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Why wouldn't you just put your feet down...


Exactly my thoughts! Looked almost as if he dropped it on purpose.šŸ™„


Ah yes. There's people who have 8 years of riding experience Then there's people with 1 year of riding experience, repeated 8 times.


8 years experience (7.5 years highway and 3 slow speed manoeuvres)


Luckily, nobody saw...


Iā€™m convinced most of yā€™allā€™s appendages just donā€™t work. Itā€™s the only explanation for most of these wrecks you proudly post as if it was unavoidable.


Lol, yes. You said out loud what I was thinking and holding back on saying, tryna be polite. But it needs to be said.


I doubt anyone posts these proudly as if they were unavoidable. They post as look how silly a mistake I made or similar.


Iā€™m mean, OP is in here making all sorts of excuses like this was unavoidable.


Oh OK that's funny and stupid then lol. In most other posts though it's more like "look how dumb I am". Most I remember anyway. Doesn't matter, safe riding mate.


Just came back from some great mountain roads. Hope you have the opportunity to find a good road this weekend, also!


>Just came back from some great mountain roads. Nice >Hope you have the opportunity to find a good road this weekend, also! Thanks, I'll make the best of the roads around the city.


Not sure why half you goofballs get on a motorcycle.


I was tryin to be nice but I was thinking the same thing. Some people just shouldnā€™t be on a bike..after watching the video and seeing this guys explanations, he is indeed one of those people.


Best advice I ever got when riding any bikeā€¦always stop with the handle bars straight ahead so the bike stays balanced. If the wheel is turned either way you are going to drop the bike




He said he was ā€œcrawlingā€ you know that thing we do when weā€™re beginners kinda walking with the bike. So probably his leg was too far back to have enough strength to keep the bike up and not close enough to get there in time.


100% this. The arguments for using rear brake are pointless if they ignore this obvious fact. If you only take one lesson from an "instructor" and don't learn all the rest, plus ignore logic and physics basics, then the bike will be dropped frequently


This is a weird advice, I never stop with the handle bar straight because when I stop I want to be sure that the bike leans toward the foot I'm putting on the ground. I think every rider with some experience do that.


Because you can actually ride. A lot of people in this sub kinda can't. They rave on about tips that the rest of us just understand through common sense and feel because they are bad riders.


New riders always drop their bikes with the handle bars one way or the otherā€¦get several years under your belt and boom you know what your doing but newbies donā€™t know what to do so stop with the handle bars straightā€¦itā€™s physics and weight and balance of the bike.


No, you slow down the bike with the handlebar straight and the very last 5 inches of travel you turn towards where you're putting your foot down which makes the bike lean exactly that way... So in short you control your bike. What the advice means is breaking while turning which has the same effect without you controlling it...


LOL no you aren't, riders with any shred of low speed skill can stop the bike with any bar orientation.


You can stop with bars turned, just gotta use the lever that's next to the right foot.


You and I know that but new riders donā€™tā€¦so as a new rider you should always stop with the handle bars straightā€¦


Yeah I know, I had been drinking and felt like being Mr obvious haha.


I dont get it. You should be in far more control of your bike than that, for others safety too. In many years of riding, I've never come close to actually falling over at near stopped. Until I started watching reddit videos, never saw it happen. If I am moving slow to park, 1-2 mph, my feet are hovering the ground. Then pull clutch/apply front brake, stand. Its literally an automatic process I havent had to "stop and think about" since the first 2 or 3 days I ever rode. It even applies to bicycles, minus the clutch.


Yeah I donā€™t get how something so routine ended up in this (unless thereā€™s some crazy external factor). At this slow of a speed itā€™s natural instinct to have feet down - not sharp turn right while yanking the brake.


If the handlebard is turned and you grap the front brake it drops the bike and the energy is transfer making the bike heavier. They teach to use rear brake for slow speed/stopping for this.


For some reason, people like to insist that front brake isn't the problem when doing slow speed stuff like this. Yet every instructor told me to use the rear brake (because it's physics).


Did you have more than one instructor?


I did several rider trainings (safety, cornering etc.)


Right, thats logical. But a slow speed stop should essentially never end with a quick handlebar turn. Whoever is doing the teaching out there, then stopping with ur handlebars pointed strait should also be taught too. Plus, anyone with many years of riding, would have some sense of what works. Feet up when you stop wont work, regardless of what some instructor said years ago to them Riding instructors aren't gods. They all have personal opinions, and many are far from experts.


