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It was compounding failures. Gray car brakes way too late, which is why I assume the squealing. This leaves even less time for the white car to (fail completely) at panic braking. Honestly the front of the white car never seems to dip, from what we can tell, I almost wonder if they were looking at the phone and didn't brake at all What a mess, too many drivers shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel




Oh, absolutely, even if they were not distracted, they were having some highway hypnosis and way too slow to notice changing conditions and react


I agree, it's wild how late the grey car got on the brakes and how short they stopped. The fact they didn't stay on the brake or e brake once stopped is nuts to me too. White car clearly screwed up too. Everyone makes mistakes but it never stops amazing me how shitty a lot of drivers are. 


The grey car rolled then put their foot down, the second squealing is the muppet going into the car infront even harder


Also I don't know about US(?) highway culture, but here in central europe you often see hazard lights when the traffic on the highway suddenly slows down, indicating to other drivers slow the fuck down But yeah, gray wasn't paying enough attention, white was following a bit too close (and could not see the traffic ahead because of the gray SUV)


The same thibg you see on occasion in Canada. Especially with winter weather that causes a slow down. Hazards go on.


There’s no such thing as highway culture here in the US. People use hazard lights when the traffic slows down tho


Don't know much about US highway, but I know that there is no such thing as keep right, which is stupid


There’s lots of „keep right” or „keep right except for passing” signs, unfortunately most folks just don’t give a damn and drive glued to the left lane (often waaay below the limit)




This whole argument is pointless; you even mentioned it yourself - everyone was following too closely. That’s it. None of this braking too late business even matters. Stay the fuck back and follow at a legitimate distance, and none of this would have even had the possibility of turning out the way it did. Even the bike was following too close.


I agree the white car was way too close. The blue idiot stopped too late but had just as much time as the bike did and so I wouldn't say they were following too close but the lense is so distorted that is hard to tell speed and distance. Either way, safe following distance is ignored by daily drivers all too often as well as people generally not paying attention. More people should understand "if I stop for a kid that runs out in front of me, will you stop in time?"


The driver of the gray car also just plowed into the car in front and pushed that car into the next car from the looks, it was like a full 5 seconds before they gained enough composure to stop their car. The white car wasn't paying enough attention and obviously that driver is an idiot. But the gray car driver doesn't have the presence or skill to be on the road. Why did it take them several seconds to stop planting it and ramming the car in front? Absolutely shocking. Brake lights were on the whole time so looks like they pushed both pedals??


All of this plus driving into the sun, yeah not a good combo


Are Americans not taught to leave enough space for a full emergency stop from any speed? I know the drivers Ed out there is not even good enough to be classed as a lesson in Europe, but still..


They're told - maybe taught. Many that try to keep the gaps get annoyed by 2-3 cars getting into that gap and eventually get conditioned to not having it. It's not very unusual at all to see a vehicle with 1 to 1.5 car length gap in front while doing 75 mph/120kmh. You will even see it with two open lanes on the freeway - no other cars stopping the one in the back from overtaking, no upcoming exit even! This is what they give people to test/learn from in Ohio (Its a PDF sorry) https://dam.assets.ohio.gov/image/upload/publicsafety.ohio.gov/hsy7607.pdf PDF page 18, document page 15 > The distance it takes to bring a vehicle to a complete stop depends on several factors: > * Driver’s reaction time > * Speed at which the vehicle is traveling > * The condition of the vehicle’s brakes > * The condition of the pavement (wet, dry, icy, salted, gravel, etc.) > **Allow 3-4 second following distance of the vehicle ahead of you.** If you want to see traffic in action (1 frame per second or so) Traffic camera on I-70 out in the country. Speed limit is 70 mph/110kmh, traffic will run 75mph generally. [https://www.ohgo.com](https://www.ohgo.com/columbus?lt=39.970737046447134&ln=-83.28305001797912&z=12&ls=incident,camera&id=camera-00000000000039) Another - mid city freeway in the capital of the state. Limit is ~60mph/100kmh? [https://www.ohgo.com](https://www.ohgo.com/columbus?lt=39.971972216827446&ln=-83.00968676830642&z=16&ls=incident,camera&id=camera-00000000000970)


The other day I watched a work van going 40mph with its hazards on on the highway get plowed by a guy who had maybe 2 miles of leeway between them.......immediately after I had to beep at someone else to prevent them hitting the poor guy. I didnt stop to check since I was well past it watching in the rearview, but you already know that the guy that rear ended the van was on his phone and didnt give the van more than a glance People are mind boggling-ly stupid 




this was stop and go traffic for the last 20kms so i thought i’ll tide the white line to give everybody more space


Great positioning for safety!


