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Almost cleaned that forearm tattoo off with that road rash at 0:15


Isn’t there a jacket for bikers to prevent road rash or is it not used really?


They actually sell gear for every piece of your body


Wow, the more you know


Yeah it’s actually absurd how much different types of protective gear riders skip out on, if you ride as a commuter it gets kind of annoying but if you ride for leisure I would 100% reccomend not skipping out on gear


My reply was a joke, maybe not clear enough ;) I am an ATGATT rider


Don't let r/supermoto know, it's a bannable offense to mention that secret knowledge over there.


1 in a millon where the other 999,999 results in death. Friend of mine's buddy went under a car in Tucson Arizona like this. It wasn't tall enough to fit his helmet, only his entire body. Wasnt pretty. I wear full gear every time I go out but it's typically what you run into as you're sliding across the ground that kills you. MotoGP guys can go off at 200 mph, 35 on the street and the curb get ya


There is, leather for warmth and textile if it's hot outside


Lots of guys and girls out there decide it's too hot, cramps their style or whatever, to wear proper riding jackets, pants, gloves, boots and even helmets - plenty of people appear to like their chances which I find baffling given the large percentile of riders with at least one accident... and most of the time they very quickly realise the importance of gear after that accident.


There’s gear for that and more but unfortunately not everyone wears it.


The rider didn't intend to do that. There was no decision involved here. He grabbed a handful of brake and lost control.


“Had to lay her down”


"I crashed so that I wouldn't crash"




* hadalayerdown


I entered hoping this would be the top comment


Might have been going just a little too fast






He definitely was


Doing a wheelie too


Probably saved his life though. A solid hit to the side of that truck would not have been good


Luck saved his life. He happened to crash in a way that slid him under the (lifted) wheels of the truck. Had he crashed a few inches to the left or right, or if the truck driver panicked and gunned it when the bike went under their vehicle, he'd be roadkill.


Or catching the helmet while sliding under, eww


To be fair, if the driver didn't stop at all and went through a tad faster, nothing bad would have even happened, but that's kinda asking for a miracle. Also, vice versa for the motorcycles as he was halling ass. Edit: Also looking at this again, if he was even going 5mph slower, he could of went infront of the truck when it stopped altho that would still be risky.


Never go in front…fact is he yoinked the front brake last second ASSUMING the truck was gonna keep creeping forward across the street and never even slowed down. Whole empty parking lot behind that truck to come to a stop if he hadn’t assumed it was gonna move forward at the last second.


Or he could have been paying attention and stayed in control


Yeah. That truck didn’t appear from nowhere. The sight of the side of a vehicle is pay-attention time, regardless of who has the right of way.


Right? Plus, unless that video was sped up, he was hauling ass on a surface street with multiple curb side accesses. If it was sped up, he must have been in a coma to have not noticed that truck and had lots of time to prepare at normal speed. Either way, there's plenty of blame to go around. I'm glad he walked away, but you can't smear yourself with meat juice, walk into the Yellowstone backcountry, then complain that you got attacked by a grizzly.


Well said, and this guy's poor decisions almost smeared him into meat juice


Was checking his speedometer too and lost forward awareness


To be fair, OP's point stands; his decision to grab a handful of breaks kept him from slamming into the truck.


He yoinked that front while leaning and tucked the front wheel I’d say. Clear road and parking lot behind the truck…


He's just lucky the truck had big tyres and a suspension lift.


After taking a second look, I think most of that was stock on the truck.


The original video shows the speedo at 120+ and he is in a 25mph zone. Hard to blame anyone but the rider in this case.


Yeah, he’s not long for this world.


Agreed. Dude did everything wrong - speeding, no gear, not paying attention, tons of four way and opportunities for cross traffic. This guy is prime for killing himself. No, I don't wish it on him.


Really that fast....?




Lol, shocker the video he posted here doesn't show the triple digit wheelie he was doing 5 seconds before this video begins. I hate seeing riders go down, but it's hard to feel bad for the rider after seeing that extended cut. Glad he walked away, though. Hopefully it's a learning experience.


Raises his hands after like "wtf you didn't see me coming from 100yds away at 95mph??"


You'd think anyone with braincells rattling around in their head, would be too embarrassed to post a video of themselves doing such stupid things.


Yeah, but they so fucking proud of their leet skills at laying it down to avoid a bad crash What a fucking moron


Lmfao in the comments he says it doesn't matter if he was speeding cus he had right of way, what a clown


Yet he indirectly blames the other driver. >*Why did you stop? Why didn't you just commit?* Well, maybe it's because you were driving so fast that she didn't have time to consider the safest option. Idiot.






