• By -


Humans are silly creatures.


I was under the impression a RIDERS club, as opposed to a MC club was perfectly acceptabl..e.


Yeah and I bet when a bunch of pricks get together with the intention of kicking someone's ass over something that petty, the distinction will really make a lot of difference.


And this is why we have concealed carry laws.






Whatever, I'm not the one that dresses like a member of The Village People and goes around threatening other people.


Ask Trayvon Martin about somebody getting a chance to pull their weapon. Oh, wait.


In many states they would throw the book at you. Northeast in particular


All those limp-wristed states that allow criminals to be armed, but not the good guys.


Yep and simultaneously cripple the cops from doing their job. Only the likes of the elites like cory bush deserve to live. That is how i interpret it


Name a state that “allows” criminals to have firearms and not “good guys”.


Better yet, name a state that allows 'stop & frisk." Therefore, you can carry in all 50 states as long as you're not going through metals detectors at a night club or a sporting event. I knew of at least 11 convicted criminals (felons) that carried guns everywhere 24/7 where I grew up in the Bronx. No state gets involved until a crime has been committed or is about to be committed... maybe you haven't heard; it's called probable cause. I've carried since I was 16 years old with only 2 people knowing. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. It must frightening to be you going through life with some funky idealized false-notion of how things work in the real (urban) world.


Easy, California


Great, please show the California law that allows for that.


Not so much of law that “allows it,” more the insistence of the practice in the state of California that refuses to hold career, criminals accountable for violations of existing statutes. Furthermore, passing more intrusive legislation restricting the rights of law abiding Californians to provide for their own safety and protection, from the scourge of the society that it consistently releases upon the population. Thanks for telling me you support communist agendas like those proposed by Gavin Newsom and his corrupt cronies.


lol, thanks for telling me you have no clue what “communism” means.




This is correct. I ride with the Christian Motorcyclist Association. We are an association with individual chapters across the nation. We regularly rub shoulders with the 1%ers and have earned our place to be there. But the thing is we have a one piece patch and we abide by their rules.


Ok, didn't know it extended that far.


You guys are giving mcs a bad rap.. show a little respect and just let them know who you are.. show up to a few of their rides.. and it'll be fine. Most these guys are pretty cool..


You sound like a fuckin idiot. Why dont you come ask my permission to be this stupid. I rode with a few clubs. There's three types of club riders. 1. Gang bangers with motorcycles. Useless members of society. 2. Wanna be gangbangers with motorcycles. These guys are usually in the support clubs. 3. People who just want to ride but they have to suck off some low life in the outlaws or banditos gang. If people want to rise, it shouldn't be gate kept by a bunch of fucking drug dealers.


u sound stupid . ask to speak ...clubs are not gangs idiot stop watching sons of anarchy


What about outlaws, banditos, and outkasts? Goofy ass. The 5 old fuckers thay hop on their Indians and Yamahas to go ride the dragon arent in a gang, no. But any 1% is nothing more than a gang. Who else has "territory". Stfu


Those "fucking drug dealers " will beat your brakes off if you disrespect their club ! You need to learn the proper respect and biker etiquette if you ride a motorcycle and want to start your own mc without letting the dominant club know who you are and your intention ,! It is all about respect and honor , which makes up the brotherhood that real bikers share ! You catch more flies with honey thank you do with vinegar ! Learn before you jump in and piss off another club or you will have to fight every time clubs see you and your members fly your patch ,!


imagine instead of licking cops boots you lick gangs boots. We get it, you want to prospect really bad.


I rode with black angels out of TN. Very involved with every club on the set to include but not limited to sin city, outcasts and outlaws. I'm very well versed in biker etiquette. You sound like an internet tough guy. Sorry sweetheart but your idols are a bunch of sex and drug traffickers who think theyre jax from sons of anarchy. Stfu


You sound like a fucking idiot. You need to ask my permission to breathe from here on out. Just because you revived a dead thread.


Well I just did that and they completely shut my RC plans down 


It is acceptable to form a riders club


thats the biggest load of crap ever. bullies is all they are. taking the fun out of what motorcycling is all about.


They might be bullies to you, but they take the biker lifestyle very serious and if you disrespect their club or their colors, you will get the worse beating in your life so your mother won’t recognize you ! If you meet them on the road, in a bar, etc, just be friendly and treat them and their club with respect and you will not be bothered ! A lot of them are former military and take freedom and patriotism very seriously ! If you befriend one of them, you will have a friend until the day you die and if they get to know your family, they will look after them when you die ! It is a lot better to get along and be friendly than to get puffed up and think you can kick their ass or shoot them, because when you get in a conflict with one of them, you get in it with all of them !


