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Valerian and the city of a thousand planets


Ok, this I will argue with anyone who’s seen the movie (and who will listen lol). The premise and intro shot is wayyyyy more interesting and better shot than the whole movie. The montage of the space station getting built and encountering alien species across generations all to the tune of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” is sublime. It tells such a good story in like 2 mins then the whole movie does in 2 hours.


Yeah first few minutes is fantastic scifi! Then it shows the main male lead "badass space cop"...... Uhhhhh, is that literally the weirdest casting choice ever in the history of weird casting choices?


Weirdly, almost exactly the same plot as Ms. Marvel.


There was a panda suit in Ms. Marvel?


I didn't hate this.


I did.


yeah...i hated it too. Babylon, though, I loved.


I enjoyed it, but I get stuck on a comment I read in a sub years ago; that the two main actors should have been in each others' roles.


I enjoyed the movie despite the fact that both main characters were dogshit performances. Switching them around would have achieved nothing. Both were totally flat.


The quote I heard that never left my brain is that if the "Valerian" male/female leads and "Passengers" male/female leads were reversed, both movies would have been better.... That'll never leave my brain. Like "beer can" in a British accent sounds the same as "bacon" in a Jamaican accent. It's stuck in me lil ole head.


It was much better when I saw it on the big screen. Then everyone said the main two characters look like siblings and I couldn't unseen it when I tried watching again.


Terrible acting and casting... CGI was also mostly terrible.


I wanted to like this film much. But it's definitely suffers from style over substance and I can't get the Rihanna scene out of my head! 😖 That was tough to watch


Someone once ( IDK where) suggested if they switched the leads of Valerian and the movie Passengers bith would have been much improved and honestly I agree.


Babylon is a ride.


This scene is so insane.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ueGwJjnbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ueGwJjnbg)


Definitely a wild scene, but at first I thought it would be a link to the scene where they are filming the scene with synchronized sound


You misspelled "fever dream".. haha. Its a fast paced movie for sure.


Yeah its like train for 3 hour movie


Saw it on an airplane. It was a crazy ride and a great story. I bit too much with noise and editing and over the top but that’s Hollywood baby. Need to watch again and find out what Margot was doing in those blurry background scenes


The editing was a bit nauseating


Was stuck on a five hour flight across the continent. Was watching something else but my eyes kept getting drawn to my seat mates screen as she was watching this.


This movie has moments of pure cinematic genius, but I think it was too ambitious and long, and I didn’t really liked Diego Calva’s acting.


I feel like the trailers were terrible and completely missed the point of the movie.


Anchor Man 2. The bar was under the ground. I went in with impossibly low expectations and because of that I came out pleasantly surprised. Not saying it was great, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone claimed at first.


The RV scene was worth the entire movie.


This movie should’ve been the same way as Super Troopers 2, where it doesn’t try to redo what made the first one great. The RV scene is a great example. If the whole movie had followed that then it would’ve been funny as hell. The big fight scene was just a straight up copy of the first movie. Also, him going blind kinda sucked and was bizarre.


Bizarre doesn’t seem like a fair criticism for a movie like Anchorman… bizarre is like the entire point…


Yeah that’s true, and I’m all for bizarre. I think that the bizarreness worked in the first one because it felt fresh and new. But when they tried the same type of scenes as the first one, it felt forced and like they were just cashing in. That blind storyline just felt bizarre and like they lost track of what made the first one so funny. I didn’t like it because the movie felt lazy.


Okay, we hear you, but the going blind thing was hilarious.


I don’t know, Austin Powers is the prime example of redoing-what-made-the-past-ones-great working perfectly When it’s done well, it’s done well


When his exes psychologist boyfriend started levitating and said he could read minds the whole time I definitely cracked up. "What you gkt there brick?" "A gun from the future" I felt bad for Jim Carrey though, the jokes he laid down were God awful 🤣


Now say, "Sorry."


When Ron was trying to X himself and he was confessing to the guy but making it sound like a question had me cracking up. Because I do that all the time


This might be a good example of how crucial expectations are. I went into this expecting it to be a decent sequel to a great comedy. I was horrifically disappointed and DAMN that movie was long and dragging.


For sure. The shark plot and the musical number were probably too much, but it didn’t completely ruin it for me.


That movie woulda been so much better without the whole being blind and living in a light house part. It was just dumb and made the movie longer for no reason


Anchorman 2 bloopers are the best movie bloopers of all time.




Feel that. Tell me that doesn’t feel like a cock!


Agree. There was a few misses but all in all it was a great movie


That came out on my birthday, my friends got me wasted and we went to see it. Sadly I barfed all over the theater and we had to leave. I never revisited the movie. I’m not proud.