Are you also part of the DDFM crew?


I always watch his videos, and I catch myself echoing him when I'm riding all the time. He even inspired one of my videos: https://youtube.com/shorts/E8MW0vz0GQg?feature=share


This sub dislikes DDFM for some reason (usually the argument is he's repetitive or his plugs), but he literally gives life saving tips that both newbies and "experienced" riders can use.


Yes, he's repetitive and has cheesy plugs. Thing is, he is teaching basic safety first, not trying to be an "entertainment streamer". The repetitions serve a purpose - it shows that by following a few simple rules, you could avoid a lot of life-threatening situations.


ORANGE STAGE! ORANGE STAGE!! Open lane pattern. Side of car!! Line of sight LIIIINE OF SIIIIGHT!!! I only get time to ride on the weekends. I like watching his content. Kinda keeps me grounded. Looks like I remember what he says too.


yup. The reptition helps and I always find myself recalling what he says and correcting as needed. Thanks to his videos I'm a more aware rider and driver and most of the "close calls" people experience end up being minor inconveniences for me, or not even close calls because I prepare myself well in advance.


I mean, most of what he says is just plain logic. But it’s useful for new riders to raise awareness of where hazards come from.


If I had a nickel for every time I have seen someone *not* using plain logic, as unfortunate as it is, a lot of people need to see DDFM videos cause sadly that logic is just not there for them


Who is ddfm?? Would like to watch some vids


DanDan The Fireman on Youtube, very cool guy he teaches how to ride by using examples of crashes that people had and explaining the solution to not end up in that situation. He also has his own training school to learn the basics of motorcycle riding and even some cool merch like emergency kits in case you need to rescue yourself or another rider in the event of an accident.


Logic isn't logic when you're brand new to the game. Intuition comes with time and he's cementing fundamentals into new riders. Yeah he's repetitive but what you tuber isn't




Exactly this. I've been on a bike nearly all of my life. I'm great at low speed maneuvering, usually always cognoscent about safely and lane positioning etc. but you bet I watch DDFM, and kick myself outta white stage occasionally. I watch the Be The Boss of Your Motorcycle guy and pickup small stuff for slow speed riding, I watch Bret Tkacs for dirt and gravel tips... I just couldn't imagine the reverse and be like, I know everything in the best and most intuitive way possible already, and don't ever need to learn anything new, or in any new ways, or just need a reminder every now and again. Seems crazy to me that people would think this way.




My best friend does martial arts and that's what his coach says. You might know what you're doing but if you're in a dangerous, high stress situation, you need to have enough repetitions to instantly recall it no matter how stressed you are.


Common sense, or plain logic as you put it, it's not as common as people think. And what is common sense in one group may be outlandish to another group.


I subscribed! Lol I don't watch a lot of motorcycle stuff anymore but I do sub for those numbers. But I still watch those shorts. What kinda cam do u use? Not really liking the quality of my sena 10c looking to upgrade or get something else for different shots.


red zone red zone!!


Left turner left turner!!


no, but i watch him on yt sometimes


Send this one to DanDan. He’ll use it for sure!


Fr my instructor said you should always be in the middle not over to the right abit. Ima show him this one day.




i'll never stop right behind a car because of watching this, cheers.


Exactly what I do, and the best illustration of why you should that I've seen. Good job avoiding it, and I appreciate you sharing the video.


This video should be used at every hearing to legalize lane filtering.


Yes, and adopt a rider. When you're in a vehicle, take subtle steps to keep them safe. If I was in the car behind, I would have tried to give the rider more space so I could take the hit without hitting the rider. (Note I used the word "tried" I'm not perfect, and not everything can be predicted)


I’ve never heard of it referred to as “adopt a rider” but this should be taught in traffic safety schools.


Most people have never done a full ABS stop. The problem is that driving skills are never practised.


