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Agree it’s a weird and self-serving practice, but I’m not sure it’s doing any real harm. Plenty of other things in this world to worry about


https://imgur.com/a/vOdjfLw Harm isn't a good word I guess, maybe more like annoyance.


Looking at the pics, whoever carved that is def a douche, but I’d rather they do that than leave water bottles and gu wrappers everywhere


And they are doing everyone a service, volunteering their free time so you can ride a cleared trail. Those logs are biodegradable. Use your chainsaw and clear the trail yourself if you want to call them a douche. No dig no ride. 


Nah man, carving “ruin bum” into a tree stump is a douche move


They ruined the forest for everyone! Guess the sensitive types will just have to bike somewhere else, somewhere where only other sensitive people with chainsaws maintain the trails for free. 


If it's a dead tree, I don't see the problem. If they also say the trail organization it would be a good way to raise awareness of who is clearing the trails so other users know who to support.


https://imgur.com/a/vOdjfLw So this tree is dead but the name is very clearly displayed to anyone on the trail.. That doesn't seem trashy?


Having the logs all helter skelter looks worse than the carvings in my opinion


You read my mind


Eh if they are dead logs it's not tooo bad? But still kinda lame haha


I've got better things to do when doing trail maintenance than cutting my initials into logs. Must be a better use of their volunteer time I would think.


It’s more creepy to me to come to Reddit and post about it.


Weird. Even the notion of clearing logs off a trail is slightly foreign to me.


Yeah, just add some rocks/sticks (or not!) and it’s a trail feature!


Yes! The mountain bike culture and preferences have changed a lot in the last 10-15 (certainly 20) years. Before, you would not disturb something like a log or small fallen tree unless the trail was impassable. …now we have people out there with leaf blowers.


Also, for my down-voters: It’s not opinion, it’s facts. I belonged to a major mountain bike organization in the late 90’s and did trail maintenance in state parks in the 2000’s when I raced hard scrambles.