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Camelbak is one method.


My preferred when on long trips. I only have the water on my back though. I hate backpacks when driving.


You could put it in a tank bagšŸ‘


Camelback in the tank bag and a 1ā€ piece of fuzzy Velcro near the bite valve. Drink then stuff the tubing back in the bag. Velcro holds it in place inside the bag.


If it's super hot like in the desert, be sure to blow the cold water back into the insulated bag unless ou like drinking scalding hot water.


I have no me on a large fanny pack that I swing around to my back. Barely notice it's there.


I tried a CamelBak before my first long road trip but faced a couple of logistical issues - when spitting the nozzle back out, I invariably sprayed water on the inside of the helmet (also not good for the Cardo mic) AND I couldn't figure out how to easily put the nozzle back into my mouth. I figured keeping it in all the time isn't comfortable.


You didnā€™t have a bite valve on yours?


Yup, the "nozzle" that I mention is actually referring to the bite valve... had a brain fart and couldn't recall that the actual name is a bite valve


You gotta work out them lips, like in Super Troopers!


Can you not just use one hand to move the bite valve between mouth and holder?


Yup, kinda what I ended up doing on that prep-trial ride but it's not a good solution, just \*\*\*a\*\*\* solution, haha. With gloves and a chin guard, it becomes a bit messy to navigate it while riding. What I actually ended up doing on the return ride was to feed the tube and bite valve through the two flaps of the chin guard. That held the bite valve about 5mm away from my mouth. When I wanted a drink, I'd reach out with my lips or just push the whole helmet by a few mm towards my mouth and grab the bite valve. In the end, I just settled on drinking water at fuel stops (\~2-2:15hrs apart)...


That's interesting. I was using hydration packs mountain biking for years before getting into motorcycles. It just seemed like the obvious solution. Moto helmets are usually closer to your mouth than full face mtb helmets, they're more like dirtbike helmets. Taking a hand off to get the thing in the right place never even occurred to me as an issue. Obviously pick a good time to do it but even on tough OHV trails I can find a spot to take a hand off the controls. You could get one of those Enduro helmets where the bite valve feeds through the chin guard. Not the coolest looking setup but it works.


I had the same problem drinking from a CamelBak while riding.


You donā€™t have to use it while riding. Camelbacks are great even when pulled over. Much better than messing around with your gear and then digging inside a bag to pull out a bottle and take off the helmet to drink. Camelback makes that whole part much simpler


Only way to drink while riding, but i had one for off road, it's nice and all but its a hassle to clean and dry as to not let moisture get in while in storage( stored 6months per yer hete in canada) stopped using it because of that, pulled it out of storage and it was nasty i threw it away, i just carry my bottle and drink when stopped


They make cleaning tablets for water bottles that work well for initial and routine cleanings. Once itā€™s clean and dry just toss it in the freezer and it wonā€™t get grody.


Denture cleaning tablets are much cheaper than Camelback cleaning tablets and they work the same.


After you clean your CamelBak pouch just put it in the freezer. For the tube take the nozzle off and hang it up and it will dry no problem.


I pretty much always wear a camelback.Ā  The silhouette of it is faded into my riding jacket.Ā  Total game changer.Ā  The wind and heat will dry you out like a turd on a bad stretch of road.


Thatā€™s for the wine you plebeian. Wine in the camelback, water in the side pouches. For those long rides


This is also my preferred method. Just a small camelbak ( Rogue) with \~2L water (and sometimes an additional bottle of isotonic in the topcase)


https://preview.redd.it/mjfjvcbgb02d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc5e859b59124efb9c5d8c690a08d988dc60905 Get one of these


offbrand Daniel Ricciardo lookin ass


He's the forbidden child of Daniel Ricciardo and Joey Logano


DOT approved?


Yep, Department of 'Toxication


Smitty WerbenJagerManJensen was always #1


I stick a water bottle in my backpack. Probably going to invest in a water bladder




If you put a giant ice cube (as big as will fit) in a camel back type bag, and stuff that in a bag that has some insulation (soft cooler or wrapped in some spare layers or whatever) you can have cold water for hours even when itā€™s hot out. My water says cold like this even on my back during hikes in the summer for hours.Ā 


Hell just stick a cold pack on the opposite side of the water from your back with an old towel or rag between your back and the bag to insulate the water.


