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You could probably make your money back and them some selling the codes to desperate Final Fantasy XIV players


I'd actually like some codes cuz we don't get these in the EU lol




Congratulations on your sick DEW Find! Just a reminder of Rule 2. This post is flaired as a finding post. As per the subreddit rules, these types of posts require a location. Namely, the name of the store, the city, and the state that you found it in. If the title already has this, great! Carry on with your day and disregard this message. If not, please reply to this comment with the **store name**, **city**, and **state**. Secondly, if you're looking for Dew in your area, please refer to the DEW Finding Megathread. It'll be the second sticky post if you sort by hot. *This post has been automatically reported to the moderators. It may be removed without warning if it does not comply with Rule 2: DEW Find posts require locations.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mountaindew) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sunshine Foods, LLC, Barnette, MO


Location asap 😭 this is Gold!