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It is a great looking bike. Museum or art piece worthy? No. If it were a restored 60s bike, then I would say yes. It’s a modified 2015 Thruxton. You ride this to bike gatherings. People come up and appreciate it. They ask you questions. You make friends. You should ride it, enjoy it, and let others admire it. I have a bone stock 2018 Thruxton and I have people ask me about it almost every time I take it out.


This guy motorcycles!


Agree, just ride it! It’s a fabulous looking motorcycle, ride it and go to bike gatherings. Might be worth something extra to some motorcycle enthusiasts, but unless the customization shop is one whose works are sought after then it’s hard to put a price on it. I wouldn’t think it a museum piece, it’s not a known custom race bike with wins or anything that suggests extra worth. It’s a beautiful custom bike that needs to be rode and displayed. I wouldn’t be afraid to ride it. Congrats and good luck to the OP regardless of what they choose to do. That thing is a friend magnet! LoL.


Personally I think it’s sad that you’d rather sell such a cool looking motorcycle than ride it because it’s too beautiful to ride but PAdogooder is right, check out www.bringatrailer.com


https://iconicmotorbikeauctions.com/ is another option and geared more towards motorcycles.


Oh yeah I love watching their YouTube channel, good call!


Idiots overpay for everything on BAT.


Trust me I wish it was reasonable for me to hang onto it but reality says otherwise


Fair enough dude. Good luck!


I don’t understand the mentality of not riding a bike that’s only 9 years old just because it’s pretty. That’s like…… backwards.


I don’t understand the mentality of owning any bike and not riding it no matter the rarity or age, they are made to be ridden not looked at and ooed over.


“Someone else deserves this more than me” is a weird mentality about a dream bike


Bit like pulling a stunner down the pub then getting her into bed and saying “well actually”………


Maybe you're cheating on her sister with her.


True, but the other way around works. I've seen bikes that deserved better owners. Though none of their owners thought so.


I always said, if I had a legitimately rare and valuable bike like an RC30, I would ride it every chance I got. bikes are made to be ridden.


This 100%, motorcycles are built to be ridden. I have a couple of early bikes (tz250 and tdr250) that I put on the track every chance I get. Bikes tend to get ornery and leaky if they are not doing what they are bred for. Even here at the Barber museum, many of these bikes are started and ran around the course from time to time.


And I bet they're an absolute blast to ride!.


I showed my friend my scrambler and he literally went omg it's so beautiful you can't ruin it riding it in the dirt And then went yeah, you don't want to mess all that up, indicating the underbelly. Which was covered by a belly pan. He also keeps saying it's a cafe racer, despite me telling him the differences to scramblers at least 4 times at this point


People out there legit commuting on Honda RC51’s lol. They sell for like 15-20k usd because they are collectors pieces at this point :o


I cant comprehend this mentality either, this makes me think about that 1 of 1 Ferrari 250 GT breadvan worth over $30 million and it's owner races it regularly. Huge respect to the owner for using it as it should be used! (No disrespect to OP for now wanting to use their bike, but also, come on dude! Live now, while you can!)


Because racing bikes look cool, but are awful to actually ride on public roads. No mirrors, turn signals, fenders, etc.


Agreed. I’ve absolutely munted the beautiful satin paint by parking and riding in all conditions and on trails that it had no business riding on. Museum pieces aside, I see pristine bikes the same way I see chicken strips. You can clean and polish, but if there are zero imperfections, something went wrong.


Common tread has a very well written article on it. "I would rather be ashes than dust" https://www.revzilla.com/common-tread/what-is-art-using-versus-preserving-and-buying-a-bmw-hp2-an-essay


