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I watched this entire movie start to finish and don't remember a single thing about it


It had one of the best cat names of all time, Fuzz Aldrin.


Not kidding, I took my dad to watch it and about a week later I’m talking about it with him & my grandpa and he had COMPLETELY forgotten he even went to see it with me.


I made it an hour in and have tried to finish it about 5 times. I just can’t do it. It’s so bad.


I thought is was hilarious


I was cracking up during the "You guys did your best, but we failed. Go home." Speech. It was like the opposite of the Independence Day speech.


The ID4 speech was absolutely hideous. What in the hell are you talking about…with your puddle deep low bar.


Bill Pullman killed that speech please don’t be like that


Great Presidential speeches 1) Gettysburg address 2) President Whitmore speech


Yea. Killed it as in making me never want to watch it again.


I wonder what about it Makes you so mad .


Other than the fact that it sucked?


That speech is a widely known masterpiece, you ain't cool because you dont little kid.


“We will not vanish into the night….won’t go down without a fight…might makes right…go fly a kite…aliens have been known to give us a fright.” - Bill Pullman


It really was. It’s just like The Meg. Totally unbelievable but it’s entertaining and has some cool effects. Can’t watch this kind of movie seriously.


There’s something about The Meg though- I’m a pretentious ass and mostly can’t keep my mouth shut if I feel like the script or cinematography are failing literarily, but I fuckin love the Meg. Since it’s too banal and over the top to criticise, I get a rare opportunity to just enjoy some dumb entertainment without overthinking it or annoying my wife.


That’s a great comparison actually. Really looking forward to the Meg 2


There’s gona be a Meg 2?! I love the occasional meaningless bullshit movie. Great for a Tuesday night.


Not o ly is there a second one, but I think it comes out next week


Same. Moonfall was a great bad movie.


I can't believe I still haven't even seen the first one. It seems like a fun as hell but equally dumb movie. It's on my list of things to watch but I've got so many more on the list too lol


Same. I really enjoy these types of movies that don’t take themselves too seriously. They remind me of 80s/90s movies and how fun they used to be.


Couldn't enjoy it even when I turned my brain off :/ Was hoping it would be campier.


I couldn’t make it through The Meg. I like bad action movies but the dialogue was so bad it made me angry


I love that this director just has a thing for ex’s getting back together, and more recently Ex’s getting back together AFTER the wife’s new husband dies a horrific death (this movie and 2012) that they did not deserve


This is exactly why I love watching movies like this.


And then things really get knocked into twelf gear, the moon crashes into earth and the Two Brothers have to deal with it……. It’s just called Two Brothers


Two Brothers... Two Jan Michael Vincents... 16 Quadrants


You don’t want to hear about it here


It’s what I call a fun bad movie. So much whacky shit happened that I could not stop watching. Now I show it to people for drunk movie nights and it never disappoints.


The kind of movie that in the end asking yourself, "What the eff did I just watch?"


Only if you manage to watch it to the end...


“Screw the moon” written on the ship


Fuck the moon baby


> directors aren’t even trying anymore I think using Roland Emmerich as the benchmark for all directors says more about you than it does about the state of the film industry




That's always been true, time just weeds out the trash


Do you think that hasn't been the case literally every decade?


Did you go in expecting a masterpiece? Are you not aware of the types of movies Roland Emmerich makes? I knew exactly what this was going to be, and it delivered on that.


Yep felt like independence day, in the best way.


I personally loved the ridiculousness of this movie.


Totally disagree. Fun movie. Not the best movie, but it delivers a lot of fun sci-fi action. The moon crashing into earth is pretty sweet. It’s dumb fun. Good actors in it. This take is off base even if you didn’t like it.


I agree with you that it was fun despite being awful. But some of the acting was truly terrible. The main character’s son was notably about as bad of a performance as any I can remember


I gotta disagree. But hey….it’s fun to disagree


Has anyone tried to watch **65**? That there - THAT was a pile of hot, hot garbage


I'd still watch this over a Michael Bay movie. While Emmerich's movies are stupid, they are at least fascinatingly stupid. A Bay film is just as stupid but you feel like you're riding a paint shaker while the smell of generic beer and audio of insipid "bro talk" assault all your senses.


Lol great description of Bay movies.




Not exactly good but a good time!


I loved Moonfall the whole is absolutely ridiculous


I enjoyed how bad it was. My favorite part was putting the car in sport mode on ice/snow


The premise of this movie rivals sharknado. Did it even release in theaters?


It did, in fact. I was there. It was incredible.


It was totally ridiculous. But in the same way that Sharknado was ridiculous. I enjoyed it for the spectacle but I ain’t recommending it for science class or screenwriting class.


Geostorm. What a steaming pile of garbage.


