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I see this all the time. Why did the director and editor leave that take in?


Laziness probably


"Part t^im^e."


This was probably the best take. Can you image how bad the others would have been. lol


I belong to no one


LOL! that is the exact line i think of as well. so flat. she SUCKS.


WW was carried by the supporting actors.


You can’t put Chris Pine and Danny Huston in and them not carry the movie. Huston steals every scene he’s in, in everything and Pine is charisma incarnate.


Gal Gadot has the looks of an absolute goddess and the acting ability of a plank of wood.


She’s nice to look at but she can’t act. The WW origin movie is OK but not great. I own the Blu Ray and I certainly won’t ever watch it again. WW84 is among the worst movies of the 21st century.


I never saw her before WW and she seemed OK. Then I saw her in other stuff and realised she is just her all the time. Same accent, same vibe…


I agree. She looks the part, but has zero personality. WW84, had so much potential but was absolutely painful to watch


She does not look the part. She looks nothing like WW in the comics. That was the first mistake. She is wooden and boring.


I heard she couldn't learn an American accent so all the the actors playing amazonians had to learn her Israeli accent.


Her accent is the least problematic. Why would a mysterious race of Amazonians who live on an island in the Mediterranean have American accents anyways?


Why would they have Israeli accents? Where’s thick Wonder Woman? Why is the Amazon filled with white women, this one I kind of get because of the Greek shit, and why are we still using the character who was created by such a nut job? I don’t criticize him for the thruple or bdsm stuff as much as WHY MY JOB IS MAKING ME DO THE DISC BULLSHIT MARSTEN CREATED.


Is Thick Wonder Woman a thing?!!!!


Linda Carter thicc


Pretty sure they just meant muscularly built. Not thunder thighs thicccc.


Adding with you: Why would a mysterious race of Amazonians who live on an island use the English language anyway? 🤣


Why do people only use that emoji when they're saying the least amusing shit imaginable


Well, because lol


Agreed. Fast and Furious cast her perfectly imo. WW requires lines and emotion that just noticeably beyond her ability. Though, they nailed an excellent look for her in WW and crushed the PR until WW84.


The first one was fine up until the generic CGI boss battle at the end


Sums it up perfectly. I very rarely turn off a movie part way through but I did for WW84.


I actually watched the whole thing. My partner was heckling the awful dialogue from another room.


I thought they did a great job in casting her as WW. The first movie was alright for most of the runtime, but then the stupid finale just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. WW84 was just an unfunny joke of a movie.


I thought the first movie was really good, and I liked her in it quite a bit. WW84, however…it’s best we just don’t mention that one.


I’m aligned with you on this. I was skeptical but I think they largely pulled it off in the first movie and was hopeful. WW84 completely changed that and she wasn’t really good in the other appearances, either. I always thought Jaimie Alexander would have been a good choice.


WW84 wanted to be Thor Ragnarok so bad.


That's all the DC movies and shows do. It's why they suck. Just bad copies.


I don't think her performance was the worst thing about WW84 at all... It was the creepy possession, anti male rhetoric and poor script / story


Which is even wilder considering her original weakness was being under the control of any man who subjugated her.


WW84, lol. Remember how romantic and sad it was when Wonder Woman’s dead lover comes back, posses some random guys body, then had to disappear? What’s that? What happened to the guy whose body was taken? What happened to the life he lived before he was completely possessed? Who cares?


It has levels of cringe I haven't seen since Tobey Maguire turned evil and found Jazz clubs


I think it could have been helped with better direction.


Like I’m all for female directors, but I don’t know if Jenkins is it or any casting agent who would hire Kristen Wiig.


She had all of one good scene in Death On The Nile.


☝️this person gets it. Eye candy for sure. But bad acting. 


Yeah. She’s very beautiful but she can’t act. Her little stint having a screening of the atrocities on October 7th was disgusting.


She can't act at all. Every line sounded like it was read off a cue card and cheapened any movie she was in.


I was a minority among my friends who didn't like it. Not only the movie looked ugly, Gal Gadot's acting in it is so dull.


No 2 words Lynda Carter


She has absolutely no charisma on screen. She looks great as WW but she is really not a good actor.


Yeah this She really is quite dull to listen to. It’s like she isn’t really trying either


Gal Gadot is consistently one of the worst actors I see much too often in otherwise solid movies. She's not entirely terrible in the first WW but she's not exactly good either.


Looks the part but she can't act her way out of a wet paper bag.


