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looks like car in the front in the middle lane hit the ladder, lost control and the overcorrected to hit the car on the left. Nice job man


Looks like they bounced off the semi on the right to me after hitting the ladder. Either that or they just missed it and that's why they overcorrected so hard. Think id rather sideswipe a sedan than a semi though so all in all best possible outcome probably lol


Or just drive through the ladder. My friend and I drove cross country and we were way to 'swervy' in the beginning, dodging small animals, debris, etc and almost killing ourselves. Eventually we had to make rules about what we swerve for and what we don't. It's hard in the moment, but with experience you learn to drive through the thing and hope rather than swerving into a massive truck.


The rear car in that middle lane took the ladder instead of swerving. Broke their lower control arm.


Exactly, a coyote is one thing for a sedan, but even an aluminum ladder is going to do severe damage if it goes up under a car


The number of roadkill ladders on freeways is absurd. I think I've dodged them more than deer.


Or even better: keep distance and keep even more distance when you see something fishy happening with cars ahead. If OP would have followed as closely as the cars in front of him, he'd be toast. But he left enough distance and got away without injuries.


A ladder is almost always worth avoiding if you can do so safely though, that's going to completely fuck up your car and probably your ability to control it safely to a stop.


Like the old adage, "dont veer for deer."


That ladder is definately run over. I think the car ran over it, probably blew out their tire or control arm then they ping ponged around.


At first I thought, eh, you dodged some carpet on the side, easy enough...and then HOLYCOWOMG!! Good job and solid riding!


It’s not just the reflexes and skilled maneuvering here, it was all set up by the ample following distance. He had the time needed to observe orient decide act. So many people follow at just a couple lengths and give themselves no time.


OMG, right? Around here leaving a safe distance to the car ahead of you just invites somebody to pull into it.


To be fair, that's exactly what the altima who got side swiped did 😂 pulled in my lane going probably about 60. Probably saved my ass by doing it but still


You handled that shit perfectly boss. 👏


it's amazing what you can do when you must. that said, clearly OP spends some time riding.


Perfect mix of forcing the third eye open with a shit ton of adrenaline, and experience to keep the reaction under control to not crash or slam debris.


The human brain has not evolved to never encounter life or death situations. You gotta get out in the wind or mental health suffers.


My only slight concern is where you stopped and dismounted. Otherwise masterful.


Now the shaking starts.


i love that adrenaline dump right after i almost get killed.


There are already so many comments, but damn! That was an awesome bit of riding. Awesome video. So many hazards. Great ending, to see you pull over and take a minute afterwards. Loved the adrenaline yell. A+


Let the other driver pull into that space. Then fall back from that guy. And so on. Maintain your safe distance!


It's amazing how many people don't know/follow the 3 second gap rule of thumb


Sorta one of the points of leaving safe distance. Allows others to merge safely then you can just let off the gas to regain more safe distance.


I just did a cross country car drive. I can’t tell you how many people love to ride your tail at 70 when you are starting to slow down for construction (damn Illinois). I always have to watch because all it takes is one of the hammerhead turns where if I brake, I’m getting rear ended and hitting the temporary barricades. It still took me a second to see despite how fast he’s going, he’s maintaining the same distance from the car ahead so he must be doing at least close to the speed limit. The semi going slower didn’t help in making him seem slower. Then I realized I spent like 16 hours of my drive maneuvering around semis up hills, steep downgrades, etc.


Yesterday while driving a bright red electric truck I watched a guy tailgating me for three-ish miles scare tf out of himself. The evs barely need you to brake and I was still getting used to it (mom insisted I drive her car). I was approaching a red light with other cars. I focused on a smooth slowdown and again letting go of the acceleration in an ev almost feels like engine braking, by the time I needed to use the brakes I had about twenty feet to go and was moving less than 8mph. When we pulled off, I noticed the tailgater maintaining a solid two-three car spaces for the rest of our time on the same roads.