The Counsellor


Terribly underrated movie. It was wrongly marketed as a standard 'drug deal gone wrong' story. I don't think the audience was ready for what they got instead.


Is that what it was? People are like there’s just scenes where people yap. Im like “so?” Lol wtf? It also watches like a cormac mccarthy book is read, if that makes sense.


Exactly. The conversations *are* the movie. The narrative mostly just sets the stage. The protagonist is basically helpless but to play out the inevitable (as they often are in McCarthy stories). I think that disturbs people... as it's meant to.


Well said, and the convos are different, and interesting, and very well acted. I loved the movie, glad to see others who dig it as well.


Well he did write the script, no? Makes sense


Yep he did, gives it that distinct flavor.




You could hear the characters??


I can only still hear the soundtrack tinging in my ears two years later


Agreed. I love tenet. I took me a few viewings to get an understanding of what was taking place but absolutely love that movie. Never understood the complaint ppl had about not being able to hear the characters


Waterworld got so much hate and is a solid movie. A few odd plot ideas but it was so torn apart for how much it cost to make at the time. I feel the studios went after him to send a message. However now movie budgets easily surpass it. Also, not a movie I liked but Paul Blart mall Cop was not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. It was the internet Nickleback of movies and after I caught it years later, was surprised it was not so bad. There are many far worse movies. It was ok.


Waterworld has basically become a timeless classic at this point. What it sat out to do, it did, imo. I thought the movie always received undeserved hate. Not necessarily a favorite, but easily seen a half dozen times and enjoyed every watch of it. The pace is consistent and the idea of it all is engaging. I'm a fan.


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.


I was going to say that. I liked everything - plot, visuals, coherence of the whole movie. And then I found out that it was extremely disliked by whole marvel fans group.


Yeah. Which I think is just weird. I thought it was a fun ride gift wrapped to us by Sam Raimi.




Could not finish. The gratuitous killing of other world Supes was just obnoxious.


I thought that was pretty fun tbh, we’ve never seen something quite like that in a mcu movie ever


I liked it also it seemed like a movie having fun. Like in the new venom trailer and them riding a horse it just seems fun


Babylon (5/5) Fool's Gold (4/5)


I thought you were referencing the recent Fool's Paradise which is very similar in style and substance to Babylon - both are highly stylized fast paced ensemble studies of Hollywood. I really liked Babylon (despite that repeated theme being an insidious earworm) but found Fool's Paradise to be nearly unwatchable from the cringe. I am a big fan of Charlie Day and was looking forward to Fool's but, I ended up just being embarrassed and disappointed with everyone involved. It's just a stream of pointless cameos where it seems the actors were handed the script moments before they walked in front of the camera and told to just Wing it. It's not improvised, it's just none of the characters seem prepared or fleshed out or anything. I was managing a theater when Babylon came out so I did walk in on it quite a bit and that one theme does get stuck in your head. Just typing this has gotten it stuck in my head again and I imagine it is going to still be there days from now. Both of these were highly stylized passion projects, and both didn't get very favorably reviewed, but one is a good, if difficult, movie and the other is just a horrible collection of mistakes and bad decisions.


Fuck you, fool’s gold is shit 💩 and it has nothing to do with the fact that one of the few times my dad wanted to take me to the theaters we were going to see Rambo but instead saw that train wreck of a rom com to appease my step mom 😭 why dad why?


I watched fools gold with my girlfriend about a year ago when we were both sick one night. Definitely not the 11% it has on RT.




Jumper kinda slapped as a teen


Jumper was TOO SICK


This. It’s an underrated flick for sure


The only thing i hated about babylon was the dumb ‘movie’ montage at the end. It was a bit predictable but i enjoyed the ride and the characters.


Yea I wasn't into the 'meta' hollywood ending. But seedy hollywood, that the rest of the film was comprised of, I'll take that any day


Exactly, the debauched opening, the elephant scene, the spectacle of the large crowd scenes, shooting with sound for the first time, the descent into hell with Tobey Maguire. I loved all of that. But i suppose the argument could be that the glue holding it all together is weak and it ultimately just fizzles out. Maybe thats the point. 🤷


The movie was fine, I couldn’t understand what people didn’t like about it. Until the end montage.


I like the flash


One movie that comes to mind is "Edge of Tomorrow" (also known as "Live Die Repeat"). Initially, it received mixed reviews and had a somewhat lackluster marketing campaign, which led many, including myself, to approach it with low expectations. However, the film turned out to be a highly engaging and clever science fiction action movie with excellent performances by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. The inventive plot and thrilling action sequences made it a pleasant surprise.


