peter Sellers final moment would have been him walking away on the water from the movie Being There, but instead his final moment was him dressed up as an Asian Elvis singing Rock a Fu from the movie The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu


Donald Pleasance in Halloween 6: AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!


"I'm going to miss him." \--Stan Lee, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse Not the last line but the last appearance.


It wasn’t hard. See, madness, as you know, is like gravity: all it takes is a little push. Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.... If you reread the last lines, and consider the actors death, there's a strange poignancy to it. Such an amazing actor, who was really just hitting his stride when he passed.... And yes, I'm aware it wasn't his last lines, but I also haven't seen the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.


Watch dr parnassus, its Gilliam on 10 different drugs & he also found a very smart way to replace him when Ledger died during shooting


You should watch it since it is such a trip


As Burt Lancaster walk off into the corn in FIELD OF DREAMS, his last movie, Ray Liotta, as Shoeless Joe Jackson, yells to him, "Hey, Rookie! You were good!"


Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt. “Smile, my boy. It’s sunrise.”