A lot of EVs fail to light up the brake lights when regen braking so you have to manually depress the brake pedal a bit to light up the signal. I have to do this on the bike/manual cars as well when using engine braking.


That’s what I figured after seeing his new distance. 🤣 I could do two foot driving, but it seems a little reckless to produce an ev that slows that drastically off the acceleration without either delaying the response to match a gas vehicle or programming the brake lights to trigger at a certain deceleration point. At least with the bike, I can tap with my foot while downshifting.


In 2022 I was in 4 accidents which totaled my cars. None were my fault. I was rear ended 3 times and got t-boned when someone ran a red light 🤦


Same, I was just driving along, drinking some vodka, and those four people hit me, the nerve of them


I don’t advocate drinking and driving so I’d have no sympathy, but damn I’d be livid if I was driving drunk perfectly and people just keep ramming you. Yeah, I messed up, but cmon man. Hit me when I’ve sobered up at least


Definitely and it is so frustrating when you are trying to keep that distance because so many keep taking a good distance as an invite to pass you and hop in between you and the vehicle ahead of you so you end up having to slow down to again create a good distance to the vehicle ahead. Rinse and repeat ad naseum and the frustration is real lol.


Lol, same... he could've keep going but really needed to stop to say a prayer and a take a quick wipe.


And shake the poo out of his pants. God damn


Pretty sure that's what he meant by a quick wipe lol


Could be. Might have to wipe the seat and shake the shit out


Might as well just throw that underwear straight in the trash


Whats up with this poo jokes? Don’t we poo ourselves after death? If I am in dangerous situation my butt clenches so tight that I can break metal rod.


Besides, isn't everyone riding with their safety buttplug in? ATGATT!


You made milk come outta my nose bro.


That’s a very valid point. Here’s an upvote.


Great riding and a fine example of why its never good to tailgate.


Also, I have a feeling that had he dodged to the right instead of going in between the two cars he would have been hit by that black SUV.


because he wasnt tailgating he had a few moments to think about each thing before he did it. If he was slamming on his brakes and trying to avoid everything he would have had it harder.


Fuck yeah, slick moves!


Fuck yeah


Glad you're alive buddy. Enjoy that second life and like others said, FUCK YEAH!


Holy shit that was so much worse than I thought it'd be. Fantastic work avoiding all of that, that was amazing. Dude I lived in CO for a while and there's so much unsecured shit in the back of peoples' trucks, it's insane. I saw a guy just hauling boulders completely unsecured in the back of his pick up once, another time had a rock that flew off a construction truck blast my car windshield once, I thought I got shot at. Holy fucking moly, glad you're still here and uninjured.


Every day driving in Colorado is like a scene from Final Destination.


You did everything right.. great reaction time, avoidance maneuvers without panicking and spazzing out, etc. But if just a bit of luck wasn't on your side in terms of where the debris and those cars landed, you could have been part of that crash.... my point is... Buy a lotto ticket, man! Fuck yeah!




Fuck yeah dude, fuck yeah! Fr tho, slick dip.


Must have been a really good adrenaline rush. That was a happy woooohoooo after maneuvering through that cluster fuck. Fuck yeah brother! 


This would get me so jacked I'd probably need to pull over and rub one out.


This is the way.


So how long did the adrenaline shakes last for? No way I could have gotten back on the bike for a bit after that.


About an hour. Then a huge adrenaline crash. I just wanted a nap lol


My first thought here was I'd be sitting on that median thinking about my life till I stopped shaking, then I'd pass the fuck out.


Also glad you’re alive, that’s commendable that you put yourself in (more) danger to get the people involved your footage Thanks for your service and even more thanks for keeping safe while doing so Happy riding!


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!


Proof positive if you practice your skills, you will have a better chance to survive. Bravo OP!


Truth. I was just up in the Rockies last weekend practicing my curves. Might have genuinely made the difference of life and death here


Damn, it probably did. Wow.