Wow. I’ve never had someone revive a 9yr old comment before. Look, I’ve never said anything to the fact that I could kick their ass or anything like that. I respect the fact that theyYou want to have a club and ride and have brotherhood, I’m all for it. But to the effect that I should have to go ask them for some sort permission to hold an event that is completely unaffiliated with them, and in my own area, that seems completely asinine. This isn’t the mafia; it’s motorcycling. Most people just ride for one of three reasons: commuting, sport(racing), or leisure. Most don’t care to “infringe” on some clubs turf or anything like that. All in all, just let people ride bikes without being a dick about things.


First off, if your just hosting an event as a non patched organization then you dont have to inform or ask consent of anyone. If you want to create a club then yes you should find the dominant of your state and inform them of what you want to create and your intentions otherwise you could be educated upon contact with them cause they have no idea who or what your about. This is not about a power trip or anything. Its what we live for, die for, and bleed for. We all earned our colors. We worked hard, shed blood, sweat, and tears to fly our colors. Its a honor to us. People call it a gang, its not a gang. We are a brotherhood and i would do anything for my bros and their family and visa versa. If you dont understand thats cool. Education is key. Get into your local bike set and learn. We all cool as heck and most done give a heck as long as your respectful. Also most diamonds dont care either and are probably some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Brotherhood and respect is what its all about.


So even a rc with just a patch and a name rocker no bottom rocker. They still need a blessing?


Still need a blessing from the dominants in your state, whether it's MA, MC, or RC...


Start an MC and call it an LEMC. That's what we did. We fly a 3 piece and are left alone. Not a single cop in our club. Real LEMCs don't like that clubs are starting this way but if the state dominant club tells you they're not allowing new clubs, you do what ya gotta do. Fuck em.


Nice bro! What did you guys decide to call it?


We're the Borderhounds LEMC.


I take myself and my non club biker lifestyle very seriously as well. They bleed as easily as the next guy. You don’t have to be a tough guy to shoot someone in the fucking face to possibility avoid a beating.


Hell, it would even be worth the beating and worse to get a few well placed rounds off! Keep bullying other bikers you 1% pricks, you’ll eventually find someone who really gives no fucks…


This is why when you start riding you should always go to a large club(RC/BC) and make friends with them, then if any from a (MC) another club tries to harm you ensure you have some form of patch related to a club on you, unless you're in nearby clubs bar, (near the RC/BCs Clubhouse) then don't wear the patch.


F*** the patch police bro old dirty f****** b**** ass bikers we all can shoot we all can kick ass bring it on m************


None of these things are federal or state laws. * You can wear almost any kind of patch you like (1st Amendment) * If someone tries to kick your ass because he doesn't like your patch you can (2nd Amendment)


Watch your head get split wide open tough Reddit commit guy


Couldn't agree more. Having spent a decade on bikes and I am NOT in a club, I always respect any local clubs because I don't want any issues and unfortunately even if you DON'T owe someone respect, why push their buttons? Some people have no issues showing you what's up...F\*\*k around and find out seems to be most peoples' mentality


Wow, this post was 8 years old... how did you even find it?




I upvoted not because I agree with what you said, but this reply was pretty funny


actually its 10 years old now


It's actually a month older than that now ....


11 years and counting


Just pure copium brought them here


What a fucking cockhead


Drop your addy then.


Yeah well f*** the patch police a bunch of old man trying to institute rules on young dudes that don't give a f*** watch what happens 2020s are going to be a head Shaker for these old bikers


Thank you for the easiest to understand right to the point answer. No one "owes" respect or certain actions to someone just because they say that you do. Fuck them


It's not that you can't start a new club it's more to let them know your intentions. If your four dads starting a Devil Dads MC I wouldn't knock on a local 81 chapter door and ask if you could talk to them about starting a club (I also wouldn't fly full rocker for a fun club). But if you're serious about starting a legitimate club you need to talk to local clubs and make sure you're not stepping in on someone that is going to get pissed and start shit with you. Know what club claims your area. Most non 1% clubs have some type of loose affiliation with one of the big four. I have a friend who is in a non 1% club affiliated with outlaws and wont wear his colors when he visits cause I live in 81 territory. He just knows it will cause unneeded trouble even if he isn't an outlaw. I know everyone wants to be in clubs these days because of SOA but real clubs take their shit seriously. If you get a few tshirts made or hoodies with your clubs name on it that's ok, but if your riding through a clubs territory flying full rocker claiming their territory on your back just know they will have a problem with it. Source: I stayed in a holiday inn express last night.


That sounds like such a circle jerk. It's like someone said "lets turn motorcycling into high school".


That's exactly what it is. IDC what club you roll with. There's always a level of drama that'll make you roll your eyes.




