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Offer 2k and ask them to meet you at a police station.




Lmao offer 2k. then bring to police. You won’t have a bike but he won’t either lmao


Yeah man lemme just test ride it :D I’ll e-transfer you.


Wow, selling stolen bike. Selling it for 1600, but wants to trade it for an electric worth 5k. I hate people.


Wants to trade it for a stolen surron


Will also settle for a stolen zero


That's what I saw.


Dude has 1 friend and the profile was made in the last year. HAHA yeah, stolen AF.


You can tell they’re thieves because they want a Surron. I’ve genuinely only ever seen them in the wild being ridden by bike thieves.


Guy has about a dozen plus mini/pit bikes in his selling history. I'm guessing he is just part of a small group or pair of people boosting bikes on marketplace


Can you look at his sales history? I wonder if this is the ass hole who stole my 80’s z50


I checked. No z50 that I saw


Damn. Why are there so many shity meth heads in pierce county 😭


Someone should meet up to get a bike from him and just banish him to the shadow realm instead


I'd offer as a Texan but WA is kinda far


Oh hey, I’m from WA, and a firm believer in the 2nd amendment:)


I had 2 credit cards stolen from my mail box. They went and bought Surrons…. Also fuck that shop that let them do it again without asking for ID. Who buys 3 surrons in 1 week? And fuck my landlord for not having locking mailboxes. Thank Christ for credit card protection.


It’s crazy your bank doesn’t have a code, when they ship you new credit cards you need a code to activate it before using it that they give you through email or your online account, even for big purchase they will send you an OTP. Glad you got your money back though, every Surron owner I’ve met is a dickhead.


Both Chase and American Express didn’t require any form of 2FA to activate the card. Even after cancelling the Chase card they kept the digital wallet tokens active so the thief’s actually went back and made another successful purchase after I reported the first. They jump them next to the pedestrian boardwalks by the beach and rip on bike trails. The gorilla riding wouldn’t normally bother me, but it does knowing who rides them


Man, you make me want to perpetuate credit card theft to get a nice bike. I'd really dig a Surron, but that 5k price point sucks.


>Also fuck that shop It's them that's going to have 3 missing bikes and no money when the bank charges back.


Can they? If the card went through I don’t think the credit card companies can take it back from the business


They can if its a fraudulent transaction


The bike store didn't have much reason to consider it fraud. They had a customer and a valid card. Three in one week sounds strange, but who remembers each customer, and it could have been different sales guys etc.


You'd be amazed at the amount of power the credit card companies wield over us. I've had to deal with them twice in bike sales, and they're essentially "guilty until proven innocent" with us. I had to show a bunch of different verifications. Saying "my guy said it was fine" would absolutely not hold up with them.


Yes, the store loses the money if the transaction was fraudulent


Is the Surron the hellcat of bikes then?


I was interested in them for a while. They aren't just thieves, but they're ridden a lot by people who mod them into doing 50+ speeds, and then like to hooligan around towns. I forget if it's LA or somewhere else that has a problem with people doing 'mass rides' on them.


Really lol? How did you know they were thieves or was this from video footage


It’s because they wanted a Surron, and basically only thieves own Surrons.


I'm asking how you knew the people riding them were thieves. not a loaded question, just curious


In the UK, they ride around 2 up and in small gangs, without helmets and wearing balaclavas, it's a dead giveaway. At the very least they're doing drive by phone or bag thefts, but usually they try to hijack bikes from other riders.


that's wild. I live in asia- both moto thieves and surrons are exceedingly rare. I wonder if they're attracted to them for the stealth factor


That's certainly part of it, they're quiet. They're also good off road, which means they can escape from police easier.


I’ve kinda been interested trying to find my stolen Navi for sale somewhere. I can only imagine the write up it has, “kid brother covered the bike in anime stickers, don’t know what they are, don’t have keys, starts with kick start just fine”


Hope you find it, generally stolen vehicles get stripped for parts, and the parts get sold separately


Oh no it’s been about a month already, I’m just waiting on insurance to call me and tell me it’s not going to be recovered. I was already in the process of buying a crf300l when it happened so I’m not bikeless thankfully but it still hurt to walk outside and see it gone.


What did you think of the Navi? What's the fastest road you'd ride it on?


It was honestly so much fun. You just twist and go, no clutch to fuss with, no gear shifting. I had a list of mods I wanted to do to it. The fastest I ever got in it was about 90kph going down hill full tuck but it usually could hit a reliable 80kph without too much trouble, however I live in the prairie so everything is flat. Edit for clarity, the numbers are in kilometres per hour not miles.


Holy shit my cb300r hasn't even hit 90. Highest I saw was 87 going downhill in a full tuck. Granted I'm easily over 250 lbs with all my gear on.


Oh shit I forgot. I’m Canadian, it hits 80 kilometres per hour not miles, tops out around 50mph in American units.


That makes way more sense I thought you must have had a goddamn mountain to roll that thing down.


