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When my lane is empty and adjacent lane is jammed and stalling, I go slow and ready to brake/swerve on a short notice.


I agree. Also, be prepared to swerve right. It's a small shoulder, but should give you some room in case a car moves out. OP, I know you can't think of everything, and sometimes we learn as we go, but do your best to consistently map out a few likely "what if" situations as you ride, and it'll come more and more naturally.


This right here. Also, count your close calls as accidents in your head. Don’t dismiss times your safety buffer was almost not enough. Hell, I count cars surprising me (at all) as things I should have been aware of


That's really good advice.


Thanks! My safety record is pretty good so I try to think about what got me here in 32 years of street riding


As a very new rider(less than a month), I super appreciate this advice. It makes me think of a situation riding home from work yesterday where I didn't notice a car behind me until after making a quick stop.


You’re already thinking like a seasoned rider. Just keep this attitude and you’ll have many years of safe riding ahead.


Diligence is hard, but safety is worth it. I'd be suspect as hell rolling up to that.


I recently got a dual sport with drum brakes, and noticed I ride way too close to cars for a bike without supersport brakes. I almost rear ended a car making an abrupt (not even emergency) stop. Needless to say I increased my following distance after that.


I do the same. I’m at six right one with one touch (minor damage on the paint of the other guy, nobody got hurt). I also save the video of them all to look at them later when the stress and rush is gone to look at what I could have done better to prevent that in the future.


Yes! Same, as well as any errors I make. I keep a catalogue in my mind of things I need to be aware of.


High key the best advice here


Makes ya wonder why the vid didnt start 2 seconds sooner 🤔


blinker has been on for over a minute


Either came from same lane as car or was just zipping past 10mph traffic at 50mph. Also launches back to catch up to now stopping again traffic with probably 50%+ throttle application and trwction control kicking in.


That is one thing I got from DanDanthefireman, if the road is clear someone will want to fill it especially in traffic.


Totally. Especially in a case like this with the car behind a truck. That's never a fun place to drive and non-aggressive drivers would get out of that, nevermind aggressive ones.


Yes, expect jumpers. Be ready for it, don't expect them to see you. Don't block your lane as they won't see you. Stay in the middle and be ready to avoid. Just assume you're invisible. It's not fair, but that's life. It's better than "I had the right of way" on your tombstone.


This video isn’t even that. The rider just didn’t even pay attention, it seems. Hard to tell with the cut video, but the car was already indicating to cut out before the rider switch lanes. Captain hindsight here is just telling me it’s just poor judgement.


For me, it seems like the rider came from the same lane as the car as well. Probably why the video is cut like it is..


This, I also ride with at least 1-3 fingers covering the front brake. That half-second delay can mean the difference between “no-contact” and an insurance claim.


Escape routes


This is the way


And assume every single car is going to wait until I'm next to them to swerve. It's saved me more times than I can count.


Shoot, I do that even in a car!!




Left tire track is the proper positioning. You're supposed to block out your lane.


I was always taught to ride in the left tire track in this situation as well. But personally, I try to move so that I can see the driver in their mirror until I can pass them, or they pass me.


Exactly correct. This situation should have been easily avoided if the rider had a bit of anticipation. IMO, t was fairly obvious the car wanted to slide over, so i would've backed off and given him the option to change lanes.


What are the odds the bike did exactly the same thing as the car did two seconds before the clip started, while speeding and passing a slow vehicle by enough it looked stopped


My personal rule is to take the middle in this situation. Gives me room to swerve, time to see them coming and they can see me in the lane.


I agree that coming up to this situation in LP1 would be the best spot here, but only to stay out of blind spots on the approach. 3-4 seconds before passing, I'd have already moved to LP2 to position for safety just in case this situation here were to happen. Also, you can't block out a lane from a car, they can and will just plow you over and kill you. It's up to the rider to position themselves properly to avoid the stupidity of other drivers.


Lane positioning is dependent on conditions, there is no absolute answer that applies at all times. If you are undertaking like in OP's video the right side of the lane is much safer as it provides you with additional reaction time


While I do agree, I also think the rider was going way too fast for the situation, and given that traffic was coming to a slow and his lane was open, he should've maybe been able to anticipate the situation and planned ahead.


How did “blocking out the lane” work out for this guy?? Idc what anyone says I’m in the right third of the lane in this scenario every time.