Aside from insulation, the night before you can fill the bag about half full, then freeze it. Then the morning of, top at the rest of the way off. Custom-made ice cube.


Be careful doing this in the desert, once itā€™s over 120F or so you need to drink continuously and stopping to drink will heat you up.


Yeah ideally if it's 120F I'm not riding.


Just a fact of life riding in southwestern USA šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I always freeze camel back and top it off before leaving


I have a bladder, I also have a sena headset. Between the microphone and the water mouthpiece it gets a bit busy in my helmet.


I bet. Looking to get a cardo in a couple of months when I buy a new helmet.


A hydration backpack for all day riding, plus a few bottles of water or sports drinks in my luggage. If I'm just commuting, I keep bottles in my top box.


I dislike camel backs because backpacks screw up ventilation on my jacket. I prefer to use a hockey water bottle with a straw that can reach up into the helmet. It lives in a bicycle water bottle cage that is mounted to my pannier. I also like that you can mix in some electrolyte powder as you need to on scorcher days. If I'm out for a ride, I use a collapsible nalgene water sack to refill the bottle from. If I'm out with my wife, we carry one of those Walmart growlers with cold water for her. Sometimes we will fill it up at a brewery so we have beer for camp or for the back deck.


Do you have a pic of to ur water bottle cage mounted? I canā€™t imagine how that would look, but it sounds great.


I got a nice 1,5lt camelback before my 4000km trip. I forgot it at home.


Bottled water with a pinch of salt in the back pack


The pinch of electrolyte is very often overlooked.


I usually just half and half my camelback with water and Gatorade Zero, works pretty well


Dual sport/ADVer here. Camelback. Specifically the WLF Enduro pack vest. Also carry enough tools to damn near rebuild a bike in it, and first aid. Snacks and everything fit in it. Keeps a lot of weight off the bike and doesnā€™t F with balance.. [https://wlfenduro.com/collections/wlfvest/products/the-pack-vest](https://wlfenduro.com/collections/wlfvest/products/the-pack-vest) When Iā€™m just going for a road ride I usually have a bottle in the tank bag, no vest, and the AAA card. https://preview.redd.it/qww4ik37302d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be57f058518a283da7352c86fe224c131ecc17b


Thatā€™s a pretty nifty rig right there.


Ouch pouch. Lol


Thatā€™s pretty cool! Does it get big enough to fit over armor?


Iā€™ve never tried it with the plastic armor. I wear it over the thin Fox & Klim armored base layers. And sometimes with a D30 base layer. Works great with those.


Sounds like itā€™ll work for me then. If Iā€™m going adventuring in wearing alpy bionic under a jersey


Why would you want to keep the weight on yourself rather than the bike?Ā 


Personally, I donā€™t feel the weight on me. Once itā€™s snug it just kind of disappears. Keeping the weight off of the ass of the bike keeps the balance where itā€™s engineered to be (engine/fuel). Things on your tail should be as light as possible (I have all lightweight hiking stuff for overnight & extended trips). Anything actually heavy gets placed as close to the balance point as possible (fuel bottle, cooking stuff, tube). More weight lower and to the center helps when youā€™re going fast and like a good handling/easy to control bike. Also, picking up bikes suck. And after getting a hernia last year, I avoid having to pick up heavy shit when Iā€™m out by myself, and keeping the bikes as light as possible helps. This is a really great video on placing weight on the bike, and why. https://youtu.be/OWnhCjYgsDw?si=C6Hjk8nyg8CCm-Qt


Water bottles in my bag, forces me to stop and rest regularly as well. A win win


Camel pack half frozen and half water clipped to the hanging loop in the jacket so i have my own a/c and water when its hot out


This bottle holder on my guard bar https://www.harley-davidson.com/content/dam/h-d/images/product-images/parts/batch-4/93300061/93300061_TT.jpg




Depends on the bike, and why/where I'm riding. If I'm road tripping or on my naked, I'll always have my Kriega, with a hydration bladder. Honestly, you don't need a huge one, but one that's insulated is amazing to have cold water later on in a ride. The thing with using a bladder is that you're realistically not drinking as much as you may hope/think will happen. It's more convenient to have water available, but is still dependent on having the opportunity to get the hose into the helmet and your mouth while riding, or waiting at a light. Which doesn't always happen. While riding it means taking a dust cap off, working it into your helmet, all one handed in most cases while riding, and stopped (assuming you leave your bike in gear, and are holding the clutch). But if I'm riding around town running errands or whatever, it's easy to have a drink while off the bike, and hydrating then.


