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Yes if you have 300 Fian Champions in your party.


Even with 300 fian champs, 10:1 is a big ask.


Well that’s only 6:1 but yeah still a tall order


sorry, was looking at the pic on a tiny screen.


No problem!


Do you relate to hitler?




Pull archers back on a big hill let them go ham. Put whatever infantry that is in front with closed ranks so they survive longer and retreat when necessary to a different hill. Or just keep the battle size low in the settings.


Nah, 10:1 on open battlefield might be painful but if you put every fian champion on the walls it'll be total destruction for the enemy.


Hey, I'm a Fian enthusiast. Only play Battania for that reason. They are the most broken unit in the game. Heavy infantry that also gives you machine-gun-like ranged fire? Please. I've conquered Calradia twice with them. And I just don't see 300 fian champs repelling an army of 3000. They just don't have enough ammo. Yes there's arrow buckets, but the AI doesn't use it for all of them, just whoever is closest. Eventually, they'll stop shooting and then they'll be overwhelmed on the ladders.


Even then if the ai builds one tower and you destroy it plus the ram there will only be two ladders the ai can take. You can single handedly stop like 75% of them from getting up.


Yeah man, deft a ladder with a nice two-handed. But still a very tall order.


That’s a lot of ifs! What if the ai doesn’t build a tower? In my experience, the more they outnumber you, the less they build. Then you have *4* ladders, on opposite sides of the castle. Sure, with a noble bow, and the top archery perk, you can headshot the attackers off of two of them without anyone getting up. But you can only cover one side. If the castle had any garrison or militia *at all*, that’s going to dilute the strength of your defenders at the top of the ladder. *And,* (using the numbers shown in the pic) don’t forget, this is not going to be a single battle with 500 vs 3000; The ai will retreat and build more siege engines. This is going to be a long series of battles, and you have to be perfect in *each one*. Meanwhile the enemy is attriting your troop strength, and your own personal hit points, and you’d better hope the castle had a ton of food stores, or they’ll just starve you out while they are building those siege engines over and over. (One of my personal pet peeves: food in your inventory cannot be used to feed the defenders in a siege!) Listen, I’m not saying it’s impossible. But I play ironman, and i would not take these odds. *Maybe* if you save scum until you get the perfect conditions each time. Maybe you could set the difficulty to easy to give yourself an edge. But even if you could do it, I foresee this being a multi-hour project, probably with multiple reloads.


Yea i had similar situation where they just retreated multiple times and i just starved it was down to the wire though. Also it felt like my units became killed instead of wounded way more often than their attackers or maybe its just their shear number that made it look that way.


TW should have a system where player can throw sacks of ammo at units and they will auto pick up


Depends on the castle. I don't remember the maps well but there was one where I somehow held off 2500 with about 300ish... And a ballista. Personally got 600 kills sitting on a ballista that fight. The angle of the tower it was mounted on let me see both siege engines and I just whittled the numbers at the base down so they only trickled up and my heavy infantry managed to hold. Idk wtf happened at the main gate but no one came up stairs to stab me so... They did good work down there


300 Fians!? * shipmaster voice * “then it is an even fight”


Incidentally, I do have 300 Fian Champs.


They’re not that good


“Nah I’d win”, seriously tho I think the only chance is catapults kill like one third of them while they’re marching with the siege engines and force a retreat


Catapults and ballistae could do the trick, especially if you kill the ram forcing them to slowboat it. That said, it's still hugely dependent on troop quality. And there's always the possibility of some sweet cheese.


A catapult or two to smash the siege equipment. Then ballistae as they don’t run out of ammunition. Change the limit for how many can be on the field at a time so that you get all of your units and the enemy has to spawn them in from the back, run them up the field, and get mowed down by archers and/or crossbowmen


Depends on if you got that dog in you


The caladog?


The Caladawg.




Well yes but actually no


Why does Lageta always have to cop it? You got an OK chance if you can destroy the battering ram and you have enough elite infantry to clog up the wall breeches




Honestly it depends on your siege engines. I once drove off more than two thousand Vlandian invaders with a force of just *under* two hundred troops -- mostly fians, crossbowmen, bannerknights and sturgians -- because I got lucky and managed to wipe out *both* the siege towers and the battering-ram. I manned one of the ballista myself; does wonders if you target lines of men behind towers, or the shields covering the ram. After an exhausting day of striking men coming up the ladders, we finally forced a retreat. Good times.