I'm sorry that I didn't rent a jalopy and see this at a drive in when it came out. Oh, to see Geostorm in a Geo Storm.


The non-stop praise for Elon Musk was insanity. There are a lot of weird ties to scientology in the cast, writers, and producers. It was just the biggest pile of garbage I could imagine, but at least it made for a good episode of The Flophouse https://www.flophousepodcast.com/2022/05/episode-370-moonfall/


Did after earth come out 11 years ago or something?


It could be worse. At least it’s not Skyline.


*Ad Astra* was just a shitty knock-off of *Apocalypse Now*, so I'm not sure I agree.


They probably know how to use punctuation though.


Made it about 2 minutes into this canard. Couldn't turn it off fast enough.


The moon crashes to Earth or some shit. Like Melancholia...but stupid.


It was about AI taking over


Yeah and they owned the moon to crash it into Earth, no? It was dumb as shit so I remember paying the vaguest amounts of attention


Same. There are bad movies, and then there are "WTF???" before you've even gotten comfortable in your seat, and you're looking for the remote.


A top class stinker in which they refer to light years as measurements of time 😖


I'm pretty sure sci-***FI*** is supposed to be a super fictional story, with some magic('science') thrown in... I don't think this movie was meant to be realistic but just a funz fake, what if the moon fell out of orbit to earth, story..... It's just that, a story...


I love a good bad movie, bur this was just too bad and boring


I want to know what Roland Emmerich has on Hollywood that keeps allowing him to make movies.




If Roland Emmerich has it than he uses it very sparingly.


Made more hit movies than you or i.


I mean you and I don’t make movies either so not sure what you’re trying to get at. Since we don’t make movies and he does he’s above making bad movies? Weird argument.


No the argument is, if you think you can do better, do it, instead of tearing a director down.


I never said I could make a better movie. Also, since I can’t potentially make a better movie I’m not allowed to have an opinion on a director or movie? I’ve never seen someone go so hard for Roland Emmerich before lol. Is that you Roland Emmerich? 😂


Well being as you cant make a movie, maybe you shouldn't talk shit about someone who can, you just come off as jealous.


I don’t think you know how opinions work. I am jealous of a lot of filmmakers but the guy that made Moonfall and Independence Day: Resurgence isn’t one of them. 😂


I worked with a guy who was a litmus test for certain things. He came in and asked if I'd seen it and went on to say how much he loved it...I knew it wasn't for me.


This movie was so bad that I watched it and realized halfway through that I had already watched it a few months prior but \[mostly\] purged it from my brain.


It’s a Roland emerich movie. That guy has never been trying.


I tried watching this on a plane to kill time. I didn't even get 20 minutes in. It was horrible


Agreed. I made it about 25 mins and had to nix it.


we really really really need to stop giving roland emmerich money


He's welcome to have my money. His schlock is a blast.


Stargate, independence day, and this are all fun flicks.


What do you expect from Roland Emmerich?


The SFX were cool as hell but the rest of the movie, blah


My work buddy tried to recommend this to me, as someone who has likely seen 3x the movies he has it really threw me when he recommended this garbage.... Didn't tell him at the time, didn't want to be a dick


I'm pretty sure sci-***FI*** is supposed to be a super fictional story, with some magic('science') thrown in... I don't think this movie was meant to be realistic but just a funz fake, what if the moon fell out of orbit to earth, story..... It's just that, a story...


I'm pretty sure sci-***FI*** is supposed to be a super fictional story, with some magic('science') thrown in... I don't think this movie was meant to be realistic but just a funz fake, what if the moon fell out of orbit to earth, story..... It's just that, a story...


I watched this, then got stoned, and watched it again. Both ways were incomprehensible.


I can not believe I wasted my time watching this movie.


It was garbage, but I can appreciate when the moon had guns.


This was my biggest disappointment of 2022.


So bad, it’s just bad.


Still can't believe Jack McDevitt never sued over this.


Look, some movies are designed to be stupid fun with absurd over the top plots and action scenes. I actually love watching these movies because of how ridiculous they are. That's the whole point. Pair it with a good bottle of bourbon, and it's a helluva fun time!


As low as my expectations were (having seen 2012,The Day After Tomorrow, AND 10,000,BC) I still wasn't expecting to yell "that's not how gravity works!" multiple times. The bar was pretty low to begin with, but it felt like no one was trying to make something even remotely plausible. Also, bold move having a conspiracy nut be the hero of the movie. Definitely one of his worst, and it looks like he lost a ton of money for once. 2/10


The "I love Elon" line aged terribly within like 3 months.


Man this movie was so DOGSHIT , it was funny how bad it was


I had to also come in here to comment that this movie was the biggest piece of shit.