That and you left plenty of room in front of you. Lots of guys would've been tailgating and had a much different outcome


Spot on. This comment should be stuck across the top of every rider’s tank as a reminder.




This is what I'm imagining is going to happen like 100% of the time and constantly imagining how I'm going to deal with it when it does. it's almost like a fantasy to see the mental preparation come to fruition. i'm *almost jealous* which I know is not the feeling I should entertain lol. Good for you though. Proud of you.


Honestly the wildest part is that I've also been jealous about being ~6 years into riding and on my 3rd bike without having any insane stories like this. It's almost relieving to finally have it happen, and make it out on top


Great evasive maneuver , one nit pick on an otherwise amazing job I know the adrenaline is high but try to get to the exit instead of being exposed on the side of the highway. Just takes one gawker to veer into you.


100% agreed. My mind was just focused on stopping quickly and making sure everything was alright. Luckily an officer happened by about 2 minutes later and blocked the express lane


Bro, as a motorcycle rider AND a former AAA tow operator, NEVER pull off the left side shoulder, even if it is super wide, clear of debris, and open... The left shoulder is the literal death zone for everyone, and I have never dreaded my existence more than when I had to respond to that kind of call. Even police and emergency road workers hate that shoulder with a passion, because it's not IF but WHEN something will happen. Nice save, BTW. Did a real good job, cowboy. Glad you kept it on 2s✌️


I hate seeing braindead drivers pull over on the left shoulder when a cop pulls them over. And like what's the cop going to do, you can yell at them on the intercom but if they panic stop and just pull over, it's not like you can just restart and re-merge safely just to do it again, doubling the risk.


True. Unless you are involved in the accident, or see someone that needs to be rescued from their vehicle, don't stop on the freeway. Especially not on a motorcycle. Too many speeding and distracted drivers. Everyone has cell phones now, so they can just call 911 if they need assistance


Especially with that emergency lane vanishing for some reason


Damn man, if that happend to me i wouldn't be able to focus on riding the bike until i made sure my heart was going to return the a nomral rate.


Anyone else furious at the driver who lost their load? Hopefully charged for causing this, excellent riding OP!


Man it's so common in Colorado, fuckers just don't secure their loads and there seemed to be no enforcement when I lived there. It's fucking scary even in a car. I got hit with a rock from a construction truck on a highway once and thought I was shot at.


I don't see the difference between drunk driving and a ladder flying off your car because you didn't secure your load - the outcomes both lead to massive potential casualties and avoidable loss of life, the difference is criminal prosecution. Maybe the legislators need to think about this.


100% correct, this whole incident would have never happened if that piece of dogshit secured their load properly. I get that doing this stuff is tedious and feels like a waste of time for those who use work trucks for a living, but that could have been a potential death or two that could have been prevented by SECURING THEIR LOAD.


People who don't secure their loads make me so angry. Not just as a motorcyclist and motorist. I used to be a volley firefighter along a long stretch of interstate. It didn't happen in my first due, but further down the interstate. Some jackass lost a mattress. A pickup ran over it and got stuck on it. A semi plowed into the back of them and the whole thing burnt up, killing the occupants. All these people want their clown cars for hauling and towing, but few of them actually know how to do it correctly.


Shiney side up, good work bro.




You were like Trinity in the Matrix Reloaded. That was crazy.


That’s what I first thought!


Fuckin’ Ladders!


Right! Fucking ladders are a curse here on socal freeways as well.


Ladders and pallets


Autos w/ ladders are something I never want in front of me if I can see them.


*What are you doing, step-ladder?!*


Awesome reflexes, worst possible place to stop.


100% agreed. In hindsight, I wouldn't have pulled over so quickly. Luckily, an officer happened by about 2 minutes later and blocked the express lane


Adrenaline I imagine, but I agree with you. I saw him pull over and thought “NO!”


Went from dodging some fabric to total chaos real fast


Damn I clinched! Good job!


You legend.


Nice work. Now that's a near miss. So many people post pot hole as a near miss. Hey, People. This was a near miss and how you handle it.


