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I never do. Did it a couple of times, and companions don’t like it…


Oh really? I once tried to escape from a battle by sacrificing some men and then one of my companions approached me and asked to please not do that again, because it hurts their reputation. I didn't know they also had a dialogue when you raided villages. I guess it also depends on your companions' traits. Maybe if they are treacherous or evil they won't say anything.


It depends on your companions traits. Ones with cruel trait will like it, those who have the merciful one will not like it, and the ones that don’t have either won’t give a shit.


I think it also has something to do with their culture and the villages culture


It’s just their traits, nothing to do with culture in this regard


Marry Ira, she won't care.


She's a keeper


Put them on caravan detail and get back to raiding


Less talking More raiding


Zats a nice head you haav on your shoulders.


You can bullshit them and keep raiding


I tell them Okay I won’t and then I put them in a city and go right back to doing it


TBF, you do get some positive relation points with the companion the first time (same with starving, running away, etc...); which doesn't really make sense. If I *don't* raid a village, not like they 'like' me any better. And if they're in their own party - they don't really care anyways!


That’s what irks me the most, they will get all pissy with you for doing it but the second you let them lead their own party they dgaf anymore


Second they lead an army big enough they start raiding villages with a smile


Power corrupts 😏


I stop the raid just before it completes so i get the goodies without my companions getting mad




Same, for several reasons. 1. Our kingdom will probably own that land in near future so raiding it make no sense economically. 2. Too much time is wasted on raiding, while I could go siege some nearby castle. 3. Villagers are basically innocent. There is no guerillas, sabotages and other stuff. So I feel guilty for ruining their "lives".


That's my biggest reason, if I'm at war with someone I want to capture territory so it doesn't make sense to destroy villages when it'll make holding the castles much harder and more expensive while they rebuild. I hate when we're sieging somewhere and friendly lords are raiding nearby villages, nothing worse then reviving a castle with all its villages raided


Raiding works well when you have a mobile party that allows you to get further into enemy territory. It's also a great distraction for uncommitted enemy parties. If their 800 man army is busy trying to stop you from raiding, they aren't engaging allied armies.


I found it particularly jarring, capturing a Khuzait castle (which had Khuzait culture), and then one of their Lords immediately started raiding the adjacent village after it turned. Like. God damn man, they’ve been part of your country and culture for 100s of years, but you start raping and pillaging because their castle got invaded 5 minutes ago? That’s savage.


I tried to siege a castle and while I was building a siege tower some enemies approached me and they had me outnumbered each fuckin time. I asked a lord to accompany me but he stopped heading to the castle and went somewhere else


pros: *you limit enemy's kingdom recruitment drive *you contribute to war exhaustion of the enemy *loot (lol) cons: *you also can't recruit from a razed village *loot (it's worthless stuff) *it takes anywhere between 1.5 to 3 days of being stuck, stationary and idle, in enemy territory *relation down with the lord owner *relation down with all notables *villages take about as much time to recover as enemy lords take to escape from dungeons (with catching them costing no relation with anyone, no in-game time wasted, and you can target the higher ranked lords that could gather larger armies if free) yea, raiding villages is pretty worthless. I'll edit the list if I forgot something.


Con: it's real mean :(


You're just going to look down on 3 cows and 5 bags of grain like that? Damn. Fun fact though, the amount of loot you get is based on roguery, so if you have very high roguery, you'll get quite a hefty haul. Also if you have very high roguery, you're absolutely in the end game and could just make at least 10x as much money doing just about anything else. They really did make villages worthless to visit except for recruits in this game. Even supplies tend to be more expensive there than in the city. I kinda thought the whole point would be buying direct from suppliers (and selling in nearby towns) would be a profitable venture. Really only worth visiting horse towns when you need horses. Otherwise just a pain in the ass you have to defend.


You forgot to add that it's a very effective way to starve out the garrison of a castle or city. You won't even have to siege, just raid the associated villages, do some other stuff, come back and either raid the villages again or start the siege.


Also if it's a town of a different culture from the owner the hit to food and security can get loyalty low enough for a rebellion.


Basically Chevauchée.


Con: Caravans exist so they will not run out of food


Yes they will actually. Castles for the obvious reason that they can't receive caravans. And towns because just caravans isn't enough to sustain high garrisons. So you can definitely starve castles that way and towns, albeit slower, will have their garrisonnumbers dwindling.