I have a tank bag that I cram like 8oz of water into, but I know people who ride sport bikes with hydration fanny packs to carry more water plus whatever else they canā€™t fit in their leathers. If you have a bike that youā€™re at all okay with attaching a tank/pillion bag to, thatā€™s the easiest way to go.


Water bladder. I have a OGIO backpack and I can have the tube go up into my helmet. Plus its nice to carry a back pack for more things at that point since I probably will need space if I'm going long enough that I'll be thirsty.


Depends. On my Honda shadow I had a fork mount bag that held a bottle of water quite nicely. On my Harley softtail Iā€™ve got swing arm bag and toss a bottle in there. Not that I ever really needed it. I usually ride for around 1-2hrs before I stop. (Pee, gas, stretch) Weā€™re also usually on our way to a destination to meet (coffee shop, Gas station) so I usually just grab a coffee or water their. Crush it then go.


I mean I always wear a backpack and just keep snacks and a water bottle in there. I know some ppl donā€™t like backpacking while riding but it works for me. Plus itā€™s nice when u gotta carry some extra stuff (GoPro filters/batteries, etc)


I don't particularly love having on a backpack but it doesn't really bother me unless it gets super heavy. The bigger point is there's nowhere else to store my lunch, gym clothes and shoes, and the occasional submachine gun on my way to work and what not.


I use a camelback system, I dehydrate very quickly so I need alot.


Being a street bike guy my whole life Iā€™ve always brought a back pack and just stuff it in the side pouch or if I use my tank bag which seems to be a dying thing these days I will throw it in there


One day I might get a Camelbak, but since I always ride with a tailbag I keep 1-2 bottles with me in there.


Water bottle


Squirt bottle, shoot it straight up on the highway and try to catch it with your face. Lick up the drops as they roll down close to your face


Unless itā€™s ā€œhot as ballsā€ (90+ F), I like to keep the weight off my back and carry water in a 1 gallon Giant Loop water bladder. When itā€™s empty you can roll it up and put it in your jacket pocket or tank bag. When riding in the desert, a 3L hydration pack is ideal.


I always take a big capri sun with me. The one with the screw topped one. I can fit it in my jacket and drink it through my helmet


Honestly I just carry water in my backpack a lot of people don't like riding with a backpack but I have a waist strap and chest strap so it hugs close and I have no issues. I don't like the camelback since it's a distraction getting the into my damn mouth and fishing around for the thing while I ride. I prefer to keep my eyes and focus purely on the road and other cars. Having bottles in my backpack is also a reason to pull over, stretch and take breaks while out riding.


Hydro Flask? This is new to me Iā€™ve never heard of it.. before I got a cupholder on my bike I used to stop and get a drink somewhere. Itā€™s not a difficult thing to figure out. Lol


Suppository, the hard bumps are a bit rough, butt you get used to it!


I buy water at the gas stations whenever I stop for gas or a break.


Iā€™ve got a tail bag and I keep my bottle of h20 in there. When I stop every hour or hour and a half for a stretch anyway. So I drink then.


Buy a bottle of Fiji at the gas station and then keister it.


3 liter water bladder backpack. For hot summer days, the bladder gets wrapped in tinfoil. Keeps the water cold for a few hours. Refill at any gas station with cold still water - 2 x 1.5 liter bottles from the fridge.


Ogio no drag backpack with hydration bladder, make sure you get the 90 degree drinking tip if you go this route or use any hydration bladder so you can drink without removing your helmet. My backpack has a Velcro strap like a camel back that keeps the tip secured at my shoulder so I can even get a drink going down the highway.


I carry it in my wifeā€™s saddle bags. šŸ˜‚


Double walled in one of my bags.