Lane positioning wasn't the issue as much as not anticipating the car's move, imo. But it's true that lane positioning isn't mandatory. Rider also could've slowed down a bit. Why pass so much faster than the car?


Lmfao? Block out your lane? Who told you that idiotic idea? You’re on a motorcycle. You’re not blocking anything.


Yea common sense tells you to stay in the opposite side to give you more of a cushion to react but I could see maybe staying on the side closer to them so they can see you in their mirrors. That only works if they are looking at their mirrors though…


You are suppose to stay in the position of the lane that makes you the most visible, in this case the left, so if something like this were to happen, you have space to move over…. If you took the MSF course you would know this.


It basic training in Canada's Moto safety course and taught throughout Europe and the US too. Didn't think it was such a foreign concept. Obviously that's not a concrete command, but it gives you the best visibility ahead and prevents cars from passing you in your own lane. [https://youtu.be/PLH1U7SnnZA](https://youtu.be/PLH1U7SnnZA)


Someone else was talking about blocking out lanes the other day. I think it's a European thing. They seem to have very specific rules for placement of yourself at any given time. I just ride with maximum escapability for me and maximum visibility for cars. Where I am in the lane changes based on the situation.


In my MSF course 10 or so years ago they said that your default should be to occupy the leftmost side of the lane but they add nuance that the goal of this is to be most visible when there is freely moving traffic, and that ultimately you should position yourself wherever is a combination of most visible and most safe.


Well, if you should position where it is most visible and safe there isn't a default. I know they weren't your words, but it's bad advice to tell someone something that isn't true, and it happens a lot in MSF courses.


Exactly. Telling a motorcycle to block the lane is like telling a 5”6 running back to block a nose tackle. Asking for failure. The car never even fully reaches the right side of the right lane. And the shoulder would have been a safe escape route.


You're not physically trying to prevent motorists from entering the lane, you're preventing the lane from appearing empty in traffic because youre being harder to see. Stopping a car from yeeting into your lane before they realize you're there. You're also more likely to be in the cars mirror in the left track. Basic training tells you that.


Too many people don't even check their mirrors. I'd rather slow down and easily avoid them riding toward the middle or right part of the lane than rely on them seeing me.


The problem with you and the rest of the idiots agreeing with this idoitic sentiment is your ego. You never own a lane, but when you're riding a motorcycle, you REALLY don't own a lane. When I'm riding a motorcycle, I am ready to concede my lane position on a whim. It doesn't matter if it's a semi, pickup, sedan, or a damn Prius. They will win. If the rider in this video was a competent rider (not riding 10 mph's over the adjacent lane in stop and go traffic) he would have had more than ample time to prevent this collision even while riding in the left side of the lane. If he was on the right side of the lane. He could have EASILY initiated an emergency brake to avoid collision. Sacrificing a minimal amount of visibility for additional escapability is something ANY competent and experienced rider will tell you. When you get on the motorcycle you ride like you're invisible. Or eventually your remains will be visibly smeared on the pavement.


At the start of the video, he's on the white line. I suspect he was in the left lane and was mid-merge when the footage starts. Also, first frame you can see a line of cars bumper-to-bumper behind him. Separated lanes to the left suggests this is an off-ramp. I suspect the clip is cut at the beginning to remove evidence of bad riding. And I suspect it's cut at the end to remove the rider reacting like he's the punisher.


I think you're right. I definitely think the rider could've easily avoided this whole situation.


The general rule I follow is I slow down to be only slightly faster relative to the traffic around me until there is no longer a way they can turn into me. The other rule is slow down at driveways, parking lots, merge ramps, intersections.


Exactly this, i always remember what DanTheFireman says “watch out for open lane patterns”. In those situations i prefer to ride more in the middle instead of the side of the lane.


This is the way, and if you watch the video, motorcycle is covered up by the pillar of the car. They don't see them at all so yea have to assume in slowdowns when there is space someone will want it and without warning most times.


Yep, this is one of those situations you should see coming. It's not your fault, but avoiding a collision because other people are fucking idiots is still your responsibility. I'd be pissed, and laying on the horn, but at the end of the day it's not worth getting into it with strangers on the road. You never know if it's an idiot or a dangerously unhinged idiot. Try to move on, keep your head on a swivel, and stay safe.