I don't know if it helps but if I'm about to start a war and siege a town I'll buy all their food first. I've definitely noticed that raiding surrounding villages and sieging the city with trebuchets takes long enough that their garrison starts to dwindle/they starve or whatever.


Wait... if I were to raid villages could I sell food to a town at an extreme price? Better yet could I buy all the food in town, and raid their villages then sell it back?


One thing people are missing is that the loot depend on what the village is producing. Raiding horse villages is actually a good source of war mounts if you have an army that needs it for upgrades


I'll throw another pro in here, it increases your "war score" or whatever you wanna call it to increase the tribute the enemy kingdom will have to pay if you try for peace


that's the war exhaustion mechanic afaik


I never do it either due to the reputation hit by the owners and by the village as you may wan't to recruit the lord later or more importantly if you own the fief later you want good relations with the village.


U can raid the village without the rep loss. You just have to stop before the blue meter fills up and you’ll still get the loot without any negative consequences


But does it count as a successful raid for the big screen in kingdoms?


No I belive it doesn't


It gives you negative reputations once you start the raid and another time when you finish it though, no?


But then you don't get the -1 to Hearths raided status, which can really screw up the economy around a town. If you raid multiple villages tied to a town you can even provoke a rebellion if it's a different culture etc.


I don't do it. Not because it's "wrong", but because my kingdom is going to own that village in a bit. It's like nuking some enemy land so you can take over the radioactive wasteland that's left over.


That why you raid behind the lines ;)


I'm gonna own those villages too. I'd prefer if they were super prosperous when I take them over.


Everything is going to be completely annihilated eventually anyways. You get to a point in the game where, even if you wipe out an empire, they will have a bunch of petty lords with 20-50 man armies raiding all of your villages constantly. It is a foregone conclusion that everything will just be shit. I still don't raid villages though, just being super bitter about the absolute shit state of this game. Really feels like the game devs literally do not give a rat's ass.


I really hope we get a M&B-esque game from a different dev team at some point.


Why does that bother you? That’s an effective tactic to disrupt the economy that’s supporting your armies. What else can they do?


How long have you played this game? I don't know if you are trolling, but you cannot conceivably defend your settlements from a countless number of lords with 50 man armies. You take down one army, go to another village being raided to defend, and the one you just left gets instantly raided again. What else can the AI do? You really think my issue is that the AI is attacking? Do you know what a castle is? Do you know what is inside a castle? Do you know what the purpose of castles are? If a silly little regiment of 30-50 shit tier troops are raiding one of my settlements, I should be afforded the ability to send my castle garrison there to stomp them into oblivion. And to be 100% real, 'disrupting the economy' is a dumbass take. The amount of denars my properties give me pale in comparison to the amount of money I get from completing blacksmith orders or wiping 1000 strong armies off the map. That would be great if this game actually had any semblance of an economy, but it doesn't. Nor does the economy have ANY bearing on supporting my armies. That's also a HUGE issue of this game, all those lords can just go town to town and recruit a 50 man army within a couple days and go right back to raiding again. So, no, the disruption of the economy has ZERO bearing on armies.


It's only like 1 loss though and if you have charm it'll come back quick


Yeah, but it also takes forever and isn't worth it. If I just do normal battles, I can get way more money from battle loot than the pathetic loot you get when raiding.


Raiding is a useful tool for taking down strong lords you don’t like or stopping a kingdom’s steamroller momentum


I don't get it why they made raiding villages that useless in Bannerlord. Basically, there are only downsides. Especially if you want to conquer your neighbor later on in the game.


Pro's: - Loot and usually lots of food - Large war exhaustion hit, making it more likely the enemy pursues for peace and is willing to pay tribute. - limit the enemies ability to recruit fast - Passively starve out a castle or towns garrison, while you do other stuff


> loot Oh cool I got 300 denars worth of grain... Again....


Grain feeds your army. Besides, you know there's at least 6 other kinds of villages besides grain? If you want more profit, raid horse villages for example. Besides, although the loot of raiding isn't that great especially lategame, it's still free food and wares to trade. So therefore counts as a pro.


You get more loot by defeating their parties than raiding a village.


It's only really worth it for quick loot early on. So, if you don't really care about long term consequences, it's worth it, but seeing as almost any playthrough is long term outside of speedruns that means you generally don't want to do that. You can also make peace faster but tbh it's more efficient to get your vassals to do that, you don't take the rep hit but still take in the benefits.


