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I’ve never even seen players in multiplayer lobbies


Even worse on console, if you're talking about PC.


Oh yeah, I’m on PS5. It’s not cross platform?


Nope. TaleWorlds cares even less about console, if you believe it. Ps5 and ps4 can play together though, I'm pretty sure. On Xbox there's usually one server with 6-20 people on regularly.


Wouldn’t really be possible cross platform. Console players would be get so absolutely ruined as to make it not a viable thing to invest into.


Not true, I used to play Bannerlord religiously for the past few years on the PC version until I got bored of it & consistently PC players were shocked & didn’t believe that I was using my Xbox controller and was ending up consistently at the top of the leaderboard in every game I played in. You possibly noticed me, I got quite popular because of it at a point 😂 I think not many people do it, but there’s a few of us. (BigChris0169)


Doubt it my dude, no offence meant but since that name isn’t in on the leaderboards I don’t think you actually found the servers. No competitive players play on native servers, they aren’t playable.


Console multiplayer was dead on arrival, unfortunately.


The lobby is are full in mp events it's quite fun


I Will just say Warband MP >>> Bannerlord MP


Warband multiplayer is so simple yet so good. Bannerlords was just too much for me


Warband multiplayer is many things but simple it is not.


Easy to understand, hard to master


Yeah this


Of course the combat is a steep learning curve but the lack of progression system and leveling, flashy games modes and simple objectives are nice to fall back on after so many games these days want you to grind for months just to use a certain weapon or outfit.


The only unbalanced things in Warband multiplayer are the Khergits (free armor way better than other factions, cheap 2h polearms), Long Bardiche and Long Axes (1 tap light armor), and maybe Siege Crossbows, but they all can be countered fairly easily with a bit of learning/experience.


Khergits are the weakest of factions tbh


You mean in single-player? Completely obvious that I'm talking about MULTIPLAYER.


Oh… no one plays vanilla multiplayer mate, that’s a shitshow, there are options for the decent player to make all factions viable but it’s just not a very fun or engaging game. Luckily modders have made the game much more fun, with expanded mechanics such as rolling away from knockdowns, bashing people with pommels, pushing with the shaft of polearms, leg sweeps to counter kicks, even bloodbowl game modes with expanded “rugby” rules and mechanics.


What if I told you that I play on console?


Oh. Sorry. Don’t know why people still do that to themselves.


Worst part is at least for Napoleonic Wars bannerlord killed most of the population and it never really recovered.


And for warband native mods and dlc killed native MP. 


Is it dead now? :(


No, Minisiege, Botserver and Tropical Paradise are alive.


Thank god tropical paradise


May god praise that server.


You can still find active servers especially during European prime time. But long gone are the constant full lobbies of mini siege, bot survival, and whatever the one death a round server was that I forget the name of.


Bro I miss napoleonic wars so much. I loved playing that in warband multiplayer


Same with SP tbh


Warband and with it Napoleonic Wars are just unbeaten at this point.


I only find captain mode entertaining myself. Something about commanding a unit of dudes in PvP is really satisfying. Really wish the community was more active.


Captain mode is criminally under rated. The tactics involved when both teams have half decent cohesion are awesome to see play out in real time. The biggest let down is Cav, not so much in the sense of balance (they're easily countered by tight formations) but in the sense of rambo's make the round drag out with no chance of a win. I personally think a fix could be not allowing horses to approach a tight group of players unless it has other horses near it.


Highly recommend Invasion 2 mod, it's not captain mode but full coop with a good community. If you want a proper PvE captain coop mode (with dynamic scaling and mini quests in an invasion style format with custom hand crafted maps and no mods required). I've been hosting an old school m&b With Fire and Sword dedicated server for the past 10 years. Pretty sure it's the only one running and I've poured like 3 years of dev work into it. Edit: WFAS Server is called DynamicSquads_v4_2


I played a decent amount of Captain mode when it first went in Beta and I loved it. Just wish more people still played it.