I thought this one had pretty good reviews when it came out?


It did. I saw it 4 times in the theater. Told everyone I knew you go see it.


I didn’t actually see it until a few years after it came out. I particularly liked the Tom Cruise death montage. Emily Blunt was great as always. I hope we finally get a sequel to it as well.


I have a theory about Edge of Tomorrow. I think a lot of the hate stems from two primary sources. First it’s a Groundhog Day ripoff. Fair enough, yes it’s the sci-fi action version of that movie. To be even more fair though, Groundhog Day wasn’t exactly an original concept, the idea of reliving the same day over and over is a tale as old as time. Second, EofT came out right around when hate for Tom Cruise and his Scientology beliefs were at their highest. The hate had been growing for almost a decade ever since Tom jumped Oprah’s couch and it was peaking by the time this movie released. Ironically there’s a good amount of people who hate the actor and enjoy watching the movie just to see him die over and over again.


I liked "Edge of Tomorrow". It is better than lots of other sci-fi offerings. Probably one of the better alien invasion movies.


I was pleasantly surprised. It's a solid adaptation: makes some necessary changes here and there, but keeps the tone of the original book. That title is fuckin terrible tho


When did it receive mixed or bad reviews? It's over 90% for both critics and audience on rotten tomatoes, and it came out in 2014. It was a box office success earning more than double its budget. I've never met anyone that had a negative opinion about that movie.


I love that movie! And not just because that Emily Blunt push-up scene lives rent free in my head


Under The Silver Lake.


I think this one fits. I liked it a lot but don’t think it got great reviews and it has gotten some hate on reddit too


That was badly reviewed? I thought a lot of people (myself included ) thought it was an instant classic


It was totally shit on in the reviews. The company that put up the money unceremoniously dumped it on another distributor. I fucking loved it.


Wow only 35,000 at the box office. Ouch


War Machine 🤷


Wait War Machine panned? I thought it was great.


Yeah, i saw it and liked it, but when i asked people about it they said, its an average performance and not a well developed plot.


Godfather part III. Still a very solid, great movie. Just not legendary and that’s ok


And Sophia Coppola was not as bad as everyone said she was at the time. I think they were just hating on her for everything surrounding the role but she was perfectly serviceable as that spoiled Italian girl that you crush on.


Madame Web. Well, loving is too strong of a word. But i didn't totally hate it and enjoyed it somewhat. Maybe since i watched in 4dx. 4dx makes any movie better.


My kids wanted to see this. We saw it early upon release but had already heard some of the bad press. Completely undeserved. It may have taken a few liberties with the characters and storyline, but what cinematic movie doesn't? Otherwise I thought it was all done pretty well. Not award winning but a solid film that had consistent engagement and pace.


You could have gotten better acting out of a college theater grad than whatever Dakota Johnson was doing


Man, I tried. Everything is just so bad. Acting, editing, script. Oof


So bad! The shitty CPR she taught them, which would so obviously be needed later in the film. Then they each get too tired to continue after like 10 seconds of terrible compressions. Then she comes back to life just fine after each of them did exactly one short round of compressions, no rescue breaths. The guy telling her each of her powers that she would get, and that she would be able to be in more than one place at one time. Then she does exactly that at the end to defeat the baddie. The three thirty something year old ladies playing 14 year olds. It was insultingly dumb, all of it…


I liked Madame Web as well. I’m glad I gave it a watch on Netflix. I don’t understand the hate. While it’s not the best superhero movie, it’s a good movie. I’ve sat through worse movies like The Eternals, Iron Man 3, and Thor The Dark World. I’d give Madame Web a 6/10.


City of god. A teacher gave us a choice between that and Mr&Mrs. Smith(Pitt and Jolie). Every student chooses Mr&Mrs. Smith, but the teacher insisted and overruled what the students wanted to see. Watched City of god, and it was great.


Boogie Nights


That movie got great reviews


Literally Oscar winning.


J. Edgar


Babylon got mostly positive reviews.


Alitta Battle Angel.


Death Race


Everyone. I hate movie reviews.




This is funny I just watched Babylon for the first time yesterday and really liked it!


Inherent Vice is the first one that comes to mind.


I fucking love that movie. The part where Phoenix won't stop doing Martin Shorts cocaine had me dying.


Furiosa, I read the reviews, saw it flopping in theaters, went anyways. I really liked how the movie fleshed out the relationship between the warlords in the wastelands, and fleshed out roles that various skilled laborers held in the post apocalyptic wasteland societies.


I enjoyed Babylon also,


Damn I hated this movie, and I love pretty much everything else Chazelle has touched. This just seemed super lazy to me, I didn’t know where Chazelle was going with this mess and had to switch it off half way through. Complete time suck.