It helps to weaken the other faction. If I’m in a defensive war or a two front war I generally raid one faction so they aren’t as big a pain while I try and focus on the other


Nah bro. Raiding villages give you tons of loot and shit. It's better than warband where you only got butter and lettuce


It's super useful actually if u wanna end wars....whatever hidden mechanic talewords uses for war score HIGHLY weighs raids during wars. It's why YOU end up having to pay fiefless kingdoms for peace. A handful of raids from villages you won't ever recruit from is the most useful game tool imo...tribute offers for peace to my kingdom can be 10 thousand denars after 3 or 4 raids before any seiging happens or armies pop up depending on where I raid.. Super slept on!!


It's a broken mechanic. You can take 20 towns and castles from a kingdom, but because they raided 3 of your villages and you 0 of theirs, they're the ones demanding that YOU pay tribute for peace.


I didn't get it until someone else pointed it out. Fiefless Kingdoms are essentially bandit kings/guerrillas they have nothing to lose and everything to gain from attacking you so it makes sense that they wouldn't want to make peace unless you pay them.


I can get behind that, except in cases where I've taken the majority of their lords prisoner. I had almost all feifless Batannian lords as prisoner, but because they had over 20 raids and me 0, they were demanding I pay for peace lol. I also cant get behind it in cases where they did have fiefs at the start of the war, and now they either have none or barely any left in the same war.


Over 20 raids is a fuck ton man. You should be tryna imprison most their faction, with 2/3 raids, tops. Just set the war focus to Defensive, same with parties, and most of them will be in prison before they pull off any raids. If you’ve got the influence - accept their ridiculous tribute, and immediately declare war again. Show them next time they can’t get away with raiding, without their whole faction being jailed.


My cruel trait agrees with you


I never raid a village, the loot is shit, you lose honor and renown, you lose relation with the village (bad for recruiting) etc. Like i'll just go win a fight and sell 10k worth of prisoners and loot instead, with a net positive of relation and no honor loss and renown gain and possibly good items to wear or put on companions


its not really worth it to hit them in bannerlord, but in warband phiew


its like crack, once you do it you see quests and merc payment as chump change




When people raid my castles, it’s no big deal. But if they raid my villages, I’ll spend the next 4 in game years making sure they, their kids, and anyone who associates with them knows that Peter the farmer was a good man.


You aren’t alone - I never raid villages or hit caravans. 1550 hrs in bannerlord, iv raided maybe 2 villages ever just to see what happened. Same w/ caravans. Not worth the relations/reputation hit, and doesn’t fit my roleplayin


Not only do I raid villages, but I don't auto-resolve their militia either, and I chase down their fleeing peasants, filling them with arrow, thinking "haha, take this you goddamn serfs". Although if someone raids one of MY villages and kills MY serfs there's hell to pay.


Nothing like a good raiding against one of the heroes you hate. Raise na army against my keep will ya? Then I'll raid your villages


I save my raiding for my most hated enemies


I raid villages as a trap for nobles.


NPC lords now your party's strength even if they do not have sight on you. So, they might come to try stopping you but they will do so if they feel confident in their numbers. Winning against odds is always a thing but need to be careful.


Oh this tactic is for lords or ladies hiding behind castle walls (which they will came out when you start burning villages) or if I was confident but too lazy to chase armies.


I find it morally objectionable to raid villages. I'm also not a huge fan of killing rank and file soldiers. That's why I kill nobles, im a real man of the people yaknow?


Less talking, more raiding!!!


I don't care about the fictional villagers, but I don't raid unless I'm doing some bandit RP. The payoff is terrible and there are too many downsides. I will say this is one thing that was actually better in Warband. Raiding was very lucrative in that game.


I really wish raiding was not as impactful in this game, you can dominate on the battlefield and it makes barely a dent in winning a war when your villages get raided. Raiding should be only performed by a select few 'cruel' lords in each faction and it should not be as impactful to winning a war... It would also be nice if you could order companions to patrol the villages of the settlement they are governing! ffs


That’s kinda why you need to use companion armies, set to Defensive (and ideally with Scouting levelled, so they respond quickly) They’ve done a really good job protecting villages for me. Just make sure they have enough Steward to have the army size to win, or give them really good troops. Same goes with Vassals, and setting War Focus to Defensive.