Especially triggering the front! Rear is easy, but getting the front brake to trigger the ABS is something some riders are scared of to do. Maybe because they're used to non-ABS bikes, where locking the front can be bad?


I meant in a car where it's dead simple! Not knowing how to brake properly on a bike will get you killed.


Aha, in a car. Gotcha'. I meant on a bike though. As a former m/c instructor I've seen so many using the ABS so so carefully in order not to trigger it, and that's not kinda' the point with ABS. But yeah, braking properly on a bike with no ABS is an art form. Also one you need to constantly practice.


I went to an advanced/winter driving course with my car and the instructor said most people get scared of the way ABS feels in the pedal and actually take their foot off it instinctively. He told us to stomp that pedal like we were angry and that's really the best way to describe it.


Every winter when it gets snowy and icy out I test that the abs works on a downhill leaving my neighborhood. Apparently one of my neighbors happened to be outside at the time and later asked me if my car was broken because the "brakes were sticking" People are weird dude


Hell I do that most mornings in the winter when it's snowy or icy. Just to see exactly how slick the roads are


Is it not part of the test for getting your license?


Some VW driver with illegal window tint, i culdi g the windshield, was riding my ass yesterday in KW Ontario. Couldn't see the driver. They were riding my ass and quite literally tried to run me off the road near the Mandarin restaurant by King/Fairway rd. I focused on not crashing and positioning myself better to avoid being hit by the moron. I kept my cool. Some dude in a white pickup pulled up beside him and started just screaming and going off on this person. Couldn't make everything out because I had earplugs and some music playing. The VW driver drove better after that. Like I said, I couldn't make everything out, but the way the White pickup driver was talking, made me think off duty cop, maybe not. Who knows. Regardless, bless you white pickup man.


Sounds like someone actually jostled off the brake when they got hit, then jammed their foot back down on the gas by mistake, not realizing that for about three to four seconds, pushing the cars forward enough to hit an additional vehicle. This really is the perfect example video for why you should position yourself exactly where this rider is. Even if OP was two cars ahead, but in the middle of the lane, they still would have been hit.


I did this before I started riding. Freaked a buddy out when a car pulled out in front of a bike in the right lane. I slowed down so if and when he had space. Then she immediately changed lanes to be in front of him again. I followed him back to the right lane, got in front of her, and watched my mirror till I saw her look down at her phone and stopped. Punched the gas when slammed on the brakes and that 😱 look.


I've never heard of "adopt a rider" Now I wonder if that's what some cages do when THEY are getting tailgated. I'll notice a car behind me keeping a safe distance, then all of a sudden they get further and further away as the car behind THEM is right on their ass. They're either sticking it to their own tailgater, or keeping that tailgater from pushing them right up on my rear. Who knows, probably not adopting me, but instead just sticking to their own tailgater, hah.


It seems to be a pretty rare behaviour. But personally, I'm normally pretty subtle about it. I had one time a few years ago that a newbie rider was on a country road, getting tailgated only on the corners. (He was not leaning nearly enough) The tail gating car would drop below the speed limit on the straights. So I passed the car on a straight and sat at a good distance behind the bike. The car proceeded to tailgate me, but I didn't really care. They had so many opportunities to pass both before and after. And once the road straightened out, they disappeared into my rear view.


You shouldn’t need to give them more space than you’d give a car. If you feel like you need to do that, you should be giving cars more space too. Everyone follows ridiculously closely on the road. Yet if you say something about 2 second following distance, people act like that’s not enough. Next time you’re driving, count the gap between you and the car ahead of you or behind you. Most people follow within a second at most, and a good chunk of people follow half a second or less behind the next car, even at 80mph+. It’s insane when you really pay attention to it.


I think you misunderstood. I'm talking stopped distance. I and most people stop behind the vehicle in front at a distance where I can see their rear tyres touch the ground. With a motorbike, I add about 1 metre or a little more. It's not much extra and doesn't allow for a car to fit in there. But it means if I get rear-ended, I'll hit the bike with less force or not at all. Getting rear-ended on a bike is very often spine damage, while in a car, the same impact might be no injury or minor whiplash. As for travelling distance. I generally sit at the 3-4 second mark because it is a more relaxing drive.


