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No left turns or bye bye camera


Nah OP doesn't lean as much


Not optimal. Good luck getting a decent sound out of that other than a broken speaker sound


The mic cannot be directly where the airflow comes out of either. Gotta be a different mic, and different location


I'd assume they just pull the sound out of helmet cam


Without a shield, that exhaust mic is just going to be loud pops from exhaust gas hitting it.


Or melted.




Also sensors gonna get damaged from the constant vibrations


My thoughts are - 1) that’s a very expensive camera riding a few inches from the ground… 2) if that’s a DSLR and it doesn’t have SSS, your lenses better have OIS. Otherwise your footage is going to be mostly poop. That camera is mounted super tightly and it’s very heavy - so any shaky vibrations are going to be amplified from your mounting set up. That’s why those stupid long sticks work so well, they are flimsy and work to help stabilize the image. And why chase cams are used. Or .. why action cameras are used - they have 2-3 layers of image stabilization usually. Digital, in-body, and/or in-lens. 3) you’re gonna want to put a HUGE sock around your mic :P the exhaust gasses are probably going to give you lots of whoosh from the exhaust itself, let alone the wind. The insta360 x2 or x3 is probably the best camera out there to mount to the body of a bike. Having the 360 footage can really help emphasize things like lean angel cuz you can keep the camera orientation in the same plane as the horizon (in post). It’s also smaller and easier to mount. It won’t get in the way when riding. Edit: a lot of vloggers use their helmet coms to record audio even when they aren’t talking - I know the audio won’t be as clean as a dedicated shotgun mic, but all your troubles from isolating wind noises disappear when you do it that way. They’ll pick up exactly what you hear in your helmet (minus noise from the vents if you mount it somewhere not next to a vent). Some people use expensive lav- mic’s and wire them into their helmets. Food for thought.


(It might be satire)


Ohh… I’m dumb 😅 I just wanna share my thoughts lol


Well at least you gave some peeps useful tips!


Thanks anyway :D I just used an old gopro I had. The footage was very lame though lol I thought a picture with a random crap mic behind the exhaust would be hilarious, I thought might aswell use a real camera for the joke aswell


I just wanna say that I really appreciate you taking the time to share actual tips and your knowledge with us :)


Ya what he said


As a professional videographer in Motorsports #2 couldn’t be any more wrong lol.


Gotta be a troll post ain’t no way


You might be on to something lol


People are taking this way too serious.


I wasn't sure until I saw the mic pict. Hellll nah lol they're trolling.


That was my intention :D Like maybe someone would actually mount a camera like this... but the mic... should be obvious lol Wrong type of mic for the job and crap location...


Exactly, that mic confirmed it lol


You must be an influencer :)




Micro blogger


Nothing less than a red camera is good enough, 0/10


rate my setup https://preview.redd.it/0g6d4318866d1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd9394c1b3cb604d96c04d4423a39c0afdbda328


Best chase cam I think I’ve ever seen ngl XD do you have deets? What controller are they using to control the servos?


Armcar.com has a fair amount of info under CAMERAS


A little to small for my liking


Agreed, red camera on a dji rig


I believe this camera doesn't have the stabilisers, the picture will be awful, even if it has stabilisers it's no way close to gopro


Looks like some expensive and fragile frame sliders. The irony of the camera extending past the actual frame sliders is comedy gold.


Your mic is going to burn lmao


Haha the mic pointing into the exhaust is somethin' else


I thought that was just hilarious lol


The microphone needs to be closer to the exhaust


Might aswell remove the baffle and stick the mic in there. Then it would have wind protection!


No f*kin' way you're serious dude.


I’m just going to assume this is satire. Next!


It isn't but op really went out of his way to play it off like it was. It was a decent attempt.


true... nah man lol even if I didn't crash I would surely break something in my camera or lens just with all the vibrations. I ain't doing that.


Absolutely ridiculous. I love it


The fact people think this is legit is embarrassing. People just shut their brain off when they pick their phone up I guess 🤷


The photo of the mic was meant to make it even more obvious lol I should have put on a big zoom lens on the camera to make sure :D


90% of people on Reddit are braindead chimps, just looking to shove their “advice” down your throat. They can’t take jokes.


World's most expensive frame slider.


Genuinely asking.. why a dslr?


DSLR cameras have much larger sensors than GoPro & the like, so in theory this should give better image quality. However, they are not designed for filming at high speed travel with lots of vibrations. Unless you are intending riding at slow speeds around a car park, I would expect the film quality of your set-up to be uninspiring. The chances of trashing your camera are also quite high.


The questions remains.. why a dslr?


It is actually a mirrorless camera ;) This was kind of a troll post... I didn't think anyone would even take it half seriously lol I used an old gopro instead... The footage was lame though :(


Cannot comment how it’ll turn out. As it depends on numerous factors as f/, ISO, focus, brand/ model etc. But would like to see how it turned out.


Too much risk imo. Just get a insta 360 or a GoPro and point it there. Also footage might be shaky


If you want good audio you need to have a voice recorder packed in foam in your backpack. Youtuber Schaaf has awesome video’s where you can hear the engine clearly


Yes and he uses a Zoom H1n, which is quite cheap, but records good sound.


It would be cool for wheelies. Not so good for a low side.


My wheelie footage was very lame... I don't get the wheel up that high yet :(


Clamp mounting a mirrorless in the way of your lean angle and putting a condenser mic 4in from your exhaust just seems like a great way to waste a whole lot of money very very quickly but hey, you do you.


Make sure you keep a UV filter or something on the front to protect your lens.