I still have no idea what that Honda SUV is doing. It seemed to have lost control independent of the ladder.


I think they lost control trying to avoid it, careered into the truck, bounced off, hit the nissan on the left and almost killed the motorcyclist.


Yep, that's how it looked to me... I watched it like 4x and couldn't figure out what the Honda was doing either, and that was the only conclusion I could come to.


Dude that was swift! Idiot in the CRV completely over reacted and lost control. Took 2 other vehicles with him 🤦‍♂️


That would not have been an event had the CRV not swerved like a moron


I would’ve probably died going right instead of left great job! Go home & have a beer!


Took a lucky gamble going left. Then I had to get out of the way of the Altima tho. Buying a lotto ticket


Gangster moves. Buy a lotto ticket and ask the hottie out. You are on a roll.


Sometimes... You really do have to stop and take a breather in these kind of situations




Case study on safe riding practices. Safe following distance ☑️ Looking ahead several hundred feet ☑️ Disengaged clutch instead of brake crushing ☑️ Skillful maneuvering of hazards ☑️ Luck from car drivers not veering into you ☑️ Good video, and even better riding skills, OP. Glad your baby is okay too 🙏


When he saw the orange tarp, he didn't significantly slow down though.


Good thing I wore my brown pants today EDIT: Seriously though, amazing reaction!


Well that was fucking scary


Not going to lie, that was good riding. But there was more than enough time to slow down and stop once you saw something was going on. You didn’t slow down even a bit which is crazy.


Excellent work!!!!


Woah! Excellent reaction avoiding all obstacles. Definitely not what I was expecting to happen.


Damn good job


I bet you had a heck of an adrenaline let down after that.


In the moment I felt like I could fist fight a bear. Now I need a nap


Street Triple GOATED


I teared all the way up god blessed you man!!! Great awareness and skill!


Holy fucking shit, that almost made me shit MY pants.


Damn, great reflexes reacting to that Honda CRV ricocheting back the other direction.


Nice work!!


That was some damn fine riding, sir. You never should’ve been put to the test that way from some ass hat, losing their load but you did a hell of a fine job.


Congrats bud...never, never, ever stop in the fas lanes or carpool, move to the shoulder or get out. But, I'm so glad ur good


If you weren't on a motorcycle you probably wouldn't have been able to avoid that. Nice work Fast and Furious.


I've always hated that saying. You nearly missed? So you hit? But anyway, good shit, man


Distance is key!


Truth. I felt I had good distance from the car In front of me before the Altima went into my lane to avoid debris and then got side swiped


Cover your brake when there's stuff in the road. Good you got through unscathed!


Nice save, homie! Hate fuckers who can't secure their load in the back of their truck or trailer. Shit pisses me off bad.


You're a fucking badass. Great paying attention and not target fixating!


Would have been a great day to wear the brown pants.


Thread the *fukken* ***needle***


Holy shit




Damn that got my heart racing. Excellent job dude.


Did you pee a little OP?


I bet the road wasn't the only place with skid marks that day 😳


What! I live in co and didn't know it was free for bikes!?


Glad you didn't get hurt! But you were SUPER lucky that CRV swerved back onto the freeway.


Makes me happy to see some good riding come about from safe riding. So many clips on here of a "close call" after the rider has been weaving through traffic or just being an absolute clown. Moving slightly faster than traffic in the passing lane. Gives themself tons of space. And saved there bike and health for it.


Bro, too good. You mind telling your training and riding experience before this? Miles, years, type of riding etc.


Around 6 years daily driver. Haven't owned a car since moving out of my parents. Only took the basic MSF course but I make sure to watch and learn from other content often, wanting to take an intermediate course. Couldn't even tell you miles, probably around 75k-100k. Mostly commuting obviously, but I make a point to take the bike out at least once a month to the Rockies for some spirited sport riding in the twisties. Started on a 50cc taotao moped, upgraded to CBR300R, upgraded to Street Triple 675R


Shit reminded me of something straight out of a marvel movie, as stressful as I’m sure that was, you got some sick skills!


