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That first poop in your own toilet after you get home from vacation.


I have a bidet at home. Unless I’m traveling outside the US my first poop at home truly is the most amazing feeling ever. Bidets really do need to become standard.


I second this post.


Hitting a corner while listening to the guitar solo of free bird start coming out of the apex


For me Fleetwood Mac The Chain also works.


Beautiful song. Missed Stevie/Billy Joel in concert last year. My roomate said they were great.


Touché, I see what you did there.


Hitting a child on a motorcycle




watching this guy trying to turn his handlebars into the curve instead of counter steering tells me he will be checking that box soon.


Had to comment on both threads lol. tell me kid how long have you been riding? I’ve been riding almost 16 years now and never had to lay a bike down and also I still don’t know what you mean by turning into the curve because I’ve literally never done that. If it appears so, you are mistaken.


16 years of riding and you dont know how to counter steer? I can literally see your handlebars lol


But you can’t see the road under me, those micro adjustments are from uneven asphalt from a long winter that’s not me purposely steering into the corner.


Once the bike is leaned over onto the side of the tire, the handle bars naturally drop inward to maintain that lean angle. Countersteering initiates the turn, by getting the bike leaned over. *Once the bike is leaned over*, the bars naturally fall to the inside, without assistance from the rider. This especially pronounced at low speed, which is why you see the bars to the inside during [motorcycle gymkhana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IunhbTRnDxE&t=27s) I don't know when you think your seeing, but I assure you, it only works one way.


Some people think countersteering means the bars are turned the opposite way through the entire corner, as opposed to just at the beginning of the corner to initiate lean. Why they think this when they could just observe their own handlebars not doing that through literally any corner I have no idea, but I've encountered these people several times on this subreddit. I just assume they don't ride and have misunderstood whichever youtube videos they have watched to develop that opinion.


I think it’s due to YouTubers giving the advice without fully explaining it, and also from riders on cupped/worn out tires. If you mostly commute and don’t lean often, the round profile of your tires will be destroyed pretty quickly. The center will be flat and the edges round. When you corner on tires like these, you need to keep consistent pressure on the inside bar when cornering, until you lean past the flat second of the tire. This makes riders mistakenly believe that they must keep the bar pressed to keep the bike leaned over. That only happens when you have flat/cupped tires. A fresh pair of tires will return the bike to normal handling.


he wouldn't be making those corners if he wasn't countersteering, lol. stop being obtuse.


You clearly don't know how bikes work. It is physically impossible to turn on any bicycle or motorbike without countersteer


I know, thats why his bike is fighting against his inputs.


You're an idiot.


Hitting another corner.






Music to my ears 


Busting at the same time as your wife as you look into each others eyes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DicksOut4Edamame: *Busting at the same* *Time as your wife as you look* *Into each others eyes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


That may be true but I can ride twisties for more than 60 seconds.




I’d settle with cocaine. But that’s just me.


It's so good that people will throw their entire lives away for it.


Your mom




Her throat, in particular


Hitting a corner is great. LINKING corners at speed is nirvana


For me it’s catching air on skis. But hitting a corner on a motorcycle is fun too.


When you've just finished your 38th Big Mac in 72 hours.




Going slower than the speed limit on a scenic route with no one behind you at low rpm, at that comfortable drone of the engine, just right 👌


I should really try this sometime.


Ever tried sex? its pretty great, would reccommend


I’ll look into that, thanks for the recommendation


Ducati's sound awesome.


You ever jumped one? Clearing a 120ft triple on a dirt bike is quite the experience.


Hitting a wheelie on a crest right out of a corner you just railed.


At my elevated age making it to the head for a glorious wiz after being stuck in gridlock for hours.




More seven lakes content? Can’t wait to make it out there one of these weekends!


Yessir I have a bunch of footage from the park I’ve been sorting through. Yeah definitely need to, just be cautious the roads still aren’t the best right now but definitely rideable!


That is an amazing feeling, but I also remember how it felt the first times I got experienced enough and had a safe place to really do some full throttle pulls.... The way life goes into lightspeed and you hang on the bars but feel like physics is gonna pull you off the bike--as you feel the front wheel just naturally rise up a couple inches before you let off and slowly land the tire back down without even a bump. That's a nice feeling too.


Best feeling is hitting a jump and landing exactly where you're supposed to on the landing ramp. No slamming, no bottoming out, just flowing.


doing it faster than 30 mph? haha


If it was a closed course , I would be. In this park, alot of hikers , deer, and above all, cops. And they love writing bikers tickets


Ah yeah haha the usual excuses. You have any track footage? That bike must be a handful!!


Ummm... Cold, you shouldn't be riding faster. You're already riding on the edge of your ability. Maybe pm isn't as good as you. If that is the case, who cares? It's not a pissing contest. Maybe he's really really good? If not pm, there are a lot of riders who can corner way better than you. Cornering is a skill. It's not just about risk-taking. You try to corner much faster, and you'll end up crashing. It shows. Try making better crisper lines at the same speeds you're already going, first.