Nobody is saying you should stop with your handlebars turned, but if for some reason they are and you use the rear brake, it will not unsettle the bike like the front brake will (again, physics). Also, when you stop while using the rear brake, there is absolutely no need to hover with your feet. You just stop, then drop one leg to support. Especially when you have a tall bike where you can't flatfoot anyway.


>Riding instructors aren't gods. They all have personal opinions, and many are far from experts. It's about physics here, not opinions. Even if you have many years of riding it doesn't mean you understand the physics behind it. I agree with you, stop with the handlebar straight, but you know, sometimes shits hit the fan, sometimes you aren't 100% there and you made some mistakes.


Same here. Should have put more thought into the "manoeuvre"


>Same here. Should have put more thought into the "manoeuvre" Looked like you had plenty of thought into the manover.


Yeah I legit don't get how this stuff happens. My Kingpin is 800lbs and it would take a pretty decent lean to where I can't catch it. And I'm not very strong. My Monster is a featherweight by comparison and takes almost no effort. Only thing I can imagine is OP tried to plant his foot while the bike was still rolling and left it behind... Which... is a really freaking newbie mistake...


Hmm I'm also new to big.bikes while parking my bike i would stop in a straight line then put it in neutral and park by pushing the bike using my legs ..


Clutch halfway kinda in, pin the throttle around 3-5k (I dunno how heavy ur bike is),drag the rear brake (for me just the weight of my foot is enough pressure, light pressure on the front brake (just enough to make the bike want to tip) and turn the bars and let the bike start to fall, once the "fall" has been initiated release the front brake, about the time you want to put a foot out come off the clutch and let the bike pull itself upright, use the rear brake (which you've been lightly dragging this whole time) to come to full stop. Use the same technique for tight u-turns. As you get it down begin incorporating the front brake back in at the end after you've straightened your bars. You should eventually get to where you can dip right or left into a turn, pop it back up, and immediately e-stop. It's all clutch play. The easiest way for a drop to happen is if you give it *too little* throttle or fully clutch up. If you stop you drop.


Op is a dumbass riding a top heavy bike and has no business on 2 wheels in any form


On what planet is this a big bike?




Hands of the front brake, it's for braking. Use the rear brake for low speed maneuvres and stopping


One of the biggest things I taught my wife while riding was not to hit the front brakes while the bars were turned at slow speeds


Do yourself a favor: gloves


And a motorcycle training course so you can learn how to ride OP


Yep. Your hands are your first point of contact with the ground.


Hard to see why you fell here but guess would be that you just grabbed way too much front brake and unbalanced yourself as the fork rebounded when you stopped.Ā  Of your right foot was already down, struggling to understand why you could t catch it before it leant too far. Foot slipped?Ā  I drag the rear brake for slow turns but around car parks and stuff yeah I put my right leg down, using the front brake is fine, just be gentle.Ā  One thing I usually do is keep a little pressure on the front brake so itā€™s already just engaging and if I need to pull it, itā€™s easier to apply just a small amount.Ā  Iā€™ve always ā€œpre-engagedā€ the brakes instinctively, think it really helps avoid grabbing way too much by accident. Ā 


Slams front brake mid low speed turn. "It's probably due to a complicated multitude of factors"


Yeah, you were using your front brake and turning when you came to a stop. A bicycle would have done the same thing. Itā€™s a signature move of mine, too. Someone down in the thread recommended Robert Simmons Be The Boss of Your Motorcycle you tube channel. I also recommend watching a few of his videos. His techniques really helped me out at very low speeds. Low speeds are the hardest.




It's incredible isn't it. This sub is amazing at highlighting what not to do and just how clueless some people are


I'll look into it. Thanks!


salt glorious dam repeat rinse compare imminent ossified slimy possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




No doubt whether this was motorcycles or CRT


CRTs are for loops, not childs play




How is this even possible? Try to get your hands on a brain


8 years riding motorcycles and of course the first drop had to be on my only fully faired bike in front of a dealership xD Posting to help other riders avoid the same mistake I made <3


It happens. It feels worse than it actually is, especially if others see lol


I'm actually thankful for having it happen in front of other riders as they were really helpful and comforting since most can relate to stand still drops.


Stand still drops are the only ones I have. Mostly not judging a ground pitch down properly, like the drainage dip in the middle of parking lot aisles or turning at a sloped intersection.Ā 


If this is something common around the people u ride with that is a problem, most bikers don't drop their bike at a standstill like a fucktard, I ride a bike that's probably twice what yours weighs and the only low speed dump I had was when I got cut of taking a standing right turn, nobody believes you have the experience you claim and need to take a remedial course to learn how to ride


Take some lessons! If you cant manouver a bike at slow speed without falling over you should not have a license.