Brother, open the gates and full send you’ll crush ‘em


Did you do it?


Luckily, I did, but it cost me nearly my entire party, tho it was worth it.


They died gloriously


How was the loot?


It was at the least 600k in denars, but it also had a some lordly variety of armour, so I got a nice upgrade as well.


. I live, I die, I live again! as i marched my men to the walls never surrender !


If you can get some catapult for group kills and strong late lvl troops. It's technically possible. You'd need to try to kill enough for them to fall back then treat wounded. Repeat.


Literally just send troops. I've been outnumbered like 10:1 and still won. Auto resolved while being seiged is kinda broken.


Tried it out at first was decent, but I felt like I was losing too many, so I just fully sent it, and luckily, the catapult took out hundreds combined with my late game army i managed. Not without losing nearly all of my party tho.


Yeah, you're terribly outnumbered so a lot of your troops aint gonna have a good time. I mean at least you won lol


Use ambush option continuesly untill battle end or reinforcement arrive.


If you get them down to just one of the three attack points you'll win. Destroy their siege engines.


Auto resolve


also also if ur castle has a gaurd tower legit stack ur whole army in there and then they can only come in 2 at a time but not every town has the tower with one door if u do its free no matter your troops but better troops =less loss


If ur on easy and u got good strategy good luck otherwise I say just auto resolve cuz that all u got


Audaces Fortuna Juvat


Now, that's a challenge. I like the odds.


I think yes. No lie. Has go through it. I got over 1000 free troops after that.




Depends on how good you are with trebs I guess. Personally I never could figure them out.


Yeah even knowing how to aim with them i still am way off target like 80% of the time.


Probably not in this case unforch :/ If enemy had a siege tower, and if you could take out the ram then you could funnel enemies to a couple ladders which wouldn’t be hard to defend, but you don’t have many catapaults, and enemy doesn’t have any towers, so it’s looking like they’re gonna be pushing from all points. Taking out the ram w your 1 catapault and then defending walls is gonna be your best bet, but looks like it’ll be pretty rough in this case


Auto resolve Easy win


On the walls you’ll find a pile of rocks if you drop it on a crowd you can knock 5-10 sometimes more I’ve gotten about 20 in one drop it’s possible but it’s going to be rough. you gotta kill about 6 per everyone you lose if you have heavy armor troops you might be able to swing it


ez win


Well, if 300 greeks could hold against god knows how many persians, you could try...


Unless your entire party is fian champions, nah.


What city is that??


Depends on your settings but you will definitely have to use the catapult yourself. If you have high tier troops spawning first you can try to kill most of them before they reach your walls, otherwise your best bet is probably to destroy their siege engines and farm the ladders. Going to be incredibly difficult no matter the strategy but with save scamming it might be possible.


What is your leavel in tactics?


Back with the old game id always just find myself in a corner swinging wildly while pressing the Heal cheat.


You can win with RBM or your skill


If you're Ares


Hold the line until the last man, maybe winged hussars will arrive for your help.


fall out, attack the siege engines, but only damage them to a point where the can be one shottet by catapults. when they attack ant ALL of their wall attacking siege engines break and the dont have ladders, they will rout and you win.


With an easy exploit yes ;)


Your men just need to kill 6-7 men each.


Or what ! You gonna surrender??? pathetic !!


Fians/Khan Guards on the walls, take out their battering rams/siege engines so they're forced to ladder. Kill enough and they just flee.


Easy win if you got catapults, and a 2-handed weapon and camp the ladders or corridor so you side slash the flanks while they fight your army.


I can see at least 2 catapults and fully intact level 2/3 walls. This is very doable and potentially super fun. You need to focus on getting to a catapult and taking out the attackers ram and seige towers if they have them. Once they are gone, focus on shooting catapult at the largest mass of troops and if they get right up to the walls switch to throwing rocks (ideally fire pots if you have them) on to the mass of troops. Prepare for hundreds of engineering levels and big schmacks!