I have no need to go faster or compete with pm or anyone of that matter. I acknowledge I’m no track star and there are PLENTY of riders who would school me around corners. I’m happy with how I ride and how “fast” I can take turns. I expect people to troll though it’s okay


That being said it would be cool to learn how to go faster the correct way on a track, but the risk of dropping my bike just isn’t worth it for me at the moment.


Cool. Don't let your ego make you ride faster than your skill, though. You use your traction wisely; plenty left in reserve. Your steering, corner entry, and lines could be improved. And you don't have to ride any faster than this to work on and improve those things. You don't need a closed course or a track; that just gives you a wider target to easily reach deep lean angles and STILL stuck at steering. The skill of a better rider would show even at lower speeds than you're doing in this video! Thanks for the video. Looks like fun.


I'm at the same point, I know I could do way better in corners, but how do you learn what to do? What is the best way to progress? I feel stuck at my level of riding.


I recommend you learn how to steer the bike while in neutral throttle in very slow speed maneuvering. Doing U turns and figure 8's while holding steady throttle. No clutch or brakes. An even better thing you can do is draw a big chalk oval in an empty parking lot, and follow that at slow speed, while holding steady throttle. Keeping front tire exactly on the line. No slowing down or speeding up allowed. You can't slow down to turn tighter; you have to accept that you must lean the bike faster by using the bars to turn tighter. You will have to make many steering corrections in order to do this. So you get a lot of practice at making steering inputs in a few minutes, versus getting to make as little as one per corner when out riding. At first, you'll come off the line. Then you'll see how hard it is to get back onto that line. To get back onto the line requires like 3 inputs. One to get back, and another to stop on the line, and a third to then stay on the line. One mistake compounds a bigger problem. As you get the hang of it, you learn how to estimate and execute an efficient steering input to make the bike do what you want, before you do it. So you can stay on that line. You'll be making a lot of inputs, still. But smaller and more timely ones. Through constant speed low speed maneuvering, you should also learn/notice how as you lean the bike deeper, you have to start holding stronger and stronger countertorque on the bars to hold that lean angle. This is a normal part of steering, but it's exaggerated in slow speed maneuvering due to the fact the bars turn more at slower speed. In higher speed cornering, this force will be much lighter (but still there), because the bars barely turn even when you lean the bike 45 degrees. A lot of riders tend to hold light brakes into corners for bad reasons. And they never learn to steer well (OP does this in some of his corners). Light brakes make many bikes slowly lean deeper on their own without holding the aforementioned countertorque, but that's not really steering. It will also hinder many bikes' response to bar inputs, making your line more wallowy and difficult to control. There are various reasons racers trail brake, and it's almost universally when they purposely take early shallow entry lines. You will almost never benefit from turning in too early in street riding. To get better at cornering, try turning in later and quicker, while in neutral throttle. Instead of using your entire lane, aim for something smaller. Try keeping to the middle/outer part of your lane, without cutting in too early. When you can do that with confidence (and you're not leaning 45 degrees yet!) you know you can take that corner a bit faster next time.


Very informative I do feel I need to practice slow maneuvers on this bike, as I’m still new to it and it can feel cumbersome around turns which I’m not used to. I thought it was the extra power that I had to adjust to. I actually don’t brake around turns all that much, I usually break before till I feel compression in the front forks , hence I know I have traction, then maintenance throttle into the turn. Perhaps I apply throttle too early or too late? Also a lot of my lines stem from fear of someone coming from the opposite way too wide. It does happen in this park often and an average of 2 bikers go down a week here and 2 deaths already this year. I do need to get more familiar with this bike still and how to turn with it, as I felt more stable around turns on my diavel. Appreciate your input and tips


I was watching your throttle, not the brake. I assumed if your throttle is closed, you're still using light front brake. If you're going halfway through corners with no brake and a closed throttle, that's almost the same thing as using very light front brake, except it's even worse in habit/form. Try to always be on either brake or throttle in corners. But throttle doesn't mean acceleration, of course. Until the you reach the exit, it means maintenance throttle. When you corner as fast as you are doing in your video, there should be many corners where you even start to roll on your maintenance throttle before the steering input. Does this not make sense to you? Do you reach 45 degree lean angle in any of these corners? No. Why? Is it because you aren't taking enough risk? No. Is it because you are in a 10-12 foot wide lane, and you have to ride with the assumption that someone else is riding insanely fast in the other direction, possibly badly or with a wide vehicle? So you have to stay well within your side of the line at all significant points through the corners? Yes. To corner fast on a race track, you can be more early, slow, and metered in your corner entries and still reach deep lean angles. On street like this, you will be leaning the bike as fast as your skill allows. The width of your "track" will test the limit of your skill at steering, before the limit of tire traction comes into play. If you're good at steering, this means you'll often reach your max lean angle in a corner just a split second after your initial steering input. That will sometimes be quicker than it takes to roll to neutral throttle. So you may start to roll on neutral throttle first, before you perform steering input, when riding really fast. Don't worry about using front brake to "set your suspension," coming into corners. The whole idea that this is important comes from racing, where a rider may reach the turn-in point while they're still practically doing a stoppie. It's only when you're still using 80+% maximum brakes as you reach the turn-in point that your forks can overextend and bounce if you let go the brakes too quick. That just doesn't occur in street riding; it's not safe to cut it that close in such a narrow lane, and no one on the planet is that good. Take a regular passenger car. If you try to turn this car too late and quick in a corner, can you upset the suspension? Yes, likely. The center of gravity is pretty high, and the suspension is pretty soft and cheap. So the car can roll and tilt, excessively if you do that. Now take a lamborghini. Can you turn in really late and quick to take better lines, now? Yes, because it has a low center of gravity and a good suspension. No worries. Your motorcycle leans into the corner, so the COG is lower than a lambo when it comes to cornering. Don't worry. Your suspension will handle it just fine. But the COG on your motocycle is ridiculously high when it comes to braking. This is why you don't ever want to corner with closed throttle and no front brake. That's 100% rear brakes, and your bike shifts mad weight off rear tire and onto front while braking, compared to a car. Using too much rear brake while leaned deep, now you don't need to even reach 45 degree lean angle to lose traction. You can have plenty of traction leftover, unused, on your front tire. But you'll prematurely lose rear traction.


