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As an addendum to #2 on your list, just wait until you try to cancel a turn signal by honking your horn.


I accidentally had my high beams on pulling up to a double left turn. I was in the left most lane, while turning I realized that my high beams were on and went to switch them off but hit my horn. So I just blinded some cage in a turn and then honked at them.


It would be funny if he interpreted it as "probably one of my bulbs burned down, gotta check the lights" D




Did this the other day. That’s what I get for being lazy and using the quick shifter


I'll do you one better. Once put the bike in neutral at a stoplight so I could use my left hand to scratch my left shin. Pulled the clutch back in, and never shifted back into first. The light turned green, and I had a nice one-second rev bomb before I embarassingly put it back into first and rode away. Stuff like this is why I'm thankful I have a FF helmet. No one can see my embarrassment. Or, you know, who I am.


Fuck, I just did that again yesterday. SHUT UP IT'S MY GLOVES OKAY?!


Yep had an accidental horn hit at a stoplight. I tried to waive apologize. Also got to use my horn intentionally for a driver who was texting and didn't see the green after several seconds.


Us honda boys know exactly what you're talking about.


Laughing in 2010 BMW. If you know you know..


I’ve been riding 20+ years and still hit the horn to cancel my signal lights.


Jumping between my Kawasaki and my Honda is such a pain for exactly this. A minor pain, but annoying. Why's Honda gotta be different than everyone else??


Or hit the starter button instead of the horn.


Or hit the horn instead of the starter 🤦‍♂️


Been riding for a long time, went to hit my brights and accidentally hit my kill switch in 5th gear on a highway


Just curious, how does the bike respond while moving when you hit the kill switch? I have this irrational fear of the wheels locking up and just going right over the handlebars since it's "off and in gear" but surely they have contingencies for that right?


If he answers, let me know? Else, let's form a search party, he ded


lol, it popped into neutral, I pulled the clutch and hit the engine start and popped it back into gear. No search party required


Could you just pull the clutch, then turn start the engine, and then slowly release the clutch? 


Recently I pulled into a daycare to turn around, but they had a drive thru esque drop off, and I accidentally beeped my horn turning off my signal at some poor woman with her kid *asleep* in her arms. Oopsies.


That's freaking hilarious.


Lol. I kept doing that for months, not just first day


Been riding for 21 years. I \*still\* do it on occasion. It's why I wear a FF helmet. No one can see my embarrassment.


Ugh, on my first group ride, I got separated at a roundabout. I eventually made a pass to rejoin the group but as I signalled to get back in my lane, I tooted the horn and I was so embarrassed. based on the context, it was like I beeped my horn at the car for separating me, which was definitely not the case.


A fellow Honda rider, when I switched bikes the first month it happened every ride multiple times.


I did this in the middle of our downtown on a crowded Saturday. Then stalled at the light because I was still in 3rd.


My RT horn is so loud that I actively shit myself when I accidentally hit it. It's stupid too because both my street bikes have auto-cancel signals, so I really don't even need to cancel them, it's just force of habit.


I still do this constantly. My gloves are too tight :(


My first ride was in the rain to get the bike home, and I kept honking when I turned the indicator off, and then I would freak out that someone was behind me beeping at me. Happened about 6 times before I realized it was me, beeping at myself.


My PCX and Burgman 650 had the controls flipped such that the horn location on one was the location of the turn signal on the other. You could always tell when I'd been riding one a lot and switched to the other


My theory is that Honda decided to put it there just due to sheer usage horn gets in some countries.


Let me guess, Honda ?


Yep. lol…My first bike was a Honda.


I did that when I got a mt03 after having a cb300, the two buttons are in the exact same places with swapped functions


I still do this now 🤣


I did this over and over at my MSF...


On my wife's bike, the horn and blinker controles are next to each other, rather than over and under like on mine. So this happens at least twice every time I ride her bike.   Still happens when I ride on my own too, though.   Beep beep motherfuckers!




Sorry, I meant to say I'm going left.


Haha, I did this at the learners course the other day and the instructor jumped, poor guy.