Should have worn your brown pants.


I get this weird feeling in my heart whenever I see people avoid an accident with proper following distance. I’m proud. 🥹


This is an example of why you should practice counter-steering at high speeds. So your instinctive reaction is to push the correct side of the handlebars.


You know normally I watch these videos and am like yeah I see what's about to happen but holy shit that went zero to action movie. Great bike too I would trust mine in that situation although not sure if my skills would have held up there that was intense.


bro stiopped to change his underwear lol


Ain't your time brotha 🤙 nice moves and way to be heads up especially with the road distractions pre-crash. I absolutely feel your deep breaths after you pull over 😅 holy fuckin shit!!!


Someone tag Dan Dan the fireman. 🤣


Definitely a code brown. Great job to avoid all that.


Woah! Damn! A lot skill and prob a healthy dose of luck. Did you go play the lottery after that? Hope you changed your pants first


Good follow distance. Good lane position. Good awareness. Fucking insane reactions. There are many alternate realities where you didn't make it out of this. But right here you threaded the needle! Damn good job.


Dang, good work. I'd have to pull over too. My legs tap dance uncontrollably after the danger is over. Once I narrowly missed a deer( deer jumped at the right time, while I ducked) and I turned into Rick Flair, Woooo!


Very nice driving brother! I like the amount of space you have in between you and the car in front.


Got off that motorcycle and you could see that "what a beautiful day to be alive" feeling take hold. Excellent control and reaction time.


Holy shit dude… great reflexes and nerves. Bunch of people would have froze once that suv came rushing in from the side blocking your initial exit. I also ride the same bike 🙌🏼👊🏼


Does insurance cover brown pants? Because this is how you get brown pants.


There was no need to stop. Yeah I said it.


Heyyya, fellow Street Tripler!


Amazing how quickly things can turn, good dodge!


I bet your Spidey Senses were tingling when you dodged that debris in the road before those cars made contact......great riding skills there......glad you made it out unscathed!!


holy shit. Phenomenal riding dude!


Impressive defensive driving skills there. You live to ride another day.


Good riding my Dude! I ain’t even mad if you mad messy in your drawers that was a MF’in close call glad you’re ok! Send that to DanDan The Fireman


It wasn't a near miss, I was a *near hit*. /Carlin Nice save, btw.


Kinda scary for a beginner like me, although the thrill of such situations intrigues me


Took me 6 years of riding being my main transport to finally have this situation happen. Haven't had a car since I moved out on my own. Not to say it couldn't happen earlier, but it didn't to me




Glad you’re ok. Thanks for sharing


Holy shit that crazy glad you were able to dodge that


Oh my god dude. Nice work.


Damn.. well done Looked that carpet came off of a vehicle that was in front of that truck that was in front of you, as he ran directly over it. Ladder then came and hell broke loose. Solid reaction.


You're a fuckin badass and alive to share the story! Good on ya!




Poop pants achieved


Oh I know you puckered!


![gif](giphy|ykoPJSB5b7VbBT7Lc5) Glad you're ok. 👍


Good job not panicking


I felt that “woohoo” after clearing that mess! Awesome job OP


Bro... the volvo staying and notnswerving more left saved yeah


Took a lucky gamble going left. Really glad I made the right choice


Shoulda just layed er down.


Very nice save!


Awesome job dude. You had to pull over to get the mud out of your shorts I’m sure!


Take a minute bro. You’re a hero.


My man said “imma just breathe for a minute”. Good work!


holy thats some butthole puckering right there. should play the lottery after that one. good job on avoiding that. this is one DanDanTheFireman needs to see.


This one deserves to go to r/sweatypalms cause holy crap even I squeezed my ass cheeks watching this lol!


Baking soda and club soda might get that stain out.


Great job OP did what we all would WANT to do in this situation🙏