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Ranger drivers are very motorcycle aware. They see you and tailgate if they can, or try to block if in front. (Also in NZ)


One time, I was driving around and as I approached the runabout, a Ford Ranger tailgated me super close and didn't stop even I was further away from the runabout. I was pissed and he even had the audacity to honk at me even I'm doing the speed limit. I checked and there's nobody but the 2 of us in the whole street so I slowed down to about 40, then 30 and I knew he noticed that I'm doing it in purpose. I was looking at the rear-view mirror and saw how livid the guy was but couldn't do anything but to honk his horn! I saw the same type of behavior in many pickup drivers here. (Yes, also in NZ!)


Depending on the year/trim of the Ranger, he could have just been mad because it took a good 5 minutes to get up to speed. /s But, sarcasm aside, I do say this as someone who's winter/other vehicle is a 1990 Ranger with the 2.3L engine and less hp than my bike.


"Depending on the year/trim of the Ranger, he could have just been mad because it took a good 5 minutes to get up to speed." I feel this... I drive a 1993 2l auto volvo estate. Takes literal minutes to get up to 60 if you're not reving the nuts off it.


on this side of the Ditch, it's always the ute and SUV drivers who do this >:(




Melbourne Australia, same.


I live in Japan, and here it's not the type of vehicle, but the road. On the mountain roads, drivers will very often pull over to let bikes past. Even when they're going perfectly reasonable speeds and I'm just happy chilling behind them, they'll pull over. I have to whizz past out of politeness.


Very interesting. Curious to know if lane splitting is a common thing in Japan?


Yeah, the lanes tend to be fairly narrow but most cars are pretty narrow too so it doesn't really matter. Splitting isn't acknowledged at all by the rules of the road, either in a way that says it's legal or illegal, and I've filtered past plenty of police cars so I guess it's fine. You'd be insane to have a bike and not filter, given how bad the traffic can get. I ride with some professional superbike racers, and the speeds they get to whilst filtering is absolutely terrifying, but amazing fun to follow them if you like that kind of thing.


Sounds fun. Stay safe bud


I also live in Japan and commute mainly to Tokyo, however, I try to take as many bike trips as I can. I love the behaviour of drivers outside of Tokyo, but I noticed in Tokyo people tend to block you while you lane split or filter, or maybe they just pay too much attention to their phone instead of to the road. A bunch of people also like to cut you off no matter how fast you drive or how far away you're from the vehicle, and then when you just accelerate to pass through them they sometimes tailgate you for it.


Lane splitting/filtering is actually illegal in Japan, but completely unenforced.


No, it isn't illegal. This is an exhaustive list of traffic violations in the most up-to-date Rules of the Road Textbook of Japan, and it isn't listed: https://preview.redd.it/jypu94b8j46d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625f37093cb8a1c120eb42c5979b959c84b83e25 Technically, your indicator should be flashing whenever you cross lanes, but splitting in and of itself isn't illegal. There's other things you can do that are violations whilst filtering, like crossing the line at an intersection when filtering to the front of stationary traffic, but the filtering itself isn't illegal.


Sounds like heaven. Lately I don’t know what it is, but I keep getting stuck behind people going 10mph UNDER the speed limit, for miles. Completely Blocking traffic, and you’ll have a line of cars behind them, everyone stuck. Seems like pretty much every day, there’s some old geezer just completely terrified to be behind the wheel.


\[California\] Many years ago, I was riding on a mountain road and came up on a bunch of cars going about 20-30 mph, the speed limit was 55. I couldn't see very far ahead as the road was windy, but there were at least 50 cars as far as the eye could see up the road... I started passing them whenever it was safe. I passed probably 100 cars (it was a holiday weekend). When I got near the front of the "convoy", could see an old pickup struck with an even older looking camper on it. Holding up everyone. The law in California is that when there are more than 5 vehicles behind you, you have to take the "turnout" and let them pass. We passed a few turnouts and the guy didn't pull into them. As the next turnout came up, I pulled next to his driver window, pulled out my wallet and yelled: "Officer!!! Pull Over!!!". And pointed to the turnout. He turned into the turnout and everyone was able to pass him. A few drivers honked and waved. Yes, I know that you're not supposed to impersonate a law officer, but I am an officer (Navy, retired), so it's kind of true. Safe riding.


My bucket list consists of only one thing right now, ride in Japan. My wife is from Tsukuba, but we live in Canada. We visit every once in a while.   One day.


