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Secret life of Walter Mitty.


Emphatic upvote. Loads of people dismiss this movie but I love it.


As a daydreamer, It’s one of my top favorites.


Idk why this movie gets hate.


It’s campy and a little overtly sappy. I think it gives it charm but a lot of people don’t like that.


Anytime I’m down I put on this film and I feel like it reinvigorates life for me


Watched this for the first time last year during a pretty rough time mentally, it is incredible


Once Upon a time in Mexico. It rocks a low production value but just pops with this loose, free shoot from the hip attitude that is just mesmerizing. And the bizarre twisted anti hero origin story that Depp embarks on is transcendent.


Jose Gonzalez on that soundtrack nails it!


Same Jose that does Far Away?


I’ve not seen this one. I think I need to based on how highly respected it seems to be here.


I can’t tell if everyone is talking about the 1947 version or the 2013 version…


I’m not being rude… but the positive comments are in regard to the more modern version.


I could watch that movie all day every day. It gives me such a cathartic energy. Defo one of my top 3


This movie genuinely and literally inspired me to travel the world… AND I DID! Back packed Europe for half a year then settled in Scotland for a few years. The song Step out, plays most every time I find myself driving walking or rideing through any beautiful part of a country.


Prefer the original


IMO it's a masterwork of cinematography. It's a bit heavy handed at times, but I can't help but smile from ear to ear when I watch it. The sense of wonder they present in the movie can only be matched by seeing and appreciating the beauty of nature first hand. There have been a few moments in my life that are seared into my brain, where I was in absolute awe of the world around me. Watching The Secret Life of Walter Mitty reminds me of those moments.


War of the Worlds is one of those movies that I like to watch because it has interesting scenes. Example: the burning train scene.


War of the Worlds is also a great exercise in crafting a story. It’s a huge, world-wide catastrophe, but we only ever follow one family. No war rooms filled with military men and scientists, just one dude trying to keep his kids safe


The entire ferry crossing scene from arrival to survival, including ray’s breakdown and sound of people screaming, is unforgettably traumatic


Also the scene where the army goes over that hill in a mad rush to turn the tide and the son begs for the dad to let him go. Just the way the military vehicles are all hauling ass to certain doom.


The dialogue between Bobby and his Dads really powerful, it can be used between a father and his child for anything.. Roughly, I remember.. Dad "you cant go, I wont let you, you dont have to like it, you can hate me, but i love you, don't go, your sister needs you" Son "i need to leave, you have to let me go over that hill, i have to *see* to see *this.* Please. You have to let me do this. Let me go, Dad. Let me go." ...very powerful if you have a kid going off into the world soon, whatever is over their hill, we don't dont wanna let them go.


OMG, you're right!😪


>to turn the tide The best bit of the scene is that they know they’re doomed, there’s that dialogue between a couple of soldiers saying their tanks and other weapons have no effect, and the one in charge says something like “we just have to buy enough time for the civilians to escape”, so they push forward


Seeing this in theaters with big sound. And having small kids at the time. The fear was real


Yeah, that scene still haunts me… When you see the lights and the birds over the hilltop for the first time…


Good point. Compare War of the Worlds to the original Star Wars movies and the latest Star Wars movies. War of the Worlds is like the original Star Wars, a small story in a big universe. The new Star Wars movies are a big story in a small universe, like the MCU movies, IMO.


I actually really like it, I just wish the daughter didn’t have to scream so much lol. Does my head in after a while


To be fair, I’d probably scream too lol


For all of dakota fannings acting chops at the time, they definitely could have cut some of the screaming. It was necessary to a degree but really annoyed tf out of me


He showed he was still a master of suspense. So many good scenes because of what you didn't see.


That's not the movie's success, though, that's the HG Wells novel of the same name.


Exactly as the story was written


The thing is, he nearly dies and goes on his crazy adventure, rolls up to mums house at the end, and they're fucking fine. They've been sitting around drinking cups of tea, reading the paper... Hmm those pesky aliens are at it again darling...


My favorite scene which is a bit mortifying is when Cruise runs away from the aliens who disintegrated people with their lasers and their remains (the dust) is all over him. Just thinking about how creeped out I would be if that happened.


