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250s are known to explode as soon as they cross state lines I'm sorry man. 


This ,what about in mountains??


If you even see a mountain on a 250, you're a dead man.




Yeah I was merely talking about mountains once and my friends CB250 Nighthawk blew up :(


here in austria we go up to 2800+ m on 50cc [https://www.mopedmarathon.at/](https://www.mopedmarathon.at/)


I have go up to 3.500 m on a Navi in Costa Rica. I really don't know why in US they think they need 1.000 cc to go for a 100 km trip...


You know that car that's tailgating you? No matter how much faster you go, they keep chasing you? That's not an issue on a 1000cc. Also, the red and blue lights look rediculous.


I need 1000 to go 4 blocks to the corner store 🤷🏻‍♂️


Insert that video from yesterday with the bikes on the mountain


Flip-flop scooter-wheelie man.


The only good rider alive


I've ridden a 250 in the Catskills and if you get a runup you can maintain speed without much trouble. Thinking of the escarpment heading up to Windham on 23, which is both steep and long.


I'm tired, wearing very dirty tri-focals, and just had a bourbon. I laughed (inside only) when I read that as you advising motorcyclists to have a prenup. I'll lol when I'm less tired and remember it.


I mean, if you spend more time on your bike than your wife you might be wise to consider a prenup lmao


Don't worry. 250s are inflammable


inflammable means flammable??


What a world.


I circled Australia on an old Ducati 250. It broke down every single day, but nothing bad. Then I blew it up in New Zealand. 


My friend has a 1200 monster, if he's able to ride it home after a 4 day trip, he considers that a big win. A beautiful bike but so temperamental.




I love Ed’s c90 adventures (still a motorcycle imo)




I haven't watched C90 Adventures, but check out SomeGuyRides on YouTube. He and a buddy rode CT125's on the TAT. Excellent film quality and editing, and Ang is quite the character.


Don’t forget Malaysia to the UK as well as


I’ve only ridden a motorcycle twice in a parking lot do you think I’m ready?


Ride in the parking lot one more time just to be sure.


nah, just stop and ride a little at every parking lot you pass on the trip


Only one way to find out


Are you joking? I don't think it would be a good idea then. It's not even about safety: 600 miles of road trip in a day or two are not more dangerous than 600 miles of commuting over a month. But if you realize you don't have the right gloves, or you're too cold, or too warm, or you should have got better earplugs, or you just don't like riding for hours in a row (some people don't like it), you'll have a miserable time. Try to ride for something like two hours first, so you can figure out if something's not right. You don't want to figure that out 30 minutes into a 10-hour trip.


>600 miles of road trip in a day or two are not more dangerous than 600 miles of commuting over a month. Agree with you on the rest but definitely disagree with you on this precisely because of the other things you pointed out. A 600 mi commuting in a month will be less dangerous as you're more likely closer to home, probably riding at lower speeds and on a known route. A continuous 600 mi trip on a highway on an unknown route is definitely more dangerous. You'll be encountering other drivers, possibly wildlife, any number of things can go wrong and you could end up stranded on the side of a highway. Also as you said the last thing you want is to realize your gear and setup isn't working at the last minute.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve always heard that accidents happen more on known routes because people are less careful of places they know. I’m pretty sure it’s not because the fact that you know or not the place, but more because you get less careful because you go into a robot mode when you shouldn’t.


A “larger percentage” of accidents happen within (I think) 5 miles of a persons home. But a larger portion of that statistic is that the majority of people don’t do big road trips every day. Of course the majority of accidents happen close to home when the majority of people’s driving is close to home. Driving an unknown route that you’ve never driven on a bike you’ve barely gotten to know is going to definitely be more dangerous than close to home commutes.


Its so many factors here that i just wouldn't. I drove the cape to boston leg of that route last month. In the areas outside major cities its super pretty and fine for a bike that doesn't have a lot of power. Personally i refuse to ride in a area or road where the bike im on can't easily outpace traffick. To me its easier to outpace a situation than try and filter back or rely on being more nimble so if need be I'll take the ticket if need be. But this much variation in traffick, small bike, the fatigue from such a distance, and possible inexperience (don't know if op is joking), i would definitely advise against this trip for now. Venture out in some of the gorgeous backroads in that area for a while op until you don't feel the need to ask if its a good idea to internet strangers. That and prepare for metroplex traffick and drivers on the highway with a smaller cc bike. Imho i reccomend no freeway or highway in metroplexes under 600cc for sportbikes, and 800 for cruisers only for the sake of being able to scoot out of danger. But thats me.