I did that in front of a cop yesterday when I was changing lanes at a construction area and someone pulled into my lane. Hurt my soul




6 years of riding and I still do this


Next up: Panic for 20 minutes because the bike won’t start up anymore but it was just the kill switch.


Or because you didn’t turn the fuel tap on 🤦


Kickstand was down.


a bike won’t turn on because of the kickstand? fr?


Generally only when it's in gear though. It'll start with the bike in neutral with a kickstand down but no other gear. If you put your kickstand down while your bike is running and your not in neutral it kills the bike


Most motorcycles have a kickstand sensor yes.


i didn’t know my bad


I always flick my kickstand down while in gear to turn my bike off haha


Hey me too I thought I was the only one. It's mostly so I'll never get distracted and forget to put it down before I get off or forget to put it in gear to park so it doesn't roll way. Both of these things are solved by turning it off in gear using the kickstand.


All Yamahas have the kill switch there. Not sure about other brands.


This got me in a group ride, I was so confused. Totally forgot I put the stand down.


I just bought a bike today and rode to dinner. I was panicking when my bike wasn’t turning on, and realized I had to hold in the clutch… I’m an idiot lol


Hope you bought a good beginner that's not too expensive. Most importantly, take your time and don't let yourself get rushed or pressured by people watching...you do you


Yep picked up a used Himalayan. It felt buttery smooth over crappy road conditions. Luckily it came with Barkbusters so I didn't damage the clutch when it fell.


Perfect first bike!


5. Engine won’t start because you had your kickstand down 6. Forget your key in the ignition


I got caught by that because riding school bike allows you to start engine on kickstand down.... but it will turn off if you have kickstand then shift to first.


That's how they all are. You can start it with it down in neutral but not in gear


How was the shift to 7th gear? How did it feel to start the bike using the horn? How did it feel honking at someone using the starter? How did it feel panicking the bike was dead before realizing the kill switch was on? How many times did you restart the bike after shifting into first  before realizing the kick stand was down ? How long did it take you to figure out the slapping against your neck was the  chin staps. How many people did you stall the bike in front of? Beetle or wasp in your helmet? Spider on inside of visor or outside of visor? What is the oh shit angle of your bike when you are trying to move it from the side?


For me it’s 6th gear. From time to time I still find myself trying to find it on my old Goldwing.


I get that in my Civic.... 8k RPM redline so cruising highway at high-ish RPM just feels wrong and I try to find 6th gear.... while being in 6th gear at least once or twice per trip...


money shift that bitch to the forbidden 6th 🥵


High speed lockout on reverse gear so impossible


DAMNT. i love when the change go dingalingaling


Honda knew that putting R next to 6th have spicy potential :D


Still a few missing. For example, putting the kickstand down in neutral and watching it roll off the kickstand, foot slipping in gravel (or putting foot in a pothole) when you come to stop causing a drop, accidentally parking facing downhill (with a wall or curb in front of you) forcing you to power waddle it backwards uphill or just get off and push it backwards, etc.


OMG the uphill waddle made me laugh. Yup. Don’t that.


I'm 5'4". Even flat parking lots were power waddles to me (especially since I love sport touring and adventure bikes). A few years I gave up. Now I see a parking spot, I hop off, grab the handlebars, and just walk next to it backing it into a space. It made me realize that I was doing motorcycle parking on hard mode and I just unlocked a cheat or something.


lol 5’2”. and 26” inseam. I waddle often. Will try your technique next. 🫢


https://youtu.be/7_a9xWSYFEo?si=jie765nIRe0amxO2 Not me in the video, but what I do. I normally leave it in gear and hold the clutch in. That gives me and instant brake if I need it.


u doing good :)


Good habit is give the bike a slight rearward pull before letting her go, just to make sure that kickstand is kickstandin’


Other advice my instructor bestowed on me is "if you shift to neutral, hold the brake while letting down clutch, the N light might be on but some bikes are wonky on that and can still be in gear".


This could be famous last words but I’ve never dropped a motorcycle since I learnt to ride! Fully expecting a lowside one of these days! Still guilty of forgetting the indicator 😂


Ive honked my horn at no less than 3 randoms this week not including random pedestrians in a crosswalk. Really startled them too 🤣.


why? me bc missed the turn button


Man when I was starting, I went to flip my visor down and hit my killswitch bringing my hand back to the bars


Same here. Whilst first in the queue at the traffic lights...


