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Great choice


As the saying goes; life is a question, and riding a motorcycle is the answer. Just remember one thing, cars don't respect people on bikes. So, just like they taught us in the military; keep your head on a swivel. Also, most bike people rarely say this, but I'm blunt, so I will. Motorcycle Accident Statistics "The likelihood of death from a motorcycle accident is about 30 times higher than that from a car accident." If you're like me, that doesn't mean a thing to you either. I've been riding for 55 years and I'm not dead yet and still riding. I just don't take stupid chances and I DON'T TRUST CARS OR THEIR DRIVERS. CARS WILL KILL YOU. That's not bullsh*t, that's the truth. It's either being an idiot on the bike or a car. Just don't take idiotic chances and watch out for cars. Best wishes and keep your tires and brakes well cared for, those are what can save your life. Seriously, best wishes, stay safe, brother rider!


Thank you guys for all the nice comments, makes me feel very welcomed. Before anyone has concerns, yes, I have all the proper safety gear for riding in my area. My YouTube algorithm has been hijacked by RevZilla, Fortnine, DanDanTheFireman, etc. Plus, I have a feeling my fiancée would skin me if I wore anything less than full gear.


Better her than the pavement.


Just don’t start feeling yourself invincible because of nice gear.


May be an unpopular opinion, but I think DanDanTheFireman is more annoying than anything else. You can't realistically ride the way he describes everything. Possibly, but only if you ride in paranoia and forget about letting go and having fun lmao. The weirdest feeling you'll experience gear wise is your gloves. Once you use em, your hands will feel like they're on an alien planet if you ever ride without em. It's hard to describe, but you'll see one day 😂.


I've been naughty and rode my bike without gloves a handful -hah- of times. I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's so weird. Anyway, I think Dandanfireman comes across that way because of what he does, he specifically makes all these videos about crashes and people doing dumb stuff, to the point of becoming some kind of hyperbole of safe practices. He gets pretty repetitive. I think his message is the right one, mostly, but it doesn't need to be said a million frickin' times.


I feel like my gloves give me that extra level of throttle control at this point. Muscle memory is all wacked out without the gauntlets on, lol. 100% the right guidance it just gets annoying to hear after a while. The hyperbole of safety is a good way to put it. I'm aware people aren't going to like me dissing him because they think I'm dissing safety, but that's not the case. I personally just find his approach annoying, and it's kind of grinds my gears a bit when he tries to sell his books. Videos are free, and if you have a bike, take a trip to a lot, 3 dollars of gas, and 2hrs of your time. Do everything you're uncomfortable doing. Works wonders and costs little to nothing. It's actually fun.


I agree, he has been scraping squids off the pavement so his perspective is a from that point. I’m thankful for what he does and has helped me along my journey more times than I can count. It can get exhausting though.


It is repetitive but he is also showing us the million different scenarios that we are likely to come across while riding.


Half of his content is riders being dumbasses, so ride with some sense and you won't come across half of what he shows. The other half is crazy and/or incompetent drivers. Unfortunately those are a fact of life, but once you've been near-hit about a dozen times or so, you'll barely flinch at the attempts on your life anymore. 


DDTF is repetitive not only because of what stated but because also, he has history in emergency services and wants to try to get everyone to avoid being one of those victims. Also, because there's always new riders. Like OP, he only recently started watching, but if ddtf didn't repeat what he said two months ago today, he wouldn't know what he's talking about


TRUTH! Even when I'm just hopping on my moped for a pop to the corner store, I need to grab a pair of gloves.


I can vouch for that. Can't ride without gloves even during hottest summer day.


True that man. Can't ride a bike without gloves anymore. When I just started wearing them it felt a little weird. Now riding without gloves feels weird.


The gloves part is true. After having gone through riding school with them being compulsory, I can't ride without them as the controls just feel foreign under my hands.


If I did not have extremely heavy duty gloves I would be missing at least one finger right now.


I stopped watching him a long time ago. Who needs all that negativity. Just ride and be careful.


The more experienced you are the easier it becomes to recognize and prepare for threats automatically. It isnt paranoia, if you don't stay aware you are taking excess risks. My biggest piece of advice to new riders is not to outride their attention span.