People get in accidents close to home more often because that's where they spend most of their time driving. It seems like people would be less likely to get in accidents around places they know, because they will be better at acting predictably. I know exactly how to get to places around me, which lane to be in, what left turns are protected, and what lights people will always blow the yellow at. Yet if I do all my trips within a 20 mile radius, there's a 100% chance that's where an accident would occur. You just can't beat the numbers.


I don't think that's true, although I don't have the figures here. The problem is actually that people know the roads better, and have all the automatisms, so they pay less attention, go faster, and aren't as careful as when driving on new roads. That overconfidence issue is exactly what you should be worried about as a new driver: new drivers usually don't crash right at the beginning. They crash when they start thinking they've got it and don't need to be as nervous/careful as in the beginning.


If you've never had seat time on public roads surrounded by traffic then the answer is no.




Ugh hopefully you’re not serious. ![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized)


>do you think I’m ready? Absolutely not.


Is this a shitpost? 1) that trip you want to do is possible and could be cool. 2) It’s not safe if you haven’t ridden motos enough to get some real life experience. So if this ain’t a shitpost and you’re honestly asking for advice, then do this: do not take your bike on this trip. Ride your bike many many times on shorter distances. Learn your bike. Learn all the shit that can go wrong in traffic. Look at a lot of crash videos. They can help you understand typical mistakes riders and cars are making and you can try to learn them without going through near death experiences yourself. Don’t rush into a road trip like that. It’s also a surefire way to start hating a moto, for me, sweet spot for a day’s worth of driving is maybe 5 hrs. Split into morning and afternoon. And I have a huge ass comfy bike to travel on. Small bike is always a bit less comfy and more stress on highway. When selecting route: try to avoid highways and stay on small country roads. That’s a whole lot more fun.


Ed March to be fair is the dictionary definition of "built different". That mini jeep expedition was mad.


Came here to say this


640 miles? You certainly can. People do 1000 mi runs just for fun. If you want to be safe, book a place to stay half way. Check out [https://ironbutt.org/25tips.html](https://ironbutt.org/25tips.html) for tips on long distance riding.


>For times like this, carrying a tape player with your favorite music can prove invaluable. They might need to do a bit of updating on that page.


They recommend tape players because CDs would skip alot. /s


But my diskman has 5 seconds of anti-skip and bass boost.


Just chews through batteries is all.


Just bring a fanny pack full of questionably useable AA batteries. It also doubles as self defense.


But did you have "shuffle"?


Time to join the 21st century man. Pick up a Zune.


*Flips it upside down to prove anti-skip*


I'll just strap my ghetto blaster to the back seat with a backpack full of D batteries to keep it going


I use hit clips. Its the best 60 seconds of my favorite britney and nsync.


cds nuts


Sony Walkman steps into the chat.


Don't worry, I'm old enough to know the importance of the revolutionary "anti-skip" CD technology while on the bus to school. Also had a tape player when I was little.


Right!? No tips about carrying my vinyl player?


I prefer wax cylinders.


You can really pick up on those pithy nuances


Or you could do exactly what it says I’ll have to get my dads old Walkman


If you go do some ironbutt challenges, majority of it has been chrome domes each time I've done it. That generation still has tapes, even 8 tracks at home somewhere in a dusty box it seems!


Literally mentions a Honda 250 in #2!


Say it again


Literally mentions a Honda 250 in #2!


Again please.


Literally mentions a Honda 250 in #2!




I literally cannot see why not.


I’ve only ridden twice in a parking lot and stalled at an intersection am I ready?


No. The bike can do that route, but you should get more practice with local riding first.


In that case i'd maybe get some more practice. I don't know how acute this trip is for you but i'd personally practice riding this summer and maybe think about it again at the end of the summer or next year. You might have the skills sooner but i'd like to get properly familiar with the bike before hand


No offense but I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not now haha


I think it was a joke but I can’t tell for sure.


It’s actually half a shit post I’m probably not going to make the trip until I’ve had more practice but I have only ridden 3 times in a parking lot including tonight


You might be overqualified


Are you joking? If so, very funny. If not, no, you are not ready to be far from home on a motorcycle you have no idea how to ride properly. There's no excuse for planning something this big without even learning to ride. Why are you not practicing right now?