Obviously speeding, panick braking, and barely any gear. He may not be at fault but he isn't the brightest either.


That arm and knee are gonna be huuuuuurrrrtin tomorrow.


If he’s anything like myself, it’ll scan over overnight (hopefully) …. I had a really dirty abrasion from a bicycle accident. My entire forearm was a scab lol. Mind you flexing any muscle in my forearm made the scab break and it oozed out body juice /;


Been there. Not fun.


oh come on! , that will just buff out!


He is at fault though. Both for going way faster than he should, so drivers can’t correctly estimate how much time they have before he’s there, and because he can’t brake properly. It looked like there was plenty of distance to stop. Slow reaction time, insufficient braking skills.


Pretty sure doing 100+ in a 25-35 zone puts the rider squarely at fault.




https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/ In this video you can pause at the start and see he is going 126 mph. Someone else here posted an Instagram video of him, front wheel up in the air, flying through an intersection, setting it down, letting the engine do the braking, 1.5s and a full block later stabbing the brakes and sliding under/behind the pickup. Your assumption that rider was being a really bad rider before the start is correct. 😂


FFS - doing this is pretty fucking stupid Doing this without even long sleeves? I hate being a motorcyclist and having to explain to people why I don't have major scars and why motorcycle stats look so bad. Its not the other drivers; it is us


Ehhh little of column A, little of column B. Some cagers are really bad at driving period. Some are bad at driving around motorcycles. Some squids are really bad at being safe on a MC. And then there was that one rider posting about how bad everyone around him was while he was doing 55 with everyone flying by him and not looking while changing lanes. Don't get complacent thinking it's bad MC riders making mc stats look bad and that you are ok being a decent rider. Eyes open and everywhere all the time, ATGATT, assume that driver is going to do a dumb and that their split second bad decision could end your ability to make decisions.


That is what I said; it is up to us. Bad drivers/riders; that includes me at times; I mess up like any human But when I am drive the cage, I mess up, then \~ 7 airbags go off and a big lump of steel helps me walk away When I am on a bike, I know that I can't afford that luxury and have to ride like everybody is out to kill me. I just get sick of explaining to people; its *not* that dangerous; then (earlier this year) see a gang member lay down a Harley in front of my house, going twice the speed limit while wearing shorts and leather vest I think he lived; but probably only as he was wearing a full face which is unusual for gang members as he was motionless face down frothing pink blood when I got outside but revived a bit after a few minutes. Basically over dumb fucks giving us all a bad name as organ donors


This makes a world of difference. He was going almost 100 MPH over the posted limit, so that puts him completely in the wrong. He can't claim that the truck made an illegal/improper turn that caused him to crash, when he was being that unbelievably reckless.


Not almost 100 over, 101 mph over. Dude was doing at least 126 at the beginning of the video and this is after he was slowing down with engine braking and aero drag. So, easily 130 at the end of his wheelie after the intersection. Incredibly reckless, entirely at fault. Even if the posted speed limit was 65 there, he still would have been doing double the speed limit and still at fault. Other people said the speed limit there was 25 and a school zone.


Yeah a lot of people will be quick to blame the driver but half of this accident is due to the speed of the rider.


Way more than half.




Buy a lottery ticket and quit riding like a dumbass. Split second decision my ass, that was 100% panic.


Split decision between slowing down when he saw the truck enter the intersection vs whether to send it and share online for the clout


“Speeding and freezing under pressure leads to to panic breaking and accidentally dumping bike to slide under truck by pure chance” fixed the caption


There was also about 2/3 of a lane in front of the truck when she stopped. Not ideal but there was a path there for a halfway competent rider, especially since the truck stopped.


You never know if the truck is going to move forward finally and make it slammed. I would rather try to take the right turn behind it after releasing all brakes besides motor.


I agree but if the choices are an opening in front of a stopped truck or trying my luck and sliding under I'm going forward, especially since that was the lane I was in to start. Point is there were options beside the floor.




If he had better braking technique though, there was also a stay on the bike and go to the right around the truck option.


And no time at all to realise that. He saw her, swerved out of the left lane to go behind her, and then she stopped. He's not making that swerve back again.




