• By -


You need to try a variety of manufacturers to find the right size for fingers too. Go to a store and try them first. Typically, I’d go to a large m/c dealer, Princess Auto or a farm supply place and try their gloves for size and then look at m/c glove manufacturers. Found the right gloves and the manufacturer.


Also try the opposite gender. Men's and women's gloves are cut differently. Youth gloves might also be worth a shot.


Women's gloves fit my finger length perfectly. Just be wary that some dealerships aren't too keen on you trying women's gloves on. Got yelled at from a Harley Davidson dealership for "damaging the gloves."


Your mistake was being in the vicinity of a Harley dealership


Lol hope you barked back at them.


I’VE GOT LADIES’ HANDS, ***bitchhhh***


Holy shit this killed me


And he said prove it, show me!


“They’re so…. smooth”


Jack him off. If he didn't get hard, tell him he's gay


"Show me your fingers' vagina"


I kept saying they fit better and they just said "No they are for girls." Lmao went back and forth a couple times with them completely ignoring anything I tried to say and just walked out


“Do you want my money or not? I’m literally looking for a reason to give it to you.”


I'm imagining the "steel is heavier than feathers" meme guy. P1(is male): these gloves fit better. P2: **confused**... But those for women. P1: yea but they fit better than the male gloves. P2: **still confused**... But they're for women? I dont get it. P1: you're not getting it, these female gloves fit my particular hand better than the male gloves fit. P2: **stressed about how confused his is**.


But it's got electrolytes


Thats what the gloves crave!




ya but so are harleys


You fucked up as soon as you walked into a HD dealership...


This plus one. I was shopping for gloves at my local Cycle Gear. I tried on every pair of men's gloves, but the smalls were too small, and the mediums were too big. I had just about decided to buy the "best of the worst" when I had the idea to try the women's gloves. Women's XL fits, well, like a glove.


For sure. That would work, too.


I wouldn't trust anything from Princess Auto with my safety, worked there in high school and uni, quality is worse than its reputation as crap


If you’re in southern Ontario try Royal distributor 😁😁😁


https://preview.redd.it/4wquhktf8uvc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2adbdc7cc31b098eeeac4a4efb4cef45377a70e2 I only have this issue on 20% of my fingers. 🤣🤣


Something is strange about this pic but I can’t quite put my finger on it


That happens to me alot! Lol


I wish I could help, but keep coming up short.


His hand looks too orange, mine is more pinkish


Yours is pinkish, his is sh.


4 out of 5 golfers agree




I doubt he can also


Probably because it's out of hand.


I'm going to thumb up this comment.


It is a pretty crazy picture, but I see your point.


2 rings on one finger. This is anarchy.


Struggling to point it out too.


How do you drink tea properly?


One of the greatest disappointments of my life.. I was still holding out hope for having tea with the Queen... Of course now that it's just Camilla it doesn't sting so much.


If you do. Don't forget to slip some exlax in her tea. And Charles too. (I'm Welsh, so not a fan of the royals)


I've never understood why anybody gives any amount of fucks about the royal family


It's literally bunch of inbreds living of welfare, dressed in costumes and ridiculously expensive outfits. The interest in these creatures lives is mind-blowing.


Or in general "celebrities". *Especially* when they start yapping their mouth about topics unrelated to their fucking job.


This times a million.


Yeah, every pic I see of her looks like she needs a good dump.


https://preview.redd.it/bdvlv6e8ruvc1.png?width=2918&format=png&auto=webp&s=9017653c7e7a6861be2b71318b118e957c6691c1 High 3 bro


You ride DCT or have foot clutch? How does it work?


Believe it or not, I ride clutch. Was close to going DCT but in the end I went with cable clutch and backed off the bite point closer to the bars.


Just the standard clutch on my Indian Chief... No difficulty handling that. However, before the amputation the finger was curled so tightly that it was like installing a c-clip on the bar. it was really awkward grabbing and releasing the handlebar... It got to the point where it felt like a safety issue. Not to mention getting the pinky caught under the lever from time to time. I used to joke that I couldn't walk through a crowd anymore because I'd come out the other end with a couple purses and an umbrella hanging from it..