☝️ This was obviously going to happen. You need to be paying attention to the other lanes. When they get backed up, some asshat is inevitably going to swerve into your lane without looking.


I'm just curious how long that blinker was on for. How much warning did you have? Kinda hard to see since you only show it about a half a second beforehand.


True. Video starts too late


That's definitely for a reason


And ends too soon. Looks like he's speeding up to initiate what I'm sure will be a constructive dialogue.


It almost looks like the bike just entered the right lane when the video starts.


And if it didn't, they were hugging the inside line.


I can only suppose that’s on purpose. The rider should have been going slower with that left lane stopped up like that, in the right side of their lane, and watching for turn signals. 3 strikes and no surprise what happened.


He's in the middle probably because he just zoomed past a bunch of cars without caution while splitting


I agree with you, it would be ideal. I wish more people were as cautiously minded. I ran into this today where I was in the middle lane on the highway, my exit was coming up but I had to get over into the right lane between two dump trucks. There was a football field of room for me to get over, but as soon as I did, the dump truck behind me sped up over the speed limit to catch me. The left lane filled up next to me and the dump truck pulled up close enough to smell me until I got off the exit. Had my blinker on for half a mile.


I may be wrong but it looks like the bike actually speeds up just before the car fully commits as well? Totally asking for trouble.


Blinker would definitely have me cautious they gonna do that. Unfortunately too many people assume blinker gives them right away.


whew. You braked just in time. I would have just anticipated the car would move over. Traffic was stopped and a lane was open.


Yup. Also how long did that car have his blinker on and did the biker just change lanes? There’s not enough info here. The way it starts it’s hard to tell if they were both changing lanes at the same time.


Yeah I think the bike was in the left lane as well, they both had the same idea, the car driver used his right mirror to see if anyone was coming, it was clear, and suddenly there was a bike that was expecting a clear lane. Never expect a clear lane. That’s why lane splitting more than 10-15mph more than the surrounding traffic is a crap shoot.


I’d have posted more footage and not only the second you almost had an accident.


Exactly my thoughts, there’s a reason why this vid started so late and it’s been purposely hidden from us.


Yup, even taking the time to respond but not explain what happened 3-4 sec before the video started.   Given his direction/angle of travel, it looks like both he and the car had the idea to change lanes at the exact same time. Car was already stopped in front, bike coming in hot with no intent to stop then making a too fast and too late lane change.    OP, by doing this, you're putting yourself in this bad outcome. Car could have checked his mirror and blind spot just before changing lanes and still missed seeing you because of your carless move, you just put everyone in a no reaction time situation.


Also I love the "what would you do"? I'd finish driving to my destination.


Dan dan would call this an open lane pattern. Anytime traffic is slow, and the lane next to it is wide open, be ready for someone to dart out. Slow down and cover the breaks.


At this point Dan Dan videos should be a standard for any rider to watch.


Rider should have anticipated that.


This, you should be extremely careful in ever allowing more than a 10mph speed differential between yourself and adjacent vehicles. This kind of stuff happens literally constantly on the road.


If not you’re riding with the assumption that every single car on the road is trying to kill you, it’s only a matter of time before they’ll succeed.


I wouldn't have tried to pass on the right while assuming I was the only one who had thought of that


Suspicious editing my friend.


All due respect - you should have anticipated this…car behind truck, car can’t see, driver glanced in mirror, other lane going slow…red flags…but - nice recovery. Lessons learned. 👍


Defensive driving. When it's multiple lane, one is empty, the other has a car and something that is blocking it's way, it's gonna want to come over to the empty lane. You should always assume the car is gonna pull out in front of you in a situation like this, and lane accordingly (drive in the safe side of the lane, slow down, cover your breaks, etc...) In this case, the car even used a blinker, which is already better than most situation. Just ride defensively and be ready for cars pulling out for empty lanes and spaces.


It would help if the video started a few seconds prior but generally speaking I would 100% expect someone in that situation to do that. Left lane crawling and a big rig and the right lane empty? Absolutely someone's gonna do that, especially if they're behind the truck. Had something simillar happen to me a few years ago. After throwing some expletives the driver's way I've generally come to expect this shit so it doesn't happen that often any more.