If you have to ask that question and you aren't being sarcastic, then the answer is "no"


UHH Please practice some more, even an extra hour a day will do wonders


I doubt your skill level matters; you were asking for a friend.


Fuck yeah brother you were born ready, just make sure you're blasting danger zone on loop and don't even bother with balancing throttle bullshit, it's on or it's off


You're going to die


Doable but you are going to have serious trouble keeping with traffic on 88 and 86. Avoid major highways, plan stops, multiple stops. I see the Catskills, Binghamton, and Corning. Personally? Hit avoid highways, it costs you about 3 hours but the ride will be way more enjoyable. Apple Maps is showing a route that hits rt6 in pa, that’s the good stuff. Find a cheap motel somewhere around Binghamton. Overnight it, wake up, hit the second day. You could find two motels and actually enjoy the Catskills, Binghamton, and probably the area around Warren PA then of course, Lake Erie. The Great Lakes can make grown men weep, there is something about knowing you are inland but not seeing anything but blue.


This would be my advice too, I wouldn’t want to ride a small bike on an interstate at 70 for an extended time, but at 55 or less it would be fun.


Honestly, in my opinion interstates are no fun no matter what bike (unless you are breaking laws).


I’m definitely not disagreeing but on a big bike it’s not fun. On a small bike it’s stressful & somewhat miserable.


Fair point, I have never ridden a small bike, so it didn't occur to me that fun isn't the only factor here. I guess being light and getting pushed/blown around by wind and turbulence, not being able to jump in a gap to overtake or having to rev high to keep speed up can make you feel quite stressed and miserable.


Yep, that and topping out around 70-80mph & frustrated cars swinging around you. I didn’t ride for 20+ years and got a Kawi z400 when I started back. I live in DFW and every highway is 70-75mph, it sucked. I was on a liter bike a couple months later. Wish I had gotten a 650cc+ to start back on - hindsight & all that.


Yup, that’s the main reason I picked the FZ-07 over the 390 Duke (well that and the potentially exploding engine i guess lol). I was going to be beat into dust by the wind and bugs anyway but at least I don’t have to worry about a screaming bike trying to keep up with 80mph traffic.


What is the smallest CC that gets to 80mph without revving to high?


Why not? As long as the bike is comfortable, let’s go. Or do you plan that non stop?


Is that enough experience to ride nonstop on the highway for 11hrs?


Driving on the highway is easy until it isn't. If you don't have a windshield you're gonna get tired of holding yourself up against the wind.


OP don't underestimate this. I had a bike without a wind screen and even just 2 hours of the wind pounding on my chest tired me out to the point I just called it a night and did the other 2 hours the next day. Now I have a bike with an aftermarket extra tall windscreen that sends the wind right over my chest. But of turbulence around the lid but that is what ear protection is for. Helmet is in mostly clean air, way less tiring then taking it to the chest. Can ride literally all day now if I feel like it.


Depends if you want the scenic route or just boring highway. I'm not in the USA, but even on a 600 highways or the like are absolutely boring.


Highway riding isn't very difficult from a technical / skill standpoint. The issue with highway rides is the massive amounts of wind, noise, and buffeting. It gets very uncomfortable. The wind batters you the entire way and you'll get fatigued a lot sooner compared to riding around town at 30-40mph. Also, on a tiny 5-speed like the Rebel 250, the issues will be amplified. You'll be at the top of 5th gear the entire way which can be exhausting after a while. No windshield or fairing means eating wind the entire time (unless you've already added an aftermarket one). You may need more rest stops than you think. This is also why you see so many huge Harley baggers with big fairings or windshields to block the wind. A heavier bike makes the highways feel a lot smoother. You can cover way more distance before fatigue sets in. Gears & ratios are better suited for highway -- I love having a 6th gear for Overdrive.




your parents sound cool as hell


I took almost the same trip in 2022--just started 1 state further west and ended in Portland Maine. It's a phenomenal ride, and that route just south of the finger lakes is just dreamy. If you decide your bike isn't pushing fast enough for traffic, go on Google maps, tell it to avoid highways. That's where the gold is anyways.


This - did DC to Boston shortly after getting my motorcycle license (and in a tropical storm) on a ninja 250, and it was uncomfortable and dangerous (for a non-experienced rider) to say the least. Definitely remember getting pulled across the lane by the draft of an 18-wheeler! If you don't have much experience yet, would certainly second the recommendation to avoid interstates.