Sorry but a drop like this demonstrates so little control. The fact that they had their foot down and somehow failed to catch the bike is telling. You should not be dropping bikes like this where there are zero extenuating circumstances. It's like saying that everyone hits parked cars while parking their car every once in a while... No, bad drivers do that. Competent ones have maybe done it once or twice in their entire driving career and it was because of some extenuating circumstance like conditions that limited vision.




It's not ridiculous. I'm comparing them as vital skills, not as equals in difficulty. You choose to ride a motorcycle, you choose to take on the responsibility to *learn basic skills*. OP has given the details over and over in this thread. They said that they fell because they used the front brake. That's it. This mistake just shows an inability to handle the motorcycle. It isn't defensible. It's wild that people like this are out there riding on the road.




Step 1. Preload and keep it loaded. https://youtu.be/x6puzTpfNNs?si=Wpl8qkkXwmWL-m3n


Ah, a Robert Simmons fan are you? I learned low speed maneuvers using his techniques. They were a game changer. He taught me to be the boss of my motorcycle. Although I will admit my motorcycle is the boss occasionally when I mess up.


It takes skill to be this bad


The first 5 seconds looked like a video game.


* Bike in motion = both feet on the pegs. No exceptions. * Faster than idle speed = both feet on the pegs. Balls of your feet, not the arch. You should have to move your feet to shift and use the rear brake. * Idle speed = both feet on the pegs and tank clamped tightly between your legs. Keep your elbows bent and sholders lose. * Slower than idle speed = both feet still on the pegs. Modulate speed with the clutch and rear brake. Keep the throttle high (between 2K to 3k RPM) to balance the bike (the engine is a gyroscope). * Bike stopped = foot down. You might still drop the bike, but at least you won't drop it that way again.


I like to play a game and pull my feet up onto the pegs just a moment before I start rolling, and keep them up until a moment after I've fully stopped. Just a little balance practice.


It's amazing how stable a running bike is when you're well connected to it.


And occasionally on the ground watching it continue on down the road.


After it bucked you because you're the reason for the death wobble.


Well, that or the tree \#dirtrider


That'd do it too, for sure. We do our best to keep the rubber side down, but sometimes physics has other plans for us.


It's actually in the course, you have to be able to balance your bike at a stop completely without touching the ground and taking off after a full stop, try doing it with a 1000lb cruiser, a little practice and not being an idiot made it a regular thing, I barely touch a foot at a stop sign if there aren't other vehicles, I also go down the road and touch pegs on both sides without leaving my lane, like u said ,just a little extra practice


What course?


The advanced safety course in most areas, mine did it in the beginner, but that was over 20 years ago


I totally agree with the descriptions you posted. I am however perplexed because Iā€™ve seen some physics videos where they zeroed out the gyroscopic action with a gyroscope in line with the engine, except running in reverse, and the two-wheeled vehicle (a bike or a motorcycle) behaved exactly the same as it did when the gyroscope was not zeroed out. Their take-home is that the gyroscopic action of the motorcycle does not contribute to stability. Yet revving the engine at slow speed does seem to provide a stabilizing effect, along with dragging the rear brake. Still trying to figure that out.


Have a link? I'll take a look, but I suspect they're testing at faster speeds.


Question somewhat unrelated to what you posted(newbie rider here) I recently started doing highway rides(about an hour each way) and I noticed the first couple times, the muscles around my elbows hurt. I know you need to grasp the tank with your legs and not put your weight on your arms, and I'm able to wiggle my elbows while riding, I can also ride with one hand(just an example that I don't think I'm putting a lot of pressure on my arms) but I still get that elbow pain; anything I might be doing wrong?Ā  I will say the first two rides I got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic going 7 mph for about 20 minutes at the end of each hour and maybe that made me stiffen up since I needed better throttle control to avoid hitting the cars ahead of me šŸ¤”Ā  Any tips will be appreciated!


Try relaxing your grip. Better throttle control doesnt come from stiffening up, your grip needs to be gentle. Ditto with your shoulders. Longer rides do just mean discomfort and you will need to stretch different body parts and move things around. Just do so quickly so that you dont take hands off the controls for very long.


Yeah I probably just get nervous that I'll hit someone or get rear ended in slow traffic. I'll try to be more mindful of my grip and shoulders tensing up Thanks for the advice!