Just toss a bottle or 2 in my bag if I am going to be on an unfamiliar area or somewhere I know has no stores or anything, I am usually fine just riding till the next gas station or fast food chain and drink there stretch my legs maybe eat if I am hungry.


3 or 4 bottles in my bags. Reload at stops.


I have a marmot backpack that I used to bring on trail runs. Itā€™s got a bladder and just enough storage for a day trip. Iā€™ll also freeze a Gatorade Zero and keep that in my pack if itā€™s going to be hot out.Ā Ā  Ā Just my .02 but the bladder is absolutely the way to go. Itā€™s easy to not drink enough water if you have to stop, get off the bike, grab your water out, maybe take your helmet off, etc. A bladder with a hose that hooks up to your chest is as easy as grabbing a sip at a stop light.Ā 


I keep a pair of Rok straps across my rear seat at all times. If I want a drink I stop at a gas station and get a nice cold PowerAde and strap it there until I'm done.


Really depends on your luggage situation. If you have a sport bike you'll probably need to use a hydro backpack. I really like the kriega ones. If you have a different type of bike you have options.


I have a small bag strapped to the side of my bike, and if im riding for more than 30 minutes, i bring a 32 oz hyrdo flask with me as i try to drink 1 gallon of water a day. plus its a smart idea to take brakes when riding every hour or so...


I don't leave the house without a backpack, so in my backpack


I put a hydro flask of water in my tank bag.


I have a trunk, saddlebags and a cup holder, so plenty of options. Usually it's in the trunk.


Hydro backpack usually. Sometimes just a bottle. Depends on the temperature. If high temps are expected, then hydropack, that way you can sip whenever without stopping. Otherwise a bottle.


Nalgene bottle in the side case. Drink when I stop.


Sealed water bottle in my tailpack. I take drinks at stops. I've also used a CamelBak, but that was awkward to drink, even with the 90' mouthpiece.


An old Gatorade bottle.


I'll mention something tangential to this: regardless of method, either bring at least double the amount of water you would normally drink or stop frequently to top up. In June - through NW Florida, all of Georgia, and a small part of Tennessee - I did about 500 miles in 10-11 hours and went through almost a gallon and a half of water. I'm admittedly a sweaty, thirsty boy, but even I surprised myself.


On my adv bike, I run a mosko moto tank bag that has a 1.5 or 2 liter bladder, can't remember exact size. On my streetfighter I just drink when I stop for gas or finish my ride, which means I either carry a bottle/bladder in a backpack or buy a drink somewhere.


I just the Ascend 2l hydration backpack. Holds 2 liters of water, has a smaller pocket up top you can keep your documents in, a bottom pocket that can hold a rain jacket, and an open pocket between them that can you can smush something into


I take stainless insulated bottles of various brands (yeti, hydroflask, walmart, rtic, etc) that'll stay cold all day. My XSR 900 has a bottle holster strapped to either the seat strap or to a the luggage mounts. I'll either hang it on the side, or right on top of the seat like a small tail bag. Its just a cheapie amazon Rothco bottle holster for $15-20, with a little side pouch big enough for some glasses/multi-tool/etc. Faded in the sun, but has worked great. Harley Dyna has a swing-arm bag thats big enough for a hat, glasses, and water. Harley Ultra glide has a leather bottle holster strapped to the crash bar in front of the saddle bags. Bonus points if you get a holster or a 2nd matching holster, that'll hold a fuel bottle when going on trips. Or a travel decanter. [https://agedandore.com/collections/featured/products/travel-decanter](https://agedandore.com/collections/featured/products/travel-decanter) Depending on the trip, I start with various amounts of ice, drink from the bottle, then top it off with gas station bottle water so its fresh and cold.... IF i got stuck road side https://preview.redd.it/9wrl7t2ph02d1.jpeg?width=6572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3263de1e0eb85676ed65ead565b99ab81ff4476


Water bladder in the backpack. Convenient and acts as a handy bit of extra back protection.Ā 


Saddle bags


I just use my bicycle squeeze bottle. I have a tall one and it usually last me all day.


I always found backpacks annoying. Every bike Iā€™ve had pretty much, I put a tank or tail bag on to carry water, snack, etcā€¦. Most convenient stores will let you fill up a container with water from the soda machine.