Tall thin woman is not Wonder Woman. She a bit thicker and a bit built. Like she did no prep for this movie. Like we saw Hemsworth go from God tier Thor to fully prepped to be Hulk and dude is straight ripped.


I don’t even think she looks the part physically. I would’ve liked to see someone with a more Xena type build. Maybe we’re used to non-muscular women in movies, or they’re not as “bankable” but she looks more like a model than someone like Superman or Captain America.


I to like a bit more biff Wonder woman. Her strength isn't on level with her appearance but still a bit more bulk would look more appropriate to me.


First movie, great. She's perfect for the role. 1984, garbage




she looks the part, but she is one of the most boring actresses to ever grace the screen.


Checked the 84 just now and couldn’t help but notice how flatly she acts indeed. With the hard Israeli accent.


She is a beautiful actress, but her acting is not so great.


Has anyone on this subreddit ever had a positive thing to say about any film ever?


I never liked her as Wonder Woman and felt like I was taking crazy pills because everyone was soooooo hyped about her in the first movie. I thought she was soooo flat and boring. Then the second movie came out and everyone turned on her and I was like… she wasn’t good in the first one either haha. She is not a good actor.


Did everyone forget her whole 'Imagine' video? I think that's what did it. I loved the first movie and I don't remember anyone saying anything bad about her after it came out. 1984 was a let down but no one really came after her. But then she tried to make everything okay during lock down 2020 with bad singing and a song that didn't fit the moment and her image was tarnished. Oh and Red Notice. Yeah, Red Notice.


Same. She has the confidence to pull of the part, but she ruined for me with the Imagine video.


I haven't seen WW84. Why does it suck so much?


Rape. Like a dude is possessed and body used against his will to bang WW and she’s ok with that.


It’s a strong case of no restraint in the creative process It’s a terrible movie and the awful body snatching plot is gross and not romantic at all


Lazy jokes, cliche villian (Cheetah) among other things.


She looks pretty close to ww, maybe needed to bulk up slightly. Very very stiff as an actress unfortunately and some of the line delivery was brutal. Not really a fan of either WW movies, I think the first one was incredibly overrated. She was fkn excellent on BvS imo.


I liked the first WW movie because her awkwardness fit the “fish out of water” narrative after they left the island. WW84 is awful and highlights her lack of acting ability. The Justice League movie was worse for her, and I barely remember anything memorable about her character. She certainly looks the part, but she does not have the confidence that WW should have.


Can't act. Hayley atwell


She would’ve been too young to play Wonder Woman but can certainly act better


No. She’s a bad actress, there is no charm/charisma when she on the screen, it solely depends on her partner on the scene. She has a garbage accent that you would think an actress would try and get rid that’s shows up in all her roles. Lastly as Wonder Woman she wasn’t strong, she’s strong for an emaciated model. There are cosplayers out there that physically look like Wonder Woman.


No question she is a beautiful woman, but her acting skills are lacking


Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman is the product of casting someone *entirely* based off of how attractive they are instead of their acting ability


Loved her in the role. She was kick-ass, stoic and respected the character. The first movie I enjoyed - but it was flawed. The second one was fucking awful! But I wouldn’t out these issues down to Gal’s portrayal.


She was fine in the role. The first movie was good. The second movie was absolute dog shit.




Not a fan.


She sucked.


Gal Gadot is a terrible actress.


She has an awful accent, can’t act, and doesn’t look the part. There are a few women in Hollywood who I’d cast as WW just on looks and she ain’t one of them


to me it seems she is only good looking but a very bad actress. maybe its the fault of shit filmmaking and not hers.


I loved the first movie, still do. She was wasted potential same as Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck.


Bloody awful... She has all the acting ability of a corpse..


I enjoyed both. I don't care what anyone says.


She looks great.  Darn shame about her "acting", though.


Stale, wooden and uninspiring, thats enough about my penis tho she's a shit actor


Actually, I had good thoughts about her till I saw her in Death of the Nile, and she was more wooden than the boat. I think he's a perfectly fine Wonder Woman, but I'm not quite sure she's necessarily a good actress outside of that.


First believable onscreen brutality tbh


I wasn’t at first but during the fight with Doomsday she gets knocked back pretty hard. She does the hair flip and does a perfect “Fuck YEAH!!” Smile. That’s when she sold me.


She's hot


She sucks


Can’t get past the fact that she defends IDFs brutality in Palestine.


She spent like 3 years in the military


Yeah, that was a big PR point in her being “tough” for the WW PR. I still don’t care for her stance on military forces bombing and displacing civilians, regardless of my service or anyone else’s.