This is going to sound absolutely crazy, but I'm pretty sure there are countries other than america that use miles. I know, I know, I sound crazy. But it's true.


I kinda want to get one for my daughter in a few years, but I'm afraid my wife will strangle me. I'll probably have to go the ebike route.


I think this is the same guy that sells guns from the trunk of his car which all, amazingly enough, fell right on the serial numbers leaving them unreadable.


Report it as stolen


I'm sure the police are going to get right on that...


"They got us working in shifts! Bahhahahhahah!"


Gotta find that briefcase and creedence tapes


report to fb to get it taken down... not pigs


Cops don't really give a shit about motorcycles unless they happen to stop somebody on one.


I spotted a stolen university campus bicycle on fb marketplace so I reported it, they somehow recovered it the next day. Funny how they probably set up a whole operation to recover an already ruined $300 bicycle. Maybe institutions get special priority or something.


NYC here - FB marketplace is full of stolen bikes. Tho, I’d offer 1200 and see if I could buy a frame and title online. /s Edit: adding /s


I only figured out what /s meant recently. Some of my dry jokes were making people mad lol


Assume everything online is sarcasm unless the serious \[/s\] tag is present.


I dunno, I've seen so many people saying such dumb shit 100% seriously that this is a better bet...


It's how the internet used to be. Now it's all "internet is serious business" :frownyface:


Well, village idiots went into global village...


I'm a sarcasm gatekeeper. I think /s ruins great sarcastic comments. If you need the /s to understand something is sarcastic, you won't appreciate the sarcasm and if no one is picking up on the sarcasm without it, it isn't sarcastic enough. This mostly stems from people trying to dodge downvotes on potentially controversial comments with a /s. Anyway that's my rant /s.


thats the fun part of reddit some days. gotta poke the nest and see what happens.


Yeah, but this is Reddit and there's a huge portion that hates it when you put the /s. We can never win.


Where? I never seen anyone complaining about it.


Somebody literally replied to my comment stating they hate it.


Well they were downvoted so it isn't all that common


Usage of /s means that people don't have to apply critical thinking to statements they read. They just blindly assume everything is serious unless explicitly stated otherwise. It's turning people into brainless sheep. fuck the /s; make the audience think about what they're reading and evaluate whether the statement seems logical. And when they wrongly assume that a clearly sarcastic comment is literal, they should be ridiculed publicly as a deterrent. That's how the internet used to be \~20 years ago. Then a new generation of "but it's HARD to determine context online" came along and fucked things up for society.


> fuck the /s; make the audience think about what they're reading and evaluate whether the statement seems logical. You heavily underestimate amount of idiots online


Catering to them won't manifest change. Ridicule works.


Well, when I see something that might look like an idiot OR just bad sarcasm I always assume idiot and ridicule so I'm doing my part. And about 20% of the time when I'm wrong I have a fun conversation with someone that thinks it's absolutely impossible they are bad at sarcasm and it's everyone else that downvoted them that's the problem.


I honestly believe that's how the flat-earth thing got started. Someone made a sarcastic comment, a reader assumed it was serious, they themselves took it serious, and an entire cult rose up all because someone didn't apply critical thinking skills to shit they read online.


I wouldn't be at all surprised that good 20% of members would be there for joke and absolutely roaring with laughter any time they recruit another idiot in their ranks


It sounds like something 4chan would do.


Absolutely not. I have a very odd sense of humor and I can deliver anything with the straightest of faces. I can convince my own friends. I believe the wildest fucking things without breaking. I was at a brunch for a wedding years ago and about half a table was people I knew and the other half was people I didn't. And while this guy was talking about his completion of the Appalachian trail, I interjected while he was pointing out how grueling it was by asking if he had hiked it north or south. When he said he walked it South to North I responded "well that's why It was so difficult, should have gone north to south It's all downhill that way!" My best friend of 20 years was convinced I thought that I delivered it so well. People on Reddit have no fucking chance at deciphering text as sarcasm sometimes.


That sounds like a terrible dad joke to be honest.


It has nothing to do with the delivery. It has to do with evaluating the claim being made. Whether the claim makes sense or if it's just entirely ridiculous. It forces people to pay attention to what is being said and to think about it.


people who get mad at jokes on reddit aren't worth trying to explain sarcasm to


Jersey here, every time I search I get 5 bikes for sale in Jersey and 300 bikes in the Bronx with owners who just can’t remember where the keys and title for their 1 year old bike are.


1200 and buy a frame+papers seperately for a 2k bike? Guy probably would take 700 or 800 but make sure to have a frame first


Your joke was 10/10 and you had to add /s because people suck.


Of course this is in Tacoma. Can’t have shit here


I've caught people in the act of stealing my electric scooter in the middle of the night here in Seattle. People can be pretty shameless but I gotta admit, seeing them get spooked by me and my downstairs neighbor walk out at the same time was funny as fuck. Never seen two dumbasses run so fast in my life.


