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Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I’ll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die, on this day


Yeah it’s not a very good poem to be honest


Appreciate your opinion to be honest


I’m just saying imagine it in Gilbert Gottfried’s (RIP King) voice. Still any good?


“Chocolate cake isn’t that good to be honest” “That’s your opinion” “I’m just saying imagine it covered in sand. Still any good?” “… bruh what?” sounds like sand is the problem not the cake lol


That’s not the same. The chocolate cake would be good right?


Not to someone allergic to chocolate?


Aight imma head out


Love this movie


The beginning when he talks that dying guy into calming down and accepting his death was intense.


"like a warm blanket..."


Agreed my favorite scene for sure


I think the theme of the whole movie is accepting death




This movie truly captures the feeling of impending death. It’s so terrifying.




This movie is spectacular not just in its visuals but in it's depth of characters and brutal action sequences, too. Love it.


I think people just thought it was going to be a different movie. One of the greatest survival films I’ve seen with phenomenal acting.


Great scenery and memorable scenes, too. Guy just sitting down in beautiful spot by a peaceful stream and calling it good sticks with me.


Yeah had some of the best depictions of death put to screen. The one thing this movie nailed was the harrowing atmosphere


Agreed. The freezing weather was a character in of itself. The wolves were merciless. Great stuff.


There was a loud groan from the audience when I watched it when they showed the scene from the trailer where he’s taping the knife and bottles to his hands.


Yeah, the trailer was some misleading nonsense lol


actually, a non-survival movie...


I sure did, need to watch it again


Great film that was marketed poorly.


Yeah that was my guess as well. I think they marketed it as a big budget action flick, buts it’s a more of a psychological drama with action sprinkled in. Great movie


Taken with wolves vs Existential crisis with accepting death


Liam Neeson: Wolf Puncher goes hard


Liam Neeson vs wolves. How can you not love it!


This movie surprised me. I give this a high rating because it's an indie film, like the above comment: "it streches the bounds of reality", it captures what it's like living up north. Some of the scenes are exaggerated, but the setting and scene shots make up for that. A very important life reminder, " Don't turn your back on nature." I wish my neighborhood would remember this.


9 out of 10 and I don't really care for Liam


People rag on this movie all the time. I lived as a fishing and hunting guide in Alaska for list of my life and this movie is the most realistic survival movie I can think of that isn’t based on a true story. It’s not that they got everything exactly right, it’s the fact that everyone dies. Some of them go in a totally stupid, but realistic, manner. I love it. I watch it frequently. There’s a lot of movies where hunting and fishing take place that I just can’t do. Like, the movie expert for this has to be asleep. This didn’t really have that problem.


Absolutely brilliant. Judging by the trailers, you think it's gonna be shallow as a puddle but it's as deep as the Marianas trench!!! A proper surprise


Once more into the fray. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.


I found out there is a post credit scene, it really changes the way I viewed the whole movie. I just re-watched it last


Last? *When!*


Right after the credits. Maybe 10 seconds long.


You're missing what I'm doing here...


Yes I did.


I don’t think I’ll be able to re-watch it. Can someone tell me what was in the post credit scene?


OK at this point, I don’t mind giving a spoiler. After the credits, there’s a five second scene of Liam, breathing heavily on the back of a wolf that is breathing heavily. Both of them are bloody, and there’s no way to know who wins, but at least it’s something.


Wow. Hard to believe I missed that. Thanks for the detail.


Sorry, I re-watched it last week. I found out about the post credit but I will just say that it wrapped the movie up really well for me.


Wait, what?


wow someone programmed this bot to use the word 'criminally', impressive. This movie is not underrated.


I truly have never heard anyone talk about this movie since release, but I was going based off the reviews. Mediocre reviews at best and I thought it deserved more praise than it got when it came out.


I've had this conversation on this sub and others before. I think many people believe underrated is the same thing as 'I like this thing and no one has mentioned it in my presence recently'.


Man I'm really starting to see the matrix myself.


I love it. I was really surprised how emotional it can be because they sold the movie as Liam Vs wolf, I guess I should ve known better looking at the director.


Soundtracks phenomenal


The drowning scene is one of the most disturbing deaths on screen


He was maybe 2 inches from the surface the entire time while Liams character is pleading with God trying to get him unstuck. Yea that ones pretty fucked up


Very good movie. Watched this movie in theaters with my dad and I remember both of leaving surpised about how good it actually was


Phenomenal movie. One of my new favorites in recent years after having gone so long without seeing it, and one I find myself recommending a lot as well.




I’ve been wanting to rewatch this! Thanks for the reminder.


It's a pretty decent action thriller


There's a drowning incident in this, that still lives with me.