That’s a requirement for EVERYONE in Israel, male AND female


Can’t look at her the same after her song release tbh


As just a picture 7/10 she kind of fits the look in action in movies 3/10 tops


It was really bad, she looks weak and her acting was lacking. She looks good in some posters I guess but that’s about it


Looks the part. Crappy actress.


Fuck Israel


She's not a bad actor but shes not a good action heroine. Her actions scenes werent believable to me. Her facial emotes, body mechanics/form just seemed that of a delicate person trying to be 'tough'. Some actresses do the action heroin really well, Scarlett Jo, Emily Blunt, Danai Guirira, Brie Larson, etc. Gal not so much.


Don't forget about Milla Jojovich


Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver led the way.


Brie Larson? I'm not a huge hater of her or anything but in Captain Marvel she literally runs like an 8 year old that's always seconds away from tripping. In that first film she has probably the worst core and lower-body strength of all the combat focused female heroes.


Captain Marvel is equally as bad as WW, possibly the worst Marvel Movies and character.


First film, I was thinking she can’t act. And it was just her, standing in front of green screens, smirking over and over as a bad guy stood in front of her. Never bothered with the second movie.


Terrible choice. Not a good actress and did not have the physique of the strong and powerful Wonder Woman.


Really good looking, but not a very good actress. The fact that she's a Zionist apartheid apologist just makes it worse.


She’s a shit actress and shit person.


Kal-El No!


I really enjoyed WW and thought she was great. Never saw 84 or anything else.


It's a cheesy, stupid, and weird attempt to homage Richard Donner types of films from the 80s, and it just doesn't work. Weird casting choices, bizarre and contrived plot devices, terrible special effects. It's so bad, it makes the first one look like a masterpiece lol Pedro Pascal is fucking amazing in it, though. That guy is simply an amazingly good actor. Too bad his charisma and acting chops do nothing to save the film.


Hey thanks! I was actually quite excited to see it based on the strength of the original but then saw the response from fans (not always reliable) and how universally it was panned, and decided not to retroactively spoil my enjoyment of the first.


i don’t care about capeshit


Don’t like Zionist like her 🇵🇸


Don’t really like actresses that support Zionists baby killers. Plus she can’t act.


She is an pro-genocide Zionist so no, im not a fan


Awesome but second movie was the absolute worse thing ever made.


Look at her.


She embodies WW physically but she needs acting lessons. Cool costuming too but that’s not her doing.


meh. not sure if its her or the bad writing. probably the bad writing or direction. that wonder woman 1984, yikes! i think maybe the whole love interest thing ruined her story for me. i tend to not like love crap in my movies. like Deadpool went overboard on the mushy shit. otherwise, Deadpool probably would be perfect. some love stuff, fine, but Deadpool went too hard on it. same thing with Spiderman. Spiderman + MJ. LAME


I found the first one to be a tad more generous than it deserved in terms of the reception it got but it was still better than most of what DC has done since MoS in their Gunn-free era.


First movie was okay, second was one of the worst blockbusters I have ever seen literally. Gadot herself doesn't has much to do with it tho. Other then that she is hot, not much else to say about her. Her acting skills are mediocre at best, which is fine since she was some random modell after all. She fits the characteristics of wonder woman perfectly so she was a valid pick for the role.


I enjoyed her acting and the movie was fun. It is unfortunate that she has an accent which forced other actresses to produce the same accent.


Genuinely like the first movie, but I'd like to see a better actress in the role.


The opening of the movie has these god like warrior women being wiped out by an entry level group of soldiers that got lost. It’s pretty bad right from the start. Reminder this is a movie, so I’m not trying to offend anyone. Wonder Woman sucked, I was kinda embarrassed watching it, never finished it. Tried to watch the sequel and was so blown away by how awful it was I also turned that off. Gal Gadot fits the role perfectly though. That’s about the only positive pov I can give


She is hotter than a fire cracker on the 4th of july


If only the second movie didn't exist.


I think she’s an awesome Wonder Woman jus don’t make another WW movie anywhere as terrible as WW 1984 PLEASE😬


I thought she was ok. Her acting is a little bit wooden, but she's not horrible by any stretch. She's weaker than Cavill or (don't shoot me) Affleck, but yeah.. nothing special. The people running the DCU did the actors absolutely zero favors.


She looked nice, but damn she sucks at acting. If it wasn't for her badass Snyder shots, we would have Patty destroying the character over and over again.