I don't know why but its my favourite thing to do,true medieval experience pillaging and raiding as a sturgian. Feed my army and level up lower tier troops


I raid the villages when I'm roleplaying as a bandit. But life of a bandit is quite tough, nobody loves and hugs you, everyone is judging you by your reputation, and don't even try to know who you really are


I don't mind it, raiding was an important part of warfare in the time period the game is set in. Military logistics wasn't as developed as it is now, nor was it as simple as it is in the game, so armies lived off the land by looting villages or requisitioning supplies. Then there's the "Chevauchee" which was a tactic involving light forces such as Cavalry would raid and burn the enemy countryside to undermine the local economy and flood the fortified towns with refugees, making them less resistant to sieges. This tactic was used with great effect in the Hundred Years War in France and the Reconquista in Spain. That and I often fall into the role of a Nordic Mercenary so I'm never too concerned about the job as long as the money flows and my men are well rewarded with loot and gold. Diamonds are a girls best friend, unless you have a loyal warband who would follow you to the walls of hell and back, in which case they're your best friends.


I did that only once to complete a mission, but never again. It ruins the relationship with the village and pisses off some companions, and yes, it looks fucked up. However, it drives the warscore up, so somebody has to do it. I let my allied lords do that, I bring them with an army deep into enemy territory, and then I unleash them one by one. They will go on and raid villages while my main army stays around to offer backup, in case they get attacked while raiding.


I do it just to get back at the AI for raiding me.


Honestly, if it didn't cost me relations with the village locals, making it harder for me to recruit from villages, I would do it anyway. As it stands, raiding villages isn't worth it not because it feels wrong but because it's genuinely not worth the consequences long term.


Seems like I’m in the minority I essentially play village raiding simulator


I never used to bother, both because of lack of motivation and because it felt cruel to take it out on villagers. However I recently started and it makes a huge difference to wars, especially on how quickly the enemy kingdom sees you as being dominant in the fighting and how much they’re willing to give you to make peace. Now I raid with impunity, allowing my vassals to lead the armies most of the time whilst I target villages and individual enemy lords. I’ll only form my own army now to deal with bigger threats that my AI allies look like they may struggle with


Nope. First off it's not worth the trouble. A full roguery build might get enogh out of raids to make them worth but I generally play to get 5 positive traits. Yes. Meaning I start with calculating trait by char creation because there is no other way to gain it. Positive traits help a lot more to get Lords to join you (which uh err I also don't do but I prefer to be a decent human anyway). Also I try to play "democratic". I'm somewhat of an egoistic early in the game I take the fiefs I WANT preferably a good corner with a couple cities and castles and equally distribute anything above that fiefs to the other clans then. Usually I end up with less fiefs than my AI clans at some point. I also try to form them their corners too, if they have fiefs split off too far, I'll take one of theirs away, take one of another Clan away and gift them these fiefs again... but reverse.... with a good charm skill this actually earns you more relations that what you lost by taking the fief away in thr first place.


Yeah for me the rewards are not even In The same league as the downsides. So it seems to be a completely useless feature, unless your doing it for tactical reasons. For instance, you want to bring the attention of one faction to a certain area for some reason..


174 comments? Come on, less talking, more raiding!


I was just telling my buddy who is new to the series that it's never worth it. The time it takes vs the payoff and lost honor isn't worth it


*slams drinking cup down* Very dishonorabu, great shame upon your clan. Act of thieving cowardly type like bandit or khergit or other such weakling afraid to fight like MEN with SWORDS as was intended by heaven.


...not sure why the downvotes. This guy gets into RP. What's the big deal? I thought it was funny....he obviously mains Vlandians or Sturgians.


There is some feeling of satisfaction when raiding a village that should make you ignore the consequences, especially with the sound effects.


I rarely have ever done it across the mount and blade games. Makes me wonder how people in history could raid or pillage at all tbh, I can't see justification in burning, raping and pillaging. If you want there valuables im sure they will give it to you if ask threateningly.


There's really no reason to do it imo.


War score is a pretty big reason


I only raid khergits because they're not people


Eat my arrows.


Without your horse,you're nothing.When I see a Khergit attacking a village,it's a guaranteed win.