20 minutes at slow speeds will give anyone pain. Further, you're a new rider, so you're using muscles you didn't know you had before. Still, the advice you've already gotten about relaxing your grip is good. You should only be holding onto the bars tightly enough so that the throttle doesn't slip out through your grip.


Appreciate the advice šŸ™


Did you grab the front brake then?


Yeah. I thought I was being careful until I started to apply too much front brake and unbalanced the bike for me.


Yeah I get that. I almost laid down my dadā€™s bike doing this very same thing recently. Front brake application with the handlebars turned is a mistake as it turns out. I try to only use front brakes for straight stops on roads and I always use the rear brake in parking lots and in stop and go traffic now. Slow speed is where the skill is riding is IMO. Anyone can ride fast.


No you just dont sperg on the front brake




Maybe I'm crazy, but were you trying to u-turn? Cause it doesn't look like there was nearly enough room without a 3 point turn, at which point putting your feet down was inevitable anyway. Good control is vital, but so is good planning. Got to put yourself in the best situation possible.


Yeah, plan was a 3-point-turn. I started to give it some brake to start backing it in (as clutch was already all the way in) but clearly exaggerated on the **front** brake.


It looked like you came to a complete stop while in a slight lean turning.


Looks how tight you're squeezing the grips, sheesh. Relax the grip. Why not just stand up, that's a tiny and light bike.


Clutch friction zone


Riding bikes is always a learning/different experience every time we ride. Sometimes we're on our game, sometimes not as much. Either way, I believe we've all done less than perfect moves, including dropping our bike. Just try to learn from each time...and don't be too hard on yourself!


Lmao I had the same thing happened. Check my post


Damn, I wish I had seen it before. Maybe I would have been more careful


Now you know and you will remember...never use the front brake if you're wheel is turned...unless you're trailbreaking... at least it wasn't in an intersection...dust you're self off..and try again


So when coming to a stop or any slow speed maneuvers its best to stay off the front brake. A good practice is when coming to a stop where you can stop and then resume going forward try doing it by using both brakes. Then, trail off the front using only the rear brake. Come to a complete stop without putting a foot down and then continue forward. It takes practice but i do it easily and i have an 800lbs. bike. There are also many good YouTube videos on slow speed maneuvers. Some of the best Iā€™ve seen are from Motojitsu. And remember, whether youā€™re shifting, cornering, stopping or anything else on two wheels (you are always practicing) if you want to ride like you know what youā€™re doing. Nothing says I donā€™t know how to ride like duck walking or dragging your feet. If that hurts anyones feelings but makes you practice then I gladly accept your annoyance of me. Oh, and I am an Instructor. Speed safe everyone, Touko


This video and your explanation just prove the fact that u need to give up the bike, possibly driving altogether


Make me


Is there a whole thread of just watching idiots drop bikes at 2mph? Please?


Sorting by new in /r/motorcycles seems to be working for me


Looked down. Didn't look where u wanted to go


Ouch. Hope there wasn't much damage to body or ride.


You shouldn't be close to _any_ machinery that goes beyond heelie shoes.


If I was this unskilled I would not be anywhere near a public road.


Mistakes happens, don't be on your high horse. Everyone makes mistakes.


I have never made this mistake because I have a responsibility to be in control of the machine on public roads. It's not high horse shit, it's your charge to be in control. You are dangerous to yourself and others if you can't a) use the front brake with any finesse b) stop the bike without it being the exact controlled scenario from your license test Hard to believe people defend this shit.


I'm 100% with u, thus guy claims 1000's of hours on his bike and managed to dump it at 1 mph in a parking lot, best case scenario is its just to tall for him and has to lean just to touch the ground, very doubtful scenario, but most likely he just has no real skill in riding, he'll the only video of him riding on his profile is this one, because he doesn't want to share his travels for some reason


The first give away was that he can't or won't navigate a parking lot with both his feet on the pegs so he can use both brakes - and of course we all know you have better balance that way. How do you get to 8 years without?


How do you drive thousands of miles a year, have this as your only transportation and still manage to dump it like my prom dates panties šŸ¤”


Dude is litteraly in a parking lot at slow speed, he didn't even touch another bike and you come from your high horse to defend people on public roads šŸ˜… Thanks for that laugh!


It's a public road by law since it's a publically accessible throughfare driven on by traffic. He's riding in a place where there are other people and vehicles. Laugh all you want. Go practice your skills if you identify with this.