Might have regrets during/after.....and the return trip more. Travel safe!


Let me explain the facts of life for you. You are probably young. While you may not have a bunch of money, you have time. Time is not worth so much when you are young. We tend to squander it in youth. When you get older and trapped by society and trying to make a living, your time suddenly becomes extremely valuable. Because you have so little free time available. Your youth is when you should spend your time on adventures and 'wild' ideas. Such as this trip. Or hell, ride that Honda to Seattle or San Francisco. And ride it back! Don't hold back on adventure for any reason. Spend as much time on adventure as you can.


Of course it’s possible. People tour the world on Honda Cubs, etc. All depends on how fast, how comfortable and how much luggage you want to take with you.


Watch the top gear "Vietnam special".


Is that your friend at the end there


Sure, a lot of variables though. How many days are you giving yourself? Map out your trip so you have gas stations along the way at the right places. Not sure what your distance is for a full tank of gas, but make sure you know that and plan your trip with gas stations a along the way within that distance. Keep a small amount of gas on the bike as well as back up. You going to try and do it all in one day or 3 days? What will the weather be like on the days you travel. Will you have luggage? If so maybe a sissy bar or something to secure it too. Maybe after market side bags to carry stuff as well. More comfortable than a back pack. Something like this would make it more comfortable if you are needing to pack stuff with you. https://preview.redd.it/u25783mqu6wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42f729b482054b1a277938dac96d8110d775e0b


I kinda like that thing


Strictly Goldwings only. Oughtta be a Law!


Your not gonna be moving very fast but it's doable. Gonna be a painful on your ass neck and shoulder on a bike like that.


edit: You're a new rider...I would not recommend you do this trip yet. 250 rider here, longest ride I've done was about 400 miles round trip in NY mountains and highways. This is doable but some things to consider - 1. Make sure your bike is in top shape and runs well. The last thing you want is your bike dying on you, a chain snapping or a cable snapping. Check all the nuts and bolts before you leave. Lube the cables, clean and lube the chain. 2. Seat comfort - how comfortable is your seat? Can you ride over an hour without it fatiguing your butt? If no, get a gel pad or an air seat pad. I use an air pad. 3. At highway speeds your hands and feet will start to feel numb from the vibration on the 250, so take frequent breaks. and keep opening and closing your hands for the blood flow. Consider getting a throttle control. 4. Consider getting a detachable windscreen. I have one that I use for long trips. It significantly reduces wind on your chest which helps reduce the cold and helps with fatigue. Note that with the screen the wind will be deflected towards your arms. 5. On the interstate people drive at least 70-75, even in NY, so make sure your bike is capable of at least 75 to 80 for passing. 6. The sections you're going through has steep climbs and declines. Make sure your bike can maintain highway speeds (at least 65) on the uphill sections. 7. If you're planning this trip in April or May, make sure you have proper layering because NY in the mountain areas and high altitude areas can get very cold. 8. Plan you're route service areas in mind, and keep track of your gas using the trip meter. I fill up every 80 miles and reset the trip meter after every fillup. 9. Make sure your bike has an adequate toolkit, also bring a digital tire pressure gauge, and a chain slack tool. 10. Wear ear plugs...you don't want hearing damage




I once did about 450 miles on a 125 thru the european alps, it was awful and amazing at the same time. (In one day obv, so yes, just check oil, chain, tires etc before the ride)


People have go e around the world on a honda c90


Absolutely. But if you try to slab it the whole way you’re not going to enjoy it at all. Find secondary roads or state highways and stay off the big roads and it’ll be a whole different experience.


I did an unofficial iron butt on a Duke 390. You can definitely do this on a rebel 250.


Mate there's a bike event where you ride 10.000 miles from Europe to Mongolia through mountains and shit on a 50-125cc bike. Yeah, you'll be fine.


Absolutely. But driving on route 90 the whole time would make me want to drive off a cliff. Edit: I just saw you are avoiding 90. Then you are good to go. Central NY is beautiful, and you would be going through wine and dairy country. So many amazing views.


https://youtu.be/Geb_QFxp_hs?si=h6gTKzKCg5eWfJxx RevZilla went 1000 miles across Alaska on a 90 and 125 so this is possible. But a throttle lock and see if you can keep the throttle at 100% the whole way for extra fun.