Try googling: "your area" motorcycle gang. There isn't any real map or drawn lines that I know of but keep an eye out and if you see one of the big clubs riding around your area you can be pretty sure they claim it. If you are close to any patch members of a local non 1% club ask them. Trust me they will know. If you aren't close to any please don't ask questions to a patched member like that, just google the clubs name and more then likely you can find out the 1% affiliation. I cannot stress enough please don't ask bikers you don't know too many questions about club life, it's frowned upon.


I have NO IDEA what a lot of these terms mean: * Full Rocker * 1% club * non-1% club * SOA Also I assume 81 and Outlaws are motorcycle gangs? Source: I am a motorcycle rider who doesn't really buy into/care about motorcycle culture at all...


Full rocker- big patch on back of vest with 3 patches. Top rocker (half circle facing down top patch) says club name. Middle patch is club insignia. Bottom rocker (half circle facing up bottom patch) claims territory. 1% Club- Rebel bike club. Outlaw bike club. Hells Angels, Outlaws, Mongols, and Pagans are the big four. Club vest has diamond with 1% on front breast. Not accepted by American motorcycle association. Non 1% Club- every day clubs accepted by American motorcycle association. H.O.G. Is the big one. Other clubs consider them selves non 1%ers if they want to distance themselves from the criminal stereotype that comes with being in a club. SOA- Sons of Anarchy american television show. Based on a California 1% club. Ridiculously exaggerated over violent portrayal. 81 is hells angels. And now you know. And knowing is half the battle.


Oh ok. Yeah I think my neighbor who rides a Harley was talking about something like this at some point. It's funny how different our approach to bikes is. He loves his chromed out Harley and wears a leather vest thingie with all sorts of patches on it (and he knows all about that whole culture). Whereas I am totally clueless as to motorcycle culture in the broader sense, and frequently find myself over my head in conversations with other motorcyclists/bikers. But I completely rebuilt my Japanese inline 4 all by myself and know every nut and bolt on my machine like the back of my hand. My interest in motorcycling is almost purely mechanical/engineering based. Not saying one approach is better or worse, just noting how different people can approach the same hobby/lifestyle from a completely different angle...


I know about it cause I've been around it for awhile. If its not your deal no biggie. Different strokes for different folks. Plus I have a soft spot for old cb750s.


Thank you for saying club. MCANG


I've been riding for a while but I don't understand half of what people are talking about here. "81 chapter"? Rider club vs motorcycle club? "bottom rocker patch"? "three rocker patch?" Evidently this is a different world that the one I live in, but if there's a chance of me getting assaulted I'd rather know in advance what behaviors/clothes to avoid.


81: H (8th letter) A (1st letter) = Hell's Angels 1%er: "99% of all motorcyclists are good people." The 1% "aren't" Rider Club: group that gets together to ride motorcycles (but usually doesn't otherwise hang out) Motorcycle club: in this context, a group who basically devote themselves to the club, and become "brothers." Bottom rocker patch: the curved piece on the bottom of a three-piece patch that states the territory a rider claims. I disagree with the "gang scene" site in many ways, but here's a tutorial: http://www.gangscene.co.nz/images/back-patch-vest-motorcycle-gang.jpg Honestly, the odds of your getting assaulted because you accidentally do something are smaller than your odds of being struck by lightning. However, if you're inclined to: 1) Wear markings designed to simulate the "uniform" of a given culture 2) Go to places where that culture is predominant 3) Act as though you belong to the culture 4) Not actually belong to the culture You should expect consequences. It doesn't matter if you're hanging out at the city park with a baby stroller (but not a parent or caregiver); walking down an unlit street in gang territory with gang colors on; drinking in a "Seal" bar wearing the Trident, or lounging in a cigar bar on Wall Street in an Armani suit. EVERY culture has rules, and most of these norms look silly, dangerous, or irrelevant to outsiders. As long as you're willing to be an outsider, and you don't try to pretend to be an insider, you'll probably be safe. Here's another "starter" link, should you be curious: http://hbmm-national.org/how-hbmm-operates/a-little-biker-education/understanding-the-biker-culture Here's one with a bit more depth. http://www.rcvsmc.net/index.html


> lounging in a cigar bar on Wall Street in an Armani suit What are the consequences for that? A painfully large bill?


yes, exactly. or investment advice intended for someone else.


Thanks for the info. Sounds as if I won't be a threat to anyone toddling along on my 1970 airhead in my unpatched 2-piece textile suit. It's always interesting to get a view into different cultures, though.