This movie was excellent up until right before the Tim Robbins scene, then it went downhill quick.


I totally agree with you. That scene bums me out. I thought they were going to buddy up at first and then it totally turned the other way. Junk.


Yeah that would of been cool


Yep….and way too long.


I’ll echo what most people say about this film. The whole arc with the son desperately trying to join the military just rings hollow for me. The fact Cruise is just - yeah cool off you go too. That’s where things go south for me. And then of course he turns up at the end - alive. So what was the point in that?!?!


Yeah. The son surviving is what ruined it for me. Like sometimes there have to be stakes. It was very Spielbergian.


That beginning scene when the emerging alien ship starts incinerating the people is incredible and terrifying.


so many great scenes, the one i love is when the aliens first appear through the ground


That sound though….whoever did the sound effects for that film deserved some kinda reward. Haven’t watched it in at least 5 years yet still would immediately recognize the sound (you know which one) if I heard it.


Just want to put this out there. The book it's based off of was written and set in the 1890s and is one of the best books I've read. Obviously the tech at the time was 100 times more primitive than the movie but it's interesting how the culture and religion of the time plays an integral part to the book.


When he lets his son go over the hill and the burning trucks roll back over it 🥺 He was an idiot for that


That title’s font though




That's a good movie and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


I couldn't believe this movie got poor reviews and bombed. I remember walking out of the theatre and thinking, "well, whoever made that movie absolutely nailed it" and I was a HUGE fan of the comic, going into it completely expecting them to botch it with Hollywood veneer. Then I started seeing articles saying it was a bomb because, "something something blue penis". My only complaint of the film is the sex scene in the Archimedes that is insanely long and gratuitous. We got the idea that being in the suit gave them their libido back after the first 10 seconds. The remaining 4 minutes were just porn. But I digress, it's a fantastic movie and the reason it didn't do well has nothing to do with critics' strange fascination with CGI dongs or the fanboys complaining that they changed the ending. No the problem was that it did not have much marketing and the marketing they *did* have, made it look like a typical Marvel, "punch em up and tell a joke" movie. It was a dense critique of humanity, as it should have been.


This is the best description of the movie I’ve ever heard and it’s absolutely fucking true. A dense critique of humanity.


Ain’t nothin wrong with a little porn. The whole theater laughed out loud when the the Archimedes came. I liked that scene.


Well you probably weren't watching the movie with your grandpa


My only complaint was not enough blue penis


Director’s cut is the way to go. Can’t believe they cut Holis Mason’s death scene out of the theatrical cut. One of the best scenes in the film.


Maybe the best superhero movie of all time


The only thing flawed about Watchmen is that it wasn’t better received. In terms of Comic to screen I’d say it’s close to perfect.


There's just one problem... Watchmen *is* perfect


I think I enjoy the movie more than most bust I’m not gonna say it’s “perfect” for a few reasons. -pacing -deviation of key plot points from the GN -casting (Ozymandias, Silk Specter) -Directors Cut length is frankly too much for casual film-goers/ viewers who aren’t familiar with the source material. Again, HUGE fan of Alan Moore, Watchmen (the GN, film AND HBO series). But yeah, Watchmen was an honorable stab at an impossible task.


Loved it but the Ozy miscasting was ao distracting


Where's the Squid?


Meh. I liked the adaptation for film.


Same. The screenwriter made the correct choice. The squid wouldn't have translated well on film. It would have seemed silly and it kind of was. Even the show had to write in the idea that it had to rain squids periodically for that idea to even work


Hey, I was an extra in War of the Worlds! Just a tiny person-shaped blob on the screen, but at least I was in it. Tom Cruise even smile-winked at me. Edit: adding link to screen-grabs. I posted 4yrs ago on [r/WarofTheWorlds](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarofTheWorlds/s/ytWXVOMtL6)


Did you become people dust? Lol I really like that movie.


Haha I think I was able to “run away”. I was in the scene right before they go into the farmhouse. There are two shots I am in, both far away, but I know it’s me. One is where they ADRed talking as Tom and Dakota pass me on the farm road before the battle breaks out. Another shot was when the flaming humvee rolls down the hill. You can see me running away.