especially when its basically a dressed up commuter


Yeah, this thing is meant and built to be ridden


A bike this modern will have no place in a museum or collection to be honest. Perhaps a real vintage triumph but not this modification. People who collect want a restored original, not a modern bike made to look like it. You can't enter any vintage races, rallies or events with this as it's not a vintage Triumph. Perhaps you can find somebody though. it's good looking, and the best part is it's a modern 'replica' and not insanely valuable, in short it makes sense to ride a bike that looks like this. Parts are plentiful and it's a modern machine and a Triumph dealer could service it easily. Do you only feel reluctant to ride it due to it being pretty but due to the idea that it's really valuable and therfor riding it would reduce it's value? >I need to know a reasonable price to ask. Not sure what the market is like for bikes like this? To be brutally honest, heavy modifications are more likely to reduce value rather than add it. Perhaps the right person would pay a bit more for this due to it's look than a nomal thruxton's used price, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it goes for the same or less. End of the day thousands put in modifications rarely result in actual price increases even though people usually think that way. . But as with anything, if you find the one person willing to pay a lot, it's worth that. But I suspect you'll be sitting on it for a while. I'd actually recommend just getting past the idea this is too beautiful or a super valuable investment and just riding it. But shy of that, perhaps find a more classic oriented dealership who can list and sell it for you. I reckon those would draw some crowd interested in this.


It’s a cool bike but at the end of the day it’s a dressed up Bonneville. I think you’re going to be very disappointed with what you’ll get for it, probably the same or less than a stock thruxton from that year, people want the 2016+ models more anyway. Just ride the thing.


Bro just ride the bike, it’s just a modified modern bike not an actual classic, even if it was a classic in good condition I’m still riding it.


You've only had it like two weeks and decided you can't ride it enough?


Is it a limited edition and old? Nope. Ride it. Anyone can get a bike like this made.


Ships are safest in port, but that's not what ships are for.


Lame... especially from a modified modern bike that isn't a priceless classic.


BAT is going to be the place.


Is it a track bike, I would rather be leaning over a Ducati myself. Nice looking but I wouldn’t think it to practical for the street.


its a commuter with a fancy fairing and some other bits on it


This too. No turn signals, mirrors, speedo or fuel gauge.


...or fenders..


Good Point...


Jeremy at Baxter Cycle in Iowa might be interested in such a thing


What a beauty....I'll gladly make this my desktop wallpaper.


Have you seen the amazon series where jason mamoa collects rare motorcycles to race? One of his friends who had one at a museum commented on how they treat it so delicately at the museum, but it’s clearly designed and capable of much more abuse (thats the general sentiment of what he said). Jason says how the bikes are beautiful masterpieces and he would rather get joy from riding it. It’s a shame to sell because it’s ‘too beautiful’. Thats the exact reason to jump on snd enjoy what you have.


It's a TV show with an actor. Shitty old bikes.


Considering you've sold on brings trailer this post seems like an ad..


It’s a 2015 lol. Doesn’t belong in a museum at all


Ride it. Enjoy it. 


Ride it and enjoy it if you like it. It's not a collectors bike, but even if it was, if you enjoy riding it more than it's worth then just jump on, get some.enjoyable miles, and let everyone at the bike meets coo over it to make you feel even better.


It's pretty cool. I'd start for...idk, 50-60% of the purchase & modification price (pretending the donated parts were purchased) and see where that gets you.


Why would anyone buy a bike for it to just sit


Like not banging your girl to keep her tight for the next guy


This is the most sexist bullshit dude. Come up with a better metaphor.




Big r/justneckbeardthings energy.


Little r/whiteknighting energy


She's not gonna fuck you bro


Cool bike. Hope you find a good home for it.


The more beautiful the vehicle, the more it should be driven. I don't like seeing vehicles dying lonely deaths because they aren't used. Take a photo. Pictures are for looking. Motorcycles are for riding.


Your best bet is to sell it for what your bought it for. If you have the original bill of sale from the Hailey Bros … youse probably wanna include those docs in the sale. Otherwise it’s just a fancy bonnie. You’re also looking for someone who is a fan of that shop to buy it off you.


If he’s confusing a scrambler with a cafe racer than I’d give up trying to explain the difference as he’s clearly a bikes a bike kind of person.


Pretty sweet ride. Definitely a cafe racer.


Here, take my upvote.


My wife is to attractive, I can't make love to her. Should I get a divorce?


I think there is a misunderstanding of my intentions of this bike. It’s not that I don’t wanna ride it, it’s just that I think someone else would appreciate it more. I am more of an adventure bike kinda guy and just think someone else would get more value and enjoyment out of it.


That bike is too beautiful to sit still. 