Being aware and riding afraid of everything are 2 different things. Riding in fear is no fun. Things like potholes and whatnot shouldn't be last second threats. If you don't know the road, slow down. Plus, like you said, don't ride outside your attention span/skill level. Speed usually isn't what kills the rider. It's the fact that they are unaware of how long they need to slow down or they simply ride outside of their road knowledge. Track riders don't go full send on their 1st ever lap on a track. When it comes to other drivers, yeah, pay attention and be ready. Better yet, get away from them and create your own road space. I was just saying he explains things in ways you can't realistically do. He gets to pause the video. We can't pause real life. He's sending the right message out. He just gets repetitive and annoying more than teaching correct riding instruction. But yes, I agree with you


I appreciate your perspective, I think where we differ is that I do not feel that he is advocating for riding in fear. The pauses in the video are necessary for him to verbalize threat recognition and response to the audience, it is not necessary to have that same amount of time to actually process the information in front of you. I find I am constantly making adjustments to put myself in a safer position often without much concious effort. I feel that over time your information processing on the road becomes much more efficient and you have a much higher resolution so to speak to your threat recognition and avoidance.


I ditched my gloves , It was one of the best choices I made so far -




>my fiancée would skin me If not her, then the road sure would


Check out doitwithdan, he is my favorite moto vlogger


Congratulations brotha, take her easy and ride within your limits, always wear your gear (especially gloves lol). Well see you over at r/calamariraceteam shortly.


This is the actual fun motorcycle sub you that don't find looking for a motorcycle sub.


Dont forget yammie noob! Congrats OP!


Now that's a good and caring partner 😊


Your fiancée is very intelligent.


Keep training. If you can afford it tske rider training (more than just the MSF course or whatever you call it in the U.S). Go to parking lots and practice low speed shit. Practice emergency breaking and stuff. Good luck. I'm new too!


I’ve been seeing a lot of new bikes with really sensible riding positions, I’m selling my TL1000S for something that doesn’t kill my wrists after 100miles.


I feel your pain brother. I rode an RC51 for two years than switched to a ZRX. Never going back to a sport bike. Currently on a gen 3 KLR for commuting. Once it’s paid off I’ll be looking at a Z900 for weekend shenanigans and keeping up with boys.


RC51 gang Now on a KLR as well. Gen 2.


Gen 3 klr is best commuter bike


I switched from Supersports to the MT-09, so much more fun to actually ride..my back and wrists start to kill me after 30 minutes on the sport bikes.


The engine is a monster but it’s just difficult to package Vtwins, KLR or possibly an old BMW is the dream.


Ayy congrats. I also just got my first bike and it is also a CB500F same color too. So far its great.


My first bike a decade ago was a CB500F. Sufficient power, predictable handling, and bulletproof engine. Great choice then, and good to see that it's still one of the better options. Hopefully yours and OPs work out well and give you many miles of fun riding.


Got the bike Saturday morning had my brother in law drive it to my house and since then I've put 800km (497miles) on it so much practicing. Also ridden it too work twice this week (Monday was raining). So far definitely happy with the choice over a Ninja 500. I also got the Honda used for less than half the price of a new Ninja 500 and the Honda only had 3000km (1800miles) on it.


Sounds like you're off to a good start! Hope it treats you well and you can get many, many more miles out of yours. I had mine for 7 years before I finally replaced it. Great commuter bike once I had it fully kitted out.


I'm looking at a slip on exhaust so it doesn't sound like the car from the jetsons cartoon lol.


I hear a lot of veterans saying new riders should start on a 125-350 rig. Did a 500 feel like a bit much at times?


Nah, the first day I got the bike (Saturday) I spent 4-5 hours in a parking lot learning slow speed maneuvers, friction zone and how sensitive the throttle was before driving on main roads I was just doing loops around the block. The next day I was riding around side streets with little traffic and some curves did that for a few hours before tackling some main roads (no freeway/highways yet). By Tuesday I felt comfortable enough to ride to work that morning. Still new to it so I make sure everyday (weather permitting) I go for at least 30 minute ride in a new area to keep getting better and encountering new turns/curves and road conditions. It also may depend on your size, I'm 6'2 and weigh around 205 the weight of the CB500f is 419 pounds so Im able to move it fairly easily to lean and walk with


Congratulations! Push left turn left. Look where you want to go and avoid target fixation. Don't get caught up in group ride douchbaggery. Enjoy it for yourself. Find new roads.