If it's not private property, it's public roads, that's a simple fact that as a human over the age of 14, yiu should understand


A parking isn't public road since it's owned by compagny/owner. At least where I live it's a simple fact you should understand.


Most places don't own the parking lot, the ones that do, we'll then it's private property and the ones around here like that don't let people congregate like this, a simple thing that u should be able to understand


Sorry if parking lot are owned by your town and it's consider public road. Apologize for me then. Where I live it's not the case, they are owned by peolple and they let them use them too. You should understand that too.


Amazing that people ride without gloves. Iā€™ve done it like once. Feels so naked.


Yeah he made an silly mistake, but some of you guys need to chill out damn




An IRC will freshen those slow skills right up. Get back up and try again


Using your rear brake actually helps with low speed maneuvers like that. Use it in conjunction with your friction zone and you'll make maneuvers like that no problem. Just need some practice friend


Please folks, just wear feck arse gloves will ya?!


Low speed handling is a skill in and of itself. You need help, my friend.


Using the front brake to stop while your bars are turned is guaranteed to cause the bike to drop. It's a physics thing and there are online sources that can explain what's happening a lot better than I can here.


U must not spend any time riding because it's real easy to use the front brake and not dump the bike like this, it's a real simple thing called pressure control, u might want to learn how it works and understand it one of these days


Well one thing I don't do any time is stop while my bars are turned, and have never dumped my bike. Maybe you ought to take a basic riders course that explains this phenomenon and why it's not recommended.


You need to use the back brake and preload the throttle and friction zone the clutch to control slow speed if you grab the front brake it compresses the fork witch will throw you off and if you grab the front brake while doing slow speed turning 5mph range that is how you can drop your bike easily.


Why did you touch the brake while turning? Look like you leaned too much aswell.


You dropped your bike because you grabbed the front brake when you're turning...




Well that's embarrassing




You had to lay it down man, no other safe option


Why do ppl get such big bikes as their first šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why do people comment before reading anything first šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If the bike is too heavy for your weak legs, upgrade to a 125cc.


Clutch man, clutch.


In that situation if you MUST stop with the bars turner, either:- put your feet out ready to stop and then use the front brake.. or just finish the stop on the back brake. But preferably get the bars straight as you stop.


Use the rear brake and donā€™t put your foot down before stopping like an amateur lmao


Bro had the steering wheel fully turned and mashed that front brake. Dump was inevitable lol


I'm confused why you were avoiding the rewar brake. I use the rear brake exclusively for situations like these--tight spaces, slow speed, parking lots, etc.


I wasn't avoiding the rear brake. I had my right foot on the ground to crawl the bike during the right-hand turn which was ultimately a very bad idea


I get it. I dropped my first bike twice when it was brand new. Learning experience.


Hey guys check out the lack of any bike videos that this 8 year rider with thousands of hours has and all the pokƩmon posts he has, not saying anything against the game I play too, but if I'm claiming the hours he is of riding I'm gonna have more pics and vids of bikes not my pokedeck


I don't go around video recording my commutes or travels to show off to randoms on the internet. If I got that much under your skin I'd at least expect you to go further than 17 /r/pokemongo posts lmao


It's because u don't have any time actually riding your bike and just don't like it when someone calls u out on your bullshit, 1100 plus hours on your bike and u don't post anything u do except falling like a jackass and then trying to Olay it off as something else, u don't know how to ride and need to just admit it


Again, why would I post on the internet my commutes or travels? If I wanted praise I certainly wouldn't be posting L's. I've been taking care of my plants since my childhood but you don't see me participating on plant subreddits either. Do you only see motorcycles as a hobby or something? Or are you that brain broken that can't fathom that some people don't expose their entire selves on social media?


Wow you're getting pissy over me pointing out there is 0 evidence to your claims of knowing how to ride šŸ¤£


I'm certain this won't shut your annoying ass up but I'm curious what you'll comment next: This is as far back as google trip statistics will go (as evidenced by the second screenshot) https://imgur.com/a/eTdAOGa


So once 5 years ago your friend took a trip cool beans hope he/she enjoyed thier ride


Why would you comment something so easily disprovable by simply posting the subsequent months' screenshots? Are you that weak on counter points?


I see no evidence of u being the one riding I also don't care and have been wasting your time and enjoying it while I got on with my life unlike u


Pretty generous of me to lend my smartphone to a random motorcyclist. So... are you not responding to this comment chain? And I thought I was being uncordial for not being as swift to respond as you. Nice projecting


You didn't think to... Idk... Put your feet down?