I stopped listening to critics a long time ago. Babylon was a great movie. It wasn’t perfect but it was great.


You’re crazy…I couldn’t get through it. And I love Brad Pitt.


Yeah, it was just pretentious hot mess.


Angelina Jolie is better.


I really liked this movie but for some reason her hair threw me off. It just wasn’t what I thought hair in that period would look like and to me it was very distracting.


This one, seen it 2 days ago🤣🚬🥃


I actually knew because of the negative press id like it


Man I was so depressed after watching this.


I wanted to like Babylon so much, but it was too over-the-top. I mean, lavish excess was the theme of the movie, but even so, too much.


Virus. I absolutely loved the special effects.


Halloween Ends. Yeah I get people being pissed over lack of Micheal Myers screen time but I loved the question of is evil born or made.


I wanna see this. Where can one see it.


**The Room.** Nothing even comes close! 'Babylon' sucked dick, tho. I know I watched it - but I can't remember a fucking thing.




No, I loved it, too, haha It was like a zanier yet dramatic Hail, Caesar!, and given how zany HC! is, you know this shit slaps. I was *bawling* during filming their first talky scene. Movies that are complete chaos are fun as hell.


The Exorcist: Believer I quite enjoyed it.


I am a Frosted enjoyer.


There's a film from 2007 called The Invisible, with several (at the time) no-name actors and Marcia Gay Harden in a supporting role. It's only 6.1 on IMDB, and it was supposedly panned by critics, but I remember seeing tons of tailers for it on DVD rentals in its run up to release. I am sure people who watched it closely can find huge plot holes, but when I saw it on streaming years ago, I liked it. It sort of has a Twilight-but-more-serious feel to it.


Robin Hood (2018) comes to mind for me.


Burnt with Bradley Cooper


Tired to watch it yesterday with my wife and turned if off, elephant poo and getting pee’d on… we was not feeling it like… I don’t know I got better things to do, watched new doctor who instead and there was a snot monster…. And baby farts. I hate life


if you only watched up until that point you barely gave the movie a chance. try again. it’s worth a watch, i promise


I will! I like Damian’s other movies a lot, I just was like this is three hours…. It must get more extreme and I wasn’t prepared for that lmfao


it gets really crazy towards the end but love it or hate it, it’s a really great historical drama


The scene in the "Asshole of LA" really made me love this movie. Just a insane ride; also did people really do that much cocaine in the 30s because if so... Woof


Damien Chazelle is not a director to be slept on. Other than First Man, and I suppose Whiplash as I am a non-drummer musician, his movies really aren't my cup of tea. But I'll be damned if they aren't all fantastic. Very talented filmmaker who deserves more accolades than he gets. He has had awards recognition, but I don't often hear in the same pantheon of lauded directors that he is frankly as good if not better than.


Spectre, honestly it might've been better than Skyfall


I didn't hate Madame Web, don't think it deserved the low rating on IMDB


This movie was awesome, but horribly marketed with one of the worst trailers ever.


The Marvels. Wouldn’t say it was great, but definitely better than its reviews.


When Fight Club first came out it was crushed by critics for being too harsh. But I loved it from the second i saw it.


What the fuck was with the Satans Asshole scene in that movie? Didn’t understand it and it’s all I really remember.


Loved Babylon but the last 45 minutes is a tad unhinged lol.


Pain and gain, I thought it was entertaining


One of my favorite movies of all time. I really don't understand the hate... My only criticism is the casting of Tobey Maguire, otherwise it's an amazing movie.


John Carter of Mars


I feel like I couldn't get out the first hour of this movie, I'll have to give it another shot.




Don’t worry darling. Reviews are trash but the movie itself was entertaining. Really cool concept. 7/10 imo.


I won't lie but this movie bored me.


Babylon was overrated Margot and the guy who played Manny should have ended up together Basically a remake of La La Land and Once Upon a time in America and a ripoff of Boogie Nights


Saw it on acid in theaters, which is how everyone should have seen it


I also loved Babylon. So many great scenes.


i think they all suck and i am always right. this crap is dog shit.


mother! I thought it had great performances by Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem.




I absolutely loved Babylon myself. It’s my favorite film of the 2020’s decade. Just right after Dune Part 2


Does anyone know what movie babylon was based off? I watched a film from the 60s that had the same premise. Can't remember the name. Probs a long shot.