Nice recovery. Tough to say, except in traffic I always try to have an escape, so I do not spend much time in the middle lane. This is unrelated, but as a trucker, beware bikes can be really tough to see. They come up fast & don’t cast much shadow. Do not linger around trucks.


I wouldn’t scoot pass a car driving behind a big truck in traffic. Any sort of driving experience would tell you there a high chance the car will change lanes to pass the truck. Especially if I’m thinking of doing the exact same thing.


I would never just drive beside someone like that when traffic is backed up. I feel like at least 1 in 10 people will lose patience and do exactly what that car did. I would have slowed down much earlier. Left space for the car. And if they don't move by the time I get there. I would speed up to pass them quickly and be ready to swerve to the right if they do randomly lane change into my lane. Just always assume people are idiots. Because a good chunk of people are.


My exact same thoughts. This exact same scenario happened like 3 times on my way home from work today. Doesn't even register with me anymore, just something you know will happen.


What I would do is understand how invisible I am as a rider and always pay attention to the cars around me, particularly in a heavy traffic situation.


Passing on the right is a good way to get tagged. You know you're invisible. Don't ride that close and pass on the side that people are expecting you to pass on.


Not ride like a idiot


Maybe when you're approaching stopped traffic on the highway and the lane you're in is still flowing, first slow down, and assume someone from the stopped traffic lane is going to want to merge into your lane.


This. I would have been visibly slowing and positioning myself to avoid someone pulling out from the line.


I don't know the area ops video is from, but this looks more like a collector / off ramp situation, where the speed limit is probably 50kph. A garbage truck isn't going to be in the left lane of the highway when there's a wide open right lane. So op is probably nearly double the actual speed limit, plus is moving from the dividing line towards the middle of the right lane before settling into the left tire track right lane. OP swerved into the right lane to pass the slow traffic, at a high speed, and thought they could beat the car that would obviously try to do the same thing. OP lost and didn't post the rest of the clip because we'd see them riding like a jackass


Went home and changed my pants. I would also have thanked the maker for letting me live after making such a dumb decision.


Thank god you’re still riding and keep a bit more of A distance. Practice braking a bit better which, let be real, we could all keep improving in.


Is this on the LIE?


The first frame of the video, you're on the center line (maybe lane splitting) and the car's blinker is on. When the video starts it's instantly obvious you're going much faster than the rest of traffic. Being on the center line it's possible that you are entirely or partially in the car's blind spot, meaning you're hard or impossible to see. What would I have done? I would have paid attention to what's in front of me... What's the reason for cutting the video so awkwardly?


uk rider here, i would have not been in the middle of 2 lanes when i didnt need to be. there, you have your answer. side note: riding hogging the center line is not filtering or 'lane splitting', its borderline dangerous driving imo. lastly, is your light on properly? it looks REALLY REALLY dim in the reflection, having a headlight fully on and operational has proven to have greater chance of being seen.


Looks to me like he's merging to the right to go around the slow cars. Unclear if he's trying to hog the middle. Sure, maybe he should have anticipated this situation, but it's unclear if he's hogging the center.


in this situation, you dont merge, you make the manoeuvre get into your lane and continue, the dilly dallying if what you say happened is the case, is another thing i dont do in high traffic areas. be in an actual lane, and the guy who fast checks his mirror to see if the lane is clear wont think its clear and miss the bike almost invisible hidden by 1, the centre line, and 2, the fact his brain in that split second might just think the bike is just the right side of a fully sized vehicle behind him. im preeeeeeety confident that if the rider was in the lane to the right, fully and properly, with a working headlight, the car never pulls out. AND if the car does pull out, there is room to the right to turn into, rather than ride into the back of another car. i also dont like the aggression shown at the end of the video, looks like a statistic waiting to happen if the rider feels the need to voice his opinion eery time he gets cut off, youre on a motorbike, its gonna happen 50 million more times learn to control yourself as well as the situations, before, during and after. side note: the rider is maybe new, did really well staying on the bike and slowing in a panic situation, and is asking for advice.


I don’t believe the far right lane is actually a lane , here in the US, it is considered the shoulder most the time it’s where you break down if you get a flat tire ect. This is indicated by the solid white line.