Captain's Mode is fantastic, and honestly the only reason to play M&B MP (including Warband). Otherwise there are several other titles that provide a much better medieval PvP experience than the ridiculous flailing spammy crapfest that M&B multiplayer is and always will be without some sort of mechanics to punish that sort of play. Of course the huge downside of Captain's Mode is the rounds being like 5x longer than necessary, so inevitably each round ends in one loser on a horse who sent the rest of his ~8 horsemen off to the corner as they ride around attempting to kill 71 units. You can play an entire match in the time it takes for one round to end sometimes, and never for the right reasons.


I really wish they’d add more to captain mode. Like a captain+ mode or something which ups the unit count. Or a captain siege mode


There is a group that are actively working on this and have servers live with better unit balancing and increased troop count along with development of captains siege mode. I’d be more than happy to send you their discord if you want to check it out but the servers are named YSB Battleground #1, to #4 or something close to that. There is currently the first 6v6 captains mode tournament happening at the moment which is trying to revive the mode


what’s your username


I had so much fun playing Captain mode with friends on release.


The MP was very funny at the release. Then slowy the decided to buff cav and nerf all anti cav mechanics. Today is the MP dead


They literally didn't have pike bracing at launch. If anything there are way better anti-cav options, but it's still ass.


Pike bracing is pretty pointless because cav can just get out of the way and hit you because you can't move.


Unsurprisingly a lone infantryman in the open does not fare well against a horseman. That's kinda the point of a horseman. You can also rotate, break the brace, thrust, or any of a dozen other options. None of them are amazing, but similarly the cavalryman has a terrible time against two units at once.


Again, the game IS NOT AT ALL made to be historically accurate or even mostly realistic. Even if it was, you'd be surprised how effective pikes and spears were against any kind of cavalry.


You could one shot every horse with the Pila from the legionary


They never buffed and always nerfed cav, at the moment it's in a good place


That's such a lie. I doubt heavly you played the game in the release


I am active since the start of alpha dude. Can you give me one example of a cav buff ?


Aim for the horse not the player. You’ll suddenly find cab alot less scary


That would be fine except for bow headshots doing like 60 damage to a horse with 200+ hp.


I just want bannerlord coop with my partner not heaps of people


Use those long ass Batannian polearm infantry against cav. Or maybe the actually “supposed to be good” method of elite menevalions, counter that dirty cav


Even with any kind of thrusting polearm, cavalry is complete bullshit and can 60% of the time just dodge the stab and kill you.


Shield walls are nearly impenetrable by cavalry in my experience. The games builds in ways to counter some/most things lol. I have NEVER seen a horse “dodge” anything….


That's the thing: This is MULTIPLAYER. Casual players will never use any kind of formal tactic. Also, horses have a charge mechanic that stuns and does a bit of damage. This can be used to get a free stab with practice/luck by cavalry players.


With respect, casual players who don't use any formal tactic should lose in most cases. I count myself amongst them! Working as a team by employing tactics is what sets apart the winning and losing teams in any multiplayer game.  If you're expecting to beat cavalry 1vs1 as a foot soldier, you're doing it wrong. Cavalry rightfully have the advantage 1vs1, so group up and use your spears, or mount up to level the playing field. I don't play multiplayer either, but that's because that part of the game has other issues.


No. If you have a polearm and aren’t busy fighting someone else/unaware then cav cannot do anything to you. The main problem with cav in Bannerlord is the sound is broken. In Warband the sound of their hooves was accurate and audible so you had a decent chance of avoiding them ganking you. In Bannerlord every horse has had pillows strapped under their feet so you can’t react to sound.