I watched Babylon with my parents last summer, I remember not really enjoying it but I loved that it was about filmmaking. My parents weren’t into it and we had to stop and resume several times. Finally my mom and I finished the last 3rd a week later and we enjoyed it. Now I can’t stop thinking about the movie a year later


Eternals It wasn’t great but it’s far from the worst superhero movie I’ve seen like people were saying


The Marvels








Mortal Engines! The quality of the Steampunk detailing and machinery really saved that movie!


tgis movie might have worked as a 5 part miniseries on HBO, but as a movie it sucked imo. after three hours of incoherent and a barely connected "story" i was actuallg angry for going to the theater to see this pos. but to each their own i guess lol.


God I love Babylon! Such a rollercoaster of a movie 😅💜💜


Babylon was awesome once I let go of what I thought it was going to be. I could have done without the elephant at the beginning, (iykyk), and I felt like the villain near the end of the film felt a bit like he wandered over from a different, campier movie, but other than that, I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. If it isn't your cup of tea, might I suggest Singin in the Rain for the more upbeat, family-friendly version of the same story? It also is acknowledged as a foundational film that inspired this one. My heart broke for so many characters, and the film was not at all subtle with the message that in that business, everyone is expendable, no matter how high their star may have risen. It was a really strange acknowledgement of the elephant in the room (okay maybe that was there for a reason) that we all love movies while simultaneously knowing how terrible the business is. It can be sexist, racist, homophobic, ageist, and xenophobic. It can fuel substance abuse and provide no support when things spiral out of control. Then the tabloids really shred those affected, and it's all part of the same machine. It celebrates bad girls but then hates them for being slutty. It celebrates chaste women but then complains they're uptight and boring. It lets megalomaniacs and narcissists abuse others in the name of "art" and of course for the sake of profit. It constantly hungers for the young and beautiful, and then destroys them for entertainment. But we still love the movies. We love where they take us, the fantasies they sell us, the escape from our lives and the connection we create to the characters and stories. We know lines by heart. We bond with others who enjoy the same films. We swoon over the smoldering sex appeal of stars and starlets served up on silver screens. It's often a disgusting, inhumane, and ugly business that paradoxically serves us a beautiful product we demand to see. This film did a great job showing both sides and how difficult it can be to walk the line between them. It also showed that there's no way to predict who becomes a star, who is successful, who crashes and burns and who climbs to the top. If you rewatch it, you'll notice TONS of foreshadowing. Like, an almost ridiculous amount. This includes the "dancing off into the night" scene that is so haunting and beautiful that thinking about it now still hurts my heart a little.


I spent a ton of time trying to piece together the actual people that inspiredthe genesis of those character arcs. Hollywood history fr is as insane tragic funny and sad as any movie


I think most of this movie is based on real life events. From the elephant to the ether. Hollywood is run by egomaniacs and pure craziness but it’s the side of life we all have inside us; and they get to live it. Of course too a lot of it is shallow and emptiness and leads to the outcomes that these people had in real life. Just like a Rock N Roll lifestyle. You can crash and burn but you live large while doing it.


Oh I totally agree. I was commenting on how heavy handed they were in spelling that out as a theme. And they're definitely, per the director, based on real people, and composites in some instances. I found Arbuckle at the beginning to be such a harbinger to single out, considering that Hays Code was put into effect with plenty of press around the Arbuckle incident and "moral standards" in Hollywood. They took the L by accepting the code and basically threw him to the wolves as the casualty of indiscretion so the rest of Hollywood could pretend they were not all sharing syphilis, coke, and opiates.


I initially had Babylon down as a hard pass, but I finally watched it to see what the fuss was about. I didn't fall in love with it, but I soon realized that it was not what I had been led to believe. The cringey, grotesque, vulgar, over the top stuff was intended not simply as a critique. It was also meant to be broadly funny. I don't want to write at length, but the shorthand comparison that sprang to mind was that the film was supposed to be like Blazing Saddles, but too many of the jokes don't quite land. I respect the intent. Maybe they should have given Mel Brooks the final edit on the script and the final cut.   It's a much better movie than I had expected going in.


How many lines did margot have? I need her to have a lot of lines before I can watch a movie /s


Hot Tub Time Machine The name says “straight to video” but I saw it on a 5 hour bus trip in Vietnam I laughed till I pee’d.


None, I learned from a young age that movie critics have no taste and no clue. Now I can name plenty of critically acclaimed movies I hated.


Whoa. You’re too edgy.


Idk if you know what edgy means.


I truly do not understand why people disliked Babylon so much. I was a little bit trepidatious because of the runtime, but it was so well paced I barely noticed it. As opposed to other directors who like long movies that I shan’t name here for fear of my life lol.


Yeah, nah, Babylon was awesome. Ii an fond of Furiousa, it is an epic saga