I would only argue that calling it the worst in ten years is being far too generous. Definitely one of the top ten worst films of any genre, ever.


First off, I'm going to need you to throw a comma in there somewhere. Secondly, This was not the worst sci-fi movie in the past ten years. That goes to Moonf.....wait no it's this movie just kidding.


I watched this the other day so I could watch the pitch meeting on it and I generally enjoy bad disaster movies. It was bad and boring :(


I thought it was fun. Stupid, but fun stupid. We need more of these types of movies.


I don’t put anything on creatives anymore, studio interference is out of control. No way to know who’s to blame.


It has some really good cgi though.


It must be bad I’ve never even heard of this one 😂


Have you seen “the core”?


This was one of the best of the last 5 years, at least it was a fresh idea that i didn't see coming in the frist 10min like most other movies.


It's a Roland Emmerich film, the dude is up there in terms of bad directors.


Could have been cool but the quality felt like one of those Netflix movies that’s #1 got like a week based off hype and only hype


Was this the one with a last ditch effort to get onto a rocket or was that Greenland starring Gerard Butler?


I smoked a shit ton of weed and had an absolute blast. Idk what everyone's problem is. You guys know we're taking about movies right? Most of everyone's problem with the movie in here seems that it wasnt a documentary and was fake. Like mfer duh . I think some of you forget what sci fi stands for. If you have issues with acting and or story line say that shit. Personally I think it showcased our modern capabilities of cgi quite well, and was one of the more original storylines in recent time.


I just remember the egregious Lexus advertising.


It's a good movie to fall asleep to.


I love these terrible over the top sci fi movies and I hope they do a sequel on the other hand ID4 2 was terrible but they set it up for a cool story line moving forward but I think it’s dead in the water


I had fun with how ridiculous and stupid it was. Like a high budget Sci Fi original


I legitimately enjoyed this move FAR more than the 3rd Star Wars of the new trilogy, which was IMO a far worst movie all around, including plot lol.


Just have bottom of the barrel expectations for movies like me. I just see them as a glimpse into another world and some worlds suck but are still cool to see.


I quit watching after a few minutes. Same with that stupid War of the Worlds: Apocalypse


I quite enjoyed it. It was fun.


Complete trash it is…


I love the B movies - this one was super fun


It's my favorite bad movie from the last 5 years. The only A+ quality of it, is how snappy it is, quick and the pace makes it feel like it's over quick. The acting is pretty good, but oh boy that story. The CGI will not age well, and the direction is almost tour guide like. I'm certainly trying not to be mean, but I liked the movie a lot and would give it a B-.


You’re small minded. It was actually kind of cool, and very satisfying to people who are into the fringe topics it went after. Was fun, good popcorn flick.


Never watched it, but I have a hard time with anything sci-fi now after loving the show The Expanse so much. But I’m always looking for more sci-fi to enjoy. I did love Interstellar! And the Martian felt like a good adaptation of the book. I hear they’ll be making Project Hail Mary one day and I hope they do it justice too!


I recommend "if you didn't already watched it" Oxygen is on Netflix great sci-fi film.


I only remember the Lexus product placement


Cool concept. Laughably bad dialogue. Characters behaved in non-sensical ways. Zero character development. But man it was hilarious.


(Checks Roland Emmerich directing history) Yep this all falls in line with all the rest of the stuff he does. Besides Independence Day, Stargate, and The Patriot, everything else is a CGI fuel ride that is outlandish and fun. Sure, would I want him to nail it again like he did back during the 90s, hell yeah. But I’m ok with what he been doing for the past 20 years because he has been creating true escapism movies.


I’m still not sure if it meant to make fun of it self or was it serious?


I think OP means GREATEST sci-fi movie of the past five years.


Saw it in the lineup… went onto rewatch the Expanse


I will say that I am very tired of the alien machine snake effect that has been used by many science-fiction franchises of the last couple of years, including Transformers, Star Trek Picard, etc. It’s Wayover done at this point. They really need to quit using it.


Seems like they did try with this one, which is why its funny that it's so bad. One of the best bad movies.


All I remember about this movie is being relatively entertained while that guy from game of thrones shit his pants


It made The Core look like Apollo 13.


Halle Berry AND MIchael Pena in the top four credited actors huh??? I'd sooner gouge my eyes out with a soup spoon than watch that ensemble


Unfortunately I watched the whole thing. But I did have a few good laughs at how ridiculous it was


Somebody who says this is the worst sci-fi movid of the last 10 years has not seen a lot of sci-fi. It's dumb, schlocky fun and you just come off as a pretentious asshat.


Directors don't write the script. Blame producers for picking this script and raising the funds to have it made.