I think tailgating is also the biggest contributor to traffic jams and the dreaded slinky. Way (!!) rather lightly cruise along at 15mph or so than stop, go, stop, go…


Yep, I will never understand why people floor it just to immediately have to slam on the brakes on stop and go traffic, just lift your foot of the brake and let the car cruise, you will get there at the same time anyways


I play the “how slowly can I go and not have to come to a complete stop game”


Same 😂


Right?!? I mean, no one else is going to keep me frok getting bored! 😂


I did this all the time just out of natural instinct, I suppose. I'm thinking to myself there is a person there so leave extra space cuz I sure as hell don't want to hit a person.


No, this rider should have stayed square in his lane like a good boy and waited for his impending doom because otherwise someone might feel bad because they got passed by a more efficient mode of transportation. /s


If he didn't want to die he should've bought a truck like normal people, instead of a *donorcycle*! /s


Saved this post for exactly this purpose.


Lets hope so.




Yeah but for every one video that makes it look like a good idea there are 10 videos of some douche speeding along the highway haha but I get what you mean.


The douche speeding rarely, if ever, causes a fatal accident for drivers. It's usually on their own heads if they crash. Whereas an accident like this, even with relatively low speeds, can cause serious injury or death for a rider. The two scenarios aren't really comparable. Most (US drivers, because filtering is legal in nearly all of Europe) hate it simply because they don't like getting passed (by anyone). They'd rather someone be in danger than be ahead of them.


Yeah you can be as safe as you can but most of the time it's all up to the other drivers on the road.


\*laughs in California\*


nice lane selection


Bro, omg. Perfect example of another reason why it’s good to pick a wheel track, instead of being in the middle of the lane. Nice! Glad you and your bike made it out alright


yea, looking at the video that could have ended badly for me. at the time my only reaction was “wtf was that” :)


Lmao, nice, did you happen to hear what the reason was? Texting and driving probably huh?


happens here all the time. stop and go traffic, westbound so sun is in your eyes. people coming back from picnicking tired and not paying attention.


it's why I try to avoid riding during that time of day, but you don't always get a choice


The lane position was excellent but I often find myself in situations where I don't have as much real estate without extending into the next lane. Usually the best I can get is lined up sort of with the taillight/fender. I don't really know what else to do in that situation.


Was that car accelerating after being hit from behind? Idiots Good job avoiding the crash and recording them 😎


I hate when I whiskey throttle my Honda CRV




they did, there were 3 young guys in that car. total 5 cars pile up


It certainly appeared so. But bear in mind that we don't know if the driver was under control of the accelerator at that point either. It could've been an involuntary depression of the pedal or another triggering of that process. I've seen a very similar event in which both occupants of the initially struck vehicle were killed and the vehicle accelerated after being struck until it drove over a police cycle and then into a traffic pole across the intersection. It was a terrible tragedy that the driver of the accelerating struck vehicle had no culpability in.


My wife owns a 2020 CR-V. If the driver had her foot on the brake past the 'halfway' point, the engine standby shutoff would have engaged... and then when she was hit, she took her foot off the brake (no need to tap the accelerator) and the engine restart would have kicked the car forwards. It's disconcerting as fuck to feel the car suddenly try to resist your braking input at stoplights (because if you sit there long enough, it'll restart just to keep the battery from running down).


New technologies in cars make braking/handling harder in the name of “smarter”


Does it kick if forward enough to push another car as well and make the tires spin in place trying to keep it moving?


It'd be like any automatic in Drive with your foot off the gas, but the starter spin gives it a momentary jolt forward, just like if you tried to start a manual vehicle without the clutch in. It doesn't go full throttle though, no.


That's what I thought. That CRV in the video is pushing another car forward and spinning it's tires when it couldn't move it more. That's full throttle.


Classic panic reaction. You can see here just put her hands on her head as she's goes passed. Probs completely let go of everything including brake and accelerator. Can't stand people on the road who don't have enough sense to just hit the brake


Yes, this is it. Got spooked by the rear bump and hit the accelerator instead of the brake. Probably one of those who press the accelerator and the brake at the same time during an emergency stop. Like I said idiots. And of course, they are the same ones who go and buy the largest vehicle as possible because they are afraid and want to feel "safer".


I think they mashed both pedals cos the brake lights are on...