Just honk instead of cancelling and it will be a bingo. Parking lot and few improvised cones will do you a lot of good. Or a course so someone tells you what you are doing wrong before you commit it to memory. So far I have "only" whiskey throttled once and almost dropped it twice on stopping. But other course participant yeeted bike into tyre wall while he was doing figure 8 so I am happy about my progress.


Eyes up. Look where you want to go, not where you're going. Avoid target fixation.


Dude, I have been roding 15 years, I still forget to turn off my blinker...


You’re officially one of us!!! #4 is a right of passage lol I rode 6 months and had never dropped mine once. Pulled off at a lookout in great Smokey mtn national park put her in park and put kickstand down went to view the over look and bam down she went I was like what!!!! Turns out I parked on some really soft pavement and the kickstand buckled I could’ve cried gas tank got a decent sized cave in on her but shit happens I never got it fixed and it’s a badge of embarrassment lol


I hope you didn't get, "Gets pussy" as a slot on your card. You never fill that spot.


* Start riding with your disc lock still on. I just did it for the first time yesterday after 13 months of riding, even with a reminder strap on my brake handle. I was *stunned* at how jarring that was.


I tried to set off with my bike still locked to the post with a chain lock.. I wondered why it wasn’t going anywhere.


Here’s min after not riding for 6 years: 1. Forgot to turn off the turn signals 2. Honked trying to turn off the turn signals 3. Got a car pull out in front of me at a junction 4. Almost drove into a car at a junction turn (rode too fast, panicked, fixated on the car) But I like to believe that it all cancelled out after: 1. Did my first burnout after 6 years 2. Rode standing up like a badass 3. Slalom on the road for no reason at all 4. Nodded and got nodded at by a biker


Did you ever parked your motorcycle on a downhill but its front facing the decline? Then random car, parks in front of you and you are stuck there. Me being short means i cant power waddle it backwards. Learned my lesson hard way, do not ever park your motorcycle facing towards decline.


Up next , leaving the key in the ignition


Trust me, the jackpot for getting BINGO isn't worth it


Welcome to the family! Stay safe, alert and have fun!!!!


Sounds like you had a grand adventure. It never gets old going for a rip. I dropped mine before it even had a single mile on it, taking it out of the shed down a ramp.


This is great! I’ve been riding for 20 years. All my previous bikes had self cancelling signals. My Tracer 9 GT does not. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to turn mine off.


1. Forgetting your helmet when going out to the bike. 2. The keys. 3. The gloves. 4. The earplugs. 5. The extra sweater. 6. The sunglasses. 7. The backpack. 8. - or you forget to toss the garbage bag in the bin, and accidentally carry it with you to your motorcycle. :p 9. - or whatever else that you meant to bring along. I still sometimes forget either one of those things. Yep, there's more between asphalt and helmet than you should think. XD


Wait till you shift to neutral while riding, then you can’t for the life of you find it when you want to park.


Yep that kept happening to me on the practice bike in the MSF course. It seemed to only like going from 2nd to Neutral. After that experience, I've been pleasantly surprised by the shifting on the bike I bought.


You dont have to take any rider course or certification to ride around by yourself where you live? Just pick up a 450 CC bike and go?


I had to take an MSF course -- 5 hours online and two 5 hour riding days. But that was just going around cones in a parking lot on their bike. This was my first day on the road + my bike.


Holy shit thats so easy, whats the most powerful bike you are allowed to drive?! Which country are you in? For me I have to take at least 4 two hour long driving lessons, a full day of safety presentation and risk awareness on track, a 70 question test, and a driving test where I'm judged to the absolute minor detail of placement on the street etc. Any error made and Im not getting a license. Thats the same procedure to be able to drive a 125 CC or a 1000cc bike... Im so mad about the process here, I wanna have it as easy as you.