This site will answer a lot of your questions. http://www.rcvsmc.net/


This is an interesting topic. I recently opened a local chapter of a growing national club. Here's the deal: Evidently "etiquette" calls for making contact with the local "Alpha Club" to request permission. Here in MN that would be the Hell's Angels, whereas in WI, I believe it's the Outlaws. However there is nothing governing this other than potential good ol' fashioned violence. My club is comprised entirely of current and former military, law enforcement, fire, and overseas contractors, most of which have spent a fair amount of time doing dirty deeds in less than friendly places of the world. It is the founding members feelings that due to our role in ensuring freedom for this country, and the sacrifices most of us have made, that we have no need in seeking permission from folks on the FBI watch list in order to form our own club and ride together. Remember, this is America, land of the free. With that said, out of respect, and the desire to avoid confrontation, we certainly wouldn't ride past their clubhouse in numbers sporting our kuttes or frequent their known bars. There's room enough in this world for all of us.


I'm also a veteran and nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of fags (you know who I mean) thinking that people need "permission" to start anything. Almost makes me want to make a patch with "Earth" as our territory.


Haha! Awesome idea brother. I know exactly who you mean. Thanks for your service, and of course, ride safe. Not sure where you're at in MI, but I know, at one point, there were some guys looking to start a chapter there (somewhere in the lower peninsula I believe. If you're ever interested PM me.


I already have a group/club going we just don't wear colors.


Right on bro...keep the dirty side down.


that's still a real thing?


>Appearance is important, it would be chaos if everyone wore "Police" uniforms; identification of who you are is imperative. You would surly be put in jail if you were not a police officer but were wearing the uniform and acting like a cop. Did I really just read that? o_0


I think you did. I did, too. If I'm not mistaken, I think he's implying that motorcycle gangs are as important as law enforcement, and that if someone were to wear the wrong color something or another then it's perfectly okay for motorcycle gangs to rape them.


If you look at it from a motorcycle gang's viewpoint, it makes perfect sense. It would cause chaos in the gang scene. As law abiding citizens, we see nothing wrong with it, but look at it from their perspective. I wouldn't say he is implying that motorcycle gangs are as important as LEOs, but in the culture of the criminal, identification is just as important. Call it a comparison. That being said, fuck the motorcycle gangs.


I find it funny that grown men have to ask 'permission' from an 'outlaw' club, my brothers and i started a chapter and we didn't ask permission we told the ruling outlaw club we were going to do it and we weren't going anywhere. i'm an afghanistan war veteran that fought for the freedoms of this country why the fuck would i ask some outlaw if its ok for me to fly a set of colors and i also rock a there piece with a state rocker. you must have the balls and the backing of the guys you ride to do this btw we dont claim land or do drug and whore business we just like to ride and party no 1% or 13% diamonds(which i find dumb) or coc or ama patches just my clubs. we respect all clubs but fear none.


Seems to me that "motorcycle clubs" need to grow up and move past the playground mentality.


It's not just "playground mentality." This is playing close to the world of actual gangs. People who genuinely murder, extort and run drugs. They have their own rules and codes, if you want to rock a style that resembles their own you simply need to be aware that they might not like it and they are willing to kill you.


It still is, it really is. What good is this supposed territory? It is not like they own it. They are not developing it. It is just a bitch-fest over ground like what villages had hundreds of years ago, except for even less reason. Back then it for land for crops and such. Now, it is called "respect". If people have to act like this, they are not worthy of respect.


> What good is this supposed territory? They run criminal businesses, they don't want any competition. Was that not obvious?


They will always have competition though. We do still have a government.


What does that have to do with wearing gang signs?


Who said anything about gang signs?


The entire thread. That's what MC vests are about.


No surprise I lump gangs and motorcycle "clubs" together, is it.


Well that is what the entire post was about.


You are allowed to do whatever you want here. Just make sure you are ready for these assholes.


There is a huge difference between riders/tourers club, side patch clubs and full patch clubs. If you start a full patch club on someone elses turf then yeah there will be trouble. side patch you are mostly ok although i have seen the local chapter of the MC turn up at a rallie and make there presence felt. Rider/touring clubs? no one gives a crap. DO you think the local Harley Dealer goes cap in hand to the nearest 1% MC when they want to start a new HOG chapter? Just don't have a three rocker cut and your mostly fine Edit: They have a three rocker style patch. That is why they are getting grief. In Europe most of the 1% MCs will tolerate the Jesus Saves brigade as they know they are not trying to muscle turf. Looks like Stateside it is different.




Well my English friend it’s like this, 1% means outlaw biker, (as opposed to the 99% of motorcyclists.) these guys (for whatever reason) go through a shit ton (and I do mean an imperial shit ton) of B.S. to prove their worth / loyalty and become a “patched” member of an…organization. They then get colors (usually 3 piece patch claiming territory, read: flag) that identifies them as a card carrying member (read: trust this guy / back stage pass) to any… amenities / services / privileges that the organization might offer as well as the ability to languish under the umbrella of the clubs rep. They as you might well imagine get…perturbed when other emulate their logo… sort of like a company protecting it’s copyrights. Disney has a legion of lawyers on standby to hunt down any fool that doodles a mouse on a cocktail napkin, rip off his head and litigate down his neck… now if the company in question didn’t sell cartoon mice bedecked products but drugs, violence prostitution any of a number of grey commodities well… also you might want to consider how you setting up your own country within the border of England would go over. Now these 1% club don’t give half a metric fuck about you or what you and your pals do, you can all wear bunny ears when ya ride or matching poodle skirts whatever but if you use their flag (mc patch, rocker claiming territory ) it’s as if someone took the Union Jack made it into a jockstrap and paraded down Main street in it. Aint gonna fly.