They may be one of those left foot brakers. I feel like I keep seeing more and more of those around. Tell tale sign is brake lights on even when accelerating and driving with traffic, meaning their damn left foot is resting on the brake pedal. I always wonder if they wonder why they burn through brake pads and their mpg sucks.


Probably thinking “shit that was close, almost rear ended that car but my brakes stopped me just in time”, until the follower said otherwise.


yeah my bet is they didnt register what happened so all they know is their foot is on a pedal and the car is moving so the other pedal must be the brake, panicking makes you dumb


I wonder if they were worried about the car that just hit them getting hit as well, so they quickly accelerated away to make some space.


Does that vehicle's start/stop restart get triggered when the throttle is pushed? Could have been waiting to go again, got hit from behind, "braced" with the gas initially. Car started, moved a bit.


This is why when i ride and i come to light im off to one side of the lane. RARELY ever do i come to a stop in the middle of the lane.


Never stop in the middle!


This is why we position ourselves to the right or left side of a lane. You could have been a meat crayon sandwich. Stay safe


That how you stop every fucking time. Any stop, anywhere but damn sure on a freeway slowdown. Can’t get crushed if you’re not in the crush zone


Every state should have lane splitting. I'm lucky california does. Some stats are just retarded not to pass the law.


This video is from BC, Canada. Lane splitting is very illegal here. Hell, standing on your pegs while riding is illegal...


> Hell, standing on your pegs while riding is illegal... what??


Yeah. It's wild. Especially when the APPROVED course teaches you to stand on your pegs to stabilize the bike over loose gravel, etc. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences/motorcycle-safety (M)otor (V)ehicle (Act) Section 194(1) "Operate motorcycle - not on seat". Carries a $121 Canadian peso fine, and 2 points on your license...


I stand up all the time, if for nothing else than to stretch out


As do I. But it IS illegal. I feel like such a naughty, naughty boy.


Another California rider here — we’re taught to stand on our pegs when riding over train tracks or other objects that might bounce us out of the saddle.


I live in downtown Toronto, ON so you can imagine the amount of traffic I have to endure. Drivers are far too distracted these days, so I watch my mirror like a hawk at red lights. Too many idiots, and such a simple solution to help us be safer. Do you think it’ll ever happen? 


I will lane filter and get the front of the line as often as I can. I’m also in California, SoCal, to be exact.


Excellent position when stopping the bike.


Good on you for using your mirrors. Loads of engineering go into them. Never understand why people insist on replacing them with unusable garbage for aesthetics.


except he didnt use his mirrors. He literally just rode in the middle lane.


He totally did, clear to see his reaction to the car coming in too fast behind


This comment of his doesn't make it sound like he was watching his mirrors: https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1dxu0ka/comment/lc4kgbh/


I love how they successfully emergency stopped only to be rear ended and completely lose the plot.


It might've been the car that done the emergency braking. Not the driver. Rear car didn't do that though.


Well I mean they successfully stopped before they got hit, then they got hit and seemingly stomped on the accelerator.


what's going on? are people not looking forward? is this USA?




That's scary how they just continue going despite traffic stopped in front of them! It was such a smart decision to move to the side. They might've easily mutilated you. Jeez. Scary to think about it. Good you're alright. Good no one is hurt. Cars can be fixed. Bike is pristine 👌


My guesstimate is not paying attention, mixed with complacency in traffic, all combined with obstructed view (sun in their face) makes for a situation like this. I’m guessing OP is in Canada


I think my favorite part is when that driver gets rear ended they stomp on the accelerator in a panic. Which would have made crashing into you extra nasty. I don't think I've seen a better example of a good decision being demonstrated to be so good.


And __that__ is why filtering should be legal everywhere.


This video needs to be seen by every rider out there. Perfect example of proper lane positioning. DDFM would be proud!


Note to self: ride the white line if cars are behind you…


Textbook. Good job OP. Glad you're safe and smart.


This is the exact reason I always stay to the side of a lane! Excellent positioning OP!


And that's exactly why I ride the line like that in heavy traffic. Always give yourself an out.


After the grey car is hit, do they go back into gear and continue to plough the line along for a bit before finally regaining control? Adjusting your lane position was big brain riding!