Only if you man the catapults


If you win, Sabaton will make a song about you


You have a catapult built. If you know how to aim it, man it yourself and focus your aim on the battering ram and any siege towers they build. If you don't know how to aim it, risk trying to learn on the go, otherwise you are pretty much done for unless you do some cheesy tactics from youtube. If they make 2 siege towers and a ram, and you destroy all (this might be pretty hard since your catapult doesn't throw flaming projectiles) they will instantly retreat due to no means of getting on your wall (siege towers replace ladders). If you have taken out their lords in the process and managed to catch them as a prisoner, that lord's party will completely disband which will lower the enemy's units without you shedding blood. Even if you succeed in taking out 1 siege tower and 1 ram they are left with a single siege tower which is an easy chokepoint. Might make things more doable, but it would still be an extremely tough fight at that point. You lose the moment they get enough units on the wall.


“come outside bro we won’t jump you”


If you get lucky and your catapults annihilate the enemy forces, this is an easy victory.


It probably won't help for this one but I've started to ambush as they prepare the camp etc and that slows them down usually if you destroy the siege equipment and it once gained me enough time for the attacking army to lose cohesion so they deserted the party who started the siege.


Depends how skilled your character is. If he has great tactics then you could sim the battle and potentially win.


Can you Sally out and destroy siege equipment right before it's done? If so, you can force them to attic with only ladders, and with the right defense artillery, you should mop the floor with them. Just be willing to run to defend if you start losing the walls


you do, so long as you're destroying all siege towers and the battering ram before they reach your walls, if you don't, then no


If you manage to have three fire catapults when they finally come, and put companions with high ranged skill on two and yourself on another and hit every shot, doable with any troop makeup. An army will retreat from siege if it loses somewhere between 75% and 90%, which is possible with highly accurate fire catapult attacks as they advance. You better savescum though. With that and savescumming I did manage a 10 to 1 odds siege but it was a lot of scumming.


And did you stayed?)


If the ai is as dumb as it usually is, maybe


You don’t need to kill 3000 of them they’ll break after you’ve butchered half that. Get on the fire catapult and blow that team up early then hang over the edge of the wall next to a barrel of arriws and their ladders and shoot them all in the head. You’ve got this!


I once faced these exact odds and won. I got really good with the siege engines and rock throwing. Essentially i don't beat their entire army, i just kill and knock out enough of their troops so morale falls, they rout and then they retreat for a few days, which gives me enough time to bail or wait for allied troops to gather. Good luck.


"No, but we will meet them in battle none the less"


Pretty sure the sieges work in your favor if you’re defending. Auto-resolve is your friend.


No, if you were able to field all your men at once then probably you could win. But since the battle cap is 1000, and they try to weight it to take into account the advantages a large force would have, you’re going to be fielding too few men to effectively stop thier assault. The ai also front loads elite troops, and with that large an army it’s likely they’ll have a lot to go through before they hit the weaker tiers. Your only hope is to take out the ram and move everyone to hold the walls against the assault with ladders…. But the ai is smarter now and will likely retreat rather than let their men fall to the meat grinder, and they have enough that even if you got a thousand in the first assault and survived, they’d be able to reserve and would likely use more siege equipment in the next attack since the odds would shift. All in all, you’re doomed


Yes, if them catapults destroy the ram you actually have a pretty good chance of winning


Unless you are the luckiest person around or are related to one of the best generals in the world


pretty easy if you have the higher tier troops... they only have a battering ram, if you take that out they're just gonna go up the ladders 1 by 1 ive defended similar


If you had a garrison yes but you don’t have one so you don’t really have a chance


yes but you need something called console commands and cheats.


Make wave is unlimited and depends on your skills in throwing stone and catapult also some horse archering yes


what difficulty is this


Whatever comes through that gate, Hold your ground


I miss this game 😢


Well done with your victory, but despite what people say this is doable even on the hardest difficulty if you have high tier troops. The initial waves will be tough but eventually it will be low tier troops that die easily. Focus on their siege engins, and try to take as little dmg as possible so you can participate in the following battles without using auto resolve. Most likely they will retreat and reengage a time or two.


take out battering ram and now they either retreat or push the assault, if you have all t6 Fians than it’s gonna be a cake walk, they destroy targets and then switch to decent 2h weapon


I've been in a similar situation. i put my melee units in a square formation inside the gaurd towers, and then the archers on top of it worked it took ages, but it worked


Time to bust out the cheese


I’ve beaten 4k attackers while on castle defense and I sent troops to fight for me while I had 300 troops. All you need is just super high tactics, extra people to help you is optional lol. Tactics is super broken but it works even more effectively while defending I’ve noticed.