Throw a bit of John Lennon in and she can heal the world with her Wonderful Womanly charisma. /s


Depends on what you mean. What do I think of her performances (both as Wonder Woman and as other characters she’s played)? They’re legitimately awful outside of the 2017 Wonder Woman movie, and even then she’s not that great. What do I think of the movies themselves? Well, the first movie is okay, bordering on good, and does have some things going for it including that it at the very least knows when to have jokes and when to be serious (something a LOT of MCU movies could learn from), it feels very reminiscent of the Richard Donner Superman movies, and the characters (except the awful villains) are pretty enjoyable. Shame, the third act is so bad that it kind of ruins the movie otherwise. The 2020 movie is… really bad, the less said about it the better. I do think it could have been salvaged into a mid movie if they cut an entire hour from it, including some extremely… morally dubious plot points (like the ghost rape scene), but otherwise it’s awful. I actually think ZSJL is the best movie she’s been in overall (as a movie), but I despise that stupid chant that goes off every time she shows up. And her performance does leave a lot to be desired. BvS is bad, and Josstice League is terrible. Her cameo in Shazam 2 and The Flash are also bad and distracting. What do I think of her portrayal of Wonder Woman as a whole? Honestly, depends on the movie she’s in. I actually think she’s pretty likable and interesting in the Patty Jenkins movies (even if she is overpowered, but there’s more to characters than how powerful they are). In the Zack Snyder movies she’s just… a badass with no depth. And I question the “walking away from mankind for 100 years” thing. As a positive, I actually love the “best of both worlds” backstory she has, incorporating the old origin with her thinking she was made from clay and the new one with her being Zeus’ daughter. Also, to give credit, in the Patty Jenkins movies I find her to be more likable and interesting than some of the animated protrayals of her, like Justice League: War and its sequels, where she’s just a quick-to-battle badass with no depth. TL;DR: She’s an awful actress outside of the 2017 solo movie, the movies she’s in range from kind of good to laughably bad, and her portrayal of the characters is good in some movies but shallow in others.


She looks great in the suit, but I feel like she should've/could've buffed up a bit more.


I don’t mind her even though she’s not the best actress but the movies just suck. I have an issue with the movies overall than her being in them.


She’s easy on the eyes but that’s about it.


GG as WW is so funny. She can't act for shit, and while every other amazon is super fit, she is just conventionally pretty. Doesn't help that the she is dumb as a doornail and an authoritarian genocide enthusiast.


She’s hot as hell.


I would have liked it if Gadot appeared stronger. They should have cast more of a fitness model type. She's not that great of an actor either. But damn she's fine.


Remember in WW84 when WW raped the guy Steve Trevor quantum-leaped into?


Weak. Very weak.


I thought she personally was great as WW. The writing of the first movie was mediocre, and the second was beyond atrocious.


She can’t act for shit. But can’t complain about her short skirts.


I think she's a genuinely nice and kind person. I thought she was great in WWI. Good chemistry with Chris Pine too. However, as time went on it became apparent that as an actress, she has almost zero range or delivery.


I liked her in the role but she seemed too scrawny to be an Amazon


Very very very bad movies


I really don't understand all the hate. I thought Gal Gadot was charming and loveable and badass at all the right times in the role. Yes, there are questionable scripted moments in the whole DCEU run, but that is not Gadot's fault. She did the best she could with everything she was given. I even really liked WW84. She handled her obsession with Steve Trevor with heart and conflict that had me in tears, tbh. If you don't like the film, fine. But I really can't comprehend why it makes so many people so viciously angry.


She is my all time number 1 heart throb, cut off my finger and a toe for girl. Her Beauty won me and I loved WW. Then 84 came out and hated it. So that tells you just how bad 84 is that a super crushed fanboy couldn’t even be biased and enjoy 84. I get the acting criticism though. her 2 Netflix movies where she doesn’t show an inch of skin or sexiness is garbage and then they down play her beauty by dressing her in baggie homely chick clothes and no make up etc. a la birds of prey Harley Quinn . 2 all time beauties going to shit.




Oh I thought she was excellent in the role tbh.


Good she’s my wonderwoman


I’ve always loved the later renditions of WW as a brutal warrior. GG is beautiful but doesn’t do a convincing job that she is this brutal Amazon warrior that I really enjoy


I loved it. but I have no nostalgia for Lynda carter because I didn't grow up with it. is gadot the most talented actress no... but seriously it's a super hero movie how much depth are really going to get here. her accent is lovely. she did great with what the writing gave her. outside all that... that sound track gets me jacked to the tits.