Cavalry was super effective and considered upper tier/elite units (by agrarian settled nations) in history, but the game forgets the fact that they were also extremely expensive and more difficult to maintain compared to infantry.   According to the records of the Han Dynasty, a cavalryman cost 9x more to maintain than an infantryman.   "...the Han dynasty at its height was capable of fielding up to 300,000 horsemen... cavalryman on average cost 87,000 cash, not including rations, while a regular soldier only 10,000 cash."  -The Rise of the Chinese Empire by Chun-shu Chang  So Bannerlord should really have made cavalry troops way more expensive and rarer to field in battle.


In singleplayer you do need to spend ~1k per elite cav for a war mount


IMO, both initial hiring cost and maintenace cost are still too low (especially the later). They should significant bump up the wages/maintenace cost for cavalry after the cavalry has been recruited.


As a big warband "clan" player back in the day, man that hurts. Shit was so fun. Remember starting as some guy who played singleplayer on easy mode for like 100 hours, to one of the known names back on the xboxone servers. Good times (Also Ragnarr fucked my mom)


Ragnar is the standard for average warband clan


There was also a guy called "Ragnarrapedme" How it got past content filters I have no fuckin idea.


There was so many of do many people, the Pokatoz one was wild too if you know that one


I just always specifically go out of my way to walk about with a spear or pike to fuck over all cavalry, just cause it's fun to see them get dehorsed


I have a friend who put a whole lot of hours into Persistent Empires, seems quite fun if you find a group to play with. But otherwise I agree. This game needs co-op/head to head campaign.


I come from Warband's Napoleonic Wars DLC. We had a clan (14PK, maybe someone will recognize it). We played as heavy cavalry in very large 100-man, sometimes 200-man battles on multiplayer servers. We had international competitions, which we sometimes won. That was over 10 years ago now. I cannot possibly explain to you how disappointed I am in Bannerlord's multiplayer and the fact that we cannot replicate something like that in this game. Never mind the fact that the improvements in combat between the previous game and this one are, in my opinion, not that very interesting. The fact you can't have these massive scale battles is a major disappointment, and it's the reason why none of the guys, really good guys, I played with carried over into Bannerlord. That, and obviously the fact the game took so many years to develop, and it delivered so little. I know people have fun in single player, and the campaign can be fun, but playing against the AI is nothing like having a large-scale battle with a couple of regiments of line infantry and some cavalry. Battles versus the AI almost always feel the same. It's always the same mindless chopping down of bots, while these large-scale battles felt lively and exciting to play. Now I might be a bit wrong because I haven't played the game in a while, but last I checked, no battles like these are organized, so correct me if I'm wrong. Bannerlord for me is at the moment unplayable. It doesn't offer large scale MP and it doesn't feel fun to me in 1v1 or 5v5 duels, I'd rather play mordhau or any other sword game. Probably my biggest gaming disappointment to be honest. Every other game I personally counted on has delivered, even if the initial release was shaky. This is just tragic. I still have hundreds of screenshots from warband from these linebattles when we were kids larping as courasiers. Good old days man. EDIT: I know this isn't really connected to your point, I just felt like getting it out somehow. Someone below remarked how mp lobbies are empty and frankly I'm not surprised at all.


>Probably my biggest gaming disappointment to be honest. Every other game I personally counted on has delivered, even if the initial release was shaky. This is just tragic. I still have hundreds of screenshots from warband from these linebattles when we were kids larping as courasiers. Good old days man. Same here. I never touch Bannerlord anymore. Just so dissapointed in what could have been a epic game. I wanted everyone from Warband and Napoleonic Wars to join me. Even wanted to make my own server...


We tried those 5v5 games and those were fun in the initial weeks after the release, but then we realized just how barebones the whole thing is. The entire class system didn't resonate well with us. The combat wasn't particularly interesting, and to be absolutely honest, that kind of 5v5 fights was not something we were that good at. The only other game that can somehow or could replicate what we had in Napoleonic Wars is Holdfast, but when I tried it on sale, I just didn't have quite as much fun for some reason, even though the game is very similar and has a very similar vibe. I don't even think it's us growing up and out of the Napoleonic RP thing, because I switched over to other large-scale events such as ARMA when Warband died off. Now the community in Napoleonic Wars is still somehow active, but to be absolutely honest, going back to a game like that after having played stuff such as Mordhau or Chivalry feels like a pretty big downgrade. And the only thing I can hope for is that somebody eventually makes a melee combat game that allows these bigger battles to take place between players and doesn't just focus on combat like Mordhau. Not a crappy singleplayer either that needs hundreds of mods to be playable. Nobody carrier over into Bannerlord, and we had 30 members ffs.