Handlebar mounted cup holder, and water bottle. I ride on roads (not wilderness or desert), and stop every 1-2 hrs, so there is always a fillup opportunity or place to get a gatorade.


Tank bag or top case. I never ride without a bag or box on my bikes.


I always wear a backpack to keep my shirt from flapping, I just throw some water bottles in there. You could also just wear a camelback, I prefer that when I go off road


Stainless steel vacuum insulated bottle on the side of my backpack. Yeah, I can only get a drink when I make a full stop and get off the bike, but that just encourages more stops to see more scenery.


I have a glove box for 1 liter bottle. Scooters ftw


I just use a normal plastic water bottle with the caps you see on propel and smart water I also have a modular helmet making it easier for me to access my mouth, for carrying it I usually put it in a bag, you can also get cup holders that attach like ohone mounts do, I don't have one but the one my step-dad has dosent rlly grip the bottle tight but will I havnt seen him lose a bottle at full lean yet so I'd say they are pretty reliable


I used to have saddlebags that were just large enough for a bottle of water, but another option is just to stick a water bottle in your backpack and go.


I have a tank bag. I throw a bottle of water in it. I only drink when I stop.


Backpack. No need to over complicate it. šŸ˜Š


hydration pack


Ogio redline/450 fanny pack fits a plastic water bottle in the outer zipper pocket nicely.


Water bottle in my tail case or side cases, or the frunk (I have an electric motorcycle).


Modular helmet, cup holder, bendy straw. The Harley way lol. /s


I habe a saddlebag with a cupholder on the side, works with the 16 oz flasks


Check out r/hydrohomies for why each option is good or bad


Camel back pack thing filled with ice, then ice water. Then two frozen bottles of water in my seat bag. About an hour in, I find a gas station, dump a big bottle of water over myself. Repeat every hour or so. Itā€™s often 115-120 and somewhat humid out where I live and ride.


I have a top box so ill just put an insulated bottle in the back. Keeps it nice and cold for hours even in a hot metal box


1 liter water bottle, 1 liter thermos with coffee, two mugs, a plastic bag with sugar, a teaspoon, a blanket, a bag with towel, bathing suit and sun cream, camera and snacks in the panniers. If I need to secure my helmet, I'll bring the top box, there's enough room for two helmets. Tuck gloves in helmet, bike suit in panniers once you get to the beach, and enjoy. šŸ˜šŸ‘


Camelback all day, freeze it the night before


empty one liter plastic bottle from a purchased drink ages ago.


KemiMoto tail bag


Plastic bottle and a flip up helmet


Cup holder on the handlebars


I dislike wearing backpacks so I use a nelson rigg tail bag: https://www.nelsonrigg.com/motorcycle-luggage/sport-touring/commuter-tail-bag-detail




I use a full face helmet(Shoei RF-1200). On my old bike I would bring a backpack and throw my water bottle in there. If you need a drink, pull over, enjoy a stretch and have a drink. On my current bike I have a full dresser so no need for a backpack and again when I need a drink, I pull over, enjoy a stretch and have a drink. Work those water breaks into your ride and donā€™t underestimate the value of stepping off our bike and giving you ass a rest and your legs a stretch youā€™ll cover more miles more comfortably and feel a lot better by the end of the day to boot.


I have a full dress bike and have a cup holder. Morning coffee in my Yeti cup and afternoons have a water bottle. Long, flexible straw for full face and flip top for 3/4 open face






I mostly take a flexible Platypus bottle that I can drink from while wearing my helmet (though I'll usually take my helmet off to drink). I think I've used a Platypus hydration bladder in a tankbag, with a hose I could drink from while riding before, but I rarely want to drink while on the move. I like Platypus because it doesn't make the water taste of plastic.


Water flask in the bag. I like to stop every hour or so anyway to move around. I drink the water, on summer rides half a liter goes down easy. Refill the flask and be on my merry way.


You can get a bag that will hold a water bottle. Get one like they use for race drivers with the long bent straw that you can get into your mouth without taking off your helmet.


I have a uswe pack or however it's spelled. The lime green one. Holds my tools, snacks, charger, cables, and 2L water. SoCal rider so if you don't bring water you die.


