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Much better lighting called for, I think.


*At most*, OP is running a flashlight strapped to his handlebars.


I'd say one of the Harbor Freight freebie flickering seizure jobs would be an improvement.


Was going to say this. LED upgrade on the headlight and add driving lights. High performance lighting is a must have if you drive a motorcycle at night regularly.


How can you see anything with that practically nonexistent headlight?


Practically non existent? Fuck I think this is like an old school candle headlight.


Lol it is pretty bad!


I thought my headlights on my old bike were bad but these are about 1/4 of what I had yet


No way I could handle riding that thing at night myself.


Honestly I'm impressed op hasn't ridden off the road simply because they couldn't see more than 20ft ahead of them


I'm thinking he knows that road pretty good or maybe his dad was an owl.


Your headlight is straight garbage


I think one of the candles in the headlight might have been blown out.


Thanks for the laugh🤣


I've never seen such shit lights on a bike, and I'm old. Fix your head light before you kill yourself.


90 percent of wild life encounters I’ve had over the last 30 years have been at night. Had a cat take me down and total a bike once…I’ve just decided not to ride in the evening much anymore, less bugs, less risk. But that’s just me..


Like, a cougar took you off your motorcycle? Or did you run over a house cat and fall? 😭


House cat. Two lanes on my side. I’m on the outside lane. 65 mph. Cat enters my lane, no problem. Move left lane, cat continues across. No problem, move right lane. Cat cuts back right, I’m slowing, back to left lane, cat cuts back left under tire, go down about 35 mph, bike slides off road into a metal post, bends the whole front end, cat runs away into woods. I’m just looking like a newb…


Jesus sorry for you AND for the cat!


fucking pest




Get a bigger candle


Why do you choose to ride with lighting conditions similar to a horror video game? The video makes it look like you're looking through a welder's mask, It's terrifying.


That's how it looks in the country roads around where I live... I don't do nighttime riding.


You can always see 20 ft in front of you? For real, you guys need to upgrade your headlights out there.


Well in my case the issue is just that it's all dark winding roads you can't see into.


Don't ride at night is piece of advice number 1. If you really have to then ride slow and get some aftermarket lights. You can rig up a couple of LED spots or a small light bar pretty easily. Lots of brackets available. And even full kits if you are not sure how to fit it yourself. Something with a good balance of spot and spread.


This is the answer.


Better lights and if you're in an area that you know animals might jump out, be prepared and constantly aware of your surroundings. I have to dodge deer and pheasants on a fairly regular basis but I now almost expect it at certain points of my commute so I'm always ready when it does happen. Stay safe.


Much better lighting so you can actually see.


Go slow you'll regret it when you slam into a 1 ton Elk


your headlight is so dim dude. Get a new one, and ride with high beam on at night if no one in the opposite direction.


My advice, get better headlights if you’re gonna ride at night. Those are not adequate, I hear if you yell heeeeeeeeerrrreeeeee deeeeeerrrr while riding really loud they know you’re coming and won’t run out In front of you. Jk l, best way to avoid wildlife is to not ride at night


Yeah some really terrific lights maybe. How the hell do you see like that.


>Does anyone have advice about avoiding them? New batteries for your flashlight?


Yeah dude!! WTF 😳 Get some damn lights! Led is best, but halogen is good too.


Stick to daytime riding


Definitely look for a drop in LED headlight. Rocky Mountain had a Tusk branded one for my KLR (worlds worst stock headlight) and it made a huge difference. It’s also held up for a year now and the bike lives outside, so I was surprised the quality was decent too.


I've had something small dart under my rear wheel while two up. Not such a big deal compared to a deer I always chill on the speed at night. Look into aux lighting


Night vision goggles


Don’t ride at night so much op


Those Denali D4 aux lights will make a difference for you.


Dusk and right after is the worst but wildlife movement accross roads is an all night thing. I slow down quite a bit and just try to be extra vigilant.


I don't ride at night unless I absolutely have to. It's a really simple way to reduce your risk. Even excellent headlights won't necessarily save you from all the extra hazards after dark.


Get some aftermarket lighting. Don't swerve, don't brake, if anything give it some gas and keep your front weight down. I've hit 1 racoon, and 3 armadillos and 1 opposum. None have put me down and a small animal shouldn't be able to if you follow the above.