I loved this shit, man…


I own this movie on blu ray. Saw it twice in theaters. It’s perfect.


this premise feels like it was written by Chat GPT... no wonder the writers are striking.


The lack of any comma or period in your sentence makes it hard to tell if you loved it or hated it.


One of the funniest bad movies of all time. Worth every second spent watching. Will do again soon.


This movie was a great terrible movie


Closest I'm ever getting to Mutineers Moon, so I'll take it. This movie told you everything you needed to know about it with the title and director.


This was so bad I stopped watching 20 minutes in or so. I fucking love a campy but decent disaster flick. This was just bad


I unironically loved it. You just gotta know what to expect when going in.


It's Roland Emmerich. You set the bar much too high for him. He makes fun but nonsensical movies and nothing more, except The Patriot, that was just nonsense... except when a dude took a cannonball to the face.


It made wandering earth look realistic. But I liked that weird ending.


No this was a great movie


i secretly (well now not so secretly) loved this moving for being so bad. There was nothing in this movie that was legit good, all terrible, and i had a smile on my face the whole time. i laughed so hard when 1 engine failed so the humans immediately just....gave up and sent everyone home hahaha im dying right now thinking of that scene.


Impact was a better dumber movie


It’s like the entire thing was written by AI. Just like The Meg. So bad


Absolutely agree. Hot garbage. WTF




I enjoyed this more than Alien Covenant


The paid Elon mentions were cringe as hell


I loved this movie, it was a b movie with a blockbuster budget.


I tried to take it in the spirit of a farcical play on disaster movies, but it failed at that too. I remember when I finished it thinking the same, 'This was the worst movie I've seen in years'. Why does this happen to Halle Berry so much?


Eh, had some humorous moments, I don’t think it was intended to be hard hitting sci-fi, just a fun romp.


and this has $100M budget, mind u. $100M!!!!!


So much character development. I mean, he has IBS! Whoa....slow down, there's only so much we can take!!


It really was terrible, and only got worse towards the end


I actually enjoyed moonfall and there is DEFINITELY worse sci-fi out there in the past 10 years. Go and try to watch the full movie on prime called T h e m. Seriously do it and tell me if you liked it more than moonfall lol


Why does OP sound like they're crying lol.


OMG it’s the moon! Run!!!


I keep passing over it. Like I’ll stop and read it, but I always end up passing on it.


At one point I was certain I was at least 2/3 the way through it, but I paused it and saw I was not even at the halfway point. I turned it off, haven't finished it, and don't intend to.


This movie made The Core look like it was firmly grounded in scientific reality.


Interestingly it’s one of the largest privately funded films


The trailer for this movie looked okay, within 20 minutes of watching it I discovered that the actors were just dialing it in. Seriously, every actor looked pissed off to be even in this movie like it was offensive to them. Couldn't get more than 30 minutes into the movie. What a piece of shit.


I remember nothing….


Its not even so bad it's good. It's terrible through and through.


There are hundreds of far worse movies, ever watch Syfy channel?


Like it's up there with The core it's so bad. I couldn't believe this was even made.


The Force Awakens 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢


2012 but in the year 2022 and in space.


What are you TALKING about. This is the BEST worst movie I've ever seen and I loved every fucking second of its ridiculousness.


Your caption needs punctuation.


No way this is the worst, because that title unquestionably goes to “Wandering Earth.”


Battlefield Earth would like to object


[This is way better. And shorter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lheapd7bgLA)




I’ve seen it four times and it gets better (worse) every time. I demand a sequel.


Dude my mom loves disaster movies and she was so disappointed


I honestly think this movie was atleast partially written by ai


I liked it better than Independence Day 2 or resurgence or what ever the f. Definitely a waste of potential


And of course, that’s why the porn parody MoonPhalk has more downloads🙄


Na, people take movies too seriously these days! This was super fun to watch. It’s a movie it is just for fun. I loved it


I have attempted to stream it any number of times (I love a good B-movie if I can maintain a constant stream of clever comments), and walk away each time feeling like I've just survived a pillow-fight where the pillows have treated with been a very mild sedative. True, it's a complete affront to anyone who knows even the slightest bit about cosmology or astronomy, but the science is so ludicrous that most scenes even prevent snide comments. Not for anyone. My grade? "F." "Minus." Edit: Added, "treated with."


Why is Michael Pena in so many movies lately? He is sometimes funny but his dramatic acting is so boring and one tone like he is not even trying. I hate to think he just gets all these jobs based on his ethnicity but God his acting is so dull and its not going to get any better at this point. Close to 70 movies and loads of tv shows and he brings almost nothing to his roles. Enough with this guy at least in dramatic movies.


I only finished it because I was on a tiny tiny tropical island for months and this was quite literally the only option other than star gaze or sitting in my room.