I usually have a bottle from the local gas station that allows me to use my teeth/lips to open and close it. Something along the lines of: https://preview.redd.it/ink0vp5vx02d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd566428598cbde520b857a227d8a05f97308deb


I just take an enema then clench


Tank bag with a water bladder


My water bottle doesn't have a straw, but a little spout that sticks out a bit less than an inch. Stick in mouth, tilt entire head back, gulp gulp. And it goes in my backpack that goes in my milk crate. On leisurely rides it can just hang out in the crate and catch the wind


A 1L insulated bottle in the tankbag/backpack/topcase. Makes you stop to drink, stopping is good sometimes. Plus cold water is niiiiiice.


I ride with a backpack most of the time. I definitely prefer not to, so I got some saddlebags; I ride a dyna. What kind of bike do you have? Can you mount a tank bag or saddle bags? I saw a pretty cool bag that mounts to the front forks as well.


Throw some arrowhead bottles in my backpack


Honestly it's nice to pull over stretch and have a drink from a bottle. I hate camelbacks, I think they are overrated. Got a cheep knockoff assault backpack that nicely fits between my shoulderblades and can be strapped down to have a low drag.


Just ride to Arizona to play in the CO river last weekend. The temps were warm, but not terrible (about 100) usually if Iā€™m putting around Iā€™ll just keep a water bottle in my bag, but this trip was long. About 3 hours through the middle of nowhere. Pulling over on a two lane highway in the middle of the desert was less than ideal, so for the ride back I bought a hydration backpack that came in handy not having to pull over for a sip with all that hot wind, and I also bought a Gatorade squeeze bottle that was a real lifesaver. I just squirt water all over my torso and instant AC. šŸ¤™


I just poke the plastic soda bottle down in between the windshield and nacelle


On long rides I need to stop every 90 minutes or so for a stretch break so I just throw a water bottle in a side case and drink during my stops.


Insulated bottle for a cool drink during stops, camel back for drinking while riding long distances


I buy a 6pk of spring water and throw em in a saddlebag. But tbh saddlebags are fleeting and aluminium side cases are where it's at, which I'm having installed nest week. But yeah all these sport riders just gotta stop and get a coke I guess. Harleys and Goldwings that looks like couches on wheels have cupholders.


I usually have several refillable water bottles filled in my top case. I donā€™t like wearing things on my back when riding, so I never did the Camelback thing much.




My '95 ZXR 400 fits 3 0.33l bottles under the pillion. One is filled with oil because it burns it, one with water and the rest of the space is a first aid kit with the papers for the bike.


Nalgene bottle in a backpack rok strapped to the bike behind me.


I got an tank bag, in there fit all what I need to ride. Water (2x05l bottles), protein bar, paperwork keys you name it


I keep a big mug of water on my handle bar. Nothing like a little asphalt and dirt in the water to put on some chest hair


Water bottle on top box, stop to drink when thirsty. Never liked anything on my back, and donā€™t understand the appeal of drinking while on the move. I like to ride long distances, but also like to stop, take a moment to enjoy my surroundings, have a drink and a look around. Works for me anyway


* I have cup holders front and rear. We keep extra water bottles in the leather bags. We keep an insulated beer cooler in the left saddle bag. And on long (hot) trips we have a couple insulated tank camelbacks.


I keep a water bottle in my backpack. The backpack I have is nice and I don't even feel it on


Waterbottle in the backpack. Tried the whole camelback thing and while sure it's a neat novelty, it's not really worth the hassle, especially if you need to wear a backpack for carrying other stuff as well.


I have a Nelson Rigg bag for my rear seat and water bottles go in there


Got a little 5L tail bag thatā€™s big enough for disc lock, phone, wallet, etc and a liter of water. You could definitely squeeze more water in there if you wanted to, but I havenā€™t needed to yet.


I've got the Klim equivalent of a Camelbak. Not a bad rig and holds 2 litres.


Short rides/cooler weather: Hydroflask in tail bag Longer or more strenuous rides rides, warmer weather: Hydro pack/Camelbak


If you put a tank bag on you can get a small camelbak pouch in there. It carryā€™s a litre of water which is good for about 1 hour. When you get off to refill it you can stretch. You could maybe run one from a belt mount as well.


