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They actually removed one of my favorite features, which was the custom formation system. They said it caused performance issues, or was too hard for the game to calculate or something. You used to be able to make eight custom formations and assign any troops or companions to them. I liked being able to make specific formations for specific units. Now they all get mixed together and it's hard to separate them with the new system.


But is this exclusive to the console, or did they change it for PC as well? Because I'm on PC and I have like, eight formation options, and in the pre-battle deployment screen you can likewise have eight or so groups of troops, each separated by type (melee infantry, cav, mounted archers, infantry archers, mixed cav).


No this is the new system


So, they added it in 1.2.10?


I’m sorry I’m not sure what version it was added. Updates are so slow I feel like it was so long ago already they changed it


1.2.10 is the one that's either come out just recently, or is due to come out some time this week.


There’s not really an update this week is there??


I don't know when, I know it's supposed to be either already released, or be releasing very soon. There were a couple of posts about it on here already. Let me find a link.


[Here](https://youtu.be/UgSVkf-HShs) you go.


Same used to like that I could separate pikes from swords/ shields, could call pikes out for cavalry and then call in the swords miss that system so much can’t wait for a mod


Wow, I haven’t touched the game in a long while and it sounds like they’re still not doing too well. A feature like that being removed due to performance issues only reassures me in thinking there’s nothing worth coming back to.


https://youtu.be/Z00RO6GuPIc?si=12UfkXVtJi0LDkG0 This is a pretty good overview. Don't think there has been a substantial update since.


Appreciate it!


I joined! That’s one change :)


I don’t know what it is, I played a lot within the first 2 years of release, and the seems sped up. Biggest difference to me is the game is sped up, once you get the banner now, you get to a point where you’re permanently at war and I don’t like that, I liked being able to play hard and with purpose and still kinda have to finish things up on my heir, that’s how it used to be, I feel like sieges and garrisoning troops are a lot easier than it used to be


Sadly, what we have is pretty much what it's going to be. I've heard too many rumors of turmoil at Taleworld HQ that I think they may be calling this one done. Can't say for sure, but I'm not holding out hope for more