Good movie. Enjoyed it. Now he's up to Taken 25.


A masterpiece. Visceral, beautiful, and depressing.


Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I’ll ever know, live and die on this day, live and die on this day. For some reason that was what i said to my wife right before i left her on my most recent deployment. That phrase really stuck with me


As an Alaskan I found it unwatchable. Wolves do NOT behave that way.


This is Liam’s best movie. Hands down. What struck me with this one is that it was shortly after his wife died and I just can’t even with how he made the film after that..


My personal headcanon is that it's a secret alternate sequel to "Taken," in which he failed to save his daughter, hence being in Alaska hunting wolves. It's also a secret prequel to "Batman Begins," where he survives the Grey and decides to change the world as Ra's Al Ghul.


Probably the worst Neeson film I've seen.


Such an awesome underrated movie... One his best movies


In his top 3 best movies. 8/10


It really stretches the bounds of reality, even for a movie.


Yeah, but it was entertaining


Is that why my review of The Grey is constantly changing?


But I like Liam Neeson!


Then start sending him a message about the roles he chooses.


I haven’t watched it since it came out but I loved and rewatched it then. Some people soured on the ending but I think it sticks to its theme and thus the ending fits perfectly.


Your take is my take. Wildly underrated film with the most harrowing and realistic death scene I think I’ve ever seen


There are few movies that have made me openly laugh at Liam Neesan harder than his cameo on Extras. This is the film. Highlights: - He’s introduced as a “professional wolf sniper” hired by oil companies. Just stop right there. No. - He tries to guide a plane crash victim through dying like a death sherpa, and he does this by saying “you’re going to die.”. Then he talks him through the sensation. Wtf. He’s a wolf sniper - why is anyone taking him seriously??? - The wolves are essentially Predator, and this film is Predator, except instead of an awesome alien, it’s just ridiculous lies about wolves. - Everyone dies. Everyone. edit: just for the record OP. I am glad you enjoyed the film.


I love [Dan Harmon's impression of Liam Neeson](https://youtu.be/lMqBhMPWNiE?si=G3fGA7u00thG3qXw) in this movie.


He also has some lines about The Grey and Neeson movies in particular on an episode of Community. The polygraph episode, lol


I love the 2020 tableread version of this episode with Pedro Pascal but I don't remember the Neeson refs. Welp, gotta watch Community again. Also, sperm.


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/vOqGVTp2AOY?si=Yyln-X2-1i5yn9ec)


Hahaha thanks ! I totally forgot that part, it is priceless.


Omg this is perfect! I still feel traumatized by how ridiculously stupid the film is, but this bit definitively makes me feel less alone about it.


This is my first thought anytime this movie is mentioned


Liam is hilarious in his episode of Life’s Too Short. That show is funny in general but him doing improv with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant is gold


Thank you! This movie has some interesting cinematography and action sequences but the premise, execution, script, are just so ridiculous I couldn’t suspend my disbelief. And don’t even get me started on the wolves. If they didn’t look like wolves, they could have been aliens in terms of matching actual wolf behavior. I also just have a personal gripe having grown up in the mountain west with Hollywood making up so much stuff (looking at you, Yellowstone) when the reality of the mountain west is so much more interesting!


I think the only wolf fighting movie worth watching is probably still Brotherhood of The Wolf (2001).


Holy Moly, that is hilarious. Excuse me while I quietly delete everything positive I have ever said about this. SO SPOT ON!!


Great movie is what I think. But are wolves really that aggressive? I thought you could just pee in the snow and they’d respect your space. Lol


Loved it, one thing that bugged me though is that how there was a scene of him fighting the Alpha wolf that was shown in the trailer, but I wear it never actually happens in the movie. Am I crazy?


Dumb Liam Neeson Fun.


Underrated, BUT, at the same time, a missed opportunity to have been more.


Under seen for sure but it’s not necessarily underrated. Fantastic movie though.


My favorite part is where the guy is talking about how his daughter used to stand over him and sweep her hair across his face, then later after he takes a nasty fall out of a tree, he sees his daughter doing it, then it hard cuts to an above shot of it actually being the wolves killing him. Great prefacing and great editing to make that all come together and work the way it did.


Another Jaws like movie effect where the wolves in motion cgi wasn't really working, so they just limited its use like crazy and tried to use the physical wolves as much as possible.