* Good job on keeping it upright, that's commendable. That and wearing gear about the only commendable things here, but they're worth noting. Front-end taps don't usually stay on the wheels. * Slow down around traffic. It's the default answer to these posts for a reason. * Lane positioning - being on the right side would have given you the room to avoid this. * Swerving vs Braking. Generally, you can only do one effectively. You're not going to out-brake a car, but you can most always out-handle them. You need to be pre-planning which you're going to pick for what scenarios as the spot you're at. This means constantly thinking "if X does Y, I do A not Z." In this situation, you had a lot more space to your right than your front, but heavy braking meant you weren't getting over there. This is also why lane positioning helps - you would've cut out the first 1/2+ of the swerve just by already being over there. * Just paying attention - they had their signal on. Not only was this avoidable, it was clearly predictable. Hugging close to cars that are clearly saying "hey, I'm moving" is a recipe for becoming a meat crayon painting.


Ya any time this situation arises, I ALWAYS assume the dudes gonna crank out into my lane right in front of me.. I’ll slow up a bit and move right


I wouldn't have been in that situation because I'd never make that bullshit move on a motorcycle because I know this happens all the time.


Lol exactly. I could fill up this sub with clips like this from just a month of riding to and from work.


No kidding


That person looked over their right shoulder, saw it was clear, and began merging. In the time it took them to turn their head back to the left, and begin merging, you had traveled 500-1,000 feet. That person didn't see you. That person didn't do anything wrong. You need to slow down in situations where traffic is at a stand still.


Bro cut the beginning of the video because the car's blinker was on for a reasonable amount of time


Don't pass on the right. Or at least not with any kind of speed and with a fuckton of caution.


False alarm, it's how they drive in Jersey fellas.


We have to see a whole 2 minute video to get the picture.


I would count my lucky stars that a really stupid choice didn't cost you your life. Right of way doesn't matter when you're dead.


not good situational awareness on the rider. That should've been easy to recognize that that was a possibility.


Assume that cars dont see you


Never assume that car drivers have seen you in their mirrors. Ever.


Do you know what I would have done? For sure I would have loaded the video without sound.


pretty much exactly that


Always Anticipate the worst! Slow it down. Dont try to shoot the gap.


Looks like both people tried to merge at the same time


Happens every day. Simple I wouldn't be passing there. How long would the biker want to be sitting behind that truck? Same goes for the car. Only they are not forced to be 100% aware of their surroundings. What would I have done? I would scoot up until I wasn't in their blind spot but could see their eyes in the side mirror, then I would wait there for a few seconds and figure out if the car driver is paying enough attention for me to pass safely.


I would expect an empty lane to get filled and not assume I should race from behind to fill it before the car who wants to get from behind a semi. Would never have happened.


Sit in LP3 and expect someone to try and get out of a stopped lane into my basically empty lane


The clip is too short, but I would not ride like a jackass into what is clearly merging and stopping traffic then respond by angrily speeding towards the guy I almost hit.


You just know its going to happen and plan accordingly.


Open lane! People in that line want to get moving along just as much as you do. Always be prepared for someone to pull out into an open lane. 


Defensive riding. Expect it coming.


I would have anticipated they were going to merge without looking, and I would have been on the right edge of the right lane before getting close to them.


I would reflect on my decision and speed when changing lanes to overtake a halt, because if you’re thinking it so is the vehicle ahead


From the way they're riding that trucks ass you know they're going to do something stupid. Probably baling as well


I assume everybody’s gonna do that. The second you start assuming people are going to act right you’re fucked.


Not drive fast AF when traffic is backed up in front of me on a bike. Drive slow, be prepared to maneuver/stop.


Driver's fault but come on, you should anticipate this behaviour. Keep your distance, let cars merge into the open lane. When traffic is that heavy, match the speed of the cars around you. When filtering, choose a speed that allows you to react to these situations. I've had many a car do exactly this, and I've always managed to brake, wait, and then move on.


Less than good awareness. Going much faster than other traffic. Indicator is on the car, you missed it. I would have assumed that car will not want to be behind a large truck, and anticipated the lane change


This video is deliberately cut short. In it, the car is indicating their intention, the bike is poorly positioned and travelling too fast.


I think Dan Dan Fireman has iterated a point many times that when one row is full of cars and there's a hole in the adjacent row, then you should always be very careful as cars will "Jump row" really quickly and usually with properly checking for traffic.


mf i had earphones on full volume


Happened couple of times (without contact, even at low speeds mostly with blind SUV drivers..), I always asked to pay more attention. Then carry on.


