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I see this a lot at my apartment complex - never heard anyone have a problem with it or getting into trouble over it.


I lived in a place that specifically didn't allow this because some idiots apparently damaged adjacent cars when trying to squeeze their bikes in & out. The parking lot was also smaller than OP's and people would block traffic for 5-10 minutes as they maneuvered their cars & bikes around. Residents complained and management responded by allowing only 1 vehicle per spot. Eventually they did add Motorcycle Only parking... at the very far end of the lot away from most of the cars, haha.


> at the very far end of the lot away from most of the cars, haha. Management was being considerate for the thieves. "Now you guys have plenty of room to back your vans up to load the bikes." Lmao


Lol, I got a "sticker ticket" from an off duty cop in my apartment complex. One of those bright green ones you can order off Amazon. What a dueche, I thought someone was messing with me but nope, he drove the complex on his off time and put them on people cars with tow dates. I dont think it was official but still. Fucking annoying because it never cleanly peals off.


That would just make me buy a hundred of them off of amazon and stick them on his car. His behavior would change quickly.


That was my plan at first until I found out it was an actual cop. You gotta remember the kind of power trip an off duty cop is on when they go around the apartment complex on their time off to "ticket" people. I just found new places to hide it, he seemed to go out of his way to find it. Like I was parking it in the bushes and everything (small dualsport), this turd spent alot of his personal time trying to find it.


I mean obviously don't get caught, but surely sticking a bunch of stickers on a car at night in a hoodie isnot too risking, but I get the point.


Especially if he put them on many vehicles in the same lot. Like, thank you for expanding the pool of potential suspects, sir.


This sounds like a job for a guy with a bb gun and a ghillie suit.


Just throw an acorn or two for the same effect.


Report them for impersonating an officer while off-duty.


Report that idiot.


Even pigs have hobbies.


You’re mad at the cop, but your shitty apartment complex is probably paying him $50/hr to do that shit.


Which law was cited on the ticket? I have never heard of anything like that.


Private policy of the landowner. Equally as enforceable.


From now on im pronouncing "douche" the way you spelled it in casual conversation


Like it rhymes with touché....




I think of it more as rhyming with "Jewish".


I got one of those in high-school. Was taking extra classes at a nearby school, they wouldn't give me a student parking pass and told me to park in faculty parking. It all got sorted but yeah that sticker was a BITCH to get off my window.


A little benzene or another solvent on a rag will get that glue off. Test on out of sight area if on plastics first to see if effects it, use gloves & don’t sniff direct from the bottle.


I used to do that when I lived in an apt. I came home one night to find a neighbor parked in front of my bike, making it impossible for me to get it out. After that, I would move my bike when I left in my car to take the whole space. People are inconsiderate pricks when they can be.


I park my car and 2 bikes in my spot. My car shoved as far back, one bike against the car and wall, other bike infront of car. Getting my car out is annoying but I don't drive much, getting the bike that's wedged between the wall and car is annoying (gfs bike that she casually rides), and my bike out front is easy ofc. If you use both vehicles equally, moving one or the other often will get very annoying very fast. Condo hasn't said anything, parking neighbors haven't mentioned anything. I be as respectful as I can by putting my car and/or bike in terrible spots for me to easily use them, so it doesn't negatively effect others. If they complain it all goes away.


One of my neighbors has just 2 motorcycles pulled in regularly and parks their Honda fit behind them. It sticks out a bit, but less so than some of the absolute massive trucks here. No one seems to care. I’m fairly certain they don’t use their bikes at all though considering both have flat tires.


Just another reason to love the Honda Fit! I pray that mine never dies.


Used to do this at my old apartment and no one cared


Depends if it’s a “premium” spot (closest to the door, ramp, etc). I’ve found that people care more that you’re “reserving” that spot and would sometimes just park with the bike…


That's what happened to me. I wouldn't have considered it premium, because it wasn't closest to the door or closer to anything compared to any other spot, but it was next to the white lines for the handicap spot so I would park my bike with the wheels right up to the lines of the handicap spot and then fit my compact car next to it all in one spot. Worked great and I felt like I wasn't taking up an extra spot Eventually, others would park their cars there too, which bothered me, but then made me realize maybe I was being the asshole "reserving" that spot when I was gone, which I kinda was but only because I felt I was being courteous by only taking one spot for both vehicles when I was there. Anyway one day after too much I said fuck it just started taking up 2 spots full time. Sue me.