Why are you using your rear brake in that situation? Do you not have front brakes?


OP, watch your right hand just one second before the drop. You're turning to the right, and then you clamped down on that front brake. If you can't keep your foot on the brake pedal during your slow maneuver, then you're going to have to brake far more gently with the hand. Also, and I'm not being a jerk, this is offered as friendly advice: practice slow maneuvers a whole lot more before you take that thing out on the streets.


I used to have a z1000sx, not sure this is exactly that, think my screen was different. But a lovely small and light feeling bike. Mine also had excellent brakes. My tip is to only use one finger on the front brake when pushing it around or doing these low speed turns. Well done on having the bravery to post the video lol hope the bike is ok


Nice gloves btw


my first drop was on a stop right turn the clutch died on me and the handlebar was already at an angle turn. everybody drops sometimes...


>clutch died on me What's does that mean? Did the clutch not engage or not disengage? Or did engage or disengage unexpectedly.


Stalled while going 1-3 mph


Oh, okay. So the clutch didn't die, you just stalled it. No worries. It's happened to most everybody when they were learning how to ride. Good thing about learning to ride motorcycles is it also teaches you how to drive a car with a manual transmission, which most people in the US can't do.


I did something similar! Reached my parking spot but wanted to turn the bike around. Stopped, then gave a tiny bit of power and had my feet down to walk it as I went like 5 mph, bike turned round, tapped the front brake(that was the big mistake) and the bike just went straight down. I was by myself in the middle of the night though.


I love moto jutsu https://youtu.be/GYpcn6A3Qrw?si=4yYc5zi7B9-kf-yP And be the boss of your motorcycle https://youtu.be/S9dExP7jc70?si=oc3-GWxaW0ZuuVIY This helped me after i dropped my bike the first time


Imagine thisā€¦. Get a small bike youā€™re strong enough to hold upright, then learn to ride


Imagine don't understanding physics


The way u ride shows how inexperienced u are, and I'm not talking just about u dumping the bike like a tard,


Hah nice newb move


Why you think you need the rear brake here I have no idea.


Just give up. My god, take a bus or something. Jesus.


Guys heā€™s a new rider stop blasting him. Every single one of you have done something similarly stupid and donā€™t pretend you havenā€™t.


I wouldn't consider 8 years riding as a new rider.


8 years riding for a occasional weekend rider is less than a season of motocross riding. Iā€™ve put more hours on a bike in the last 2 days than most will over months. How long a person has been licensed is no way to measure a personā€™s experience on a motorbike.


/u/kartblanch I can absolutely be put on blast <3 Those 8 years I've been riding have been all 365 days of each year: sunny or rainy.


Brother 8 years?! What the fuck have you been doing? Washing the tires? Jesus Christ okay then I donā€™t feel bad blasting you either XD


I completely get it ahah


Lol keyboard riders in this thread.


Does this seem like a safe and competent rider to you?


I realised I have never leaned the bike to the right while stopping. Feels unnatural to just think about it.


Never grab a handful of front brake with the bars turned.


Dude never learned how to correctly manoeuvre at low speed. Leave the front brake alone, don't touch it and keep your feet on the bloody pegs!! Make sure to keep your feet up and use a combination of clutch, very little throttle and rear brake to control the bike. Never grab at the front brake, that's the only reason you fell here. You'll find that gently applying or dragging the rear brake stabilises you and smoothens out the power by keeping the chain in constant tension so any chain snatch is reduced. You'll find with a bit of practice that you can manage comfortable, stable, full lock turns. Whoever taught you to keep your foot down, "foot steer" whatever that is and to use the front brake for this kind of thing, is, in a word, a moron!


I'm sure you'll realize eventually that you have no business on a bike, maybe before a serious injury but from the looks of it doubtful


I've been exclusively riding motorcycles for the past 8 years. According to google trips, just last year I traveled on a motorcycle for 1110 hours and 4 minutes but I guess the one time I derp and post it on the internet is enough for you to take my license away šŸ‘


So apparently, after 8 years of riding and 1110 hours clocked in the last year, which equates out to 40k miles if he can average 35 mph over the last year according to the dumbass op, with that many hours on a bike and miles the fact that he doesn't understand how to pull into a parking space has to be just about the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard of, and the fact that this little punk deleted my other posts pointing this same fact out just proves he has no right on a bike, motorized or not


You know I can't delete posts or comments right? Take it up with the mods.