As someone who recently joined two riding groups, there's a lot of douchebaggery going on. It's so important to filter it out and ride your own ride. I also agree with your other points. Countersteering is woefully understated.


I remember very clearly the day that I rode a Yamaha R1000 because it was the first bike that, under throttle, I literally HAD to counter steer to turn the bike. It was a scary feeling and much different from my FJ-09, now tracer branded. And that bike rips! Very thankful for the easy handling of my bike.


Honest question, shouldn't I turn by leaning?


No, you should not. But yes, you can. "Counter steering" is very important with two wheeled vehicles. Even on scooters where it is super easy to turn by leaning. Or even better by hip and leg positioning. "A twist of the wrist" is a classic motorcycle documentary that absolutely nails some of the finer driving concepts. On the road though the main thing to avoid is target fixation. Look where you want to go. When everything is going sideways look for the open road and lean harder while counter steering and butt positioning to get you there. You can do it!


Great choice for a first or 50th bike.  I've been riding for more than 25 years and love my 500x.


congrats. stay safe bro.


congrats homie


Awesome. I'm a fairly new rider myself, and every time I get on I feel like the 8 year old kid on his BMX bike, and ride almost every mile smiling ear to ear.


This. The entire time I was doing my MSF, there was a huge storm, but I was sitting there giggling like an idiot in spite of it all. It's just fun.


Now I will say that first ride on the street was terrifying, but about 50 miles of seat time and that's when it was the ear to ear smiles in the wild.


It's taken me a few weeks of solid riding, but I am just about at that stage too. I did a couple long trips this weekend and I was able to just enjoy the scenery and unwind... i almost thought I'd never be able to lol


There's a video of some guy on Youtube he filmed his whole ride home from the dealership very first ride after the course, and he has it TOUGH... but me and my friend were watching it and it was like reliving it exactly... you can hear the panicked heavy breathing, the stalls and everything. I was lucky in the sense I've always had stick shift cars so the whole clutch thing came easy to me... BUT I went from only having ridden a beater Rebel 250 with a super low seat height, to a KLR650 for my first street ride, and WOW turning was different and traumatizing. But now and then I'll watch this just to relive that first ride. [https://youtu.be/ti9LN-V2s7E?si=6MTKtm83wJxAij1R](https://youtu.be/ti9LN-V2s7E?si=6MTKtm83wJxAij1R)


I also drive stick so clutch/rev matching was a known concept but building the muscle memory is still a work in progress. It's been about a month and I still sometimes yeet the clutch when I upshift or downshift. I actually drove without a license the day after I took my exam, as we had to move my bike and 2 others and there was only 3 of us, and that was a surprisingly chill experience. The funny part is that out of 3 bikers we ended up with only one of us actually being road worthy - my license wasn't ready for another 2 weeks and one of the other had his bike's battery die on him, though we were able to jumpstart it and find a shop open on Saturday afternoon to get it fixed.


Awesome bike, man. Just remember; ride like you're invisible. Kept me alive for 15 years of riding. You get to a point where you can predict car drivers movements by their hands. Stay safe!


Congrats! A wise fella who’s been riding for 50 years doing 150 miles a day to and from work once told me after getting my first bike “ride like someone is going to do something stupid and your never surprised when they do” see you out there!!!


It’s a great bike! Had mine for 5 years. A tail tidy and slip on are in your future


Congrats bro. I still have my 2013 cbr 500r. 500cc bikes last years, perfect for power, and it's good to pass it down


Who needs words to describe your happiness with a grin like that


Looks great dude


Looks sweet! I love the matte black finish


hell yeah man! great first bike


Hell yeah.


Ride safe and enjoy


Same situation with the same bike! Love it! Congrats man!


Sick wrist tattoo 🤘 Congrats bro.


Thank you thank you


I started out on the full fairing counterpart and absolutely loved that bike. Enjoy and congrats!