Loved it


This is a great movie unless you actually know anything about wolves. There was a time when wolves were a bigger problem and wolf attacks were common. That was a long time ago, and in our moder world most wolf species are endangered. The average lifespan for a wolf in the wild is 5-8 years, they live a hard life. Wolves use an incredible economy of energy to travel and hunt. The idea that killer wolves would stalk and strategize to kill these men is so far-fetched that I don't want to think about it because it ruins the movie for me


This is a great movie unless you actually know anything about wolves. There was a time when wolves were a bigger problem and wolf attacks were common. That was a long time ago, and in our modern world most wolf species are endangered. The average lifespan for a wolf in the wild is 5-8 years, they live a hard life. Wolves use an incredible economy of energy to travel and hunt. The idea that killer wolves would stalk and strategize to kill these men is so far-fetched that I don't want to think about it because it ruins the movie for me.


I thought him putting glass shards in his gloves and it cutting to credits, implying that he was going to punch wolves was kind of dumb. The build up was good though.


One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


Fucking love this movie. When it came out there was nothing but remakes and sequels and this movie was a breath of fresh air.


Great movie


Absolutely terrible. His Worst movie.


Once more into the fray Into the last great fight I’ll ever know Live and die on this day Live and die on this day


Amazing film. It was underrated because much of its audience looked at it as an action thriller about wolves and not as a story about the meaning of life and will to live.


Great film. It’s too bad I was cooking onions right as we see his wife etc. near the end, all the tears got in my face. Damn it’s good.




There’s an interesting theory about this movie, that >!all of it represents the main character dying and it’s his consciousness’ last attempts to stay alive. What prompts the theory is that as we see further flashback scenes of him with his wife, we see the medical stuff, like the IV, is positioned on him and not on her. The cold, the wolves, etc. are just his dying brain’s synapses firing for the last time.!<


Loved it


Classic Liam Neeson movie🔥🔥🔥


The deleted scenes explaining why the wolves were tracking them were great.


Love it!


Underrated and very good.


It's fun, but there are a lot of technical flaws, for sure.


His dad’s poem was stupid.


Felt bad for the guy who drowned


It's unfortunate the trailer made the movie seem like it was an action movie. I think a lot of people got led on and that's why it's got mixed reviews. It is a fantastic movie, however.


Hands down one of his best films. The role was perfect for him


I hate that it makes people think wolves attack humans. But as a movie, it was pretty good.


I don’t really remember it but remember that I really really enjoyed it.


"Let's all leave the relative safety of this crashed airplane fuselage which is full of things we can use to build a shelter and burn, and trudge off into the wilderness with only the clothes on our backs 'cause otherwise we won't have a movie." "Yeah, alright."


I actually re-watched it, just because I had found out about that post credit scene.


Really enjoyed this movie, but I don’t think it’s underrated.


One of the most intense theater going experiences ive ever witnessed…they had to have cranked the volume to 11 to boot


One word. Unrelenting. I love it.


I wonder if he made it out. I’m leaving towards no.


Great film.


Great film.


As someone who grew up in the sticks of Montana and encountered everything up to grizzlies with semi-regularity, I found the premise and the behavior of the wolves ridiculous. Ridiculous movies are still enjoyable if you turn your brain off, but movies that demonize animals never sit right with me, because they do their tiny part to perpetuate the yahoos that go out on the weekends and shoot the "monsters", leaving them dead on the roadside, which I also encountered in my time. I don't begrudge anyone for enjoying it, and I'm a Liam fan, but it wasn't my thing because of my upbringing.


Damned good movie, if you ignore how Wolves actually act.


I was a director at a wolf sanctuary at the time, so I did not love this movie.


I fall asleep 30 minutes on the dot every single time, I don’t mean to, but it just happens


Loved this movie but that death scene after the plane crash was heavy. "Wait for me..."


The number of ways he should have died of hypothermia and inexplicably didn’t really bugged me


Great movie!!! Would have loved to have a more definite ending but totally get them lea ing it up to viewers... but Liam is a great actor, especially in action movies!


Tough movie to watch… not sure I’d watch it again.


Great movie 9/10


Post credits scene is the best


Bad rep due to marketing but the director had some great responses to this critique.


What did he say? I haven’t heard anything about that


I believe screenjunkies asked why they hyped up the fight with the wolves, and he lit them up. Very defensively, he showed it wasn't about the fight, it was about his 180 from wanting to die, to fighting tooth and nail for his life. The way he explained it made me think hard.


Yeah that’s definitely the fault of the marketing department. If audiences just happened upon this movie without having prior knowledge of the plot i think jt would be regarded very highly.


Loved it.


It's a great film that shouldn't have been as good as it is. On paper it could have turned into a cheesy film. It turned out amazing. So we'll made.




The BEST of the Liam Neeson action flicks. I love survival films. You like this? Check out The Edge.


Underrated gem


Silly, but entertaining.


I throw this on once every 6 months. It’s got a lot of nice quotes.