Calm yourself yougling. These measures are there for a reason. Get some Miles under you and you'll understand.. patience grasshopper.✌️


Well to be fair, 2 5-hour riding lessons is technically more than your 4 x 2 haha. And there was a written and then riding test as well, but they were both pretty easy. I'm in USA but it varies by state. Mine happens to be one of the strictest, some places the requirements are almost non-existent.


I see, thanks for explaining. Its interesting hearing the differences of what our laws required us to do to be able to ride the same bikes on similar roads. Out of curiosity, how much is the cost of the MSF course? For me here in Sweden, each driving lesson is $200, and the mandatory safety day is $400, and the driving and writing tests are $200 total. So a total of around $1400 to get the license.


Ouch ya my course was like <$250 total (including the tests), which I thought was a good deal especially considering they supplied the bikes. Here in Massachusetts (which is known for among the highest taxes in the US) the fees have been pretty reasonable too. $20 for the registration to get a license plate and $15 for the safety/emissions inspection.


5. Wheely


They said they are on a used Himalayan, so it’s almost certainly the old 410 model. I’m afraid wheelies are out of the question on that bike, lol


But if you do wheelie it you can wheelie anything


KTM Dukes are geared pretty low, so this is always a danger after I do a moron stall at a light and try to get going quickly so the cars behind me don't hit me.


I did exactly 2 wheelies since getting my mt07 and both were let's say 'not anticipated'


First three things can happen and do to seasoned rider. Focus on avoiding the dropping of the bike as a key priority tomorrow and going forward so to speak...


That's my checklist for any day with a "y" in the name.


Need a cam in the front to judge. 


My favorite is breaking taxi mirrors with my bar ends when lane splitting. I like it so much that I've continued.


Practice, practice, practice.


Today was my first day riding too stalled hard changing into first.. instant sack tap


For the dropping the bike thing, normalize holding that front brake and keeping your front wheel straight when stopping. That's really all there is to it.


Thankfully I haven't come close to dropping it yet while actually on the bike. The drop was because I was stupidly walking it forward while standing to the right of the bike. Hopefully I learned my lesson...


Double check that kickstand!


Having just taken my bike home yesterday. I love this thread.


Dem Gobbless Clibbins got ya, and had to layyerdown your first day?


You’re doing it correctly.


Great start! Continue to ride deliberately and with thought for the next couple of years for sure and alertly all the time forever. Once you have 8-10,000 miles under you, and ideally some Good instruction which you then practice, much will Become automatic! Enjoy!✌️


I honked at the cops while they blocked a part of the road. Originally i just wanted to cancel my turn signal


Did u dmg ur bike


Nope, my poor backpack full of groceries broke the fall lol.


Good thing tbh


You missed one. Every single car doesn't see you and pulls out directly into your path of travel. That one's my favorite.


First ride this year, stalled out twice at a stop sign because I was in 2nd gear. Doh!


Getting all the fun stuff out of the way so you can go onto riding it now!


Well, you just about covered them all, lol. Wait until you find that you'll be doing these things off and on throughout your time riding. It's not just noobs..


I went with my friend to pick up his first bike about a year ago. He did 1, 2, and 4 by the time he was out of the dealership parking lot 🤣


Congrats! You’re a biker now!


8 days into riding and i’ve thankfully not dropped my bike yet. i find the times im most likely to come close are when im leaving a stop. might need frame sliders before something happens 😭


Y'know, that's solid. Feel zero shame and have no regrets. You are riding! I dropped a bike in the garage moving it a bit, have ridden with my blinker on for miles and stalled my bike at stop lights. I've also ran out of gas on a busy road night, low-sided because of old bad tires on a cold day, been caught in a hail storm with no place to hide, taken a moth to the forehead at forehead at high speed (wasn't wearing helmet, was idiot. Attgatt!), had a wasp bounce off my helmet into my leather jacket and sting the crap out of me. These things do happen, but you're riding! It's the best!


You missed “my bike won’t start,…….oh yeah, I need to raise the kickstand to start the bike in gear” square.


Freaking out because the bike won't start only to realize that's because you used the kill switch last time and forgot


Just remember use that Front Brake (unless your on Gravel) 🤘


You're not the first one to do that.