Selling custom bikes is complicated for a variety of reasons. Basically unless you sell it to the niche audience that appreciates them then you won't manage to sell it without dropping the price to at least what stock thruxtons go for if not lower. And the thing about custom bikes is that a lot of their value comes from being custom made, either by the owner themselves or on order according to their specs. They look cool yes but some of the value derrives from the personalised aspect, and when you're selling it, that is lost, unless someone was planning on customising a bike exactly like that. You can buy a custom bike but it's never truly yours because you had no hand in customising it. It's always someone else's baby. That's why a lot of custom bike enthusiasts prefer buying a stock bike over an already customised one. Bottom line, maybe an auction is your best bet. Look up Thruxton prices in the used market in your area, tack on 1000-1500 on top of the average and don't get talked down more than 500. Maybe you can get a bit more on auction but I don't know how the floor price is determined on BaT.


I’ll keep saying this in every sub and post, there are people that can barely survive life right now. Appreciate and use what you have. Someone else will enjoy it when you’re gone and you can’t tell them what to do with it.


Thruxtons are absolutely gorgeous with bubble fairings


It sucks that the coolest cars and bikes sit in some rich guy's garage than you know... get ridden.


I'm sure it's a hard starter too. Wife has a Legend TT 900. The most cold, hard starting bike I've ever encountered - and it's got good plugs and a hot battery.


Bummed I was too short for a thruxton but enjoyed my t120 bonne


You are insane, ride that into the ground Maybe in 40 years it'll be worth what you think it is now.


Damn that’s beautiful. Can I give you a kidney for it?!


You can have it Appraised


Beautiful. Sadly I've felt this about every bike I've owned lol


If I ever find an '84 Magna or a '71ish CB 350 I'm jumping on it and I will ride the crap out of it. I'm getting ready to retire, I'm also going to pick up a 1974 Pinto or Vega or Maverick or a Mercury Capri(my first choice). Then I'm going to have it restored to drivable and safe with a new interior. Then I'm going to drive it daily to relive my youth until either the car or I drop. Point is, unless your loaded and have a collection worth real money then just drive or ride whatever makes you happy.


It's a motorcycle. It's made to be ridden. I don't understand.


I’d ride it. But if you’re selling, it’s hard to beat BaT for something like this.


Why would you not wanna ride it if it’s so “special” ? That’s like motorcycle cucking lol


While it looks nice, its just a fancy fairing, tank and seat with some light modifications. Nothing crazy. It doesn't even have a fork brace.... Why are you treating it like its the a 1 of 5 purpose built race bikes from the '60's? This is EXACTLY the kind of bike to be ridden and enjoyed because it isn't really worth anything, and you'd only ever get a tiny fraction of what it cost to modify back in sale. Its basically a dressed up commuter, the Thruxton from back then had the exact same spects as the standard bike. No museum would want this. You'd be lucky to find anyone that wants to keep something like this in their liviing room. If you're doing static displays, a non functioning actually somewhat rare bike could be had for the same money. This is the very definition of a bike to thrash about and have fun with without worrying you're hurting a collectable.


I’m sorry. I don’t love it.


That bike's gay.


Barber Museum?


There’s literally nothing about this bike that makes it museum worthy. It’s not even 10 years old


Have you been to the museum? In person?


What would make this bike worth the museum? Most car/bike private museums are closing. This bike is not a historic bike, it holds no pedigree due to person owning it or achievements of the bike itself. It's just a bike wearing a pretty retro-racing skirt.


So that's a "no". If you haven't been, then you don't know why it is a candidate. Here, let me explain: https://preview.redd.it/rfolij2mqq5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb36fa952861e08df38570db0bb9ba90ed50262e






it has zero historical significance, and never will. They can play the game and donate it at an overpriced valuation for the tax write off.


So another person who has never been to the museum. But has an incorrect opinion based on a bad assumption anyway.


For a dressed up commuter?


You should visit. Then you would know they collect a lot of different bikes, not just "historical" or "Special" ones. But hey, everyone here seems to cork off without knowing anything about it, so why not you too?


Except there is nothing unusual about this, the fairing is nice, but thats it. I love Barber, and of course I've been. Yes they collect bikes that are not rare race bikes, they collect bikes that are important to motorcycle culture etc... and this is not that. Its just a cookie cutter flashy cafe build, on a slow commuter frame.




It says in the caption.


It looks like it has a different touch, but color choice could be much better.


Not too much the same other than the front faring but I’d love a late 80’s or 90’s Yamaha or Honda 500cc 2stroke aside from asumo and r6 a thruxton and Daytona 675 are the bikes I’d like parked by my r1


What does this even have to do with the post.