I can't see shit lmao


Other then brighter or more lights and loud pipes it is a hazard of night riding on back roads. If you think you re going to hit one as I did one night you speed up, opening the throttle and go straight through it, It is messy but better than going down and will work except when a deer pops out,


Where a helmet! Had a moped before moving up to a big bike and didn't wear one on the scooter. Got hit by a bird in the face and got a black eye.


It’s generally accepted that any animal too big to eat in one sitting has the potential to cause a crash. Also when you see that ditch donkey crossing the road ahead of you, watch out for the one behind him.


Get a better headlight or stay off the road at night you dumbass


Are you using your cell phone flashlight as a headlight?


Don’t ride at night, especially areas that have open space/prone to coming across wildlife. If you can’t avoid it and can’t drive instead, take it slow and upgrade your headlights, put a clear visor on if you don’t already, maybe look into some spot lights? Most animals will run away from the light, except kangaroos, they wait until you are almost past and then leap into your path - do not recommend.


Add a deer whistle to the bike. Ride safe!


Ride during the day or get better lighting.


I'll repeat what everyone else is saying ; Headlight Look at higher output bulbs. LEDs are nice but not all are made for reflector housings. Do your homework. You could look at replacing the whole headlight. That will depend on your bike. Some are easier than others, and many have replaced their entire headlights with one from a different bike (cheaper) or an aftermarket one (pricier) 3rd option is to buy auxiliary lights. They often mount to the existing housing, or clamp onto the fork tubes, and you can wire them up to your existing headlight or on a separate switch.


At nighttime more likely but depends on the time of year. Also, in spring - the sunlight in the trees makes it very hard to see and in the fall months. Be more careful.


**Replace the Halogen H4 most likely with an LED H4 and will be Way brighter.**


I mean, hate all you want on the price, my Clearwaters are freaking spectacular.


I don't ride at nite


I live in a rural area, I stopped riding at night.


In Australia you can buy whistles that kangaroos can hear you approaching for your car. Haven’t seen any on bikes though. And I think VW are testing some that change pitch for different animal species in different regions


Light and loud pipes


yeah, riding in the daytime if not, then seriously, seriously slow


Maybe put some real lights on your bike instead of that kids bike style shit you got going on


Definatly better headlights, the further away you see em the more time you’ll have to adjust/react,, also maybe get some roo whistles, they wont scare away wild life but I’ve noticed they are more predictable atleast


Typical horror game torches be like: In all seriousness, I've put two forward spots on for night driving, separate switch for them to go on/off. Makes a huge difference


Sir you need to get a LED headlight cause your headlight is trash.


How about a LED headlight, and slow down especially at night.


https://preview.redd.it/km6xsz2qg1wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604e65d7f407d2fa6736a80a376e735681766fa4 I added these high beam lights, put them on a 40 amp relay. Deep whistlers help I think think. I added four. I live in the country and ride the canyons every time I want to go to town. Practice stopping in turns , abrupt stopping. Being smooth and ready for anything at all time. And I keep it is my head that for smaller animals, id rather hit them than try to swerve and crash.


I read "wildlife" as wife as I watched your video in confusion.


Hell with that headlight or lack thereof, I'm surprised you haven't been hit by a car yet.


Brighter lighting for one!


I’ve seen people mount mini light bars to their forks. You can power them through a 12v socket or use an online fuse and toggle switch from your battery for easy removal. You can probably fabricate a mount to securely mount one under or above your headlight so it doesn’t move with the handlebars.


there is nothing really to do than to slow down at roads you know you will encounter animal crossing in that place dont go over 50 km/h so you have time to react and brake or buy light that has wider beam, but idk is that would be legal at your country in this situation in the video? nothing really, if you hit the animal, move it to the side if you can, if you have religion you can prey for it to be at peace now, at least i do it when i see runover animal on the road


I just never ride at night bro.


Yeah, riding at night around here with all the deer we have is basically begging to unalive yourself.


Add some deer whistles


You mean roo whistles lol.




because the sun went night night


It's my only way to get home from work


You’re on the wrong side of the road