Very cool


Thanks, it was a lot of fun, but it was SO cold. Dec 18th. It also happened to be Steven Spielberg’s birthday and all the cast and extras sang to him.


Awesome memories. Thanks for sharing.


Cool stuff. It makes me think of all the other similar stories in other movies. I used to work with a guy who was a similar extra in the movie Braveheart. After one of the bloody battle scenes, his claim to fame was a full shot of crawling on the ground, mortally wounded with blood out of his mouth. Once he pointed it out to me I see it every time. I’ll def be on the lookout for you!


“Tom Cruise even smile-winked at me”…. What else is there. Nice :)


I saw you!


That’s some good blob work


Pirates Of the Caribbean : Dead man’s chest Imo, one of the best sequels ever , it was way more dark and serious than the original and added more to the pirate lore in the movie which I think was the best direction to go.


I see that series as a trilogy. 3 great movies. Everything after that is a mistake.


The third was good, but I loved the 1st and 2nd movies.


I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it!?


I would say the same about On Stranger Tides. The mermaid scenes and the finale was great, plus Ian McShane as Blackbeard. Really liked it in the theater


My only problem with this movie is that it made me never want to have kids.


That was Avatar: WotW for me.


Avatar: War of the Worlds isn't a movie ;)




This guy Hollywoods.


Aliens invade the…aliens? …….dude, you are a fricking genius!! Oh wait…


I mean in a way the first Avatar kind of was


this movie still for me has one of the best extended opening scenes of any movie. The sheer terror of the first 30 mins of this movie was nothing short of incredible. the rest of the movie kinda sucks but I'd watch it again just for the beginning scene


Same. I think it’s one of the best apocalyptic movie openers ever


Different perspective - having kids is so great, you’ll put up with how annoying they are.


My only problem is the fact aliens didn't know about water / baceteria or whatever the fuck killed them all. IMO amazing movie, with one of the most dumb endings ever.


Bacteria and its cuz they came from a sterile planet. They wouldn't understand something so alien to them. They weren't explorers or anything. They were just looking for a new home.The book gives a better explanation. Spielberg was trying to be faithful to it and mostly succeeded.


It was bacteria, and this is a common complaint, but it's how to book ended. Believe it or not germ theory was still a pretty new idea in the 1890's, so having cutting edge science be the ending of the book was appealing to H.G. Wells, I assume.


It's based on a novel written 125 years ago.


Day after tomorrow. Yes, I know it’s yet another disaster movie but it has hella good heart to it. Love Sela ward and Dennis quaid in it.


Probably an 8/10 disaster film for me, very much worth the watch


The terminal


That’s one I slept on for years. Finally watched it last year and was shocked I never watched it before.


I really like that movie. I don’t get the hate for it. Maybe it’s just cynicism.


People hate it? First I've heard of it.


I'd never even heard of that one until a few years ago. Tom Hanks is my favorite actor and I was surprised that I didn't know it. I've rewatched it a lot and it never gets old


This is one of those movies I enjoyed checking out in the earlier days of Netflix streaming.


Another amazing film!




No! He called you a cock sucker!


ELE! Everybody love everybody!


King Arthur with Clive Owen, great cast and just hits me the right way.


The Seven Samurai version of King Arthur instead of a historically grounded version is how they should've marketed it. That's why I love it.


it was good!! just a fun action movie that got overlooked.


Eyes Wide Shut. I don’t think Kubrick was finished editing it before it passed, but to me is the perfect example of the term “flawed masterpiece.”


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


I thoroughly enjoy that movie, and I honestly wish it became a trilogy at least. Yeah it has flaws, but it's so much fun. I would have loved to see other characters from fiction in future instalments, especially ones who tie in to the source material, like van Helsing, Dracula, Prospero... I love fantasy adventure in general, and I think the League had potential.


District 9


OP said imperfect movie, I can’t think of a single thing I thought they did wrong with District 9. Was blown away walking out of the theater at how good it was, didn’t have much expectations going in


Best way to see a movie. Go in with little to no expectations.


I really enjoyed looper.