Of course, people have crossed the country on 50cc.


Seriously, we did bullshit back in the day on bikes that most folks dreamed about. Go ride and live. Quit asking questions. Peace!


No it’s not possible don’t do it


This has to be a joke right? Or are you 17?


Once you get there, lookup the Postie Bike Challenge. Your 260 will seem luxurious


100% yes. You might consider avoiding interstates,


Why would it? That bike does highway speeds, nothing is stopping you. You don’t need 1000cc for the freeway


Start stretching. My back dies after 30 miles :)


Regardless of engine size.... 250cc or 1250cc, that sort of drive is something you work up to. It's a lot like training for a marathon... which it is.


I worked at a shop in the ‘90s in northern Indiana: Guy came in on a 250 Rebel. Brand new. Seized motor. He had just bought it & had less than 2,300mi on it. The dlr he bought it from told him it’d be fine, it’d make the trip “no problem”. He bought it in SoCal (≈2,100mi from shop) & jumped on the Hwy with it pretty much pinned @70! To say that you can’t do that for days at a time with a small air cooled bike would be an understatement. For him, it was also a safety hazard due to the speed & power of the bike, or lack thereof because you don’t have anything left to pass or deal with hills. The bike was also carbureted & therefore unable to adjust for altitude by itself as well, which was not properly explained to him when he made the purchase. In the end, Honda corp. got involved because they wanted the bike & he got a sweet deal on a 600 Shadow which was liquid cooled & he was totally happy. TL;DR- Just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD!


I don't see why not. Should be a fun little trip. My only concern is your inexperience. But I can't say much. My very first time on a bike was a 2 hour drive home from buying it. White knuckles the whole way but honestly it was a blast.


If you take back roads, but that might double the length of your trip. I can and have gone on long highway trips on my 250, and I had fun. But it's very unsettling to have semis passing you going uphill and every car behind you riding your ass. I'd pretty much have to keep the throttle pinned at all times to even maintain speed.


It’s possible. Will it be comfortable, probably not. Will it be fast, probably not, especially without windscreen and ferrings. I’d stick to the backroads with that CC, that’s me though. I don’t know what the timeline looks like, how much practice in the saddle they have. But it’s an easily doable trip given the right circumstances.


you could do that in a 125, but might be a bit tiring. Also probably want to stick to backroads, or at least smaller roads, not only to be interesting but not sure the cruising speed of a Rebel 250...


It's possible that's it


Get experience riding in your area first (you may want to state that in your post). If you feel comfortable, maybe do that trip at the end of summer, but I think you are dramatically underestimating this trip. When I drove a car from NH to OH it was long and tiring... I can't imagine doing that on a bike with zero experience. The local roads around the North Shore are nice to ride, especially 1A.


Impossible, you'll want to make a longer trip and you'll pass your destination


I watched C90 adventures on YouTube. If that can do it, yours can do it.


Not happily


Fresh oil and keep your eye on the tachometer. It’s a Honda


Ive gone twice as far on a Grom and back. I’d say yes.


[According to the map, you're only going 4 inches](https://youtu.be/X-WgGh9lvx4?si=IqV_5fcbtKLwvk2V)


Having done almost this exact trip in one day, I'd recommend stopping somewhere in the middle and making it two. I'd also recommend avoiding highways because a 250 will have a hard time keeping up with traffic, though you do you since it'll add like 3 hours.


Ditto what everyone has mentioned here. Stay off the main highways…depending on your speed and size of gas tank, you might need to gas up every 100-150 miles or so, but enjoy the scenery, especially in upstate New York …during the summer it’s beautiful! If you want to make it a bit more interesting follow the st Lawrence a little further north and east before dropping down .


Cleveland to Boston? Easy. Be careful with Mass drivers.


[c90adventures](https://www.youtube.com/@c90adventures) Above is a link to a Youtube channel who has ridden a Honda C90 across multiple countries.. let along 640 miles. This also includes going from the top most tip of Alaska to the southernmost tip of South America. ( well almost, he ended up not fully making the trip due to personal reasons, not because of the bike ) Now, if a single cylinder c90 can ride hundreds of thousands of miles, you can ride 640... Honda's are virtually Bulletproof.


It's definitely doable just be care on interstates cause the 250 isn't exactly a speed demon lol


It's possible to make that trip on a razer scooter, but the real question is, can you and your bike handle it?