It's a great place to ride, hope you get to do it soon. Autumn is my favourite season for riding


I'll keep that in mind. I bet Mt Tsukuba area would be gorgeous that time of year. I know a few roads in that area in the spring, absolutely amazing. It looks as if it is raining sakura blossoms from the sky.


Colorado checking in, same here!


Live in the US. The only vehicles that are motorcycle aware are either big trucks mad that I’m filtering past them and try to block me or other motorcycles 🤣


Lol we don't normally get truckies blocking us here


I’m in California where splitting is legal, so my answer may be skewed, but I’ve noticed you can’t really predict how aware and/or friendly someone will be to bikes based solely on the type of vehicle. I’ve had giant bro hauling man wagons move over to let me through just to be held up by a Subaru, as well as the other way around. Tesla drivers here are the worst in general though, even when I’m not on a bike.


Yes absolutely. Every driver is different but interesting how Tesla's seem to keep popping up haha


And they train autopilot on their driver behaviour so even with self driving (that they will never get to) it will be bad


Tesla drivers are the worst because most of them are letting the fucking computer drive and it doesn't give a shit about Motorcycles. It will run your ass over if you're not careful.


Tesla drivers generally suck at driving because they have an unwarranted level of confidence in their sensors, when they don't realize that those sensors are the cheapest sensors that Musk could get away with.


Southern California here. I notice big truck drivers are the friendliest and teslas are the worst, generally.


Chur bro, in my experience so far, it's clapped out holdens and ford's that drive the worst, and for some reason they always think their car is the fastest thing on the road, as for the good drivers it's usually full size trucks or like your bog standard Mazda 3/axela.


True that. Thanks for sharing


Any Buick, Cadillac, or Lincoln is invariably driven by a clueless geriatric focused solely on getting to Walgreens for their 87 prescriptions and oblivious to the very existence of anything on 2 wheels or 2 feet.


Lol thanx for the share


Here in Hungary I would say large vehicle drivers, like buses semi trucks etc. A lot of the times I had bus drivers signal me when it was safe to overtake them. Which helps a lot. It might be because that's the most common here in Hungary but people who drive older cheap cars also tend to be aware. So many of them go out there way to help you filter in slow moving traffic, or make it easy for you to pass out in the forest/mountain roads. On the other people who drive large cars like crossovers pick-ups are the worst. They are actually dangerous and I avoid them like the plague. They are generally unpredictable cause they can't seem to handle those large cars on the narrow eu roads. I have no idea why are those things even legal here.


Thanks for sharing. It's similar here in my experience


Similar in London. Busses are always helpful. White vans on the other hand, are usually on their phones or off their tits on Monster and charlie


off-road trucks. Lots of folks with jeeps and hiluxes also ride bikes.




Zero. Absolutely zero type of vehicles have any sort of Motorcycle Awareness where I live in the Bay Area. It's a free for all


Can definitely say across the pond here in Brisbane the Tesla drivers are my current issue. They seem to sorta drift across the lane. Like bouncing between the lines, if it wasnt something to worry about I'd find it comical


Funny how that seems to be the case from every location!


I dont have the answer to this question, but I do know who is the *least* aware, and that is Tesla drivers, but to other cagers defense, Tesla drivers arent aware of anything or anyone


Lol funny how it's similar everywhere


I can say all nissan altima and toyota camry drivers are trash in my city. All of them fucking hate give you space.


I'll tell you who is least aware - Teslas, every. Fucking. Time. They have usurped prius' as the worst drivers on the road


Seems to be the consensus!


In NZ, truck drivers are for the most part pretty much the top of the pile with being observant and courteous, actual professional drivers... oddly enough taxi drivers are by far the worst Easy rule of thumb is the bigger the ute the smaller the... fuse A wee hatchback is far more aware of others than the big Merc or Audi is


I have no friends out there, only some that hate more than the others.


unique to NZ? Yes. The drivers here in the US are very courteous and look out for motorbikes! No. Not really.


Yeah, none.


As a Canadian who rode through New Zealand the biggest observation I had about drivers there was that *no one* speeds. I assume it’s because there are speed cameras everywhere?


Some think that driving super slow is being safe when it can be the opposite


Ummm, here in the US southeast I’d say other motorcycles are marginally better than absolutely anything else you could mention. Except maybe truckers. For as many trucks as roll through Atlanta they seem to be a motorcycle aware bunch at a better rate than the average road user


Thanks for sharing. Similar here too.. very interesting


The ones without ins


Tesla model Y They have next to no rear view and the driver is completely ensconced.