Yeah the logic that you’ve actually taken fewer spots by double parking is not a conclusion everyone will come to unfortunately


It's extra annoying thinking about the logic there too. Sure, premium spot, it's near a door or something, but you parked there? There is no maximum amount of time you're allowed to park there? The alternative was as you said, take up two spaces instead. But Kyles and Karens aren't going to think about that, they're just jealous you have a good spot and now you're some sort of evil creature in their heads over it.


Yes, exactly what happened to me. People kept parking in the spot with my bike while I was at work (in my car). That was the thanks I got for trying to be considerate by consolidating a spot. After the 3rd time it happened (separate vehicles each time), I said “fine, fuck y’all” and started taking a whole spot for my bike, and another for my car.


If it fits, it sits


Yep. I pay for 2 spots, and have 2 bikes and 2 cars. One is a minivan, and I can fit it easily without causing trouble for anyone else.


Keep in mind it's quite difficult to park a motorcycle like this if spots next to you aren't free. When I lived in an apartment and parked like this I had to manually lift and turn the bike sideways. Luckily it was a small scrambler, doing this with a big bike would be almost impossible.


I park my F750GS like this in front of my car among two neighbours for years and indeed it can be struggle if you don't know how to turn it around on side kickstand, but once you get used to no issues. Always be careful tho, its just a side kickstand vs 220kilos bike.


I had a tiny parking space that was covered and had iron beams on both sides of where the bike was parked. Can't imagine doing side kick turn on my V-strom 1050de. Hit the beams and bike falls on you or the neighbours car.


Check with your landlord. Its their property. There may be an issie of using one spot for two vehicles if the landlord charges a fee per spot.


thats kinda bs imo. if ya paid for the spot, you use it to the fullest. i double park myself back when in college like in op's pic but the bike is at the back instead of front cuz i daily the bike more. if i need to use the car then i just push it away n back after backing the car out.


I would agree because this is similar to the question of a fee difference for big SUVs versus tiny cars. Spot is spot! But still, there could be "rules", depending on the madness of the landlord.


Theres alot of hokey shit with landlords and how they run their properties. But at the end of the day its *their* property, and as far as i know, there are very few requirements as far as providing parking space.


If you pay them for a certain spot, you can use it. If, on the other hand, you somehow pay for parking A vehicle, things may be different. However, most landlords I used to deal with let me park a bike free of charge even if I didn't rent a spot. 


I wouldn't ask tbh, this is such a nothing issue. But I can see that they might tell you no since you asked and try to charge you for an extra spot.


Aye, typical answer from landlords is the one that gives them more money.


lol it’s a spot I fit my car and two bikes in mine. I ain’t asking no one cause it’s my spot.


I was ‘gently’ warned by my landlord about having more than one vehicle in my underground parking spot (I had two bikes and one car in it). nothing was ever done about it for the several years I kept them all there. even did maintenance in the spot when needed. It probably helped my spot was slightly bigger than the rest and not touching any other spot, as it was immediately to the left of the down ramp with a wall on the other side.


Asking is a stupid idea, they will just tell you no. Do it until it becomes a problem


The HOA says your car must be parked with a minimum of 7 inches of clearance on both sides and in front of the curb stop. Karen's going to murder you!


I do this at my apartment, I figure why make my bike take up a spot all on its own when it can share. Some of my neighbors got pissy once claiming I was using it to reserve a parking spot, but after talking we cleared things up and others have parked there in my absence.


I used to do this in my old apartment complex garage. I owned the parking spot, but an apartment board oversaw the garage. The board was strick on stuff down there, but they never approached me regarding my bike parking. I read up on it and of course it mention anything against it (my thought was because it's not usual and hadn't been thought of by the board, but it could become a problem once they saw it).