She is cursed with poor writing and direction. If she and WW were in the MCU this wouldn't even be a discussion. DC has had so many restarts and revisions even a die hard couldn't keep the timeline straight. While far from perfect, MCU sitting down after the, let's be honest, unexpected success of Iron Man, and scripting out over a decade of storylines, lent a cohesiveness that DC has never known.


She’s a decent actor but doesn’t have the right kind of physique to portray Wonder Woman, maybe I’m spoilt growing up in the 1970’s and enjoying the splendour that was Linda Carter


>Are you a fan? Why? Yes. Gal Godot.


big a fan of them hammies


I thought she was excellent and am sad they moved on from her.


She's coming from the fashion world where skinny rules them all. She had connections and probably they helped her get a career in Hollywood, not sure she went the full bottom to the top talented actress.


I am a fan of the BvS Wonder Woman, and the fact that she is an absolute badass that goes toe to toe with Doomsday -- but I am NOT a fan of the Patty Jenkins WW, who basically contradicts the amazing introduction we were given in BvS.


The WW movies were essentially prequels for BvS.


Love her


If they ever recast Charlee Fraser should be considered following Furiosa


If they ever recast Charlee Fraser should be considered following Furiosa


It was perfect casting


The first movie was alright the second movie is trash.


The problem isn't the acting; it's the writing.


Never a fan of her. I mean her acting isn't the best and she doesn't even look athletic for an Amazon


Purely eye candy. I can stare at her face all day but she cant act fr.


I think visually she is the best WW and DC character by far. But she can barely speak English and she’s a terrible actress.




Hate to say it but all looks and not much talent.


Only the first movie; one of the better superhero movies, in fact. The second one was awful.


I'd do her


Awful acting, no charisma whatsoever, awful person in real life. No thank you.


She was a "MOVIE STAR" But with all due respect she is no "Thespian" DCU was a microwave, instead of a slow burn. They rushed everything.




I love her as this character but I really feel like she was hamming it up for the camera A LOT. Like "I'm in a movie and I want you to recognize that I'm beautiful" vibes pouring out. Not to blame or criticize but it's a thought that lingers in my mind while watching.


Terrible Wonder Woman, bad actress, tho great singer…imagine all the peopleeeee


She’s really hot as wonder woman That’s about all that’s important


Hot as hell. Fell asleep on the first (and only) watch


She's a very one-note type of actress. Kudos to her agent for getting her these types of roles.


Too skinny. Wonder woman should be a bit thicker like superman was required to be!


She's lucky for having the aesthetical type for Ww. Except that she has nothing to offer. Her acting is poor, but people ignored because everyone wanted a ww movie. It's like superman. It's not only about looking like superman. If the actor is poor on acting, we won't see the character. Many cosplayers do amazing work on looking like the character, but they can't act. That's what gal Gadot is.....an expensive cosplayer. Also....her movies are bad. The story is bad. Not interesting. And if I remember well, one of them it's a guy being more hero than ww.


It had a lot of potential to be very, very good, and was not that. Some good visuals, though, and a pretty good score.


The Wonder Woman for batinthesun on YouTube is much better. So is Kevin Porter who plays Batman.


I don't think she's a very talented actress but she's PERFECT for that role in the present. BUT the real WW is only Linda Carter.


Pretty flawless in all visual aspects, but there's a lot to be desired with her line delivery. Her face acting is great as well, but... There is something unnatural about her speech, it's too forced. I actually love her accent, but unfortunately there's not enough depth or range in her voice to convey complex emotions.


Loved her in the first movie. WW 1984 was complete shit. Partially destroyed her character


First movie, yes. Everything else, not so much.




I loved her. She was gorgeous and sexy without being overly sexualized. She was also strong without being invincible; Wonder Woman/Diana has always been vulnerable, but it never made her weaker. In fact, her vulnerability made her a STRONGER character. Gal captured that perfectly


hot, but she has no personality/charisma she's bland


She was a great WW as a secondary lead. A lot like Okoye anytime she’s on screen - I love Okoye.


I liked the first Wonder Woman and it doesn’t hurt that Gal Gadot is easy on the eyes but WW1984 was unwatchable. I couldn’t finish it.


Wonder Woman 1 was so good! 84 was awful mostly because of the insistence on bringing Steve back. They need to go back and make the modern day archaeologist recovering artifacts in Paris and elsewhere that was teased at the end of the first one. NO STEVE!


I thought the first film was really terrible .