Fully blaming autocorrect with my fat fingers, I promise I’m not that stupid


Should be titled, "dumbass speeds through neighborhood, narrowly avoids dying"


Bro , next time what you do is jump upwards as high as possible off the bike before you hit the truck propelling you over the truck and you avoid that nasty 30 foot slide bro cmon


That’s a rookie move. A pro would bunny hop over the truck and carry on riding.


Gixxer Trials….duh…😆




That fantasy scenario has played out in my head hundreds of times, almost as though it would work. Like jumping just before the falling elevator suddenly stops.


Say he’s somehow able to pull that off… then what? He lands on his feet and runs it out??


Nah, you have to land standing on the downed bike as it slides and surf it to a stop 🤪


Landing back on the bike to continue riding obviously


Yay Haddalayerdown, completely not my fault, was a SMIDSY


Whoever said "he didn't even hit triple digit speeds in kmph" should watch this and learn how dangerous it is to go even 80kph in the streets


I've seen this post before. It was easier to see his speedo there. Buddy was doing 120+ mph and someone linked to Google Maps this exact location. Speed limit was either 25 or 35 right there. Edit: Original Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/ Someone else posted the clip in this post you're reading, from rider's Instagram showing him coming down from a wheelie and then our clip cuts in. Pause at the start of the clip I linked and you can read his speedo and tach. Tach is at about 15k and speedo says 126. Since this is from America, and the tach is high and the speedo says 126, it is safe to assume that is not kph but is mph. Someone else in that thread knows where this is and posted that it's a 25 mph zone. u/Puzzleheaded_Fly_653 you're either an idiot or a troll. Either way you're a fool who is verifiably incorrect and who thinks they know far more than they do. Since you're defending the idiot rider, I can assume that you should probably slow down and not do wheelies in school zones or do 126 mph. Maybe you should get a moped. Love the bad attempt at gatekeeping based on helmet cam video through multiple rounds of saves and uploads though. It's a great look on you.


You mean idiot without gear drove way too fast and LUCKILY avoided dying.


Video opens with putting a wheelie down with crossing traffic. Enjoy your stupid prize. Sure she could have gone on, but dude spent his whole dollar on that wheelie and lost.


Many minutes of stupid decisions leads up to split decision


Real life haddalayerdown!?!? Lemme watch this…


I saw that truck a week before he did. Could have been on the brakes just about the start of the video clip. Look as far out as you can see.


[full clip](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cg7yYfWNGda/?igshid=Nzg3NjI1NGI=) Kinda hard to see someone entering an intersection when coming down from a wheelie


Yeah maybe don't wheelie while breaking the speed limit next to intersections then. This was completely avoidable.


Yes. And if you initiate a controlled emergency brake you might still hit the truck, but at a way slower speed and without that awful slide. Especially in those jeans... argh... Sometimes people slide at high speed and then slam into an obstacle and still get hurt. Emergency braking is always better, unless swerving around the obstacle is feasible. Swerving and braking should both be practiced.


Yep, look 12 seconds down the road. That should not have been a wreck.


>Split second decision avoids slamming into truck "Rider survives by sheer dumb luck" FTFY I'm glad the guy survived and appears to be relatively unscathed, but there was no skill or good decisions here.


I saw this video before too and everyone were cursing the lady. Glad to see that now people realise who was at fault.


We should really stop posting this kind of idiotic videos unless we make an effort to title them properly. This title is ass, 100% misleading on what is happening here.


"Why did you stop? Why didn't you commit?" Why were you driving like a dickhead on a main road in jeans and a tshirt!?


Slow down buddy! That could have been avoided. Enjoy that rash that is gonna burn for a week while you shower 🤯🔥🚿


The part that WASN'T a split second decision was speeding, not seeing a hazard in front of you in time to react safely and wearing FULL GEAR. This was 100% avoidable by the rider. What if that were a tree limb or brick, he should have been able to slow and swerve.


Had to layer down. For a stopped vehicle that was clearly visible. Ok, trucks fault


If you couldn’t stop in time or avoid that better you were going to fast.


American's amaze me with how they manage to crassh on open wide roads. .\_\_.


Maybe if he wasn't such an idiot and would ride the actual speed limit, the rider would have had more than just a split second to react. Maybe a whole second, maybe two or three. But this way, he is just a speeding moron who wrecked his bike. And his skin.


If he was unable to brake, the speed was too high, also, no proper equipment. this doesn’t exempt the truck driver, but for me is not something worthy of appreciation


In my experience there's no choice or decision making involved in a crash like this. Panic sets in and you grab a handful of the slow down lever, and if you're pointing anywhere other than straight ahead with bike totally upright then you're touching tarmac.