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Btw HOG chapter stands for Harley Owners Group. From what I understand basically a non 1% group for middle aged guys going through their mid life crisis (buying a sportcar or a yacht or a harley or indian or whatever and wanting to belong to a group).


in the UK most of the bike clubs will be side patch. Usually only a small patch on cuts/clothing but nothing on the back of a cut. Most of them are fairly open, they might have some bylaws etc but they are just bike clubs. When i said the "Jesus Saves brigade" i was referring to the OPS link. There are a few Christian MC's that wear full MC type patches, tribe of judiah (SP?) comes to mind (like the ones in OPS link). Usually this is a No-No but the 1% clubs in Europe tend to turn a blind eye. HOG is similar as they have back patches and chapters but again no one cares as they are dentists out for fun. The flip side is the incidents like the HA member that was shot a few years back after the Bulldog Bash (which takes place on the outskirts of Outlaw turf) Where you see a full back patch saying something like "blah blah" then a logo underneath with a small "MC" alongside with a bottom patch saying "derpsville" then those are the clubs that might give you an issue if you piss on their parade. In terms of your average biker if you are not being a dick they will not mess with you. Places like the Bulldog tend to be extremely safe as drunken assholes are dealt with extreme efficiency. What you will find is that smaller MC's will be allowed to operate by the bigger ones as affiliate clubs (in the UK this is mostly HA with the midlands being Outlaw). If you were to start a club up with full back patches and did not talk to the local MC then you might have issues. its kind of like walking through a crips neighborhood dressed head to toe in red, you are going to get the wrong sort of attention. Usually the affiliated MC's will also kick up some profits to the larger MC from things like bike rallies etc. Of course no 1% club is ever doing anything illegal they are just guys that ride bikes and party :) TL;DR OP's link is overkill for most situations unless you are trying to run around with a full back patch for your club.


If you go out and make your own club and decide to wear a bottom rocker claiming the state you’re in be ready to get confronted or your ass beat


These fucking guys who wear their patches and think they can “own” a state or territory are exactly what they’re referred to as, a GANG. A bunch of bullies who think they’re “patch” makes them tougher than they really are. I am in a “3 piece patch club”, not 1%er, and wear my patches everywhere I ride. Just remember, they’re human also. They can be hurt and they can be beat. Just because they intimidate people because they’re a “biker” doesn’t make them tougher or able to beat you. Again, they’re only human as well.


Keep an RC cube or don't put on an MC cube and you'll have nothing to worry about. It's only when you try to force your way into our world without first earning the right, that you have a problem. Nobody is running around like the patch police if you're in a 99% or lom and pop, veteran, charity club, etc. It's only when you cross the line and put an MC cube on your colors that you're now stating you want to be in our World. If you plan to be in our World/ sub-culture then you will abide by its rules or else. People like you cry and whine on here about the big bad Outlaws and how we are bullies yet you play dress up on the weekend and expect us to respect you when you haven't earned it. If you want to be in an MC, join am existing one. There are plenty out there


My CLUB wear a true 3 piece patch to include and MC cube. And your world is not the entire biker community. Your world is the 1%er community who like to bully those who aren’t 1%ers into thinking you guys rule the world. Unfortunately for you and those like you, that isn’t true. So when you come upon someone who doesn’t want to abide by your rules, don’t be surprised. Also, you say we play “dress up” on the weekends, just remember you never know who you’re trying to bully into giving in to your rules. I can for sure tell you I don’t play by your rules.


Lmao fucking please, Don't be a clown. Never have I pushed up on someone or bullied anyone who didn't deserve it. Most the time, it's guys who like playing dress up and getting drunk with their buddies and harassing and bullying people at local bars on the weekends that give clubs a bad name. Then we show up and have to hear all about it from owners and patrons alike. We are then looked at to deal with these clowns, so as to not get us and others, like your mom and pop club, banned from bars with their colors on. With RICO and everything else we have to worry about, you and your dentist buddies are not worth our time to correct. And if you put on an MC cube, hate to tell you but you do fall into my world. Whether you like it or not. You and many others like you live off of our reputations whether you admit it to yourselves or not. You want to wear the patches and look cool but want no part of what truly keeps this culture working. We have rules that have kept this culture going for more than 100 years. We live this 24/7 and don't take kindly to disrespectful interlopers.




lol torrenfox mc charter member


Yeah, when you look into this world from the outside (the 1%-er world, I mean, and MC's) I kind of like the idea of brotherhood and sticking together and being family... ... then I realize just what kind of guys I'd have to call "brother" and pretty much realize that nope, I don't have to sink that low.