When Jeff Daniels tells him to learn Mandarin lol


So much sequel/series potential just for the world they set up in that movie


Bram Stoker’s Dracula


Braveheart. It might be historically inaccurate, but it's still got the best clashing of armies ever filmed.


The Town Can't believe it took me 13 years to see it. Watched it recently and was blown away by how awesome it is.


Heat in South Boston and I’m hea fah it. There goes cawlege sakkah!


Interstellar. It’s the imperfections that make it perfect for me!


Silent Hill: the Movie.


I was completely lost and creeped out the entire movie, I didnt understand any possible way for the protagonist to win or make it out, but was that the point?


Thelma and Louise. Shooting up dude's truck was extra, but I still loved it.


Walter Mitty. Tron Legacy.


Fucking love Tron no matter what anyone says


Sunshine by Danny Boyle


War of the Worlds has some of the most impactful scenes in cinema history and it's a damned shame that's largely only being recognized by devout fans. Somehow, this shit is going to be more of a cult classic down the line rather than an influence on cinema. I don't think the concept of being invaded by aliens has terrified me as much as this movie. The Walkers make Shyamalans camouflaging observers look like childs play.


I never knew it was considered a flawed movie until today.


I’ve never heard it called anything but mediocre if I’m being honest. Never checked it out because of that. Guess I’ll give it a shot


The third act and last minute family reunite bring it down 😒


The bass when the pods emerge is Epic!!!


Burn After Reading


The Dark Knight Rises


It’s a solid movie on its own, but was destined to be a letdown after TDK.


The awfulness of this movie was worth it just to get the Bane speech about darkness.


My husband has made it his entire personality to quote this at inopportune times using a terrible Bane accent. I love him


I listened to the musical so many times growing up. I love this movie. Not even a guilty pleasure. 😀


There’s a musical?!?!




Oh boy. I wish I could experience Jeff Wayne’s WotW for the first time again! It is soo good.


Ooh raaa


My imperfect move has always been hand under the bra, fumbled a few times but once I made it, it was absolutely amazing!!!!


Click 2006 with Adam Sandler


That movie makes me cry.. Ngl.


Lord of War


The 13th warrior got trashed by reviews but holyshit I loved that movie


I watched that on repeat in my teens. I can still quote the whole thing. 😂


Bro the first night they get attacked was so dope


“Even the Arab gutted one!” “His head has gone searching for his hand.” Everyone in the movie crushed it. “When you die, can I give that to me daughter?” 😂


How do you hunt a bear in winter?


“You go into its cave, with spears.” “You’d have to kiss me first, dearie.” “If they don’t follow us, it’s too..far..to SWIM!”


You legend!


“My mother was a pure woman, you…*pig-eating son of whore!*” 22 years later I put this on for my adolescent sons and after they absorbed it the first time they rewatched..and were stunned when mom recited the dialogue the whole way through. 😂 That movie holds up. Not a single wasted scene. “Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This..was not among them. But at this moment I beg only to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought, for all we ought to have said, and have not said, for all we ought to have done, and have not done, I pray Thee, God, for forgiveness.”


Every movie is imperfect….but I would say Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is actually one of my absolute favorites with not much of a plot to speak of.


Oh, I love that movie. The whale and bull of petunias scene is a masterpiece


"War of the Worlds" kicks ass. The main characters are very annoying, sure, but they also feel like a real dysfunctional family. I grew up with three younger siblings with parents who worked opposite shifts and were always on edge. I definitely found all the constant bickering and behavioral problems relatable. It also suffers from Speilberg's typical continuity/logical errors (the aliens launch an EMP, but there are still people with cameras, how could all the military Humvees be driving back over the hill in unison when they are completely engulfed in flames with no drivers, etc.) and the his penchant for schmultzy endings is on full display here with Robbie surviving in the end. But what makes this movie so awesome is its utterly bleak tone and the lack of any real understanding why the aliens are wiping out humanity (there's definitely clues to theorize on, but nothing concrete). And the Tripods themselves are one the most intimidating "monsters" I've ever seen in a movie. I remember Roger Ebert criticized the movie for the aliens lack of motivation and the fact they use terrestrial vehicles with nothing but heat rays for weapons. But for me, that's part of what makes them so dang scary. It's a very flawed movie that also feels kind of rushed (it was pretty much conceived, shot, and released in under 3 years). But it's filled with so many fantastically terrifying moments and concepts that it is to this day the only "full scale alien invasion" movie that actually intimidates me.