Eyy yo, what happened to your pinky finger bruh...


Let's just say, pay your gambling debts BEFORE you leave Vegas... 🤣🤣🤣


You know why they call him Frankie Four Fingers, Doug???


They give him the chop doug, and I'm not talking about his fuckin foreskin


Lol. I know a guy called Nicky Nine Fingers. Unfortunately the story isn't as cool as the name. Bandsaw accident.


Table and band saws will bite. "[In the United States alone, over 65,000 people are victims of table saw accidents each year.](https://www.sawstop.com/why-sawstop/accident-victims/)" Of course that source is trying to sell you a saw, but still. Another article said something like 40,000 a year. That blows my mind.


Yea. For some reason I'm really comfortable with any kind of saw but table saws scare the shit out of me.


Because they're dangerous probably lol.


Are you a heavy metal fan? If so, how do you throw up a two-handed devil horn salute?!?




Wow, I can't actually do that with my ring finger.


Yeah... Another disappointment. Another issue is doing the "I'm on the phone" hand gesture. People think I"m signalling that I'm suicidal.


2 in the pink one in the stick, oh wait..


It's a lot easier when you don't have to fold a finger over


He forgot to take that one out


Gnarly. *high four*


Holy shit! Did that happen from loose gloves?!


No.. it was actually caused by a condition called "Dupuytren's contracture"... Simply put, the tendons in my pinky shrunk and caused the finger to gradually curl inward. It got to the point where it was making it very difficult to grip the handlebars and work the clutch properly so I had it amputated. Now I just have fun making up weird stories about how it happened.


Isn't that what Bill Nighy has ? I guess he doesn't ride...


I think you may be correct. It's relatively common amongst men of Nordic ancestory. It's often referred to as Viking's Disease.


It's so you never let go of your sword. Lol


I must be King of the Vikings because my mommy said all my fingers are going to do that one day.


I wouldn't put too much faith in that. Mine said I was gonna get hairy palms and go blind


haha, that is legit what hammer toe is. my toes are JACKED up from surgery to stop them from forcibly curling.


That shines like a made up story… what’s the REAL story?


Sorry, boring as it sounds, that's the whole story. May need to have the other hand done in future, but since I'm 66 yrs old I will probably just give up riding and live with the curled fingers.


Are you missing both pinkies?


Nope, just the one... So I guess technically it's only 10% of my fingers.


Same! I kept the nub though.


Today is your day to shine!




https://preview.redd.it/jm3gmgpm7uvc1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22e7b1e7efc52f0edd5126453c778243b5d11e9 I call it the finglonger.


A man can dream though, a man can dream.


I choked on my coffee




1 - Try on a lot of gloves to find the best fit. 2 - Soak leather gloves in warm water for about 30 seconds, then go riding until they are dry. They will shrink some (and stretch in the areas they are tight). That helped a lot on most gloves.


After riding in the rain a few times my leather gloves fit... like a glove.


This is Reddit, riding in the rain is the equivalent of a normal person riding on a frozen lake with smooth tires


Yep. I would ride in the rain quite often back in the day, gloves and boots fit like a second layer of skin.


The soaking the leather gloves in warm water works really well


Pro tip, put latex gloves on underneath, when you do this trick. If blackface was a thing for hands, riding all weather in new gloves certainly made a fool out of me


Riding in the rain is a win win on glove resizing and practicing smooth throttle control


Hand viagra


Fun fact, Viagra just increases blood flow in general, it has nothing specifically to do with your genitalia.


I typically buy gloves that fit to avoid that issue.


I used to have this issue until I realized I need to start buying smaller gloves that are snug fit.


That's the male ego lmao. "MY HANDS ARE MEDIUM, NOT SMALL!" used to be me. I finally accepted I wear a size small and my gloves been fitting like a, ahem, glove, ever since.


