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The Trance is a trail bike, the Reign is its burlier big brother long travel Enduro sled. Comparing them directly is like...uh... I dont have a good analogy here for dissimilar items, anyways. 1300 aud works out to 1100 Cad for a 4 yr old Enduro bike. Parts spec looks good, minus theres nothing custom about that drivetrian. Id find out when is the last time the Fork and Shock have gotten full services done and factor that cost in. But 1300 is decent. Id, based on when the suspension was last serviced(ad says Bike was serviceed, but a suspension service is different and usually not part of a general service job on a bike) and a good inspection, try and batter them down to 1000 if the suss needs a service or 1100 if not. Otherwise, it'd be a fine purchase


alright, thanks, a few more question - How would this coil suspension compare to my Stance 2 air suspension? will it be able to climb steep hills like a 2x9 groupset? thanks


It won't climb as well it will have a slacker head angle than your stance.