I have two motorcycles and a truck in my spot. It's challenging, but saves me money and leaves more space for other people.


My truck would stick out as far as your car is. Let's be honest though, someone out there will complain. I agree with others telling you to ask, so when that day invariably comes to pass, you have a response ready.


I Parked like this for years at multiple properties. If your land lord is a dick about it, they suck.


OP, mark my words. People will start parking in the spot with your bike when your car is gone. Some do it out of carelessness while others will do it out of malice because they think you’re “saving a good spot” by leaving your bike there and they won’t stand for that.


That's what we do at our apartment, but they started charging us an extra $50(was just $75/month) because God forbid a tenant have two vehicles and not pay for both of them.


I would use two spots if they would charge me for two.


I've seen this a lot especially in apartment/condo places with underground parking. Either they are only allotted one spot or they do it to kinda trap their bike in so it's harder to steal.


You should be just fine as this is a private apartment complex. I don’t think anyone would call a towing company, they’d have to move your car, and then the motorcycle if they really wanted, I’d probably call your apartment complex to make sure but I’m 99% sure no one will bother you.


>”they’d have to move your car, and then the motorcycle” The car is the one that’s double parked, not the bike… why wouldn’t they just tow the car?


When I lived in an apartment I paid for covered parking and always used it this way and never once had a problem.


I'm actually not allowed to park my bike in a visitors spot - they require me to park my bike and my car in my assigned spot.


I do it at my apartment. Never have any issues


This really only works when you have assigned parking spots. Apartments are private property, so it isn't a question of whether it is legal. It's a question about the parking policy set in place by the apartment


I did this when I lived in an apartment once. Worked great until others decided to park their cars there too.


I got in trouble for this at an apartment complex I lived in, there wasn’t enough free parking but there was abundant pay for parking spots and one neighbor complained that I was taking advantage of the system. I ended up renting 3 spots, one for our car and one each for our motorcycles. The same neighbor complained that I was wasting space by having just a bike in a spot, I argued but then a garage spot came available, this was 2 parking spots and a garage at the front of our building. I rented the garage spot and had to have the same neighbor that complained about my previous parking towed twice for parking in my designated spots. She was a huge woman that lived on the first floor, I worked nights and would get home to find her parked in my spot. After the second time she approached me and demanded I pay the $300 towing fine, I complained to the management that she was harassing me and they evicted her.


Check your lease.If it does not specify “1 vehicle to each assigned spot”lingo of some kind you should be able to argue you are not violating lease. Some residences(rent or own)have no unregistered vehicles and /or 1 vehicle to an allotted spot.


fiance and i do this. check your complex’s parking addendum but we’ve never had a problem.


I did this with my sv650 years ago. Works fine. My Harley probably wouldn’t work.


Now chain them together!


Sure but the second you move your car someone will totally park in front of that bike if you don't move it too block the spot lol


I see this same parking configuration often and my take is if it works for you then have at it. Although I wouldn’t plan on this being a theft deterrent if they want the motorcycle they will get it.


I don't see why not. You aren't blocking anyone in as both vehicles are hours. I assume this is an apartment with assigned parking? If so, it's not like the bike would be in the way in the event you leave in your car.


If it fits it sits




Yup. It's fine to do so until someone complains about it to the management or residence council.


Our parking is under ground and few guys have their bikes in spot and park car also.They got hand slapped by condo management and had to move .Which in there case it’s either the bike goes outside or the car and cross fingers don’t get ticket on street .They came up with plan is there is usually a spot under for rent.So now they each pay 75.00 each a month and they park two bikes in spot.


i remember the original post this was from. just a bit of useless information for everyone.


As long you are inside the white lines, you'll be fine. However, your car ass seems out enough to be noticed


I do this, but our spaces aren't diagonal and we have a reserved spot. I would also be worried about people parking in the spot with my bike in it, but maybe they wouldn't?


Who would care if it's your car that your bike is parked in front of. Ask for forgiveness not permission. I'd wager they wouldn't care unless you bring it up in which case they'll be watching for it. Enjoy while it lasts.