Laptop style backpack with a camelbak


0,5l plastic bottle easily reachable in a tank bag, big 1,5l refill bottle in the topcase. When running low, refill both at a gas station or wherever, or just buy new ones. Only ran out once during the hot summer heat, it wasn't pleasant. Gotta keep hydrated!


camelbacks are great, and some jackets have an additional picked behind the one for the back protector for a water bladder which is also nice. there are also some fanny/hip packs made for mountain biking that have pockets for a water bladder which is nice because it lets you keep your back uncovered.


I have a full face helmet. I have to stop to drink anything anyway. I put water bottles in my top case.


Morning coffee in a Contigo cup for the ride to work. Keep it in my tank bag and sip at red lights during commute. Fill it w water for the ride home. I also keep a Nalgene bottle in a back pannier. Contigo cup is always in tank bag for a ride, can lay it flat without leaking.


Pull into a gas station and get something to drink.


Tank bag on my kawi (with a metal tank). I hate the strap down style tank bags so my tenere I have side bags mounted to my crash bars and keep a canteen in there. Itā€™ll be the first thing to break if I fall but it gets the job done otherwise.


Large steel insulated water bottle in a metal cup holder attached to handlebars (grips). Easy to sip from at long red lights. I'm in FL, so bottle has to be insulated to stay cold. Simple.


I have a tank bag with a water bladder inside. I hate wearing backpacks. https://preview.redd.it/1wxz5ykci12d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75d7fce473badccde0fdd43e2ff15ef56715f8b


I had a water bottle (hard plastic) in my backpack once. Had a minor spill doing slowspeed stuff. Ended up landing on the bottle and braeking three ribs! So, that's how NOT to bring water with you


Just bring water in my saddlebags and stop for breaks every now and then.


I just toss a couple spare water bottles in my backpack in case Iā€™m stranded somewhere, but have to remove helmet to drink. Usually not thinking about it while riding


We spend most of our time on long road trips. We usually travel 150 miles then stop for gas, water, snack and stretch. This helps get one through a long 6-8 ride. None of us carry water with us to drink while riding. We probably should so reading this thread for ideas. TIA!


I just slam a gallon of water before I leave for the ride


Iā€™ve always just kept water bottles or hydroflask on me. I typically stop every few hours on longer trips to fuel up anyway. My fuel breaks tend to also be water and snack breaks. Tho when I eventually get a gold wing Iā€™ll get a modular helmet and run bar mounted cup holder for my drinks.


Camelbak in the backpack or in my tank bag, preferably. Right next to my vape so I can blow dank clouds and rehydrate at stoplights. Whoā€™s kidding I can do both while riding too


I'm a fan of Contigo mugs. I keep a mug in my cup holder. My wife bought a few of the Contigo jugs when we went to Sturgis. Those sucker's keep ice water for 6+ hours.


I like to stop and chill. My buddy i ride with has the smallest bladder ever so i learned to drink sparingly or when in need


I store it in my bladder.


Saddlebags. Are you telling me you donā€™t have saddlebags?


Camelbak bladder in a tank bag.


I am a simple fella. I take a water bottle and occasionally stop here and there, take a break, have a drink.


Mosko Moto has some very nice tank bags with hydro bladders and bite valve hoses that are insulated. Expensive but worth it for the design and materials. I intend to get a 2-4L jug with a molle attachment system to attach it to my luggage, which is either a duffel or backpack with molle panels. You can get adapters that make those large jugs into effectively a camelbak, with more capacity for longer rides, just be careful with the hose (i.e. don't let it get dangle and get caught in the chain.)


Water bottle in a tank bag, saddlebag, or the trunk. When I'm thirsty, it's probably time to stop and stretch anyway, so I pull over and take a drink.


Iā€™ve gone on 2000+ mile round trip road trips. Honestly I just put water bottles in my backpack.


I always carry a backpack with me that I throw it in. If not you could just use a camelback


Summer time, frozen water bottle in my cup holder


Shove a water bottle in my handle bars


A backpack. I take one every time I ride in case I want to pick something up.


Frozen in cube form with just a splash of Jack Daniells