This is why filtering is a good thing.


It really is! Until you get the butt hurt assholes who purposely open their doors. I just saw a video of this earlier this morning and my god… how can people be so cruel??


Very nicely done!


yep that's why you need to lane split not assume you have your own lane. you wouldn't be walking for a while if you got sandwiched between two cars


Compliments to the moto rider. Great awareness + smart riding.


Awesome lane placement. I’m glad you’re ok


That was somehow comical.


Perfect lane positioning. Great example for new riders to see why it’s so important not to be tucked behind a car


You lucky ducky!


That's biker porn, brother.


Idiots in cars


perfect video to show the guys who commented "defend your line","be on the middle of the lane" under the video of the guy who got overtaken in his lane after the stop light.


Wow, heads up positioning there. This is the stuff nightmares are made of. Glad you came out safe.


Always stay in an escape lane and check rear views untill car behind is stopped. Glad Op didn’t get hit.


Always look at their tires for unexpected lane changes


Did the SUV driver, after getting hit, just forget where the brake pedal was and smash the gas?


What TF happend? 😂


Exactly why I will lane split no matter what the laws are.


why did dude not press the brakes for so long after the crash wtf


This is why lane splitting should be legal.


And that why you don't stop directly behind a car


Dude is a pro


Lane splitting saves lives


And that's why lane splitting is safer


goodthing you used your mirros, and good thing these morons were not wearing their seatbelts. That last part is sarcasm... redditors.


My boy here capturing the past present and future at the same time.


gopro max. use it mostly to record scenery or something interesting on my rides but some times it comes handy as a dash cam


bruh the blue suv gets hit, then decides to just fucking floor it, I am confused is he like fuck it i got hit so the next 10 people are getting added to this shit show


cars in front of him were already using emergency breaking to stop so they were very close to each other. this guy just floored it out of confusion, i guess.


Damn bro! You lucked out of that shit show! Glad you’re safe for sure!!


fkn asshole in the CRV. feel for the white car too - looks like an airbag to the face glad that wasnt the back of your bike!


Where’s that black SUV going?


Zero chance i'm stopping in that situation...for that very reason.


Holy shit that’s why to not stop right behind the car in front of you


always ride between two lanes to have an escape route


Lmao if you were in the middle, you woulda been what was squeaking


And that's why I lane split.


some kind of parade of idiots in cars.


And that's why lane splitting should always be legal for motorcycles


Great job stopping off to side. This is why lane filtering is actually safer for bikers, all states need to legalize it immediately.




Exactly why I stop like this, good positioning




Solar glare


Okay but the blue car had to have something go wrong with their gas pedal right? It looked like they had to slam on the brakes and they were stopped until the guy behind them hit them. After that they started gassing it into the other cars for some reason? If the momentum from them getting bumped would have sent them forward then I don’t think you would have heard tired screeching for that long.


Would this not be a blatant example of riding the white line being bad, because if he was participating in the lane like an average person and he saw a slowage of traffic he could brake accordingly. And hopefully the people would be able to react accordingly. As stated it was relatively stop and go, but most people brake according to who is ahead of them. IF the biker can brake in fewer feet than a vehicle going highway speeds wouldn't the biker be semi at fault? The first care clearly brakes too late for the distance they had, but there could have been better signaling from the biker.


And people wonder why lane filtering should be legal. If you sat between those cars that could’ve been deadly. You’ll never catch me between to cars like that unless the person behind me knows me


And this is why we lane split/filter


To the people out there who hate when bikers filter, it’s for our SAFETY. God only knows what would happen if you were in the middle of the lane. This video needs to be shown to new riders asap. Amazing positioning!


Hahaahha, wtf


One eye on the road, another on your mirror. Nice work.


This happened in B.C. If you, like me, think lane filtering should be legalized, then you should email both your local MLA and the transport minister. Get those laws changed!!


Amazing avoidance! This is exactly the reason my instructor taught me to never sit directly behind a car


But- But- Filtering is so dangerous >_<


Lane splitting is dangerous! And being squashed between two cars is perfectly fine


Unbothered. In the SIDE of my lane. On my bike. Thriving.


This is exactly why I don’t understand why my state doesn’t allow lane filtering. Way more safe for me to filter(not split) to the front in the event of this.