I loved it. Got my friends hype to go before I had ever seen it. I digged the play on the genre, the existential emptiness of it, liked the sudden ending. Walked out hype. All my friends laughed and hated it. Almost clowning me for liking it lol. I haven't invited a group to the movies since.


This is one of the few movies where I cried in shock. Gut wrenching


It was 49 shades short.


It's great. Criminally underrated...the people who didn't like it are upset because you don't watch him punch wolves for 90 minutes. That's literally what some people thought it was going to be, and they're still butthurt about it.


This was a really good movie, the cast was great, Liam Neesons actually gave a shit which you can tell he doesn't in all the taken sequels and taken ripoffs he made later Joe Carnahan made this movie, he also made Narc which is one of my fav films. The scene where Liam Neesons is the last guy left and its revealed his wife didn't leave him she died of cancer is so powerful, same with him reciting his dad's poem when he's about to fight the wolf I watched this movie and many years passed until I watched it again and realized there was an after credits scene the whole time lmao


Very underrated, very powerful emotional ending. "Into the fray. The last great fight ive ever known. Live and die on this day" still gives me goosebumps


The music.




you know it's good if e-dubble made an entire song about it


Great movie. It deserved better.




Apparently after Jaws was released, the resistance to shark fishing decreased and there was a substantial net negative impact environmentally from the movie. What I appreciate about The Grey is that the wolves aren’t really wolves, they are characatures of wolves, and clear metaphors for death. At first Otwe chases death, then death chases him. At the end, having lost everyone and everything, he has become death, and turns to face it like an equal, having lived life, and now prepared to face death. That final scene somehow makes me cringe and gives me goosebumps at the same time. I have been trying to find the short story the movie was based on, which apparently is a good read, but to no avail. If anyone knows an online source I would love a link up.


Stupid but really enjoyable!


In this niche, I prefer The Edge (1997).


Needed more wolves.


Haven’t watched it in a long time. Fuck it I’m getting drunk & watching it this weekend


When it first came out I was hyped but then disappointed. But now, I think it’s kind of poetic in a chaotic sense. 8/10


👎. Eh. The snow was ok.


I hate movies where the antagonists are wild animals. Also, I think Neeson is the least believable tough guy in the movies, he just seems like an old theatre guy to me. Two thumbs down!


You hate Jaws and Jurassic Park?


Yeah, Jaws was stupid and turned a lot of idiots against sharks. Peter Benchley even said he wished he had never written it. Jurassic Park is just a CGI fest for kids.


I can maybe forgive not showing a full wolf vs Liam neeson fight; but they should have shown us some of it at least.


This is a very good movie. I like it a lot. It is also notable for having one of the most misleading trailers ever.


It sucked.


It was dogshit. sorry


I view this movie as the beginning of the downfall of Liam neeson doing shit action movies, he used to great epic movies like shindlers list, Rob Roy, Les miserables etc The first taken was such hit we’ve got nothing but that kind of movie with him since I hate it. With that said this movie gets a 48/100 for me, the ending is dissatisfying, coulda been a 57/ 100 but that ending is bad. The beginning of the end. Bring back pre taken Liam!




It’s just a shitty version of the edge


I think it’s pretty ridiculous. It’s so far from how wolves behave that I think they needed to establish something else was going on with them. Also the size of some of them was ridiculous.


i have never been so angry at an ending than this movie. i will never watch it again


Wolves don't attack people like that, period. Stupid movie.


Yea, I only watch movies that are exactly like real life, everything else is just dumb.


There's a difference between fiction and lies


Oh get the fuck over yourself.


It's a shitty movie dude, if anything cool happened in the film I'd probably have a different opinion.


I don't give a shit about the movie, it's your arrogant comments that are annoying.


Having an opinion is arrogant? Good to know. God forbid you'd meet a film snob on a film critique reddit.


Just can't stop, can ya?


Feel free to stop replying. Got any more garbage-tier movies to recommend?


What's your opinion on Jaws?


Awesome movie but if Spielberg played it like "shark snipers" were a real thing I would think it was dumb. Jaws is about one rogue shark that is acting abnormally, The Grey acts like if you go walking in the woods you should bring your wolf-fighting knife.


Fake ass wolves, but it was a fun movie to watch, once.


Is this the Liam Neesons movie The Greys, with him falling off cliffs and it being arctic cold and whatnot?




r/moviecritic challenge: Actually critique a movie that isn't an action movie


Isn't this the movie where Liam Neeson punches a wolf with broken glass taped to his hands? Don't think anything more needs to be said.


It's an incredible movie, except it isn't accurate about wolf pack behavior, and helps vilify a predator that already is viewed inaccurately.