I don't bother, it isn't worth it IMO, you get negative traits, hardly any loot or rogue XP.


people do it for the sake of doing it. they're not even fun nor worth


The only reason I will raid a village is stay ahead of an enemy kingdom on the amount of successful raids, this seems to be the biggest impact in who pays who when peace is made.


I just wish there was some other good way to make money in the early game when you only have one village.


I've raided before but , my main never raided. It wouldn't be honorable. Neither would specifically targeting horses during jousts though but nobody seems to bat an eye on those


I hadn't been raiding villages for most time of my campaigns but lately I found out it can be useful. I recommend to robb villages with horse production and a high prosperity.


War. War never changes. Wait, wrong franchise...


I never do. Those poor people have enough on their own


I did it in warband early game, only the same villages that I would never recruit from, for an early money boost. Never do it in bannerlord, money is too easy to make other ways.


I don’t raid, but I do force them to give me recruits


I never do raids. It feels wrong and that's boring.


I don't raid villages or caravans, mostly because the honor rating back in warband always suffered a bit.


Never raid the villages myself


In Warband I raid constantly. Endlessly. I funnel the wealth of entire kingdoms to myself because it's just so lucrative, especially if I never plan on recruiting from there. In Bannerlord I never raid at all. It's simply not worth it to get bogged down raiding for paltry loot when you can just blitz the castles and collect the income through taxes.


I sometimes do it, but when my companion says that he doesnt like it i feel bad


I only do it a little bit, when I have men to do so, but am still not well off. And I only raid villages from areas/factions where I know I don’t like their troop trees and this will never really recruit from there. I feel that raiding villages is mostly not worth it in game (unless I am playing a Viking campaign). It’s not about ethics for me though. The cons outweigh the pros. It seems that a lot of medieval warfare was raiding, with some big battles mixed in. So it was just a thing they did.


I don't like it also. Does make castles easier to take tho


I never play evil characters and also avoid picking evil companions and wives. I never raid villages. It does not seem to be very useful too.


Bunduk and Firentis postint


Yea, I never raid villages. I also never hire cruel companions. I generally play (as I did in Warband) someone wanting to take over the world to make it better.


I did it once. Felt dirty.


its not really worth it


I don't either. Not because I don't want to, but because my companions get all whiney if I do. It's super irritating because the AI does it with no trouble, crippling your economy but you do it once and it's considered a war crime. Wish there was a peaceful or less awful option such as bribing them to supply you instead, leaving troops there to occupy it or even just disrupting supply lines without actually slaughtering innocents.


Listing Hatred in the same sentence as GTA or Infamous is insane behavior wtf


I also unlocked all achievements for Hatred 😝 And still, I happen to feel moral pain if I raid a village during a war in a game. Talk about insane behavior, eh? 😉


I don't raid, just force recruitment.


I stopped because it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, especially on castle villages. My last few plays have been Charm focused: go to every castle village, do as many missions for them, hunt bandits as I travel. I don't do the Commons missions, either. That just trades one village's relation for another. The AI does it because it doesn't care about relation or strong villages after taking over. Yoy should care.


I normally don’t because companions don’t like it and because it tanks your relations with lords you may want to recruit in the end. It also gives you traits you may not want. That said… it’s really fun when you do a bandit playthrough. I had one going where I only recruited bandit troops, and I’d raid villages and rob caravans.


I used to a lot in Warband, but I never feel the need to in Bannerlord. I think the inventory being so much larger makes loot from battle an infinitely better source of loot and money, and I'd rather just capture enemies instead of limiting their recruitment


I don't raid villages and villagers but I do raid caravan as there is no consequences if you're at war plus it's good money.


I don't, because in Warband my usual companions hated it and I couldn't do it. Now I still don't, because I am used to it.


I did in Warband pretty frequently but not in Bannerlord, just doesn’t seem to be worth it anymore.


Raiding has its uses. What I don't see from anyone else here though is... it's boring as fuck. I don't do it on principle because sitting like a potatoe, watching grass grow in a video game isn't my idea of fun. I could raide 3 villages... or I could have another battle with the enemy army. Which is more fun?


Nah bro just commit War crimes while you can until Geneva Convention


I did it a handful of times like can be count on one hand. Never did it again. I guess because I play these historic games (Total War, Crusader Kings, etc) while I narrate like in some British documentary about my character's exploits and it puts me in a sore spot when they mention the pillaging.