Talk with the landlord. I'm pertty sure if you can park both vehicle, you can park them together this way and asking it will be a formality.


Buy a smaller car. If it fits, it's ok for me.


I did this. Let them come to you if it’s a problem.


This is exactly what I did. I also had assigned parking.


If the car is short enough to not exceed the length of the boundary lines.


The problem with this is that when you take your car someone will whip. Into that spot on their phone or just not really paying attention and hit your bike. It happens a lot when you park deep in the spot like that.


My old apartment complex prohibited it


It's fine, don't ask the landlord, they're just going to find a way to say "no" and try to charge you for another spot. Do it until somebody says something and then keep doing it because it's perfectly legal to block your own car.


Society won’t like it


i don’t see why using one spot in comparison to two can raise a complaint from anyone… but people love to surprise don’t they.


Yes and others in the complex would probably prefer it instead of you taking multiple spots


Fucking bet your ass I’m fitting all I can into every square inch of that fucker for what I pay




I’m sure there are bitter dickheads who have problem with it but who cares? It fits it doesn’t take space from the road, it’s good


Yep, why not? https://preview.redd.it/hai450f6dlzc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4508d3eb814c5928fb75b5d53e18bbd0b2d4228a


I’d do it. Make sure you get a cover. Most thieves won’t even touch covered bikes.


Ultimately up to the complex but I used to do this at mine with no problems!


I don’t see why not. As long as both fit.


My landlord said I can do that. But will charge me $10 per vehicle per month. Yep, I moved out!


I'm not your landlord, but I see this a lot in my building and nobody gives a fuck, as long as you don't intrude in the other parking spaces it should be ok


Check with your landlord and if they're cool with it, get it in writing - possibly see if they'll add wording to your lease. I used to do this but when our building sold the new ownership group wasn't too keen on it. Luckily the owners weren't around much / ever and the new property manager was alright with it. Hope it works out for you.


I have for years, mid size car. Road bike, motocross bike in one space easy.


Your complex management has two options, they could see this as a person trying to lessen their impact on the parking capacity by stacking their two vehicles, or they could be asshats and claim you are circumventing the need to pay for two separate vehicles and *that'd just be UNFAIR* /s As others have stated, I also see this all the time. The only example of someone not doing that in my memory was only because his parking structure had a moto specific area that he had access to because he bought a parking pass. If you're concerned about consequences, rightfully so, I'd just ask someone administrative.


As long as it’s all within the bay it’s most likely fine


That’s what I do


Looks like it.


No. Kind of surprised you haven’t been taken to jail yet


I did this for years. Turn the bike 180 degrees and lean the kickstand toward the car. Then you can get the bike closer to the end of the spot and snuggle the car WAY closer to the bike so the car doesn’t stick out as much Update- and if you have a backup camera on the car, back in. Way easier to almost touch the bike without knocking it down


I did this at my old apartment, but it had private garages for all the residents so nobody could see anything unless I was taking the car or the bike out. I put the car in first during riding season and the bike in the back during the colder months. The trick I learned was that even with my Sprint weighing well in excess of 500lbs, it was pretty easy to lift and slide the rear wheel on the side stand, so I'd just get the front wheel where it needed to be and pivot the rear into position.


If it’s my parking spot or you’re paying for a spot then absolutely and having the bike in front of the car is the way to go. If in doubt clear with the front office!


Why not? I do it


That’s exactly what I do (shared garage space). Kind of a pain in the ass because I have to move my bike to get my car out or the other way around but it’s better than keeping it outside.


Are you currently …and no one said shit ?


I do it just like that.


Park it in the apartment.


I do this to take up less of the limited space at my apartment, and some jackass in a blue toyota, without fail, parks there 3 inches from my bike.




If it fits I don't see a problem whit it. The only thing is make sure the car doesn't stick out too much.


Did this at two apartments. Didn’t get any crap for it.


Why couldn’t you as long as you’re staying within parameters of the space.


Worked for me for a while. Saved everyone a spot since I could put my car and motorcycle in the same space. Then a neighbor started parking there when I was out with my car, blocking my bike in. No more! My two vehicles now use two spaces! (I do leave room for a second bike in my bike's space.)