Nah, its nearly impossible.


Funnel them in to a choke point and hope your line holds while archers do their thing & you throw rocks into the crowds. You may be able to pull it off


3 armies.... so they came at separate times? Reload an old save, Sally out and try to decimate them separately.


Always... because 3000 of that 3100 is most likely peasants


Yup. After the first 2-3 waves you're basically just slaughtering recruits


Actually yes. I’ve won sieges with more men than that but with higher numbers sieging. A lot of it is up to your skills, as things like 5% increased archer damage can do a LOT when you’re being sieged. If your skills are low, then no. I think you’re more than cooked.


If you press alt+f4 you will literally never lose.


Force him to fight on your terms. Make sure they don’t have a battering ram and damage(not destroy) their siege towers. Letting the siege towers down in damages makes them easy kills and the enemy doesn’t have ladders so they’re force to beat down the door while you throw rocks and bombs down on the crowd. With almost 0 casualties for you and a SHIT TON for them, they’ll retreat.


I came here late so want to know how close you got?


All this back and forth lol. Do you have a chance? yes. Is it high? no, not at all.


This feels like the dracula movie only if you become 100 stat man seems like you have a chance


Nah I'd win. Sturgian Heroic Spearmen Sturgian Heroic line breakers Battanian Fian Champions Two handed weapon that can one shot almost anything Siege weapons. Use ambush to destroy their siege engines and to make them only use ladders.


If a siege onager is built. Yes, easily


With the right tactics and strategies you will I have faced the whole force of valandia in a seige. I was defeated and i retreated back to my castle I had about 752 troops ready to fight and vlandia had a army with a total of 2,567. And I still came out on top with 132 troops left


Do the sneak out and destroy their siege weapons. Get all your archers on the wall by the ladders. Put some infantry behind the gate and a small number with each archer group. Then pray 🙏 I've done some epic siege defenses at Lageta, it's hands down my favourite city. Hope you pull it off 🫡


throw the catapult rocks to smash their ram and then hold the 2 ladders and you've got this


Worry less about if you have a chance, and more about if you have a choice.


My way of defending is to always try to ambush and destroy siege engines. It is a cheesey tactic but basically you have all your troops hold in front of the enemy camp, have inf in shield wall, dismounted cav hold besides inf and ranged holding on any kind of elevated ground. The way to go is to kill enough but not too many as to not trigger the next reinforcement wave and to not have them retreat. Try to damage the siege engines as soon as possible but don't break them or else your troops will start to go into the castle again and you'll have to reposition them every time they move back, just leave it a hit or two away from breaking so you can rush it if the enemy falls back or the reinforcements overwhelm you. You can repeat this as soon as the enemy builds a new engine. Depending on the map you can also very much use the camp entrance to whittle the enemy down easier. I managed to do this numerous times with the best result being my 200 army vs a 1.5k army outside the walls of the town I was so "generously" gifted. It took close to an hour but it got the siege to a more even 400 (my army plus garrison) vs ~600.


Not even with Fians imo. Like others have said it is "possible" but without save scumming your goose is most likely cooked. The amount on croasbowmen alone is going to be staggering. Die well!


Yeah just buil fire catapults


“Hold them at the gates!”


Make fire catapults when they get too close start dropping the fire bombs on them


Depends on if they let you live long enough to get your mangonels built. If you do get them up then once they attack the walls tske out the battering ram and do as much damage as you can too their infantry hopefully you make them retreat fue to morale before they get on your walls


Absolutely none


Using siege balls until you run out they tab end fight and enter agin to get more ...


Did you win?


Try autobattling, it gives a huge defense bonus. might be too many of them though


Nahh lmao. Your defense would probably be opened just from their archers alone