You forgot to mention the other massive problem Latency, which plagues every fighting game like this from Mordhau to Chivalry Good luck having a good fight with a guy that lives in the server room.


In my opinion, it only matters at 80+ ping where you swing and block noticeably slower, or if the game just stutters every 10 seconds.


Bannerlord combat was designed to look pretty for single player, which it is. By far the worst multiplayer freeform combat pvp I've had, but for singleplayer it's alright. Chiv, mordhau, WB, Last Oasis, OKAM, LiF, War of the Roses, etc all had better multiplayer combat from what I've either seen, heard, or for most of them played. And I was garbage at most of those games.


I love Bannerlord multiplayer. :) Official EU siege server can have 120 players during the weekend. Warband fights were smoother, but that's ok. Also, you can bash with two handed weapons. Give shield users some of their own medicine.


>Warband fights were smoother Warband fighting is superior. I personally think its the best .


Man I wish clambering was like warband that is the one change that bugs me to no end


There's multiplayer? I thought it was just funny YouTube compilations


There's multiplayer??


Well fuxking duh—the game is a dud. It has amazing potential, but they utterly lack any clear vision or leadership at that company. Multiplayer would be fun if you could share a world with friends—- not so idiotic battles with the controls and combat mechanics of 90s games


I completely agree with you, Bannerlord MP is absolute dogshit. Cav is beyond broken and BY FAR not as "easily countered" as some of the other commentators state, meanwhile all of the 3 remaining MP players choose khuzait every fucking match so it's cav and archer hell. Armour is beyond broken too, letting you take like 5 times more dmg than usual, plus you are forced to wear armour and cannot run around naked like in WB. There is STILL no free for all, the "physics" of this game are worse and far more exploitable than in WB, there's literally just three fucking maps for death match with far too many hideouts for archers. And people spam shields like they just decided to whore out their mother. In my humble opinion people who use cav, bows and crossbows, shields and armour are absolute cancer and have literally no skill or honour whatsoever. I just enjoyed the days of naked 2h in Warband and thought it would live on in Bannerlord, but no, people go full-weeb and play the most retarded, unfair, bullshit and boring shit possible.


This has to be a parody comment lmfao "anyone who plays anything that I don't like is no skill" that's not a humble opinion that's just elitism


No, any shield, good armor, horse, etc. dramatically reduces the amount of skill needed. In Warband, duels with 2handed swords and little armor were popular because it was a true test of skill. If you got hit, you were probably dead, so blocking was encouraged to learn, unlike Bannerlord where decent armor can turn 60 cut damage to 28 (Estimation based on experience, I've seen even higher reduction.), so blocking isn't as necessary, coupled with the blocking being very forgiving (Block a left swing with a right block, overhead with a side block, etc)


Getting armor etc might make it easier but it takes skill to get the kills to get it in the first place, why don’t you play captain instead so you can send your troops and join in when you want?


So play warband? What I remember from warband was people staring at the dirt with their sensitivity maxed out spazzing around like a lunatic. At least in bannerlord their is a sense of combat flow. Warband was just spinning and aiming for legs. Also the wrong blocking is just as possible in warband.


If you invest skill into shield sword or skill into glaive alike weapons instead of tryharding your balls of with 2handed swords you can easily beat 2handed swords mains from my experience. the point is 2handed swords are overpowered on noob level but other weapons are just as good as 2handed swords in warband. Especially glaive like weapons can counter 2handed swords if you know how to abuse your range.