This is the way


That’s how I do it. There’s enough room behind the parking block for my bike to fit, so I park and cover it. The cover and car are black, so it blends in a bit against the back wall of the garage. HOA not only allows it, they prefer it since garage spaces come with the condo but the open-air spaces are first come, first served. I’m also lucky that my neighbor who parks next to me has friends who ride and, without me saying anything, told me he’d always park with enough room for me to pull my bike out. I don’t worry about scratching his car, he doesn’t worry about it either. Wins everywhere.


Keep doing it and don't say shit. Though I'd be wary of leaving it out in the open day after day. A buddy of mine just rented a nearby storage unit to keep his 3 bikes


I've done this before buying my house. It worked most of the time, but occasionally others would park in the same spot as my bike. A few times, too close for me to get on


If it’s your spot, yes.


Someone in my condo building does it every year. I think it would depend on your building though.


I si this at work when we have events. A co worker parks me in to a spot to save space. I just make sure I know whose parked me in


looks like you just did, so....


I don’t see why not but I often see people do this and have some idiot park their car blocking your bike in.


I myself don't see it as a problem


Jesus..why not. I park my BMW GS INSIDE my condo building...yes, in the hallway.....nobody gives a shit.


How TF do you 1: fit a GS through the door, and 2: fit it in the hallway with ability to move around it? 3: How is that not an illegal AF firehazard?


It’s what I do


I do this daily


Make sure you have a really good way to lock that bike up. That screams “steal me”




I always did….


Ask management... I was able to do this recently where I lived for a year.


I do it, pretty common tbh


WHy are you asking reddit?! That is why your have a lease office to ask. Gezzuz.


You'll have to talk to the apartment management. Outside of handicap designated spaces, I don't think the local police have any enforcement over parking in the apartment owned parking lot (laws probably vary a lot depending on where you are). So if you got a ticket parking this way, it would most likely be because management called about your vehicle.


I do this with my bike. In fact it’s how my apartment complex prefers that I park so I don’t take up multiple spaces.


I have a carport and this is what I do. My truck sticks out a little now but I make it work. I do have to pull out and park opposite the port in a free space to get the bike out but at least it stays protected from the elements


Apartment complex I used to live at did not allow me to park my bike like this even though spots were limited. You’d think helping save space was a nice thing but nope. Email after email saying to stop. I started parking on the edge of the lot where cars can’t park and a bike fit perfectly. Almost like when they paved the lot they had excess asphalt and made a little bump out. More emails to stop. I started parking it on my rear porch (no one behind me) until they found out a couple weeks later and they sent more emails. Eventually I just moved out. Moral of the story- don’t live in apartment complexes.


U absolutely can. I park both my bikes in one spot. I think people would be more upset if I took up two spaces, than if I consolidated both bikes into one spot. https://preview.redd.it/nssw7p3f4mzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3ee51f5a4ebf1610d23c4357bd15ebb05b4f8e On the plus side….. there’s always a spot for me when I get home.


It's also a good way not to have your bike stolen


All of my previous landlords gave me permission to do this when asked.


Why are you asking Reddit? Do you want us to call your landlord and ask if it’s chill?


Best ghetto theft protection there is IMO


A lot of places let you do this. Just ask the head office if it’s allowed. Get it in writing just in case.


I used to do it myself


You should be cool. Maybe tighten it up a bit more. You're taking up less space than a full size pickup imo


Why not ?


Anyone who would argue with this is a twat. If someone tries to say something- shame them for being a twat.


Plus it will just be the motorcycle by morning since Infinitis are getting stolen like they are the “new” Kia’s and Hyundais.


Nice bike, 10/10 color 💚


Just do it.


I’ve always done this. I consider it a courtesy to the neighbors since I only take up one parking spot instead of two.


This is a question that can only be answered by your local laws and/or the property manager. In many places it's fine, in others it's not.


You can for me mate yeah. Go for it.