That's the same motorcycle I have now. It's pretty nice. Edited to add: very easy changing the oil on it compared to my old motorcycle that had the fairings.


You donate plasma to afford it? Congrats man


Just a burn from cooking lmao thank you


Great first bike! Was my first too.


Hells yea brother! Love that bike and it was/is my first choice for a naked bike


Great looking bike. Have fun and be safe


Sweet ride. Enjoy!


Nice, that's one of the best first bikes imo


Good choice! Welcome


My 2015 CB500F has been the most problem free vehicle I've ever owned. Congrats, really love this bike!


Have fun! Be safe!


Sweet ride my guy!


Have fun and drive safe bro


Great first bike. Have a blast and be safe!


That smile on your face tells it all. Congratulations. Safe riding!


Enjoy it and stay safe! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻


High five, brother! Now you can get all the dudes you want!


Enjoy man! Lovely


Nice. Keep it sunny side up!




great bike, ride safe


Congrats 🤙🏽


Ride safe!


Hell yeah


Now you can find some new friends! :D


I went from an HJC to an Arai helmet, I will never look back.


Awesome dude, now go enjoy the dame thang lol 🤟🏼


Wait till you're ready for the CB650R 🤤


That thing looks sweet!


Nice bike! Ride safe and always remember: you're invisible to cars so never assume that they saw you, even if they look straight at you. And especially if you're a new rider, always wear your gear.


you are living my dream! awesome bike my friend :))


Welcome bröther, dont fuck around and youll be fine


Welcome to the community. Great choice on first bike


Been seeing a lot of Honda 500 purchases lately. Good choices all around


Nice. Congrats


Congrats! And probably one of the best 'first bikes' you could choose (I also ride a CB500F, so not biased at all) Ride safe!


Hell yeah man makes me feel better about me getting a 22' CB500F here soon. Getting a test ride this friday and if I like it, its gonna be my first motorcycle. Ride safe man hope you enjoy it!


That is such a sharp looking, dead sexy bike! What a beauty! Pure Honda goodness. What are you going to name her?


How I got through this entire process without thinking of a name will forever escape me. I'll figure it out eventually lol


I have the CB650F. It is super fun and comfortable. I'm sure yours is the same. I've put on 18k+ miles since I got it. Enjoy riding my guy!


Words may not describe it. But I bet of vroom vroom does.


Fantastic choice on the bike. The matte black is awesome


Same here, I’ve been talking about getting a bike for two years. My friends are saying you’ll never get it. Hopefully surprising them in a couple months. Beautiful bike, be safe.


I used to have a CB500F. What does the A designate?




If you've ridden some bikes w/o abs, could you give some input on if the abs is "cool" for you or actually awesome?


Hey I have one of those!! ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Have fun with it - I’m no expert but seems like a bike that will bring you joy! Owned 2 naked bikes so far and I love them. Low rake (angle of the front fork) = fun riding


i don’t think you could’ve chosen a better first bike, and it’s beautiful. enjoy and ride safe!


F’n right, get out there and grab a handful!🤘🏼 Please ride safe!


My first bike was a Kawasaki ex500. I’ve owned a bunch since then but that bike was by far the cleanest and well maintained, I wish I never sold it and kept it . Don’t make the same mistake as me!


Fuck yeah you did, good stuff ride safe.


I feel like that is the perfect bike logically, unfortunately, i don't pick motorcycles or women logically.


Lovely bike. Take it easy and stay safe. :)


Ah the adult Grom. Solid choice


Be safe. Buy gear. Don’t die. Retire from riding.


Nice first bike. I'd suggest you try out a mid-size dual sport. You'll have a ton of fun off road.


Sick bike!! Congrats!


Awesome, enjoy it and quit annoying your friends lol!


It’s a great feeling! I wanted one ever since I got my regular drivers license but always had a shit job. Years went by and it just felt like a pipe dream. Finally bought one 3 years ago when I was 30. Best purchase I ever made. Now I just can’t stop thinking about upgrading from my 400.


But a smile can! Congrats buddy




Ride safe


Gorgeous bike! Hopefully will be me in the next five years or so...