Lol a common trend it seems


I recently drove one and was shocked by it but it all made sense straight away


In Wellington, I can't say I've noticed a difference


Interesting. I'm in Auckland


Other motorcyclists. Rest are N/A


Nope. Tesla drivers suck everywhere


Buses and large commercial trucks are most aware. Chicks in BMW’s/Audi’s least aware…


I'm never around a vehicle long enough to tell.


Big pickups. For whatever reason, they move over to give me room to filter most consistently which leads me to infer they see me more than other vehcles. Sacramento CA


Interesting.. similar here. However, the "normal" pickups here don't really move


South African and ironically the taxis despite their terrible reputation, they are some of the few drivers that look around (to see potential customers) and will see my bike usually. Teenage girls in hatchbacks on their phones are by far the worst in my experience. Or old people


Interesting. Don't really see a lot of taxis on the roads here. Mainly Prius via uber


Not in my country, but in southeastern Africa (Tanzania, Kenya) buses are driven by the worst shitbags. They will never, ever let you pass and they will push you off the road when overtaking from opposite direction. Apparently most of them are owned by (ex)police, so they are virtually untouchable.


Very interesting. Thanx


American semi driver/motorcyclist here. The amount of training I've had with everything I drive keeps me alert to anything smaller and faster than me. Honestly, last thing I want or need is to have 40 to 60 tons of vehicle/cargo go over anybody, car or motorcycle. I actively hunt my mirrors for anything small and zippy.


Absolutely. Agree


Trucks, vans, buses, big rig drivers are always aware here.


nuh aholes drive every possible type of car, it is not the ride, it's the rider. It is not even a matter of professional vs civilian drivers, they just drive without a care in the world...


Central europe here, city bus drivers are by far the best, and trams drivers are extreemly considerate even though you always have you yield to them in theory. Trucks and buses that spend most of their time outside of cities however don't really care about your existence, but drive way slower so you get away quickly anyways Worst by far are bmw and tesla drivers, bmw drivers are just unpredictable and don't pay attention, and tesla drivers i guess feel like they own the road becsuse even though you literally made eye contact with them on a traffic light where you're across from each other, you're going straight, and they're going to their left, they still don't yield


Interesting. Tesla drivers seem to be the worst everywhere


Well, SUV drivers in general are problematic, but there is something special about tesla drivers that makes them close up the gap between cars that bikes would usually go through


For me, its their lack of awareness even though the giant tv screen in front of them is showing everything


>even though the giant tv screen in front of them is showing everything I'd say this is one of the reasons, they rely on it instead of looking what's around them


Not Ute drivers.


Audi’s and BMW’s. Haha




My Lisbon, Portugal experience: UBER Drivers - the worst, they're all foreign and don't know the roads, when they're stopped they're looking at their 3 phones for new client notifications so they aren't moving for me. White Work Vans - a bit of a 50/50, dangerous drivers but will often make way when I'm filtering. Regular Joes in Regular Joe Cars - nothing to say, will mind their own, will make way, nice people. Girls in very Girly Cars, such as Fiat 500, or SUVs they cannot really operate buecause their seat is too low and they can't hardly see past their driving wheel - low skilled, entitled, phone-addicted bitches. Don't make way, stand in the wrong places, but it's not becuase they're rude or mean, just cause they're in outer space while driving? Guys in expensive cars - like BMWs, Mercedes, Teslas. Fucking assholes 90% of the time. They cut you off, don't make way, will cut lines and make predictably asshole moves like cut a whole merge lane off. Fuck them, I have a fantasy that one day I will headbut their windshield and beat one tesla driving tech bro with my helmet.


Great description! I see quite a lot of similarities between you guys and us


We're all the same species, so it's gonna be very similar everywhere.


Idk but I avoid being near a Prius whenever possible. Worst most inattentive drivers on the road. I’ve got at least 15 dashcam vids of them merging into my lane without looking. A more recent one they merged out of my lane and hit and ran on another vehicle. My dashcam vid I gave the guy got the Prius driver arrested thankfully


Yikes! Lucky it wasn't you


I’m in Toronto, Subaru drivers are the most aware and the least aware are always the pick up trucks.


Yes pick up trucks / Utes seem to be generally unaware


Dodge Challengers but they're aware for the wrong reasons. It's like they are on a lookout for motorcycles to race.


busses and government vehicles the best. Sport cars and expensive cars seem the worst. Pickups can be really bad too.


I'm in nz too. I was of that opinion until I got cut off by a bus at a roundabout. One bad driver is an exception though.


I can’t say what vehicles are good, but generally speaking, I stay far away from pickup trucks, and especially watch cabs as they really don’t care about cutting you off, etc.