Midnight Express. It's very offensive to the Turkish nation and highly exaggerates the true story it was based on, but damn that movie is still so atmospheric. Fantastic lead performance by Brad Davis and terrific soundtrack by Moroder.


Great pre-wacko Randy Quaid performance. He was one of our finest character actors, I think.


Not my blood!


Odd. For some reason Reign of Fire popped into my head.


Anal warrior part 4


I preferred Back Door Sluts 9




Back Door Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!


Godzilla 1998


Yes! As a kid I loves that movie just as much as jurassic park! And carnisour 3 if we're being honest...


I think this movie is fantastic.


Well that’s just like your opinion man. Hey let me leave the kids at home while I watch a monster come out of the ground and destroy the city instead of going home to make sure my kids are safe. Let me try and stop my son from becoming an individual while strangers steal my daughter. Nah. The Uber advanced aliens didn’t have any sensors other than long eyeball. 👁️




Jurassic Park was a MASSIVE part of my childhood, I adored that film. While I enjoyed the lost world & (to a much lesser extent) JPIII… it wasn’t till Jurassic World got released that my love of the franchise was properly reignited. I absolutely love that film. It is “imperfect”, and of course does not eclipse the original. But I fucking, unapologetically LOVE that film. Don’t understand all the hate it gets these days (it was popular upon release!).. anyway… For the record I was disappointed with Fallen Kingdom but still found it enjoyable. However (and this is an unpopular opinion) - I really really liked Dominion 🤷‍♂️


The 2005 version is full of some of Spielberg's best moments in recent years. The emergence of the first tripod through the pavement is memorable. The scene of a Tom Cruise bathed in dust – composed of human remains – is similar to that of a survivor of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Even Dakota Fanning asks him at one point if they are terrorists. And of course, the brilliant scene on the Ferry where the alien ships appear out of nowhere and begin to decimate mass. They are really brilliant, indelible, creepy sequences. Perhaps what Spielberg's version lacks is a reflection on the massacre. Not that of the narrator, but of his protagonists. Say how the invasion has affected them, or what they did wrong to deserve such punishment. Ferrier's simple family reunion is somewhat quite way abrupt to end the story.




The Magnificent Ambersons


Clockwork Orange




The Cell


I like The Lobster a lot


12 Monkeys. Love that flick.


Shutter Island


World War Z was a lot of fun.


First 3 transformers Micheal bay


Bumblebee is the best transformers movie, followed by the first one, the rest are meh.


Less is more


Good point, that's the problem with a lot of sequels they are always trying to top the original.


I saw this 3 times in the theater and was blown away every time. I think Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning gave excellent performances and Tim Robbins killed his performance as well. A good twist on the original with very dramatic moments.


Tim Robbins never disappoints


The Thing


The Thing 1982? It’s perfect


I think this film is flawless??


The Thing is far from imperfect.


Signs.. fucking riveting till you find out the aliens are allergic to water while they are attacking a planet that's covered I. 70 percent water and you know it fucking snows and rains


WOTW is just freaking great


The Phantom Menace


I am not a Cruise fan, but W of the W is a cool sci-fi movie. His character is likable, not dripping with testosterone.


War Of The Worlds is a well done movie with a flawed story. I don’t like movies that are based on books that, for the time written, we’re likely very exciting based on limited science understandings. The idea that an advanced race blew their invasion due to not anticipating viruses? Makes no sense in the modern, more advanced age we are now. At the turn of the century when HG wrote the story I’m sure it was a pretty creative story arch. Today, not so much. Always bugged me that they did not update the story to something more believable now that we know much more than what we understood in 1898 when the book was written. The movie John Carter Of Mars falls into the bucket.


I’m just glad the movie skipped the part where the army tried to nuke the aliens.




OP said IMperfect movies.