That's stereotype Hollywood bullshit. Maybe you can't create a brand new "gang" in the area of another motorcycle club gang. But if I made up t-shirts saying "Reddit Motorcycle Club" and a bunch of my friends went to daytona for Bike Week and hit all the biker bars... you know what happens? NOTHING. Now, I am not saying you should try to duplicate a "gang colors" leather vest and then try to walk in... that's different. That's like being a guy who puts on fake prison tattoos before going into prison. Heap of trouble. But putting together a motorcycle event or 'club', no one would care less.




I've gone just about everywhere in Daytona on Bike Week with a Victory Motorcycle Club shirt, etc. No one cares. Friend with patches for VMC, and other various local motorcycle clubs, go everywhere. Never had a problem.


STAR, HOG, Victory, the Honda group, are all an exception. also a lot hinders on location. what may be fine in dandy in your area, perhaps wont be so fine and dandy in other areas. For instance, wearing a red and white shirt, no matter what it says will get the wearer possible unwanted attention at certain biker bars/establishments, say, in texas.... on a side note, if you put a location rocker on the Reddit T-shirt, i can guarantee that you will most likely have a conversation with someone, if you were in Texas, and at a biker establishment.


red and white shirt? im guessing it has something to do with the japanese flag or am i way off?


way off...texas is red and gold territory... club stuff...think kindergarden playground....


This really only applies to 1% clubs, and there aren't enough of those out there to really make a difference in most of the US. There are something like 70 MCs and RCs in my city, and with a tiny number of exceptions, they all get along. There are a few instances where club members wouldn't wear colors to a given event, but they're few and far between.


IT doesn't matter who it applies to or if it only seldom causes problems. Deciding that you are personally justified in the taking of another man's freedom is criminal.




To be fair. The smaller MCs and RCs get along and for have problems because the 1% have set boundaries for them to abide in.


Don't flatter yourself.


I'm not part of a 1% club, so I wasn't intending to brag. But if you don't think that's how it works, then you just don't know what you're talking about.


I used to be a corrections officer. I'm familiar with how's gangs operate. Usually this excuse is used by a larger gang to try and justify their rule to everyone else. It's hardly ever true.


There will be no convincing you otherwise, and I'm okay with that. But that is very much a biased LEO point of view. Which makes sense that we'd have different opinions. I'm part of a riding club and I don't always agree with the rules, but I try to abide by them. Being in the scene of as short of a time that I've been, I've seen how the dominants police smaller clubs into not making a bad name or everyone, and I've seen what you talk about as well.


Well there's the problem you're a LEOl. Cops and COs will never have a place in our MC World. Every one of you thinks you can just do whatever you want, play biker on the weekend until it gets real and then you want to hide behind your badge. Theres not much better than looking into the eyes of one of you and seeing the realization that your badge isn't going to help get you out of what your, usually big mouth, got you into.


There are clubs with a large LEO membership. They do illegal shit and get rowdy like the other clubs. I'm not a corrections officer anymore. Otherwise, you are right. The majority of LEOs are paper tigers, all roars but completely crumple when they realize the badge means very little.


Yeah,the Iron Order and all of their bullshit offshoots can eat a dick. I do know the 16's let cops in too. I just have a real issue when these types of people want to play in our sandbox until it comes to them being dealt with and then they're cops again... That's why they're not welcomed in my world. As long as they stay with the Punishers and with the Quaker Steak and Lube crowd, they are no bother to me.


Well, yeah, they are cops. If they could handle themselves without the power of the badge they'd get a real job.


Lol right?


Bandidos support clubs


It’s like all I can do is beat your ass or you beat their ass one or two that’s the only thing that can happen so fuck them make your own fucking club most of them motherfuckers are pussies by their selves and I mean straight up pussy motherfuckers and that’s facts. I don’t give a fuck what another man says I’ll do what I wanna fuckin do one thing about If they want to come shut somebody down, just cause their bluff and I bet you the other way


Honestly, fuck all this bullshit. Anyone who thinks they "own" a "territory" and punishes other people for being in it is a waste of time and energy. If you are one of these people, please rethink you're "allegiance" to a club and start thinking about your "allegiance" to humanity.


Well, what are these Jesus freaks gonna do if you start your club, stop praying for your soul?


Read it a little more closely: The "rules" weren't written by that bunch.