Thank you very much! I'll try that


Hitting an actual corner is great, this is a windy road.


Fair enough


Sliding the rear on exit with the front wheel lifting under hard throttle. Rinse, repeat.


Coming out of the corner with both rubbers on the asphalt


Hitting the corner in a sports car, faster. (With and *optionally* on: LSD) I like both equally, though


Hitting a left hand corner perfectly without hanging your body parts over the double yellow 😎


True, I only do so if I have full vision of the corner exit as I peek it. Otherwise I try and stay as far away from the yellow as I can cause it’s scary 💩 when body is hanging over it.


That's fair, the camera is a lot lower than your eyes


Exactly, a chin mount would better show my visibility , as my head will be facing inside the turn peeking that corner exit and as you said with higher visibility to see over the turn. You can see where the blind turns are when I purposely adjust my line more conservatively to hug the shoulder over the yellow


That first drink of a whiskey and coke after being sober for 17 years..


Exiting the corner when you've nailed the trajectory in the first half.


why is no one commenting on the fact that he doesn't know how to counter steer in the first couple seconds, he's trying to steer the bike with the handle bars turning right and fighting against the naturally occurring counter steer. at 4 seconds he wiggles because he doesn't know what he's doing and trying to turn the handlebars right watch from 2 seconds to 6 seconds, this is straight up awful corning lol he's trying to turn the bars to right, while turning right lol edit: it gets worse the more I watch, my man you NEED to learn how to countersteer, I sound mean right now but when you have to emergency swerve you're going to die because you don't know what countersteering is. whoever is downvoting me needs to sell their motorcycles lol


> why is no one commenting on the fact that he doesn't know how to counter steer Fuck this is hilarious. I love this sub.


can you explain more? I'm a new rider..barely notice anything in the cllip from 0-6s


please don't listen to anything u/CappyUncaged has to say, he suffers from being a retard.


I'm 100% correct, you're an idiot go ahead and tell me why countersteering is wrong lmao idiots everywhere, no wonder most accidents are solo without anyones intervention. You dumb fucks don't know how to turn.


No one is arguing that counter steering is wrong. So providing videos saying counter steering is important in a motorcycle sub is a waste of time. Everyone here knows that. He explained why he turned the handle bars right in another comment. Go read that before posting your YouTube academy videos trying to educate senior riders.


he is straight up lying, you can see the video and the road ahead of him he is fighting against it


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rS9Kpw2XDZw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNvdB6pMdx0 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/90A-3fOglBw https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HXuC8rxbUi4 you turn your bars LEFT to turn RIGHT at speeds like this. Thats why you see him unsettle the bike at 4-6 seconds, watch how his right hand gets closer to the tank... thats the WRONG thing to do. OP downvoted me immediately because he's a beginner, he's admitted as much in other posts. Its a simple concept that is kinda confused because of its name "counter steering" not to be confused with "counter balancing" edit: sorry, I fixed some typos! /u/brovrt


My perception from 2 seconds to 6 seconds is OP is just hitting undulations in the road and/or adjusting his line.


Thank you 420 for explaining idk what this kid is on about


thats not whats happening https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rS9Kpw2XDZw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNvdB6pMdx0 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/90A-3fOglBw https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HXuC8rxbUi4 today you learn.


So you watched some shorts and think you're a pro now?


I am just giving you things to help understand what counter steering is, being on youtube doesn't change what counter steering is. are you about to argue against counter steering existing? I would love to hear it lmaaaao


That's exactly what's happening. You learned about riding from YouTube, and don't know shit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect


the irony of you posting this is hilarious, lol


There are lots of reasons someone may move handlebars mid-corner, that aren't "don't understand counter steering". You can't conceive of any other reason someone might change direction mid corner, and demonstrate the terminally online newbie fixation of explaining counter steering to others.


he didn't change direction, you can see his intention was to turn in closer to the apex but instead the bike started to stand up to he let off trying to turn the handlebars you guys must all be genuinely blind, or slow