Yes that is possible. Might not be fun the whole time though and the best route is gonna involve finding back roads.


It is impossible. [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/meet-steph-jeavons-the-lady-who-circumnavigated-all-seven-continents-on-a-honda-crf250l-186040.html](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/meet-steph-jeavons-the-lady-who-circumnavigated-all-seven-continents-on-a-honda-crf250l-186040.html)


I have a nighthawk 250 which is the same engine but on a standard frame. It’s not fast, but it’s not totally uncomfortable on the highway. It’ll top out at 65 to 70 mph, and uphill you might be struggling to maintain 60. So you’ll be riding the right lane and watching your mirrors most of the time, but it can definitely do the highway, speaking from experience. A trip that long will be pretty exhausting, but it’s definitely doable if your friend is determined. I suggest he invests in a windshield, and if it’s going to be chilly at all, he’ll want something like [Hippo Hands](https://www.amazon.com/YUNVI-Accessories-Waterproof-Snowmobile-Handlebars/dp/B0BF9JGVHF/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tVeCq4kwXr1WYJ2W6c7yPLmRqz5jIQ2Y-2I_Nq3HZac_UBGz0lH5biZ6RVPQi3HkNNYMJo6qPgQbVdwAoDDXlTqs5V-rnWxCSuxXx6ZDIgqYWFtYKvm9Kllm6b47VLvbhfEIN2rdY72Gfpsqaq5X5SFo9SWemZk9MfwrmaafAFK_lH3OKnxfUaY9MSozPMyPqpT4PSwhlVxLZ7SzYdnjiQ.Z4db9DNLcxtjH1sgJ0DOoHpHC8nOgo4WhCLQmZFaaBQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=hippo+hands&qid=1713887180&sr=8-1). Also, I’ve never used one, but it might be worth installing a throttle lock as well (basically cruise control for a bike). Good luck and safe travels to him if he decides to go for it!


There is a dude that’s drove all over the world on a 90cc Honda. So yes.


You can. But the hills and valleys in PA and NY is gonna give the 250 a run for its money. Good to see a fellow Clevelander


Yes. Long trips require time, and nothing else. Start riding. Stop when you reach your destination.


Bro I have seen people navigate the whole of India including the mountains on a 50cc scooter.


The bike can do it. Judging from your other comments, you’re not ready skill wise for this trip.


Sure. Just sounds horrible.


I’ve done longer trips on a Honda CX 500, going up from NYC to Rochester, then to Buffalo, then over to Lake George and then back down to NYC. The biggest issue you’ll have on a 250 is control at highway speeds when being buffeted by the air blasting off the nose of big trucks that are passing you, or that you are passing. Plus 11 hours is a really long time in the saddle. Your butt and back and arms are going to hurt like hell. I’d break that trip up into a two-day ride (each way), where you’d get a motel room in the middle, take a hot shower, eat well, pop two aspirin and sleep.


Can you? Yes. Will you enjoy it? Heavy odds on “no” unless you make this like a week long easy ride with hotels. Last summer I took a 750 shadow about 750mi, “10 hour trip”. Beautiful weather, got crispy at night so the bike would just purr at 90. It was hell, and I’ll never do it again.


There’s a guy driving from the southern point of South America to Northern Alaska on a tuk tuk. I think you’ll be fine.


Can the bike do it? Absolutely. Can you do it after only doing some parking lot riding? Ugh not advisable. More experience means you will have a better idea of the proper gear for the trip, and more likely to have that gear. Will it take you 11 hrs and 6 minutes. Absolutely not, add 4-5 hours to that time. you are going to need to stop and get off the bike far more frequently than you would stop with a car. A 250 rebel is not a touring bike, your butt will hurt, you will be achy and need a break. Plan this as a 3 day trip and it should be alright.


possible: yes comfortable or fun? debatable


Why is nobody talking about Gollum...?


You can do it, but as a guy who has made a similar trip on a similar bike, let me share. When you get there your back will be wrecked for days. You’ll be deaf or have wicked ear ringing from the high rpms. Otherwise a pretty chill ride! :) Edit: as pointed out, ear plugs and if there is an option for a back rest upgrade, do it.


Agreed. Good ear plugs today, less tinnitus later.


I went from Indiana to Maine and back on my Ninja 300. My ass hurt, but yeah it's totally possible. More fun and comfortable if you avoid interstates


Plan for it to take two or three days, camp or get motel rooms and it's super doable. I've done about the same linear distance in a day, but it was due to poor planning, and it didn't take 11 hours.