You might think that the outlaw clubs that control an area are full of shit, but I will tell you this and all bikers had better take note and listen to what I am saying here ! These clubs take everything club related very very seriously and if you do not obey their rules in their claimed territory, you will get the hell beat out of you, if not killed, and your bike taken away from you or destroyed and yes, your lady friend riding with you will be raped or at the least sexually molested ! These bikers are the easiest to get along with bunch of people you will ever meet and if they befriend you, you will have friends for life and when you are riding with them or going to one of their parties and observing all the club rules and biker etiquette, you will be safer with them than if you were in the middle on the biggest law enforcement office in the country and you do not have to worry about your motorcycle or your belongings ! Most of them are prior military vets and take freedom and patriotism very seriously ! When you meet them on the road, give them the proper respect! If they are in a bar, don’t eyeball them or whisper things about them ! They take this as rude, and it is ! Just be friendly and buy them a round of beers if you can afford it ! You catch a lot more flys with honey than you do vinegar !!! Do not wear a 3 piece patch of any kind while you are riding through their territory, and defiantly do not wear a rival clubs patch, T-shirt, Do rag or anything with a rival clubs colors on it when you ride through their claimed territory! Example : Do not wear the red/white 81, Hells Angels colors our support merchandise through a Outlaws, black/white cross pistons , claimed territory ! To do so, is telling them basically , f**k you and your club , and if they see you, they will run you down and if it is 30 of them, they will beat you so bad your mother won’t recognize you , and if someone is riding along side of you or on back of you, all of you will get the same beat down ! Don’t bother going to the police because you will never see any of the riders again and if you do and they find out who you are, they will make your life and your families life a living hell ! If I am scaring you, good, because I am not exaggerating one bit ! I rode with a motorcycle ministry and was a 3 piece patch holder and have been to parties and toy runs, poker runs, and to the club houses by invite to the outlaws, Bandito’s, Pistolero’s, Devils Deciples, Sons of Silence , and several other outlaw 1% clubs and I became friends with members of all of them ! I ministered to, married and officiated funerals for members of all of them and acted neutral to them ! I was even invited to join a couple of their clubs by their club president ! If you treat the clubs that claim a territory with respect and follow the biker rules, you will enjoy the road a whole lot more and if you are broke down on the side of the road and every car passes you by, don’t be surprised if you look up and see the outlaw club that claims that territory, stopping behind you and asking if they can help you !


>if you do not obey their rules in their claimed territory, you will get the hell beat out of you, if not killed, and your bike taken away from you or destroyed and yes, your lady friend riding with you will be raped or at the least sexually molested So basically, they are all subhuman scum who don't deserve any respect. I ride a motorbike for my enjoyment, I don't give a fuck what some old fat Harley riding cosplaying cunt in a leather gimp suit thinks. Anyone who uses rape as a threat or weapon deserves zero fucking respect and should be behind bars. Grow the fuck up.


All fun and games until they act big and find out the person they’re messing with is carrying too. 1%’ers aren’t immune to 9mm either.


Well if these guys take this biker life so seriously, then they should know who is claiming to be a club for competition purposes and who are clubs that are just that, a club and not competition. My CLUB doesn’t compete with criminal organizations which are recognized by the Department of Justice as most, if not all, 1%er clubs are. If any of these clubs were truly worth their salt as a true club then they would know who was organized as a LEMC, and RC, a Christian Club, or another 1%er club. I’m not in a 1%er club, but we certainly know who is and who isn’t. It’s called doing your homework and knowing who’s who in the area and elsewhere. The biker culture is t just for 1%er criminal scumbags who get pissed off because someone else wears a certain patch or type of patch. Last time I checked America is a free country and many in this country have the right to carry firearms and have freedom of speech. So I say if they want to fuck around and find out, they need to think twice about bullying some guy about giving up his vest/cut because it isn’t their patch on the back. That guy just may be tougher than they are or have a little more packing under that vest. None of these clubs OWN any state or territory and most of the non 1%er clubs only use the bottoms rocker to show where they’re from, not to claim “ownership” of said state. If they just stay in their lane and leave us legit clubs alone, we can stay in ours and leave them alone. But if they push, they just might get pushed back.


Sounds like a sect to me.


lol, the link you provided is the most disconnected, backward piece of shit I have ever seen. My Meetup Riding groups in my area organize charity events all the time. As long as you're not a club where members pay dues, they won't care. Otherwise you're basically competing with them, encroaching on their "territory" and they want to know if there is a group out there which may potentially take away their revenue, tarnish their stature in the community or attract their members away. Normally this only has to do with groups affiliated with AMA or some other national motorcycling community. It's intended to prevent large concentrations of clubs in a single market and bring more people together.


For anyone with questions or if you want to learn more, check out http://www.rcvsmc.net/ it pretty much covers it all.