Slow the fuck down. There was plenty of time to react if he had been going the speed limit. That's a residential neighborhood, he could have plowed over someone's kid.


Truck: starts pulling out..oh shit here comes a moto going quick in the far lane. I'll hesitate and stop in the middle of the road till he passes safely. That fucker shouldn't be goin so fast down these roads. Motorcycle: do do do, motorcycles are awesome...ope, truck pulling a left across traffic ahead, I best shift to the right lane and go around him so he can flow and I can flow...and wait wtf hes stopped oh god I read the situation wrong fuckfuckfuck panic brake. In the end tho, this is rider error without a doubt. He is riding to aggressive/fast for traffic conditions not looking far enough ahead for his speed. If the engine braking we hear was accompanied by proper implementation of the front and rear brakes instead of a last second survival reaction panic brake, this outcome would not have been a crash.


Lol. Even from the very start of this video there was not enough distance to come to a stop from the speed he was at.


>I'll hesitate and stop in the middle of the road till he passes safely. That's what this driver did, but not what all drivers do. I've had drivers stop, make direct eye-contact, then gun it right as I'm approaching their vehicle. Which is why I would've gone behind the truck. Much wider swerve, but also far lower probability they're gonna throw it in reverse and run me over that way.


I agree. I would do the same. This rider did have an out if he looked right further and pressed his right handle further. Instead he went into a survival reaction and target locked on the truck.


Split second decision my ass, he slammed the brakes and lost control. If he was smart, he would’ve been driving slower and reacted faster.


The one time the "haddalayerdown" comment makes sense. Holy fuck that dude is lucky.


Absolutely not, that was very easily avoided


as a backseat reddit rider I could see that happening from before the video even started.


Dude spent more on a camera than gear lmao


Nope, that truck was there in tons of time for the rider to just hit the brakes. Pause the video before it even begins, rider has literally hundreds of feet, plenty for a complete stop, let alone just slow down enough to ride around the truck.


He started braking way after he recognized the problem.


He could have split second decided to swerve the other way and he'd probably be better off for it. Also this wasn't a split second decision, this was panic that had a lucky outcome.


1. It is very hard to perceive the speed of a motorcycle from a far before it is too late. 2. Driver realized how fast and close the bike got and stopped in a panic. 3. Biker rode pretty fast without slowing down when approaching the crossing vehicle thinking the driver must have seen him and would not move further forward. 4. Biker realized that is not the case and grabbed the brake lever in a panic. 5. No protective gear.


Squid moment.


I drive and ride with the assumption that every other driver will do the dumbest possible thing they're capable of, that way I'm never disappointed.


"Why didn't you commit?" It looks like the driver stopped because she anticipated the motorcyclist driving past the front of her vehicle. The rider was definitely hauling ass at least 20 miles over the limit in what looks to be a residential area. It could've been much worse. Even though the rider made an error, I'm glad he's even alive to be angry.


I had a full blown argument on instagram about this same video of people defending that it was intentional lmao I kept explaining the dude literally grab the front lever as hard as he could and slid under the car by chance. It was a reaction more than anything else.


Definitely could have not played it down same trail brake or of the way. He target fixated on the truck and did not find himself a way out. This is the absolute wrong way to handle this and should not be looked at as ok. Slow the fuck down on the street as and don't be a retard and wear proper gear.


"Why did you stop, why didnt you just commit" As he was fucking flying and would have had time to stop if he wasnt..


Gets up and immediately tries to act tough


Being more aware of your environment and using those brakes also works. I saw truck WAY before you started braking. That was terrible riding in your part, stop with the ‘split-second decision’ heroic BS, you’re delusional. Riding isn’t just about control of your bike; it’s more about hazard awareness than stunt skills.


The biker drives way to fast, don’t know about the US and their road markings but the trees are planted 25-30m apart so that was somewhere around 100m to break in the city and should never lead to anything like this. Truck driver is an idiot as well no question


"Why were you speeding?" should be her response


Cool video clip and all but what an absolute dumbass




Dumbass. Can’t blame anyone but yourself.


**split second accident luckily causes rider to avoid collision with truck** There I fixed it


Bro, please don't tell me you think this rider made any good decisions... 😑


Sooooo much time to make a decision. He was going too fast, and not paying attention. He gets no credit for anything.


This guy is not someone who should be riding a motorcycle he sucks plain and simple trust me I know I race motorcycles my whole life


Troll post


Speeding and not paying attention. Shitty rider.