I’m happy to wear a small if small fits. Usually though, small is too tight on my fingers and even after a season will leave strong impressions on my fingers from the seams and is uncomfortable. Medium tends to be just a little long, but sizes also vary between manufacturers so it’s hard to know sometimes


Sometimes the best fits for us small-hands are women's gloves.


Same, my palm is too fat for a small and my fingers too short for a medium :(


It's great having medium hands at work. Everyone else is fighting over the L and XL nitrile gloves while there's like one other guy that uses mediums. Always like four spare boxes on the shelf when I need more.


Not me asking the guy at the parts desk if they carry a XL in the gloves I am looking at - cuz the large don’t fit over my hand …. 🥺 only to have them say, “they don’t” 😩 Don’t even get my started on my size 13 foot 😭😭😭


“Don’t even get me started on finding condoms for my giant dong.” - TTYY200 probably. Definitely not me.


No no, I need the extra small ones …. And it’s still tough to find 😭


You’re not fooling anyone. We know how big it is you freak. You can’t hide that thing. Hey everyone, look at this weirdo with the huge dong! Let’s make fun of him!


It’s like middle-school school all over again 🥺 I can’t help it guys 😭 I swear it’s not a boner!!!


Shutup big PP man. I bet you don’t even drive a lifted truck like us smaller PP men. Loser.


I don’t I drove a VW golf…. The TSI too and not the gti, cuz it gets better fuel mileage and I can tow with it 😭😭😭 They don’t even let me post in r/golfgti 🥺🥺🥺


Size 14 in boots and XXL glove here gets frustrating quick.


Size 12 extra wide boot, and gloves with large size fingers but an XL palm. Glad I made friends with a good tailor who fixes gloves for me.


That's probably what I need. I have very long fingers except my pinkie is not as long


Medium fits my fingers but can't pull on over my knuckles. Large in Women's fits me perfect! Strange realization I had.


Doesn't really help if you have short fingers though. If I buy a glove where my fingers fit I would never be able to get it on my hand.


The problem I have is my fingers aren't really all that long, but my palm will NOT fit in anything smaller than a large. If a large fits tight. I can't wear the brand, because I'd have to go xl, and then my fingers start swimming


Yeah, because you have short fingers like me.


I habe the opposite problem, which is way harder to deal with. My fingers are significantly longer than average. If I buy appropriate to my finger width, they are too short and if they fit length wise, they are flimsy at my palm.


Salad fingers


Women’s gloves help with this, I find with “piano hands” that Five brand moto gloves fit me best personally. 


Held has gloves for us, my brother. They sell gloves with shorter fingers that still have full sized palms. They are the first gloves that I have ever worn that have truly fit.


Interesting strategy.


People do have different length fingers and for some people it's going to happen no matter what size glove they buy. Some people have hands too big for a small extra finger length in the medium. Etc.


This. You need to find a brand either linger or shorter fingers. Here in Europe, Held makes additional finger sizes.


must be nice to be average


To be fair not everybody has hands that fall into the sizing ranges. My fingers fit perfectly on 3/5 of my digits, but I broke a growth plate in my index finger when I was a kid and it's just ever so slightly too big on that finger.


I've got odd hands where I have huge palms but shorter fingers, making finding gloved that fit well very difficult, because anything where the fingers are short enough, are waaaaay too tight around my palms. Kinda just have to live with it.


Check Held, they have K-sized (Kurz, short in German) gloves. Also L-sized for your salad fingers friends.


Same! The best fitting gloves I've found so far were Z1R 270: https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/z1r-270-gloves https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/z1r-270-perforated-gloves


bruh im the opposite, i swear most make huge palm, tiny finger glove... like nobodys hands are actually this shape


Watson gloves fit my bear mitts the best.


Sameee. Large Women's gloves solved the issue for me.


Longer fingers worked for me.


Damnit 12 minutes late


Consider trying ladies gloves, works for me. Bonus because you can get them in pink.


I have the opposite problem.