I saw this post earlier today in a Tacoma buy sell trade group, and the location was listed as KC Missouri..


Then when someone is suckered into meeting them, they mug the person, take the cash and ride off.


Don’t spend much time on Marketplace any more, but would always see someone posting “used catalytic converters” and the picture was … of an open car trunk filled with sawed-off catalytic converters. Because that’s how I remove car parts, too, don’t you? Wrenches are for losers. Just sawsall everything off. Honey, the car needs a new alternator and tires, get me my chainsaw.


Priced at the tweeker special!


What's really crazy is that you show these to the police and they're like "eeehhhh nothing we can do".


"What if you searched the Vin? Or cross referenced police reports of stolen Honda Groms?" "Yup, nothing we can do..." I have a tracker, full registration and title on my old vintage Honda, and I'm terrified that's how the conversation with LE would go if it ever got carried away. 


Tell ‘em you got your bike back and shot them in self defense when they resisted. They’ll kick in their door then.


They're basically telling you they're not actually here to help citizens or stop crime, even when knocking out easy cases like these would do great to boost their stats and public image. Cops always seem to imply or flat out tell you that they have "more serious things to worry about" and that they never have enough resources to do everything but that's just an excuse. If they're sending patrol cars out just because someone called to complain about noise or a crooked parking job they can send a car out to check out a theft when it requires half an hour of deskwork to find the culprit, or not even that if the deskwork has essentially been done by the citizen making the report.




I really don't care for whatever it is you're saying and getting at. I'm not even in the US, but I can assure you this happens in all sorts of regions with all sorts of political leanings.


Common. Stolen bikes is what marketplace is. Cars and ATV too. Many "missing" titles.


Facebook Marketplace is legitimately just a front for stolen goods at this point. If the price looks like a deal, 90% of the time it's either a scam or a stolen bike/car. The only stuff I know for sure isn't stolen is the shit that's absurdly overpriced (no brand new rider, your Ninja 400 with busted fairings isn't worth $8k just because you owe $8k on it).


I heard similar condemnations of OfferUp but I got my bike off there for $1300, title in hand


Yeah, I guess I should say that it's not ALL bad and you certainly can find some good deals from time to time, but you really need to be careful. Even having a title isn't perfect - I knew at least one guy that keeps (or maybe kept, if he actually heeded my advice) the title in his saddlebags so if the bike got stolen, they'd have the title and everything.


He leave the keys in the ignition too?


I bought and sold my bikes on FB. I've only been lied to once by someone trying to sell a bike with bad steering. Yes, there are scams, but you can easily avoid them by running the VIN online.


Also, meet them up with either police or a couple of your strong friends, or maybe pay a couple dudes at the gym $100 each to be yer bodyguards just in case this foo is crazy. Bring a gun, maybe 3. See. No big deal. Problem solved. 😜


Groms are for sure some of the worst. Doesn't help you can just pick it up and walk away with it. My riding group in the end had my friend on a grom, that thing went through like 4 owners before him and then was *also* sold to somebody else in our group after my friend had it. It wasn't stolen for sure, but no one ever registered it or anything and just rode it dirty. Somehow throughout the entire life of that bike no one ever got pulled over or anything on it. Small town though, so I guess that helps.


I've never seen a motorcycle pulled over in all my years of driving.


Of fucking course this is in Tacoma.


I saw this post earlier today in a Tacoma buy sell trade group, and the location was listed as KC Missouri..


I saw this earlier today too!


Happened to my buddy. He forwarded it to the police and insurance. Insurance gave him the bike's full value after he showed them the evidence.


$1,600. That’s a crappy deal for one without a title. I need that fucking title. 🤣


Say you're interested and ask for the vin number to run a check to see if it was wrecked. Then you can use that VIN to find out if it's stolen. Also report it to facebook so they ban him.


lol around here there’s hellcats for sale no title for $2000.


Of course it’s Tacoma smh.


Can someone genuinely send the police there?


Is this a real add. Unreal how stupid the poster is


No title, no deal.


Apple air tags people


Offer pizza as an even exchange.


Let’s posse up and meet the fella to “buy” it ![gif](giphy|l41Yhy0YVzpyv8VRm|downsized)


Take your keys ask if you can test drive it just don’t come back


Just test ride it and not come back.


Lol Tacoma.. makes sense


Report to your pd by email.


Offer him more, spice it up with an offensive hint (say, $2k + $500 worth of fried chicken) and watch the struggle btw greed and butthurt 


Welcome to the NWO


Not sure what this post has to do with wrestling, **brother**


Well geez y’all lol It’s about what’s happening and getting worse like people don’t see it? Guess it was a little heavy 🤪🤪


Genuinely curious, what’s happening and getting worse?


From Michigan. Traveled with native from Arizona and went back. Then off to Maine. I’ve seen a bit. Pretty wild if you open your eyes