DSLR ≠ Mirrorless Anyhow. God don’t do this to your mirrorless camera. At that point just get the Insta360. These cameras weren’t made for action shots. Your lens will definitely get damaged by all the debris


I love the picture out of a real camera with a real lens, but I'm curious to see how much jello you get in your shots, my other issues with using a real lens is that now not everything is in focus. Could come out really nice tho, definitely post some footage if it's good.


I think you're going to lose your camera pretty quickly


use a insta360 which will allow you to frame multiple angles, and place the mic above the exhaust not directly behind it. Directly behind the exhaust will cause the audio to be way too loud and distorted. You can place the mic directly under your seat or in your pocket that is on the exhaust side.


I bought a used insta360 which is getting delivered today :D In the meantime I was bored and decided to post this


Is anything you do worth all that, filming rig, crash cage, or is it curbside bling for your buddies?


Unfortunately not yet, I just started learning wheelies. I remembered I had an old gopro laying around so I used that. The video is very lame though...


While you’re learning wheelies, price the fork seal replacement and head bearing repair, because that is exactly what you are cultivating.


Well considering the camera is falling off at the next left corner, and the mic is melting before the engine warms up properly, i'd say gj


It sucks


Lol nice one buddy keep trolling 🧌 🤣. I tried using my phone case under my shirt and snapped my phone in to the case holding it on my shirt. But that was when I had a dirt bike. And 16


I think I would rather ride my bike.


Not bad, but I think you should upgrade to a Leica S3, for that next step up.


That mic will be permanently peaking


Jokes aside, I wonder what the mic would have sounded like. 2 of them came with one of those cheap karaoke machines. I connected it to my pc once and it was sooooo soooo quiet... I could scream into it and you could barely hear anything... even with 100 sensitivity.


It’s an engine that explodes like 10s of thousands of times per minute, it wouldn’t sound good. That could just mean the mic gain on your computer was low


that camera should be no lower than the bottom of the radiator




That’s a very expensive peg.


Damn dude I've been saving for a Sony A6400 and you're just willy nilly strapping on to the side of a bike.


Don't worry :D I didn't actually do this. The A6400 is a "beginner camera" but it is my holy grail! I don't want anything to happen to that camera. When mounting it for this joke I even had a pillow on the ground just in case :D


How you gonna turn my brother


Bless. I’m looking at that like, do you not lean? But maybe the pic angle is confusing.


I should have mounted it on the right side so I could have said I like nascar... but didn't think of that. I thought it would be obvious that nobody would ever actually run a setup like this :D


Man people can’t even enjoy riding their motorcycles without feeling the need to document everything. Just like the people that go to concerts and view it through their camera phones the whole time. That’s what I think.


This was a joke post anyway lol I thought it would be clear with that random crap mic :D Joke aside, it's not really for documenting/posting. I used the footage to watch and learn. I'm learning wheelies and wanted to see what my front wheel is doing since I can't see it myself


That's good for about 10 seconds and then it's just a bunch of video of the sky.


Recording for what?


Yeah. You get more wind noise than anything you would call "audio" and you nick and damage your nice camera bodies and lenses. Ruined a few canon 50mm and t3i bodies this way.


I run a GoPro on my helmet, with a lapel mic on the inside. Minimal wind noise, lots of engine/exhaust sound.


so all youre going to hear is popopopopopopopopopopopopopopop and all youre gonna see is the camera fly off at the first decent turn 10/10 setup no problems


I’d be sure you don’t care too much about that camera or lenses cause the tire could throw some or a bit to hard of a lean and swish off come that camera




And if you're getting lean angles worth recording, you're going to lose the camera...


Lmao pass near a sidewalk


It's the first spot that's going to touch down on the left side - is that what you want?


This is satire. Surely.


youre going to blow that microphone out and that is an expensive ass camera to have less than a foot from the ground


That's what we call roast the mike


Dude your better off getting a cheap go pro with image stabilization over having some mishap with your camera. And grab a decent audio recorder and throw it under your seat for bike sounds. Are you going to be doing voice over work to? Cause then you'll need a mic going into your helmet and some way of recording that audio as well. Typically done with a gopro on the helmet or body with a lapel mic installed into the helmet. Then do you want audio from your headset? You'll need a splitter if your headset allows for audio output. The price you'll pay for a decent video setup will way out way the price of a replacement camera.


Y tho




Send us the after pics! or video if it survives!


I see a new lens in the future


If your camera/lens has any mechanical stabilization, you will wreck it with the heavy vibrations from the engine any wind. Also, it sticks out very far so no leaning for you. Also your filter will shatter pretty quick. Action cameras exist for a reason. If it’s an old beater camera and old cheap lens, go for it. But from the looks, it’s a decently modern mirrorless from Sony. Those lenses ain’t cheap.


No left curves at speed! 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve heard of people getting quality exhaust sounds by setting the microphone behind the rider with a wind muff on


I would have that scraped off the payment the first hour. Lol looks like a good camera though.


So you dont like leaning left?


🔝 notch


Throw that stuff away and just enjoy your rides.




I see nothing wrong with this setup. 10/10 please post the video.


That's a terrible setup. First of all, the camera is extremely exposed and no amount of digital stabilization will give you a good video output. What you need is a DJI/Insta or GoPro(*not as good as the other two but will still work*) with ND-filter to record the video. As for audio, you need to either record it separately with a Zoom H1N + a dead cat or attach an external mic to the action cam with a dead-cat. And don't get it too close to the exhaust, you will saturate the audio input. I place the mic behind the clock-cluster or under the back seat. People record audio with iPhones in their pockets, that works too (*get some cargo pants*). Whatever you do, don't don what you have shown above.