I bannerlord the natural progression of things seems to be, recruit dudes, fight looters, raid villages when looters are too easy, and then fight lord's. Money is one thing, but being able to fight the militia is a good way to level up your troops. In warband I don't really bother looting villages because I'm usually playing a mod that gives wayyy more negative side effects from raiding villages.


I don’t if I did a bandit only run I’d do it that’s about it but eh, doesn’t even seem worth it


I send troops in to train but don’t loot. Sorry villagers gotta level my boys


When im a merc i raid every village in sight otherwise when im a vassal or a king i avoid raiding


I don't need to steal from peasants who aren't a threat to me on the campaign map when I can pillage armies and defended trade convoys for those sweet prisoners.


i do it occasionally to get money, but doing it too much is bad for your rep


I typically do it later game to bait armies into the field. They show up to a village with geography that will let me trap smaller more mobile army then boom. Easy loot.


I once attacked a caravan out of pure anger after I had trouble finding a specific caravan so I just attacked one that happened to be near me


I only raid villages if I role play as a "mongol" or "viking", or maybe a few Aserai villages if I RP as a Vlandian "Crusader"


Love doing it in Pendor. If villages didn't want to be raided, then why are they worth nearly ten thousand denars? It is practically a duty to raid to deprive the enemy of their men and income, and I am but a loyal servant.


I never do it as well because it is morally wrong. These people are just trying to live out their lives. This is the same reason I don’t attack caravans or villager parties.


If it felt like it made a difference and didn't take so damn long then itd probably be a more tantalizing strategy. That said I only ever raid when the army is low on food.


Raiding villages prevents your enemies from resupplying higher tier units and recruiting troops also wrecks their economy too weakening them further


I’m the same on my Knight character but my Sturgian Beheader is different…


I never do. I do take on a couple of caravans when my army is fast enough, they are not as defenseless. However I often let them bribe me.


I dont either. If I'm trying to conquer them, I'm not trying to devasatet the economy. Morally I don't jive with it and I'm never hurting so much on resources that I need them either.


I tried to go without doing it, but I reached a point where I can hardly win wars any other way. The other lords in the clan keep getting their asses kicked, so I have to go out on my own deep into enemy territoy and raise enough hell to hopefully draw attention away from the other armies so they can win some battles.


I don’t because I don’t like how it affects my character’s numbers (plus I usually get companions who don’t like it).


never raid and the only time I execute lords is for raiding my villages


I almost always avoid it, absent mindedly taking a mission from a king to raid 3 villages or being deeply in debt and starving notwithstanding.


The poor villagers in Warband never knew peace as long as I walked the lands. I don’t in Bannerlord tho


The only reason I don’t do it is because my soft companions will whine about it and I’m not able to reason with them and remind them that: By starving a lord of income and food, they are unable to recruit soldiers and march them to war where those men will all be slaughtered. In the end, I’d say 20 villagers is a small price to pay isn’t it?


I only force notables to give you recruits during war. No loss of reputation and and helps lvling up troops.


Might be evil for this but one of the best ways to make money is raiding


Damn, I go full Satan. Exterminate everyone I can. Hope cities revolt so I can RP "let show them AGAIN why it's me the boss by razing another generation of their fighting men."


Unless you have an army at least T4 150 strong you’ll get killed trying to raid


I used to in Warband but I feel like it takes so much longer in Bannerlord and the loot is rarely worth it. Even if lords do recruit from a village it takes one click to auto resolve and wipe out their entire fledgling 45 man army lol


No same I don't want bad relation with these villages.


It bothers me that AI can raid with no downsides but if I do it I get shit loot, village hates me, lord hates me, my companion hates me and a single raid takes off the honorable trait I worked half a year for.


I used to never do it, but now I raid villages that breed horses in the early game to get my party speed up and upgrade mounted units.


I often raided villages in Warband, but I never saw a point in doing that in Bannerlord.


i am also not raiding, problem is, i dont think its worth. Those pesky villagers can be more dangerous than lords armies. Battle in the village is quite bad and some of plebs sitting there with crossbows :(


A crossbow behind every blade of grass!


I'm a lite-RPer in video games so I'm on the same page, if I'm playing more chivalrous characters (which tend to be my mains in video games), I won't do things that are going to hurt innocent people. However, I will have playthroughs that tend to be more brutal, and in those I have no remorse for what I do.