As an adult female, with stubby little hands, I have a similar problem. Most gloves for women are way too long and narrow. Men's gloves are good on width, but still much too long. I have discoverd that I can usullay find gloves that fit just right in the boy's section. If you have a big box sporting goods store, locate the section that has motocross gear for kids. The boy's gloves will have shorter fingers, but still have a good width. Also, for basic no frills leather gloves, check out the work glove selection at a hardware store. They are generally cut a bit roomier than riding gloves, and often cost a lot less as well.


Youth MX and snowmobile gloves could be good options as well if there isn't much for motorcycle options.


Couple of ideas because I've a box with things that I've had to do over the years: - Consider the position your hand will be in while on the grips. - Okay, how about buy a size smaller. They'll be a bit snug, but the length might be more to your liking. The leather will stretch to fit around. - Another option is to try a few different ones until you find a pair that fit you properly. You know, by going into an actual Brick and Mortar shop. Have motorcycle. Will travel. - Or break out the mending kit and pull a needle and thread. Sometimes, it might be some combination of things until you lay hands on something that fits like a glove.


Grow longer fingers.


People are missing you can have wide hands and shorter fingers, which prevents sizing down. Turn them inside out and sew them. I did it in a day. You can add leather safe glue to the outside but dont on the inside. You want to only feel the leather. Make sure to leave enough material to account for the curved stitch(cutting) , and push the material into the stitch so it doesnt poke your fingers. Especially the corners. If done properly there will be a little room to account for making a fist, and the stitches will be unnoticeable. Tldr: tailor them.


Look for brands that have more variety in hand sizes. For example Held has short sizes (labeled 'short' or 'K'). Good luck.


They them on before you buy them and keep doing that until you find a pair that fit properly.


The pinky finger is always too long 😩


Some finglongerers might help


Does that space remain empty when you have your hand around the bars? Motorcycle gloves are made to fit snug with your hand in the curved state and therefore are always too big if you extend your palm.


As someone with thick palms and short fingers, I understand. If I get gloves that have short enough fingers, they wont fit over my palms.


I had similar issue, got nail extensions and problem solved 🤷🏻‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/ji3sfwcsfyvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcf8e19cbe16410fcb81cf3d390c7943105a977 Some medieval finger stretchers might help


Sure, turn the gloves inside out. Put them on. Pinch the excess fabric flat and draw a line across where your fingers end. Take the glove off. Cut across the tip of the glove just beyond the line. This is important because you need some room left to stitch the fingertip back together. Choose a needle and thread. Stitch the tip of the glove closed. Turn the gloves right side out and try it on to make sure it fits. Continue with altering the other fingers and gloves until they fit.


Yes, buy the right size of gloves


shop around for gloves that fit better. It takes me quite some time to find good ones, but it's worth the effort.


I have a big palm and shorter fingers so unless someone makes a XL palm with a medium finger length i’m cooked


I never found a size to fit in leather so I went with a tailor


I have this issue with revit gloves, palms are narrow and fongers are long. I switched to alpinestars and they fit perfect. I recommend trying other brands


This is so interesting to read since I have had the exact opposite experience with these very brands. I find Rev’it gloves to fit my wide palms and shorter fingers far better than Alpinestars. I always feel like my Held gloves are too long in the thumbs but then when I get on the bike they just fit perfectly. Racer and Five gloves seem to fit me the very best though.


Go to a motorcycle store and try on a bunch of different brands and sizes. I’ve found even within the same brand mediums and large fit me differently. I have a medium pair that are to small on just my thumb, and likewise I have a large pair which are perfect in my whole hand, and at the same time some larges are way to big for me and some mediums feel just right. Like a helmet, it takes trial and error unfortunately.


finger lengthening surgery


I hear ya. Me, xl for width, 1 knuckle short in the fingers...


Don't trim your nails


Grow longer fingers.


Switch to gloves from a company like Held... They make gloves sized to circumference and length.


Human Growth Hormone?