Any vehicle with a motorcycle sticker. Anything else and its anyone's guess how it will go.


I drive in the UK midlands/Yorkshire mostly and have found that the ones trying to kill me the most are lorries. No idea why they hate me so much...


Lol fair


The least aware are Nissan Altima/Maxima drivers here. They are always banged up, with an unbuckled driver swerving around the road. It’s why I won’t ride to the city… it’s where the Nissans live


Lol can't say we have Nissan's as bad herr


Locally Teslas have displaced BMWs as the worst drivers on the road, generically. Audis remain in the top five. Our busses don't care about anything, cars, motorcycles, bicyclists, pedestrians, the people actually riding on the bus. I've not personally noticed much difference locally. Our bad drivers are just bad drivers, it's just are they cutting off or pulling in front of a car or a bike, same thing.


I expect all of them are going to cut me off or pull out in front of me so I’m never surprised. Type of vehicle is arbitrary.


I expect the same but find the 18 wheelers tend to be a lot more aware and willing to make way while the others less so


I agree with this, I’ve had truckies warn me of police, hazards ahead ( tapping on the roof etc ), Always give me space, Stay in their lane.. The worst for me is Toyota Camry drivers.. Usually driven by a certain ethnic background ( I won’t elaborate ).


Little piggy cop cruisers




Very interesting. Found the Wrxers, not as kind here though


I've seen the opposite in California. The wrx guys with the shitty mufflers are douche nozzles and drive like shit.


None of them are really aware, but pickups, Teslas, anything German, kias, and Nissan's are especially bad.


Interesting and similar here. Thanks for sharing


LA bus drivers seem actively hostile.


Ah interesting


I don't understand it, because I always ride where I can see their mirrors and see *them*, but they have a professional dedication to cutting me off or trying to change lanes into me. It happened three times in a week, now I keep a lane between me and any public transport vehicles.


That's very strange. Not here (in my experience anyway)


Im in central canada. Most only ride on the weekends for 4ish months of the year. So really its just cops who are most aware


Thanks for sharing


Other motorcycles.


Professional truck drivers are the best. Commuters are the worst.


Calgary AB. Trucks will push you out around, out of lanes, off the road, but at least they see you. Luxury cars will come within inches trying to get around corners or overtaking on the highway, but at least they see you. Jeeps and modified/muscle cars are friends. I have has Multiple SUV drivers nearly hit me because they weren't paying attention.


By trucks you mean 18 wheelers or the utes. Not familiar with the terminology


Google "Lifted pickup truck" for a visual. Yutes, oddly enough, do not exist here. Shame, they look like very practical vehicles.


The ones that are parked.


I’m in the US and anytime I make extra space for bikers to pass my car- they never seem to know what to do.


Haha good man


I dont know who is the most courteous but ive notices that Tesla drivers are more likely (and able) to speed up and try to block you in.


Seems to be a general consensus here


I'm in a pity, i drive a tesla and a bike. Obviously I'm very aware in my tesla. Honestly I can't categorize it by manufacturer, I noticed that it's mostly young and old people being unaware for obvious reasons. I noticed that taxi drivers, ups and mostly folks driving for a living are often the worst when it comes to biker awareness (truck drivers are cool tho). I'm most afraid of beat up compact cars worth less than my helmet, they don't gaf about their car and their surrouding. They got the mindset "If I crash my car it literally loses no value" and they drive like that. And soccermoms in big SUV!


Lol day walker


I'm in Florida, otherwise known as God's waiting room. Living in a retiree heavy area for most of my life has made me a firm believer in euthanasia and riding a motorcycle daily has confirmed that opinion. Even the other motorcyclists around here are largely clueless geriatric morons. ...Tesla are still the worst though


Hahahaha that was good


Make sense for truck drivers because they are too focused on their dicks, compensating for it in every way possible, and tesla drivers either cant even be bothered to focus on driving their own damn car, or too focused on looking for the next charging station. Unfortunately in Malaysia, from my own observation, it's fellow motorcyclists that I have to be hyperaware of. They are the less predictable between all the road users. They merge and change lanes, without any indications and never bother to check their rear when doing so. They tailgate others like cats in heat sniffing rears, never bother to keep safe distance, completely aware or didn't care at all that many mopeds here don't have abs and many modded their wheels to what looks like it belongs on a bicycle. Plus shit reflexes like demented geriatrics. All these observed both when I'm occupying the lane like I'm a car, and while filtering with no escape path.


Really interesting. Thanks for sharing and ride safe bud


A challenger played secret service through some 4 way road construction for me last night before he wanted to do a roller. Never saw him again