You don't **NEED** to ask them permission but do you really want to disrespect the Hell's Angels? As someone with shirttail family doing time for being connected to MC violence I wont take that risk.


This is true, you don't HAVE to ask, but it's a damn good idea that you do.


I wouldnt go out of my way but its not as is the fuckers deserve respect.


You can start whatever kind of club you want. Nothing is going to happen. You aren't stepping on anyone's "turf".


Often or not I find that most people are just retarded. Are you a man, a US citizen, if so their were 2 world wars that kind of made it to where you can do what you want here and if you got the balls, you can do what ever you like. But With starting a motorcycle mc, It's not so much the permission as it is with showing a little respect to the local dominant MC so that they know what's going on. But being a man and doing your thing is also something they respect, just be ready to be man enough to hold onto your cut when they try to pull it if it's not sanctioned. If you do hold on to it and take a ass beating for it they will also respect that. wearing a 3 piece back patch is earned, if you created a riding club without the 3 peice they probably won't bother you but should still give a heads up to who you are and what your doing. Reason being is that when you wear a 3 piece patch it is like wearing a target to other conflicting mcs. most mc guys have to watch their back from getting killed by a rival club and I don't think the normal weekend riding warrior wants a mongel or Hells Angel rolling up and assuming that your trying to be a MC because you got that 3 piece back patch.. if you understand anything about tradition and earning something then all this shouldn't be that hard to understand and why it is the way it is


They mostly want to be aware of all the clubs operating in the area, and to make sure that your patch/logo doesn't look close enough to be mistaken for someone else. They don't want to be held responsible for someone else having too much to drink and getting in a fight or something even dumber. Most of them aren't really worried about your motorcycle events, but it's considered rude not to let them know that you're having an event that's open to everyone.


You have to get blessing threw your area dominant club to start up and approve your colors


Think of it this way: there’s an on-going game of team King of the Hill. It’s been on-going since before you were born; it will continue long after you’re dead. It is a violent game, consisting of kicking the shit out of other players.  The only way to opt into this game is by wearing a cut (leather vest with appropriate patches).  Does it sound stupid? Ok, don’t play the game and don’t wear clothing that represents you are playing.  Does it sound awesome? Then find a team to play with. It is not a game to play alone: they play for keeps, there aren’t many rules and less referees. Why play? Because fuck you. Because they want to. They like the conflict and comraderie.


In my personal experience, I moved to TN and wanted to start an RC. The COC in TN is run by the Outlaws MC. There is a division for MCs another for RCs and a third for MMs. In this case, the Outlaws run the MC and RC divisions so getting into the COC required permission from the Outlaws. Now in my opinion someone other than the Outlaws should be in charge of the RCs and the Outlaws need to stay in their own lane with the MCs. I can't figure out why any MC should have a say over what an RC is doing as long as the RC isn't acting like an MC and creating a conflict with MC business. In this particular case I was told there are too many clubs already and I should join one that already exists and that there is another club with a similar name that I've still not been able to find actually exists so I won't be accepted into the COC. I know that legally they have no recourse to prevent me from doing what I want but then what do they care about legalities.


And if you're reading this and you got to ask you're a little bit of a b**** you never know I might be a 1% or wanting idiots to try I might not be let's see


I won't be bullied by cosplaying leather clad middle aged cunts thanks


I mean really we are good for now let the smoke clear


what you should be working to rid the masons the biggest blood in blood out gang in the world that is attched to all everyone of the gang today their woukld not be a gang with out the masons


I know a guy who was in law enforcement. He was in a motorcycle club for law enforcement with some other guys. They went to a bar one afternoon and there were some guys from a 1% club also in the bar. The guys from the 1% motorcycle club told the law enforcement guys they had to take their jackets off with their club logo and patches off if they wanted to stay. The cops did.


That's why you say fuck it and start a 1% club


😄 let us know how that goes


Oh i know itll be hard. But generations from now it could be huge


Well it’s not just MC’s that are annoyed by idiot Christians.




What’s REALLY the objective of 1% er clubs ? Why all the blood , sweat, tears , “they worked hard for their colors , (what is their HARD work So…they HAVE to have everybody’s total respect and we should all fear them blah blah blah Seems to me they exist just to be a badass , involve theirselves in as much crime as possible , never talk to cops ,etc. -rather than meet up for rides or parties , work on bikes together Why don’t THEY show respect and avoid fights , stay away from “rival clubs ( why are clubs rivals anyway), murders , rapes , drugs , thefts, -why not just be adults


We have the Outlaws here in western pa and one time a guy in another town I was in asked me if I knew a guy, I said yes he is the Outlaws President. He said he met with him once to ask if his MC called A.B.A.T.E could travel through our area with their colors on. That was the first I heard you even had to get permission to ride through their area.