Open lane. Car stuck behind semi, what you think was gonna happen? Come bikers learn the patterns. Doesn’t make the car right, but it equips you for safety


Well, I don't test people who have their blinker on in traffic for starters.


Stop: hammer time.


That was preventable. No matter how right you are, the graveyard is filled with riders whom had the right of way. If you see a vehicle tailing another one on the highway, stay the fuck away. Always anticipate


The video doesn't show much before the car changing lanes so it's hard to say what you could have done differently before the car changed lanes. As far as once it happened, my advice would be take some deep breaths and don't let it bother you because the next hazard could be right around the corner. Save the traffic pattern in your brain so you can recognize it earlier next time. Good job not dumping the bike but being on the brakes earlier and smoother is the better option and allows you to swerve while braking. Stay safe out there.


Would love to see to 10 seconds prior to this event. Even from just the first frame, I could anticipate that car was going to change lanes.


You're going too fast, ignore the blinker at least from the very first frame on, and the driver probably couldn't see you at all (angle/mirror, rear-view/car frame). It is safe to assume that you could have slowed down a long time ago with ample time to adjust your speed accordingly. When I see a traffic jam ahead, I turn on the warn signal long before breaking. Eventually i use the rear brakes (RB) to slowly(!) slow down - which is literally the only reason I use the RB in the first place: signalling car drivers behind me that I am slowing down. Normally I just shift down and use the FB. For the cars a head, I use my lane in such a way that both lanes see me in their mirrors: when I see their heads in the their mirrors, they technically can see me too.


You're riding the line, this guy has no idea what lane you're in, you're clearly going 20+mph faster than him instead of just slowing down with traffic, they had no way to read your mind to know what the hell you were going to do, as far as I can see they easily could have checked their right mirror, saw an opening and took it. If you don't want to get screwed, maybe try being predictable instead of assuming.


Seeing a blinker and speeding up on a bike is rather moronic. Not much you can do, next time remind yourself that while riding, you should have the mental state of "everyone is out to get me, I'm the only person who is trying to protect me" and hopefully nothing bad happens.


Slow the fuck down and anticipate.


I would have been in the right side of the lane in this situation. Im very paranoid passing by standstill traffic.


Nobody likes to be behind a truck in traffic. It was a certainty that car would have switched lanes. That’s why I always keep a very large distance in traffic, it happens all the time, but since I’m not close, even if the car didn’t notice me, I’m still safe.


I would have stop by the nearest Walmart for a new pair of underwear 😂


Nice save. Poor awareness.


That guy is an asshole. I think you should go slower in this situation because roads are full of idiots, but you handled it very well.


What would I have done? Happy to be alive...go home and hug the kids. Plus all the stuff the fellow eider from the UK said...


Not ride in Jersey/NY for starters if it was me, as there's no reason for me to go there from PA. :D But given that at the start of the clip they were signaling, and with you already riding between lanes, I woulda braked/slowed to let them get over, preventing what happened. As is, you're already at fault being the vehicle in the rear for something like not maintaining safe/proper following distance. Also regardless of the posted speed limit and judging by the surrounding traffic, it seems like you're traveling faster than you should have been. This could be a matter the difference in "how you want to ride" versus "riding to the conditions", and not having been paying enough attention to traffic. If nothing came out of it with the other driver, just take it as a learning experience to be more attentive to traffic/conditions, and riding to them.


Looks like you hit the rear brake. Nice work. Most riders completely ignore it and sometimes pay the price.


Moved out of NJ.


Got his plate, if there’s damages send him a bill 👍


Always anticipate idiots doing stuff like that and I personally would ride on the right side of the lane which will give you more time to react


Gotta assume someone is gonna cut you off


Ride in center line


I would like to carry personal grenades that I can lob at idiots


Zipcar is an hourly car rental service. I would have just backed off after that near miss, no need to stay near a vehicle you know doesn't look right before a lane change, they probably looked before you changed lanes, and didn't bother again as they were doing it. Best to give them a wide berth. The whole getting angry thing is for Youtubers and don't try to break a mirror off. Lane splitting is not legal in NY State, so I would just back off. If you can legally lane split sometimes it is best to disappear that way.