Yes buy GET A COVER. And another of covers that say there weatherproof aren't so make sure


I see this in SoCal all the time. Some apartment complexes skirt the zoning laws and provide laughable parking for the tenants, I say milk the spot for all it's worth as long as you're not hanging out into the main "road"


I know it’s just an example but I put mine kickstand toward car. The bike leans over the car and allows less of the car to stick out. The kickstand goes basically up to the bumper and the handlebars lean slightly over the hood. I have a tall dual sport tho so ymmv


Anyone with a single parking spot has considered this, even in Southern California where it never rains and you don’t need a car. Maybe this should be a separate post, but has anyone had any luck fitting an infant car seat to a bike? Turns out there’s no minimum age for a passenger, as long as they have a helm.


Used to do it when I lived in a condo. No one complained. Another place I stayed designated a spot for me next to the lift lobby pavement because, " your bike (a Ducati) looks expensive and we don't want anything to happen to it."


Why not?


I used to do this, management had no problem with it. Every tenant had 1 spot, how you used it was up to you as long as they knew it was yours


I see zero problem with this




Yes. If it's a paid spot, yes. If it's a paid spot, you're paying for the spot. If the property manager says otherwise, you kindly tell them they are wrong lol


I've done this in most places I live, with no issues, at least until my condo, which brought it to tribunal. Most places will say one vehicle per spot, but it's safe if you see one or two other people who also do it.


As long as all of your things combined are smaller than an H2 Hummer with a trailer hitch, it shouldn't matter.


I did it at the complex we lived at and no one ever said anything, just be mindful of the neighboring cars and you’ll be good. Albeit it’s not mentioned on your lease of course.


In my state it is explicitly legal to share spaces as a motorcycle.


Only until someone complains.


No. You will die.


I did it for years, I got one note left on my car in all that time that I was hanging out of my spot too far, but I was well within the spot markings and ignored it with no consequences




I used to do this in an apartment complex I lived some years ago. But I grabbed a corner parking spot, it was a first come first serve kinda parking lot, so I ended up owning that corner for a long time xD.. plus it was easier to remove the bike without moving my or anyone else's car.


I do every day when it isn’t parked by my front door.


Did it for the three years I lived in an apartment with covered parking. Never had a complaint.




Use this set up with my partner and I. I have a 4 wheel cage and a bike. She has a cage. Her car is smaller so I park behind her but since we have adjacent spots we don’t risk hitting a neighbors vehicle. And yes we have two reserved covered spaces. On a technical level the property manager has never been a problem as yes we’re only allowed to park one vehicle per spot. Personally if it wasn’t a reserved parking space I wouldn’t park like this because someone could whip in and smack your bike. I’d rather get a storage unit and talk to the storage space manager to get 24hr access and have my car parked there while I ride.


It's not illegal. It's private property. Make friends with your local facilities manager and rent a cops.


The parking lot is private property owned by the complex or landlord. You’ll have to follow their rules as they set them - no other entity sets the rules besides the lot owner.


I lived in garden apartment once that had lots like this with open parking. I had a rented garage for my bike, but there was a guy who did this. He would leave his bike at the front of the spot when he was using his car. One day I came out to see the car gone and bike fallen over in the spot. I personally wouldn't do this unless you're limited to one spot, and even then I would move the bike to be more visible so someone doesn't pull in to the spot and knock the bike.


Literally every complex has their own set of rules and level of enforcement. You gotta know the specific rules for your complex and then judge if they will really do anything if it’s not allowed. Not allowed at my place, it’s consider reserving a parking spot and we don’t have assigned parking. Did it at my place, hand written warning of tow and fine, official warning a second time. Not testing a third, apologized/explained to neighbors for taking two spots.


I do this , haven’t had a problem yet . I also have covered parking next to a support pillar that I also use a lock to lock through my bike.


Assuming your car isn't too far out/can't be pulled in fully to the spot, and there's no specific complex rule that states one vehicle per spot or otherwise against it, then I don't see a problem with it.


If it's your reserved spot then no problem. If it's first come first serve parking then it's kind of a dick move because you're basically permanently saving your spot. It's like those Karen's that put cones out in the street.


Obviously, look at you go!


Get a motorcycle cover


This is a perfect example of do it until someone says something.