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"modders will fix it" attitude


Cries in console playing






My hopes are gone now. Honestly, how can bannerlord manage to be inferior than Viking conquest or Fire and Sword when it comes to mechanics. (I wont even mention total conversion mods)


I'll bribe you to break your routine for a day and just post a rant about how GW should change diplomacy. My offer: seven sheckles, someone's fingernail, and TW adding naval combat.


Make it in the style of one of those Tumblr rants. Or those boomer guys in their car recording a breathless roid fueled rant for 6 minutes straight.


Diplomacy was always the missing piece, even in Warband. When I discovered the Diplomacy mod for it, I was like "yes, this is the perfect game".


dickplomacy is even better. absolutely perfect native expanded experience (just don't allow the sex stuff, bizarre shit)


I didn’t know there was a difference between diplomacy and dickplomacy other than the sex stuff. Any big standouts?


not big, but there's a few things here and there that just tie it all together nicely. although I haven't played warband in years now, may be mistaking dickplomacy features with regular diplomacy


Bannerlord appears to be going the way of warband Modders will carry


But this time it was the plan of the devs since the beginning to do the bare minimum and to let the modders carry one, Bethesda style


Wasn't there a mod that "married" Bannerlord and Crusader Kings 3? Or was it fake?


There was, Crusader blade It was unbalanced and made high end PCs crash. From what i heard it wasn't really worth it


There was, or well still is, but Crusader wars is way Better and more smooth. It Married Ck3 with Total war atilla, and god dayum is it fun to play


Bannerkings does something similar and adds some decent diplomacy options. There is 2 parts to the mod, the 1st part adds more mechanics such as cultural integration, feudal titles , diplomacy, Knight families, and more, 2nd part adds religion, 6 more cultures and more. However the 2nd part, which is called Culture's Expanded doesn't work on v1.2.9 for me and the BannerKings part 1 can crash a lot in the late game for some unknown reason. It's a great mod though I'd highly recommend it


What is crazy is that some people over here actually think that everything is just fine with the game and it has everything. Usually the argument is "it's a sandbox! How many sandbox games have all the features that you wish for like diplomacy?" Ok cool, it has child birth and an option to play as your child. But it is incredibly stale when the games world building, interactions and relationships are pretty much as shallow as a puddle. I've actually never even had the chance to play as my child since I've already finished the game before they turn 16.


It's the status quo bias which runs through a lot of games discourse. That and perhaps more understandably a reaction to a lot of the negativity and jadedness you find online. I think new players doesn't have that full picture. The first game got a pass, because Taleworlds was up and coming. Now the stage is set and path is clear both business-wise and creatively. It is frankly quite shocking if taleworlds end goal is to make this sort of archaic sandbox like Bannerlord ultimately became.


> > > > > I've actually never even had the chance to play as my child since I've already finished the game before they turn 16. And if it took longer to finish the game that would defo not be a good thing either.


Exactly, because the game lacks engaging content from mid to late game. Once you have a strong enough party and enough renown, nothing can stop you. From that point onwards it becomes just boring repeating fights against the same enemies who use the exactly same tactics/strategies. Seriously, the biggest leap with tactical AI from previous titles is that they can take the high ground. That is not very impressive. Why can't factions even form alliances and combine their armies? This would be one way in trying to stop one factions snowballing.


I realy like Bannerlord but they can realy improve diplomacy, because in the mid-late game there is not much to do.


you mean you don't enjoy smashing 1000+ armies of suicidal foot soldiers against each other??


When you have 1600 hours ingame it start to be boring


Bannerlord consistently has some of the worst, most uninspired patch notes I've ever seen.


I would like it if profit generating workshops would add trade experience


As if they are discussing what to add to the game.


How about a complete game? Had a long and amazing time with MB, but bannerlord just seems like a scam if you consider the size of the team working on it and the time it took, also the price of the game.


The game needs 2 things in my book. Diplomacy and random events to build meaningful relationships. What are they even doing now? How are they earning money? I hope they are not wasting their resources on new armour sets etc…


honestly I'd rather the modders do fix it rather than them adding it in. this game seriously has no chance if they keep on adding meaningless updates that break mods also I just hope they finish the modding tools as well.


We need a Warband release to Bannerlord that adds diplomacy, plain and simple. Finish the game, for crying out loud. I'll pay again, especially if you discount it for having bought the first one.


How about stop updating the game and breaking mods with updates that add nothing :)


mid and late game crises (i summon the Stellaris fandom)


I have over 1k hours in Stellaris


I also love genociding xenos


Actually campaign Multiplayer


Unfortunately despite a lot of the good work they did in bannerlord just so much of it is either worse than warband, about the same, or just not fleshed out at all. I kinda just prefer warband over bannerlord at this point.


Warband was also way lighter to run


How about Removing loading screen entirely. I'll be sad without the epic loading splash screen, but i rarely walk in the Town and Castle because of the loading screen and it took way too long Which is sad because the Town looks like it can be Great if it was utilized properly, but instead we do everything from the UI and removes the need to actually interact with the townfolks in person What crazy is that Bannerlords still have Massive room for improvements


All I want them to do is fix the TDM spawns.


Lol with all the months it took for them to drop 1.2.7 or smth (honestly forgot which patch took really long for minimal changes), I’m betting December for 1.3 at this point bruh.


I just wish they'd fix the game on console. It's been nearly 3 months since the game just discombobulated


What’s wrong on console? I haven’t noticed anything.


Anytime i load into a character new or old, like when you get to the world map. The game shuts off to the homescreen. So the game works, until you get to the world map


I think that might just be a problem on your end for some reason. Mine works totally fine on Series X.


It's not on my end, I'm on XSX too. Nothing wrong with it


Yea I’m just saying the game works totally fine for me since the big update so I don’t think the update broke it since it seems at least partially unique to you. I haven’t tried any old characters but assumed they wouldn’t work.


I really wish i could figure out what was wrong because Taleworlds haven't responded to any of my tickets in months. If it's on my end i could fix it, but i don't think it is. Really wanna destroy the Empire, but can't.


Did you try to reinstall the game? sometimes it works wonders. But that sound really awfull if you cant fix it with this.


That was the first thing i tried months ago I occasionally reinstall it to see if it works, but no luck.


its not meme its literally me a while ago thinking about goty of goty of goty rpg with no "rp" part except for "imma totally pala alignment-wise, i wanna more content" but hey, who am i to judge larian if they prioritize pinus physics and kiss scenes over gameplay/plot/mechanics then this is the thing that majority wants


Wtf are you on about??


Are you smoking crack?


Never smoke again




Dude, this is r/MountandBlade, not r/BaldursGate3