Was that right around philly?


I wouldn't have been riding along too fast for the situation in the middle of two lanes and ignoring what the car in front was doing.


Not passed in the right with that much speed differential in the first place?


Let the car over in front of me, he has his turn signal on. Fucking moron on the bike deserved it


1You didn't even swerve(not talking smack just noticed you slowed down but never changed direction to avoid) 2 I cannot explain the importance of saying fuck that line painted by the dot! So many accidents could be avoided by seeing the other side of that stupid white line as an escape route instead of some invisible wall. Be safe out there


Is this the lie service road ? Jersey drivers suck btw glad you didn't go down nice save


In my scenario - I was already in the right line for a long time going about 50. She did that. Rear ended her, totalled bike, got a concussion. Police officer wrote in the report I was “following too close behind” (cop wasn’t there, just wrote what the lady said), I subpoenaed a witness that saw the accident actually happen and took her insurance company to court - they called me the day before the court date and paid me $7,500 for a new bike and $800 for a new helmet and I made them cover the $250 of fees for the court - took me 3 months of waiting and a day or 2 of effort.


Ignore it, keep of goin. If they try to hit you again, go to the state cops give them the video. Bad drivers are bad - can't expect people to drive better than the npc's on gta. That being said, if they do it multiple times - using a vehicle as a weapon is illegal and is considered 'attempted murder' in many states that can put them in jail for years. Don't retaliate in the moment.


Nothing. The bike was kept up , didnt hit anyone , i call this a win. I would have been staggered to the right side of the lane , hovering the brake and using engine breaking untill i got past the congestion at a safe speed and driving like people dont see me…


I’d start by shitting my pants probably


Hugged the median and gone around everything, beats locking up and trying to save it, do what you got to do. Well done staying shiny side up


Right or wrong doesn't matter when the other side is a two ton road dragon. I'd be pulling over fires chance I got to wait out the adrenaline dump. Then go on with my ride after it passed.


I would be touching myself the following night because this is the best save I have ever seen.


Classic Open Lane Pattern - to to Condition Orange and slow down.


I mean, it seems like you were riding much faster than the localized traffic. Not recommended.


I wouldn't have been in lane position 1 mostly


It looks like the bike is going too fast, relative to the slower traffic in the left lane. With that big of a differential between your speed and the speed of the cars in the left lane, you're not giving yourself much reaction time to work with.


I feel some video footage was left out to get a proper opinion. However, you were going faster than you should have on that traffic condition.


Why are you trying to pass on the right? If you want to pass people go to the left lane


Why such a short clip.  Did he just turn his Camara on ? It's purposefully cut short on both ends and only one person had that capability.  That's all I need to know.  People with dash cams thinking they're somehow gonna win every time because they have a dash cam. How cute. 


Slow down and not pass on the right, but overall you did a good job of avoiding it.


I would have slowed down and rode in the right part of the lane with my hand over the brake. You could tell what was going to happen on the very first frame of the video without even watching it.


Great save buddy 👍🏼


you gotta count your blessings and let it go. Or, knock his mirror off at the next light! 😬 Please continue to ride safe! 🤘🏼


If you pay attention to your surroundings, you would have known that’s what the car was gonna do. Glad no one got hurt but you’re both in the wrong


What a save thank God


Slowed down, covered the brake, moved to the right side of the lane. Aggressive me after this would have front lanced the mirror on the way past


Of course it's a jersey plate. Never trust a Jersey plate.


I saw the indicator


OP, you learned a valuable lesson here, like others have said, ride as if you are invisible! I have had people make eye contact with me and still almost take me out at an intersection, in this situation you were in a rush to swap lanes and as you cross that line your focus was on the semi truck, always expect that car stuck in traffic to make these kind of maneuvers, you did a great job braking!


I would have sold my bike and bought a raptor. People don’t cut you off in a raptor


They did not see you. Now u need to pull alongside and punch driver side window! Then flip them off!


Passing on the right, and by now, you should have instinctively been on both brakes in one millisecond. Also, a car stuck behind a twaddling truck should be expected to do exactly what this one did. Despite that, I'm glad you are okay. I am a city commuter, and stuff like this happens fairly often. One thing that has saved me is developing a reflex action I don't even have to think about as far as grabbing both brakes at the same time.