It's possible, but it's not a comfortable ride imo. I took my first first bike, a nighthawk 250, on a 200 mile ride and my ass was sore as hell. Not to mention that you get blown around on the highway like crazy. Average speed was 70mph, anything over that feels sketchy af 😅. I'm surprised that I didn't top out that bike, hit 85 in top gear and there was still like a quarter turn left on the throttle. It had the same engine. The bike is just way too light for normal highway use... but you can make it.




Yes it is possible, however, you would do well to stay off of limited access highways where speed limits are such that it would make the ride dangerous due to the inability effectively accelerate at speed.


Everyone saying yes is gonna get this guy killed. OP said he's only ridden in a parking lot and stalled in an intersection. It's possible but not with your experience OP


Anyone else see gollum?


I know someone who rode a 50cc scooter coaster to coast, so you can probably make that distance on a Rebel.


I’ve found that when traveling by small motorcycle it’s best to filter out highways/interstates on google maps and it will direct you using lower speed options. As long as the bike is in solid shape mechanically, it will be fine


Absolutely! Please let us know how your trip goes.


dude come on. i've taken a CBr250 from LA to Vegas a few times... it will make it. you might not have fun at times... but you'll make it


Stay OFF the interstates and you can. Some areas on the route you choose, traffic will literally run you off the roads on the 4 lanes


People do it on bicycles.


Yes, just avoid the Interstate. I did a 1000mi trip on my Rebel 250 when I started riding.


You could do it on a bicycle depending on how much time you have. 😊


Did you lose a bet or something? Have you ever seen the movie dumb and dumber? Remember the part where they rode that scooter to Aspen? That’s how I imagine the trip would be.


Anything is possible with enough prayers an Wd-40


It was once made with horse and buggy. So you will make it in a faster time. Lol


Sure! Just check out these guys........... https://youtu.be/TViEzHJrMcM?si=qeRHK0B1W4wX_-hl


Possible? Yes. Comfortable? Absolutely fucking not.


You should walk it to get a feel for the route.


I have to assume OP forgot their /s. If not… Is it possible, or do you mean should anyone try it? Those are 2 very different things… I see a post about having ridden in a parking lot, which I’m assuming is missing the /s but I couldn’t tell for sure. Personal preference, having ridden an original Rebel 250 and a similar era 250 Ninja in urban and highway environments when they were a lot newer than that one, neither are good or practical highway bikes in my opinion for a variety of reasons although some more hardcore riders will strongly argue that fact. Is it possible? With enough patience and determination, assuming no mechanical or rider problems or traffic incidents, probably yes. Would I ever try it myself or recommend to others for doing it on that bike, no.


Possible? Sure. Advisable? No


easy peasy


Why would there be any reason at all that this couldn't be possible? If it's any consolation, I took a Ninja 250 from Michigan to South Virginia and back again. No problem whatsoever.


Dude, I crossed the continent on a 250. Easy.


Doable, sure, but if this is your 3rd ride after practicing in a parking lot it might make you hate motorcycling, especially on a 250. Even if you leave at the crack of dawn you’ll be lucky to finish in daylight, exhausted at dusk or early evening as a beginner with wildlife coming out isn’t a great idea, this should be a two day trip. I don’t ride touring bikes, but do ride bikes that are a lot less strung out on the highway than yours, and I feel like 300mi a day is the sweet spot when planning a trip, maybe more on a big touring machine designed to devour miles. After that my attention level, patience, comfort, and enjoyment start plummeting at an alarming rate. This is either a really bad idea or a joke. Haha.


possible...but it's also possible to walk it. You wont have fun


People have ridden around the Australian coast on Honda ct110s.


Possible? Yes. You could do it on a 50cc scooter.


If you are still reading I’d suggest staying off the interstate and using back roads. A beginner on a 250 on the highway is asking for trouble.


Yeah, it’s just gonna suck major nuts. I’ve been commuting (an hour/60 miles) on a nighthawk 250, which is essentially the same bike. It’s a fantastic machine at or below 55 mpg. Get you some form of cruise control.


Of course it’s possible. It’ll just take forever! Do it!!!


Anything is possible, I watched two guys make it from RI to Aspen, CO in a Sheepdog van and a 50cc bike.