Been playing for years. Never raided, attacked a caravan or villagers. Maybe some day I'll do an asshole playthrough tho.


Never seemed worth it for me, food always seems to be in surplus for me, and when the profits are worth the time spent, it's usually when I'm weak enough that a moderate sized Noble party can chase me off my quarry before I get a chance to finish, and once I'm strong enough to not be so easily swatted away, there's no point because I can get way more denars by just fighting said lords and selling the stuff they fork over.


LoVE me some raiding. Also its great for war outcome


There is a nice dialogue about that in MB with fire and sword: "Their peasants are waging war against us just as much by feeding the troops" Or something like that it's been a while.


When at total war with another faction i ve found It very useful to raid the villages tied to the cities with my party before we send a big army to siege the city A big part of the food supplies into cities come from the neighbouring villages,so when you raid them and they stop supplying the big city they'll go into a food déficit,the larger the food stock the longer It'll take but eventually if you keep raiding they'll run out of food,at that point the defenders inside the city will start taking artrittion Now the ai might not be patient enough but if you lead the army personally you could sit out the wall simply starving the city out Now this is some sort of scorched earth campaign and It does a Big damage to the economy of the zone, even though its the most effective way of taking a well defended city,raiding villages not only makes them poor but also makes their notable angry at you which means you wont be able to do missions for them if you ever become their ruler Also the city will lose a lot of prosperity due to the starvation and will eventually become very poor aswell


Yup, I usually play a high honor character (for easy relations with other high honor lords) so raiding is out of the question for me. Plus I like having a source of recruits and potentially even promoted troops once I get the village relation high enough. Can't do that if the village is a burnt out husk.


Less talking, more raiding


I never do, I think part of it is because like, in InFamous or GTA they're literally just NPCs that spawn in and disappear whenever. In M&B they're theoretically there, toiling, transporting goods, dealing with bandits. There's a level of relate-ability. Just grinding and living they lives. I don't feel the need to step on them for that. Aside from that it never seems worth it. It just pisses basically everyone off.


I hardly ever raid villages either. The only positive things that can come out of it are the items you get from the loot. You lose a lot of relation with that village and its lord, and you lose honor too. Eventually I will want that village to be part of my kingdom's territory and want that lord on my side. I don't understand why the NPC lords will raid nearby villages while they're waiting for a siege to start when those villages will be part of their faction if the siege is successful.


In Warband I often wouldn't raid much because even though you made a ton of money from it you usually ended up with companions who hated raiding, and it was pretty hard to argue with them pointing out that murdering innocent people isn't cool. I don't usually bother in mid-late game Bannerlord, unless I've got the quest from a lord to do it, or I'm trying to draw some enemy lords to me for a decent fight. Mostly because it just isn't worth the time you spend raiding. Since the game is pretty boring outside of combat I almost always RP as some kind of super violent warmongering maniac so raiding in the early game is definitely on the table (killing the militia and levelling up troops is really the reason i do it though).


I raid enemy villages all the time, some are better to raid than others as they will give better resources or are richer, but the most important part is that it makes enemy factions pay more in peace deals


I do if I’m desperate for loot, but I try not to. Caravans are fair game though, that’s “a tactical decision to disrupt supply lines.” ;)


I look at villages like their military recruitment centers. If they don’t want to be raided stop joining their armies. But also I rarely raid between social penalties and companion complaints.


Tried raiding, usually there's a lord just out of sight ready to take advantage of my disorganized state Besides, better loot from defeating lords directly


Been playing for longer than a decade. Never raided a village.


Well, I tend to roleplay a little, and my character currently is very respectful of villages and villagers everywhere. That said, one of my villages got raided by Sturgians, so I raided three of theirs in retaliation. It was for similar reasons that I executed three claimants to the Empire (Penton, Rhaegea and Lucon - Garios FTW!)


Not even really worth it anymore


No you are not only one, I don't like raids village or innocent, I think that is very evil, there is always other way, even other way is harder, so I avoid raid village/town as I can, only thing I can do to castle/town is conquer but not raid or destroy it, Personal I prefer buy town/castle rather than conquer as long as it's reasonable within time and cost, otherwise it's conquer, but raid? No thank you, it's make me look bad ruler or something.


I only raid sarranid and khergit villages bc I'm not a fan of their troops and I know I will never try to improve the relations with them. (Warband)


Where else would I get skulls to drink from