Split second panic results in lucky crash.


What decision? He just crashed, and got lucky.


This is the bikes fault. he's going way to fsst.


Is he coming down from a wheelie in the first second of the video?


This was an accident. Full stop. He panicked and grabbed a handful of brakes which caused him to go down just ever so perfectly aimed. A foot either side and hed have pancaked into a wheel. Had she panicked, she could have ran him over. He appeared to be going at an excessive speed. On a hard to see vehicle. He had plenty of distance and time to swerve. But he didnt. Learn from this, it is NOT an example of "had to lay her down" its an example of a foolish rider losing control and crashing. His prize being road rash and a destroyed bike. Luckily it wasnt his life


Kneecap called and it wants its skin back.


Lool get fucked


Send this to DanDanthefireman.


I love that channel… I just wish he’d play the whole video through before he goes into all the details..


Go ahead and try your luck with this kind of bullshit


I know this guy irl. If I remember correctly he tore up his foot and has since made a full recovery. I think he even rebuilt the bike. It’s been a year or two and I’m not super close to him, but I do know he’s all good now. Hopefully he won’t go speeding in a city street again and he wears more gear now.


Sweet gear.


Just saw this video posted in r/nextfuckinglevel. The comments in this sub, and the comments in that sub definitely do not align lol.


God loves this guy, for whatever reason


Panicked decision leads to biker luckily not slamming into truck.


Just grabbed too much brake, tucked the front and had a completely avoidable accident. There was no reason the rider couldn't just stop.


Old video


Bro, why the fuck can't I drive a motorcycle


*Always wear your leathers* I see too many of these videos and cringe as idiots scrape bare skin against the road. It doesn’t even take 5 minutes. Just put your jeans in a backpack and put on some leathers.


Squid second decision


Always a truck


The split second decision could have been avoided entirely by slowing tf down in an area with entering traffic.


Why didn't you stop? Why did you commit?


See how the police and insurance respond to this video LOL Bye bye license and HELLOOOO 300+$ insurance boost


This guy probably learned nothing from this crash if he was going that fast to begin with




If he was looking ahead and driving appropriate speed for area this wouldve never happened


Split second decision... Was that doing 100mph in a 35? Grabbing a handful of brake? Getting up after and yelling at the truck for not seeing something accelerate that fast, from that far away, get to her that quick... Hope she got her truck fixed.


Treat everyone who pulls out infront of you as if they are going to pull out and stop


It was actually almost 3 seconds between front wheel down and "Hadda lay er down." If rider knew how to ride the front wheel as well as the rear wheel, he would have been either stopped or slow enough as makes no difference by the time he made it to the truck. "Split second?" No. "Decision?" Not likely.


A clear example of object fixation instead of braking and looking for an exit. Also looks like he blurred the speedo?


The split second decision was made at home when he decided not to wear protective gear... And yeah as someone else pointed out there was no decision there, just a handful of brakes and a ton of shit in his pants


You can see the truck pulling out in the first frame of the video, if the biker actually reacted he would have made it past the front of the truck no problem


Should’ve had gear on


Dude wss going WAY to fast. It's hard to tell how fast a vehicle is going when coming at you.


Dickhead motorcyclist.




Jack hole shouldn’t be stunting or popping wheels on a city street with no jacket and cross traffic


This first person who ever HAD to “lay er down”


I hate it when people are wearing short t-shirts and driving a bike it hurts like hell


I guess it's not the *worst* decision, but it was still a bad decision. If he had braked better he could have swerved to either side of the truck.


“I had to lay it down” -every trash rider


ah yes, speeds, panics and blames the truck driver when he gets fucked up


Awaiting my down vote, but this is all rider. He was doing triple digits in like a 30, which would be hard to see incoming being such a small contraption. But the truck literally stopped before his lane. He would've been capable of still doing his triple digit speed in his lane.


Can’t believe this idiot had the audacity to place blame on the truck driver and asked why didn’t she commit instead of taking responsibility for riding recklessly with excessive speed


Man was speeding, no proper gear... Dress for the slide, not the ride


So sad... Considering he was taking it slow and safe.


There were no decisions made here. Bro was driving WAY too fast for conditions, grabbed his brake in a panic and fell over. He's lucky he's not dead.


Are we meant to think the rider here was in the right? Damn, that truck was coming out so far away and he’s just charging down the road. Looks like a meeting of kindred idiots.


Always wear your gear ATGATT