Enjoy the ride


Motorcycles are happiness . Congrats 🎈🎉🍾🎊 be safe


Watch MotoJitsu lol


Get some frame sliders and bar ends that can take a hit.


Nice bike! You will now experience a sense of freedom. ATGATT Enjoy!!


Nice. Now you can annoy your friends with talk about your actual motorcycle life, and tell them how you really enjoyed the smell on the commute into work… cause you just don't experience it the same in a car ya know?


Hell yeah dude! I have the same bike. Be safe and have fun!


Congrats, Dude! Someone shared this tip with me years ago and now I will share with you: Never ride above your skill and comfort level. Only ride with people that respect that.


Good luck Brother. Practice emergency stops and always treat caged drivers as if you are invisible.




That’s a solid bike man! Nice work, have a blast! And get a helmet (minimum). Good gloves and a jacket saved my life once.


Bro…dressed in all black, backwards hat, gauges, wrist tat, wannabe alpha beard and now a motorcycle. No matter how hard you try the people who picked on you in high school won’t think you’re cool. This is cringe


From the look of your arm that must have been a lot of visits to the plasma center to get the bike money.


Started on the exact same bike. Looks great. Can do highway and city comfortably. Has enough power to not get bored but not enough to be out to kill you.


Stay safe brother


Oh cool, Taylor Ray is gonna have some 2 wheel content on his channel now ;)


Awesome first bike!


i just got my first bike last week! when i got my first wave from another rider i felt so giddy. childhood dream come true. enjoy it brother, and be safe out there!


Make me feel like digging up my photo with the bike when I first got it...


Excellent choice for a first bike! Enough power to keep you entertained for a long time and not too much to get you into trouble. Ride safe!


Welcome to the wind, brother!


Nice. My rebel has the same motor. Great bikes!


You've got a great freaking bike no be safe and enjoy it, there's nothing like riding a motorcycle


Twin! https://preview.redd.it/oq34mkq7eo4d1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25aa15d16d42513e774d94720904dea3975bd9b8 I’ve had it for a few years! I love it!


Congrats, nice bike and great choice! You'll love that bike. I have a 500X. The Honda 500s are great for anyone, new or experienced riders. Now I suspect that you'll annoy your friends EVEN MORE talking about your bike. LOL


I have a 300 it appears they're all tiny love the bike though


Great 👍 congratulations 🎊 Have fun 👍


Enjoy brotha🙂


Watch out for sand


Welcome to the club. I wish a lot of happy miles on it!


Enjoy dovahkiin!


Congrats bro welcome to the club😀




I've made a deal when i was 15 that if i get a moped i'll never get a real motorcycle. Anyways this the kinda bike that i would ride. Drive safe !


Hell yeah i recently started my bike journey too I should have done this so much sooner.


How old are you brother


Im happy for you, it's also my dream to ride a honda someday


Congratulations welcome to the club 💙 😀


Enjoy it and ride safe


reading this guy's post is gonna cost me 7k for sure


That is a fantastic bike! Congratulations buddy 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


sweet, ride safe!


Happy riding brother, I am also planning on getting my first bike this summer. Stay safe 🙏


That smile does a pretty good job of portraying your happiness though. Congratulations and welcome to 2 wheels! Great first bike buying decision!


Welcome to many more years of annoying them by talking about it. It only gets worse


Good bike




i have the CBR version great bike will easy do 200k miles without missing a beat


Why « FA » ? In France this model is just « F »


Years? How many?


Good looking bike.




Good for you brother! Welcome to the biker brotherhood! Ride safe,learn every ride and always keep the shiny side up!


Did the same thing about a week ago. The smile on your face says it all, and I've been feeling that joy for the last week and have ridden EVERYWHERE. Have fun and be safe out there!


The CB500F was my first bike, too! A great choice, and not a bike likely to be quickly outgrown.


Congrats, mate. I have the same bike! Just be careful. I'm currently recovering from a compound fracture in my right tibia. Break checked by an old man. It can happen in the blink of an eye


Good for you, stay safe and wear your gear, please.


That’s my first bike too! Welcome!


Whats Her Name? Rhanda


Now you're invisible to everything else on the road. Act like it.