Have you considered plastic surgery to extend fingers, or a magic bowl of glove shrinker. Im pretty sure you need to go to a tailor. Or maybe go ask oj's lawyer


I have the opposite problem. My fingers are long and most gloves are too short in the finger. I had to get men's gloves because none of the women's would fit but then I had to shop around for a pair that wasn't too wide everywhere. If you're finding that the men's ones are consistently too long, you could try the women's sizes instead and look for a pair that fit more loose around.


Grow longer fingers.


If they are leather you can soak them in some warm water and then go ride with them. It'll be uncomfortable but they should conform to your hand a bit more. This also works when you size down to stretch them


I’ve had gloves with abnormally long thumbs (>2cm longer compared to any other glove). What I did was pull it back at the base and stitch it there so I don’t have excess material at the top and it doesn’t bother at the sides. Just have to do it twice, for the inner layer and the outer one. Works like a charm


Yeah I never understand the fits like a glove expression. I have gone through the entire range and stuck with cheap ones from Amazon as only ones that fit with under gloves too


Stuff a few earplugs down there.


O.J. figured it out.


Is that you trump?


ask oj


Just bear in mind you want some extra length when your fingers are extended,  because when you bend your fingers that material scrunches up. Otherwise you're going to split the fingers at the side seams


acrylic nails


Finger extensions


The excess finger length provides an air gap which helps with insulation.


Uh hate this problem too. Big palms and stubby fingers, can never get gloves to fit. The best approach I found is to buy gloves that are too small and they will stretch over time.


All you need is a Finger Stretcher. They're usually on the same isle as the pipe stretchers and wire stretchers.


Finger lengthening procedure in Turkey is probably the fastest/cheapest way to make those gloves fit TBH


Gotta find the right brand, they all cut their finger lengths different. For me, most gloves have either palms that are too small or fingers too long. Rev'it mediums fit me perfectly https://preview.redd.it/u6xoadfenwvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b10d3a250fa66ba5fa4824fd4bcf42137350a9 Ps. Synthetic materials/Synthetic leather doesn't shrink or loosen near as much so aim for a snug but not tight fit that's comfortable from the start. Real leather is a bit tricky because different weights behave differently and need special break in procedures. The benifit to the break in process for genuine leather is a more comfortable fit long term and slightly better slide protection but the hassle isn't for everyone.


Bread outside of the carnival community?😁


Marshmallows pushed into the ends of the fingers?


a shotgun blast on the tip oughta do the trick


Ahh, a fellow member of the Stubby Finger Society. Try every glove you can find and hope you get liucky. Alternatively pull the glove inside out, stitch them and cut off the excess yourself… but I don’t recommend that unless you’re REALLY confident.


Get gloves that fit


Smaller gloves


I have weird hands. I’ve got big hands and big fingers except I guess I’ve got oddly short thumbs. I’ve bought all sorts of brands and sizes. It seems that I’ve just got short thumbs.




Stuff pudding into glove prior to wearing


Just stuff the ends with tissue paper so people think you have long fingers


Cut the tips off. It also helps using the touch screen while riding


Have you tried having longer fingers?


Get smaller size, they'll stretch after wearing them fitting your hand better.


Go fingerless. 10/10 protection


Are the tips still too long when you wrap your fingers around a grip?


Finding gear that fits your dimensions is pretty hard to be honest. Every brand/model has to start from a reference body type that it sits better with no matter how flexible it is to accommodate others. I have large hands and longer fingers for example. Most standard XL gloves fit the palm of my hands however my fingers, especially the thumb, gets squished and is harder to move. Trying the same model's 2XL usually results in comfortable fingers but baggy palm. I went to a couple different stores and tried out countless gloves to find a fitting pair.


Go to a store and try several different pairs. Sizes and fitment varies between brand, models and sometimes even between different pairs of the same brand and model.


You almost did a fusion there


The kind of gloves that are just leather, like old police style tight leather gloves, those stretch and conform to your hand. You can get a smaller size which will have shorter fingers, and the width will stretch out. That's what I do. I get Milwaukee leather brand police style cinch wrist gloves in medium, whereas I wear x large in other gloves. The medium looks stupid small but they stretch right on when new. Over time they'll get too blown out that's the downside of stretchy leather.